Items where the Publication is Medical hypotheses

Number of items: 10.
  • A hypothesis for explaining single outbreaks (like the Black Death in European cities) of vector-borne infections. (2009) Burattini, MN; Coutinho, FAB; Massad, E
  • Out of balance: the role of evolutionary mismatches in the sex disparity in autoimmune disease. (2021) Keestra, Sarai M; Male, Victoria; Salali, Gul Deniz
  • The Eyam plague revisited: did the village isolation change transmission from fleas to pulmonary? (2004) Massad, E; Coutinho, FAB; Burattini, MN; Lopez, LF
  • The impact of imperfect vaccines on the evolution of HIV virulence. (2006) Massad, E; Coutinho, FAB; Burattini, MN; Lopez, LF; Struchiner, CJ
  • Forecasting versus projection models in epidemiology: the case of the SARS epidemics. (2005) Massad, Eduardo; Burattini, Marcelo N; Lopez, Luis F; Coutinho, Francisco AB
  • The 1918 influenza A epidemic in the city of São Paulo, Brazil. (2006) Massad, Eduardo; Burattini, Marcelo Nascimento; Coutinho, Francisco Antonio Bezerra; Lopez, Luiz Fernandes
  • Contrasting patterns of hospital admissions and mortality during heat waves: are deaths from circulatory disease a real excess or an artifact? (2006) Mastrangelo, Giuseppe; Hajat, Shakoor; Fadda, Emanuela; Buja, Alessandra; Fedeli, Ugo; Spolaore, Paolo
  • Can the human brain do quantum computing? (2004) Rocha, AF; Massad, E; Coutinho, FAB
  • Serotonin--a link between disgust and immunity? (2007) Rubio-Godoy, M; Aunger, R; Curtis, V
  • Singularity in cancer causation: are breast and ovarian cancer each due to a single cause? Proposals for investigation. (2003) Wiseman, Richard A