Items where the Publication is Medical decision making
Number of items: 35.
  • Accounting for methodological, structural, and parameter uncertainty in decision-analytic models: a practical guide. (2011) Bilcke, Joke; Beutels, Philippe; Brisson, Marc; Jit, Mark
  • Quantifying Parameter and Structural Uncertainty of Dynamic Disease Transmission Models Using MCMC: An Application to Rotavirus Vaccination in England and Wales. (2015) Bilcke, Joke; Chapman, Ruth; Atchison, Christina; Cromer, Deborah; Johnson, Helen; Willem, Lander; Cox, Martin; Edmunds, William John; Jit, Mark
  • Reference Case Methods for Expert Elicitation in Health Care Decision Making. (2021) Bojke, Laura; Soares, Marta O; Claxton, Karl; Colson, Abigail; Fox, Aimée; Jackson, Chris; Jankovic, Dina; Morton, Alec; Sharples, Linda D; Taylor, Andrea
  • Economic evaluation of vaccination programs: the impact of herd-immunity. (2003) Brisson, M; Edmunds, WJ
  • Impact of model, methodological, and parameter uncertainty in the economic analysis of vaccination programs. (2006) Brisson, M; Edmunds, WJ
  • Expansion of the National Salt Reduction Initiative: A Mathematical Model of Benefits and Risks of Population-Level Sodium Reduction. (2015) Choi, Sung Eun; Brandeau, Margaret L; Basu, Sanjay
  • Efficiency, equity, and budgetary policies: informing decisions using mathematical programming. (2007) Epstein, David M; Chalabi, Zaid; Claxton, Karl; Sculpher, Mark
  • Multiple imputation methods for handling missing data in cost-effectiveness analyses that use data from hierarchical studies: an application to cluster randomized trials. (2013) Gomes, Manuel; Díaz-Ordaz, Karla; Grieve, Richard; Kenward, Michael G
  • Statistical methods for cost-effectiveness analyses that use data from cluster randomized trials: a systematic review and checklist for critical appraisal. (2012) Gomes, Manuel; Grieve, Richard; Nixon, Richard; Edmunds, WJ
  • Developing appropriate methods for cost-effectiveness analysis of cluster randomized trials. (2012) Gomes, Manuel; Ng, Edmond S-W; Grieve, Richard; Nixon, Richard; Carpenter, James; Thompson, Simon G
  • Extrapolation of survival data in cost-effectiveness analyses: improving the current state of play. (2013) Grieve, Richard; Hawkins, Neil; Pennington, Mark
  • Bayesian hierarchical models for cost-effectiveness analyses that use data from cluster randomized trials. (2010) Grieve, Richard; Nixon, Richard; Thompson, Simon G
  • Assessing the cost-effectiveness of new pharmaceuticals in epilepsy in adults: the results of a probabilistic decision model. (2005) Hawkins, Neil; Epstein, David; Drummond, Michael; Wilby, Jennifer; Kainth, Anita; Chadwick, David; Sculpher, Mark
  • Extrapolation of Survival Data in Cost-effectiveness Analyses: The Need for Causal Clarity. (2017) Hawkins, Neil; Grieve, Richard
  • Cost-effectiveness analysis: discount the placebo at your peril. (2010) Hawkins, Neil; Scott, David A
  • How far do you go? Efficient searching for indirect evidence. (2009) Hawkins, Neil; Scott, David A; Woods, Beth
  • Cost-effectiveness analysis of treatments for chronic disease: using R to incorporate time dependency of treatment response. (2005) Hawkins, Neil; Sculpher, Mark; Epstein, David
  • Value for money in changing clinical practice: should decisions about guidelines and implementation strategies be made sequentially or simultaneously? (2009) Hoomans, Ties; Severens, Johan L; Evers, Silvia MAA; Ament, Andre JHA
  • Calibration of complex models through Bayesian evidence synthesis: a demonstration and tutorial. (2013) Jackson, Christopher H; Jit, Mark; Sharples, Linda D; De Angelis, Daniela
  • Extrapolating Survival from Randomized Trials Using External Data: A Review of Methods. (2016) Jackson, Christopher; Stevens, John; Ren, Shijie; Latimer, Nick; Bojke, Laura; Manca, Andrea; Sharples, Linda
  • Estimating progression rates for human papillomavirus infection from epidemiological data. (2010) Jit, Mark; Gay, Nigel; Soldan, Kate; Hong Choi, Yoon; Edmunds, William John
  • Does Shared Decision Making in Cancer Treatment Improve Quality of Life? A Systematic Literature Review. (2015) Kashaf, Michael Saheb; McGill, Elizabeth description
  • Methods for estimating subgroup effects in cost-effectiveness analyses that use observational data. (2012) Kreif, Noemi; Grieve, Richard; Radice, Rosalba; Sadique, Zia; Ramsahai, Roland; Sekhon, Jasjeet S
  • Minimal modeling approaches to value of information analysis for health research. (2011) Meltzer, David O; Hoomans, Ties; Chung, Jeanette W; Basu, Anirban
  • Local Instrumental Variable Methods to Address Confounding and Heterogeneity when Using Electronic Health Records: An Application to Emergency Surgery. (2022) Moler-Zapata, Silvia; Grieve, Richard; Lugo-Palacios, David; Hutchings, A; Silverwood, R; Keele, Luke; Kircheis, Tommaso; Cromwell, David; Smart, Neil; Hinchliffe, Robert; O'Neill, Stephen
  • Construct validity of the bidding game, binary with follow-up, and a novel structured haggling question format in determining willingness to pay for insecticide-treated mosquito nets. (2008) Onwujekwe, Obinna; Fox-Rushby, Julia; Hanson, Kara
  • Handling Protest Responses in Contingent Valuation Surveys. (2017) Pennington, Mark; Gomes, Manuel; Donaldson, Cam
  • Divergent Preferences for HIV Prevention: A Discrete Choice Experiment for Multipurpose HIV Prevention Products in South Africa. (2017) Quaife, Matthew; Eakle, Robyn; Cabrera Escobar, Maria A; Vickerman, Peter; Kilbourne-Brook, Maggie; Mvundura, Mercy; Delany-Moretlwe, Sinead; Terris-Prestholt, Fern
  • Comparison of general population, patient, and carer utility values for dementia health states. (2014) Rowen, Donna; Mulhern, Brendan; Banerjee, Sube; Tait, Rhian; Watchurst, Caroline; Smith, Sarah C; Young, Tracey A; Knapp, Martin; Brazier, John E
  • Properties of the cumulative risk-adjusted mortality (CRAM) chart, including the number of deaths before a doubling of the death rate is detected. (2003) Sismanidis, Charalambos; Bland, Martin; Poloniecki, Jan
  • An Approach to Assess Generalizability in Comparative Effectiveness Research: A Case Study of the Whole Systems Demonstrator Cluster Randomized Trial Comparing Telehealth with Usual Care for Patients with Chronic Health Conditions. (2015) Steventon, Adam; Grieve, Richard; Bardsley, Martin
  • Cross-Cultural Household Influence on Vaccination Decisions. (2015) Taylor, Eric; Atkins, Katherine E; Medlock, Jan; Li, Meng; Chapman, Gretchen B; Galvani, Alison P
  • Methods for Handling Unobserved Covariates in a Bayesian Update of a Cost-effectiveness Model. (2017) Thorpe, Benjamin; Carroll, Orlagh; Sharples, Linda
  • Reassessing the cost-effectiveness of meningococcal serogroup C conjugate (MCC) vaccines using a transmission dynamic model. (2006) Trotter, Caroline L; Edmunds, W John
  • Cost-effectiveness Analysis in R Using a Multi-state Modeling Survival Analysis Framework: A Tutorial. (2017) Williams, Claire; Lewsey, James D; Briggs, Andrew H; Mackay, Daniel F