Items where the Publication is Medical and veterinary entomology

Number of items: 47.
  • Micro-CT imaging of Onchocerca infection of Simulium damnosum s.l. blackflies and comparison of the peritrophic membrane thickness of forest and savannah flies. (2021) Hall, MJR; Martín-Vega, D; Clark, B; Ghosh, D; Rogers, M; Pigoli, D; Veriegh, FBD; Tetteh-Kumah, A; Osei-Atweneboana, MY; Cheke, RA
  • 2018
  • Studies on the resting behaviour and host choice of Anopheles gambiae and An. arabiensis from Muleba, Tanzania. (2018) Charlwood, JD; Kessy, E; Yohannes, K; Protopopoff, N; Rowland, M; LeClair, C
  • 2016
  • Effects of the spatial repellent metofluthrin on landing rates of outdoor biting anophelines in Cambodia, Southeast Asia. (2016) Charlwood, JD; Nenhep, S; Protopopoff, N; Sovannaroth, S; Morgan, JC; Hemingway, J
  • 2015
  • Armigeres subalbatus colonization of damaged pit latrines: a nuisance and potential health risk to residents of resettlement villages in Laos. (2015) Hiscox, A; Hirooka, R; Vongphayloth, K; Hill, N; Lindsay, SW; Grandadam, M; Brey, PT
  • Tick abundances in South London parks and the potential risk for Lyme borreliosis to the general public. (2015) Nelson, C; Banks, S; Jeffries, CL; Walker, T; Logan, JG
  • Modified veranda-trap hut for improved evaluation of vector control interventions. (2015) Oxborough, RM; Kitau, J; Mosha, FW; Rowland, MW
  • 2014
  • Insecticide-treated clothes for the control of vector-borne diseases: a review on effectiveness and safety. (2014) Banks, SD; Murray, N; Wilder-Smith, A; Logan, JG
  • Multi-scale analysis of the associations among egg, larval and pupal surveys and the presence and abundance of adult female Aedes aegypti (Stegomyia aegypti) in the city of Merida, Mexico. (2014) Manrique-Saide, P; Coleman, P; McCall, PJ; Lenhart, A; Vázquez-Prokopec, G; Davies, CR
  • Trends in the selection of insecticide resistance in Anopheles gambiae s.l. mosquitoes in northwest Tanzania during a community randomized trial of longlasting insecticidal nets and indoor residual spraying. (2014) Matowo, J; Kitau, J; Kaaya, R; Kavishe, R; Wright, A; Kisinza, W; Kleinschmidt, I; Mosha, F; Rowland, M; Protopopoff, N
  • Hybridization studies to modify the host preference of Anopheles gambiae. (2014) Pates, HV; Curtis, CF; Takken, W
  • 2013
  • Distribution and spread of pyrethroid and DDT resistance among the Anopheles gambiae complex in Tanzania. (2013) Kabula, B; Tungu, P; Malima, R; Rowland, M; Minja, J; Wililo, R; Ramsan, M; McElroy, PD; Kafuko, J; Kulkarni, M; Protopopoff, N; Magesa, S; Mosha, F; Kisinza, W
  • 2009
  • An 18S ribosomal DNA barcode for the study of Isomermis lairdi, a parasite of the blackfly Simulium damnosum s.l. (2009) Crainey, JL; Wilson, MD; Post, RJ
  • Behavioural and insecticidal effects of organophosphate-, carbamate- and pyrethroid-treated mosquito nets against African malaria vectors. (2009) Malima, RC; Oxborough, RM; Tungu, PK; Maxwell, C; Lyimo, I; Mwingira, V; Mosha, FW; Matowo, J; Magesa, SM; Rowland, MW
  • 2008
  • Confirmation of the species status of the blackfly Simulium galeratum in Britain using molecular taxonomy. (2008) Day, JC; Goodall, TI; Post, RJ
  • The efficacy of indoor CDC light traps for collecting the sandfly Phlebotomus argentipes, vector of Leishmania donovani. (2008) Dinesh, DS; DAS, P; Picado, A; Davies, C; Speybroeck, N; Boelaert, M; Coosemans, M
  • 2007
  • Deltamethrin-impregnated bednets reduce human landing rates of sandfly vector Lutzomyia longipalpis in Amazon households. (2007) Courtenay, O; Gillingwater, K; Gomes, PAF; Garcez, LM; Davies, CR
  • 2006
  • Revision of the Ketaketa subcomplex of blackflies of the Simulium damnosum complex. (2006) Krueger, A; Mustapha, M; Kalinga, AK; Tambala, PAJ; Post, RJ; Maegga, BTA
  • The effect of repellents Ocimum forskolei and deet on the response of Anopheles stephensi to host odours. (2006) Waka, M; Hopkins, RJ; Glinwood, R; Curtis, C
  • 2005
  • Optimal life stage for radiation sterilization of Anopheles males and their fitness for release. (2005) Andreasen, MH; Curtis, CF
  • Multi-country field trials comparing wash-resistance of PermaNet and conventional insecticide-treated nets against anopheline and culicine mosquitoes. (2005) Graham, K; Kayedi, MH; Maxwell, C; Kaur, H; Rehman, H; Malima, R; Curtis, CF; Lines, JD; Rowland, MW
  • 2004
  • Experimental hut comparisons of nets treated with carbamate or pyrethroid insecticides, washed or unwashed, against pyrethroid-resistant mosquitoes. (2004) Asidi, AN; N'Guessan, R; Hutchinson, RA; Traoré-Lamizana, M; Carnevale, P; Curtis, CF
  • Could insecticide-treated cattle reduce Afrotropical malaria transmission? Effects of deltamethrin-treated Zebu on Anopheles arabiensis behaviour and survival in Ethiopia. (2004) Habtewold, T; Prior, A; Torr, SJ; Gibson, G
  • Adult anopheline ecology and malaria transmission in irrigated areas of South Punjab, Pakistan. (2004) Herrel, N; Amerasinghe, FP; Ensink, J; Mukhtar, M; van der Hoek, W; Konradsen, F
  • Horizontal and vertical dispersal of dengue vector mosquitoes, Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus, in Singapore. (2004) Liew, C; Curtis, CF
  • A new cytotype of Simulium squamosum from south-west Cameroon. (2004) Mustapha, M; Post, RJ; Enyong, P; Lines, J
  • 2003
  • Comparative evaluation of carbosulfan- and permethrin-impregnated curtains for preventing house-entry by the malaria vector Anopheles gambiae in Burkina Faso. (2003) Fanello, C; Carneiro, I; Ilboudo-Sanogo, E; Cuzin-Ouattara, N; Badolo, A; Curtis, CF
  • Pyrethroid resistance/susceptibility and differential urban/rural distribution of Anopheles arabiensis and An. gambiae s.s. malaria vectors in Nigeria and Ghana. (2003) Kristan, M; Fleischmann, H; della Torre, A; Stich, A; Curtis, CF
  • 2002
  • Comparative insecticidal power of three pyrethroids on netting. (2002) Adams, KJ; Chavasse, DC; Mount, DL; Carneiro, IA; Curtis, CF
  • In situ hybridization to the Rdl locus on polytene chromosome 3L of Anopheles stephensi. (2002) Andreasen, MH; Ffrench-Constant, RH
  • Simultaneous identification of species and molecular forms of the Anopheles gambiae complex by PCR-RFLP. (2002) Fanello, C; Santolamazza, F; della Torre, A
  • A new species of Triatominae from Tamil Nadu, India. (2002) Galvão, C; Patterson, JS; Da Silva Rocha, D; Jurberg, J; Carcavallo, R; Rajen, K; Ambrose, DP; Miles, MA
  • Insecticide-treated plastic tarpaulins for control of malaria vectors in refugee camps. (2002) Graham, K; Mohammad, N; Rehman, H; Nazari, A; Ahmad, M; Kamal, M; Skovmand, O; Guillet, P; Allan, R; Zaim, M; Yates, A; Lines, J; Rowland, M
  • Comparison of three pyrethroid treatments of top-sheets for malaria control in emergencies: entomological and user acceptance studies in an Afghan refugee camp in Pakistan. (2002) Graham, K; Mohammad, Nasir; Rehman, Hamid; Farhan, Mushtaq; Kamal, Mohammed; Rowland, M
  • Assessment of rDNA IGS as a molecular marker in the Simulium damnosum complex. (2002) Morales-Hojas, R; Post, RJ; Cheke, RA; Wilson, MD
  • Completion of the sequence of the nuclear ribosomal DNA subunit of Simulium sanctipauli, with descriptions of the 18S, 28S genes and the IGS. (2002) Morales-Hojas, R; Post, RJ; Wilson, MD; Cheke, RA
  • Pyrethroid resistance in tropical bedbugs, Cimex hemipterus, associated with use of treated bednets. (2002) Myamba, J; Maxwell, CA; Asidi, A; Curtis, CF
  • Personal protection against mosquitoes in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, by using a kerosene oil lamp to vaporize transfluthrin. (2002) Pates, HV; Line, JD; Keto, AJ; Miller, JE
  • Extensive multiple test centre evaluation of the VecTest malaria antigen panel assay. (2002) Ryan, JR; Davé, K; Collins, KM; Hochberg, L; Sattabongkot, Jetsumon; Coleman, RE; Dunton, RF; Bangs, MJ; Mbogo, CM; Cooper, RD; Schoeler, GB; Rubio-Palis, Y; Magris, M; Romer, LI; Padilla, N; Quakyi, IA; Bigoga, J; Leke, RG; Akinpelu, O; Evans, B; Walsey, M; Patterson, P; Wirtz, RA; Chan, AST
  • 2001
  • Electroantennogram and behavioural responses of the malaria vector Anopheles gambiae to human-specific sweat components. (2001) Costantini, C; Birkett, MA; Gibson, G; Ziesmann, J; Sagnon, NF; Mohammed, HA; Coluzzi, M; Pickett, JA
  • Present use of pesticides for vector and allergen control and future requirements. (2001) Curtis, CF; Davies, CR
  • Human and other faeces as breeding media of the trachoma vector Musca sorbens. (2001) Emerson, PM; Bailey, RL; Walraven, GE; Lindsay, SW
  • Breeding of Anopheles mosquitoes in irrigated areas of South Punjab, Pakistan. (2001) Herrel, N; Amerasinghe, FP; Ensink, J; Mukhtar, M; van der Hoek, W; Konradsen, F
  • Temephos-resistant larvae of Simulium sanctipauli associated with a distinctive new chromosome inversion in untreated rivers of south-western Ghana. (2001) Osei-Atweneboana, MY; Wilson, MD; Post, RJ; Boakye, DA
  • Unexpected anthropophagic behaviour in Anopheles quadriannulatus. (2001) Pates, HV; Takken, W; Curtis, CF; Huisman, PW; Akinpelu, O; Gill, GS
  • Population morphometric analysis of the tropicopolitan bug Triatoma rubrofasciata and relationships with old world species of Triatoma: evidence of New World ancestry. (2001) Patterson, JS; Schofield, CJ; Dujardin, JP; Miles, MA
  • Phlebotomine sandfly responses to carbon dioxide and human odour in the field. (2001) Pinto, MC; Campbell-Lendrum, DH; Lozovei, AL; Teodoro, U; Davies, CR
  • Sex chromosome variation and cytotaxonomy of the onchocerciasis vector Simulium squamosum in Cameroon and Nigeria. (2001) Traore-Lamizana, M; Somiari, S; Mafuyai, HB; Vajime, CG; Post, RJ