Items where the Publication is Lung cancer (Amsterdam, Netherlands)

Number of items: 11.
  • A case-mix model for monitoring of postoperative mortality after surgery for lung cancer. (2006) Damhuis, Ronald; Coonar, Aman; Plaisier, Peter; Dankers, Marlies; Bekkers, Jos; Linklater, Karen; Møller, Henrik
  • E
  • Lung cancer in young women remains rare. (2010) Ellis, Libby; Fox, Jesme; Peake, Michael D; Coleman, Michel P
  • L
  • The impact of stage and cell type on prognosis of pulmonary neuroendocrine tumours. (2005) Lim, E; Yap, Y; De Stavola, B; Nicholson, A; Goldstraw, R
  • M
  • Lack of evidence that p53 Arg72Pro influences lung cancer prognosis: an analysis of survival in 619 female patients. (2007) Matakidou, Athena; El Galta, Rachid; Webb, Emily L; Rudd, Matthew F; Bridle, Helen; Eisen, Tim; Houlston, Richard S; GELCAPS Consortium
  • P
  • The mesothelioma epidemic: Occupational, environmental and spontaneous cases. (2006) Peto, J; Rake, C; Gilham, C; Hodgson, J
  • Age disparities in lung cancer survival in New Zealand: The role of patient and clinical factors. (2021) Pilleron, Sophie; Maringe, Camille; Charvat, Hadrien; Atkinson, June; Morris, Eva; Sarfati, Diana
  • R
  • The mesothelioma epidemic and the hidden asbestos-related lung cancer epidemic. (2006) Rake, C; Gilham, C; Hodgson, J; Peto, J
  • Trends in incidence of small cell lung cancer and all lung cancer. (2011) Riaz, Sharma P; Lüchtenborg, Margreet; Coupland, Victoria H; Spicer, James; Peake, Michael D; Møller, Henrik
  • S
  • Reducing inequalities in lung cancer incidence through smoking policies. (2011) Soerjomataram, Isabelle; Barendregt, Jan J; Gartner, Coral; Kunst, Anton; Møller, Henrik; Avendano, Mauricio
  • T
  • Principal results of the feasibility phase of the Mesothelioma and Radical Surgery trial (MARS-feasibility). (2011) Treasure, T; Bliss, JM; Tan, C; Entwisle, J; Waller, D; O'Brien, M; Coombes, G; Webster-Smith, M; Kilburn, LS; Snee, MP; Thomas, G; Darlison, L; Lang-Lazdunski, L; Peto, J
  • W
  • Treatment of depression in people with lung cancer: a systematic review. (2013) Walker, Jane; Sawhney, Aarti; Hansen, Christian Holm; Symeonides, Stefan; Martin, Paul; Murray, Gordon; Sharpe, Michael