Items where the Publication is Leprosy review
Number of items: 65.
Report on the first meeting of the IDEAL (Initiative for Diagnostic and Epidemiological Assays for Leprosy) consortium held at Armauer Hansen Research Institute, ALERT, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia on 24-27 October 2004. (2005)
Aseffa, Abraham; Brennan, Patrick; Dockrell, Hazel; Gillis, Tom; Hussain, Rabia; Oskam, Linda; Richardus, Jan Hendrik; Ideal Consortium
Impacts of the diagnosis of leprosy and of visible impairments amongst people affected by leprosy in Cebu, the Philippines. (2010)
Boku, Noriko; Lockwood, Diana NJ; Balagon, Maria Victoria; Pardillo, Fe Eleanor F; Maghanoy, Armi A; Mallari, Irene B; Cross, Hugh
Health-Related Quality of Life amongst people affected by Erythema Nodosum Leprosum in Bangladesh: a Cross Sectional Study. (2017)
Bowers, Bob; Butlin, C Ruth; Alam, Khorshed; Lockwood, Diana NJ; Walker, Stephen L
Characteristics of known leprosy contact in a high endemic area in Brazil. (2006)
Deps, Patricia D; Guedes, Bruno VS; Bucker Filho, Jander; Andreatta, Matheus K; Marcari, Rafael S; Rodrigues, Laura C
Delay in the diagnosis of leprosy in the Metropolitan Region of Vitória, Brazil. (2006)
Deps, Patricia D; Guedes, Bruno VS; Bucker Filho, Jander; Andreatta, Matheus K; Marcari, Rafael S; Rodrigues, Laura C
Adverse effects from multi-drug therapy in leprosy: a Brazilian study. (2007)
Deps, Patricia D; Nasser, Sofia; Guerra, Patricia; Simon, Marisa; Birshner, Rita De Cássia; Rodrigues, Laura C
Leprosy presenting as immune reconstitution inflammatory syndrome: proposed definitions and classification. (2010)
Deps, Patricia; Lockwood, Diana NJ
Whole blood assays for interferon-gamma: practicalities and potential for use as diagnostic tests in the field. (2000)
Dockrell, H M; Black, G F; Weir, R E; Fine, P E
Diagnostic assays for leprosy based on T-cell epitopes. (2000)
Dockrell, H M; Brahmbhatt, S; Robertson, B D; Britton, S; Fruth, U; Gebre, N; Hunegnaw, M; Hussain, R; Manadhar, R; Murrillo, L; Pessolani, M C; Roche, P; Salgado, J L; Sampaio, E; Shahid, F; Thole, J E; Young, D B
Keep the faith--leprosy still needs new diagnostic tools and laboratory research. (2011)
Dockrell, Hazel M
Report on the sixth meeting of the IDEAL (Initiative for Diagnostic and Epidemiological Assays for Leprosy) consortium held in Beijing, China on 23-25 August 2010. (2011)
Dockrell, Hazel M; Geluk, Annemieke; Brennan, Patrick; Saunderson, Paul R; Oskam, Linda; Lockwood, Diana N; Xiaoman, Weng; Richardus, Jan Hendrik
Global collaborations in leprosy research--the future is connected. (2008)
Dockrell, Hazel M; Oskam, Linda; Richardus, Jan Hendrik
The deportation of two Ethiopian migrant workers with leprosy. (2015)
Lambert, Saba M; Walker, Stephen L
Patterns and trends of leprosy in Mexico: 1989-2009. (2012)
Larrea, Maria Rupérez; Carreño, Maria Cristina; Fine, Paul EM
The decline of leprosy in the Republic of Korea; patterns and trends 1977-2013. (2015)
Lee, Jieun; Kim, Jong-Pill; Nishikiori, Nobuyuki; Fine, Paul EM
Intrapatient comparison of Mycobacterium leprae by VNTR analysis in nasal secretions and skin biopsy in a Brazilian leprosy endemic region. (2016)
Lima, Luana NGC; Fontes, Amanda NB; Li, Wei; Suffys, Philip N; Vissa, Varalakshmi D; Mota, Rosa MS; Almeida, Rosa LF; Pontes, Maria A; Gonçales, Heitor De S; Frota, Cristiane C; Rodrigues, Laura C; Kendall, Carl; Kerr, Ligia RFS
Steroids in leprosy type 1 (reversal) reactions: mechanisms of action and effectiveness. (2000)
Lockwood, D N
Interesting mix of articles reflecting ongoing research areas in leprosy. (2009)
Lockwood, DNJ
Editor's Choice. (2001)
Lockwood, Diana NJ
Editor's Choice September 2010. (2010)
Lockwood, Diana NJ
Editor's choice June 2008. (2008)
Lockwood, Diana NJ
Untitled. (2007)
Lockwood, Diana NJ
Dr Colin McDougall - Obituary. (2006)
Lockwood, Diana NJ; Allen, Irene
Leprosy and HIV, where are we at? (2010)
Lockwood, Diana NJ; Lambert, Saba M
Classifying leprosy patients--searching for the perfect solution? (2007)
Lockwood, Diana NJ; Sarno, Euzenir; Smith, W Cairns
The return of thalidomide: new uses and renewed concerns--reply. (2003)
Lockwood, Diana; Bryceson, Anthony
Histopathological and clinical findings in leprosy patients with chronic neuropathic pain: a study from Hyderabad, India. (2007)
Lund, Caroline; Koskinen, Mika; Suneetha, Sujai; Lockwood, Diana NJ; Haanpää, Maija; Haapasalo, Hannu; Hietaharju, Aki
Informed consent in Leprosy Studies. (2012)
Porter, J
Needing to know? Ethical dilemmas in leprosy treatment and control. (2001)
Porter, JD; Kessel, AS
Lessons in integration--operations research in an Indian leprosy NGO. (2002)
Porter, JDH; Ogden, JA; Rao, PV Ranganadha; Rao, V Prabhakar; Rajesh, D; Buskade, RA; Soutar, D
Supporting 'the individual' with leprosy: the need for a 'post-elimination strategy'. (2004)
Porter, John DH
The impact of Erythema Nodosum Leprosum on health related quality of life in Rio de Janeiro. (2017)
Sales, Anna Maria; Illarramendi, Ximena; Walker, Stephen L; Lockwood, Diana; Sarno, Euzenir Nunes; Da Costa Nery, Jose Augusto
A retrospective study of the effect of modified multi-drug therapy in Nepali leprosy patients following the development of adverse effects due to dapsone. (2008)
Sapkota, Bishwa Raj; Shrestha, Kanchha; Pandey, Bijay; Walker, Stephen L
Collaborative programmes of research in leprosy: the INFIR programme. (2009)
Smith, W Cairns S; Lockwood, Diana NJ; Van Brakel, Wim H; Nicholls, Peter G; Soutar, Doug
The INFIR Cohort Study: investigating prediction, detection and pathogenesis of neuropathy and reactions in leprosy. methods and baseline results of a cohort of multibacillary leprosy patients in North India (vol 76, pg 14, 2005). (2005)
Van Brakel, WH; Nicholls, PG; Das, L; Barkataki, P; Suneetha, SK; Jadhav, RS; Maddali, P; Lockwood, DNJ; Wilder-Smith, E; Desikan, KV
International workshop on neuropathology in leprosy--consensus report. (2008)
Van Brakel, WH; Saunderson, P; Shetty, V; Brandsma, JW; Post, E; Jellema, R; McKnight, J
The INFIR Cohort Study: assessment of sensory and motor neuropathy in leprosy at baseline. (2005)
Van Brakel, Wim H; Nicholls, Peter G; Das, Loretta; Barkataki, Pramila; Maddali, Pranava; Lockwood, Diana NJ; Wilder-Smith, Einar
A scale to assess the severity of leprosy reactions. (2007)
Van Brakel, Wim H; Nicholls, Peter G; Lockwood, Diana NJ; Rao, PS Sundar; Smith, W Cairns S
Interventions for erythema nodosum leprosum. A Cochrane review. (2009)
Van Veen, Natasja HJ; Lockwood, Diana NJ; Van Brakel, Wim H; Ramirez, J; Richardus, Jan Hendrik
International workshop on neuropathology in leprosy - consensus report. (2007)
van Brakel, WH; Saunderson, P; Shetty, V; Brandsma, JW; Post, E; Jellema, R; McKnight, J
The INFIR Cohort Study: investigating prediction, detection and pathogenesis of neuropathy and reactions in leprosy. Methods and baseline results of a cohort of multibacillary leprosy patients in north India. (2005)
van Brakel, Wim H; Nicholls, Peter G; Das, Loretta; Barkataki, Pramila; Suneetha, Sujai K; Jadhav, Rupendra S; Maddali, Pranava; Lockwood, Diana NJ; Wilder-Smith, Einar; Desikan, KV
Review of leprosy research evidence (2002-2009) and implications for current policy and practice. (2010)
van Brakel, Wim; Cross, Hugh; Declercq, Etienne; Deepak, Sunil; Lockwood, Diana; Saunderson, Paul; Smith, W Cairns; Batty, Jenny; Nahodilova, Lenka; Soutar, Doug; Augustine, Valsa; Ebenso, Bassey; ILEP Technical Commission
Interventions for erythema nodosum leprosum. A Cochrane review. (2009)
van Veen, NHJ; Lockwood, DNJ; van Brakel, WH; Ramirez, J; Richardus, JH
Highlights from the 17th International Leprosy Congress. (2008)
Walker, Stephen
Interviews with two key leaders in leprosy: Professor PL Joshi and Professor Maria Leide. (2008)
Walker, Stephen L
Leprosy type 1 (reversal) reactions and their management. (2008)
Walker, Stephen L; Lockwood, Diana NJ
A comparison of the change in clinical severity scale score and a retrospective physician assessment of neurological outcome in individuals with leprosy associated nerve function impairment after treatment with corticosteroids. (2012)
Walker, Stephen L; Nicholls, Peter G; Dhakal, Sushmita; Hawksworth, Rachel A; Macdonald, Murdo; Mahat, Kishori; Ruchal, Shudan; Hamal, Sushma; Hagge, Deanna A; Neupane, Kapid Dev; Lockwood, Diana NJ
International workshop on erythema nodosum leprosum (ENL)--consensus report; the formation of ENLIST, the ENL international study group. (2012)
Walker, Stephen L; Saunderson, Paul; Kahawita, Indira P; Lockwood, Diana NJ
The role of thalidomide in the management of erythema nodosum leprosum. (2007)
Walker, Steven L; Waters, Michael FR; Lockwood, Diana NJ
Estimating the relative recurrence risk ratio for leprosy in Karonga District, Malawi. (2003)
Wallace, Chris; Clayton, David; Fine, Paul
An overview of the global epidemiology of HIV/AIDS. (2001)
Weiss, HA; Hawkes, S