Items where the Publication is Leprosy review
Number of items: 65.
  • Report on the first meeting of the IDEAL (Initiative for Diagnostic and Epidemiological Assays for Leprosy) consortium held at Armauer Hansen Research Institute, ALERT, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia on 24-27 October 2004. (2005) Aseffa, Abraham; Brennan, Patrick; Dockrell, Hazel; Gillis, Tom; Hussain, Rabia; Oskam, Linda; Richardus, Jan Hendrik; Ideal Consortium
  • B
  • Impacts of the diagnosis of leprosy and of visible impairments amongst people affected by leprosy in Cebu, the Philippines. (2010) Boku, Noriko; Lockwood, Diana NJ; Balagon, Maria Victoria; Pardillo, Fe Eleanor F; Maghanoy, Armi A; Mallari, Irene B; Cross, Hugh
  • Health-Related Quality of Life amongst people affected by Erythema Nodosum Leprosum in Bangladesh: a Cross Sectional Study. (2017) Bowers, Bob; Butlin, C Ruth; Alam, Khorshed; Lockwood, Diana NJ; Walker, Stephen L
  • C
  • HIV/AIDS testing and counselling. (2001) Crampin, AC; Damisoni, H
  • Neonatal BCG protection against leprosy: a study in Manaus, Brazilian Amazon. (2004) Cunha, Sérgio S; Rodrigues, Laura C; Pedrosa, Valderiza; Dourado, Inez M; Barreto, Mauricio L; Pereira, Susan Martins
  • D
  • Characteristics of known leprosy contact in a high endemic area in Brazil. (2006) Deps, Patricia D; Guedes, Bruno VS; Bucker Filho, Jander; Andreatta, Matheus K; Marcari, Rafael S; Rodrigues, Laura C
  • Delay in the diagnosis of leprosy in the Metropolitan Region of Vitória, Brazil. (2006) Deps, Patricia D; Guedes, Bruno VS; Bucker Filho, Jander; Andreatta, Matheus K; Marcari, Rafael S; Rodrigues, Laura C
  • Adverse effects from multi-drug therapy in leprosy: a Brazilian study. (2007) Deps, Patricia D; Nasser, Sofia; Guerra, Patricia; Simon, Marisa; Birshner, Rita De Cássia; Rodrigues, Laura C
  • Leprosy presenting as immune reconstitution inflammatory syndrome: proposed definitions and classification. (2010) Deps, Patricia; Lockwood, Diana NJ
  • Whole blood assays for interferon-gamma: practicalities and potential for use as diagnostic tests in the field. (2000) Dockrell, H M; Black, G F; Weir, R E; Fine, P E
  • Diagnostic assays for leprosy based on T-cell epitopes. (2000) Dockrell, H M; Brahmbhatt, S; Robertson, B D; Britton, S; Fruth, U; Gebre, N; Hunegnaw, M; Hussain, R; Manadhar, R; Murrillo, L; Pessolani, M C; Roche, P; Salgado, J L; Sampaio, E; Shahid, F; Thole, J E; Young, D B
  • Keep the faith--leprosy still needs new diagnostic tools and laboratory research. (2011) Dockrell, Hazel M
  • Report on the sixth meeting of the IDEAL (Initiative for Diagnostic and Epidemiological Assays for Leprosy) consortium held in Beijing, China on 23-25 August 2010. (2011) Dockrell, Hazel M; Geluk, Annemieke; Brennan, Patrick; Saunderson, Paul R; Oskam, Linda; Lockwood, Diana N; Xiaoman, Weng; Richardus, Jan Hendrik
  • Global collaborations in leprosy research--the future is connected. (2008) Dockrell, Hazel M; Oskam, Linda; Richardus, Jan Hendrik
  • F
  • Global leprosy statistics: a cause for pride, or frustration? (2006) Fine, PEM
  • G
  • What is the evidence that the putative Mycobacterium lepromatosis species causes diffuse lepromatous leprosy? (2011) Gillis, Thomas P; Scollard, David M; Lockwood, Diana NJ
  • The impact of HIV on tuberculosis control--towards concerted action. (2002) Godfrey-Faussett, Peter; Ayles, Helen
  • Clinical features of HIV disease in developing countries. (2002) Grant, A
  • H
  • Neuropathic pain in leprosy. (2004) Haanpää, Maija; Lockwood, Diana NJ; Hietaharju, Aki
  • Management of HIV in resource-poor countries, with a focus on sub-Saharan Africa. (2002) Harries, AD
  • Pride and prejudice--identity and stigma in leprosy work. (2011) Harris, Kristine
  • J
  • Childhood leprosy in an urban clinic, Hyderabad, India: clinical presentation and the role of household contacts. (2002) Jain, S; Reddy, RG; Osmani, SN; Lockwood, DNJ; Suneetha, S
  • K
  • The decline of leprosy in Japan: patterns and trends 1964-2008. (2009) Koba, Ai; Ishii, Norihisa; Mori, Shuichi; Fine, Paul EM
  • L
  • The deportation of two Ethiopian migrant workers with leprosy. (2015) Lambert, Saba M; Walker, Stephen L
  • Patterns and trends of leprosy in Mexico: 1989-2009. (2012) Larrea, Maria Rupérez; Carreño, Maria Cristina; Fine, Paul EM
  • The decline of leprosy in the Republic of Korea; patterns and trends 1977-2013. (2015) Lee, Jieun; Kim, Jong-Pill; Nishikiori, Nobuyuki; Fine, Paul EM
  • Intrapatient comparison of Mycobacterium leprae by VNTR analysis in nasal secretions and skin biopsy in a Brazilian leprosy endemic region. (2016) Lima, Luana NGC; Fontes, Amanda NB; Li, Wei; Suffys, Philip N; Vissa, Varalakshmi D; Mota, Rosa MS; Almeida, Rosa LF; Pontes, Maria A; Gonçales, Heitor De S; Frota, Cristiane C; Rodrigues, Laura C; Kendall, Carl; Kerr, Ligia RFS
  • Steroids in leprosy type 1 (reversal) reactions: mechanisms of action and effectiveness. (2000) Lockwood, D N
  • Interesting mix of articles reflecting ongoing research areas in leprosy. (2009) Lockwood, DNJ
  • Editor's Choice. (2001) Lockwood, Diana NJ
  • Editor's Choice September 2010. (2010) Lockwood, Diana NJ
  • Editor's choice June 2008. (2008) Lockwood, Diana NJ
  • Untitled. (2007) Lockwood, Diana NJ
  • Dr Colin McDougall - Obituary. (2006) Lockwood, Diana NJ; Allen, Irene
  • Leprosy and HIV, where are we at? (2010) Lockwood, Diana NJ; Lambert, Saba M
  • Classifying leprosy patients--searching for the perfect solution? (2007) Lockwood, Diana NJ; Sarno, Euzenir; Smith, W Cairns
  • The return of thalidomide: new uses and renewed concerns--reply. (2003) Lockwood, Diana; Bryceson, Anthony
  • Histopathological and clinical findings in leprosy patients with chronic neuropathic pain: a study from Hyderabad, India. (2007) Lund, Caroline; Koskinen, Mika; Suneetha, Sujai; Lockwood, Diana NJ; Haanpää, Maija; Haapasalo, Hannu; Hietaharju, Aki
  • M
  • Leprosy in Eastern Nigeria and the social history of colonial skin. (2011) Manton, John
  • N
  • The use of steroids and thalidomide in the management of Erythema Nodosumn Leprosum; 17 years at the Hospital for Tropical Diseases, London. (2016) Nabarro, Laura EB; Aggarwal, Dinesh; Armstrong, Margaret; Lockwood, Diana NJ
  • P
  • Informed consent in Leprosy Studies. (2012) Porter, J
  • Needing to know? Ethical dilemmas in leprosy treatment and control. (2001) Porter, JD; Kessel, AS
  • Lessons in integration--operations research in an Indian leprosy NGO. (2002) Porter, JDH; Ogden, JA; Rao, PV Ranganadha; Rao, V Prabhakar; Rajesh, D; Buskade, RA; Soutar, D
  • Supporting 'the individual' with leprosy: the need for a 'post-elimination strategy'. (2004) Porter, John DH
  • S
  • The impact of Erythema Nodosum Leprosum on health related quality of life in Rio de Janeiro. (2017) Sales, Anna Maria; Illarramendi, Ximena; Walker, Stephen L; Lockwood, Diana; Sarno, Euzenir Nunes; Da Costa Nery, Jose Augusto
  • A retrospective study of the effect of modified multi-drug therapy in Nepali leprosy patients following the development of adverse effects due to dapsone. (2008) Sapkota, Bishwa Raj; Shrestha, Kanchha; Pandey, Bijay; Walker, Stephen L
  • Collaborative programmes of research in leprosy: the INFIR programme. (2009) Smith, W Cairns S; Lockwood, Diana NJ; Van Brakel, Wim H; Nicholls, Peter G; Soutar, Doug
  • T
  • 'Environmental' sources of Mycobacterium leprae: issues and evidence. (2010) Truman, Richard; Fine, Paul EM
  • V
  • The INFIR Cohort Study: investigating prediction, detection and pathogenesis of neuropathy and reactions in leprosy. methods and baseline results of a cohort of multibacillary leprosy patients in North India (vol 76, pg 14, 2005). (2005) Van Brakel, WH; Nicholls, PG; Das, L; Barkataki, P; Suneetha, SK; Jadhav, RS; Maddali, P; Lockwood, DNJ; Wilder-Smith, E; Desikan, KV
  • International workshop on neuropathology in leprosy--consensus report. (2008) Van Brakel, WH; Saunderson, P; Shetty, V; Brandsma, JW; Post, E; Jellema, R; McKnight, J
  • The INFIR Cohort Study: assessment of sensory and motor neuropathy in leprosy at baseline. (2005) Van Brakel, Wim H; Nicholls, Peter G; Das, Loretta; Barkataki, Pramila; Maddali, Pranava; Lockwood, Diana NJ; Wilder-Smith, Einar
  • A scale to assess the severity of leprosy reactions. (2007) Van Brakel, Wim H; Nicholls, Peter G; Lockwood, Diana NJ; Rao, PS Sundar; Smith, W Cairns S
  • Interventions for erythema nodosum leprosum. A Cochrane review. (2009) Van Veen, Natasja HJ; Lockwood, Diana NJ; Van Brakel, Wim H; Ramirez, J; Richardus, Jan Hendrik
  • International workshop on neuropathology in leprosy - consensus report. (2007) van Brakel, WH; Saunderson, P; Shetty, V; Brandsma, JW; Post, E; Jellema, R; McKnight, J
  • The INFIR Cohort Study: investigating prediction, detection and pathogenesis of neuropathy and reactions in leprosy. Methods and baseline results of a cohort of multibacillary leprosy patients in north India. (2005) van Brakel, Wim H; Nicholls, Peter G; Das, Loretta; Barkataki, Pramila; Suneetha, Sujai K; Jadhav, Rupendra S; Maddali, Pranava; Lockwood, Diana NJ; Wilder-Smith, Einar; Desikan, KV
  • Review of leprosy research evidence (2002-2009) and implications for current policy and practice. (2010) van Brakel, Wim; Cross, Hugh; Declercq, Etienne; Deepak, Sunil; Lockwood, Diana; Saunderson, Paul; Smith, W Cairns; Batty, Jenny; Nahodilova, Lenka; Soutar, Doug; Augustine, Valsa; Ebenso, Bassey; ILEP Technical Commission
  • Interventions for erythema nodosum leprosum. A Cochrane review. (2009) van Veen, NHJ; Lockwood, DNJ; van Brakel, WH; Ramirez, J; Richardus, JH
  • W
  • Highlights from the 17th International Leprosy Congress. (2008) Walker, Stephen
  • Interviews with two key leaders in leprosy: Professor PL Joshi and Professor Maria Leide. (2008) Walker, Stephen L
  • Leprosy type 1 (reversal) reactions and their management. (2008) Walker, Stephen L; Lockwood, Diana NJ
  • A comparison of the change in clinical severity scale score and a retrospective physician assessment of neurological outcome in individuals with leprosy associated nerve function impairment after treatment with corticosteroids. (2012) Walker, Stephen L; Nicholls, Peter G; Dhakal, Sushmita; Hawksworth, Rachel A; Macdonald, Murdo; Mahat, Kishori; Ruchal, Shudan; Hamal, Sushma; Hagge, Deanna A; Neupane, Kapid Dev; Lockwood, Diana NJ
  • International workshop on erythema nodosum leprosum (ENL)--consensus report; the formation of ENLIST, the ENL international study group. (2012) Walker, Stephen L; Saunderson, Paul; Kahawita, Indira P; Lockwood, Diana NJ
  • The role of thalidomide in the management of erythema nodosum leprosum. (2007) Walker, Steven L; Waters, Michael FR; Lockwood, Diana NJ
  • Estimating the relative recurrence risk ratio for leprosy in Karonga District, Malawi. (2003) Wallace, Chris; Clayton, David; Fine, Paul
  • An overview of the global epidemiology of HIV/AIDS. (2001) Weiss, HA; Hawkes, S