Items where the Publication is Journal of urban health

Number of items: 18.
  • Hunger and food insecurity in Nairobi's slums: an assessment using IRT models. (2011) Faye, Ousmane; Baschieri, Angela; Falkingham, Jane; Muindi, Kanyiva
  • Promoting health and advancing development through improved housing in low-income settings. (2013) Haines, Andy; Bruce, Nigel; Cairncross, Sandy; Davies, Michael; Greenland, Katie; Hiscox, Alexandra; Lindsay, Steve; Lindsay, Tom; Satterthwaite, David; Wilkinson, Paul
  • Investigating environmental determinants of diet, physical activity, and overweight among adults in Sao Paulo, Brazil. (2011) Jaime, Patricia Constante; Duran, Ana Clara; Sarti, Flávia Mori; Lock, Karen
  • Shooting gallery operation in the context of establishing a medically supervised injecting center: Sydney, Australia. (2007) Kimber, Jo; Dolan, Kate
  • Menstrual pattern, sexual behaviors, and contraceptive use among postpartum women in Nairobi urban slums. (2010) Ndugwa, Robert P; Cleland, John; Madise, Nyovani J; Fotso, Jean-Christophe; Zulu, Eliya M
  • Adolescent problem behavior in Nairobi's informal settlements: applying problem behavior theory in sub-Saharan Africa. (2010) Ndugwa, Robert P; Kabiru, Caroline W; Cleland, John; Beguy, Donatien; Egondi, Thaddeus; Zulu, Eliya M; Jessor, Richard
  • Urban Health Indicator Tools of the Physical Environment: a Systematic Review. (2018) Pineo, Helen; Glonti, Ketevan; Rutter, Harry; Zimmermann, Nici; Wilkinson, Paul; Davies, Michael
  • Use of Urban Health Indicator Tools by Built Environment Policy- and Decision-Makers: a Systematic Review and Narrative Synthesis. (2019) Pineo, Helen; Glonti, Ketevan; Rutter, Harry; Zimmermann, Nici; Wilkinson, Paul; Davies, Michael
  • Methods to recruit hard-to-reach groups: comparing two chain referral sampling methods of recruiting injecting drug users across nine studies in Russia and Estonia. (2006) Platt, Lucy; Wall, Martin; Rhodes, Tim; Judd, Ali; Hickman, Matthew; Johnston, Lisa G; Renton, Adrian; Bobrova, Natalia; Sarang, Anya
  • Building a Data Platform for Cross-Country Urban Health Studies: the SALURBAL Study. (2019) Quistberg, D Alex; Diez Roux, Ana V; Bilal, Usama; Moore, Kari; Ortigoza, Ana; Rodriguez, Daniel A; Sarmiento, Olga L; Frenz, Patricia; Friche, Amélia Augusta; Caiaffa, Waleska Teixeira; Vives, Alejandra; Miranda, J Jaime; SALURBAL Group
  • Street policing, injecting drug use and harm reduction in a Russian city: a qualitative study of police perspectives. (2006) Rhodes, Tim; Platt, Lucy; Sarang, Anya; Vlasov, Alexander; Mikhailova, Larissa; Monaghan, Geoff
  • Perceptions of Health-Related Community Reentry Challenges among Incarcerated Drug Users in Azerbaijan, Kyrgyzstan, and Ukraine. (2018) Rozanova, Julia; Morozova, Olga; Azbel, Lyuba; Bachireddy, Chethan; Izenberg, Jacob M; Kiriazova, Tetiana; Dvoryak, Sergiy; Altice, Frederick L
  • Psychological distress among marginalized women in the outskirts of beirut: determinants and association with health perception. (2005) Saab, Bassem R; Salem, Mylene T; Chaaya, Monique; Campbell, Oona MR
  • Exploring barriers to 'respondent driven sampling' in sex worker and drug-injecting sex worker populations in Eastern Europe. (2006) Simic, Milena; Johnston, Lisa Grazina; Platt, Lucy; Baros, Sladjana; Andjelkovic, Violeta; Novotny, Tom; Rhodes, Tim
  • Urban inequities; urban rights: a conceptual analysis and review of impacts on children, and policies to address them. (2012) Stephens, Carolyn
  • Impact of the China Healthy Cities Initiative on Urban Environment. (2016) Yue, Dahai; Ruan, Shiman; Xu, Jin; Zhu, Weiming; Zhang, Luyu; Cheng, Gang; Meng, Qingyue
  • Fatal injuries in the slums of Nairobi and their risk factors: results from a matched case-control study. (2011) Ziraba, Abdhalah Kasiira; Kyobutungi, Catherine; Zulu, Eliya Msiyaphazi
  • Overview of migration, poverty and health dynamics in Nairobi City's slum settlements. (2011) Zulu, Eliya M; Beguy, Donatien; Ezeh, Alex C; Bocquier, Philippe; Madise, Nyovani J; Cleland, John; Falkingham, Jane