Items where the Publication is Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series A (Statistics in Society)
Number of items: 9.
  • Authors’ Reply to the Discussion of ‘On the use of the Reproduction Number for SARS-CoV-2: Estimation, Misinterpretations, and Relationships with other Ecological Measures’ by Jewell & Lewnard in Session 1 of the Royal Statistical Society’s Special Topic Meeting on COVID-19 Transmission: 9 June 2021. (2022) Jewell, Nicholas P; Lewnard, Joseph A picture_as_pdf
  • On the use of the reproduction number for SARS-CoV-2: Estimation, misinterpretations and relationships with other ecological measures. (2022) Jewell, Nicholas P; Lewnard, Joseph A
  • A Bayesian Hierarchical Model with Integrated Covariate Selection and Misclassification Matrices to Estimate Neonatal and Child Causes of Death. (2022) Mulick, Amy R; Oza, Shefali; Prieto-Merino, David; Villavicencio, Francisco; Cousens, Simon; Perin, Jamie
  • 2021
  • Machine Learning Approaches to Identify Thresholds in a Heat-Health Warning System Context. (2021) Masselot, Pierre; Chebana, Fateh; Campagna, Céline; Lavigne, Éric; Ouarda, Taha BMJ; Gosselin, Pierre
  • 2018
  • Information-anchored sensitivity analysis: theory and application. (2018) Cro, Suzie; Carpenter, James R; Kenward, Michael G
  • A Latent Variable Modelling Approach for The Pooled Analysis of Individual Participant Data on The Association between Depression and Chlamydia Infection in Adolescence and Young Adulthood in the UK. (2018) Koukounari, Artemis; Copas, Andrew J; Pickles, Andrew
  • 2017
  • Methods for estimating complier average causal effects for cost-effectiveness analysis. (2017) DiazOrdaz, K; Franchini, AJ; Grieve, R
  • 2015
  • From Sample Average Treatment Effect to Population Average Treatment Effect on the Treated: Combining Experimental with Observational Studies to Estimate Population Treatment Effects. (2015) Hartman, Erin; Grieve, Richard; Ramsahai, Roland; Sekhon, Jasjeet S
  • 2013
  • Handling missing values in cost effectiveness analyses that use data from cluster randomized trials. (2013) Diaz-Ordaz, K; Kenward, MG; Grieve, R