Items where the Publication is Journal of public health medicine
Number of items: 16.
  • Leisure time physical activity and coronary heart disease mortality in men symptomatic or asymptomatic for ischaemia: evidence from the Whitehall study. (2003) Batty, G David; Shipley, Martin J; Marmot, Michael; Davey Smith, George
  • Risk of congenital anomalies near the Byker waste combustion plant. (2003) Cresswell, PA; Scott, JES; Pattenden, S; Vrijheid, M
  • The prevalence of foot problems in older women: a cause for concern. (2002) Dawson, Jill; Thorogood, Margaret; Marks, Sally-Anne; Juszczak, Ed; Dodd, Chris; Lavis, Grahame; Fitzpatrick, Ray
  • Joint working, reality or rhetoric? (2001) Gilmore, AB
  • Addressing the inverse care law in cardiac services. (2002) Langham, Sue; Basnett, Ian; McCartney, Peter; Normand, Charles; Pickering, Julie; Sheers, Dilwyn; Thorogood, Margaret
  • Comparing costs and benefits over a 10 year period of strategies for familial hypercholesterolaemia screening. (2003) Marks, Dalya; Thorogood, Margaret; Neil, H Andrew W; Wonderling, David; Humphries, Steve E
  • 'Failure to rescue' as a measure of quality of hospital care: the limitations of secondary diagnosis coding in English hospital data. (1999) McKee, M; Coles, J; James, P
  • Primary care trust--threat or opportunity to public health medicine. (2001) McPherson, K
  • Development and validation of a computerized South Asian Names and Group Recognition Algorithm (SANGRA) for use in British health-related studies. (2001) Nanchahal, K; Mangtani, P; Alston, M; dos Santos Silva, I
  • Trends in the incidence of cutaneous malignant melanomas in the south east of England, 1960-1998. (2002) Newnham, A; Møller, H
  • Prevention of deaths and injuries caused by house fires: survey of local authority smoke alarm policies. (2002) Rowland, Diane; Afolabi, Elizabeth; Roberts, Ian
  • Making sense of symptom checklists: a latent class approach to the first 9 years of the British Household Panel Survey. (2003) Sacker, Amanda; Wiggins, Richard D; Clarke, Paul; Bartley, Mel
  • Experience of 'screening' for domestic violence in women's services. (2001) Sethi, D; Watts, S; Watson, J; McCarthy, C; Zwi, A
  • Tanning and sunburn: knowledge, attitudes and behaviour of people in Great Britain. (1999) Stott, M A
  • Mortality attributable to drinking, drinking too much, or drinking too little: a comparison of methods. (1999) White, I R; Britton, A; Nanchahal, K; McPherson, K
  • Tuberculosis screening of new entrants; how can it be made more effective? Reply. (2001) van Den Bosch, C; Roberts, J