Items where the Publication is Journal of public health (Oxford, England)
Number of items: 110.
Brexit poses serious threats to the availability and affordability of food in the United Kingdom. (2018)
Lang, Tim; McKee, Martin
Getting shops to voluntarily stop selling cheap, strong beers and ciders: a time-series analysis evaluating impacts on alcohol availability and purchasing. (2018)
Pliakas, T; Lock, K; Jones, A; Aalders, S; Egan, M
'A true partner around the table?' Perceptions of how to strengthen public health's contributions to the alcohol licensing process. (2018)
Reynolds, Joanna; McGrath, Michael; Engen, Jessica; Pashmi, Ghazaleh; Andrews, Matthew; Sharpe, Carolyn; Egan, Matt; Lim, Jin; Lock, Karen
Distance to treatment as a factor for loss to follow up of hepatitis C patients in North East England. (2018)
Simpson, H; Manley, P; Lawler, J; Morey, S; Buchanan, E; Hewett, M; Knowles, J; Miller, C; McCarron, B; Valappil, M; McPherson, S
Drawing urgent attention to attacks against Palestinian medical personnel. (2018)
Smith, James
Multiple deprivation and other risk factors for maternal obesity in Portsmouth, UK. (2018)
Walker, IV; Cresswell, JA
Can Memory Assessment Services (MAS) in England be categorized? A national survey. (2017)
Chrysanthaki, T; Fernandes, B; Smith, S; Black, N
GUILD: GUidance for Information about Linking Data sets†. (2017)
Gilbert, R; Lafferty, R; Hagger-Johnson, G; Harron, K; Zhang, LC; Smith, P; Dibben, C; Goldstein, H
Local health and social care responses to implementing the national cold weather plan. (2017)
Heffernan, C; Jones, L; Ritchie, B; Erens, B; Chalabi, Zaid; Mays, N
The impact of economic downturns and budget cuts on homelessness claim rates across 323 local authorities in England, 2004-12. (2017)
Loopstra, Rachel; Reeves, Aaron; Barr, Ben; Taylor-Robinson, David; McKee, Martin; Stuckler, David
What does the alcohol industry mean by 'Responsible drinking'? A comparative analysis. (2017)
Maani Hessari, N; Petticrew, M
Community Alcohol Partnerships with the alcohol industry: what is their purpose and are they effective in reducing alcohol harms? (2017)
Petticrew, M; Douglas, N; D'Souza, P; Shi, YM; Durand, MA; Knai, C; Eastmure, E; Mays, N
Dating and relationship violence among 16-19 year olds in England and Wales: a cross-sectional study of victimization. (2017)
Young, Honor; Turney, Catherine; White, James; Bonell, Chris; Lewis, Ruth; Fletcher, Adam
Physical health inequalities among gay and bisexual men in England: a large community-based cross-sectional survey. (2016)
Bourne, Adam; Davey, Calum; Hickson, Ford; Reid, David; Weatherburn, Peter
Economic shocks and health resilience: lessons from the Russian Federation. (2016)
Gordeev, Vladimir S; Goryakin, Yevgeniy; McKee, Martin; Stuckler, David; Roberts, Bayard
Mental health inequalities among gay and bisexual men in England, Scotland and Wales: a large community-based cross-sectional survey. (2016)
Hickson, Ford; Davey, Calum; Reid, David; Weatherburn, Peter; Bourne, Adam
Devolution of power, revolution in public health? (2016)
Katikireddi, Srinivasa Vittal; Smith, Katherine E; Stuckler, David; McKee, Martin
The Public Health Responsibility Deal: making the workplace healthier? (2016)
Knai, Cécile; Scott, Courtney; D'Souza, Preethy; James, Lesley; Mehrotra, Anushka; Petticrew, Mark; Eastmure, Elizabeth; Durand, Mary Alison; Mays, Nicholas
Brexit: a confused concept that threatens public health. (2016)
McKee, Martin; Galsworthy, Michael J
Ethnic differences in the clustering and outcomes of health behaviours during pregnancy: results from the Born in Bradford cohort. (2016)
Petherick, ES; Fairley, L; Parslow, RC; McEachan, R; Tuffnell, D; Pickett, KE; Leon, D; Lawlor, DA; Wright, J
Factors associated with the uptake of seasonal influenza vaccination in adults: a systematic review. (2016)
Yeung, May PS; Lam, Frank LY; Coker, Richard
Charging migrants for health care could compromise public health and increase costs for the NHS. (2015)
Britz, Jacqueline B; McKee, Martin
Poorer mental health in UK bisexual women than lesbians: evidence from the UK 2007 Stonewall Women's Health Survey. (2015)
Colledge, Lisa; Hickson, Ford; Reid, David; Weatherburn, Peter
Promoting lifestyle behaviour change and well-being in hospital patients: a pilot study of an evidence-based psychological intervention. (2015)
Gate, Lucy; Warren-Gash, Charlotte; Clarke, Alex; Bartley, Angela; Fowler, Elizabeth; Semple, Gerry; Strelitz, Jason; Dutey, Peter; Tookman, Adrian; Rodger, Alison
Analysis of hospital admissions due to accidental non-fire-related carbon monoxide poisoning in England, between 2001 and 2010. (2015)
Ghosh, Rebecca E; Close, Rebecca; McCann, Lucy J; Crabbe, Helen; Garwood, Kevin; Hansell, Anna L; Leonardi, Giovanni
Economic shocks and health resilience: lessons from the Russian Federation. (2015)
Gordeev, VS; Goryakin, Y; McKee, M; Stuckler, D; Roberts, B
The impact of economic downturns and budget cuts on homelessness claim rates across 323 local authorities in England, 2004-12. (2015)
Loopstra, Rachel; Reeves, Aaron; Barr, Ben; Taylor-Robinson, David; McKee, Martin; Stuckler, David
The role of public law-based litigation in tobacco companies' strategies in high-income, FCTC ratifying countries, 2004-14. (2015)
Steele, Sarah L; Gilmore, Anna B; McKee, Martin; Stuckler, David
Truancy and teenage pregnancy in English adolescent girls: can we identify those at risk? (2015)
Zhou, Yin; Puradiredja, Dewi Ismajani; Abel, Gary
Why fat taxes won't make us thin. (2014)
Cornelsen, Laura; Green, Rosemary; Dangour, Alan; Smith, Richard
Public health and English local government: historical perspectives on the impact of 'returning home'. (2014)
Gorsky, Martin; Lock, Karen; Hogarth, Sue
Effect of a telephonic alert system (Healthy Outlook) for
patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: cohort
study with matched controls. (2014)
Steventon, Adam; Bardsley, Martin; Mays, Nicholas
Effect of a telephonic alert system (Healthy outlook) for patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: a cohort study with matched controls. (2014)
Steventon, Adam; Bardsley, Martin; Mays, Nicholas
The appraisal of public health interventions: the use of theory. (2014)
Threlfall, Anthony G; Meah, Soraya; Fischer, Alastair J; Cookson, Richard; Rutter, Harry; Kelly, Michael P
Arts on referral interventions: a mixed-methods study investigating factors associated with differential changes in mental well-being. (2014)
van de Venter, E; Buller, Am
Influence of surgical rate on patients' reported clinical need and outcomes in English NHS. (2013)
Black, N; Varagunam, M; Hutchings, A
Is roll-your-own tobacco substitute for manufactured cigarettes: evidence from Ireland? (2013)
Cornelsen, L; Normand, C
The appraisal of public health interventions: an overview. (2013)
Fischer, AJ; Threlfall, A; Meah, S; Cookson, R; Rutter, H; Kelly, MP
Investigating the effect of the London living wage on the psychological wellbeing of low-wage service sector employees: a feasibility study. (2013)
Flint, Ellen; Cummins, Steven; Wills, Jane
The comorbidity of hypertension and psychological distress: a study of nine countries in the former Soviet Union. (2013)
Footman, Katharine; Roberts, Bayard; Tumanov, Sergei; McKee, Martin
Midwives' influenza vaccine uptake and their views on vaccination of pregnant women. (2013)
Ishola, DA; Permalloo, N; Cordery, RJ; Anderson, SR
The use of financial incentives to help improve health outcomes: is the quality and outcomes framework fit for purpose? A systematic review. (2013)
Langdown, Carwyn; Peckham, Stephen
Responsibility without legal authority? Tackling alcohol-related health harms through licensing and planning policy in local government. (2013)
Martineau, FP; Graff, H; Mitchell, C; Lock, K
Completeness and usability of ethnicity data in UK-based primary care and hospital databases. (2013)
Mathur, Rohini; Bhaskaran, Krishnan; Chaturvedi, Nish; Leon, David A; vanStaa, Tjeerd; Grundy, Emily; Smeeth, Liam
A Toolkit to assess health needs for congenital disorders in low- and middle-income countries: an instrument for public health action. (2013)
Nacul, LC; Stewart, A; Alberg, C; Chowdhury, S; Darlison, MW; Grollman, C; Hall, A; Modell, B; Moorthie, S; Sagoo, GS; Burton, H
Variations in the organization and delivery of the 'NHS health check' in primary care. (2013)
Nicholas, Jennifer M; Burgess, Caroline; Dodhia, Hiten; Miller, Jane; Fuller, Frances; Cajeat, Eric; Gulliford, Martin C
Who runs public health? A mixed-methods study combining qualitative and network analyses. (2013)
Oliver, Kathryn; de Vocht, Frank; Money, Annemarie; Everett, Martin
The Public Health Responsibility Deal: how should such a complex public health policy be evaluated? (2013)
Petticrew, Mark; Eastmure, Elizabeth; Mays, Nicholas; Knai, Cecile; Durand, Mary Alison; Nolte, Ellen
Appealing to altruism: an alternative strategy to address the health workforce crisis in developing countries? (2013)
Smith, Richard; Lagarde, Mylene; Blaauw, Duane; Goodman, Catherine; English, Mike; Mullei, Kethi; Pagaiya, Nonglak; Tangcharoensathien, Viroj; Erasmus, Ermin; Hanson, Kara
The quest for culturally-sensitive health-care systems in Scotland: insights for a multi-ethnic Europe. (2012)
Kessel, Anthony; Wilson, James
Sociodemographic differences in the severity and duration of disease amongst patients undergoing hip or knee replacement surgery. (2012)
Neuburger, J; Hutchings, A; Allwood, D; Black, N; van der Meulen, JH
Sociodemographic differences in the severity and duration of disease amongst patients undergoing hip or knee replacement surgery. (2012)
Neuburger, J; Hutchings, A; Allwood, D; Black, N; van der Meulen, JH
Socioeconomic differences in patient-reported outcomes after a hip or knee replacement in the English National Health Service. (2012)
Neuburger, J; Hutchings, A; Black, N; van der Meulen, JH
Changes in household access to water in countries of the former Soviet Union. (2012)
Roberts, Bayard; Stickley, Andrew; Gasparishvili, Alexander; Haerpfer, Christian; McKee, Martin
Resilience thinking in health protection. (2011)
Castleden, Matthew; McKee, Martin; Murray, Virginia; Leonardi, Giovanni
Constituent country inequalities in myocardial infarction incidence and case fatality in men and women in the United Kingdom, 1996-2005. (2011)
Davies, AR; Grundy, E; Nitsch, D; Smeeth, L
Doctors injection prescribing and its correlates in village health clinics across 10 Provinces of Western China. (2011)
Dong, LF; Wang, DL; Gao, JH; Yan, H
Public health, corporations and the new responsibility deal: promoting partnerships with vectors of disease? (2011)
Gilmore, Anna B; Savell, Emily; Collin, Jeff
Promoting recovery and preventing drug-related mortality: competing risks? (2011)
Hickman, Matt; Vickerman, Peter; Robertson, Roy; Macleod, John; Strang, John
Global health: a positive addition to public health training? (2011)
Hogan, Helen; Haines, Andy
Global public health training in the UK: preparing for the future. (2011)
Lee, Andrew CK; Hall, Jennifer A; Mandeville, Kate L
Incentivizing preventive services in primary care: perspectives on Local Enhanced Services. (2011)
Marks, L; Cave, S; Wallace, A; Mason, A; Hunter, DJ; Mason, JM; Peckham, S
COPD in England: a comparison of expected, model-based prevalence and observed prevalence from general practice data. (2011)
Nacul, Luis; Soljak, Michael; Samarasundera, Edgar; Hopkinson, Nicholas S; Lacerda, Eliana; Indulkar, Tejal; Flowers, Julian; Walford, Hannah; Majeed, Azeem
Why petrol tanks and stomachs are competing to be filled. (2011)
Roberts, Ian
Cancer in the London prison population, 1986-2005. (2010)
Davies, Elizabeth A; Sehgal, Ashu; Linklater, Karen M; Heaps, Kate; Moren, Caroline; Walford, Carole; Cook, Ros; Møller, Henrik
Tackling childhood obesity: the importance of understanding the context. (2010)
Knai, Cécile; McKee, Martin
Effect of water hardness on cardiovascular mortality: an ecological time series approach. (2010)
Lake, IR; Swift, L; Catling, LA; Abubakar, I; Sabel, CE; Hunter, PR
Reform of the coroner system: a potential public health failure. (2010)
McGowan, CR; Viens, AM
Reported cancer spending in relation to population characteristics, disease burden and service activity for primary care trusts in South East England. (2010)
Okello, Catherine; Møller, Henrik; Davies, Elizabeth A
Matching supply and demand for blood in Guizhou province, China: an unresolved challenge. (2010)
Reynolds, Lucy; McKee, Martin
Public health evaluation in the twenty-first century: time to see the wood as well as the trees. (2010)
Smith, Richard D; Petticrew, Mark
Population dynamics and climate change: what are the links? (2010)
Stephenson, Judith; Newman, Karen; Mayhew, Susannah
Responding to the economic crisis: a primer for public health professionals. (2010)
Stuckler, David; Basu, Sanjay; McKee, Martin; Suhrcke, Marc
Perceptions of heatwave risks to health: interview-based study of older people in London and Norwich, UK. (2009)
Abrahamson, Vanessa; Wolf, Johanna; Lorenzoni, Irene; Fenn, Bridget; Kovats, Sari; Wilkinson, Paul; Adger, W Neil; Raine, Rosalind
The future burden of cancer in London compared with England. (2009)
Coupland, Victoria H; Okello, Catherine; Davies, Elizabeth A; Bray, Freddie; Møller, Henrik
Assessing IDU prevalence and health consequences (HCV, overdose and drug-related mortality) in a primary care trust: implications for public health action. (2009)
Hickman, Mathew; Hope, Vivian; Coleman, Barbara; Parry, John; Telfer, Maggie; Twigger, John; Irish, Charles; Macleod, John; Annett, Hugh
Trust, terrorism and public health. (2009)
McKee, Martin; Coker, Richard
Better evidence about wicked issues in tackling health inequities. (2009)
Petticrew, Mark; Tugwell, Peter; Welch, Vivian; Ueffing, Erin; Kristjansson, Elizabeth; Armstrong, Rebecca; Doyle, Jodie; Waters, Elizabeth
Under-reporting of tobacco use among Bangladeshi women in England. (2009)
Roth, Marilyn A; Aitsi-Selmi, Amina; Wardle, Heather; Mindell, Jennifer
Childhood overweight and obesity: is the gap closing the wrong way? (2008)
Brunt, H; Lester, N; Davies, G; Williams, R
Using funnel plots to explore variation in cancer mortality across primary care trusts in South-East England. (2008)
Davies, Elizabeth; Mak, Vivian; Ferguson, Jamie; Conaty, Stephen; Møller, Henrik
Validation of a health literacy screening tool (REALM) in a UK population with coronary heart disease. (2008)
Ibrahim, SY; Reid, F; Shaw, A; Rowlands, G; Gomez, GB; Chesnokov, M; Ussher, M
Is the performance of cancer services influenced more by hospital factors or by specialization? (2008)
McCarthy, Mark; Datta, Preeti; Sherlaw-Johnson, Chris; Coleman, Michel; Rachet, Bernard
Estimated prevalence and predictors of vitamin C deficiency within UK's low-income population. (2008)
Mosdøl, Annhild; Erens, Bob; Brunner, Eric J
High-prevalence and high-estimated incidence of HIV infection among new injecting drug users in Estonia: need for large scale prevention programs. (2008)
Uusküla, Anneli; Kals, Mart; Rajaleid, Kristiina; Abel, Katri; Talu, Ave; Rüütel, Kristi; Platt, Lucy; Rhodes, Tim; Dehovitz, Jack; Des Jarlais, Don
Survey of tuberculosis incidents in hospital healthcare workers, England and Wales, 2005. (2007)
Anderson, Charlotte; Abubakar, Ibrahim; Maguire, Helen; Sonnenberg, Pam
Community-based lifestyle interventions: changing behaviour and improving health. (2007)
Blank, L; Grimsley, M; Goyder, E; Ellis, E; Peters, J
Community-based lifestyle interventions: changing behaviour and improving health. (2007)
Blank, Lindsay; Grimsley, Mike; Goyder, Elizabeth; Ellis, Elizabeth; Peters, Jean
Physical activity and health: evidence from a study of deprived communities in England. (2007)
Ellis, E; Grimsley, M; Goyder, E; Blank, L; Peters, J
Public health responses to influenza in care homes: a questionnaire-based study of local Health Protection Units. (2007)
Gupta, RK; Zhao, H; Cooke, M; Harling, R; Regan, M; Bailey, L; Nguyen-Van-Tam, JS
A crisis of governance? (2007)
McKee, M
A crisis of governance? (2007)
McKee, Martin
'Smoke gets in your eyes': a research-informed professional education and advocacy programme. (2007)
Thornton, Judith; Edwards, Richard; Harrison, Roger A; Elton, Peter; Astbury, Nick; Kelly, Simon P
Where do teenagers and young adults receive treatment for cancer? (2007)
Whelan, Jeremy; Dolbear, Catherine; Mak, Vivian; Møller, Henrik; Davies, Elizabeth
Evidence-based policy? The use of mobile phones in hospital. (2006)
Ettelt, Stefanie; Nolte, Ellen; McKee, Martin; Haugen, Odd Arild; Karlberg, Ingvar; Klazinga, Niek; Ricciardi, Walter; Teperi, Juha
Attitudes towards second hand smoke amongst a highly exposed workforce: survey of London casino workers. (2006)
Pilkington, PA; Gray, S; Gilmore, AB; Daykin, N
Trends in the treatment of breast cancer in Southeast England following the introduction of national guidelines. (2006)
Tataru, Daniela; Robinson, David; Møller, Henrik; Davies, Elizabeth
The Wanless report and decision-making in public health. (2005)
Allin, Sara; Mossialos, Elias; McKee, Martin; Holland, Walter
Screening of new entrants for tuberculosis: responses to port notifications. (2005)
Hogan, Helen; Coker, Richard; Gordon, Alex; Meltzer, Margie; Pickles, Hilary
Comparing outcomes of cataract surgery: challenges and opportunities. (2005)
McKee, Martin; Whatling, Justin M; Wilson, John L; Vallance-Owen, Andrew
Impact of paracetamol pack size restrictions on poisoning from paracetamol in England and Wales: an observational study. (2005)
Morgan, Oliver; Griffiths, Clare; Majeed, Azeem
Concerning: equity in waiting times for two surgical specialties. (2005)
Morgan, Oliver; Hebblethwaite, James