Items where the Publication is Journal of internal medicine
Number of items: 14.
C-reactive protein and coronary heart disease: a critical review. (2008)
Casas, JP; Shah, T; Hingorani, AD; Danesh, J; Pepys, MB
Differential transmission of coronary disease risk to offspring is not supported by evidence. (2004)
Kinra, S; Davey Smith, G
Tobacco use, cancer causation and public health impact. (2002)
Kuper, H; Adami, H-O; Boffetta, P
Tobacco use and cancer causation: association by tumour type. (2002)
Kuper, H; Boffetta, P; Adami, H-O
Screening for adult coeliac disease - which serological marker(s) to use? (2001)
Lagerqvist, C; Ivarsson, A; Juto, P; Persson, LA; Hernell, O
Addressing diversity in tuberculosis using multidimensional approaches. (2018)
Lerm, M; Dockrell, HM
Job strain in relation to body mass index: pooled analysis of 160 000 adults from 13 cohort studies. (2011)
Nyberg, ST; Heikkilä, K; Fransson, EI; Alfredsson, L; De Bacquer, D; Bjorner, JB; Bonenfant, S; Borritz, M; Burr, H; Casini, A; Clays, E; Dragano, N; Erbel, R; Geuskens, GA; Goldberg, M; Hooftman, WE; Houtman, IL; Jöckel, K-H; Kittel, F; Knutsson, A; Koskenvuo, M; Leineweber, C; Lunau, T; Madsen, IEH; Hanson, LL Magnusson; Marmot, MG; Nielsen, ML; Nordin, M; Oksanen, T; Pentti, J; Rugulies, R; Siegrist, J; Suominen, S; Vahtera, J; Virtanen, M; Westerholm, P; Westerlund, H; Zins, M; Ferrie, JE; Theorell, T; Steptoe, A; Hamer, M; Singh-Manoux, A; Batty, GD; Kivimäki, M; IPD-Work Consortium
Acute infections and venous thromboembolism. (2011)
Schmidt, M; Horvath-Puho, E; Thomsen, RW; Smeeth, L; Sørensen, HT
COVID-19 in Latin America and the Caribbean: Two years of the pandemic. (2022)
Schwalb, Alvaro; Armyra, Eleonora; Méndez-Aranda, Melissa; Ugarte-Gil, César
Emerging concepts on the role of epigenetics in the relationships between nutrition and health. (2018)
Stover, PJ; James, WPT; Krook, A; Garza, C
Secular trends in cardiovascular risk factors: an age-period cohort analysis of 698,954 health examinations in 181,350 Austrian men and women. (2007)
Ulmer, H; Kelleher, CC; Fitz-Simon, N; Diem, G; Concin, H
New tuberculosis vaccines: advances in clinical development and modelling. (2020)
Weerasuriya, CK; Clark, RA; White, RG; Harris, RC
Anthropometric characteristics as predictors of coronary heart disease in women. (2008)
Yang, L; Kuper, H; Weiderpass, E
Use of electronic healthcare records in large-scale simple randomized trials at the point of care for the documentation of value-based medicine. (2014)
van Staa, T-P; Klungel, O; Smeeth, L