Items where the Publication is Journal of health psychology
Number of items: 10.
  • Non-condom related strategies to reduce the risk of HIV transmission: Perspectives and experiences of gay men with diagnosed HIV. (2015) Bourne, Adam; Dodds, Catherine; Keogh, Peter; Weatherburn, Peter
  • Factor structure, validity and reliability of the Cambridge Worry Scale in a pregnant population. (2003) Green, Josephine M; Kafetsios, Konstantinos; Statham, Helen E; Snowdon, Claire M
  • Parental non-verbal sexual communication: Its relationship to sexual behaviour and sexual guilt. (2001) Joffe, H; Franca-Koh, AC
  • Thresholds of morbidity among women in a peri-urban community of Maharashtra, India: conceptual and methodological issues. (2003) Kielmann, Karina; Bentley, Margaret
  • Fertility regulation as identity maintenance: Understanding the social aspects of birth control. (2017) Marston, Cicely; Renedo, Alicia; Nyaaba, Gertrude Nsorma
  • Adjustment as process and outcome: Measuring adjustment to HIV in Uganda. (2014) Martin, Faith; Russell, Steve; Seeley, Janet
  • How have selection bias and disease misclassification undermined the validity of myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome studies? (2017) Nacul, Luis; Lacerda, Eliana M; Kingdon, Caroline C; Curran, Hayley; Bowman, Erinna W
  • Expert knowledge, cognitive polyphasia and health: a study on social representations of homelessness among professionals working in the voluntary sector in London. (2007) Renedo, Alicia; Jovchelovitch, Sandra
  • Parental obligations, care and HIV treatment: How care for others motivates self-care in Zimbabwe. (2018) Skovdal, Morten; Maswera, Rufurwokuda; Kadzura, Noah; Nyamukapa, Constance; Rhead, Rebecca; Wringe, Alison; Gregson, Simon
  • Cloninger's Temperament dimensions, socio-economic and lifestyle factors and metabolic syndrome markers at age 31 years in the Northern Finland Birth Cohort 1966. (2007) Sovio, Ulla; King, Vanessa; Miettunen, Jouko; Ek, Ellen; Laitinen, Jaana; Joukamaa, Matti; Veijola, Juha; Järvelin, Marjo-Riitta