Items where the Publication is Journal of clinical epidemiology
Number of items: 82.
  • Probabilistic linkage without personal information successfully linked national clinical datasets. (2021) Blake, Helen A; Sharples, Linda D; Harron, Katie; van der Meulen, Jan H; Walker, Kate
  • PRIME-IPD SERIES Part 1. The PRIME-IPD tool promoted verification and standardization of study datasets retrieved for IPD meta-analysis. (2021) Dewidar, Omar; Riddle, Alison; Ghogomu, Elizabeth; Hossain, Alomgir; Arora, Paul; Bhutta, Zulfiqar A; Black, Robert E; Cousens, Simon; Gaffey, Michelle F; Mathew, Christine; Trawin, Jessica; Tugwell, Peter; Welch, Vivian; Wells, George A
  • Cluster randomized trials of individual-level interventions were at high risk of bias. (2021) Easter, Christina; Thompson, Jennifer A; Eldridge, Sandra; Taljaard, Monica; Hemming, Karla
  • Sankey diagrams can clarify 'evidence attrition': A systematic review and meta-analysis of the effectiveness of rapid diagnostic tests for antimicrobial resistance. (2021) Glover, Rebecca E; Al-Haboubi, Mustafa; Petticrew, Mark P; Eastmure, Elizabeth; Peacock, Sharon J; Mays, Nicholas
  • Reporting transparency and completeness in trials: Paper 3 - trials conducted using administrative databases do not adequately report elements related to use of databases. (2021) Imran, Mahrukh; Mc Cord, Kimberly; McCall, Stephen J; Kwakkenbos, Linda; Sampson, Margaret; Fröbert, Ole; Gale, Chris; Hemkens, Lars G; Langan, Sinéad M; Moher, David; Relton, Clare; Zwarenstein, Merrick; Juszczak, Edmund; Thombs, Brett D; CONSORT Extension for Trials Conducted Using Cohorts and Routine
  • Framework for the treatment and reporting of missing data in observational studies: The Treatment And Reporting of Missing data in Observational Studies framework. (2021) Lee, Katherine J; Tilling, Kate M; Cornish, Rosie P; Little, Roderick JA; Bell, Melanie L; Goetghebeur, Els; Hogan, Joseph W; Carpenter, James R; STRATOS initiative
  • Reporting transparency and completeness in trials: Paper 4 - reporting of randomised controlled trials conducted using routinely collected electronic records - room for improvement. (2021) McCall, Stephen J; Imran, Mahrukh; Hemkens, Lars G; Mc Cord, Kimberly; Kwakkenbos, Linda; Sampson, Margaret; Jawad, Sena; Zwarenstein, Merrick; Relton, Clare; Langan, Sinéad M; Moher, David; Fröbert, Ole; Thombs, Brett D; Gale, Chris; Juszczak, Edmund; CONSORT Extension for Trials Conducted Using Cohorts and Routine
  • 2018
  • Measurement error is often neglected in medical literature: a systematic review. (2018) Brakenhoff, Timo B; Mitroiu, Marian; Keogh, Ruth H; Moons, Karel GM; Groenwold, Rolf HH; van Smeden, Maarten
  • A methodological framework for model selection in interrupted time series studies. (2018) Lopez Bernal, J; Soumerai, S; Gasparrini, A
  • 2017
  • Comparable outcomes among trial and nontrial participants in a clinical trial of antibiotics for childhood pneumonia: a retrospective cohort study. (2017) Agweyu, Ambrose; Oliwa, Jacquie; Gathara, David; Muinga, Naomi; Allen, Elizabeth; Lilford, Richard J; English, Mike
  • Quasi-experimental study designs series-paper 9: collecting data from quasi-experimental studies. (2017) Aloe, Ariel M; Becker, Betsy Jane; Duvendack, Maren; Valentine, Jeffrey C; Shemilt, Ian; Waddington, Hugh
  • Quasi-experimental study designs series-paper 7: assessing the assumptions. (2017) Bärnighausen, Till; Oldenburg, Catherine; Tugwell, Peter; Bommer, Christian; Ebert, Cara; Barreto, Mauricio; Djimeu, Eric; Haber, Noah; Waddington, Hugh; Rockers, Peter; Sianesi, Barbara; Bor, Jacob; Fink, Günther; Valentine, Jeffrey; Tanner, Jeffrey; Stanley, Tom; Sierra, Eduardo; Tchetgen, Eric Tchetgen; Atun, Rifat; Vollmer, Sebastian
  • AHRQ series on complex intervention systematic reviews-paper 5: advanced analytic methods. (2017) Pigott, Terri; Noyes, Jane; Umscheid, Craig A; Myers, Evan; Morton, Sally C; Fu, Rongwei; Sanders-Schmidler, Gillian D; Devine, Beth; Murad, M Hassan; Kelly, Michael P; Fonnesbeck, Christopher; Kahwati, Leila; Beretvas, S Natasha
  • Quasi-experimental study designs series-paper 5: a checklist for classifying studies evaluating the effects on health interventions-a taxonomy without labels. (2017) Reeves, Barnaby C; Wells, George A; Waddington, Hugh
  • Quasi-experimental study designs series-paper 6: risk of bias assessment. (2017) Waddington, Hugh; Aloe, Ariel M; Becker, Betsy Jane; Djimeu, Eric W; Hombrados, Jorge Garcia; Tugwell, Peter; Wells, George; Reeves, Barney
  • 2016
  • Authors seldom report the most patient-important outcomes and absolute effect measures in systematic review abstracts. (2016) Agarwal, Arnav; Johnston, Bradley C; Vernooij, Robin WM; Carrasco-Labra, Alonso; Brignardello-Petersen, Romina; Neumann, Ignacio; Akl, Elie A; Sun, Xin; Briel, Matthias; Busse, Jason W; Ebrahim, Shanil; Granados, Carlos E; Iorio, Alfonso; Irfan, Affan; Martínez García, Laura; Mustafa, Reem A; Ramirez-Morera, Anggie; Selva, Anna; Solà, Ivan; Sanabrai, Andrea J; Tikkinen, Kari AO; Vandvik, Per O; Zhang, Yuqing; Zazueta, Oscar E; Zhou, Qi; Schunemann, Holger J; Guyatt, Gordon H; Alonso-Coello, Pablo
  • The reporting of studies using routinely collected health data was often insufficient. (2016) Hemkens, Lars G; Benchimol, Eric I; Langan, Sinéad M; Briel, Matthias; Kasenda, Benjamin; Januel, Jean-Marie; Herrett, Emily; von Elm, Erik
  • Retrospectively patient-reported pre-event health status showed strong association and agreement with contemporaneous reports. (2016) Kwong, Esther; Black, Nick
  • Improved incidence estimates from linked vs. stand-alone electronic health records. (2016) Millett, Elizabeth RC; Quint, Jennifer K; De Stavola, Bianca L; Smeeth, Liam; Thomas, Sara L
  • Appropriate inclusion of interactions was needed to avoid bias in multiple imputation. (2016) Tilling, Kate; Williamson, Elizabeth J; Spratt, Michael; Sterne, Jonathan AC; Carpenter, James R
  • 2015
  • Appropriate statistical methods were infrequently used in cluster-randomized crossover trials. (2015) Arnup, Sarah J; Forbes, Andrew B; Kahan, Brennan C; Morgan, Katy E; McKenzie, Joanne E description
  • Fixing flaws in science must be professionalized. (2015) Goldacre, Ben; Brown, Tracey
  • Measuring drug exposure: concordance between defined daily dose and days' supply depended on drug class. (2015) Sinnott, Sarah-Jo; Polinski, Jennifer M; Byrne, Stephen; Gagne, Joshua J
  • Strengthening the Reporting of Observational Studies in Epidemiology for respondent-driven sampling studies: "STROBE-RDS" statement. (2015) White, Richard G; Hakim, Avi J; Salganik, Matthew J; Spiller, Michael W; Johnston, Lisa G; Kerr, Ligia; Kendall, Carl; Drake, Amy; Wilson, David; Orroth, Kate; Egger, Matthias; Hladik, Wolfgang
  • 2014
  • A population search filter for hard-to-reach populations increased search efficiency for a systematic review. (2014) Cooper, Chris; Levay, Paul; Lorenc, Theo; Craig, Gillian M
  • Parity derived for pregnant women using historical administrative hospital data: accuracy varied among patient groups. (2014) Cromwell, David A; Knight, Hannah E; Gurol-Urganci, Ipek
  • The agreement between proxy and self-completed EQ-5D for care home residents was better for index scores than individual domains. (2014) Devine, Angela; Taylor, Stephanie JC; Spencer, Anne; Diaz-Ordaz, Karla; Eldridge, Sandra; Underwood, Martin
  • Research participation effects: a skeleton in the methodological cupboard. (2014) McCambridge, Jim; Kypri, Kypros; Elbourne, Diana
  • Strength of recommendations in WHO guidelines using GRADE was associated with uptake in national policy. (2014) Nasser, Syed Muhammad Umar; Cooke, Graham; Kranzer, Katharina; Norris, Susan L; Olliaro, Piero; Ford, Nathan
  • Cancer-specific administrative data-based comorbidity indices provided valid alternative to Charlson and National Cancer Institute Indices. (2014) Sarfati, Diana; Gurney, Jason; Stanley, James; Salmond, Clare; Crampton, Peter; Dennett, Elizabeth; Koea, Jonathan; Pearce, Neil
  • 2013
  • Call to RECORD: the need for complete reporting of research using routinely collected health data. (2013) Benchimol, Eric I; Langan, Sinead; Guttmann, Astrid; RECORD Steering Committee
  • Expected impact of a public health intervention in the presence of synergistic risk factors. (2013) Charvat, Hadrien; Gueyffier, François; Belot, Aurélien; Roy, Pascal
  • Late response to patient-reported outcome questionnaires after surgery was associated with worse outcome. (2013) Hutchings, Andrew; Grosse Frie, Kirstin; Neuburger, Jenny; van der Meulen, Jan; Black, Nick
  • In randomization we trust? There are overlooked problems in experimenting with people in behavioral intervention trials. (2013) McCambridge, Jim; Kypri, Kypros; Elbourne, Diana
  • Systematic review of the Hawthorne effect: new concepts are needed to study research participation effects. (2013) McCambridge, Jim; Witton, John; Elbourne, Diana R
  • A research and development agenda for systematic reviews that ask complex questions about complex interventions. (2013) Noyes, Jane; Gough, David; Lewin, Simon; Mayhew, Alain; Michie, Susan; Pantoja, Tomas; Petticrew, Mark; Pottie, Kevin; Rehfuess, Eva; Shemilt, Ian; Shepperd, Sasha; Sowden, Amanda; Tugwell, Peter; Welch, Vivian
  • Applying an equity lens to interventions: using PROGRESS ensures consideration of socially stratifying factors to illuminate inequities in health. (2013) O'Neill, Jennifer; Tabish, Hilary; Welch, Vivian; Petticrew, Mark; Pottie, Kevin; Clarke, Mike; Evans, Tim; Pardo Pardo, Jordi; Waters, Elizabeth; White, Howard; Tugwell, Peter
  • Complex interventions and their implications for systematic reviews: a pragmatic approach. (2013) Petticrew, Mark; Anderson, Laurie; Elder, Randy; Grimshaw, Jeremy; Hopkins, David; Hahn, Robert; Krause, Lauren; Kristjansson, Elizabeth; Mercer, Shawna; Sipe, Teresa; Tugwell, Peter; Ueffing, Erin; Waters, Elizabeth; Welch, Vivian
  • Synthesizing evidence on complex interventions: how meta-analytical, qualitative, and mixed-method approaches can contribute. (2013) Petticrew, Mark; Rehfuess, Eva; Noyes, Jane; Higgins, Julian PT; Mayhew, Alain; Pantoja, Tomas; Shemilt, Ian; Sowden, Amanda
  • 2012
  • Investigating incoherence gives insight: clopidogrel is equivalent to extended-release dipyridamole plus aspirin in secondary stroke prevention. (2012) Dewilde, Sarah; Hawkins, Neil
  • Single item on patients' satisfaction with condition provided additional insight into impact of surgery. (2012) Grosse Frie, Kirstin; van der Meulen, Jan; Black, Nick
  • Women in an infertility survey responded more by mail but preferred a choice: randomized controlled trial. (2012) Morris, Melanie; Edwards, Phil; Doyle, Pat; Maconochie, Noreen
  • Within-person study designs had lower precision and greater susceptibility to bias because of trends in exposure than cohort and nested case-control designs. (2012) Nicholas, Jennifer M; Grieve, Andrew P; Gulliford, Martin C
  • The development of a postoperative morbidity score to assess total morbidity burden after cardiac surgery. (2012) Sanders, Julie; Keogh, Bruce E; Van der Meulen, Jan; Browne, John P; Treasure, Tom; Mythen, Michael G; Montgomery, Hugh E
  • Covariate adjustment increased power in randomized controlled trials: an example in traumatic brain injury. (2012) Turner, Elizabeth L; Perel, Pablo; Clayton, Tim; Edwards, Phil; Hernández, Adrian V; Roberts, Ian; Shakur, Haleema; Steyerberg, Ewout W; CRASH trial collaborators
  • 2011
  • STrengthening the Reporting of OBservational studies in Epidemiology--Molecular Epidemiology STROBE-ME: an extension of the STROBE statement. (2011) Gallo, Valentina; Egger, Matthias; McCormack, Valerie; Farmer, Peter B; Ioannidis, John PA; Kirsch-Volders, Micheline; Matullo, Giuseppe; Phillips, David H; Schoket, Bernadette; Stromberg, Ulf; Vermeulen, Roel; Wild, Christopher; Porta, Miquel; Vineis, Paolo
  • GRADE guidelines: 8. Rating the quality of evidence--indirectness. (2011) Guyatt, Gordon H; Oxman, Andrew D; Kunz, Regina; Woodcock, James; Brozek, Jan; Helfand, Mark; Alonso-Coello, Pablo; Falck-Ytter, Yngve; Jaeschke, Roman; Vist, Gunn; Akl, Elie A; Post, Piet N; Norris, Susan; Meerpohl, Joerg; Shukla, Vijay K; Nasser, Mona; Schünemann, Holger J; GRADE Working Group
  • GRADE guidelines: 7. Rating the quality of evidence--inconsistency. (2011) Guyatt, Gordon H; Oxman, Andrew D; Kunz, Regina; Woodcock, James; Brozek, Jan; Helfand, Mark; Alonso-Coello, Pablo; Glasziou, Paul; Jaeschke, Roman; Akl, Elie A; Norris, Susan; Vist, Gunn; Dahm, Philipp; Shukla, Vijay K; Higgins, Julian; Falck-Ytter, Yngve; Schünemann, Holger J; GRADE Working Group
  • 2010
  • Mathematical coupling may account for the association between baseline severity and minimally important difference values. (2010) Browne, John Patrick; van der Meulen, Jan H; Lewsey, James D; Lamping, Donna L; Black, Nick
  • Factorial trial found mixed evidence of effects of pre-notification and pleading on response to Web-based survey. (2010) Felix, Lambert M; Burchett, Helen E; Edwards, Phil J
  • CONSORT 2010 Explanation and Elaboration: Updated guidelines for reporting parallel group randomised trials. (2010) Moher, David; Hopewell, Sally; Schulz, Kenneth F; Montori, Victor; Gøtzsche, Peter C; Devereaux, PJ; Elbourne, Diana; Egger, Matthias; Altman, Douglas G; Consolidated Standards of Reporting Trials Group
  • The Short-Form Six-Dimension utility index predicted mortality in the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer-Norfolk prospective population-based study. (2010) Myint, Phyo K; Smith, Richard D; Luben, Robert N; Surtees, Paul G; Wainwright, Nicholas WJ; Wareham, Nicholas J; Bingham, Sheila A; Khaw, Kay-Tee
  • Empirical evaluation suggests Copas selection model preferable to trim-and-fill method for selection bias in meta-analysis. (2010) Schwarzer, Guido; Carpenter, James; Rücker, Gerta
  • 2009
  • Empirical evaluation showed that the Copas selection model provided a useful summary in 80% of meta-analyses. (2009) Carpenter, James R; Schwarzer, Guido; Rücker, Gerta; Künstler, Rita
  • The use of beta agonists and the risk of death and near death from asthma. (2009) Pearce, Neil
  • Are large trials less reliable than small trials? (2009) Rücker, Gerta; Schwarzer, Guido; Schumacher, Martin; Carpenter, James
  • 2008
  • Differences in the contents of two randomized surveys of GPs' prescribing intentions affected response rates. (2008) Rashidian, Arash; van der Meulen, Jan; Russell, Ian
  • The Strengthening the Reporting of Observational Studies in Epidemiology (STROBE) statement: guidelines for reporting observational studies. (2008) von Elm, Erik; Altman, Douglas G; Egger, Matthias; Pocock, Stuart J; Gøtzsche, Peter C; Vandenbroucke, Jan P; STROBE Initiative
  • 2007
  • Young men were at risk of becoming lost to follow-up in a cohort of head-injured adults. (2007) Edwards, Phil; Fernandes, Janice; Roberts, Ian; Kuppermann, Nathan
  • The Postoperative Morbidity Survey was validated and used to describe morbidity after major surgery. (2007) Grocott, MPW; Browne, JP; Van der Meulen, J; Matejowsky, C; Mutch, M; Hamilton, MA; Levett, DZH; Emberton, M; Haddad, FS; Mythen, MG
  • Statistically significant papers in psychiatry were cited more often than others. (2007) Nieminen, Pentti; Rucker, Gerta; Miettunen, Jouko; Carpenter, James; Schumacher, Martin
  • 2006
  • An investigation of clinical studies suggests those with multiple objectives should have at least 90% power for each endpoint. (2006) Borm, George F; Houben, Rein MGJ; Welsing, Paco MJ; Zielhuis, Gerhard A
  • Quality of life scores differed according to mode of administration in a review of three major oncology questionnaires. (2006) Cheung, Yin Bun; Goh, Cynthia; Thumboo, Julian; Khoo, Kei-Siong; Wee, Joseph
  • A brief measure of perceived understanding of informed consent in a clinical trial was validated. (2006) Guarino, Peter; Lamping, Donna L; Elbourne, Diana; Carpenter, James; Peduzzi, Peter
  • Erratum to “VEINES-QOL/Sym questionnaire was a reliable and valid disease specific quality of life measure for deep venous thrombosis” [J Clin Epidemiol 59 (2006) 1049–1056]. (2006) Kahn, Susan R; Lamping, Donna L; Ducruet, Thierry; Arsenault, Louise; Miron, Marie José; Roussin, André; Desmarais, Sylvie; Joyal, France; Kassis, Jeannine; Solymoss, Susan; Desjardins, Louis; Johri, Mira; Shrier, Ian
  • VEINES-QOL/Sym questionnaire was a reliable and valid disease-specific quality of life measure for deep venous thrombosis. (2006) Kahn, Susan R; Lamping, Donna L; Ducruet, Thierry; Arsenault, Louise; Miron, Marie José; Roussin, André; Desmarais, Sylvie; Joyal, France; Kassis, Jeannine; Solymoss, Susan; Desjardins, Louis; Johri, Mira; Shrier, Ian; VETO Study investigators
  • Charlson scores based on ICD-10 administrative data were valid in assessing comorbidity in patients undergoing urological cancer surgery. (2006) Nuttall, Martin; van der Meulen, Jan; Emberton, Mark
  • A Colombian survey found intensive care mortality ratios were better in private vs. public hospitals. (2006) Pérez, Adriana; Dennis, Rodolfo J; Rondón, Martin A; Metcalfe, M Alison; Rowan, Kathy M
  • Self-reported smoking cessation interventions were not associated with quitting in older women. (2006) Schroeder, Knut; Lawlor, Debbie A; Montaner, David; Ebrahim, Shah
  • 2005
  • Obstetric intervention to shorten gestational duration is better decided based on conventional measures of gestational age-specific mortality without calculating fetuses at risk. (2005) Cheung, Yin Bun
  • From a postal questionnaire of older men, healthy lifestyle factors reduced the onset of and may have increased recovery from mobility limitation. (2005) Wannamethee, S Goya; Ebrahim, Shah; Papacosta, Olia; Shaper, A Gerald
  • 2004
  • Validity of conjoint analysis to study clinical decision making in elderly patients with aortic stenosis. (2004) Bouma, BJ; van der Meulen, JHP; van den Brink, RBA; Smidts, A; Cheriex, EC; Hamer, HP; Arnold, AER; Zwinderman, AH; Lie, KI; Tijssen, JGP
  • A flexible modeling approach to estimating the component effects of smoking behavior on lung cancer. (2004) Rachet, B; Siemiatycki, J; Abrahamowicz, M; Leffondré, K
  • Adherence to long-term therapies: recent WHO report provides some answers but poses even more questions. (2004) Schroeder, Knut; Fahey, Tom; Ebrahim, Shah; Peters, Tim J
  • Breast cancer: critical data analysis concludes that estrogens are not the cause, however lifestyle changes can alter risk rapidly. (2004) Wiseman, Richard A
  • 2003
  • Age at diagnosis and the choice of survival analysis methods in cancer epidemiology. (2003) Cheung, Yin Bun; Gao, Fei; Khoo, Kei Siong
  • Developing a prognostic model in the presence of missing data: an ovarian cancer case study. (2003) Clark, Taane G; Altman, Douglas G
  • The performance of instrumental activities of daily living scale in screening for cognitive impairment in elderly community residents. (2003) Cromwell, David A; Eagar, Kathy; Poulos, Roslyn G
  • Systematic review of the epidemiologic and trial evidence of an association between antidepressant medication and breast cancer. (2003) Lawlor, Debbie A; Jüni, Peter; Ebrahim, Shah; Egger, Matthias
  • What proportion of rhinitis symptoms is attributable to atopy? (2003) Zacharasiewicz, Angela; Douwes, Jeroen; Pearce, Neil
  • 2001
  • The effects of different kinds of user fees on prescribing quality in rural Nepal. (2001) Holloway, KA; Gautam, BR; Reeves, BC
  • Coffee consumption and serum aminotransferases in middle-aged Japanese men. (2001) Honjo, S; Kono, S; Coleman, MP; Shinchi, K; Sakurai, Y; Todoroki, I; Umeda, T; Wakabayashi, K; Imanishi, K; Nishikawa, H; Ogawa, S; Katsurada, M; Nakagawa, K; Yoshizawa, N