Items where the Publication is Journal of applied microbiology
Number of items: 9.
  • Norovirus attribution study: Detection of norovirus from the commercial food preparation environment in outbreak and non-outbreak premises. (2022) Elviss, Nicola C; Allen, David J; Kelly, Daniel; Akello, Joyce Odeke; Hau, Sarah; Fox, Andrew J; Hopkins, Mark; Derrick, Jade; O'Brien, Sarah; Iturriza-Gomara, Miren; Conducted as part of NoVAS picture_as_pdf
  • 2015
  • Molecular detection identified a type six secretion system in Campylobacter jejuni from various sources but not from human cases. (2015) Siddiqui, F; Champion, O; Akram, M; Studholme, D; Eqani, SAMAS; Wren, BW; Titball, R; Bokhari, H
  • 2012
  • Development of a skin colonization model in gnotobiotic piglets for the study of the microbial ecology of meticillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus ST398. (2012) Giotis, ES; Loeffler, A; Knight-Jones, T; Lloyd, DH
  • 2011
  • Ambient-temperature incubation for the field detection of Escherichia coli in drinking water. (2011) Brown, J; Stauber, C; Murphy, JL; Khan, A; Mu, T; Elliott, M; Sobsey, MD
  • 2005
  • Mycobacteriophage and their application to disease control. (2005) McNerney, R; Traoré, H
  • 2004
  • National survey for Salmonella in pigs, cattle and sheep at slaughter in Great Britain (1999-2000). (2004) Davies, RH; Dalziel, R; Gibbens, JC; Wilesmith, JW; Ryan, JMB; Evans, SJ; Byrne, C; Paiba, GA; Pascoe, SJS; Teale, CJ
  • 2001
  • A rat model for dose-response relationships of Salmonella Enteritidis infection. (2001) Havelaar, AH; Garssen, J; Takumi, K; Koedam, MA; Dufrenne, JB; van Leusden, FM; de La Fonteyne, L; Bousema, JT; Vos, JG
  • Human serum antibody response to Helicobacter pylori whole cell antigen in an institutionalized Bangladeshi population. (2001) Nessa, J; Chart, H; Owen, RJ; Drasar, B
  • Preliminary analysis and annotation of the partial genome sequence of Francisella tularensis strain Schu 4. (2001) Prior, RG; Klasson, L; Larsson, P; Williams, K; Lindler, L; Sjöstedt, A; Svensson, T; Tamas, I; Wren, BW; Oyston, PC; Andersson, SG; Titball, RW