Items where the Publication is Journal of acquired immune deficiency syndromes (1999)
Number of items: 198.
Bibliographic data only
  • Immune reconstitution inflammatory syndrome in HIV-associated cryptococcal meningitis: a prospective study. (2009) Bicanic, Tihana; Meintjes, Graeme; Rebe, Kevin; Williams, Anthony; Loyse, Angela; Wood, Robin; Hayes, Madeleine; Jaffar, Shabbar; Harrison, Thomas
  • The role of vertical transmission and health care-related factors in HIV infection of children: a community study in rural Uganda. (2007) Biraro, Samuel; Morison, Linda A; Nakiyingi-Miiro, Jessica; Whitworth, James AG; Grosskurth, Heiner
  • Cancer risk and use of protease inhibitor or nonnucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitor-based combination antiretroviral therapy: the D: A: D study. (2015) Bruyand, Mathias; Ryom, Lene; Shepherd, Leah; Fatkenheuer, Gerd; Grulich, Andrew; Reiss, Peter; de Wit, Stéphane; D Arminio Monforte, Antonella; Furrer, Hansjakob; Pradier, Christian; Lundgren, Jens; Sabin, Caroline; D:A:D study group
  • Implementing a tenofovir-based first-line regimen in rural Lesotho: clinical outcomes and toxicities after two years. (2011) Bygrave, Helen; Ford, Nathan; van Cutsem, Gilles; Hilderbrand, Katherine; Jouquet, Guillaume; Goemaere, Eric; Vlahakis, Nathalie; Triviño, Laura; Makakole, Lipontso; Kranzer, Katharina
  • Vitamin A deficiency and genital tract infections in women living in Central Africa. (2002) Bélec, Laurent; Mbopi-Kéou, Francois-Xavier; Roubache, Jean-François; Mayaud, Philippe; Paul, Jean-Louis; Grésenguet, Gérard
  • Independent effects of reported sexually transmitted infections and sexual behavior on HIV-1 prevalence among adult women, men, and teenagers in rural Uganda. (2002) Carpenter, Lucy M; Kamali, Anatoli; Payne, Mary; Kiwuuwa, Silvia; Kintu, Peter; Nakiyingi, Jessica; Kinsman, John; Nalweyiso, Norah; Quigley, Maria A; Kengeya-Kayondo, Jane F; Whitworth, James AG
  • Transmitted drug resistance and phylogenetic relationships among acute and early HIV-1-infected individuals in New York City. (2012) Castor, Delivette; Low, Andrea; Evering, Teresa; Karmon, Sharon; Davis, Brandi; Figueroa, Amir; LaMar, Melissa; Garmon, Donald; Mehandru, Saurabh; Markowitz, Martin
  • Mental, neurological, and substance use disorders in people living with HIV/AIDS in low- and middle-income countries. (2014) Chibanda, Dixon; Benjamin, Laura; Weiss, Helen A; Abas, Melanie
  • Urinary lipoarabinomannan as predictor for the tuberculosis immune reconstitution inflammatory syndrome. (2011) Conesa-Botella, Anali; Loembé, Marguerite Massinga; Manabe, Yukari C; Worodria, William; Mazakpwe, Doreen; Luzinda, Kenneth; Mayanja-Kizza, Harriet; Miri, Mitra; Mbabazi, Olive; Koole, Olivier; Kestens, Luc; Colebunders, Robert; TB IRIS Group
  • Mortality among adults transferred and lost to follow-up from antiretroviral therapy programmes in South Africa: a multicenter cohort study. (2014) Cornell, Morna; Lessells, Richard; Fox, Matthew P; Garone, Daniela B; Giddy, Janet; Fenner, Lukas; Myer, Landon; Boulle, Andrew; IeDEA-Southern Africa Collaboration
  • The appropriateness of core group interventions using presumptive periodic treatment among rural Zimbabwean women who exchange sex for gifts or money. (2005) Cowan, Frances M; Hargrove, John W; Langhaug, Lisa F; Jaffar, Shabbar; Mhuriyengwe, Lovemore; Swarthout, Todd D; Peeling, Rosanna; Latif, Ahmed; Bassett, Mary T; Brown, David WG; Mabey, David; Hayes, Richard J; Wilson, David
  • Is sexual contact with sex workers important in driving the HIV epidemic among men in rural Zimbabwe? (2005) Cowan, Frances M; Langhaug, Lisa F; Hargrove, John W; Jaffar, Shabbar; Mhuriyengwe, Lovemore; Swarthout, Todd D; Peeling, Rosanna; Latif, Ahmed; Basset, Mary T; Brown, David WG; Mabey, David; Hayes, Richard J; Wilson, David
  • Use of antenatal clinic surveillance to assess the effect of sexual behavior on HIV prevalence in young women in Karonga district, Malawi. (2008) Crampin, Amelia Catharine; Jahn, Andreas; Kondowe, Masiya; Ngwira, Bagrey M; Hemmings, Joanne; Glynn, Judith R; Floyd, Sian; Fine, Paul E; Zaba, Basia
  • Comparison of cervicovaginal lavage, cervicovaginal lavage enriched with cervical swab, and vaginal tampon for the detection of HIV-1 RNA and HSV-2 DNA in genital secretions. (2008) Delany, Sinéad; Rosas, Raul; Mlaba, Nonkululeko; Clayton, Tim; Akpomiemie, Godspower; LeGoff, Jérôme; Capovilla, Alexio; Bélec, Laurent; Stevens, Wendy; Mayaud, Philippe
  • Factors Associated With Poor Linkage to HIV Care in South Africa: Secondary Analysis of Data From the Thol'impilo Trial. (2017) Dorward, Jienchi; Mabuto, Tonderai; Charalambous, Salome; Fielding, Katherine L; Hoffmann, Christopher J
  • Schistosomiasis and impaired response to antiretroviral therapy among HIV-infected patients in Tanzania. (2013) Efraim, Lucheri; Peck, Robert N; Kalluvya, Samuel E; Kabangila, Rodrick; Mazigo, Humphrey D; Mpondo, Boniventura; Bang, Heejung; Todd, James; Fitzgerald, Daniel W; Downs, Jennifer A
  • Transmission of HIV-1 through breastfeeding among women in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. (2002) Fawzi, Wafaie; Msamanga, Gernard; Spiegelman, Donna; Renjifo, Boris; Bang, Heejung; Kapiga, Saidi; Coley, Jenny; Hertzmark, Ellen; Essex, Max; Hunter, David
  • Altered vaginal microbiota are associated with perinatal mother-to-child transmission of HIV in African women from Burkina Faso. (2012) Frank, Daniel N; Manigart, Olivier; Leroy, Valériane; Meda, Nicolas; Valéa, Diane; Zhang, Weiming; Dabis, François; Pace, Norman R; Van de Perre, Philippe; Janoff, Edward N
  • Predictors of 5-year mortality in HIV-infected adults starting highly active antiretroviral therapy in Thailand. (2012) Fregonese, Federica; Collins, Intira J; Jourdain, Gonzague; Lecoeur, Sophie; Cressey, Tim R; Ngo-Giang-Houng, Nicole; Banchongkit, Sukit; Chutanunta, Apichat; Techapornroong, Malee; Lallemant, Marc; Program for HIV Prevention and Treatment Study Group
  • Immunologic and clinical stages in HIV-1-infected Ugandan adults are comparable and provide no evidence of rapid progression but poor survival with advanced disease. (2001) French, N; Mujugira, A; Nakiyingi, J; Mulder, D; Janoff, EN; Gilks, CF
  • Nutritional Support to HIV Patients Starting ART. (2015) Friis, Henrik; Olsen, Mette F; Filteau, Suzanne
  • Surrogate markers for disease progression in treated HIV infection. (2001) Ghani, AC; de Wolf, F; Ferguson, NM; Donnelly, CA; Coutinho, R; Miedema, F; Goudsmit, J; Anderson, RM
  • Viral replication under combination antiretroviral therapy: a comparison of four different regimens. (2002) Ghani, Azra C; Ferguson, Neil M; Fraser, Christophe; Donnelly, Christl A; Danner, Sven; Reiss, Peter; Lange, Joep; Goudsmit, Jaap; Anderson, Roy M; De Wolf, Frank
  • HIV risk in relation to marriage in areas with high prevalence of HIV infection. (2003) Glynn, Judith R; Caraël, Michel; Buvé, Anne; Musonda, Rosemary M; Kahindo, Maina; Study Group on the Heterogeneity of HIV Epidemics in African Cit
  • Diagnostic accuracy of a urine lipoarabinomannan enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay for screening ambulatory HIV-infected persons for tuberculosis. (2011) Gounder, Celine R; Kufa, Tendesayi; Wada, Nikolas I; Mngomezulu, Victor; Charalambous, Salome; Hanifa, Yasmeen; Fielding, Katherine; Grant, Alison; Dorman, Susan; Chaisson, Richard E; Churchyard, Gavin J
  • Linkage to HIV care from a mobile testing unit in South Africa by different CD4 count strata. (2011) Govindasamy, Darshini; van Schaik, Nienke; Kranzer, Katharina; Wood, Robin; Mathews, Catherine; Bekker, Linda-Gail
  • CD4 cell counts of 800 cells/mm3 or greater after 7 years of highly active antiretroviral therapy are feasible in most patients starting with 350 cells/mm3 or greater. (2007) Gras, Luuk; Kesselring, Anouk M; Griffin, James T; van Sighem, Ard I; Fraser, Christophe; Ghani, Azra C; Miedema, Frank; Reiss, Peter; Lange, Joep MA; de Wolf, Frank; ATHENA, Netherlands National Observational Cohort Study
  • Methods to estimate the number of orphans as a result of AIDS and other causes in Sub-Saharan Africa. (2005) Grassly, Nicholas C; Timaeus, Ian M
  • Similar mortality and reduced loss to follow-up in integrated compared with vertical programs providing antiretroviral treatment in sub-saharan Africa. (2012) Greig, Jane; O'Brien, Daniel P; Ford, Nathan; Spelman, Tim; Sabapathy, Kalpana; Shanks, Leslie
  • Baseline plasma viral load and CD4 cell percentage predict survival in HIV-1- and HIV-2-infected women in a community-based cohort in The Gambia. (2005) Hansmann, Andreas; Schim van der Loeff, Maarten F; Kaye, Steve; Awasana, Akum Aveika; Sarge-Njie, Ramu; O'Donovan, Diarmuid; Ariyoshi, Koya; Alabi, Abraham; Milligan, Paul; Whittle, Hilton C
  • Why Did the Scale-up of HIV Treatment Work?: A Case Example From Malawi. (2011) Harries, Anthony D; Makombe, Simon D; Libamba, Edwin; Schouten, Erik J
  • Changing predictors of mortality over time from cART start: implications for care. (2011) Hoffmann, Christopher J; Fielding, Katherine L; Johnston, Victoria; Charalambous, Salome; Innes, Craig; Moore, Richard D; Chaisson, Richard E; Grant, Alison D; Churchyard, Gavin J
  • Increased prevalence of HTLV-1 among HIV-2-infected women but not HIV-2-infected men in rural Guinea-Bissau. (2002) Holmgren, Birgitta; Andersson, Sören; Harding, Elizabeth; Schim van der Loeff, Maarten; Vastrup, Pernille; Aaby, Peter; Ariyoshi, Koya; Whittle, Hilton
  • PEPFAR support for the scaling up of collaborative TB/HIV activities. (2012) Howard, Andrea A; Gasana, Michel; Getahun, Haileyesus; Harries, Anthony; Lawn, Stephen D; Miller, Bess; Nelson, Lisa; Sitienei, Joseph; Coggin, William L
  • Incidence of HIV infection in stable sexual partnerships: a retrospective cohort study of 1802 couples in Mwanza Region, Tanzania. (2002) Hugonnet, Stéphane; Mosha, Frank; Todd, James; Mugeye, Kokugonza; Klokke, Arnoud; Ndeki, Leonard; Ross, David; Grosskurth, Heiner; Hayes, Richard
  • A randomized placebo-controlled trial of the impact of multiple micronutrient supplementation on HIV-1 genital shedding among Thai subjects. (2004) Jiamto, Sukhum; Chaisilwattana, Pongsakdi; Pepin, Jacques; Suttent, Reungpung; Mahakkanukrauh, Bussakorn; Filteau, Suzanne; Suthipinittharm, Puan; Jaffar, Shabbar
  • Cost and cost-effectiveness of switching from d4T or AZT to a TDF-based first-line regimen in a resource-limited setting in rural Lesotho. (2011) Jouquet, Guillaume; Bygrave, Helen; Kranzer, Katharina; Ford, Nathan; Gadot, Laurent; Lee, Janice; Hilderbrand, Katherine; Goemaere, Eric; Vlahakis, Natalie; Trivino, Laura; Makakole, Lipontso; Cleary, Susan
  • Correlates of plasma HIV-1 RNA viral load among HIV-1-seropositive women in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. (2002) Kapiga, Saidi H; Bang, Heejung; Spiegelman, Donna; Msamanga, Gernard I; Coley, Jenny; Hunter, David J; Fawzi, Wafaie W
  • HIV-1 epidemic among female bar and hotel workers in northern Tanzania: risk factors and opportunities for prevention. (2002) Kapiga, Saidi H; Sam, Noel E; Shao, John F; Renjifo, Boris; Masenga, Elisante J; Kiwelu, Ireen E; Manongi, Rachel; Fawzi, Wafaie; Essex, Max
  • Extraspousal partnerships in a community in rural Uganda with high HIV prevalence: a cross-sectional population-based study using linked spousal data. (2011) Kasamba, Ivan; Sully, Elizabeth; Weiss, Helen A; Baisley, Kathy; Maher, Dermot
  • Transition from long-term nonprogression to HIV-1 disease associated with escape from cellular immune control. (2008) Kemal, Kimdar Sherefa; Beattie, Tara; Dong, Tao; Weiser, Barbara; Kaul, Rupert; Kuiken, Carla; Sutton, Julian; Lang, Dorothy; Yang, Hongbing; Peng, Yan Chun; Collman, Ronald; Philpott, Sean; Rowland-Jones, Sarah; Burger, Harold
  • Predictive value of anemia for tuberculosis in HIV-infected patients in Sub-Saharan Africa: an indication for routine microbiological investigation using new rapid assays. (2014) Kerkhoff, Andrew D; Wood, Robin; Vogt, Monica; Lawn, Stephen D
  • Linking HIV prevention and care for community interventions among high-risk women in Burkina Faso--the ARNS 1222 "Yerelon" cohort. (2011) Konate, Issouf; Traore, Lsidore; Ouedraogo, Abdoulaye; Sanon, Anselme; Diallo, Ramata; Ouedraogo, Jean-Louis; Huet, Charlotte; Millogo, Ines; Andonaba, Jean-Baptiste; Mayaud, Philippe; Van de Perre, Philippe; Nagot, Nicolas
  • Improved retention of patients starting antiretroviral treatment in Karonga District, northern Malawi, 2005-2012. (2014) Koole, Olivier; Houben, Rein Mgj; Mzembe, Themba; Van Boeckel, Thomas P; Kayange, Michael; Jahn, Andreas; Chimbwandira, Frank; Glynn, Judith R; Crampin, Amelia C
  • Community viral load and CD4 count distribution among people living with HIV in a South African Township: implications for treatment as prevention. (2013) Kranzer, Katharina; Lawn, Stephen D; Johnson, Leigh F; Bekker, Linda-Gail; Wood, Robin
  • Undiagnosed tuberculosis among HIV clinic attendees: association with antiretroviral therapy and implications for intensified case finding, isoniazid preventive therapy, and infection control. (2012) Kufa, Tendesayi; Mngomezulu, Victor; Charalambous, Salome; Hanifa, Yasmeen; Fielding, Katherine; Grant, Alison D; Wada, Nikolas; Chaisson, Richard E; Churchyard, Gavin J; Gounder, Celine R
  • Single Genome Analysis for the Detection of Linked Multiclass Drug Resistance Mutations in HIV-1-Infected Children After Failure of Protease Inhibitor-Based First-Line Therapy. (2015) Lange, Camille Marie; Hué, Stéphane; Violari, Avy; Cotton, Mark; Gibb, Diana; Babiker, Abdel; Otwombe, Kennedy; Panchia, Ravindre; Dobbels, Els; Jean-Philippe, Patrick; McIntyre, James A; Pillay, Deenan; Gupta, Ravindra Kumar
  • Optimum Time to Initiate Antiretroviral Therapy in Patients With HIV-Associated Tuberculosis: A Reply. (2009) Lawn, SD; Wood, R
  • Time to initiation of antiretroviral therapy among patients with HIV-associated tuberculosis in Cape Town, South Africa. (2011) Lawn, Stephen D; Campbell, Lucy; Kaplan, Richard; Boulle, Andrew; Cornell, Morna; Kerschberger, Bernhard; Morrow, Carl; Little, Francesca; Egger, Matthias; Wood, Robin; International Epidemiological Databases to Evaluate AIDS-Souther
  • High diagnostic yield of tuberculosis from screening urine samples from HIV-infected patients with advanced immunodeficiency using the Xpert MTB/RIF assay. (2012) Lawn, Stephen D; Kerkhoff, Andrew D; Vogt, Monica; Wood, Robin
  • Optimum Time to Initiate Antiretroviral Therapy in Patients With HIV-Associated Tuberculosis: A Reply. (2009) Lawn, Stephen D; Wood, Robin
  • Optimum time to initiate antiretroviral therapy in patients with HIV-associated tuberculosis: there may be more than one right answer. (2007) Lawn, Stephen D; Wood, Robin
  • A public health approach to rapid scale-up of antiretroviral treatment in Malawi during 2004-2006. (2008) Lowrance, David W; Makombe, Simon; Harries, Anthony D; Shiraishi, Ray W; Hochgesang, Mindy; Aberle-Grasse, John; Libamba, Edwin; Schouten, Erik; Ellerbrock, Tedd; Kamoto, Kelita
  • Lower early mortality rates among patients receiving antiretroviral treatment at clinics offering cotrimoxazole prophylaxis in Malawi. (2007) Lowrance, David; Makombe, Simon; Harries, Anthony; Yu, Joseph; Aberle-Grasse, Joh; Eiger, Odette; Shiraishi, Ray; Marston, Barbara; Ellerbrock, Tedd; Libamba, Edwin
  • Comparison of home and clinic-based HIV testing among household members of persons taking antiretroviral therapy in Uganda: results from a randomized trial. (2010) Lugada, Eric; Levin, Jonathan; Abang, Betty; Mermin, Jonathan; Mugalanzi, Emmanuel; Namara, Geoffrey; Gupta, Sundeep; Grosskurth, Heiner; Jaffar, Shabbar; Coutinho, Alex; Bunnell, Rebecca
  • Sexual behavior and reproductive health among HIV-infected patients in urban and rural South Africa. (2008) Lurie, Mark; Pronyk, Paul; de Moor, Emily; Heyer, Adele; de Bruyn, Guy; Struthers, Helen; McIntyre, James; Gray, Glenda; Marinda, Edmore; Klipstein-Grobusch, Kerstin; Martinson, Neil
  • Evolution of drug resistance during 48 weeks of zidovudine/lamivudine/tenofovir in the absence of real-time viral load monitoring. (2010) Lyagoba, Fred; Dunn, David T; Pillay, Deenan; Kityo, Cissy; Robertson, Val; Tugume, Stephano; Hakim, James; Munderi, Paula; Chirara, Mike; Ndembi, Nicaise; Goodall, Ruth L; Yirrell, David L; Burke, Andy; Gilks, Charles F; Kaleebu, Pontiano; DART Virology and Trial Team
  • An algorithm to optimize viral load testing in HIV-positive patients with suspected first-line antiretroviral therapy failure in Cambodia. (2009) Lynen, Lutgarde; An, Sokkab; Koole, Olivier; Thai, Sopheak; Ros, Seilavath; De Munter, Paul; Sculier, Delphine; Arnould, Line; Fransen, Katrien; Menten, Joris; Boelaert, Marleen; Van den Ende, Jef; Colebunders, Robert
  • Increased risk of tuberculosis with human T-lymphotropic virus-1 infection: a case-control study. (2005) Marinho, Jamocyr; Galvão-Castro, Bernardo; Rodrigues, Laura C; Barreto, Mauricio L
  • Estimating the net effect of HIV on child mortality in African populations affected by generalized HIV epidemics. (2005) Marston, Milly; Zaba, Basia; Salomon, Joshua A; Brahmbhatt, Heena; Bagenda, Danstan
  • Prevalence of transmitted HIV-1 drug resistance and the role of resistance algorithms: data from seroconverters in the CASCADE collaboration from 1987 to 2003. (2005) Masquelier, Bernard; Bhaskaran, Krishnan; Pillay, Deenan; Gifford, Robert; Balestre, Eric; Jørgensen, Louise Bruun; Pedersen, Court; van der Hoek, Lia; Prins, Maria; Balotta, Claudia; Longo, Benedetta; Kücherer, Claudia; Poggensee, Gabriele; Ortiz, Marta; de Mendoza, Carmen; Gill, John; Fleury, Hervé; Porter, Kholoud; CASCADE Collaboration
  • Effective approaches for programming to reduce adolescent vulnerability to HIV infection, HIV risk, and HIV-related morbidity and mortality: a systematic review of systematic reviews. (2014) Mavedzenge, Sue Napierala; Luecke, Ellen; Ross, David A
  • Determinants of differential HIV incidence among women in three southern African locations. (2011) Mavedzenge, Sue Napierala; Weiss, Helen A; Montgomery, Elizabeth T; Blanchard, Kelly; de Bruyn, Guy; Ramjee, Gita; Chipato, Tsungai; Padian, Nancy S; Van Der Straten, Ariane
  • Genital shedding of herpes simplex virus-2 DNA and HIV-1 RNA and proviral DNA in HIV-1- and herpes simplex virus-2-coinfected African women. (2003) Mbopi-Kéou, Francois-Xavier; Legoff, Jérôme; Grésenguet, Gérard; Si-Mohamed, Ali; Matta, Mathieu; Mayaud, Philippe; Andreoletti, Laurent; Malkin, Jean-Elie; Weiss, Helen; Brown, David; Bélec, Laurent
  • Implementation and Operational Research: What Happens After a Negative Test for Tuberculosis? Evaluating Adherence to TB Diagnostic Algorithms in South African Primary Health Clinics. (2015) McCarthy, KM; Grant, AD; Chihota, V; Ginindza, S; Mvusi, L; Churchyard, GJ; Fielding, KL
  • Lack of minority K65R-resistant viral populations detected after repeated treatment interruptions of tenofovir/zidovudine and lamivudine in a resource-limited setting. (2010) McCormick, Adele L; Goodall, Ruth L; Joyce, Aengus; Ndembi, Nicaise; Chirara, Mike; Katundu, Pauline; Walker, Sarah; Yirrell, David; Gilks, Charlie F; Pillay, Deenan; DART Virology Group and Trial Team
  • Elevated iron status strongly predicts mortality in West African adults with HIV infection. (2007) McDermid, Joann M; Jaye, Assan; Schim van der Loeff, Maarten F; Todd, Jim; Bates, Chris; Austin, Steve; Jeffries, David; Awasana, Akum A; Whittlex, Akum A; Prentice, Andrew
  • Cost and resource use of patients on antiretroviral therapy in the urban and semiurban public sectors of South Africa. (2012) Meyer-Rath, Gesine; Miners, Alec; Santos, Andreia C; Variava, Ebrahim; Venter, Willem Daniel Francois
  • Social and environmental predictors of plasma HIV RNA rebound among injection drug users treated with antiretroviral therapy. (2012) Milloy, M-J; Kerr, Thomas; Buxton, Jane; Rhodes, Tim; Krusi, Andrea; Guillemi, Silvia; Hogg, Robert; Montaner, Julio; Wood, Evan
  • HIV risk perception and prevalence in a program for prevention of mother-to-child HIV transmission: comparison of women who accept voluntary counseling and testing and those tested anonymously. (2005) Mpairwe, Harriet; Muhangi, Lawrence; Namujju, Proscovia B; Kisitu, Andrew; Tumusiime, Alex; Muwanga, Moses; Whitworth, James AG; Onyango, Saul; Biryahwaho, Benon; Elliott, Alison M
  • Patterns of individual and population-level adherence to antiretroviral therapy and risk factors for poor adherence in the first year of the DART trial in Uganda and Zimbabwe. (2008) Muyingo, Sylvia K; Walker, A Sarah; Reid, Andy; Munderi, Paula; Gibb, Diana M; Ssali, Francis; Levin, Jonathan; Katabira, Elly; Gilks, Charlie; Todd, Jim; DART Trial Team
  • Longitudinal assessment of HIV-1 and HSV-2 shedding in the genital tract of West African women. (2005) Nagot, Nicolas; Foulongne, Vincent; Becquart, Pierre; Mayaud, Philippe; Konate, Issouf; Ouedraogo, Abdoulaye; Defer, Marie-Christine; Weiss, Helen; Van de Perre, Philippe; Segondy, Michel
  • The association between the ratio of monocytes: lymphocytes and risk of tuberculosis among HIV-infected postpartum women. (2014) Naranbhai, Vivek; Moodley, Dhayendre; Chipato, Tsungai; Stranix-Chibanda, Lynda; Nakabaiito, Clemensia; Kamateeka, Moreen; Musoke, Philippa; Manji, Karim; George, Kathleen; Emel, Lynda M; Richardson, Paul; Andrew, Philip; Fowler, MaryGlenn; Fletcher, Helen; McShane, Helen; Coovadia, Hoosen M; Hill, Adrian VS; HPTN 046 Protocol Team
  • Malaria may influence the transmission of Kaposi sarcoma associated herpesvirus in endemic areas. (2014) Nascimento, Maria C
  • HIV impact on mother and child mortality in rural Tanzania. (2003) Ng'weshemi, Japheth; Urassa, Mark; Isingo, Raphael; Mwaluko, Gabriel; Ngalula, Juliana; Boerma, Ties; Marston, Milly; Zaba, Basia
  • Changes in programmatic outcomes during 7 years of scale-up at a community-based antiretroviral treatment service in South Africa. (2011) Nglazi, Mweete D; Lawn, Stephen D; Kaplan, Richard; Kranzer, Katharina; Orrell, Catherine; Wood, Robin; Bekker, Linda-Gail
  • An incentivized HIV counseling and testing program targeting hard-to-reach unemployed men in Cape Town, South Africa. (2012) Nglazi, Mweete D; van Schaik, Nienke; Kranzer, Katharina; Lawn, Stephen D; Wood, Robin; Bekker, Linda-Gail
  • Early HIV-1 diagnosis using in-house real-time PCR amplification on dried blood spots for infants in remote and resource-limited settings. (2008) Ngo-Giang-Huong, Nicole; Khamduang, Woottichai; Leurent, Baptiste; Collins, Intira; Nantasen, Issaren; Leechanachai, Pranee; Sirirungsi, Wasna; Limtrakul, Aram; Leusaree, Tasana; Comeau, Anne Marie; Lallemant, Marc; Jourdain, Gonzague
  • Comparison of analytical and clinical performances of the digene HC2 HPV DNA assay and the INNO-LiPA HPV genotyping assay for detecting high-risk HPV infection and cervical neoplasia among HIV-positive African women. (2015) Ngou, Jean; Gilham, Clare; Omar, Tanvier; Goumbri-Lompo, Olga; Doutre, Sylviane; Michelow, Pamela; Kelly, Helen; Didelot, Marie-Noelle; Chikandiwa, Admire; Sawadogo, Bernard; Delany-Moretlwe, Sinead; Meda, Nicolas; Costes, Valérie; Mayaud, Philippe; Segondy, Michel
  • Incidence of tuberculosis in HIV-infected patients before and after starting combined antiretroviral therapy in 8 sub-Saharan African HIV programs. (2011) Nicholas, Sarala; Sabapathy, Kalpana; Ferreyra, Cecilia; Varaine, Francis; Pujades-Rodríguez, Mar; AIDS Working Group of Médecins Sans Frontières
  • Impact of antiretroviral therapy on adult HIV prevalence in a low-income rural setting in Uganda: a longitudinal population-based study. (2013) Nsubuga, Rebecca N; Maher, Dermot; Todd, Jim E
  • Association between HIV and subpreputial penile wetness in uncircumcised men in South Africa. (2006) O'Farrell, Nigel; Morison, Linda; Moodley, Prashini; Pillay, Keshree; Vanmali, Trusha; Quigley, Maria; Hayes, Richard; Sturm, A Willem
  • Individuals have the right to avoid sex with partners unwilling to test for HIV but do not have a right to force them to test for HIV. (2018) Ong, Jason J; Wei, Chongyi; Pan, Stephen; Fu, Hongyun; Tucker, Joseph D
  • Simplifying HIV cohort monitoring--pharmacy stock records minimize resources necessary to determine retention in care. (2012) Orrell, Catherine; Dipenaar, Riana; Killa, Nicola; Tassie, Jean-Michel; Harries, Anthony D; Wood, Robin
  • Risk factors for HIV infection in injection drug users and evidence for onward transmission of HIV to their sexual partners in Chennai, India. (2005) Panda, Samiran; Kumar, M Suresh; Lokabiraman, S; Jayashree, K; Satagopan, MC; Solomon, Suniti; Rao, Usha Anand; Rangaiyan, Gurumurthy; Flessenkaemper, Sabine; Grosskurth, Heiner; Gupte, Mohan D
  • Leveraging Phylogenetics to Understand HIV Transmission and Partner Notification Networks. (2018) Pasquale, Dana K; Doherty, Irene A; Sampson, Lynne A; Hué, Stephane; Leone, Peter A; Sebastian, Joseph; Ledford, Sue L; Eron, Joseph J; Miller, William C; Dennis, Ann M
  • Increased ocular lens density in HIV-infected individuals with low nadir CD4 counts in South Africa: evidence of accelerated aging. (2013) Pathai, Sophia; Lawn, Stephen D; Weiss, Helen A; Cook, Colin; Bekker, Linda-Gail; Gilbert, Clare E
  • Men, HIV/AIDS, and human rights. (2009) Peacock, Dean; Stemple, Lara; Sawires, Sharif; Coates, Thomas J
  • Validation of a clinical prediction score to target viral load testing in adults with suspected first-line treatment failure in resource-constrained settings. (2013) Phan, Vichet; Thai, Sopheak; Koole, Olivier; Menten, Joris; Meheus, Filip; van Griensven, Johan; Lynen, Lutgarde
  • Sexual behavior among injection drug users in 3 indonesian cities carries a high potential for HIV spread to noninjectors. (2003) Pisani, E; Dadun; Sucahya, PK; Kamil, O; Jazan, S
  • HIV surveillance: a global perspective. (2003) Pisani, E; Lazzari, S; Walker, N; Schwartländer, B
  • Changes in HIV prevalence and risk among new injecting drug users in a Russian city of high HIV prevalence. (2008) Platt, Lucy; Rhodes, Tim; Hickman, Matthew; Mikhailova, Larissa; Lisetsky, Konstantin; Sarang, Anya; Lewis, Kim; Parry, John
  • HIV counseling and testing in an urban reproductive primary health clinic in South Africa: gender differences among clients. (2011) Ramkissoon, Arthi; Beksinska, Mags; Searle, Catherine; Govender, Thamandrie; Smit, Jenni; Kleinschmidt, Immo
  • The impact of a food assistance program on nutritional status, disease progression, and food security among people living with HIV in Uganda. (2013) Rawat, Rahul; Faust, Elizabeth; Maluccio, John A; Kadiyala, Suneetha
  • Poor diet quality is associated with low CD4 count and anemia and predicts mortality among antiretroviral therapy-naive HIV-positive adults in Uganda. (2013) Rawat, Rahul; McCoy, Sandra I; Kadiyala, Suneetha
  • Voluntary medical male circumcision: an HIV prevention priority for PEPFAR. (2012) Reed, Jason Bailey; Njeuhmeli, Emmanuel; Thomas, Anne Goldzier; Bacon, Melanie C; Bailey, Robert; Cherutich, Peter; Curran, Kelly; Dickson, Kim; Farley, Tim; Hankins, Catherine; Hatzold, Karin; Justman, Jessica; Mwandi, Zebedee; Nkinsi, Luke; Ridzon, Renee; Ryan, Caroline; Bock, Naomi
  • Injecting equipment sharing among injecting drug users in Togliatti City, Russian Federation: maximizing the protective effects of syringe distribution. (2004) Rhodes, Tim; Judd, Ali; Mikhailova, Larissa; Sarang, Anya; Khutorskoy, Mikhail; Platt, Lucy; Lowndes, Catherine M; Renton, Adrian
  • Feeding mode, intestinal permeability, and neopterin excretion: a longitudinal study in infants of HIV-infected South African women. (2001) Rollins, NC; Filteau, SM; Coutsoudis, A; Tomkins, AM
  • Treatment outcomes from the largest antiretroviral treatment program in Myanmar (Burma): a cohort analysis of retention after scale-up. (2012) Sabapathy, Kalpana; Ford, Nathan; Chan, Khin Nyein; Kyaw, Moe Kyaw; Elema, Riekje; Smithuis, Frank; Floyd, Sian
  • The price of development: HIV infection in a semiurban community of Ghana. (2002) Sauvé, Nadine; Dzokoto, Agnes; Opare, Bernard; Kaitoo, Edmund Ekow; Khonde, Nzambi; Mondor, Myrto; Bekoe, Veronika; Pépin, Jacques
  • The evolving epidemiology of HIV infection and tuberculosis in northern Thailand. (2002) Siriarayapon, Potjaman; Yanai, Hideki; Glynn, Judith R; Yanpaisarn, Somboonsak; Uthaivoravit, Wat
  • Response to efavirenz-containing regimens in previously antiretroviral-naive HIV-positive patients: the role of gender. (2007) Smith, Colette J; Sabin, Caroline A; Youle, Mike S; Lampe, Fiona C; Bhagani, Sanjay; Madge, Sara; Puradiredja, Dewi; Johnson, Margaret A; Phillips, Andrew N
  • Individual, social, and environmental influences associated with HIV infection among injection drug users in Tijuana, Mexico. (2008) Strathdee, Steffanie A; Lozada, Remedios; Pollini, Robin A; Brottwer, Kimberly C; Mantsios, Andrea; Abramovitz, Daniela A; Rhodes, Tim; Latkin, Carl A; Loza, Oralia; Alvelais, Jorge; Magis-Rodriguez, Carlos; Patterson, Thomas L
  • Individual, social, and environmental influences associated with HIV infection among injection drug users in Tijuana, Mexico. (2007) Strathdee, Steffanie A; Lozada, Remedios; Pollini, Robin A; Brouwer, Kimberly C; Mantsios, Andrea; Abramovitz, Daniela A; Rhodes, Tim; Latkin, Carl A; Loza, Oralia; Alvelais, Jorge; Magis-Rodriguez, Carlos; Patterson, Thomas L
  • Authors' Reply: Lack of Association Between Concurrency and HIV Infection: An Artifact of Study Design? (2012) Sully, E; Kasamba, I; Weiss, HA; Baisley, K; Maher, D
  • Use of zidovudine-sparing HAART in pregnant HIV-infected women in Europe: 2000-2009. (2011) Tariq, Shema; Townsend, Claire L; Cortina-Borja, Mario; Duong, Trinh; Elford, Jonathan; Thorne, Claire; Tookey, Pat A; European Collaborative Study; National Study of HIV in Pregnancy Childhood
  • Two distinct epidemics: the rise of HIV-1 and decline of HIV-2 infection between 1990 and 2007 in rural Guinea-Bissau. (2010) Tienen, Carla van; van der Loeff, Maarten Schim; Zaman, Syed MA; Vincent, Tim; Sarge-Njie, Ramu; Peterson, Ingrid; Leligdowicz, Aleksandra; Jaye, Assan; Rowland-Jones, Sarah; Aaby, Peter; Whittle, Hilton
  • A role for health communication in the continuum of HIV care, treatment, and prevention. (2014) Tomori, Cecilia; Risher, Kathryn; Limaye, Rupali J; Van Lith, Lynn M; Gibbs, Susannah; Smelyanskaya, Marina; Celentano, David D
  • Can combination prevention strategies reduce HIV transmission in generalized epidemic settings in Africa? The HPTN 071 (PopART) study plan in South Africa and Zambia. (2013) Vermund, Sten H; Fidler, Sarah J; Ayles, Helen; Beyers, Nulda; Hayes, Richard J
  • Using modeling to explore the degree to which a microbicide's sexually transmitted infection efficacy may contribute to the HIV effectiveness measured in phase 3 microbicide trials. (2008) Vickerman, Peter; Foss, Anna; Watts, Charlotte
  • Model projections on the required coverage of syringe distribution to prevent HIV epidemics among injecting drug users. (2006) Vickerman, Peter; Hickman, Matthew; Rhodes, Tim; Watts, Charlotte
  • HIV prevalence and incidence in rural Tanzania: results from 10 years of follow-up in an open-cohort study. (2007) Wambura, Mwita; Urassa, Mark; Isingo, Raphael; Ndege, Milalu; Marston, Milly; Slaymaker, Emma; Mngara, Julius; Changalucha, John; Boerma, Ties J; Zaba, Basia
  • Effects of cotrimoxazole on hematologic parameters in HIV-infected adults in a community-based clinic in Entebbe, Uganda. (2007) Watera, Christine; Todd, Jim; Mutonyi, Gertrude; Miiro, George; Mpendo, Juliet; Hughes, Peter; Nakiyingi-Miiro, Jessica; Whitworth, Jimmy; Grosskurth, Heiner
  • Feasibility and effectiveness of cotrimoxazole prophylaxis for HIV-1-infected adults attending an HIV/AIDS clinic in Uganda. (2006) Watera, Christine; Todd, Jim; Muwonge, Richard; Whitworth, James; Nakiyingi-Miiro, Jessica; Brink, Anne; Miiro, George; Antvelink, Lucy; Kamali, Anatoli; French, Neil; Mermin, Jonathan
  • Measuring the outcomes of a comprehensive HIV care course: pilot test at the Infectious Diseases Institute, Kampala, Uganda. (2006) Weaver, Marcia R; Nakitto, Cecilia; Schneider, Gisela; Kamya, Moses R; Kambugu, Andrew; Lukwago, Robinah; Ronald, Allan; McAdam, Keith; Sande, Merle A
  • Can population differences explain the contrasting results of the Mwanza, Rakai, and Masaka HIV/sexually transmitted disease intervention trials?: A modeling study. (2004) White, Richard G; Orroth, Kate K; Korenromp, Eline L; Bakker, Roel; Wambura, Mwita; Sewankambo, Nelson K; Gray, Ron H; Kamali, Anatoli; Whitworth, James AG; Grosskurth, Heiner; Habbema, J Dik F; Hayes, Richard J
  • Screening for Tuberculosis Among Adults Newly Diagnosed With HIV in Sub-Saharan Africa: A Cost-Effectiveness Analysis. (2015) Zwerling, Alice A; Sahu, Maitreyi; Ngwira, Lucky G; Khundi, McEwen; Harawa, Tina; Corbett, Elizabeth L; Chaisson, Richard E; Dowdy, David W
  • Determination of kidney function before tenofovir initiation: four-fold difference in need of tenofovir dose reduction depending on method used. (2011) van Griensven, Johan; Sopheak, Thai; Koole, Olivier; Verpooten, Gert A; Lynen, Lutgarde
  • Mortality in patients with successful initial response to highly active antiretroviral therapy is still higher than in non-HIV-infected individuals. (2005) van Sighem, Ard; Danner, Sven; Ghani, Azra C; Gras, Luuk; Anderson, Roy M; de Wolf, Frank; ATHENA National Observational Cohort Study
  • Patterns and predictors of adherence to diaphragm use in a phase III trial in sub-Saharan Africa: a trajectory analysis. (2009) van der Straten, Ariane; Shiboski, Stephen; Montgomery, Elizabeth T; Moore, Jie; De Bruyn, Guy; Ramjee, Gita; Chidanyika, Agnes; Kacanek, Deborah; Padian, Nancy; MIRA Team
  • Public
  • Brief report: HIV-1 transmissions during asymptomatic infection: exploring the impact of changes in HIV-1 viral load due to coinfections. (2015) Baggaley, Rebecca F; Hollingsworth, T Déirdre
  • Patterns and Predictors of Incident Return to HIV Care Among Traced, Disengaged Patients in Zambia: Analysis of a Prospective Cohort. (2021) Beres, Laura K; Schwartz, Sheree; Simbeza, Sandra; McGready, John; Eshun-Wilson, Ingrid; Mwamba, Chanda; Sikombe, Kombatende; Topp, Stephanie M; Somwe, Paul; Mody, Aaloke; Mukamba, Njekwa; Ehrenkranz, Peter D; Padian, Nancy; Pry, Jake; Moore, Carolyn Bolton; Holmes, Charles B; Sikazwe, Izukanji; Denison, Julie A; Geng, Elvin
  • Baseline CD4 Count and Adherence to Antiretroviral Therapy: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. (2016) Bock, Peter; James, Anelet; Nikuze, Alliance; Peton, Neshaan; Sabapathy, Kalpana; Mills, Edward; Fidler, Sarah; Ford, Nathan
  • Incidence of Tuberculosis Among HIV-Positive Individuals Initiating Antiretroviral Treatment at Higher CD4 Counts in the HPTN 071 (PopART) Trial in South Africa. (2017) Bock, Peter; Jennings, Karen; Vermaak, Redwaan; Cox, Helen; Meintjes, Graeme; Fatti, Geoffrey; Kruger, James; De Azevedo, Virginia; Maschilla, Leonard; Louis, Francoise; Gunst, Colette; Grobbelaar, Nelis; Dunbar, Rory; Limbada, Mohammed; Floyd, Sian; Grimwood, Ashraf; Ayles, Helen; Hayes, Richard; Fidler, Sarah; Beyers, Nulda
  • Comparing Approaches to Collecting Self-Reported Data on HIV Status in Population-Based Surveys. (2020) Brumfield, Sarah; Dube, Albert; Reniers, Georges; Helleringer, Stephane
  • What's in a Name? A Mixed Method Study on How Young Women Who Sell Sex Characterize Male Partners and Their Use of Condoms. (2021) Busza, Joanna; Hensen, Bernadette; Birdthistle, Isolde; Chabata, Sungai T; Hargreaves, James R; Floyd, Sian; Chiyaka, Tarisai; Mushati, Phillis; Cowan, Frances M description
  • Maternal HIV status associated with under-five mortality in rural Northern Malawi: a prospective cohort study. (2015) Chihana, Menard L; Price, Alison; Floyd, Sian; Mboma, Sebastian; Mvula, Hazzie; Branson, Keith; Saul, Jacqueline; Zaba, Basia; French, Neil; Crampin, Amelia C; Glynn, Judith R ['material/summary:fileicon_text/html' not defined]
  • Human Papillomavirus Seroprevalence and Seroconversion Among Men Living With HIV: Cohort Study in South Africa. (2020) Chikandiwa, Admire; Faust, Helena; Chersich, Matthew F; Mayaud, Philippe; Dillner, Joakim; Delany-Moretlwe, Sinead
  • Association between self-reported adherence and HIV viral load suppression among older children and adolescents. (2017) Chikwari, CD; Ferrand, RA; Simms, V
  • Five-year trends in antiretroviral usage and drug costs in HIV-infected children in Thailand. (2013) Collins, Intira; Cairns, John; Le Coeur, Sophie; Pagdi, Karin; Ngampiyaskul, Chaiwat; Layangool, Prapaisri; Borkird, Thitiporn; Na-Rajsima, Sathaporn; Wanchaitanawong, Vanichaya; Jourdain, Gonzague; Lallemant, Marc
  • Trends in Responses to DHS Questions Should Not Be Interpreted as Reflecting an Increase in "Anticipated Stigma" in Africa. (2017) Cordes, Jillian L; Stangl, Anne; Krishnaratne, Shari; Hoddinott, Graeme; Mathema, Hlengani; Bond, Virginia; Seeley, Janet; Hargreaves, James R
  • The HIV care cascade among female sex workers in Zimbabwe: results of a population-based survey from the Sisters Antiretroviral therapy Programme for Prevention of HIV, an Integrated Response (SAPPH-IRe) Trial. (2016) Cowan, FM; Davey, CB; Fearon, E; Mushati, P; Dirawo, J; Cambiano, V; Napierala Mavedzenge, S; Hanisch, D; Wong-Gruenwald, R; Chemhuru, M; Masuka, N; Hatzold, K; Mugurungi, O; Busza, J; Philips, AN; Hargreaves, JR
  • Strengthening nonrandomized studies of health communication strategies for HIV prevention. (2014) Davey, Calum; Boulay, Marc; Hargreaves, James R
  • Process Evaluation of a Sport-Based Voluntary Medical Male Circumcision Demand-Creation Intervention in Bulawayo, Zimbabwe. (2016) DeCelles, Jeff; Hershow, Rebecca B; Kaufman, Zachary A; Gannett, Katherine R; Kombandeya, Thandanani; Chaibva, Cynthia; Ross, David A; Harrison, Abigail
  • Feasibility and Accuracy of HIV Testing of Children by Caregivers Using Oral Mucosal Transudate HIV Tests. (2021) Dziva Chikwari, Chido; Simms, Victoria; Kranzer, Katharina; Dringus, Stefanie; Chikodzore, Rudo; Sibanda, Edwin; Webb, Karen; Redzo, Nicol; Mujuru, Hilda; Apollo, Tsitsi; Ncube, Getrude; Hatzold, Karin; Bernays, Sarah; Weiss, Helen A; Ferrand, Rashida A
  • How Can Programs Better Support Female Sex Workers to Avoid HIV Infection in Zimbabwe? A Prevention Cascade Analysis. (2019) Fearon, Elizabeth; Phillips, Andrew; Mtetwa, Sibongile; Chabata, Sungai T; Mushati, Phillis; Cambiano, Valentina; Busza, Joanna; Napierala, Sue; Hensen, Bernadette; Baral, Stefan; Weir, Sharon S; Rice, Brian; Cowan, Frances M; Hargreaves, James R
  • Patient attrition between diagnosis with HIV in pregnancy-related services and long-term HIV care and treatment services in Kenya: a retrospective study. (2012) Ferguson, Laura; Lewis, James; Grant, Alison D; Watson-Jones, Deborah; Vusha, Sophie; Ong'ech, John O; Ross, David A
  • Implementation and Operational Research: The Effectiveness of Routine Opt-Out HIV Testing for Children in Harare, Zimbabwe. (2016) Ferrand, Rashida Abbas; Meghji, Jamilah; Kidia, Khameer; Dauya, Ethel; Bandason, Tsitsi; Mujuru, Hilda; Ncube, Getrude; Mungofa, Stanley; Kranzer, Katharina
  • Provision of micronutrient-fortified food from 6 months of age does not permit HIV-exposed uninfected Zambian children to catch up in growth to HIV-unexposed children: a randomized controlled trial. (2011) Filteau, Suzanne; Baisley, Kathy; Chisenga, Molly; Kasonka, Lackson; Gibson, Rosalind S; CIGNIS Study Team
  • Implementation of Antiretroviral Therapy for Life in Pregnant/Breastfeeding HIV+ Women (Option B+) Alongside Rollout and Changing Guidelines for ART Initiation in Rural Zimbabwe: The Lablite Project Experience. (2016) Ford, Deborah; Muzambi, Margaret; Nkhata, Misheck J; Abongomera, George; Joseph, Sarah; Ndlovu, Makosonke; Mabugu, Travor; Grundy, Caroline; Chan, Adrienne K; Cataldo, Fabian; Kityo, Cissy; Seeley, Janet; Katabira, Elly; Gilks, Charles F; Reid, Andrew; Hakim, James; Gibb, Diana M; Lablite Team
  • Implementation Research to Advance the Global HIV Response: Introduction to the JAIDS Supplement. (2019) Geng, Elvin; Hargreaves, James; Peterson, Maya; Baral, Stefan
  • Temporal association between incident tuberculosis and poor virological outcomes in a South African antiretroviral treatment service. (2013) Gupta-Wright, Ankur; Wood, Robin; Bekker, Linda-Gail; Lawn, Stephen D
  • Cohort analysis of programme data to estimate HIV incidence and uptake of HIV-related services among female sex workers in Zimbabwe, 2009-14. (2015) Hargreaves, JR; Mtetwa, S; Davey, C; Dirawo, J; Chidiya, S; Benedikt, C; Naperiela, MS; Wong-Gruenwald, R; Hanisch, D; Magure, T; Mugurungi, O; Cowan, FM
  • Five Challenges in the Design and Conduct of IS Trials for HIV Prevention and Treatment. (2019) Hargreaves, James R; Hassan, Syreen; Schellenberg, Joanna; Hayes, Richard; Webster, Jayne; Lewis, James J
  • Implementation and Operational Research: Cohort Analysis of Program Data to Estimate HIV Incidence and Uptake of HIV-Related Services Among Female Sex Workers in Zimbabwe, 2009-2014. (2015) Hargreaves, James R; Mtetwa, Sibongile; Davey, Calum; Dirawo, Jeffrey; Chidiya, Samson; Benedikt, Clemens; Naperiela Mavedzenge, Sue; Wong-Gruenwald, Ramona; Hanisch, Dagmar; Magure, Tapiwa; Mugurungi, Owen; Cowan, Frances M
  • HIV Stigma and Viral Suppression Among People Living With HIV in the Context of Universal Test and Treat: Analysis of Data From the HPTN 071 (PopART) Trial in Zambia and South Africa. (2020) Hargreaves, James R; Pliakas, Triantafyllos; Hoddinott, Graeme; Mainga, Tila; Mubekapi-Musadaidzwa, Constance; Donnell, Deborah; Piwowar-Manning, Estelle; Agyei, Yaw; Mandla, Nomhle F; Dunbar, Rory; Macleod, David; Floyd, Sian; Bock, Peter; Fidler, Sarah; Hayes, Richard J; Seeley, Janet; Stangl, Anne; Bond, Virginia; Ayles, Helen; HPTN 071 (PopART) Study Team
  • CD4 intragenic SNPs associate with HIV-2 plasma viral load and CD4 count in a community-based study from Guinea-Bissau, West Africa. (2010) Hennig, Branwen J; Velez-Edwards, Digna R; Schim van der Loeff, Maarten F; Bisseye, Cyrille; Edwards, Todd L; Tacconelli, Alessandra; Novelli, Giuseppe; Aaby, Peter; Kaye, Steve; Scott, William K; Jaye, Assan; Whittle, Hilton C; Williams, Scott M; Hill, Adrian V; Sirugo, Giorgio
  • How Can We Support the Use of Oral PrEP Among Young Women who Sell Sex? A PrEP Cascade Analysis. (2021) Hensen, B; Machingura, F; Busza, J; Birdthistle, I; Chabata, ST; Chiyaka, T; Floyd, S; Jamali, G; Mushati, P; Hargreaves, J; Cowan, FM
  • Strategies to Accelerate HIV Care and Antiretroviral Therapy Initiation After HIV Diagnosis: A Randomized Trial. (2017) Hoffmann, CJ; Mabuto, T; Ginindza, S; Fielding, KL; Kubeka, G; Dowdy, DW; Churchyard, GJ; Charalambous, S
  • Mortality associated with delays between clinic entry and ART initiation in resource-limited settings: results of a transition-state model. (2013) Hoffmann, Christopher J; Lewis, James J; Dowdy, David W; Fielding, Katherine L; Grant, Alison D; Martinson, Neil A; Churchyard, Gavin J; Chaisson, Richard E
  • Risk of HIV and Hepatitis B and C Over Time Among Men Who Inject Image and Performance Enhancing Drugs in England and Wales: Results From Cross-Sectional Prevalence Surveys, 1992-2013. (2015) Hope, Vivian D; Harris, Ross; McVeigh, Jim; Cullen, Katelyn J; Smith, Josie; Parry, John V; DeAngelis, Daniela; Ncube, Fortune
  • Who is Reached by HIV Self-Testing? Individual Factors Associated With Self-Testing Within a Community-Based Program in Rural Malawi. (2020) Indravudh, Pitchaya P; Hensen, Bernadette; Nzawa, Rebecca; Chilongosi, Richard; Nyirenda, Rose; Johnson, Cheryl C; Hatzold, Karin; Fielding, Katherine; Corbett, Elizabeth L; Neuman, Melissa
  • Outcomes following virological failure and predictors of switching to second-line antiretroviral therapy in a South African treatment program. (2012) Johnston, Victoria; Fielding, Katherine L; Charalambous, Salome; Churchyard, Gavin; Phillips, Andrew; Grant, Alison D
  • Neurocognitive Function at the First-Line Failure and on the Second-Line Antiretroviral Therapy in Africa: Analyses From the EARNEST Trial. (2016) Kambugu, Andrew; Thompson, Jennifer; Hakim, James; Tumukunde, Dinah; van Oosterhout, Joep J; Mwebaze, Raymond; Hoppe, Anne; Abach, James; Kwobah, Charles; Arenas-Pinto, Alejandro; Walker, Sarah A; Paton, Nicholas I; EARNEST Trial Team
  • A Sport-Based Intervention to Increase Uptake of Voluntary Medical Male Circumcision Among Adolescent Male Students: Results From the MCUTS 2 Cluster-Randomized Trial in Bulawayo, Zimbabwe. (2016) Kaufman, Zachary A; DeCelles, Jeff; Bhauti, Kenneth; Hershow, Rebecca B; Weiss, Helen A; Chaibva, Cynthia; Moyo, Netsai; Mantula, Fennie; Hatzold, Karin; Ross, David A
  • Major Depressive Disorder: Longitudinal Analysis of Impact on Clinical and Behavioral Outcomes in Uganda. (2018) Kinyanda, Eugene; Levin, Jonathan; Nakasujja, Noeline; Birabwa, Harriet; Nakku, Juliet; Mpango, Richard; Grosskurth, Heiner; Seedat, Soraya; Araya, Ricardo; Shahmanesh, Maryam; Patel, Vikram
  • HIV Drug Resistance Mutations in Non-B Subtypes After Prolonged Virological Failure on NNRTI-Based First-Line Regimens in Sub-Saharan Africa. (2017) Kityo, Cissy; Thompson, Jennifer; Nankya, Immaculate; Hoppe, Anne; Ndashimye, Emmanuel; Warambwa, Colin; Mambule, Ivan; van Oosterhout, Joep J; Wools-Kaloustian, Kara; Bertagnolio, Silvia; Easterbrook, Philippa J; Mugyenyi, Peter; Walker, A Sarah; Paton, Nicholas I; Europe Africa Research Network for Evaluation of Second-line The
  • Treatment interruption in a primary care antiretroviral therapy program in South Africa: cohort analysis of trends and risk factors. (2010) Kranzer, Katharina; Lewis, James J; Ford, Nathan; Zeinecker, Jennifer; Orrell, Catherine; Lawn, Stephen D; Bekker, Linda-Gail; Wood, Robin
  • Underestimation of the True Specificity of the Urine Lipoarabinomannan Point-of-Care Diagnostic Assay for HIV-Associated Tuberculosis. (2015) Lawn, Stephen D; Kerkhoff, Andrew D; Nicol, Mark P; Meintjes, Graeme
  • Laboratory Evaluation of the VISITECT Advanced Disease Semiquantitative Point-of-Care CD4 Test. (2022) Lechiile, Kwana; Leeme, Tshepo B; Tenforde, Mark W; Bapabi, Mbabi; Magwenzi, Julita; Maithamako, Oitshepile; Mulenga, Fredah; Mohammed, Terence; Ngidi, Julia; Mokomane, Margaret; Lawrence, David S; Mine, Madisa; Jarvis, Joseph N
  • Retention in HIV care for individuals not yet eligible for antiretroviral therapy: rural KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa. (2011) Lessells, Richard J; Mutevedzi, Portia C; Cooke, Graham S; Newell, Marie-Louise
  • Reduction in early mortality on antiretroviral therapy for adults in rural South Africa since change in CD4+ cell count eligibility criteria. (2013) Lessells, Richard J; Mutevedzi, Portia C; Iwuji, Collins C; Newell, Marie-Louise
  • Cervicovaginal HIV-1 shedding in women taking antiretroviral therapy in Burkina Faso: a longitudinal study. (2013) Low, Andrea J; Konate, Issouf; Nagot, Nicolas; Weiss, Helen A; Kania, Dramane; Vickerman, Peter; Segondy, Michel; Mabey, David; Pillay, Deenan; Meda, Nicolas; van de Perre, Philippe; Mayaud, Philippe; Yerelon Study Group
  • Potential impact of existing interventions and of antiretroviral use in female sex workers on transmission of HIV in Burkina Faso: a modeling study. (2015) Low, Andrea; Nagot, Nicolas; Konate, Issouf; Meda, Nicolas; Segondy, Michel; Van de Perre, Philippe; Mayaud, Philippe; Vickerman, Peter
  • A novel community health worker tool outperforms WHO clinical staging for assessment of antiretroviral therapy eligibility in a resource-limited setting. (2014) Macpherson, Peter; Lalloo, David G; Thindwa, Deus; Webb, Emily L; Squire, S Bertel; Chipungu, Geoffrey A; Desmond, Nicola; Makombe, Simon D; Taegtmeyer, Miriam; Choko, Augustine T; Corbett, Elizabeth L
  • Economic Costs and Health-Related Quality of Life Outcomes of HIV Treatment After Self- and Facility-Based HIV Testing in a Cluster Randomized Trial. (2017) Maheswaran, Hendramoorthy; Petrou, Stavros; MacPherson, Peter; Kumwenda, Felistas; Lalloo, David G; Corbett, Elizabeth L; Clarke, Aileen
  • Making Implementation Science Work for Children and Adolescents Living With HIV. (2018) Mark, Daniella; Geng, Elvin; Vorkoper, Susan; Essajee, Shaffiq; Bloch, Kim; Willis, Nicola; Stewart, Bethany; Bakeera-Kitaka, Sabrina; Sugandhi, Nandita; Sturke, Rachel; Achebe, Kechi; Ferguson, B Jane; Vicari, Marissa; Luo, Chewe; Putta, Nande; John-Stewart, Grace; Guay, Laura; Mushavi, Angela; Muhammad, Imran; Ross, David A
  • Implementation and Operational Research: A Randomized Noninferiority Trial of AccuCirc Device Versus Mogen Clamp for Early Infant Male Circumcision in Zimbabwe. (2015) Mavhu, Webster; Larke, Natasha; Hatzold, Karin; Ncube, Getrude; Weiss, Helen A; Mangenah, Collin; Mugurungi, Owen; Mufuka, Juliet; Samkange, Christopher A; Sherman, Judith; Gwinji, Gerald; Cowan, Frances M; Ticklay, Ismail
  • Implementation and Operational Research: What Happens After a Negative Test for Tuberculosis? Evaluating Adherence to TB Diagnostic Algorithms in South African Primary Health Clinics. (2016) McCarthy, KM; Grant, AD; Chihota, V; Ginindza, S; Mvusi, L; Churchyard, GJ; Fielding, KL
  • Chronic Morbidity Among Older Children and Adolescents at Diagnosis of HIV Infection. (2016) McHugh, Grace; Rylance, Jamie; Mujuru, Hilda; Nathoo, Kusum; Chonzi, Prosper; Dauya, Ethel; Bandason, Tsitsi; Simms, Victoria; Kranzer, Katharina; Ferrand, Rashida A
  • Changes in Fertility at the Population Level in the Era of ART in Rural Malawi. (2017) McLean, Estelle; Price, Alison; Chihana, Menard; Kayuni, Ndoliwe; Marston, Milly; Koole, Olivier; Zaba, Basia; Crampin, Amelia; ALPHA Network
  • Prevention, Partners, and Power Imbalances: Women's Views on How Male Partners Affected Their Adherence to Vaginal Microbicide Gels During HIV Prevention Trials in Africa. (2020) Miller, Lori; Morar, Neetha; Kapiga, Saidi; Ramjee, Gita; Hayes, Richard
  • Increased left ventricular posterior wall end-diastolic thickness in adolescents with delayed diagnosis of vertically acquired HIV infection. (2014) Miller, Robert F; Meghji, Jamilah; Kaski, Juan P; Matenga, Jonathan; Ferrand, Rashida A
  • Profiles of HIV Care Disruptions Among Adult Patients Lost to Follow-up in Zambia: A Latent Class Analysis. (2021) Mody, Aaloke; Sikombe, Kombatende; Beres, Laura K; Simbeza, Sandra; Mukamba, Njekwa; Eshun-Wilson, Ingrid; Schwartz, Sheree; Pry, Jake; Padian, Nancy; Holmes, Charles B; Bolton-Moore, Carolyn; Sikazwe, Izukanji; Geng, Elvin H
  • High accuracy of home-based community rapid HIV testing in rural Malawi. (2010) Molesworth, Anna M; Ndhlovu, Richard; Banda, Emmanuel; Saul, Jacqueline; Ngwira, Bagrey; Glynn, Judith R; Crampin, Amelia C; French, Neil
  • Neutrophil Activation and Enhanced Release of Granule Products in HIV-TB Immune Reconstitution Inflammatory Syndrome. (2017) Nakiwala, Justine K; Walker, Naomi F; Diedrich, Collin R; Worodria, William; Meintjes, Graeme; Wilkinson, Robert J; Mayanja-Kizza, Harriet; Colebunders, Robert; Kestens, Luc; Wilkinson, Katalin A; Lowe, David M
  • Engagement in HIV Care Among Young Female Sex Workers in Zimbabwe. (2018) Napierala, Sue; Chabata, Sungai Tafadzwa; Fearon, Elizabeth; Davey, Calum; Hargreaves, James; Busza, Joanna; Mushati, Phillis; Mtetwa, Sibongile; Chiyaka, Tarisai; Mugurungi, Owen; Hanisch, Dagmar; Hatzold, Karin; Phillips, Andrew; Cowan, Frances M
  • Nothing About Us Without RIGHTS-Meaningful Engagement of Children and Youth: From Research Prioritization to Clinical Trials, Implementation Science, and Policy. (2018) Oliveras, Carlo; Cluver, Lucie; Bernays, Sarah; Armstrong, Alice
  • Individuals have the right to avoid sex with partners unwilling to test for HIV but do not have a right to force them to test for HIV. (2018) Ong, JJ; Wei, C; Pan, S; Fu, H; Tucker, JD
  • Coercion and HIV Self-Testing in Men Who Have Sex With Men: Implementation Data From a Cross-Sectional Survey in China. (2017) Ong, Jason J; Li, Haochu; Dan, Wu; Fu, Hongyun; Liu, Ewen; Ma, Wei; Kang, Dianmin; Liao, Meizhen; Marley, Gifty; Wei, Chongyi; Tang, Weiming; Pan, Stephen; Liu, Chuncheng; Desmond, Nicola; Yang, Bin; Yang, Ligang; Huang, Shujie; Tucker, Joseph D
  • Anti-LGBT and Anti-Immigrant Structural Stigma: An Intersectional Analysis of Sexual Minority Men's HIV Risk When Migrating to or Within Europe. (2017) Pachankis, JE; Hatzenbuehler, ML; Berg, RC; Fernández-Dávila, P; Mirandola, M; Marcus, U; Weatherburn, P; Schmidt, AJ
  • Frailty in HIV-infected adults in South Africa. (2013) Pathai, Sophia; Gilbert, Clare; Weiss, Helen A; Cook, Colin; Wood, Robin; Bekker, Linda-Gail; Lawn, Stephen D picture_as_pdf
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  • Assessing the Potential Impact of Disruptions Due to COVID-19 on HIV Among Key and Lower-Risk Populations in the Largest Cities of Cameroon and Benin. (2021) Silhol, Romain; Geidelberg, Lily; Mitchell, Kate M; Mishra, Sharmistha; Dimitrov, Dobromir; Bowring, Anna; Béhanzin, Luc; Guédou, Fernand; Diabaté, Souleymane; Schwartz, Sheree; Billong, Serge C; Njindam, Iliassou Mfochive; Levitt, Daniel; Mukandavire, Christinah; Maheu-Giroux, Mathieu; Rönn, Minttu M; Dalal, Shona; Vickerman, Peter; Baral, Stefan; Alary, Michel; Boily, Marie-Claude
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  • Cost and Cost-Effectiveness of a Demand Creation Intervention to Increase Uptake of Voluntary Medical Male Circumcision in Tanzania: Spending More to Spend Less. (2018) Torres-Rueda, Sergio; Wambura, Mwita; Weiss, Helen A; Plotkin, Marya; Kripke, Katharine; Chilongani, Joseph; Mahler, Hally; Kuringe, Evodius; Makokha, Maende; Hellar, Augustino; Schutte, Carl; Kazaura, Kokuhumbya J; Simbeye, Daimon; Mshana, Gerry; Larke, Natasha; Lija, Gissenge; Changalucha, John; Vassall, Anna; Hayes, Richard; Grund, Jonathan M; Terris-Prestholt, Fern
  • Alcohol use, mycoplasma genitalium, and other STIs associated With HIV incidence among women at high risk in Kampala, Uganda. (2013) Vandepitte, Judith; Weiss, Helen A; Bukenya, Justine; Nakubulwa, Susan; Mayanja, Yunia; Matovu, Godfrey; Kyakuwa, Nassim; Hughes, Peter; Hayes, Richard; Grosskurth, Heiner
  • Relationship Between Time to Initiation of Antiretroviral Therapy and Treatment Outcomes: A Cohort Analysis of ART Eligible Adolescents in Zimbabwe. (2016) Vogt, Florian; Rehman, Andrea M; Kranzer, Katharina; Nyathi, Mary; Van Griensven, Johan; Dixon, Mark; Ndebele, Wedu; Gunguwo, Hilary; Colebunders, Robert; Ndlovu, Mbongeni; Apollo, Tsitsi; Ferrand, Rashida A description
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  • Risk factors for seropositivity to Kaposi sarcoma-associated herpesvirus among children in Uganda. (2013) Wakeham, Katie; Webb, Emily L; Sebina, Ismail; Nalwoga, Angela; Muhangi, Lawrence; Miley, Wendell; Johnston, W Thomas; Ndibazza, Juliet; Whitby, Denise; Newton, Robert; Elliott, Alison M
  • Risk factors for herpes simplex virus type 2 and HIV among women at high risk in northwestern Tanzania: preparing for an HSV-2 intervention trial. (2007) Watson-Jones, Deborah; Weiss, Helen A; Rusizoka, Mary; Baisley, Kathy; Mugeye, Kokugonza; Changalucha, John; Everett, Dean; Balira, Rebecca; Knight, Louise; Ross, David; Hayes, Richard J
  • The effect of anthelmintic treatment during pregnancy on HIV plasma viral load: results from a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial in Uganda. (2012) Webb, Emily L; Kyosiimire-Lugemwa, Jacqueline; Kizito, Dennison; Nkurunziza, Peter; Lule, Swaib; Muhangi, Lawrence; Muwanga, Moses; Kaleebu, Pontiano; Elliott, Alison M
  • RECENT HIV INFECTION SURVEILLANCE IN ROUTINE HIV TESTING IN NAIROBI, KENYA: A FEASIBILITY STUDY. (2020) Welty, Susie; Motoku, John; Muriithi, Chris; Rice, Brian; de Wit, Mariken; Ashanda, Brenda; Waruiru, Wanjiru; Mirjahangir, J; Kingwara, L; Bauer, Richard; Njoroge, David; Karimi, Jesse; Njoroge, Alice; Rutherford, George W
  • Treating curable sexually transmitted infections to prevent HIV in Africa: still an effective control strategy? (2008) White, Richard G; Orroth, Kate K; Glynn, Judith R; Freeman, Esther E; Bakker, Roel; Habbema, J Dik F; Terris-Prestholt, Fern; Kumaranayake, Lilani; Buvé, Anne; Hayes, Richard J
  • Crowdsourcing Methods to Enhance HIV and Sexual Health Services: A Scoping Review and Qualitative Synthesis. (2019) Wu, Dan; Ong, Jason J; Tang, Weiming; Ritchwood, Tiarney D; Walker, Jennifer S; Iwelunmor, Juliet; Tucker, Joseph D
  • Brief Report: The Effect of Antiretroviral Therapy and CD4 Count on Markers of Infectiousness in HIV-Associated Tuberculosis. (2015) van Halsema, CL; Fielding, KL; Chihota, VN; George, EC; Lewis, JJ; Churchyard, GJ; Grant, AD desktop_windows