Items where the Publication is International journal of technology assessment in health care
Number of items: 19.
  • Consolidated health economic evaluation reporting standards 2022 (CHEERS 2022) statement: updated reporting guidance for health economic evaluations. (2022) Husereau, Don; Drummond, Michael; Augustovski, Federico; de Bekker-Grob, Esther; Briggs, Andrew H; Carswell, Chris; Caulley, Lisa; Chaiyakunapruk, Nathorn; Greenberg, Dan; Loder, Elizabeth; Mauskopf, Josephine; Mullins, C Daniel; Petrou, Stavros; Pwu, Raoh-Fang; Staniszewska, Sophie; CHEERS 2022 ISPOR Good Research Practices Task Force
  • 2018
  • Vaccine confidence plummets in the Philippines following dengue vaccine scare: why it matters to pandemic preparedness. (2018) Larson, Heidi J; Hartigan-Go, Kenneth; de Figueiredo, Alexandre
  • 2017
  • PRIORITIES FOR HEALTH ECONOMIC METHODOLOGICAL RESEARCH: RESULTS OF AN EXPERT CONSULTATION. (2017) Tordrup, David; Chouaid, Christos; Cuijpers, Pim; Dab, William; van Dongen, Johanna Maria; Espin, Jaime; Jönsson, Bengt; Léonard, Christian; McDaid, David; McKee, Martin; Miguel, José Pereira; Patel, Anita; Reginster, Jean-Yves; Ricciardi, Walter; Rutten-van Molken, Maureen; Rupel, Valentina Prevolnik; Sach, Tracey; Sassi, Franco; Waugh, Norman; Bertollini, Roberto
  • 2014
  • Economic evaluation of an influenza immunization strategy of healthy children. (2014) Gregg, Meghann; Blackhouse, Gordon; Loeb, Mark; Goeree, Ron
  • 2013
  • Approaches to chronic disease management evaluation in use in Europe: a review of current methods and performance measures. (2013) Conklin, Annalijn; Nolte, Ellen; Vrijhoef, Hubertus
  • 2012
  • Shortened peginterferon and ribavirin treatment for chronic hepatitis C. (2012) Hartwell, Debbie; Jones, Jeremy; Baxter, Louise; Shepherd, Jonathan
  • 2010
  • Using clinical databases to evaluate healthcare interventions. (2010) Harvey, Sheila; Rowan, Kathy; Harrison, David; Black, Nick
  • Cost-effectiveness of enhanced external counterpulsation (EECP) for the treatment of stable angina in the United Kingdom. (2010) McKenna, Claire; Hawkins, Neil; Claxton, Karl; McDaid, Catriona; Suekarran, Sara; Light, Kate; Chester, Michael; Cleland, John GF; Woolacott, Nerys; Sculpher, Mark
  • 2009
  • Cost-effectiveness of pegylated interferon and ribavirin for patients with chronic hepatitis C treated in routine clinical practice. (2009) Grishchenko, Marina; Grieve, Richard D; Sweeting, Michael J; De Angelis, Daniela; Thomson, Brian J; Ryder, Stephen D; Irving, William L; Trent HCV Study Group
  • 2007
  • An experimental study of the influence of individual participant characteristics on formal consensus development. (2007) Carpenter, James; Hutchings, Andrew; Raine, Rosalind; Sanderson, Colin
  • Exploration of the difference in results of economic submissions to the National Institute of Clinical Excellence by manufacturers and assessment groups. (2007) Chauhan, Deven; Miners, Alec H; Fischer, Alastair J
  • 2006
  • Cost-effectiveness of a supplementary class-based exercise program in the treatment of knee osteoarthritis. (2006) Richardson, Gerry; Hawkins, Neil; McCarthy, Christopher James; Mills, Pauline Mary; Pullen, Rachel; Roberts, Christopher; Silman, Alan; Oldham, Jacqueline Ann
  • 2003
  • A cost-effectiveness analysis of rhDNase in children with cystic fibrosis. (2003) Grieve, Richard; Thompson, Simon; Normand, Charles; Suri, Ranjan; Bush, Andrew; Wallis, Colin
  • Counseling versus antidepressant therapy for the treatment of mild to moderate depression in primary care: economic analysis. (2003) Miller, Paul; Chilvers, Clair; Dewey, Michael; Fielding, Katherine; Gretton, Virginia; Palmer, Ben; Weller, David; Churchill, Richard; Williams, Idris; Bedi, Navjot; Duggan, Conor; Lee, Alan; Harrison, Glynn
  • Considerations in defining evidence for public health. (2003) Rantanen, JH; Raspe, HH; Svensson, PG; Edejer, T; Lopez, A; Varavikova, E; European Advisory Committee On Health Research (Including: Banta, HD; Dab, W; Gabrielyan, ES; Jonsson, E; Martin-Moreno, JM; McKee, M. )
  • Are vaccination sites in Bangladesh scale efficient? (2003) Valdmanis, Vivian; Walker, Damian; Fox-Rushby, Julia
  • 2002
  • Diffusion and utilization of magnetic resonance imaging in Asia. (2002) Hutubessy, Raymond CW; Hanvoravongchai, Piya; Edejer, Tessa Tan-Torres; Asian MRI Study Group
  • 2001
  • False-negative results in screening programs. Medical, psychological, and other implications. (2001) Petticrew, M; Sowden, A; Lister-Sharp, D