Items where the Publication is International journal of nursing studies
Number of items: 16.
  • Interventions for compassionate nursing care: A systematic review. (2016) Blomberg, Karin; Griffiths, Peter; Wengström, Yvonne; May, Carl; Bridges, Jackie
  • Hospice care delivered at home, in nursing homes and in dedicated hospice facilities: A systematic review of quantitative and qualitative evidence. (2011) Candy, B; Holman, A; Leurent, B; Davis, S; Jones, L
  • Developing and evaluating complex interventions: the new Medical Research Council guidance. (2013) Craig, Peter; Dieppe, Paul; Macintyre, Sally; Michie, Susan; Nazareth, Irwin; Petticrew, Mark
  • Developing and evaluating complex interventions: reflections on the 2008 MRC guidance. (2013) Craig, Peter; Petticrew, Mark
  • International Journal of Nursing Studies sponsored 2018 Health Services Research UK Annual Conference Prize Winning Abstract and Commentary. (2018) Gosling, J; Jennifer Gosling, Nicholas Mays, Bob Erens, David Reid
  • Improving the quality of general practice services in the UK: Surveying the activities of GPs and practice managers (abstract & commentary). (2018) Gosling, Jennifer; Mays, Nicholas; Erens, Bob; Reid, David; Taylor, William; Griffiths, Peter
  • A suitable job?: A qualitative study of becoming a nurse in the context of a globalizing profession in India. (2013) Johnson, Sonali E; Green, Judith; Maben, Jill
  • Perceptions and practice of concordance in nurses' prescribing consultations: findings from a national questionnaire survey and case studies of practice in England. (2005) Latter, Sue; Maben, Jill; Myall, Michelle; Young, Amanda
  • The art of caring: invisible and subordinated? A response to Juliet Corbin: 'is caring a lost art in nursing?'. (2008) Maben, Jill
  • Empty promises. What will Brexit really mean for nurses and the British National Health Service? (2017) McKee, Martin
  • Complex interventions and their implications for systematic reviews: A pragmatic approach. (2015) Petticrew, Mark; Anderson, Laurie; Elder, Randy; Grimshaw, Jeremy; Hopkins, David; Hahn, Robert; Krause, Lauren; Kristjansson, Elizabeth; Mercer, Shawna; Sipe, Teresa; Tugwell, Peter; Ueffing, Erin; Waters, Elizabeth; Welch, Vivian
  • Outcomes of variation in hospital nurse staffing in English hospitals: cross-sectional analysis of survey data and discharge records. (2007) Rafferty, Anne Marie; Clarke, Sean P; Coles, James; Ball, Jane; James, Philip; McKee, Martin; Aiken, Linda H
  • The impact of health facilities on healthcare workers' well-being and performance. (2009) Rechel, Bernd; Buchan, James; McKee, Martin
  • Service user involvement in nursing, midwifery and health visiting research: a review of evidence and practice. (2008) Smith, Elizabeth; Ross, Fiona; Donovan, Sheila; Manthorpe, Jill; Brearley, Sally; Sitzia, John; Beresford, Peter
  • Nurse staffing, medical staffing and mortality in Intensive Care: An observational study. (2014) West, Elizabeth; Barron, David N; Harrison, David; Rafferty, Anne Marie; Rowan, Kathy; Sanderson, Colin
  • Nursing resources and patient outcomes in intensive care: a systematic review of the literature. (2009) West, Elizabeth; Mays, Nicholas; Rafferty, Anne Marie; Rowan, Kathy; Sanderson, Colin