Items where the Publication is International journal of health policy and management

Number of items: 60.
  • Experiences and Implications of the First Wave of the COVID-19 Emergency in Italy: A Social Science Perspective. (2023) Masino, Serena; Enria, Luisa
  • 2022
  • To What Extent Do Free Healthcare Policies and Performance-Based Financing Reduce Out-Of-Pocket Expenditures for Outpatient services? Evidence From a Quasi-Experimental Study in Burkina Faso. (2022) Aye, Thit Thit; Nguyen, Hoa Thi; Brenner, Stephan; Robyn, Paul Jacob; Tapsoba, Ludovic Deo Gracias; Lohmann, Julia; Allegri, Manuela De
  • Acknowledge the Elephant in the Room: The Role of Power Dynamics in Transforming Food Systems Comment on "What Opportunities Exist for Making the Food Supply Nutrition Friendly? A Policy Space Analysis in Mexico". (2022) Carriedo, Angela; Walls, Helen; Brown, Kerry Ann
  • Beyond the Science: Advancing the "Art and Craft" of Implementation in the Training and Practice of Global Health. (2022) Eboreime, Ejemai Amaize; Banke-Thomas, Aduragbemi
  • COVID-19 Aftermath: Direction Towards Universal Health Coverage in Low-Income Countries Comment on "Health Coverage and Financial Protection in Uganda: A Political Economy Perspective". (2022) Tangcharoensathien, Viroj; Panichkriangkrai, Warisa; Witthyapipopsakul, Woranan; Patcharanarumol, Walaiporn
  • 2021
  • Cost of Utilising Maternal Health Services in Low- and Middle-Income Countries: A Systematic Review. (2021) Banke-Thomas, Aduragbemi; Ayomoh, Francis Ifeanyi; Abejirinde, Ibukun-Oluwa Omolade; Banke-Thomas, Oluwasola; Eboreime, Ejemai Amaize; Ameh, Charles Anawo
  • Introduction to the Special Issue on "Analysing the Politics of Health Policy Change in Low- and Middle-Income Countries: The HPA Fellowship Programme 2017-2019". (2021) Gilson, Lucy; Shroff, Zubin Cyrus; Shung-King, Maylene
  • The COVID-19 System Shock Framework: Capturing Health System Innovation During the COVID-19 Pandemic. (2021) Hodgins, Michael; van Leeuwen, Dee; Braithwaite, Jeffrey; Hanefeld, Johanna; Wolfe, Ingrid; Lau, Christine; Dickins, Emma; McSweeney, Joeanne; McCaskill, Mary; Lingam, Raghu
  • Bridging the Gap Between Public Health and Political Science to Study the Populist Radical Right in its Multiple Manifestations: A Response to Recent Commentaries. (2021) Rinaldi, Chiara; Bekker, Marleen Pm
  • A Framing Analysis of Consultation Submissions on the WHO Global Strategy to Reduce the Harmful Use of Alcohol: Values and Interests. (2021) Rinaldi, Chiara; van Schalkwyk, May Ci; Egan, Matt; Petticrew, Mark
  • What Lies Behind Successful Regulation? A Qualitative Evaluation of Pilot Implementation of Kenya's Health Facility Inspection Reforms. (2021) Tama, Eric; Khayoni, Irene; Goodman, Catherine; Ogira, Dosila; Chege, Timothy; Gitau, Njeri; Wafula, Francis
  • 2020
  • How Do Nigerian Newspapers Report Corruption in the Health System? (2020) Abba-Aji, Mohammed; Balabanova, Dina; Hutchinson, Eleanor; McKee, Martin
  • Are Populist Leaders Creating the Conditions for the Spread of COVID-19? Comment on "A Scoping Review of Populist Radical Right Parties' Influence on Welfare Policy and its Implications for Population Health in Europe". (2020) McKee, Martin; Gugushvili, Alexi; Koltai, Jonathan; Stuckler, David
  • Cheaper Medicines for the Better Off? A Comparison of Medicine Prices and Client Socioeconomic Status Between Chain and Independent Retail Pharmacies in Urban India. (2020) Miller, Rosalind; Goodman, Catherine
  • Expanding Public Health Policy Analysis for Transformative Change: The Importance of Power and Ideas Comment on "What Generates Attention to Health in Trade Policy-Making? Lessons From Success in Tobacco Control and Access to Medicines: A Qualitative Study of Australia and the (Comprehensive and Progressive) Trans-Pacific Partnership". (2020) Milsom, Penelope; Smith, Richard; Walls, Helen
  • "The Actor Is Policy": Application of Elite Theory to Explore Actors' Interests and Power Underlying Maternal Health Policies in Uganda, 2000-2015. (2020) Mukuru, Moses; Kiwanuka, Suzanne N; Gilson, Lucy; Shung-King, Maylene; Ssengooba, Freddie
  • Application of "Actor Interface Analysis" to Examine Practices of Power in Health Policy Implementation: An Interpretive Synthesis and Guiding Steps. (2020) Parashar, Rakesh; Gawde, Nilesh; Gilson, Lucy
  • Sometimes Resigned, Sometimes Conflicted, and Mostly Risk Averse: Primary Care Doctors in India as Street Level Bureaucrats. (2020) Ramani, Sudha; Gilson, Lucy; Sivakami, Muthusamy; Gawde, Nilesh
  • A Scoping Review of Populist Radical Right Parties' Influence on Welfare Policy and its Implications for Population Health in Europe. (2020) Rinaldi, Chiara; Bekker, Marleen PM
  • Towards Core Competencies for Health Policy and Systems Research (HPSR) Training: Results From a Global Mapping and Consensus-Building Process. (2020) Schleiff, Meike J; Rangnekar, Avanti; Oviedo Gomez, Francisco; Teddy, Gina; Peters, David H; Balabanova, Dina
  • Defamation Against Healthcare Workers During COVID-19 Pandemic. (2020) Shimizu, Kazuki; Lin, Leesa
  • Did an Intervention Programme Aimed at Strengthening the Maternal and Child Health Services in Nigeria Improve the Completeness of Routine Health Data Within the Health Management Information System? (2020) Uzochukwu, Benjamin; Mirzoev, Tolib; Okeke, Chinyere; Hicks, Joseph; Etiaba, Enyi; Obi, Uche; Ensor, Tim; Uzochukwu, Adaora; Onwujekwe, Obinna
  • Addressing Malnutrition: The Importance of Political Economy Analysis of Power. (2020) Walls, Helen; Nisbett, Nick; Laar, Amos; Drimie, Scott; Zaidi, Shehla; Harris, Jody
  • Public Risk-Taking and Rewards During the COVID-19 Pandemic - A Case Study of Remdesivir in the Context of Global Health Equity. (2020) Wimmer, Sabrina; Keestra, Sarai M
  • 2019
  • The Importance of Leadership and Organizational Capacity in Shaping Health Workers' Motivational Reactions to Performance-Based Financing: A Multiple Case Study in Burkina Faso. (2019) Fillol, Amandine; Lohmann, Julia; Turcotte-Tremblay, Anne-Marie; Somé, Paul-André; Ridde, Valéry
  • Multiculturalism and Compassion: Responding to Mental Health Needs Among Refugees and Asylum Seekers Comment on "A Crisis of Humanitarianism: Refugees at the Gates of Europe". (2019) Satinsky, Emily; Filippou, Theodoros A; Kousoulis, Antonis A
  • 2018
  • Conditional Cash Transfers for Maternal Health Interventions: Factors Influencing Uptake in North-Central Nigeria. (2018) Baba-Ari, Fatima; Eboreime, Ejemai Amaize; Hossain, Mazeda
  • What Is Resilience and How Can It Be Nurtured? A Systematic Review of Empirical Literature on Organizational Resilience. (2018) Barasa, Edwine; Mbau, Rahab; Gilson, Lucy
  • The Rise of Patient Safety-II: Should We Give Up Hope on Safety-I and Extracting Value From Patient Safety Incidents? Comment on "False Dawns and New Horizons in Patient Safety Research and Practice". (2018) Carson-Stevens, Andrew; Donaldson, Liam; Sheikh, Aziz
  • "It's About the Idea Hitting the Bull's Eye": How Aid Effectiveness Can Catalyse the Scale-up of Health Innovations. (2018) Wickremasinghe, Deepthi; Gautham, Meenakshi; Umar, Nasir; Berhanu, Della; Schellenberg, Joanna; Spicer, Neil
  • 2017
  • Governance and Capacity to Manage Resilience of Health Systems: Towards a New Conceptual Framework. (2017) Blanchet, Karl; Nam, Sara L; Ramalingam, Ben; Pozo-Martin, Francisco
  • State Support: A Prerequisite for Global Health Network Effectiveness Comment on "Four Challenges that Global Health Networks Face". (2017) Marten, Robert; Smith, Richard D
  • "Enemies of the People?" Public Health in the Era of Populist Politics Comment on "The Rise of Post-truth Populism in Pluralist Liberal Democracies: Challenges for Health Policy". (2017) McKee, Martin; Stuckler, David
  • Peruvian Mental Health Reform: A Framework for Scaling-up Mental Health Services. (2017) Toyama, Mauricio; Castillo, Humberto; Galea, Jerome T; Brandt, Lena R; Mendoza, María; Herrera, Vanessa; Mitrani, Martha; Cutipé, Yuri; Cavero, Victoria; Diez-Canseco, Francisco; Miranda, J Jaime
  • Innovative Use of the Law to Address Complex Global Health Problems Comment on "The Legal Strength of International Health Instruments - What It Brings toGlobal Health Governance?". (2017) Walls, Helen L; Ooms, Gorik
  • 2016
  • From Almost Empty to Half Full? A Response to Recent Commentaries. (2016) Forman, Lisa; Ooms, Gorik; Brolan, Claire E
  • Advancing Global Health - The Need for (Better) Social Science Comment on "Navigating Between Stealth Advocacy and Unconscious Dogmatism: The Challenge of Researching the Norms, Politics and Power of Global Health". (2016) Hanefeld, Johanna
  • Power and Politics in the Global Health Landscape: Beliefs, Competition and Negotiation Among Global Advocacy Coalitions in the Policy-Making Process. (2016) McDougall, Lori
  • Towards a Global Social Support System: A Response to the Recent Commentaries. (2016) McKee, Martin; Ooms, Gorik; Stuckler, David; Basu, Sanjay
  • Current Models of Investor State Dispute Settlement Are Bad for Health: The European Union Could Offer an Alternative Comment on "The Trans-Pacific Partnership: Is It Everything We Feared for Health?". (2016) McKee, Martin; Stuckler, David
  • Of Politicians and Technocrats, and Why Global Health Scholars Are Inevitably a Bit of Both: A Response to Recent Commentaries. (2016) Ooms, Gorik
  • Thinking Out of the Box: A Green and Social Climate Fund Comment on "Politics, Power, Poverty and Global Health: Systems and Frames". (2016) Ooms, Gorik; Pas, Remco van de; Decoster, Kristof; Hammonds, Rachel
  • Mitigating Evidentiary Bias in Planning and Policy-Making Comment on "Reflective Practice: How the World Bank Explored Its Own Biases?". (2016) Parkhurst, Justin
  • Decentralisation - A Portmanteau Concept That Promises Much but Fails to Deliver? Comment on "Decentralisation of Health Services in Fiji: A Decision Space Analysis". (2016) Peckham, Stephen
  • National Health Service Principles as Experienced by Vulnerable London Migrants in "Austerity Britain": A Qualitative Study of Rights, Entitlements, and Civil-Society Advocacy. (2016) Rafighi, Elham; Poduval, Shoba; Legido-Quigley, Helena; Howard, Natasha
  • Private Practitioners' Perspectives on Their Involvement With the Tuberculosis Control Programme in a Southern Indian State. (2016) Salve, Solomon; Sheikh, Kabir; Porter, John Dh
  • The Trans-Pacific Partnership: Should We "Fear the Fear"? Comment on "The Trans-Pacific Partnership: Is It Everything We Feared for Health?". (2016) Walls, Helen L; Hanefeld, Johanna; Smith, Richard D
  • 2015
  • Thinking shift on health systems: from blueprint health programmes towards resilience of health systems Comment on "Constraints to applying systems thinking concepts in health systems: A regional perspective from surveying stakeholders in Eastern Mediterranean countries". (2015) Blanchet, Karl
  • Rights Language in the Sustainable Development Agenda: Has Right to Health Discourse and Norms Shaped Health Goals? (2015) Forman, Lisa; Ooms, Gorik; Brolan, Claire E
  • Knowledge and networks - key sources of power in global health: Comment on "Knowledge, moral claims and the exercise of power in global health". (2015) Hanefeld, Johanna; Walt, Gill
  • Rhetoric and Reality in the English National Health Service Comment on "Who Killed the English National Health Service?". (2015) Klein, Rudolf
  • Diffusion of innovation in mental health policy adoption: what should we ask about the quality of policy and the role of stakeholders in this process? Comment on "Cross-national diffusion of mental health policy". (2015) Lee, Lucy
  • Is It More Important to Address the Issue of Patient Mobility or to Guarantee Universal Health Coverage in Europe?: Comment on "Regional Incentives and Patient Cross-Border Mobility: Evidence From the Italian Experience". (2015) Legido-Quigley, Helena
  • Global Health Warning: Definitions Wield Power Comment on "Navigating Between Stealth Advocacy and Unconscious Dogmatism: The Challenge of Researching the Norms, Politics and Power of Global Health". (2015) Marten, Robert
  • Navigating Between Stealth Advocacy and Unconscious Dogmatism: The Challenge of Researching the Norms, Politics and Power of Global Health. (2015) Ooms, Gorik
  • A Global Social Support System: What the International Community Could Learn From the United States' National Basketball Association's Scheme for Redistribution of New Talent. (2015) Ooms, Gorik; Stuckler, David; Basu, Sanjay; McKee, Martin
  • 2014
  • International patients on operation vacation - perspectives of patients travelling to Hungary for orthopaedic treatments. (2014) Kovacs, Eszter; Szocska, Gabor; Knai, Cécile
  • Planning and developing services for diabetic retinopathy in Sub-Saharan Africa. (2014) Poore, Sophie; Foster, Allen; Zondervan, Marcia; Blanchet, Karl
  • 2013
  • Governance of health systems comment on "a network based theory of health systems and cycles of well-being". (2013) Blanchet, Karl
  • How to facilitate social contagion? (2013) Blanchet, Karl