Items where the Publication is International journal of epidemiology
Number of items: 449.
Bibliographic data only
  • Divergent female-male mortality ratios associated with different routine vaccinations among female-male twin pairs. (2004) Aaby, Peter; Jensen, Henrik; Rodrigues, Amabelia; Garly, May-Lill; Benn, Christine Stabell; Lisse, Ida Maria; Simondon, Francois
  • Usefulness of a dispensary-based case-control study for assessing morbidity impact of a treated net programme. (2002) Abdulla, S; Schellenberg, JRM Armstrong; Mukasa, O; Lengeler, C
  • Review of D. Himmelstein, S. Woolhandler and I. Woolhandler ?Bleeding the patient: the consequences of corporate health care? [Review]. (2002) Allen, P
  • The evolving pattern of avoidable mortality in Russia. (2003) Andreev, Evgueni M; Nolte, Ellen; Shkolnikov, Vladimir M; Varavikova, Elena; McKee, Martin
  • Data Resource Profile: The European Union Statistics on Income and Living Conditions (EU-SILC). (2015) Arora, Vishal S; Karanikolos, Marina; Clair, Amy; Reeves, Aaron; Stuckler, David; McKee, Martin
  • The general population cohort in rural south-western Uganda: a platform for communicable and non-communicable disease studies. (2013) Asiki, Gershim; Murphy, Georgina; Nakiyingi-Miiro, Jessica; Seeley, Janet; Nsubuga, Rebecca N; Karabarinde, Alex; Waswa, Laban; Biraro, Sam; Kasamba, Ivan; Pomilla, Cristina; Maher, Dermot; Young, Elizabeth H; Kamali, Anatoli; Sandhu, Manjinder S; GPC team
  • Methods for the analysis of incidence rates in cluster randomized trials. (2002) Bennett, Steve; Parpia, Tamiza; Hayes, Richard; Cousens, Simon
  • Jerry Morris. (2001) Berridge, V
  • Commentary: That was then, this is now. (2001) Black, N
  • Lung function in mid-life compared with later life is a stronger predictor of arterial stiffness in men: the Caerphilly Prospective Study. (2009) Bolton, Charlotte E; Cockcroft, John R; Sabit, Ramsey; Munnery, Margaret; McEniery, Carmel M; Wilkinson, Ian B; Ebrahim, Shah; Gallacher, John E; Shale, Dennis J; Ben-Shlomo, Yoav
  • Using capture-recapture methods to study recent transmission of tuberculosis. (2004) Borgdorff, Martien W; Glynn, Judith R; Vynnycky, Emilia
  • Optimization of household survey sampling without sample frames. (2006) Bostoen, Kristof; Chalabi, Zaid
  • A case study of using artificial neural networks for classifying cause of death from verbal autopsy. (2001) Boulle, A; Chandramohan, D; Weller, P
  • Area deprivation, social class, and quality of life among people aged 75 years and over in Britain. (2005) Breeze, E; Jones, DA; Wilkinson, P; Bulpitt, CJ; Grundy, C; Latif, AM; Fletcher, AE
  • Cause-specific mortality in old age in relation to body mass index in middle age and in old age: follow-up of the Whitehall cohort of male civil servants. (2006) Breeze, Elizabeth; Clarke, Robert; Shipley, Martin J; Marmot, Michael G; Fletcher, Astrid E
  • Does screening history explain the ethnic differences in stage at diagnosis of cervical cancer in New Zealand? (2010) Brewer, Naomi; Pearce, Neil; Jeffreys, Mona; Borman, Barry; Ellison-Loschmann, Lis
  • Mendelian randomization: where are we now and where are we going? (2015) Burgess, Stephen; Timpson, Nicholas J; Ebrahim, Shah; Davey Smith, George
  • House-level risk factors for triatomine infestation in Colombia. (2007) Campbell-Lendrum, DH; Angulo, VM; Esteban, L; Tarazona, Z; Parra, GJ; Restrepo, M; Restrepo, BN; Guhl, F; Pinto, N; Aguilera, G; Wilkinson, P; Davies, CR
  • Commentary: on Bayesian perspectives for epidemiological research. (2006) Carpenter, James R
  • Commentary: Social class, C-reactive protein and coronary heart disease. (2008) Casas, Juan P
  • Insight into the nature of the CRP-coronary event association using Mendelian randomization. (2006) Casas, Juan P; Shah, Tina; Cooper, Jackie; Hawe, Emma; McMahon, Alex D; Gaffney, Dairena; Packard, Christopher J; O'Reilly, Denis S; Juhan-Vague, Irene; Yudkin, John S; Tremoli, Elena; Margaglione, Maurizio; Di Minno, Giovanni; Hamsten, Anders; Kooistra, Teake; Stephens, Jeffrey W; Hurel, Steven J; Livingstone, Shona; Colhoun, Helen M; Miller, George J; Bautista, Leonelo E; Meade, Tom; Sattar, Naveed; Humphries, Steve E; Hingorani, Aroon D
  • Is adult education associated with reduced coronary heart disease risk? (2011) Chandola, Tarani; Plewis, Ian; Morris, Jerry M; Mishra, Gita; Blane, David
  • Effect of misclassification of causes of death in verbal autopsy: can it be adjusted? (2001) Chandramohan, D; Setel, P; Quigley, M
  • Multi-country analysis of the effects of diarrhoea on childhood stunting. (2008) Checkley, William; Buckley, Gillian; Gilman, Robert H; Assis, Ana Mo; Guerrant, Richard L; Morris, Saul S; Mølbak, Kåre; Valentiner-Branth, Palle; Lanata, Claudio F; Black, Robert E; Childhood Malnutrition and Infection Network
  • Daily variations in deaths in Lithuania: the possible contribution of binge drinking. (2001) Chenet, L; Britton, A; Kalediene, R; Petrauskiene, J
  • Social capital, mortality, cardiovascular events and cancer: a systematic review of prospective studies. (2014) Choi, Minkyoung; Mesa-Frias, Marco; Nuesch, Eveline; Hargreaves, James; Prieto-Merino, David; Bowling, Ann; Snith, G Davey; Ebrahim, Shah; Dale, Caroline; Casas, Juan P
  • Environmental and societal influences acting on cardiovascular risk factors and disease at a population level: a review. (2009) Chow, Clara Kayei; Lock, Karen; Teo, Koon; Subramanian, SV; McKee, Martin; Yusuf, Salim
  • Risk of childhood undernutrition related to small-for-gestational age and preterm birth in low- and middle-income countries. (2013) Christian, Parul; Lee, Sun Eun; Donahue Angel, Moira; Adair, Linda S; Arifeen, Shams E; Ashorn, Per; Barros, Fernando C; Fall, Caroline HD; Fawzi, Wafaie W; Hao, Wei; Hu, Gang; Humphrey, Jean H; Huybregts, Lieven; Joglekar, Charu V; Kariuki, Simon K; Kolsteren, Patrick; Krishnaveni, Ghattu V; Liu, Enqing; Martorell, Reynaldo; Osrin, David; Persson, Lars-Ake; Ramakrishnan, Usha; Richter, Linda; Roberfroid, Dominique; Sania, Ayesha; Ter Kuile, Feiko O; Tielsch, James; Victora, Cesar G; Yajnik, Chittaranjan S; Yan, Hong; Zeng, Lingxia; Black, Robert E
  • The use of maximum likelihood methods to estimate the risk of tuberculous infection and disease in a Canadian First Nations population. (2004) Clark, Michael; Vynnycky, Emilia
  • Commentary: Is epidemiology really dead, anyway? A look back at Kenneth Rothman's 'The rise and fall of epidemiology, 1950-2000 AD'. (2007) Coleman, Michel P
  • Post-partum haemorrhage and the WOMAN trial. (2010) Cook, Lisa; Roberts, Ian; WOMAN Trial Collaborators
  • Demographic and health surveys: a profile. (2012) Corsi, Daniel J; Neuman, Melissa; Finlay, Jocelyn E; Subramanian, SV
  • Epidemiologic analysis: a case-oriented approach [Book review]. (2002) Cousens, S
  • Mortality of hepatitis B surface antigen-positive blood donors in England and Wales. (2003) Crook, Paul D; Jones, Michael E; Hall, Andrew J
  • The impact of community level treatment and preventative interventions on trachoma prevalence in rural Ethiopia. (2008) Cumberland, Phillippa; Edwards, Tansy; Hailu, Girum; Harding-Esch, Emma; Andreasen, Aura; Mabey, David; Todd, Jim
  • Commentary: investigating neighbourhood effects on health--avoiding the 'local trap'. (2007) Cummins, Steven
  • Food environments and obesity--neighbourhood or nation? (2006) Cummins, Steven; Macintyre, Sally
  • Analysis of the geographical distribution of sporadic Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease in France between 1992 and 1998. (2002) D'Aignaux, Jérôme Huillard; Cousens, Simon N; Delasnerie-Lauprêtre, Nicole; Brandel, Jean-Philippe; Salomon, Dominique; Laplanche, Jean-Louis; Hauw, Jean-Jacques; Alpérovitch, Annick
  • Epidemiology--is it time to call it a day? (2001) Davey Smith, G; Ebrahim, S
  • Is road safety being driven in the wrong direction? (2014) Davies, Gareth R; Roberts, Ian
  • Patient outcome after traumatic brain injury in high-, middle- and low-income countries: analysis of data on 8927 patients in 46 countries. (2008) De Silva, Mary J; Roberts, Ian; Perel, Pablo; Edwards, Phil; Kenward, Michael G; Fernandes, Janice; Shakur, Haleema; Patel, Vikram; CRASH Trial Collaborators
  • Book Review on 'Applied Longitudinal Data Analysis: Modelling Change and Event Occurrence'. Judith D. Singer and John B. Willett, 2003, p.644, ISBN 0-19-515296-4. Oxford University Press, New York. (2004) De Stavola, BL
  • A systematic review of chronic fatigue, its syndromes and ethnicity: prevalence, severity, co-morbidity and coping. (2009) Dinos, Sokratis; Khoshaba, Bernadette; Ashby, Deborah; White, Peter D; Nazroo, James; Wessely, Simon; Bhui, Kamaldeep S
  • 1969 revisited: reflections on Tomorrow's community physician. (2001) Donaldson, LJ
  • Author's Response * Hygiene hypothesis: wanted--dead or alive. (2008) Douwes, J; Pearce, N
  • Asthma and the westernization 'package'. (2002) Douwes, Jeroen; Pearce, Neil
  • Commentary: The end of the hygiene hypothesis? (2008) Douwes, Jeroen; Pearce, Neil
  • Commentary: Lung function and risk of fatal and non-fatal stroke-The Copenhagen City Heart Study. (2001) Dow, L; Ebrahim, S
  • Miscarriage, stillbirth and congenital malformation in the offspring of UK veterans of the first Gulf war. (2004) Doyle, Pat; Maconochie, Noreen; Davies, Graham; Maconochie, Ian; Pelerin, Margo; Prior, Susan; Lewis, Samantha
  • Does the primary school attended influence self-reported health or its risk factors in later life? Aberdeen Children of the 1950s Study. (2006) Dundas, Ruth; Leyland, Alastair H; Macintyre, Sally; Leon, David A
  • Entelechy, citation indexes, and the association of ideas. (2006) EBRAHIM, SHAH
  • The future of modern epidemiology: genetics, methods, and history. (2006) EBRAHIM, SHAH
  • Allende, Cochrane, war and terrorism. (2005) Ebrahim, S
  • Conference report. World Stroke Congress, 25-29 November 2000, Melbourne, Australia. (2001) Ebrahim, S
  • Editor's Response. (2011) Ebrahim, S
  • Fetishes, social determinants and the adipose tissue overflow hypothesis. (2007) Ebrahim, S
  • Prostate cancer, Cochrane, Durkheim and Beer Lao. (2007) Ebrahim, S
  • Salt and smoking: a role for interventional epidemiology? (2005) Ebrahim, S
  • Salt and smoking: a role for interventional epidemiology? (2005) Ebrahim, S
  • Exporting failure? Coronary heart disease and stroke in developing countries. (2001) Ebrahim, S; Smith, GD
  • Ageing, health and society. (2002) Ebrahim, Shah
  • Cabbages and condoms. (2009) Ebrahim, Shah
  • Chronic diseases and calls to action. (2008) Ebrahim, Shah
  • Colds, international policy and inequalities. (2004) Ebrahim, Shah
  • Epigenetics: the next big thing. (2012) Ebrahim, Shah
  • Hogben on speed, paradoxes and strain. (2011) Ebrahim, Shah
  • Ideology with evidence: global warming, maps and ethics. (2009) Ebrahim, Shah
  • Improving causal inference. (2013) Ebrahim, Shah
  • Jokes, drinking and life expectancy. (2011) Ebrahim, Shah
  • Latin America: old and new challenges. (2008) Ebrahim, Shah
  • Lessons learned? Ebola, dietary salt reduction and epigenetics. (2016) Ebrahim, Shah
  • Media hype: good or bad for patients and the health care system? (2008) Ebrahim, Shah
  • Mortality surveillance as a way of detecting doctors who kill? (2003) Ebrahim, Shah
  • Not waving but drowning... in systematic reviews. (2010) Ebrahim, Shah
  • Obesity, fat, and public health. (2006) Ebrahim, Shah
  • Pemberton, sex and gender. (2003) Ebrahim, Shah
  • Randomization, trials and tribulations. (2003) Ebrahim, Shah
  • Rapid responses, population prevention and being bored to death. (2010) Ebrahim, Shah
  • Socioeconomic position (again), causes and confounding. (2005) Ebrahim, Shah
  • Surveillance and monitoring: a vital investment for the changing burdens of disease. (2011) Ebrahim, Shah
  • Uses of epidemiology, ways of living and dying. (2007) Ebrahim, Shah
  • The lessons of history. (2003) Ebrahim, Shah
  • The lights went out. (2012) Ebrahim, Shah
  • STROBE: new standards for reporting observational epidemiology, a chance to improve. (2007) Ebrahim, Shah; Clarke, Mike
  • Commentary: Should we always deliberately be non-representative? (2013) Ebrahim, Shah; Davey Smith, George
  • The future of epidemiology: methods or matter? (2016) Ebrahim, Shah; Ferrie, Jane E; Davey Smith, George
  • Non-communicable diseases in low and middle-income countries: a priority or a distraction? (2005) Ebrahim, Shah; Smeeth, Liam
  • Non-communicable diseases in low-income and middle-income countries: a debate? (2006) Ebrahim, Shah; Smeeth, Liam
  • Where now for meta-analysis? (2002) Egger, Matthias; Ebrahim, Shah; Smith, George Davey
  • Meta-analyses involving cross-over trials: methodological issues. (2002) Elbourne, Diana R; Altman, Douglas G; Higgins, Julian PT; Curtin, Francois; Worthington, Helen V; Vail, Andy
  • Adult height and the risk of cause-specific death and vascular morbidity in 1 million people: individual participant meta-analysis. (2012) Emerging Risk Factors Collaboration
  • Comorbidity in childhood in northern Ghana: magnitude, associated factors, and impact on mortality. (2005) Fenn, Bridget; Morris, Saul S; Black, Robert E
  • A hierarchical model for studying risk factors for childhood diarrhoea: a case-control study in a middle-income country. (2008) Ferrer, Suzana R; Strina, Agostino; Jesus, Sandra R; Ribeiro, Hugo C; Cairncross, Sandy; Rodrigues, Laura C; Barreto, Mauricio L
  • More iconoclasts than icons? (2015) Ferrie, Jane E; Ebrahim, Shah
  • One hundred years of Medical Research--the UK Medical Research Council Centenary. (2013) Ferrie, Jane E; Ebrahim, Shah
  • Regression dilution methods for meta-analysis: assessing long-term variability in plasma fibrinogen among 27,247 adults in 15 prospective studies. (2006) Fibrinogen Studies Collaboration; Wood, Angela M; White, Ian; Thompson, Simon G; Lewington, Sarah; Danesh, John
  • Commentary: Non-specific effects of measles vaccine--more grist for the mill. (2003) Fine, Paul EM
  • Antibiotic sales and the prevalence of symptoms of asthma, rhinitis, and eczema: The International Study of Asthma and Allergies in Childhood (ISAAC). (2004) Foliaki, Sunia; Nielsen, Sandy Kildegaard; Björkstén, Bengt; Von Mutius, Erika; Cheng, Soo; Pearce, Neil; ISAAC Phase I Study Group
  • In Memoriam: Patricia A. Buffler (1938-2013), IEA President-Elect. (2013) Franco, EL; Pearce, NE; Victora, CG
  • Cohort Profile: The Interdisciplinary Study of Inequalities in Smoking (ISIS). (2015) Frohlich, Katherine L; Shareck, Martine; Vallée, Julie; Abel, Thomas; Agouri, Rowena; Cantinotti, Michael; Daniel, Mark; Dassa, Clément; Datta, Geetanjali; Gagné, Thierry; Leclerc, Bernard-Simon; Kestens, Yan; O'Loughlin, Jennifer; Potvin, Louise
  • The effect of measurement error in risk factors that change over time in cohort studies: do simple methods overcorrect for 'regression dilution'? (2005) Frost, Chris; White, Ian R
  • Pragmatic randomized trial of home visits by a nurse to elderly people with hypertension in Mexico. (2001) Garcia-Peña, C; Thorogood, M; Armstrong, B; Reyes-Frausto, S; Muñoz, O
  • Commentary: On the use of quasi-experimental designs in public health evaluation. (2015) Gasparrini, Antonio; Lopez Bernal, James
  • Impact of a city-wide sanitation intervention in a large urban centre on social, environmental and behavioural determinants of childhood diarrhoea: analysis of two cohort studies. (2008) Genser, Bernd; Strina, Agostino; dos Santos, Lenaldo A; Teles, Carlos A; Prado, Matildes S; Cairncross, Sandy; Barreto, Mauricio L
  • Commentary: Predicting the unpredictable: the future incidence of variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease. (2003) Ghani, Azra C
  • Lack of evidence on diets for obesity for children: a systematic review. (2006) Gibson, Lorna J; Peto, Julian; Warren, Janet M; dos Santos Silva, Isabel
  • Global public health: a new era. Robert Beaglehole (ed). Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2003. (2004) Gilmore, A
  • Smoking in British Popular Culture 1800-2000. (2001) Gilmore, A
  • Commentary: Randomized trials of controversial social interventions: slow progress in 50 years. (2015) Goldacre, Ben
  • Determinants of aflatoxin exposure in young children from Benin and Togo, West Africa: the critical role of weaning. (2003) Gong, YY; Egal, S; Hounsa, A; Turner, PC; Hall, AJ; Cardwell, KF; Wild, CP
  • Socioeconomic differentials in the temperature-mortality relationship in São Paulo, Brazil. (2003) Gouveia, Nelson; Hajat, Shakoor; Armstrong, Ben
  • Commentary: The McKeown debate: time for burial. (2005) Grundy, Emily
  • Cohort Profile: Health and Ageing in Africa: A Longitudinal Study of an INDEPTH Community in South Africa (HAALSI). (2018) Gómez-Olivé, F Xavier; Montana, Livia; Wagner, Ryan G; Kabudula, Chodziwadziwa W; Rohr, Julia K; Kahn, Kathleen; Bärnighausen, Till; Collinson, Mark; Canning, David; Gaziano, Thomas; Salomon, Joshua A; Payne, Collin F; Wade, Alisha; Tollman, Stephen M; Berkman, Lisa
  • Climate change 2001: the scientific basis. Contribution of Working Group 1 to the Third Assessment report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change [Book review]. (2003) Haines, A
  • Associations of cold temperatures with GP consultations for respiratory and cardiovascular disease amongst the elderly in London. (2002) Hajat, S; Haines, A
  • Cold temperature and consultations for respiratory and cardiovascular disease: authors' response [Letter to editor]. (2002) Hajat, S; Haines, A
  • Commentary: Comparison of time series and case-crossover analyses of air pollution and hospital admission data. (2003) Hajat, Shakoor
  • Commentary: vaccines and unexpected events. (2004) Hall, Andrew
  • Life course epidemiology and infectious diseases. (2002) Hall, Andrew J; Yee, Leland J; Thomas, Sara L
  • Authors' Response to: Deworming externalities and school impacts in Kenya. (2015) Hargreaves, James R; Aiken, Alexander M; Davey, Calum; Hayes, Richard J
  • Childhood mortality among former Mozambican refugees and their hosts in rural South Africa. (2004) Hargreaves, James R; Collinson, Mark A; Kahn, Kathleen; Clark, Samuel J; Tollman, Stephen M
  • Association between climate variability and hospital visits for non-cholera diarrhoea in Bangladesh: effects and vulnerable groups. (2007) Hashizume, Masahiro; Armstrong, Ben; Hajat, Shakoor; Wagatsuma, Yukiko; Faruque, Abu SG; Hayashi, Taiichi; Sack, David A
  • Commentary: Human immunodeficiency virus and hepatitis in Bangladesh: widespread or targeted prevention strategies? (2001) Hawkes, S
  • Study designs fail to represent the intricate effects of HIV testing and counselling on condom use and HIV transmission in sub-Saharan Africa. (2011) Helleringer, Stéphane; Reniers, Georges
  • Exposure to aflatoxin B1 in utero is associated with DNA methylation in white blood cells of infants in The Gambia. (2015) Hernandez-Vargas, Hector; Castelino, Jovita; Silver, Matt J; Dominguez-Salas, Paula; Cros, Marie-Pierre; Durand, Geoffroy; Le Calvez-Kelm, Florence; Prentice, Andrew M; Wild, Christopher P; Moore, Sophie E; Hennig, Branwen J; Herceg, Zdenko; Gong, Yun Yun; Routledge, Michael N
  • Reducing attrition in panel studies in developing countries. (2004) Hill, Zelee
  • Advising people to take more exercise is ineffective: a randomized controlled trial of physical activity promotion in primary care. (2002) Hillsdon, Melvyn; Thorogood, Margaret; White, Ian; Foster, Charlie
  • Breast cancer mortality in Russia and Ukraine 1963-2002: an age-period-cohort analysis. (2007) Hirte, Lale; Nolte, Ellen; Bain, Chris; McKee, Martin
  • Body size and risk for colorectal cancers showing BRAF mutations or microsatellite instability: a pooled analysis. (2012) Hughes, Laura AE; Williamson, Elizabeth J; van Engeland, Manon; Jenkins, Mark A; Giles, Graham G; Hopper, John L; Southey, Melissa C; Young, Joanne P; Buchanan, Daniel D; Walsh, Michael D; van den Brandt, Piet A; Alexandra Goldbohm, R; Weijenberg, Matty P; English, Dallas R
  • Duration and magnitude of mortality after pregnancy in rural Bangladesh. (2008) Hurt, Lisa Sioned; Alam, Nurul; Dieltiens, Greet; Aktar, Nasrin; Ronsmans, Carine
  • Brain tumour risk in relation to mobile telephone use: results of the INTERPHONE international case-control study. (2010) INTERPHONE Study Group
  • Socio-economic status and oesophageal cancer: results from a population-based case-control study in a high-risk area. (2009) Islami, Farhad; Kamangar, Farin; Nasrollahzadeh, Dariush; Aghcheli, Karim; Sotoudeh, Masoud; Abedi-Ardekani, Behnoush; Merat, Shahin; Nasseri-Moghaddam, Siavosh; Semnani, Shahryar; Sepehr, Alireza; Wakefield, Jon; Møller, Henrik; Abnet, Christian C; Dawsey, Sanford M; Boffetta, Paolo; Malekzadeh, Reza
  • Effects of misclassification of causes of death on the power of a trial to assess the efficacy of a pneumococcal conjugate vaccine in The Gambia. (2003) Jaffar, Shabbar; Leach, Amanda; Smith, Peter G; Cutts, Felicity; Greenwood, Brian
  • Health & Demographic Surveillance System Profile: Farafenni Health and Demographic Surveillance System in The Gambia. (2015) Jasseh, Momodou; Gomez, Pierre; Greenwood, Brian M; Howie, Stephen RC; Scott, Susana; Snell, Paul C; Bojang, Kalifa; Cham, Mamady; Corrah, Tumani; D'Alessandro, Umberto
  • Data Resource Profile: The sentinel panel of districts: Tanzania's national platform for health impact evaluation. (2014) Kabadi, Gregory S; Geubbels, Eveline; Lyatuu, Isaac; Smithson, Paul; Amaro, Richard; Meku, Sylvia; Schellenberg, Joanna A; Masanja, Honorati
  • Commentary: Non-communicable diseases in sub-Saharan Africa: a new global health priority and opportunity. (2011) Kapiga, Saidi
  • Socioeconomic, environmental, and behavioural risk factors for leprosy in North-east Brazil: results of a case-control study. (2006) Kerr-Pontes, Ligia RS; Barreto, Maurício L; Evangelista, Clara MN; Rodrigues, Laura C; Heukelbach, Jorg; Feldmeier, Hermann
  • Apolipoprotein E genotype, cardiovascular biomarkers and risk of stroke: systematic review and meta-analysis of 14,015 stroke cases and pooled analysis of primary biomarker data from up to 60,883 individuals. (2013) Khan, Tauseef A; Shah, Tina; Prieto, David; Zhang, Weili; Price, Jackie; Fowkes, Gerald R; Cooper, Jackie; Talmud, Philippa J; Humphries, Steve E; Sundstrom, Johan; Hubacek, Jaroslav A; Ebrahim, Shah; Lawlor, Debbie A; Ben-Shlomo, Yoav; Abdollahi, Mohammad R; Slooter, Arjen JC; Szolnoki, Zoltan; Sandhu, Manjinder; Wareham, Nicholas; Frikke-Schmidt, Ruth; Tybjærg-Hansen, Anne; Fillenbaum, Gerda; Heijmans, Bastiaan T; Katsuya, Tomohiro; Gromadzka, Grazyna; Singleton, Andrew; Ferrucci, Luigi; Hardy, John; Worrall, Bradford; Rich, Stephen S; Matarin, Mar; Whittaker, John; Gaunt, Tom R; Whincup, Peter; Morris, Richard; Deanfield, John; Donald, Ann; Davey Smith, George; Kivimaki, Mika; Kumari, Meena; Smeeth, Liam; Khaw, Kay-Tee; Nalls, Michael; Meschia, James; Sun, Kai; Hui, Rutai; Day, Ian; Hingorani, Aroon D; Casas, Juan P
  • Hormone replacement therapy and acute myocardial infarction: a large observational study exploring the influence of age. (2006) Kim, Joseph; Evans, Stephen; Smeeth, Liam; Pocock, Stuart
  • Response: Response to the Stampfer commentary. (2006) Kim, Joseph; Evans, Stephen; Smeeth, Liam; Pocock, Stuart
  • Commentary: Beyond urban-rural comparisons: towards a life course approach to understanding health effects of urbanization. (2004) Kinra, Sanjay
  • Commentary: Can conventional migration studies really identify critical age-period effects? (2004) Kinra, Sanjay
  • Is relative leg length a biomarker of childhood nutrition? Long-term follow-up of the Hyderabad Nutrition Trial. (2011) Kinra, Sanjay; Sarma, KV Rameshwar; Hards, Michelle; Smith, George Davey; Ben-Shlomo, Yoav
  • Risk factors of visceral leishmaniasis in East Africa: a case-control study in Pokot territory of Kenya and Uganda. (2008) Kolaczinski, Jan H; Reithinger, Richard; Worku, Dagemlidet T; Ocheng, Andrew; Kasimiro, John; Kabatereine, Narcis; Brooker, Simon
  • Mobility and the spread of human immunodeficiency virus into rural areas of West Africa. (2003) Lagarde, E; Schim van der Loeff, M; Enel, C; Holmgren, B; Dray-Spira, R; Pison, G; Piau, JP; Delaunay, V; M'Boup, S; Ndoye, I; Coeuret-Pellicer, M; Whittle, H; Aaby, P; MECORA Group
  • Commentary: The uptake of human papillomavirus vaccination: the power of belief. (2013) Larson, Heidi J
  • Relationship between birthweight and blood lipid concentrations in later life: evidence from the existing literature. (2003) Laurén, Liisa; Järvelin, Marjo-Riitta; Elliott, Paul; Sovio, Ulla; Spellman, Anne; McCarthy, Mark; Emmett, Pauline; Rogers, Imogen; Hartikainen, Anna-Liisa; Pouta, Anneli; Hardy, Rebecca; Wadsworth, Michael; Helmsdal, Gunnhild; Olsen, Sjurdur; Bakoula, Chryssa; Lekea, Vasso; Millwood, Iona; EURO-BLCS Study Group
  • Commentary: the hormone replacement-coronary heart disease conundrum: is this the death of observational epidemiology? (2004) Lawlor, Debbie A; Davey Smith, George; Ebrahim, Shah
  • Estimating the causes of 4 million neonatal deaths in the year 2000. (2006) Lawn, Joy E; Wilczynska-Ketende, Katarzyna; Cousens, Simon N
  • Sibling configuration and childhood growth in contemporary British families. (2008) Lawson, David W; Mace, Ruth
  • Diseases of globalization, socioeconomic transitions and health [Book Review]. (2002) Lee, K
  • New data and an old puzzle: the negative association between schizophrenia and rheumatoid arthritis. (2015) Lee, S Hong; Byrne, Enda M; Hultman, Christina M; Kähler, Anna; Vinkhuyzen, Anna AE; Ripke, Stephan; Andreassen, Ole A; Frisell, Thomas; Gusev, Alexander; Hu, Xinli; Karlsson, Robert; Mantzioris, Vasilis X; McGrath, John J; Mehta, Divya; Stahl, Eli A; Zhao, Qiongyi; Kendler, Kenneth S; Sullivan, Patrick F; Price, Alkes L; O'Donovan, Michael; Okada, Yukinori; Mowry, Bryan J; Raychaudhuri, Soumya; Wray, Naomi R; Schizophrenia Working Group of the Psychiatric Genomics Consorti; Schizophrenia Working Group of the Psychiatric Genomics Consorti; Byerley, William; Cahn, Wiepke; Cantor, Rita M; Cichon, Sven; Cormican, Paul; Curtis, David; Djurovic, Srdjan; Escott-Price, Valentina; Gejman, Pablo V; Georgieva, Lyudmila; Giegling, Ina; Hansen, Thomas F; Ingason, Andrés; Kim, Yunjung; Konte, Bettina; Lee, Phil H; McIntosh, Andrew; McQuillin, Andrew; Morris, Derek W; Nöthen, Markus M; O'Dushlaine, Colm; Olincy, Ann; Olsen, Line; Pato, Carlos N; Pato, Michele T; Pickard, Benjamin S; Posthuma, Danielle; Rasmussen, Henrik B; Rietschel, Marcella; Rujescu, Dan; Schulze, Thomas G; Silverman, Jeremy M; Thirumalai, Srinivasa; Werge, Thomas; Schizophrenia Working Group of the Psychiatric Genomics Consorti; Agartz, Ingrid; Amin, Farooq; Azevedo, Maria H; Bass, Nicholas; Black, Donald W; Blackwood, Douglas HR; Bruggeman, Richard; Buccola, Nancy G; Choudhury, Khalid; Cloninger, Robert C; Corvin, Aiden; Craddock, Nicholas; Daly, Mark J; Datta, Susmita; Donohoe, Gary J; Duan, Jubao; Dudbridge, Frank; Fanous, Ayman; Freedman, Robert; Freimer, Nelson B; Friedl, Marion; Gill, Michael; Gurling, Hugh; De Haan, Lieuwe; Hamshere, Marian L; Hartmann, Annette M; Holmans, Peter A; Kahn, René S; Keller, Matthew C; Kenny, Elaine; Kirov, George K; Krabbendam, Lydia; Krasucki, Robert; Lawrence, Jacob; Lencz, Todd; Levinson, Douglas F; Lieberman, Jeffrey A; Lin, Dan-Yu; Linszen, Don H; Magnusson, Patrik KE; Maier, Wolfgang; Malhotra, Anil K; Mattheisen, Manuel; Mattingsdal, Morten; McCarroll, Steven A; Medeiros, Helena; Melle, Ingrid; Milanova, Vihra; Myin-Germeys, Inez; Neale, Benjamin M; Ophoff, Roel A; Owen, Michael J; Pimm, Jonathan; Purcell, Shaun M; Puri, Vinay; Quested, Digby J; Rossin, Lizzy; Ruderfer, Douglas; Sanders, Alan R; Shi, Jianxin; Sklar, Pamela; St Clair, David; Stroup, T Scott; Van Os, Jim; Visscher, Peter M; Wiersma, Durk; Zammit, Stanley; Rheumatoid Arthritis Consortium International Authors; Bridges, S Louis; Choi, Hyon K; Coenen, Marieke JH; de Vries, Niek; Dieud, Philippe; Greenberg, Jeffrey D; Huizinga, Tom WJ; Padyukov, Leonid; Siminovitch, Katherine A; Tak, Paul P; Worthington, Jane; Rheumatoid Arthritis Consortium International Collaborators; De Jager, Philip L; Denny, Joshua C; Gregersen, Peter K; Klareskog, Lars; Mariette, Xavier; Plenge, Robert M; van Laar, Mart; van Riel, Piet
  • Socio-economic disparities in access to treatment and their impact on colorectal cancer survival. (2010) Lejeune, Catherine; Sassi, Franco; Ellis, Libby; Godward, Sara; Mak, Vivian; Day, Matthew; Rachet, Bernard
  • Alcohol--the changing face of a perennial problem. (2001) Leon, DA
  • Commentary: Getting to grips with fetal programming-aspects of a rapidly evolving agenda. (2001) Leon, DA
  • Biological theories, evidence, and epidemiology. (2004) Leon, David A
  • Cities, urbanization and health. (2008) Leon, David A
  • Commentary: Preston and mortality trends since the mid-1970s. (2007) Leon, David A
  • Commentary: The development of the Ounsteds' theory of maternal constraint--a critical perspective. (2008) Leon, David A
  • Trends in European life expectancy: a salutary view. (2011) Leon, David A
  • Commentary: Alcohol, child development and harm to others: a 'hard' problem. (2012) Leon, David A; Keenan, Katherine
  • Cohort profile: the Aberdeen children of the 1950s study. (2006) Leon, David A; Lawlor, Debbie A; Clark, Heather; Macintyre, Sally
  • Commentary: Lay health workers in primary and community health care - Response to Walt and Morrow. (2005) Lewin, S; Zwarenstein, M; Dick, J
  • Investigation of the risk factors for tuberculosis: a case-control study in three countries in West Africa. (2005) Lienhardt, C; Fielding, K; Sillah, JS; Bah, B; Gustafson, P; Warndorff, D; Palayew, M; Lisse, I; Donkor, S; Diallo, S; Manneh, K; Adegbola, R; Aaby, P; Bah-Sow, O; Bennett, S; McAdam, K
  • Psychopathology of children of genocide survivors: a systematic review on the impact of genocide on their children`s psychopathology from five countries. (2016) Lindert, Jutta; Knobler, Haim Y; Kawachi, Ichiro; Bain, Paul A; Abramowitz, Moshe Z; McKee, Charlotte; Reinharz, Shula; McKee, Martin
  • Commentary: leprosy and poverty. (2004) Lockwood, Diana NJ
  • Epidemiologists: clinging to coat-tails or donning them? (2003) Lopman, Ben A; Tam, Clarence C
  • Epidemiology, social medicine and public health. A celebration of the 90th birthday of Professor JN Morris. (2001) Loughlin, K
  • Hand washing for preventing diarrhoea. (2008) Luby, Stephen P; Curtis, Val
  • 'In God we trust, all others (must) bring data'. (2012) Lynch, John; Stuckler, David
  • Long-term mortality amongst Gulf War Veterans: is there a relationship with experiences during deployment and subsequent morbidity? (2005) Macfarlane, Gary J; Hotopf, Matthew; Maconochie, Noreen; Blatchley, Nick; Richards, Alison; Lunt, Mark
  • Human immunodeficiency virus type 1 Western blot: revised diagnostic criteria with fewer indeterminate results for epidemiological studies in Africa. (2002) Mahé, Cédric; Kaleebu, Pontiano; Ojwiya, Amato; Whitworth, James AG
  • An economic analysis of a pneumococcal vaccine programme in people aged over 64 years in a developed country setting. (2005) Mangtani, Punam; Roberts, Jennifer A; Hall, Andrew J; Cutts, Felicity T
  • Net survival of perinatally and postnatally HIV-infected children: a pooled analysis of individual data from sub-Saharan Africa. (2011) Marston, Milly; Becquet, Renaud; Zaba, Basia; Moulton, Lawrence H; Gray, Glenda; Coovadia, Hoosen; Essex, Max; Ekouevi, Didier K; Jackson, Debra; Coutsoudis, Anna; Kilewo, Charles; Leroy, Valériane; Wiktor, Stefan; Nduati, Ruth; Msellati, Philippe; Dabis, François; Newell, Marie-Louise; Ghys, Peter D
  • Cohort profile: the chronic kidney disease prognosis consortium. (2013) Matsushita, Kunihiro; Ballew, Shoshana H; Astor, Brad C; Jong, Paul E de; Gansevoort, Ron T; Hemmelgarn, Brenda R; Levey, Andrew S; Levin, Adeera; Wen, Chi-Pang; Woodward, Mark; Coresh, Josef; Chronic Kidney Disease Prognosis Consortium
  • Generalizability of population-based studies on AIDS: a comparison of newly and continuously surveyed villages in rural southwest Uganda. (2002) Mbulaiteye, SM; Mahe, C; Ruberantwari, A; Whitworth, JAG
  • Cochrane on Communism: the influence of ideology on the search for evidence. (2007) McKee, Martin
  • Commentary: Winners and losers. (2003) McKee, Martin
  • Commentary: the health crisis in the USSR: looking behind the facade. (2006) McKee, Martin
  • Commentary: Smokeless tobacco: seeing the whole picture. (2007) McKee, Martin; Gilmore, Anna
  • Commentary: health and economic transition. (2005) McKee, Martin; Suhrcke, Marc
  • Leukaemia and occupation: a New Zealand Cancer Registry-based case-control Study. (2009) McLean, David; Mannetje, Andrea 't; Dryson, Evan; Walls, Chris; McKenzie, Fiona; Maule, Milena; Cheng, Soo; Cunningham, Chris; Kromhout, Hans; Boffetta, Paolo; Blair, Aaron; Pearce, Neil
  • Climate change and health: information to counter the White House Effect. (2001) McMichael, AJ
  • You've been had! How the media and environmentalists turned America into a nation of hypochondriacs [Book review]. (2003) McMichael, AJ
  • International study of temperature, heat and urban mortality: the 'ISOTHURM' project. (2008) McMichael, Anthony J; Wilkinson, Paul; Kovats, R Sari; Pattenden, Sam; Hajat, Shakoor; Armstrong, Ben; Vajanapoom, Nitaya; Niciu, Emilia M; Mahomed, Hassan; Kingkeow, Chamnong; Kosnik, Mitja; O'Neill, Marie S; Romieu, Isabelle; Ramirez-Aguilar, Matiana; Barreto, Mauricio L; Gouveia, Nelson; Nikiforov, Bojidar
  • Commentary: Epidemiology? Keep it broad and deep. (2001) McPherson, K
  • Cardiovascular disease--linking pathology and epidemiology. (2001) Meade, TW
  • Commentary: fibrinogen and coronary heart disease--test of causality by 'Mendelian' randomization by Keavney et al. (2006) Meade, Tom W; Humphries, Steve E; De Stavola, Bianca L
  • Epigenome-wide association study in whole blood on type 2 diabetes among sub-Saharan African individuals: findings from the RODAM study. (2018) Meeks, Karlijn AC; Henneman, Peter; Venema, Andrea; Addo, Juliet; Bahendeka, Silver; Burr, Tom; Danquah, Ina; Galbete, Cecilia; Mannens, Marcel MAM; Mockenhaupt, Frank P; Owusu-Dabo, Ellis; Rotimi, Charles N; Schulze, Matthias B; Smeeth, Liam; Spranger, Joachim; Zafarmand, Mohammad H; Adeyemo, Adebowale; Agyemang, Charles
  • Who has sex with whom? Characteristics of heterosexual partnerships reported in a national probability survey and implications for STI risk. (2009) Mercer, Catherine H; Copas, Andrew J; Sonnenberg, Pam; Johnson, Anne M; McManus, Sally; Erens, Bob; Cassell, Jackie A
  • The education corner: updates on new and established core concepts and methods in epidemiology. (2012) Michels, Karin B; Saracci, Rodolfo; Lynch, John; Pearce, Neil
  • Comparison of two cluster sampling methods for health surveys in developing countries. (2004) Milligan, Paul; Njie, Alpha; Bennett, Steve
  • Commentary: patterns in mortality governed by the seasons. (2005) Moore, Sophie E
  • Comparative analysis of patterns of survival by season of birth in rural Bangladeshi and Gambian populations. (2004) Moore, Sophie E; Fulford, Anthony JC; Streatfield, P Kim; Persson, Lars Ake; Prentice, Andrew M
  • Commentary: Minimum incomes for healthy living: then, now--and tomorrow? (2003) Morris, JN
  • Action towards healthy living--for all. (2010) Morris, JN; Deeming, Christopher; Wilkinson, Paul; Dangour, Alan D
  • Defining a minimum income for healthy living (MIHL): older age, England. (2007) Morris, JN; Wilkinson, Paul; Dangour, Alan D; Deeming, Christopher; Fletcher, Astrid
  • Commentary: learning to love lot quality assurance sampling. (2007) Morris, Saul
  • Predicting the distribution of under-five deaths by cause in countries without adequate vital registration systems. (2003) Morris, Saul S; Black, Robert E; Tomaskovic, Lana
  • Intergenerational determinants of offspring size at birth: a life course and graphical analysis using the Aberdeen Children of the 1950s Study (ACONF). (2014) Morton, Susan MB; De Stavola, Bianca L; Leon, David A
  • Comparing health inequalities across time and place--rate ratios and rate differences lead to different conclusions: analysis of cross-sectional data from 22 countries 1991-2001. (2007) Moser, Kath; Frost, Chris; Leon, David A
  • Commentary: comorbidity as a factor in child health and child survival in developing countries. (2005) Mulholland, Kim
  • Sociodemographic distribution of non-communicable disease risk factors in rural Uganda: a cross-sectional study. (2013) Murphy, Georgina Av; Asiki, Gershim; Ekoru, Kenneth; Nsubuga, Rebecca N; Nakiyingi-Miiro, Jessica; Young, Elizabeth H; Seeley, Janet; Sandhu, Manjinder S; Kamali, Anatoli
  • Improving malaria mortality estimates for rural Africa by adding further studies. (2007) Ndugwa, Robert Peter; Müller, Olaf; Kouyaté, Bocar; Becher, Heiko; Ramroth, Heribert
  • Modelling relative survival in the presence of incomplete data: a tutorial. (2010) Nur, Ula; Shack, Lorraine G; Rachet, Bernard; Carpenter, James R; Coleman, Michel P
  • Millennium Development Goals national targets are moving targets and the results will not be known until well after the deadline of 2015. (2013) Oestergaard, Mikkel Z; Alkema, Leontine; Lawn, Joy E
  • The IEA Dictionary and who should be the editor. (2010) Olsen, Jørn; Pearce, Neil; Victora, Cesar; Ebrahim, Shah
  • Does gestation vary by ethnic group? A London-based study of over 122,000 pregnancies with spontaneous onset of labour. (2004) Patel, Roshni R; Steer, Philip; Doyle, Pat; Little, Mark P; Elliott, Paul
  • Commentary: preventing suicide: need for a life course approach. (2007) Patel, Vikram
  • Why do women complain of vaginal discharge? A population survey of infectious and pyschosocial risk factors in a South Asian community. (2005) Patel, Vikram; Pednekar, Sulochana; Weiss, Helen; Rodrigues, Merlyn; Barros, Preetam; Nayak, Bernice; Tanksale, Vandana; West, Beryl; Nevrekar, Prasad; Kirkwood, Betty R; Mabey, David
  • Common genital complaints in women: the contribution of psychosocial and infectious factors in a population-based cohort study in Goa, India. (2006) Patel, Vikram; Weiss, Helen A; Kirkwood, Betty R; Pednekar, Sulochana; Nevrekar, Prasad; Gupte, Sheela; Mabey, David
  • Response: The distribution and determinants of epidemiologic research. (2008) Pearce, N
  • Author's Response: Epidemiology between astronomy and astrology. (2009) Pearce, N; Douwes, J
  • Classification of epidemiological study designs. (2012) Pearce, Neil
  • Commentary: The rise and rise of corporate epidemiology and the narrowing of epidemiology's vision. (2007) Pearce, Neil
  • Corporate influences on epidemiology. (2008) Pearce, Neil
  • The globalization of epidemiology: introductory remarks. (2004) Pearce, Neil
  • The Ikale collaboration: randomized trials of beer recognition. (2014) Pearce, Neil; Brennan, Paul; Foliaki, Sunia; Ellison-Loschmann, Lis; D'Souza, Wendyl; Davey Smith, George
  • Commentary: asthma time trends--mission accomplished? (2005) Pearce, Neil; Douwes, Jeroen
  • Response: Time for species--course epidemiology? (2009) Pearce, Neil; Douwes, Jeroen
  • Complexity, simplicity, and epidemiology. (2006) Pearce, Neil; Merletti, Franco
  • Commentary: Three worlds collide: Berkson's bias, selection bias and collider bias. (2014) Pearce, Neil; Richiardi, Lorenzo
  • Commentary: Frailty and cancer. (2015) Peto, Julian
  • Commentary: Sinners, preachers and natural experiments. (2011) Petticrew, Mark
  • A systematic review and meta-analysis of quantitative interviewing tools to investigate self-reported HIV and STI associated behaviours in low- and middle-income countries. (2010) Phillips, Anna E; Gomez, Gabriella B; Boily, Marie-Claude; Garnett, Geoffrey P
  • Cohort profile: the Boston Area Community Health (BACH) survey. (2012) Piccolo, Rebecca S; Araujo, Andre B; Pearce, Neil; McKinlay, John B
  • Violence, psychological distress and the risk of suicidal behaviour in young people in India. (2009) Pillai, Aravind; Andrews, Teddy; Patel, Vikram
  • Commentary: one snip doesn't fit all. (2010) Pisani, Elizabeth
  • Long-term association of routine blood count (Coulter) variables on fatal coronary heart disease: 30-year results from the first prospective Northwick Park Heart Study (NPHS-I). (2009) Pizzi, Costanza; De Stavola, Bianca L; Meade, Tom W
  • The emerging epidemic of obesity in developing countries. (2005) Prentice, Andrew M
  • Obesity amidst poverty. (2006) Prentice, Andrew; Webb, Felicia
  • Commentary: robust estimation of population parameters with sparse data. (2004) Rachet, B
  • Commentary: estimating cancer survival--which is the right approach? (2010) Rachet, Bernard; Coleman, Michel P
  • Epidemiological research labelled as a violation of privacy: the case of Estonia. (2008) Rahu, Mati; McKee, Martin
  • Cancer incidence rates among South Asians in four geographic regions: India, Singapore, UK and US. (2008) Rastogi, Tanuja; Devesa, Susan; Mangtani, Punam; Mathew, Aleyamma; Cooper, Nicola; Kao, Roy; Sinha, Rashmi
  • Commentary: Representativeness is usually not necessary and often should be avoided. (2013) Richiardi, Lorenzo; Pizzi, Costanza; Pearce, Neil
  • Representativeness. (2014) Richiardi, Lorenzo; Pizzi, Costanza; Pearce, Neil
  • What is the probability of successive cases of Legionnaires' disease occurring in European hotels? (2006) Ricketts, KD; Slaymaker, E; Verlander, NQ; Joseph, CA
  • Birthweight and mortality in adulthood: a systematic review and meta-analysis. (2011) Risnes, Kari R; Vatten, Lars J; Baker, Jennifer L; Jameson, Karen; Sovio, Ulla; Kajantie, Eero; Osler, Merete; Morley, Ruth; Jokela, Markus; Painter, Rebecca C; Sundh, Valter; Jacobsen, Geir W; Eriksson, Johan G; Sørensen, Thorkild IA; Bracken, Michael B
  • Job loss, wealth and depression during the Great Recession in the USA and Europe. (2014) Riumallo-Herl, Carlos; Basu, Sanjay; Stuckler, David; Courtin, Emilie; Avendano, Mauricio
  • Biological warfare and the people of Iraq. (2003) Roberts, Ian
  • Tranexamic acid--a recipe for saving lives in traumatic bleeding. (2011) Roberts, Ian
  • Author's response: time to forget about obesity. (2009) Roberts, Ian; Edwards, Phil
  • Challenging assumptions about women's empowerment: social and economic resources and domestic violence among young married women in urban South India. (2009) Rocca, Corinne H; Rathod, Sujit; Falle, Tina; Pande, Rohini P; Krishnan, Suneeta
  • Evidence for a 'healthy pregnant woman effect' in Niakhar, Senegal? (2001) Ronsmans, C; Khlat, M; Kodio, B; Ba, M; De Bernis, L; Etard, J
  • Commentary: Opportunities to decrease mortality and long-term sequellae associated with meningococcal disease in Africa. (2001) Rosenstein, N
  • The burden of malaria mortality among African children in the year 2000. (2006) Rowe, Alexander K; Rowe, Samantha Y; Snow, Robert W; Korenromp, Eline L; Schellenberg, Joanna Rm Armstrong; Stein, Claudia; Nahlen, Bernard L; Bryce, Jennifer; Black, Robert E; Steketee, Richard W
  • Social Injustice and Public Health. Barry S Levy and Victor W Sidel (eds). Oxford University Press, £35.99, 2006, ISBN: 0-19 517185-3. (2006) STEPHENS, CAROLYN
  • Lower educational level is a predictor of incident type 2 diabetes in European countries: the EPIC-InterAct study. (2012) Sacerdote, Carlotta; Ricceri, Fulvio; Rolandsson, Olov; Baldi, Ileana; Chirlaque, Maria-Dolores; Feskens, Edith; Bendinelli, Benedetta; Ardanaz, Eva; Arriola, Larraitz; Balkau, Beverley; Bergmann, Manuela; Beulens, Joline WJ; Boeing, Heiner; Clavel-Chapelon, Françoise; Crowe, Francesca; de Lauzon-Guillain, Blandine; Forouhi, Nita; Franks, Paul W; Gallo, Valentina; Gonzalez, Carlos; Halkjær, Jytte; Illner, Anne-Kathrin; Kaaks, Rudolf; Key, Timothy; Khaw, Kay-Tee; Navarro, Carmen; Nilsson, Peter M; Dal Ton, Susanne Oksbjerg; Overvad, Kim; Pala, Valeria; Palli, Domenico; Panico, Salvatore; Polidoro, Silvia; Quirós, J Ramón; Romieu, Isabelle; Sánchez, María-José; Slimani, Nadia; Sluijs, Ivonne; Spijkerman, Annemieke; Teucher, Birgit; Tjønneland, Anne; Tumino, Rosario; van der A, Daphne; Vergnaud, Anne-Claire; Wennberg, Patrik; Sharp, Stephen; Langenberg, Claudia; Riboli, Elio; Vineis, Paolo; Wareham, Nicholas
  • Commentary: Observational studies may conceal a weakly elevated risk under the appearance of consistently reduced risks. (2008) Saracci, Rodolfo; Pearce, Neil
  • Measuring cancer survival in populations: relative survival vs cancer-specific survival. (2010) Sarfati, Diana; Blakely, Tony; Pearce, Neil
  • Predicted impact of the HIV-1 epidemic on measles in developing countries: results from a dynamic age-structured model. (2008) Scott, Susana; Mossong, Joel; Moss, William J; Cutts, Felicity T; Cousens, Simon
  • The role of the natural epidemic dynamics and migration in explaining the course of the HIV epidemic in rural Uganda: a modelling study. (2011) Shafer, Leigh A; White, Richard G; Nsubuga, Rebecca N; Chapman, Ruth; Hayes, Richard; Grosskurth, Heiner
  • Critical appraisal of CRP measurement for the prediction of coronary heart disease events: new data and systematic review of 31 prospective cohorts. (2009) Shah, Tina; Casas, Juan P; Cooper, Jackie A; Tzoulaki, Ioanna; Sofat, Reecha; McCormack, Valerie; Smeeth, Liam; Deanfield, John E; Lowe, Gordon D; Rumley, Ann; Fowkes, F Gerald R; Humphries, Steve E; Hingorani, Aroon D
  • The changing paradigm of labour and childbirth in Indian cities: an enquiry into increasing rates of caesarean deliveries. (2016) Sharma, Gaurav
  • Commentary: N Eberstadt's 'The health crisis in the USSR' and sustainable mortality reversal in the post-Soviet space during communism and after. (2006) Shkolnikov, Vladimir M; Leon, David A
  • Multiple measures of socio-economic position and psychosocial health: proximal and distal measures. (2002) Singh-Manoux, Archana; Clarke, Paul; Marmot, Michael
  • Commentary: we still need observational studies of drugs--they just need to be better. (2006) Smeeth, Liam; Douglas, Ian; Hubbard, Richard
  • Neighbourhood food environment and area deprivation: spatial accessibility to grocery stores selling fresh fruit and vegetables in urban and rural settings. (2010) Smith, Dianna M; Cummins, Steven; Taylor, Mathew; Dawson, John; Marshall, David; Sparks, Leigh; Anderson, Annie S
  • Reply. (2008) Smith, GD; Ebrahim, S
  • 'Mendelian randomization': can genetic epidemiology contribute to understanding environmental determinants of disease? (2003) Smith, George Davey; Ebrahim, Shah
  • Mendelian randomization: prospects, potentials, and limitations. (2004) Smith, George Davey; Ebrahim, Shah
  • Make it HuGE: human genome epidemiology reviews, population health, and the IJE. (2006) Smith, George Davey; Gwinn, Marta; Ebrahim, Shah; Palmer, Lyle J; Khoury, Muin J
  • Complement factor H genetic variant and age-related macular degeneration: effect size, modifiers and relationship to disease subtype. (2012) Sofat, Reecha; Casas, Juan P; Webster, Andrew R; Bird, Alan C; Mann, Samantha S; Yates, John RW; Moore, Anthony T; Sepp, Tiina; Cipriani, Valentina; Bunce, Catey; Khan, Jane C; Shahid, Humma; Swaroop, Anand; Abecasis, Gonçalo; Branham, Kari EH; Zareparsi, Sepideh; Bergen, Arthur A; Klaver, Caroline CW; Baas, Dominique C; Zhang, Kang; Chen, Yuhong; Gibbs, Daniel; Weber, Bernhard HF; Keilhauer, Claudia N; Fritsche, Lars G; Lotery, Andrew; Cree, Angela J; Griffiths, Helen L; Bhattacharya, Shomi S; Chen, Li L; Jenkins, Sharon A; Peto, Tunde; Lathrop, Mark; Leveillard, Thierry; Gorin, Michael B; Weeks, Daniel E; Ortube, Maria Carolina; Ferrell, Robert E; Jakobsdottir, Johanna; Conley, Yvette P; Rahu, Mati; Seland, Johan H; Soubrane, Gisele; Topouzis, Fotis; Vioque, Jesus; Tomazzoli, Laura; Young, Ian; Whittaker, John; Chakravarthy, Usha; de Jong, Paulus TVM; Smeeth, Liam; Fletcher, Astrid; Hingorani, Aroon D
  • Complement factor H genetic variant and age-related macular degeneration: effect size, modifiers and relationship to disease subtype. (2012) Sofat, Reecha; Casas, Juan P; Webster, Andrew R; Bird, Alan C; Mann, Samantha S; Yates, John Rw; Moore, Anthony T; Sepp, Tiina; Cipriani, Valentina; Bunce, Catey; Khan, Jane C; Shahid, Humma; Swaroop, Anand; Abecasis, Gonçalo; Branham, Kari E H; Zareparsi, Sepideh; Bergen, Arthur A; Klaver, Caroline Cw; Baas, Dominique C; Zhang, Kang; Chen, Yuhong; Gibbs, Daniel; Weber, Bernhard H F; Keilhauer, Claudia N; Fritsche, Lars G; Lotery, Andrew; Cree, Angela J; Griffiths, Helen L; Bhattacharya, Shomi S; Chen, Li L; Jenkins, Sharon A; Peto, Tunde; Lathrop, Mark; Leveillard, Thierry; Gorin, Michael B; Weeks, Daniel E; Ortube, Maria Carolina; Ferrell, Robert E; Jakobsdottir, Johanna; Conley, Yvette P; Rahu, Mati; Seland, Johan H; Soubrane, Gisele; Topouzis, Fotis; Vioque, Jesus; Tomazzoli, Laura; Young, Ian; Whittaker, John; Chakravarthy, Usha; de Jong, Paulus T V M; Smeeth, Liam; Fletcher, Astrid; Hingorani, Aroon D
  • Genetic association studies in pre-eclampsia: systematic meta-analyses and field synopsis. (2012) Staines-Urias, Eleonora; Paez, María C; Doyle, Pat; Dudbridge, Frank; Serrano, Norma C; Ioannidis, John PA; Keating, Brendan J; Hingorani, Aroon D; Casas, Juan P
  • Meta-analyses involving cross-over trials: methodological issues. (2009) Stedman, Margaret R; Curtin, François; Elbourne, Diana R; Kesselheim, Aaron S; Brookhart, M Alan
  • The global prevalence of common mental disorders: a systematic review and meta-analysis 1980-2013. (2014) Steel, Zachary; Marnane, Claire; Iranpour, Changiz; Chey, Tien; Jackson, John W; Patel, Vikram; Silove, Derrick
  • The relationship of per capita gross national product to the prevalence of symptoms of asthma and other atopic diseases in children (ISAAC). (2001) Stewart, AW; Mitchell, EA; Pearce, N; Strachan, DP; Weiland, SK; ISAAC Steering Committee. International Study for Asthma and All
  • Commentary: the global health multiplier: targeting common social causes of infectious and non-communicable diseases. (2013) Stuckler, David; McKee, Martin; Basu, Sanjay
  • The study of infectious intestinal disease in England: what risk factors for presentation to general practice tell us about potential for selection bias in case-control studies of reported cases of diarrhoea. (2003) Tam, Clarence C; Rodrigues, Laura C; O'Brien, Sarah J
  • A case-crossover analysis of predictors of condom use by female bar and hotel workers in Moshi, Tanzania. (2009) Tassiopoulos, Katherine; Kapiga, Saidi; Sam, Noel; Ao, Trong TH; Hughes, Michael; Seage, George R
  • Micronutrient intake and the risk of herpes zoster: a case-control study. (2006) Thomas, Sara L; Wheeler, Jeremy G; Hall, Andrew J
  • Commentary: Mortality decline in Senegal. (2001) Timæus, Ian M
  • The effects of alternative study designs on the power of community randomized trials: evidence from three studies of human immunodeficiency virus prevention in East Africa. (2003) Todd, Jim; Carpenter, Lucy; Li, Xianbin; Nakiyingi, Jessica; Gray, Ron; Hayes, Richard
  • Effects of vitamin D supplementation in infancy on growth, bone parameters, body composition and gross motor development at age 3-6 years: follow-up of a randomized controlled trial. (2015) Trilok-Kumar, Geeta; Kaur, Manpreet; Rehman, Andrea M; Arora, Harsh; Rajput, Mohammad Muntafa; Chugh, Reema; Kurpad, Anura; Sachdev, Harshpal Singh; Filteau, Suzanne
  • Aflatoxin exposure in utero causes growth faltering in Gambian infants. (2007) Turner, Paul C; Collinson, Andrew C; Cheung, Yin Bun; Gong, Yunyun; Hall, Andrew J; Prentice, Andrew M; Wild, Christopher P
  • Commentary: the importance of addressing the rise of overweight and obesity--progress or lack of action during the last fifty years? (2005) Uauy, Ricardo; Lock, Karen
  • Transmission of tuberculosis in a high incidence urban community in South Africa. (2004) Verver, Suzanne; Warren, Robin M; Munch, Zahn; Vynnycky, Emilia; van Helden, Paul D; Richardson, Madalene; van der Spuy, Gian D; Enarson, Donald A; Borgdorff, Martien W; Behr, Marcel A; Beyers, Nulda
  • Modelling the impact on Hepatitis C transmission of reducing syringe sharing: London case study. (2007) Vickerman, P; Hickman, M; Judd, A
  • Latin American epidemiology. (2008) Victora, Cesar G; Rodrigues, Laura C
  • Estimates of the reproduction numbers of Spanish influenza using morbidity data. (2007) Vynnycky, Emilia; Trindall, Amy; Mangtani, Punam
  • A synthesis of convenience survey and other data to estimate undiagnosed HIV infection among men who have sex with men in England and Wales. (2011) Walker, Kate; Seaman, Shaun R; De Angelis, Daniela; Presanis, Anne M; Dodds, Julie P; Johnson, Anne M; Mercey, Danielle; Gill, O Noel; Copas, Andrew J
  • Commentary: lay health workers in primary and community health care. (2005) Walt, Gill
  • Commentary: Berkson's fallacy and missing data. (2014) Westreich, Daniel; Daniel, Rhian M
  • Commentary: What can we make of an association between human immunodeficiency virus prevalence and population mobility? (2003) White, Richard G
  • Is body mass index a risk factor for motor vehicle driver injury? A cohort study with prospective and retrospective outcomes. (2003) Whitlock, Gary; Norton, Robyn; Clark, Taane; Jackson, Rodney; MacMahon, Stephen
  • Cochrane column. (2014) Wiysonge, Charles S; Sinclair, David; Namboze, Josephine; Chandler, Clare IR; Whitty, Christopher JM
  • Comparison of imputation and modelling methods in the analysis of a physical activity trial with missing outcomes. (2005) Wood, Angela M; White, Ian R; Hillsdon, Melvyn; Carpenter, James
  • Non-vigorous physical activity and all-cause mortality: systematic review and meta-analysis of cohort studies. (2011) Woodcock, James; Franco, Oscar H; Orsini, Nicola; Roberts, Ian
  • Impact of El Niño and malaria on birthweight in two areas of Tanzania with different malaria transmission patterns. (2004) Wort, Ulrika Uddenfeldt; Hastings, Ian M; Carlstedt, Anders; Mutabingwa, TK; Brabin, Bernard J
  • Commentary: Studying political violence: we should push for more from epidemiology. (2002) Zwi, Anthony B
  • Methods to convert continuous outcomes into odds ratios of treatment response and numbers needed to treat: meta-epidemiological study. (2012) da Costa, Bruno R; Rutjes, Anne WS; Johnston, Bradley C; Reichenbach, Stephan; Nüesch, Eveline; Tonia, Thomy; Gemperli, Armin; Guyatt, Gordon H; Jüni, Peter
  • Is it better to be rich in a poor area or poor in a rich area? A multilevel analysis of a case-control study of social determinants of tuberculosis. (2009) de Alencar Ximenes, Ricardo Arraes; de Fátima Pessoa Militão de Albuquerque, Maria; Souza, Wayner V; Montarroyos, Ulisses R; Diniz, George TN; Luna, Carlos F; Rodrigues, Laura C
  • Prenatal factors, childhood growth trajectories and age at menarche. (2002) dos Santos Silva, Isabel; De Stavola, Bianca L; Mann, Vera; Kuh, Diana; Hardy, Rebecca; Wadsworth, Michael EJ
  • Circulating levels of coagulation and inflammation markers and cancer risks: individual participant analysis of data from three long-term cohorts. (2010) dos Santos Silva, Isabel; De Stavola, Bianca L; Pizzi, Costanza; Meade, Tom W
  • What is the harm-benefit ratio of Cox-2 inhibitors? (2008) van Staa, TP; Smeeth, L; Persson, I; Parkinson, J; Leufkens, HG
  • What is the harm-benefit ratio of Cox-2 inhibitors? (2008) van Staa, TP; Smeeth, L; Persson, I; Parkinson, J; Leufkens, HGM
  • Commentary: Early growth and cognitive development. (2001) van der Meulen, JH
  • Commentary: Maternal smoking during pregnancy and obesity in the offspring. (2002) van der Meulen, Jan
  • Maternal smoking during pregnancy and obesity in the offspring. (2002) van der Meulen, Jan
  • Public
  • Cohort Profile: The Kilifi Vaccine Monitoring Study. (2016) Adetifa, Ifedayo MO; Bwanaali, Tahreni; Wafula, Jackline; Mutuku, Alex; Karia, Boniface; Makumi, Anne; Mwatsuma, Pauline; Bauni, Evasius; Hammitt, Laura L; Nokes, D James; Maree, Ephantus; Tabu, Collins; Kamau, Tatu; Mataza, Christine; Williams, Thomas N; Scott, J Anthony G
  • Re-analysis of health and educational impacts of a school-based deworming programme in western Kenya: a pure replication. (2015) Aiken, Alexander M; Davey, Calum; Hargreaves, James R; Hayes, Richard J
  • Commentary: The tide continues to move on mass deworming-where are we now? (2017) Aiken, Alexander M; Wood, Benjamin Dk
  • Cohort Profile: The Maternal and Infant Nutrition Interventions in Matlab (MINIMat) cohort in Bangladesh. (2018) Arifeen, Shams El; Ekström, Eva-Charlotte; Frongillo, Edward A; Hamadani, Jena; Khan, Ashraful I; Naved, Ruchira T; Rahman, Anisur; Raqib, Rubhana; Rasmussen, Kathleen M; Selling, Katarina Ekholm; Wagatsuma, Yukiko; Persson, Lars Åke
  • HIV transmission risk through anal intercourse: systematic review, meta-analysis and implications for HIV prevention. (2010) Baggaley, Rebecca F; White, Richard G; Boily, Marie-Claude
  • Systematic review of orogenital HIV-1 transmission probabilities. (2008) Baggaley, Rebecca F; White, Richard G; Boily, Marie-Claude
  • Time-discounting and tobacco smoking: a systematic review and network analysis. (2016) Barlow, Pepita; McKee, Martin; Reeves, Aaron; Galea, Gauden; Stuckler, David
  • Cohort Profile: The 100 Million Brazilian Cohort. (2021) Barreto, Mauricio L; Ichihara, Maria Yury; Pescarini, Julia M; Ali, M Sanni; Borges, Gabriela L; Fiaccone, Rosemeire L; Ribeiro-Silva, Rita de Cássia; Teles, Carlos A; Almeida, Daniela; Sena, Samila; Carreiro, Roberto P; Cabral, Liliana; Almeida, Bethania A; Barbosa, George CG; Pita, Robespierre; Barreto, Marcos E; Mendes, Andre AF; Ramos, Dandara O; Brickley, Elizabeth B; Bispo, Nivea; Machado, Daiane B; Paixao, Enny S; Rodrigues, Laura C; Smeeth, Liam
  • Increasing access to eye care … there's an app for that. Peek: smartphone technology for eye health. (2016) Bastawrous, Andrew description
  • Corrigendum to: Interrupted time series regression for the evaluation of public health interventions: a tutorial. (2020) Bernal, James Lopez; Cummins, Steven; Gasparrini, Antonio
  • Interrupted time series regression for the evaluation of public health interventions: a tutorial. (2016) Bernal, James Lopez; Cummins, Steven; Gasparrini, Antonio
  • A secondary data analysis of a cluster randomized controlled trial: improved cookstoves associated with reduction in incidence of low birthweight in rural Malawi. (2022) Best, Rebecca; Malava, Jullita; Dube, Albert; Katundu, Cynthia; Kalobekamo, Fredrick; Mortimer, Kevin; Gordon, Stephen B; Nyirenda, Moffat; Crampin, Amelia; McLean, Estelle
  • Time series regression studies in environmental epidemiology. (2013) Bhaskaran, Krishnan; Gasparrini, Antonio; Hajat, Shakoor; Smeeth, Liam; Armstrong, Ben
  • What is the difference between missing completely at random and missing at random? (2014) Bhaskaran, Krishnan; Smeeth, Liam
  • Physical assault in the previous year and total and cause-specific mortality in Russia: a case-control study of men aged 25-54 years. (2016) Bhavsar, Vishal; Cook, Sarah; Saburova, Lyudmila; Leon, David A
  • Folic acid to reduce neonatal mortality from neural tube disorders. (2010) Blencowe, Hannah; Cousens, Simon; Modell, Bernadette; Lawn, Joy
  • Tetanus toxoid immunization to reduce mortality from neonatal tetanus. (2010) Blencowe, Hannah; Lawn, Joy; Vandelaer, Jos; Roper, Martha; Cousens, Simon
  • Exploring the role of genetic confounding in the association between maternal and offspring body mass index: evidence from three birth cohorts. (2019) Bond, Tom A; Karhunen, Ville; Wielscher, Matthias; Auvinen, Juha; Männikkö, Minna; Keinänen-Kiukaanniemi, Sirkka; Gunter, Marc J; Felix, Janine F; Prokopenko, Inga; Yang, Jian; Visscher, Peter M; Evans, David M; Sebert, Sylvain; Lewin, Alex; O'Reilly, Paul F; Lawlor, Debbie A; Jarvelin, Marjo-Riitta
  • The influence of school on whether girls develop eating disorders. (2016) Bould, Helen; De Stavola, Bianca; Magnusson, Cecilia; Micali, Nadia; Dal, Henrik; Evans, Jonathan; Dalman, Christina; Lewis, Glyn
  • Authors' Reply to: VanderWeele et al., Chiolero, and Schooling et al. (2016) Broadbent, Alex; Vandenbroucke, Jan; Pearce, Neil
  • Network Mendelian randomization: using genetic variants as instrumental variables to investigate mediation in causal pathways. (2014) Burgess, Stephen; Daniel, Rhian M; Butterworth, Adam S; Thompson, Simon G; EPIC-InterAct Consortium
  • Water, sanitation and hygiene for the prevention of diarrhoea. (2010) Cairncross, Sandy; Hunt, Caroline; Boisson, Sophie; Bostoen, Kristof; Curtis, Val; Fung, Isaac CH; Schmidt, Wolf-Peter
  • Cohort Profile: The PERU MIGRANT Study-A prospective cohort study of rural dwellers, urban dwellers and rural-to-urban migrants in Peru. (2017) Carrillo-Larco, Rodrigo M; Ruiz-Alejos, Andrea; Bernabé-Ortiz, Antonio; Gilman, Robert H; Smeeth, Liam; Miranda, J Jaime
  • Investigating associations between rural-to-urban migration and cardiometabolic disease in Malawi: a population-level study. (2019) Chilunga, Felix P; Musicha, Crispin; Tafatatha, Terence; Geis, Steffen; Nyirenda, Moffat J; Crampin, Amelia C; Price, Alison J
  • Proton pump inhibitors and myocardial infarction: an application of active comparators in a self-controlled case series. (2022) Chui, Celine SL; Cheung, Ka Shing; Brown, Jeremy P; Douglas, Ian J; Wong, Ian CK; Chan, Esther W; Wong, Angel YS
  • Update on the global epidemiology of intussusception: a systematic review of incidence rates, age distributions and case-fatality ratios among children aged <5 years, before the introduction of rotavirus vaccination. (2019) Clark, Andrew D; Hasso-Agopsowicz, Mateusz; Kraus, Matthew W; Stockdale, Lisa K; Sanderson, Colin FB; Parashar, Umesh D; Tate, Jacqueline E
  • Recent respiratory infection and risk of venous thromboembolism: case-control study through a general practice database. (2011) Clayton, Tim C; Gaskin, Marion; Meade, Tom W
  • Cohort Profile: The Ecuador Life (ECUAVIDA) study in Esmeraldas Province, Ecuador. (2014) Cooper, Philip J; Chico, Martha E; Platts-Mills, Thomas Ae; Rodrigues, Laura C; Strachan, David P; Barreto, Mauricio L
  • A comparison of sensitivity-specificity imputation, direct imputation and fully Bayesian analysis to adjust for exposure misclassification when validation data are unavailable. (2017) Corbin, M; Haslett, S; Pearce, N; Maule, M; Greenland, S
  • Antibiotics for pre-term pre-labour rupture of membranes: prevention of neonatal deaths due to complications of pre-term birth and infection. (2010) Cousens, Simon; Blencowe, Hannah; Gravett, Michael; Lawn, Joy E
  • Profile: the Karonga Health and Demographic Surveillance System. (2012) Crampin, Amelia C; Dube, Albert; Mboma, Sebastian; Price, Alison; Chihana, Menard; Jahn, Andreas; Baschieri, Angela; Molesworth, Anna; Mwaiyeghele, Elnaeus; Branson, Keith; Floyd, Sian; McGrath, Nuala; Fine, Paul EM; French, Neil; Glynn, Judith R; Zaba, Basia
  • The formal approach to quantitative causal inference in epidemiology: misguided or misrepresented? (2017) Daniel, RM; De Stavola, BL; Vansteelandt, S
  • Re-analysis of health and educational impacts of a school-based deworming programme in western Kenya: a statistical replication of a cluster quasi-randomized stepped-wedge trial. (2015) Davey, Calum; Aiken, Alexander M; Hayes, Richard J; Hargreaves, James R
  • Estimating the coverage of mental health programmes: a systematic review. (2014) De Silva, Mary J; Lee, Lucy; Fuhr, Daniela C; Rathod, Sujit; Chisholm, Dan; Schellenberg, Joanna; Patel, Vikram
  • Commentary: Incorporating concepts and methods from causal inference into life course epidemiology. (2016) De Stavola, Bianca L; Daniel, Rhian M description
  • Data resource profile: cardiovascular disease research using linked bespoke studies and electronic health records (CALIBER). (2012) Denaxas, Spiros C; George, Julie; Herrett, Emily; Shah, Anoop D; Kalra, Dipak; Hingorani, Aroon D; Kivimaki, Mika; Timmis, Adam D; Smeeth, Liam; Hemingway, Harry
  • Association of HIV and ART with cardiometabolic traits in sub-Saharan Africa: a systematic review and meta-analysis. (2013) Dillon, David G; Gurdasani, Deepti; Riha, Johanna; Ekoru, Kenneth; Asiki, Gershim; Mayanja, Billy N; Levitt, Naomi S; Crowther, Nigel J; Nyirenda, Moffat; Njelekela, Marina; Ramaiya, Kaushik; Nyan, Ousman; Adewole, Olanisun O; Anastos, Kathryn; Azzoni, Livio; Boom, W Henry; Compostella, Caterina; Dave, Joel A; Dawood, Halima; Erikstrup, Christian; Fourie, Carla M; Friis, Henrik; Kruger, Annamarie; Idoko, John A; Longenecker, Chris T; Mbondi, Suzanne; Mukaya, Japheth E; Mutimura, Eugene; Ndhlovu, Chiratidzo E; Praygod, George; Pefura Yone, Eric W; Pujades-Rodriguez, Mar; Range, Nyagosya; Sani, Mahmoud U; Schutte, Aletta E; Sliwa, Karen; Tien, Phyllis C; Vorster, Este H; Walsh, Corinna; Zinyama, Rutendo; Mashili, Fredirick; Sobngwi, Eugene; Adebamowo, Clement; Kamali, Anatoli; Seeley, Janet; Young, Elizabeth H; Smeeth, Liam; Motala, Ayesha A; Kaleebu, Pontiano; Sandhu, Manjinder S; African Partnership for Chronic Disease Research (APCDR)
  • Commentary: Tobacco consumption and body weight: Mendelian randomization across a range of exposure. (2015) Dudbridge, Frank
  • Population adiposity and climate change. (2009) Edwards, Phil; Roberts, Ian ['material/summary:fileicon_application/msword' not defined]
  • Effects of prenatal micronutrient and early food supplementation on metabolic status of the offspring at 4.5 years of age. The MINIMat randomized trial in rural Bangladesh. (2016) Ekström, Eva-Charlotte; Lindström, Emma; Raqib, Rubhana; El Arifeen, Shams; Basu, Samar; Brismar, Kerstin; Selling, Katarina; Persson, Lars-Åke
  • Metformin and cancer in type 2 diabetes: a systematic review and comprehensive bias evaluation. (2016) Farmer, Ruth E; Ford, Deborah; Forbes, Harriet J; Chaturvedi, Nishi; Kaplan, Richard; Smeeth, Liam; Bhaskaran, Krishnan
  • Metformin use and risk of cancer in patients with type 2 diabetes: a cohort study of primary care records using inverse probability weighting of marginal structural models. (2019) Farmer, Ruth E; Ford, Deborah; Mathur, Rohini; Chaturvedi, Nish; Kaplan, Rick; Smeeth, Liam; Bhaskaran, Krishnan
  • Quantifying the impact of rising food prices on child mortality in India: a cross-district statistical analysis of the District Level Household Survey. (2016) Fledderjohann, Jasmine; Vellakkal, Sukumar; Khan, Zaky; Ebrahim, Shah; Stuckler, David
  • Data Resource Profile: Mental Health of Children and Young People (MHCYP) Surveys. (2020) Ford, Tamsin; Vizard, Tim; Sadler, Katharine; McManus, Sally; Goodman, Anna; Merad, Salah; Tejerina-Arreal, Maria; Collinson, Dan; MHCYP Collaboration
  • Cohort Profile: The Flu Watch Study. (2016) Fragaszy, Ellen B; Warren-Gash, Charlotte; Wang, Lili; Copas, Andrew; Dukes, Oliver; Edmunds, W John; Goonetilleke, Nilu; Harvey, Gabrielle; Johnson, Anne M; Kovar, Jana; Lim, Megan Sc; McMichael, Andrew; Millett, Elizabeth Rc; Nazareth, Irwin; Nguyen-Van-Tam, Jonathan S; Tabassum, Faiza; Watson, John M; Wurie, Fatima; Zambon, Maria; Hayward, Andrew C; Flu Watch Group
  • Genetic variation at CHRNA5-CHRNA3-CHRNB4 interacts with smoking status to influence body mass index. (2011) Freathy, Rachel M; Kazeem, Gbenga R; Morris, Richard W; Johnson, Paul CD; Paternoster, Lavinia; Ebrahim, Shah; Hattersley, Andrew T; Hill, Anita; Hingorani, Aroon D; Holst, Claus; Jefferis, Barbara J; Kring, Sofia II; Mooser, Vincent; Padmanabhan, Sandosh; Preisig, Martin; Ring, Susan M; Sattar, Naveed; Upton, Mark N; Vollenweider, Peter; Waeber, Gerard; Sørensen, Thorkild IA; Frayling, Timothy M; Watt, Graham; Lawlor, Debbie A; Whincup, Peter H; Tozzi, Federica; Davey Smith, George; Munafò, Marcus
  • Comparing modelled predictions of neonatal mortality impacts using LiST with observed results of community-based intervention trials in South Asia. (2010) Friberg, Ingrid K; Bhutta, Zulfiqar A; Darmstadt, Gary L; Bang, Abhay; Cousens, Simon; Baqui, Abdullah H; Kumar, Vishwajeet; Walker, Neff; Lawn, Joy E
  • Exploring causality of the association between smoking and Parkinson's disease. (2019) Gallo, Valentina; Vineis, Paolo; Cancellieri, Mariagrazia; Chiodini, Paolo; Barker, Roger A; Brayne, Carol; Pearce, Neil; Vermeulen, Roel; Panico, Salvatore; Bueno-de-Mesquita, Bas; Vanacore, Nicola; Forsgren, Lars; Ramat, Silvia; Ardanaz, Eva; Arriola, Larraitz; Peterson, Jesper; Hansson, Oskar; Gavrila, Diana; Sacerdote, Carlotta; Sieri, Sabina; Kühn, Tilman; Katzke, Verena A; van der Schouw, Yvonne T; Kyrozis, Andreas; Masala, Giovanna; Mattiello, Amalia; Perneczky, Robert; Middleton, Lefkos; Saracci, Rodolfo; Riboli, Elio
  • Diurnal cortisol patterns are associated with physical performance in the Caerphilly Prospective Study. (2011) Gardner, Michael P; Lightman, Stafford L; Gallacher, John; Hardy, Rebecca; Kuh, Diana; Ebrahim, Shah; Bayer, Antony; Ben-Shlomo, Yoav; Halcyon study team
  • Cohort Profile Update: Africa Centre Demographic Information System (ACDIS) and population-based HIV survey. (2021) Gareta, Dickman; Baisley, Kathy; Mngomezulu, Thobeka; Smit, Theresa; Khoza, Thandeka; Nxumalo, Siyabonga; Dreyer, Jaco; Dube, Sweetness; Majozi, Nomathamsanqa; Ording-Jesperson, Gregory; Ehlers, Eugene; Harling, Guy; Shahmanesh, Maryam; Siedner, Mark; Hanekom, Willem; Herbst, Kobus
  • Health & Demographic Surveillance System Profile: The Ifakara Rural and Urban Health and Demographic Surveillance System (Ifakara HDSS). (2015) Geubbels, Eveline; Amri, Shamte; Levira, Francis; Schellenberg, Joanna; Masanja, Honorati; Nathan, Rose
  • Past and current asbestos exposure and future mesothelioma risks in Britain: The Inhaled Particles Study (TIPS). (2018) Gilham, Clare; Rake, Christine; Hodgson, John; Darnton, Andrew; Burdett, Garry; Peto Wild, James; Newton, Michelle; Nicholson, Andrew G; Davidson, Leslie; Shires, Mike; Treasure, Tom; Peto, Julian; TIPS Collaboration
  • Outcome modelling strategies in epidemiology: traditional methods and basic alternatives. (2016) Greenland, Sander; Daniel, Rhian; Pearce, Neil
  • HIV decline in Zimbabwe due to reductions in risky sex? Evidence from a comprehensive epidemiological review. (2010) Gregson, Simon; Gonese, Elizabeth; Hallett, Timothy B; Taruberekera, Noah; Hargrove, John W; Lopman, Ben; Corbett, Elizabeth L; Dorrington, Rob; Dube, Sabada; Dehne, Karl; Mugurungi, Owen
  • Cohort Profile: The HIV Atlanta Veterans Affairs Cohort Study (HAVACS). (2016) Guest, Jodie L; Moanna, Abeer; Schlueter Wirtz, Susan; Caruth, Edwin C; Rentsch, Christopher; Marconi, Vince C; Rimland, David
  • Social conditions and disability related to the mortality of older people in rural South Africa. (2014) Gómez-Olivé, F Xavier; Thorogood, Margaret; Bocquier, Philippe; Mee, Paul; Kahn, Kathleen; Berkman, Lisa; Tollman, Stephen
  • Cohort profile: The PharmAccess African (PASER-M) and the TREAT Asia (TASER-M) monitoring studies to evaluate resistance--HIV drug resistance in sub-Saharan Africa and the Asia-Pacific. (2012) Hamers, Raph L; Oyomopito, Rebecca; Kityo, Cissy; Phanuphak, Praphan; Siwale, Margaret; Sungkanuparph, Somnuek; Conradie, Francesca; Kumarasamy, Nagalingeswaran; Botes, Mariette E; Sirisanthana, Thira; Abdallah, Saade; Li, Patrick CK; Ngorima, Nicoletta; Kantipong, Pacharee; Osibogun, Akin; Lee, Christopher KC; Stevens, Wendy S; Kamarulzaman, Adeeba; Derdelinckx, Inge; Chen, Yi-Ming Arthur; Schuurman, Rob; van Vugt, Michèle; Rinke de Wit, Tobias F; PharmAccess African PASER and TREAT Asia Studies to Evaluate Res
  • A guide to evaluating linkage quality for the analysis of linked data. (2017) Harron, Katie L; Doidge, James C; Knight, Hannah E; Gilbert, Ruth E; Goldstein, Harvey; Cromwell, David A; van der Meulen, Jan H
  • How advanced is the epidemiological transition in Papua New Guinea? New evidence from verbal autopsy. (2021) Hart, John D; Kwa, Viola; Dakulala, Paison; Ripa, Paulus; Frank, Dale; Golpak, Victor; Adair, Timothy; Mclaughlin, Deirdre; Riley, Ian D; Lopez, Alan D
  • How advanced is the epidemiological transition in Papua New Guinea? New evidence from verbal autopsy. (2022) Hart, John D; Kwa, Viola; Dakulala, Paison; Ripa, Paulus; Frank, Dale; Golpak, Victor; Adair, Timothy; Mclaughlin, Deirdre; Riley, Ian D; Lopez, Alan D
  • Maternal protein-energy supplementation does not affect adolescent blood pressure in The Gambia. (2008) Hawkesworth, Sophie; Prentice, Andrew M; Fulford, Anthony Jc; Moore, Sophie E
  • Early exposure to toxic metals has a limited effect on blood pressure or kidney function in later childhood, rural Bangladesh. (2012) Hawkesworth, Sophie; Wagatsuma, Yukiko; Kippler, Maria; Fulford, Anthony JC; Arifeen, Shams E; Persson, Lars-Ake; Moore, Sophie E; Vahter, Marie
  • Cohort Profile: The Kiang West Longitudinal Population Study (KWLPS)-a platform for integrated research and health care provision in rural Gambia. (2015) Hennig, Branwen J; Unger, Stefan A; Dondeh, Bai Lamin; Hassan, Jahid; Hawkesworth, Sophie; Jarjou, Landing; Jones, Kerry S; Moore, Sophie E; Nabwera, Helen M; Ngum, Mohammed; Prentice, Ann; Sonko, Bakary; Prentice, Andrew M; Fulford, Anthony J description
  • Data Resource Profile: Hospital Episode Statistics Admitted Patient Care (HES APC). (2017) Herbert, Annie; Wijlaars, Linda; Zylbersztejn, Ania; Cromwell, David; Hardelid, Pia
  • Data Resource Profile: Clinical Practice Research Datalink (CPRD). (2015) Herrett, Emily; Gallagher, Arlene M; Bhaskaran, Krishnan; Forbes, Harriet; Mathur, Rohini; van Staa, Tjeerd; Smeeth, Liam
  • Rapid acquisition of HPV around the time of sexual debut in adolescent girls in Tanzania. (2016) Houlihan, Catherine F; Baisley, Kathy; Bravo, Ignacio G; Kapiga, Saidi; de Sanjosé, Silvia; Changalucha, John; Ross, David A; Hayes, Richard J; Watson-Jones, Deborah
  • Cohort profile: Hlabisa HIV treatment and care programme. (2010) Houlihan, Catherine F; Bland, Ruth M; Mutevedzi, Portia C; Lessells, Richard J; Ndirangu, James; Thulare, Hilary; Newell, Marie-Louise
  • A prediction model for neonatal mortality in low- and middle-income countries: an analysis of data from population surveillance sites in India, Nepal and Bangladesh. (2018) Houweling, Tanja AJ; van Klaveren, David; Das, Sushmita; Azad, Kishwar; Tripathy, Prasanta; Manandhar, Dharma; Neuman, Melissa; de Jonge, Erik; Been, Jasper V; Steyerberg, Ewout; Costello, Anthony
  • Measuring socio-economic position for epidemiological studies in low- and middle-income countries: a methods of measurement in epidemiology paper. (2012) Howe, Laura D; Galobardes, Bruna; Matijasevich, Alicia; Gordon, David; Johnston, Deborah; Onwujekwe, Obinna; Patel, Rita; Webb, Elizabeth A; Lawlor, Debbie A; Hargreaves, James R
  • Consistently high estimates for the proportion of human exposure to malaria vector populations occurring indoors in rural Africa. (2013) Huho, Bernadette; Briët, Olivier; Seyoum, Aklilu; Sikaala, Chadwick; Bayoh, Nabie; Gimnig, John; Okumu, Fredros; Diallo, Diadier; Abdulla, Salim; Smith, Thomas; Killeen, Gerry
  • Candidate genes linking maternal nutrient exposure to offspring health via DNA methylation: a review of existing evidence in humans with specific focus on one-carbon metabolism. (2018) James, Philip; Sajjadi, Sara; Tomar, Ashutosh Singh; Saffari, Ayden; Fall, Caroline HD; Prentice, Andrew M; Shrestha, Smeeta; Issarapu, Prachand; Yadav, Dilip Kumar; Kaur, Lovejeet; Lillycrop, Karen; Silver, Matt; Chandak, Giriraj R; EMPHASIS study group
  • Record-linkage comparison of verbal autopsy and routine civil registration death certification in rural north-east South Africa: 2006-09. (2014) Joubert, Jané; Bradshaw, Debbie; Kabudula, Chodziwadziwa; Rao, Chalapati; Kahn, Kathleen; Mee, Paul; Tollman, Stephen; Lopez, Alan D; Vos, Theo
  • Profile: Agincourt health and socio-demographic surveillance system. (2012) Kahn, Kathleen; Collinson, Mark A; Gómez-Olivé, F Xavier; Mokoena, Obed; Twine, Rhian; Mee, Paul; Afolabi, Sulaimon A; Clark, Benjamin D; Kabudula, Chodziwadziwa W; Khosa, Audrey; Khoza, Simon; Shabangu, Mildred G; Silaule, Bernard; Tibane, Jeffrey B; Wagner, Ryan G; Garenne, Michel L; Clark, Samuel J; Tollman, Stephen M
  • Cohort profile: Andhra Pradesh Children and Parents Study (APCAPS). (2013) Kinra, Sanjay; Radha Krishna, KV; Kuper, Hannah; Rameshwar Sarma, KV; Prabhakaran, Poornima; Gupta, Vipin; Walia, Gagandeep Kaur; Bhogadi, Santhi; Kulkarni, Bharati; Kumar, Aniket; Aggarwal, Aastha; Gupta, Ruby; Prabhakaran, Dorairaj; Reddy, K Srinath; Smith, George Davey; Ben-Shlomo, Yoav; Ebrahim, Shah
  • Health & Demographic Surveillance System Profile: The Magu Health and Demographic Surveillance System (Magu HDSS). (2015) Kishamawe, Coleman; Isingo, Raphael; Mtenga, Baltazar; Zaba, Basia; Todd, Jim; Clark, Benjamin; Changalucha, John; Urassa, Mark
  • Social origin, schooling and individual change in intelligence during childhood influence long-term mortality: a 68-year follow-up study. (2012) Lager, Anton CJ; Modin, Bitte E; De Stavola, Bianca L; Vågerö, Denny H
  • ‘Kangaroo mother care’ to prevent neonatal deaths due to pre-term birth complications. (2010) Lawn, Joy E; Mwansa-Kambafwile, Judith; Barros, Fernando C; Horta, Bernando L; Cousens, Simon
  • 'Kangaroo mother care' to prevent neonatal deaths due to preterm birth complications. (2010) Lawn, Joy E; Mwansa-Kambafwile, Judith; Horta, Bernardo L; Barros, Fernando C; Cousens, Simon
  • Alcohol increases circulatory disease mortality in Russia: acute and chronic effects or misattribution of cause? (2010) Leon, David A; Shkolnikov, Vladimir M; McKee, Martin; Kiryanov, Nikolay; Andreev, Evgueny
  • Cluster randomized trials with a small number of clusters: which analyses should be used? (2017) Leyrat, Clémence; Morgan, Katy E; Leurent, Baptiste; Kahan, Brennan C
  • Response to: How to design and analyse cluster randomized trials with a small number of clusters? Comment on Leyrat et al. (2018) Leyrat, Clémence; Morgan, Katy E; Leurent, Baptiste; Kahan, Brennan C
  • Hypertension among older adults in low and middle-income countries: prevalence, awareness and control. (2014) Lloyd-Sherlock, P; Beard, J; Minicuci, N; Ebrahim, S; Chatterji, S
  • Hypertension among older adults in low- and middle-income countries: prevalence, awareness and control. (2014) Lloyd-Sherlock, Peter; Beard, John; Minicuci, Nadia; Ebrahim, Shah; Chatterji, Somnath
  • Is hypertension the new HIV epidemic? (2014) Lloyd-Sherlock, Peter; Ebrahim, Shah; Grosskurth, Heiner
  • The use of controls in interrupted time series studies of public health interventions. (2018) Lopez Bernal, James; Cummins, Steven; Gasparrini, Antonio
  • Are birthweight and postnatal weight gain in childhood associated with blood pressure in early adolescence? Results from a Ugandan birth cohort. (2018) Lule, Swaib A; Namara, Benigna; Akurut, Helen; Muhangi, Lawrence; Lubyayi, Lawrence; Nampijja, Margaret; Akello, Florence; Tumusiime, Josephine; Aujo, Judith C; Oduru, Gloria; Smeeth, Liam; Elliott, Alison M; Webb, Emily L
  • Educational note: Paradoxical collider effect in the analysis of non-communicable disease epidemiological data: a reproducible illustration and web application. (2021) Luque-Fernandez, Miguel Angel; Schomaker, Michael; Redondo-Sanchez, Daniel; Perez, Maria Jose Sanchez; Vaidya, Anand; Schnitzer, Mireille E
  • Behavioural, not biological, factors drive the HCV epidemic among HIV-positive MSM: HCV and HIV modelling analysis including HCV treatment-as-prevention impact. (2017) MacGregor, L; Martin, NK; Mukandavire, C; Hickson, F; Weatherburn, P; Hickman, M; Vickerman, P
  • Distribution of hyperglycaemia and related cardiovascular disease risk factors in low-income countries: a cross-sectional population-based survey in rural Uganda. (2011) Maher, Dermot; Waswa, Laban; Baisley, Kathy; Karabarinde, Alex; Unwin, Nigel; Grosskurth, Heiner
  • The duration of protection of school-aged BCG vaccination in England: a population-based case-control study. (2017) Mangtani, Punam; Nguipdop-Djomo, Patrick; Keogh, Ruth H; Sterne, Jonathan AC; Abubakar, Ibrahim; Smith, Peter G; Fine, Paul EM; Vynnycky, Emilia; Watson, John M; Elliman, David; Lipman, Marc; Rodrigues, Laura C
  • Data Resource Profile: Children Looked After Return (CLA). (2016) Mc Grath-Lone, Louise; Harron, Katie; Dearden, Lorraine; Nasim, Bilal; Gilbert, Ruth
  • Modelling intensive care unit capacity under different epidemiological scenarios of the COVID-19 pandemic in three Western European countries. (2021) McCabe, Ruth; Kont, Mara D; Schmit, Nora; Whittaker, Charles; Løchen, Alessandra; Baguelin, Marc; Knock, Edward; Whittles, Lilith K; Lees, John; Brazeau, Nicholas F; Walker, Patrick Gt; Ghani, Azra C; Ferguson, Neil M; White, Peter J; Donnelly, Christl A; Hauck, Katharina; Watson, Oliver J
  • A structured approach to modelling the effects of binary exposure variables over the life course. (2009) Mishra, Gita; Nitsch, Dorothea; Black, Stephanie; De Stavola, Bianca; Kuh, Diana; Hardy, Rebecca
  • Thymus development and infant and child mortality in rural Bangladesh. (2013) Moore, Sophie E; Fulford, Anthony JC; Wagatsuma, Yukiko; Persson, Lars Å; Arifeen, Shams E; Prentice, Andrew M
  • How does the association of general and central adiposity with glycaemia and blood pressure differ by gender and area of residence in a Malawian population: a cross-sectional study. (2018) Mudie, Kathleen; Lawlor, Debbie A; Pearce, Neil; Crampin, Amelia; Tomlinson, Laurie; Tafatatha, Terence; Musicha, Crispin; Nitsch, Dorothea; Smeeth, Liam; Nyirenda, Moffat J
  • Cohort Profile: Early Pandemic Evaluation and Enhanced Surveillance of COVID-19 (EAVE II) Database. (2021) Mulholland, Rachel H; Vasileiou, Eleftheria; Simpson, Colin R; Robertson, Chris; Ritchie, Lewis D; Agrawal, Utkarsh; Woolhouse, Mark; Murray, Josephine Lk; Stagg, Helen R; Docherty, Annemarie B; McCowan, Colin; Wood, Rachael; Stock, Sarah J; Sheikh, Aziz
  • Mortality amenable to healthcare in Latin American cities: a cross-sectional study examining between-country variation in amenable mortality and the role of urban metrics. (2021) Mullachery, Pricila H; Rodriguez, Daniel A; Miranda, J Jaime; López-Olmedo, Nancy; Martinez-Folgar, Kevin; Barreto, Mauricio L; Diez Roux, Ana V; Bilal, Usama
  • Antenatal steroids in preterm labour for the prevention of neonatal deaths due to complications of preterm birth. (2010) Mwansa-Kambafwile, Judith; Cousens, Simon; Hansen, Thomas; Lawn, Joy E
  • Associations between serum high-density lipoprotein cholesterol levels and cause-specific mortality in a general population of 345 000 men and women aged 20-79 years. (2023) Mørland, Jørg G; Magnus, Per; Vollset, Stein Emil; Leon, David A; Selmer, Randi; Tverdal, Aage
  • Comparative effectiveness of different primary vaccination courses on mRNA-based booster vaccines against SARs-COV-2 infections: a time-varying cohort analysis using trial emulation in the Virus Watch community cohort. (2023) Nguyen, Vincent Grigori; Yavlinsky, Alexei; Beale, Sarah; Hoskins, Susan; Byrne, Thomas E; Lampos, Vasileios; Braithwaite, Isobel; Fong, Wing Lam Erica; Fragaszy, Ellen; Geismar, Cyril; Kovar, Jana; Navaratnam, Annalan MD; Patel, Parth; Shrotri, Madhumita; Weber, Sophie; Hayward, Andrew C; Aldridge, Robert W
  • The association between income and life expectancy revisited: deindustrialization, incarceration and the widening health gap. (2017) Nosrati, Elias; Ash, Michael; Marmot, Michael; McKee, Martin; King, Lawrence P
  • Adult height, coronary heart disease and stroke: a multi-locus Mendelian randomization meta-analysis. (2015) Nüesch, Eveline; Dale, Caroline; Palmer, Tom M; White, Jon; Keating, Brendan J; van Iperen, Erik Pa; Goel, Anuj; Padmanabhan, Sandosh; Asselbergs, Folkert W; EPIC-Netherland Investigators; Verschuren, WM; Wijmenga, C; Van der Schouw, YT; Onland-Moret, NC; Lange, Leslie A; Hovingh, GK; Sivapalaratnam, Suthesh; Morris, Richard W; Whincup, Peter H; Wannamethe, Goya S; Gaunt, Tom R; Ebrahim, Shah; Steel, Laura; Nair, Nikhil; Reiner, Alexander P; Kooperberg, Charles; Wilson, James F; Bolton, Jennifer L; McLachlan, Stela; Price, Jacqueline F; Strachan, Mark Wj; Robertson, Christine M; Kleber, Marcus E; Delgado, Graciela; März, Winfried; Melander, Olle; Dominiczak, Anna F; Farrall, Martin; Watkins, Hugh; Leusink, Maarten; Maitland-van der Zee, Anke H; de Groot, Mark Ch; Dudbridge, Frank; Hingorani, Aroon; Ben-Shlomo, Yoav; Lawlor, Debbie A; UCLEB Investigators; Amuzu, A; Caufield, M; Cavadino, A; Cooper, J; Davies, TL; IN Day; Drenos, F; Engmann, J; Finan, C; Giambartolomei, C; Hardy, R; Humphries, SE; Hypponen, E; Kivimaki, M; Kuh, D; Kumari, M; Ong, K; Plagnol, V; Power, C; Richards, M; Shah, S; Shah, T; Sofat, R; Talmud, PJ; Wareham, N; Warren, H; Whittaker, JC; Wong, A; Zabaneh, D; Davey Smith, George; Wells, Jonathan C; Leon, David A; Holmes, Michael V; Casas, Juan P
  • Reduced mortality during the COVID-19 outbreak in Japan, 2020: a two-stage interrupted time-series design. (2021) Onozuka, Daisuke; Tanoue, Yuta; Nomura, Shuhei; Kawashima, Takayuki; Yoneoka, Daisuke; Eguchi, Akifumi; Ng, Chris Fook Sheng; Matsuura, Kentaro; Shi, Shoi; Makiyama, Koji; Uryu, Shinya; Kawamura, Yumi; Takayanagi, Shinichi; Gilmour, Stuart; Hayashi, Takehiko I; Miyata, Hiroaki; Sera, Francesco; Sunagawa, Tomimasa; Takahashi, Takuri; Tsuchihashi, Yuuki; Kobayashi, Yusuke; Arima, Yuzo; Kanou, Kazuhiko; Suzuki, Motoi; Hashizume, Masahiro
  • Cohort Profile: Centro de Integração de Dados e Conhecimentos para Saúde (CIDACS) Birth Cohort. (2021) Paixao, Enny S; Cardim, Luciana L; Falcao, Ila Rocha; Ortelan, Naiá; Silva, Natanael de Jesus; Rocha, Aline Dos Santos; Sena, Samila; Almeida, Daniela; Ramos, Dandara Oliveira; Alves, Flávia Jôse Oliveira; Bispo, Nívea; Ali, Sanni; Fiaccone, Rosemeire; Rodrigues, Moreno; Smeeth, Liam; Brickley, Elizabeth B; Cabral, Liliana; Teles, Carlos; Costa, Maria Conceição N; Ichihara, Maria Yury; Barreto, Mauricio L; Silva, Rita de Cássia Ribeiro; Teixeira, Maria Gloria
  • Building social capital and improving mental health care to prevent suicide. (2010) Patel, Vikram
  • Researching protective and promotive factors in mental health. (2007) Patel, Vikram; Goodman, Anna
  • Epidemiology in a changing world: variation, causation and ubiquitous risk factors. (2011) Pearce, Neil
  • Causal inference-so much more than statistics. (2016) Pearce, Neil; Lawlor, Debbie A
  • Erratum to: Causal inference-so much more than statistics. (2020) Pearce, Neil; Lawlor, Debbie A
  • Causation, mediation and explanation. (2016) Pearce, Neil; Vandenbroucke, Jan P
  • Potential test-negative design study bias in outbreak settings: application to Ebola vaccination in Democratic Republic of Congo. (2021) Pearson, Carl AB; Edmunds, W John; Hladish, Thomas J; Eggo, Rosalind M
  • Impact of Brazil's Bolsa Família Programme on cardiovascular and all-cause mortality: a natural experiment study using the 100 Million Brazilian Cohort. (2022) Pescarini, Julia M; Campbell, Desmond; Amorim, Leila D; Falcão, Ila R; Ferreira, Andrêa JF; Allik, Mirjam; Shaw, Richard J; Malta, Deborah C; Ali, M Sanni; Smeeth, Liam; Barreto, Mauricio L; Leyland, Alastair; Craig, Peter; Aquino, Estela ML; Katikireddi, Srinivasa Vittal
  • Commentary: Challenging public health orthodoxies--prophesy or heresy? (2009) Prentice, Andrew M; Savy, Mathilde; Darboe, Momodou K; Moore, Sophie E
  • Sustained 10-year gain in adult life expectancy following antiretroviral therapy roll-out in rural Malawi: July 2005 to June 2014. (2016) Price, Alison J; Glynn, Judith; Chihana, Menard; Kayuni, Ndoliwe; Floyd, Sian; Slaymaker, Emma; Reniers, Georges; Zaba, Basia; McLean, Estelle; Kalobekamo, Fredrick; Koole, Olivier; Nyirenda, Moffat; Crampin, Amelia C
  • Heterogeneous associations between smoking and a wide range of initial presentations of cardiovascular disease in 1937360 people in England: lifetime risks and implications for risk prediction. (2014) Pujades-Rodriguez, Mar; George, Julie; Shah, Anoop Dinesh; Rapsomaniki, Eleni; Denaxas, Spiros; West, Robert; Smeeth, Liam; Timmis, Adam; Hemingway, Harry
  • Association between ambient and household air pollution with carotid intima-media thickness in peri-urban South India: CHAI-Project. (2020) Ranzani, Otavio T; Milà, Carles; Sanchez, Margaux; Bhogadi, Santhi; Kulkarni, Bharati; Balakrishnan, Kalpana; Sambandam, Sankar; Sunyer, Jordi; Marshall, Julian D; Kinra, Sanjay; Tonne, Cathryn
  • Assessing longer-term effectiveness of a combined household-level piped water and sanitation intervention on child diarrhoea, acute respiratory infection, soil-transmitted helminth infection and nutritional status: a matched cohort study in rural Odisha, India. (2019) Reese, Heather; Routray, Parimita; Torondel, Belen; Sinharoy, Sheela S; Mishra, Samir; Freeman, Matthew C; Chang, Howard H; Clasen, Thomas
  • Data Resource Profile: Network for Analysing Longitudinal Population-based HIV/AIDS data on Africa (ALPHA Network). (2016) Reniers, Georges; Wamukoya, Marylene; Urassa, Mark; Nyaguara, Amek; Nakiyingi-Miiro, Jessica; Lutalo, Tom; Hosegood, Vicky; Gregson, Simon; Gómez-Olivé, Xavier; Geubbels, Eveline; Crampin, Amelia C; Wringe, Alison; Waswa, Laban; Tollman, Stephen; Todd, Jim; Slaymaker, Emma; Serwadda, David; Price, Alison; Oti, Samuel; Nyirenda, Moffat J; Nabukalu, Dorean; Nyamukapa, Constance; Nalugoda, Fred; Mugurungi, Owen; Mtenga, Baltazar; Mills, Lisa; Michael, Denna; McLean, Estelle; McGrath, Nuala; Martin, Emmanuel; Marston, Milly; Maquins, Sewe; Levira, Francis; Kyobutungi, Catherine; Kwaro, Daniel; Kasamba, Ivan; Kanjala, Chifundo; Kahn, Kathleen; Kabudula, Chodziwadziwa; Herbst, Kobus; Gareta, Dickman; Eaton, Jeffrey W; Clark, Samuel J; Church, Kathryn; Chihana, Menard; Calvert, Clara; Beguy, Donatien; Asiki, Gershim; Amri, Shamte; Abdul, Ramadhani; Zaba, Basia
  • A new method to estimate mortality in crisis-affected and resource-poor settings: validation study. (2010) Roberts, Bayard; Morgan, Oliver W; Sultani, Mohammed Ghaus; Nyasulu, Peter; Rwebangila, Sunday; Myatt, Mark; Sondorp, Egbert; Chandramohan, Daniel; Checchi, Francesco
  • Why population-based data are crucial to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals. (2017) Sankoh, O; INDEPTH Network and partners; COLLABORATORS; Sankoh, O; Bangha, M; Emina, JB; Herbst, AJ; Tollman, S; Kant, S; Aaby, P; Chowdhury, A; Delaunay, V; Diallo, A; Khan, WA; Streatfield, K; Alam, N; Bhuiya, A; Ha, BT; Molla, M; Kebede, Y; Alberts, M; Toan, TK; Chuc, NT; Gyapong, M; Jasseh, M; Tessema, F; Nathan, R; Salim, A; Masanja, H; Punpuing, S; Crampin, A; Nyrienda, M; Kouanda, S; Mangen, FW; Lutalo, T; Sewankambo, N; Williams, TN; Scott, JA; Assefa, N; Adama, Y; Gebru, AA; Owusu-Agyei, S; Odhiambo, F; Otieno, W; Sifuna, P; Macete, E; Urassa, M; Larson, P; Ezeh, A; Beguy, D; Kyobutungi, C; Tinto, H; Oche, OM; Oduro, A; Sie, A; Soura, A; Wilopo, S; Sirima, S; Bonfoh, B; Juvekar, S; Sonko, B; Nguyen, BP; Meremikwu, M; Asiki, G; Thompson, R; Clark, SJ; Binka, F; Sankoh, O; Sankoh, O; Herbst, AJ; Tollman, S; Kant, S; Aaby, P; Chowdhury, A; Delaunay, V; Diallo, A; Khan, WA; Streatfield, K; Alam, N; Bhuiya, A; Ha, BT; Molla, M; Kebede, Y; Alberts, M; Toan, TK; Chuc, NT; Gyapong, M; Jasseh, M; Tessema, F; Nathan, R; Salim, A; Masanja, H; Punpuing, S; Crampin, A; Nyrienda, M; Kouanda, S; Mangen, FW; Lutalo, T; Sewankambo, N; Williams, TN; Scott, JA; Assefa, N; Adama, Y; Gebru, AA; Owusu-Agyei, S; Odhiambo, F; Otieno, W; Sifuna, P; Macete, E; Urassa, M; Larson, P; Ezeh, A; Beguy, D; Kyobutungi, C; Tinto, H; Oche, OM; Oduro, A; Sie, A; Soura, A; Wilopo, S; Sirima, S; Bonfoh, B; Juvekar, S; Sonko, B; Nguyen, BP; Meremikwu, M; Asiki, G; Thompson, R; Evans, T; Byass, P; Adami, HO; Campbell, H; Ekstrom, AM; Mwenesi, H; Ross, D; Mbacké, C; Moyer, C; Asangansi, I; Bocquier, P; Clark, SJ; Gage, J; McPake, B; Clark, J; Sturkenboom, M; Weibel, D; Bonhoeffer, J; Dolinger, D; Boehme, C; Ye, Y; Binka, F; de Savigny, D; Long, KZ; Käser, M; Karim, A; Mäusezahl, D; Tanner, M; de Savigny, D; Long, KZ; Käser, M; Karim, A; Mäusezahl, D; Tanner, M
  • Mendelian randomization with Egger pleiotropy correction and weakly informative Bayesian priors. (2017) Schmidt, AF; Dudbridge, F
  • Comparison of variance estimators for meta-analysis of instrumental variable estimates. (2016) Schmidt, AF; Hingorani, AD; Jefferis, BJ; White, J; Groenwold, RH; Dudbridge, F; UCLEB Consortium
  • Epidemiological methods in diarrhoea studies--an update. (2011) Schmidt, Wolf-Peter; Arnold, Benjamin F; Boisson, Sophie; Genser, Bernd; Luby, Stephen P; Barreto, Mauricio L; Clasen, Thomas; Cairncross, Sandy
  • Recent diarrhoeal illness and risk of lower respiratory infections in children under the age of 5 years. (2009) Schmidt, Wolf-Peter; Cairncross, Sandy; Barreto, Mauricio L; Clasen, Thomas; Genser, Bernd
  • Profile: The Kilifi Health and Demographic Surveillance System (KHDSS). (2012) Scott, J Anthony G; Bauni, Evasius; Moisi, Jennifer C; Ojal, John; Gatakaa, Hellen; Nyundo, Christopher; Molyneux, Catherine S; Kombe, Francis; Tsofa, Benjamin; Marsh, Kevin; Peshu, Norbert; Williams, Thomas N
  • Cohort Profile: The DynaHEALTH consortium - a European consortium for a life-course bio-psychosocial model of healthy ageing of glucose homeostasis. (2019) Sebert, Sylvain; Lowry, Estelle; Aumüller, Nicole; Bermúdez, Mercedes G; Bjerregaard, Lise G; de Rooij, Susanne R; De Silva, Maneka; El Marroun, Hanan; Hummel, Nadine; Juola, Teija; Mason, Giacomo; Much, Daniela; Oliveros, Elena; Poupakis, Stavros; Rautio, Nina; Schwarzfischer, Phillipp; Tzala, Evangelia; Uhl, Olaf; van de Beek, Cornelieke; Vehmeijer, Florianne; Verdejo-Román, Juan; Wasenius, Niko; Webster, Claire; Ala-Mursula, Leena; Herzig, Karl-Heinz; Keinänen-Kiukaanniemi, Sirkka; Miettunen, Jouko; Baker, Jennifer L; Campoy, Cristina; Conti, Gabriella; Eriksson, Johan G; Hummel, Sandra; Jaddoe, Vincent; Koletzko, Berthold; Lewin, Alex; Rodriguez-Palermo, Maria; Roseboom, Tessa; Rueda, Ricardo; Evans, Jayne; Felix, Janine F; Prokopenko, Inga; Sørensen, Thorkild IA; Järvelin, Marjo-Riitta
  • Association of socio-economic, gender and health factors with common mental disorders in women: a population-based study of 5703 married rural women in India. (2010) Shidhaye, Rahul; Patel, Vikram
  • Testing for non-linear causal effects using a binary genotype in a Mendelian randomization study: application to alcohol and cardiovascular traits. (2014) Silverwood, Richard J; Holmes, Michael V; Dale, Caroline E; Lawlor, Debbie A; Whittaker, John C; Smith, George Davey; Leon, David A; Palmer, Tom; Keating, Brendan J; Zuccolo, Luisa; Casas, Juan P; Dudbridge, Frank; Alcohol-ADH1B Consortium
  • Epidemiology of Mycoplasma genitalium in British men and women aged 16–44 years: evidence from the third National Survey of Sexual Attitudes and Lifestyles (Natsal-3). (2015) Sonnenberg, Pam; Ison, Catherine A; Clifton, Soazig; Field, Nigel; Tanton, Clare; Soldan, Kate; Beddows, Simon; Alexander, Sarah; Khanom, Rumena; Saunders, Pamela; Copas, Andrew J; Wellings, Kaye; Mercer, Catherine H; Johnson, Anne M
  • Differences in body composition between infants of South Asian and European ancestry: the London Mother and Baby Study. (2012) Stanfield, Kristina M; Wells, Jonathan C; Fewtrell, Mary S; Frost, Chris; Leon, David A
  • Assessing the role of genome-wide DNA methylation between smoking and risk of lung cancer using repeated measurements: the HUNT study. (2021) Sun, Yi-Qian; Richmond, Rebecca C; Suderman, Matthew; Min, Josine L; Battram, Thomas; Flatberg, Arnar; Beisvag, Vidar; Nøst, Therese Haugdahl; Guida, Florence; Jiang, Lin; Wahl, Sissel Gyrid Freim; Langhammer, Arnulf; Skorpen, Frank; Walker, Rosie M; Bretherick, Andrew D; Zeng, Yanni; Chen, Yue; Johansson, Mattias; Sandanger, Torkjel M; Relton, Caroline L; Mai, Xiao-Mei
  • Selecting instruments for Mendelian randomization in the wake of genome-wide association studies. (2016) Swerdlow, Daniel I; Kuchenbaecker, Karoline B; Shah, Sonia; Sofat, Reecha; Holmes, Michael V; White, Jon; Mindell, Jennifer S; Kivimaki, Mika; Brunner, Eric J; Whittaker, John C; Casas, Juan P; Hingorani, Aroon D
  • Cohort Profile: Africa Centre Demographic Information System (ACDIS) and population-based HIV survey. (2008) Tanser, Frank; Hosegood, Victoria; Bärnighausen, Till; Herbst, Kobus; Nyirenda, Makandwe; Muhwava, William; Newell, Colin; Viljoen, Johannes; Mutevedzi, Tinofa; Newell, Marie-Louise
  • Data Resource Profile: The UK Cystic Fibrosis Registry. (2017) Taylor-Robinson, David; Archangelidi, Olia; Carr, Siobhán B; Cosgriff, Rebecca; Gunn, Elaine; Keogh, Ruth H; MacDougall, Amy; Newsome, Simon; Schlüter, Daniela K; Stanojevic, Sanja; Bilton, Diana; CF-EpinNet collaboration
  • The effect of Haemophilus influenzae type b and pneumococcal conjugate vaccines on childhood pneumonia incidence, severe morbidity and mortality. (2010) Theodoratou, Evropi; Johnson, Sue; Jhass, Arnoupe; Madhi, Shabir A; Clark, Andrew; Boschi-Pinto, Cynthia; Bhopal, Sunil; Rudan, Igor; Campbell, Harry
  • Reducing geographic inequalities in access times for acute treatment of myocardial infarction in a large country: the example of Russia. (2018) Timonin, Sergey; Kontsevaya, Anna; McKee, Martin; Leon, David A
  • Evidence of large systematic differences between countries in assigning ischaemic heart disease deaths to myocardial infarction: the contrasting examples of Russia and Norway. (2021) Timonin, Sergey; Shkolnikov, Vladimir M; Andreev, Evgeny; Magnus, Per; Leon, David A
  • Evidence of large systematic differences between countries in assigning ischaemic heart disease deaths to myocardial infarction: the contrasting examples of Russia and Norway. (2021) Timonin, Sergey; Shkolnikov, Vladimir M; Andreev, Evgeny; Magnus, Per; Leon, David A
  • Stunting and obesity in childhood: a reassessment using longitudinal data from South Africa. (2012) Timæus, Ian M
  • Causality and causal inference in epidemiology: the need for a pluralistic approach. (2016) Vandenbroucke, Jan P; Broadbent, Alex; Pearce, Neil
  • Case-control studies: basic concepts. (2012) Vandenbroucke, Jan P; Pearce, Neil
  • Incidence rates in dynamic populations. (2012) Vandenbroucke, Jan P; Pearce, Neil
  • Standards for CHERG reviews of intervention effects on child survival. (2010) Walker, Neff; Fischer-Walker, Christa; Bryce, Jennifer; Bahl, Rajiv; Cousens, Simon; CHERG Review Groups on Intervention Effects
  • Comment on Tu et al. 2013. A critical evaluation of statistical approaches to examining the role of growth trajectories in the developmental origins of health and disease. (2014) Wills, Andrew K; Silverwood, Richard J; De Stavola, Bianca L
  • Metabolic profiling of alcohol consumption in 9778 young adults. (2016) Würtz, Peter; Cook, Sarah; Wang, Qin; Tiainen, Mika; Tynkkynen, Tuulia; Kangas, Antti J; Soininen, Pasi; Laitinen, Jaana; Viikari, Jorma; Kähönen, Mika; Lehtimäki, Terho; Perola, Markus; Blankenberg, Stefan; Zeller, Tanja; Männistö, Satu; Salomaa, Veikko; Järvelin, Marjo-Riitta; Raitakari, Olli T; Ala-Korpela, Mika; Leon, David A description
  • Smoking increases the risk of relapse after successful tuberculosis treatment. (2008) d'Arc Lyra Batista, Joanna; de Fátima Pessoa Militão de Albuquerque, Maria; de Alencar Ximenes, Ricardo Arraes; Rodrigues, Laura Cunha
  • Restricted
  • Response: Formalism or pluralism? A reply to commentaries on 'Causality and causal inference in epidemiology'. (2017) Broadbent, Alex; Vandenbroucke, Jan P; Pearce, Neil picture_as_pdf
  • Educational Note: Paradoxical Collider Effect in the Analysis of Non-Communicable Disease Epidemiological Data: a reproducible illustration and web application. (2019) Luque-Fernandez, Miguel Angel; Schomaker, Michael; Redondo-Sanchez, Daniel; Perez, Maria Jose Sanchez; Vaidya, Anand; Schnitzer, Mireille E picture_as_pdf