Number of items: 11.
Volunteering for Health Services in the Middle Part of Ghana: In Whose Interest? (2018)
Afari-Asiedu, Samuel; Asante, Kwaku Poku; Senah, Kodjo; Abdulai, Martha Ali; Afranie, Stephen; Mahama, Emmanuel; Anane, Edward Apraku; Abukari, Mahama; Darko, Martin Luther; Febir, Lawrence G; Owusu-Agyei, Seth
Trust, but Verify Comment on "'Part of the Solution': Food Corporation Strategies for Regulatory Capture and Legitimacy". (2022)
Allen, Luke N
Is It Possible to Solve the Conflicts Over Conflict of Interest? Comment on "Towards Preventing and Managing Conflict of Interest in Nutrition Policy? An Analysis of Submissions to a Consultation on a Draft WHO Tool". (2021)
Bialous, Stella Aguinaga
We Need to Talk About Corruption in Health Systems. (2019)
Hutchinson, Eleanor; Balabanova, Dina; McKee, Martin
Ownership in Name, But not Necessarily in Action Comment on "It's About the Idea Hitting the Bull's Eye": How Aid Effectiveness Can Catalyse the Scale-up of Health Innovations". (2018)
Martinez-Alvarez, Melisa
Bridging the Gap Between Research and Policy and Practice Comment on "CIHR Health System Impact Fellows: Reflections on 'Driving Change' Within the Health System". (2019)
McKee, Martin
Public Health Policy and Experience of the 2009 H1N1 Influenza Pandemic in Pune, India. (2018)
Purohit, Vidula; Kudale, Abhay; Sundaram, Neisha; Joseph, Saju; Schaetti, Christian; Weiss, Mitchell G
Public-Private Partnerships With Unhealthy Commodity Industries: Are They Undermining Real Progress in Non-Communicable Disease Prevention? Competing Frames in Global Health Governance: An Analysis of Stakeholder Influence on the Political Declaration on Non-communicable Diseases. (2021)
Rinaldi, Chiara
Policy Choices for Progressive Realization of Universal Health Coverage Comment on "Ethical Perspective: Five Unacceptable Trade-offs on the Path to Universal Health Coverage". (2017)
Tangcharoensathien, Viroj; Patcharanarumol, Walaiporn; Panichkriangkrai, Warisa; Sommanustweechai, Angkana
Leadership for Innovation in Healthcare: An Exploration. (2019)
Weintraub, Philip; McKee, Martin
Patients' Coping Behaviors to Unavailability of Essential Medicines in Primary Care in Developed Urban China. (2021)
Wu, Dan; Lam, Tai Pong; Lam, Kwok Fai; Sun, Kai Sing; Zhou, Xu Dong