Items where the Publication is INDIAN JOURNAL OF OPHTHALMOLOGY
Number of items: 8.
  • Guidelines for the prevention and management of diabetic retinopathy and diabetic eye disease in India: A synopsis. (2020) Gilbert, Clare; Gordon, Iris; Mukherjee, Chandoshi Rhea; Govindhari, Vishal
  • Retinopathy of prematurity: Maharashtra state model. (2020) Kulkarni, Sucheta; Kadam, Sandeep; Patil, Archana; Gilbert, Clare
  • Development of a quality improvement package for reducing sight-threatening retinopathy of prematurity. (2020) Kumar, Praveen; Chawla, Deepak; Thukral, Anu; Deorari, Ashok; Shukla, Rajan; Gilbert, Clare
  • Retinopathy of prematurity care in peripheral districts in Odisha, India: Pilot for a sustainable model. (2020) Padhi, Tapas R; Pradhan, Lingaraj; Padhy, Srikanta K; Meherda, Ashwani; Samantaray, Balakrushna; Patro, Kumari K; Devi, Sabita; Mishra, Mita; Mahapatra, Sujit; Sutar, Samir; Nayak, Sameer R; Kelgaonkar, Anup; Khalsa, Ashish; Shukla, Rajan; Gilbert, Clare
  • Accuracy of the smartphone-based nonmydriatic retinal camera in the detection of sight-threatening diabetic retinopathy. (2020) Prathiba, Vijayaraghavan; Rajalakshmi, Ramachandran; Arulmalar, Subramaniam; Usha, Manoharan; Subhashini, Radhakrishnan; Gilbert, Clare E; Anjana, Ranjit Mohan; Mohan, Viswanathan
  • 2019
  • Habilitation services for children blind from retinopathy of prematurity: Health care professionals' perspective in Maharashtra. (2019) Kulkarni, Sucheta; Gilbert, Clare; Kakade, Nilesh; Dole, Kuldeep; Deshpande, Col M; Azad, Rajvardhan
  • The changing scenario of retinopathy of prematurity in middle and low income countries: Unique solutions for unique problems. (2019) Vinekar, Anand; Dogra, Mangat; Azad, Raj Vardhan; Gilbert, Clare; Gopal, Lingam; Trese, Michael
  • 2018
  • Determinants of medication adherence to topical ocular hypotensives and application of health belief model among glaucoma patients visiting a tertiary care hospital in coastal Karnataka, India. (2018) Kaup, Soujanya; Oomman, Sithara Sara; Shivalli, Siddharudha