Items where the Publication is Health expectations
Number of items: 17.
Bibliographic data only
  • What is the evidence base for public involvement in health-care policy?: results of a systematic scoping review. (2012) Conklin, Annalijn; Morris, ZoĆ«; Nolte, Ellen
  • The clinical encounter--the focal point of patient-centred care. (2002) Dieppe, Paul; Rafferty, Ann-Marie; Kitson, Alison
  • Public
  • Women's views of two interventions designed to assist in the prophylactic oophorectomy decision: a qualitative pilot evaluation. (2002) Bhavnani, Vanita; Clarke, Aileen; Dowie, Jack; Kennedy, Andrew; Pell, Ian
  • Rethinking the relationship between science and society: Has there been a shift in attitudes to Patient and Public Involvement and Public Engagement in Science in the United Kingdom? (2016) Boaz, Annette; Biri, Despina; McKevitt, Christopher
  • The role of patients' meta-preferences in the design and evaluation of decision support systems. (2002) Dowie, Jack
  • Towards generic online multicriteria decision support in patient-centred health care. (2013) Dowie, Jack; Kjer Kaltoft, Mette; Salkeld, Glenn; Cunich, Michelle
  • Patients' and clinicians' views of comparing the performance of providers of surgery: a qualitative study. (2012) Hildon, Zoe; Allwood, Dominique; Black, Nick
  • Consulting with young people to inform systematic reviews: an example from a review on the effects of schools on health. (2014) Jamal, Farah; Langford, Rebecca; Daniels, Philip; Thomas, James; Harden, Angela; Bonell, Chris
  • Hope, disappointment and perseverance: Reflections of people with Myalgic encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS) and Multiple Sclerosis participating in biomedical research. A qualitative focus group study. (2019) Lacerda, Eliana M; McDermott, Clare; Kingdon, Caroline C; Butterworth, Jack; Cliff, Jacqueline M; Nacul, Luis
  • Reasons underpinning patients' preferences for various angina treatments. (2004) Lambert, Nigel; Rowe, Gene; Bowling, Ann; Ebrahim, Shah; Laurence, Michael; Dalrymple, Jamie; Thomson, Richard
  • Weight management programmes: Re-analysis of a systematic review to identify pathways to effectiveness. (2018) Melendez-Torres, GJ; Sutcliffe, Katy; Burchett, Helen ED; Rees, Rebecca; Richardson, Michelle; Thomas, James
  • Whose voices? Patient and public involvement in clinical commissioning. (2017) O'Shea, Alison; Chambers, Mary; Boaz, Annette
  • Exploring the expectations, experiences and tensions of refugee patients and general practitioners in the quality of care in general practice. (2021) Patel, Pinika; Muscat, Danielle M; Trevena, Lyndal; Zachariah, Dipti; Nosir, Hanaa; Jesurasa, Nishanthie; Hadi, Amina; Bernays, Sarah
  • Adapting Patient and Public Involvement processes in response to the Covid-19 pandemic. (2023) Snowdon, Claire; Silver, Elizabeth; Charlton, Paul; Devlin, Brian; Greenwood, Emma; Hutchings, Andrew; Moug, Susan; Vohra, Ravinder; Grieve, Richard
  • Patients' and clinicians' research priorities. (2010) Stewart, Ruth J; Caird, Jenny; Oliver, Kathryn; Oliver, Sandy
  • The importance of service-users' perspectives: A systematic review of qualitative evidence reveals overlooked critical features of weight management programmes. (2018) Sutcliffe, Katy; Melendez-Torres, GJ; Burchett, Helen ED; Richardson, Michelle; Rees, Rebecca; Thomas, James
  • New labour and reform of the English NHS: user views and attitudes. (2009) Wallace, Andrew; Taylor-Gooby, Peter