Items where the Publication is Health Economics
Number of items: 10.
  • Discrete choice analysis of health worker job preferences in Ethiopia: Separating attribute non-attendance from taste heterogeneity. (2022) Arora, Nikita; Quaife, Matthew; Hanson, Kara; Lagarde, Mylene; Woldesenbet, Dorka; Seifu, Abiy; Crastes Dit Sourd, Romain
  • Healing the past, reimagining the present, investing in the future: What should be the role of race as a proxy covariate in health economics informed health care policy? (2022) Briggs, Andrew H
  • Utility maximization versus regret minimization in health choice behavior: Evidence from four datasets. (2021) Buckell, John; Vasavada, Vrinda; Wordsworth, Sarah; Regier, Dean A; Quaife, Matthew
  • Framing and signalling effects of taxes on sugary drinks: A discrete choice experiment among households in Great Britain. (2020) Cornelsen, Laura; Quaife, Matthew; Lagarde, Mylene; Smith, Richard D
  • Measuring patient trust: Comparing measures from a survey and an economic experiment. (2019) Kovacs, Roxanne J; Lagarde, Mylene; Cairns, John
  • Reference-based multiple imputation for missing data sensitivity analyses in trial-based cost-effectiveness analysis. (2019) Leurent, Baptiste; Gomes, Manuel; Cro, Suzie; Wiles, Nicola; Carpenter, James R
  • Back to basics: A mediation analysis approach to addressing the fundamental questions of integrated care evaluations. (2023) Lugo-Palacios, David G; Clarke, Jonathan M; Kristensen, Søren Rud
  • Modelling the effect of market forces on the impact of introducing HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis among female sex workers. (2020) Quaife, Matthew; Terris-Prestholt, Fern; Mukandavire, Zindoga; Vickerman, Peter
  • Measuring and valuing broader impacts in public health: Development of a sanitation-related quality of life instrument in Maputo, Mozambique. (2021) Ross, Ian; Greco, Giulia; Opondo, Charles; Adriano, Zaida; Nala, Rassul; Brown, Joe; Dreibelbis, Robert; Cumming, Oliver
  • Estimating misreporting in condom use and its determinants among sex workers: Evidence from the list randomisation method. (2018) Treibich, Carole; Lépine, Aurélia