Items where the Publication is Global public health
Number of items: 75.
Bibliographic data only
  • Policy responses to HIV/AIDS in Central Asia. (2015) Ancker, Svetlana; Rechel, Bernd
  • Addressing social drivers of HIV/AIDS for the long-term response: conceptual and methodological considerations. (2011) Auerbach, Judith D; Parkhurst, Justin O; Cáceres, Carlos F
  • HIV/AIDS and hope(lessness). (2008) Barnett, T
  • A cost and technical efficiency analysis of two alternative models for implementing the basic package of health services in Afghanistan. (2013) Blaakman, Aaron Philip; Salehi, Ahmad Shah; Boitard, Romain
  • Access of Roma to sexual and reproductive health services: qualitative findings from Albania, Bulgaria and Macedonia. (2011) Colombini, Manuela; Rechel, Bernd; Mayhew, Susannah H
  • NGO management and health care financing approaches in the Eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo. (2006) Dijkzeul, D; Lynch, CA
  • Recent abuse from in-laws and associations with adverse experiences during the crisis among rural Ivorian women: extended families as part of the ecological model. (2013) Falb, Kathryn L; Annan, Jeannie; Hossain, Mazeda; Topolska, Monika; Kpebo, Denise; Gupta, Jhumka
  • Global public health leadership for the twenty-first century: towards improved health of all populations. (2012) Fried, Linda P; Piot, Peter; Frenk, Julio J; Flahault, Antoine; Parker, Richard
  • The changing landscape of global public health. (2012) Fried, Linda P; Piot, Peter; Spencer, Harrison C; Parker, Richard
  • A review of the impacts of tobacco industry privatisation: Implications for policy. (2011) Gilmore, Anna B; Fooks, Gary; McKee, Martin
  • Human rights in health systems frameworks: what is there, what is missing and why does it matter? (2012) Gruskin, Sofia; Ahmed, Shahira; Bogecho, Dina; Ferguson, Laura; Hanefeld, Johanna; Maccarthy, Sarah; Raad, Zyde; Steiner, Riley
  • Understanding change in global health policy: ideas, discourse and networks. (2010) Harmer, Andrew
  • Evidence-based medicine and the governance of pandemic influenza. (2012) Kamradt-Scott, Adam
  • Making sense of global health governance: A policy perspective. (2010) Kamradt-Scott, Adam
  • The evolving WHO: implications for global health security. (2010) Kamradt-Scott, Adam
  • The securitisation of pandemic influenza: framing, security and public policy. (2012) Kamradt-Scott, Adam; McInnes, Colin
  • Avian and pandemic influenza: Progress and problems with global health governance. (2007) Lee, K; Fidler, D
  • Avian and pandemic influenza: progress and problems with global health governance. (2007) Lee, K; Fidler, D
  • Gaining access to Vietnam's cigarette market: British American Tobacco's strategy to enter 'a huge market which will become enormous'. (2008) Lee, K; Kinh, HV; Mackenzie, R; Gilmore, AB; Minh, NT; Collin, J
  • Are transnational tobacco companies' market access strategies linked to economic development models? A case study of South Korea. (2013) Lee, Sungkyu; Holden, Chris; Lee, Kelley
  • Understanding the linkages between informal and formal care for people living with HIV in sub-Saharan Africa. (2012) Lees, Shelley; Kielmann, Karina; Cataldo, Fabian; Gitau-Mburu, D
  • Communicable diseases and governance: a tale of two regions. (2012) Liverani, Marco; Hanvoravongchai, Piya; Coker, Richard J
  • Framing global health: the governance challenge. (2012) McInnes, Colin; Kamradt-Scott, Adam; Lee, Kelley; Reubi, David; Roemer-Mahler, Anne; Rushton, Simon; Williams, Owain David; Woodling, Marie
  • Framing and global health governance: key findings. (2012) McInnes, Colin; Lee, Kelley
  • Nurses' perceptions of mental healthcare in primary-care settings in Kenya. (2016) Mendenhall, Emily; Isaiah, Gitonga; Nelson, Bernadette; Musau, Abednego; Koon, Adam D; Smith, Lahra; Mutiso, Victoria; Ndetei, David
  • Negotiating agency in cases of intimate partner violence in Vietnam. (2015) Pells, Kirrily; Wilson, Emma; Thi Thu Hang, Nguyen
  • Innovation and technology for global public health. (2012) Piot, Peter
  • Does money matter for mental health? Evidence from the Child Support Grants in Johannesburg, South Africa. (2010) Plagerson, Sophie; Patel, Vikram; Harpham, Trudy; Kielmann, Karina; Mathee, Angela
  • Beyond the Millennium Development Goals: public health challenges in water and sanitation. (2006) Rheingans, R; Dreibelbis, R; Freeman, MC
  • Navigating the poverty of heroin addiction treatment and recovery opportunity in Kenya: access work, self-care and rationed expectations. (2015) Rhodes, Tim; Ndimbii, James; Guise, Andy; Cullen, Lucy; Ayon, Sylvia
  • A systematic review of factors influencing the psychological health of conflict-affected populations in low- and middle-income countries. (2011) Roberts, Bayard; Browne, John
  • Health systems and the implementation of disease programmes: case studies from South Africa. (2006) Schneider, H; Gilson, L; Ogden, J; Lush, L; Walt, G
  • Framing risk in pandemic influenza policy and control. (2012) Seetoh, Theresa; Liverani, Marco; Coker, Richard
  • Coping strategies among conflict-affected adults in low- and middle-income countries: A systematic literature review. (2015) Seguin, Maureen; Roberts, Bayard
  • The motivations for participation in public-private partnerships for the provision of tuberculosis treatment in South Africa. (2010) Sinanovic, Edina; Kumaranayake, Lilani
  • South African women's conceptualisations of and responses to sexual coercion in relation to hegemonic masculinities. (2015) Stern, Erin; Buikema, Rosemarie; Cooper, Diane
  • Politics and practices of global health: critical ethnographies of health systems in context. (2014) Storeng, KT; Mishra, A
  • Women's sanitation practices in informal settlements: A multi-level analysis of factors influencing utilisation in Nairobi, Kenya. (2018) Winter, Samantha; Dreibelbis, Robert; Barchi, Francis
  • Public
  • After the Global Fund: who can sustain the HIV/AIDS response in Peru and how? (2014) Amaya, Ana B; Caceres, Carlos F; Spicer, Neil; Balabanova, Dina
  • HIV/AIDS discourses in Kyrgyzstan's policy arena. (2017) Ancker, Svetlana; McKee, Martin; Rechel, Bernd
  • Some considerations concerning the challenge of incorporating social variables into epidemiological models of infectious disease transmission. (2015) Barnett, Tony; Fournié, Guillaume; Gupta, Sunetra; Seeley, Janet
  • Hope: a new approach to understanding structural factors in HIV acquisition. (2015) Barnett, Tony; Seeley, Janet; Levin, Jonathan; Katongole, Joseph
  • Rituals of care: Strategies adopted by HIV testers to avoid misdiagnosis in rapid HIV testing in Zimbabwe. (2022) Beckmann, Nadine; Skovdal, Morten; Maswera, Rufurwokuda; Nyamukapa, Constance; Gregson, Simon
  • 'This is what is going to help me': Developing a co-designed and theoretically informed harm reduction intervention for mobile youth in South Africa and Uganda. (2021) Bernays, Sarah; Lanyon, Chloe; Tumwesige, Edward; Aswiime, Allen; Ngwenya, Nothando; Dlamini, Vuyiswa; Shahmanesh, Maryam; Seeley, Janet
  • Availability of long-acting and permanent family-planning methods leads to increase in use in conflict-affected northern Uganda: evidence from cross-sectional baseline and endline cluster surveys. (2013) Casey, Sara E; McNab, Shanon E; Tanton, Clare; Odong, Jimmy; Testa, Adrienne C; Lee-Jones, Louise
  • Social norms and child marriage in Cameroon: An application of the theory of normative spectrum. (2019) Cislaghi, Beniamino; Mackie, Gerry; Nkwi, Paul; Shakya, Holly
  • Why context matters for social norms interventions: The case of child marriage in Cameroon. (2019) Cislaghi, Beniamino; Nkwi, Paul; Mackie, Gerry; Shakya, Holly description
  • Mentoring health researchers globally: Diverse experiences, programmes, challenges and responses. (2015) Cole, Donald C; Johnson, Nancy; Mejia, Raul; McCullough, Hazel; Turcotte-Tremblay, Anne-Marie; Barnoya, Joaquin; Falabella Luco, María Soledad
  • A critical analysis of Peru's HIV grant proposals to the Global Fund. (2013) Cáceres, Carlos F; Amaya, Ana B; Sandoval, Clara; Valverde, Rocío
  • Youth migration and access to health services in a trading centre in southern Uganda: A qualitative exploration. (2023) Diop, Zeynab B; Bernays, Sarah; Tumwesige, Edward; Asiimwe, Allen; Kawuma, Rachel; Seeley, Janet
  • Listening to the rumours: what the northern Nigeria polio vaccine boycott can tell us ten years on. (2013) Ghinai, Isaac; Willott, Chris; Dadari, Ibrahim; Larson, Heidi J
  • Reassessing policy paradigms: A comparison of the global tobacco and alcohol industries. (2016) Hawkins, Benjamin; Holden, Chris; Eckhardt, Jappe; Lee, Kelley ['material/summary:fileicon_application/msword' not defined]
  • A multi-level, multi-jurisdictional strategy: Transnational tobacco companies' attempts to obstruct tobacco packaging restrictions. (2018) Hawkins, Benjamin; Holden, Chris; Mackinder, Sophie
  • Bringing the state into the clinic? Incorporating the rapid diagnostic test for malaria into routine practice in Tanzanian primary healthcare facilities. (2015) Hutchinson, Eleanor; Reyburn, Hugh; Hamlyn, Eleanor; Long, Katie; Meta, Judith; Mbakilwa, Hilda; Chandler, Clare
  • HIV scale-up in Mozambique: exceptionalism, normalisation and global health. (2014) Høg, Erling
  • Rituals of global health: Negotiating the World Health Assembly. (2018) Irwin, Rachel; Smith, Richard
  • Who goes back to school after birth? Factors associated with postpartum school return among adolescent mothers in the Eastern Cape, South Africa. (2022) Jochim, Janina; Meinck, Franziska; Toska, Elona; Roberts, Kathryn; Wittesaele, Camille; Langwenya, Nontokozo; Cluver, Lucie
  • The macro-level drivers of intimate partner violence: New evidence from a multilevel dataset. (2017) Kovacs, RJ
  • Multi-level experiences and determinants of alcohol misuse and illicit drug use among occupational groups at high-risk of HIV in sub-Saharan Africa: A thematic synthesis of qualitative findings. (2019) Kuteesa, Monica O; Seeley, Janet; Cook, Sarah; Webb, Emily L
  • The influence of humanitarian crises on social functioning among civilians in low- and middle-income countries: A systematic review. (2016) Lahiri, Shaon; van Ommeren, Mark; Roberts, Bayard
  • Human preparedness: Relational infrastructures and medical countermeasures in Sierra Leone. (2022) Lee, Shona J; Vernooij, Eva; Enria, Luisa; Kelly, Ann H; Rogers, James; Ansumana, Rashid; Bangura, Mahmood H; Lees, Shelley; Street, Alice
  • How states exerted power to create the Millennium Development Goals and how this shaped the global health agenda: Lessons for the sustainable development goals and the future of global health. (2018) Marten, Robert
  • Reimagining authorship guidelines to promote equity in co-produced academic collaborations. (2021) Miles, Sam; Renedo, Alicia; Marston, Cicely
  • One for all: workplace social context and drinking among railway workers in Ukraine. (2014) Murphy, Adrianna; Roberts, Bayard; McGowan, Catherine; Kizilova, Kseniya; Kizilov, Alexiy; Rhodes, Tim; McKee, Martin ['material/summary:fileicon_text/html' not defined]
  • The influence of social constructs of hegemonic masculinity and sexual behaviour on acceptability of vaginal microbicides in Zambia. (2017) Mweemba, Oliver; Dixey, Rachael; Bond, Virginia; White, Alan
  • Are treatment supporters relevant in long-term Antiretroviral Therapy (ART) adherence? Experiences from a long-term ART cohort in Uganda. (2018) Nakamanya, Sarah; Mayanja, Billy N; Muhumuza, Richard; Bukenya, Dominic; Seeley, Janet
  • 'I guess we have to treat them, but … ': health care provider perspectives on management of women presenting with unsafe abortion in Botswana. (2020) Ngwako, Karabo; Banke-Thomas, Aduragbemi
  • Cervical cancer and the global health agenda: Insights from multiple policy-analysis frameworks. (2013) Parkhurst, Justin O; Vulimiri, Madhulika
  • '… in the project they really care for us': meaning and experiences of participating in a clinical study of first-line treatment for malaria and HIV in Tanzanian adults. (2013) Reynolds, Joanna; Mangesho, Peter; Lemnge, Martha M; Vestergaard, Lasse S; Chandler, Clare IR
  • Gender, ageing and carework in East and Southern Africa: A review. (2015) Schatz, Enid; Seeley, Janet
  • The rebellious man: Next-of-kin accounts of the death of a male relative on antiretroviral therapy in sub-Saharan Africa. (2019) Skovdal, Morten; Ssekubugu, Robert; Nyamukapa, Constance; Seeley, Janet; Renju, Jenny; Wamoyi, Joyce; Moshabela, Mosa; Ondenge, Kenneth; Wringe, Alison; Gregson, Simon; Zaba, Basia
  • Linkages between public and non-government sectors in healthcare: a case study from Uttar Pradesh, India. (2016) Srivastava, A; Bhattacharyya, S; Gautham, M; Schellenberg, J; Avan, BI
  • The politics of unsafe abortion in Burkina Faso: the interface of local norms and global public health practice. (2014) Storeng, Katerini T; Ouattara, Fatoumata
  • Behind the scenes: International NGOs' influence on reproductive health policy in Malawi and South Sudan. (2018) Storeng, Katerini T; Palmer, Jennifer; Daire, Judith; Kloster, Maren O
  • Priorities for global access to life-saving interventions during public health emergencies: Crisis nationalism, solidarity or charity? (2021) Syntia Munung, Nchangwi; Ujewe, Samuel J; Afolabi, Muhammed O