Items where the Publication is Genome research

Number of items: 24.
  • A curated collection of Klebsiella metabolic models reveals variable substrate usage and gene essentiality. (2022) Hawkey, Jane; Vezina, Ben; Monk, Jonathan M; Judd, Louise M; Harshegyi, Taylor; López-Fernández, Sebastián; Rodrigues, Carla; Brisse, Sylvain; Holt, Kathryn E; Wyres, Kelly L
  • 2021
  • Subgenomic RNA identification in SARS-CoV-2 genomic sequencing data. (2021) Parker, Matthew D; Lindsey, Benjamin B; Leary, Shay; Gaudieri, Silvana; Chopra, Abha; Wyles, Matthew; Angyal, Adrienn; Green, Luke R; Parsons, Paul; Tucker, Rachel M; Brown, Rebecca; Groves, Danielle; Johnson, Katie; Carrilero, Laura; Heffer, Joe; Partridge, David G; Evans, Cariad; Raza, Mohammad; Keeley, Alexander J; Smith, Nikki; Filipe, Ana Da Silva; Shepherd, James G; Davis, Chris; Bennett, Sahan; Sreenu, Vattipally B; Kohl, Alain; Aranday-Cortes, Elihu; Tong, Lily; Nichols, Jenna; Thomson, Emma C; COVID-19 Genomics UK (COG-UK) Consortium; Wang, Dennis; Mallal, Simon; de Silva, Thushan I
  • 2020
  • Detection of simple and complex de novo mutations with multiple reference sequences. (2020) Garimella, Kiran V; Iqbal, Zamin; Krause, Michael A; Campino, Susana; Kekre, Mihir; Drury, Eleanor; Kwiatkowski, Dominic; Sá, Juliana M; Wellems, Thomas E; McVean, Gil
  • 2017
  • Comprehensive global genome dynamics of Chlamydia trachomatis show ancient diversification followed by contemporary mixing and recent lineage expansion. (2017) Hadfield, James; Harris, Simon R; Seth-Smith, Helena MB; Parmar, Surendra; Andersson, Patiyan; Giffard, Philip M; Schachter, Julius; Moncada, Jeanne; Ellison, Louise; Vaulet, María Lucía Gallo; Fermepin, Marcelo Rodríguez; Radebe, Frans; Mendoza, Suyapa; Ouburg, Sander; Morré, Servaas A; Sachse, Konrad; Puolakkainen, Mirja; Korhonen, Suvi J; Sonnex, Chris; Wiggins, Rebecca; Jalal, Hamid; Brunelli, Tamara; Casprini, Patrizia; Pitt, Rachel; Ison, Cathy; Savicheva, Alevtina; Shipitsyna, Elena; Hadad, Ronza; Kari, Laszlo; Burton, Matthew J; Mabey, David; Solomon, Anthony W; Lewis, David; Marsh, Peter; Unemo, Magnus; Clarke, Ian N; Parkhill, Julian; Thomson, Nicholas R
  • Systematic longitudinal survey of invasive Escherichia coli in England demonstrates a stable population structure only transiently disturbed by the emergence of ST131. (2017) Kallonen, Teemu; Brodrick, Hayley J; Harris, Simon R; Corander, Jukka; Brown, Nicholas M; Martin, Veronique; Peacock, Sharon J; Parkhill, Julian
  • 2016
  • Indels, structural variation, and recombination drive genomic diversity in Plasmodium falciparum. (2016) Miles, Alistair; Iqbal, Zamin; Vauterin, Paul; Pearson, Richard; Campino, Susana; Theron, Michel; Gould, Kelda; Mead, Daniel; Drury, Eleanor; O'Brien, John; Ruano Rubio, Valentin; MacInnis, Bronwyn; Mwangi, Jonathan; Samarakoon, Upeka; Ranford-Cartwright, Lisa; Ferdig, Michael; Hayton, Karen; Su, Xin-Zhuan; Wellems, Thomas; Rayner, Julian; McVean, Gil; Kwiatkowski, Dominic
  • Recent independent emergence of multiple multidrug-resistant Serratia marcescens clones within the United Kingdom and Ireland. (2016) Moradigaravand, Danesh; Boinett, Christine J; Martin, Veronique; Peacock, Sharon J; Parkhill, Julian
  • A decade of genomic history for healthcare-associated Enterococcus faecium in the United Kingdom and Ireland. (2016) Raven, Kathy E; Reuter, Sandra; Reynolds, Rosy; Brodrick, Hayley J; Russell, Julie E; Török, M Estée; Parkhill, Julian; Peacock, Sharon J
  • 2015
  • Building a genomic framework for prospective MRSA surveillance in the United Kingdom and the Republic of Ireland. (2015) Reuter, Sandra; Török, M Estée; Holden, Matthew TG; Reynolds, Rosy; Raven, Kathy E; Blane, Beth; Donker, Tjibbe; Bentley, Stephen D; Aanensen, David M; Grundmann, Hajo; Feil, Edward J; Spratt, Brian G; Parkhill, Julian; Peacock, Sharon J
  • 2014
  • Unbiased analysis of potential targets of breast cancer susceptibility loci by Capture Hi-C. (2014) Dryden, Nicola H; Broome, Laura R; Dudbridge, Frank; Johnson, Nichola; Orr, Nick; Schoenfelder, Stefan; Nagano, Takashi; Andrews, Simon; Wingett, Steven; Kozarewa, Iwanka; Assiotis, Ioannis; Fenwick, Kerry; Maguire, Sarah L; Campbell, James; Natrajan, Rachael; Lambros, Maryou; Perrakis, Eleni; Ashworth, Alan; Fraser, Peter; Fletcher, Olivia
  • Burkholderia pseudomallei sequencing identifies genomic clades with distinct recombination, accessory, and epigenetic profiles. (2014) Nandi, Tannistha; Holden, Matthew TG; Didelot, Xavier; Mehershahi, Kurosh; Boddey, Justin A; Beacham, Ifor; Peak, Ian; Harting, John; Baybayan, Primo; Guo, Yan; Wang, Susana; How, Lee Chee; Sim, Bernice; Essex-Lopresti, Angela; Sarkar-Tyson, Mitali; Nelson, Michelle; Smither, Sophie; Ong, Catherine; Aw, Lay Tin; Hoon, Chua Hui; Michell, Stephen; Studholme, David J; Titball, Richard; Chen, Swaine L; Parkhill, Julian; Tan, Patrick
  • 2013
  • Whole-genome sequences of Chlamydia trachomatis directly from clinical samples without culture. (2013) Seth-Smith, Helena MB; Harris, Simon R; Skilton, Rachel J; Radebe, Frans M; Golparian, Daniel; Shipitsyna, Elena; Duy, Pham Thanh; Scott, Paul; Cutcliffe, Lesley T; O'Neill, Colette; Parmar, Surendra; Pitt, Rachel; Baker, Stephen; Ison, Catherine A; Marsh, Peter; Jalal, Hamid; Lewis, David A; Unemo, Magnus; Clarke, Ian N; Parkhill, Julian; Thomson, Nicholas R
  • 2011
  • High-throughput phenotyping using parallel sequencing of RNA interference targets in the African trypanosome. (2011) Alsford, Sam; Turner, Daniel J; Obado, Samson O; Sanchez-Flores, Alejandro; Glover, Lucy; Berriman, Matthew; Hertz-Fowler, Christiane; Horn, David
  • Whole genome sequencing of multiple Leishmania donovani clinical isolates provides insights into population structure and mechanisms of drug resistance. (2011) Downing, Tim; Imamura, Hideo; Decuypere, Saskia; Clark, Taane G; Coombs, Graham H; Cotton, James A; Hilley, James D; de Doncker, Simonne; Maes, Ilse; Mottram, Jeremy C; Quail, Mike A; Rijal, Suman; Sanders, Mandy; Schönian, Gabriele; Stark, Olivia; Sundar, Shyam; Vanaerschot, Manu; Hertz-Fowler, Christiane; Dujardin, Jean-Claude; Berriman, Matthew
  • 2009
  • Meiotic recombination generates rich diversity in NK cell receptor genes, alleles, and haplotypes. (2009) Norman, Paul J; Abi-Rached, Laurent; Gendzekhadze, Ketevan; Hammond, John A; Moesta, Achim K; Sharma, Deepti; Graef, Thorsten; McQueen, Karina L; Guethlein, Lisbeth A; Carrington, Christine VF; Chandanayingyong, Dasdayanee; Chang, Yih-Hsin; Crespí, Catalina; Saruhan-Direskeneli, Güher; Hameed, Kamran; Kamkamidze, Giorgi; Koram, Kwadwo A; Layrisse, Zulay; Matamoros, Nuria; Milà, Joan; Park, Myoung Hee; Pitchappan, Ramasamy M; Ramdath, D Dan; Shiau, Ming-Yuh; Stephens, Henry AF; Struik, Siske; Tyan, Dolly; Verity, David H; Vaughan, Robert W; Davis, Ronald W; Fraser, Patricia A; Riley, Eleanor M; Ronaghi, Mostafa; Parham, Peter
  • The colorectal cancer risk at 18q21 is caused by a novel variant altering SMAD7 expression. (2009) Pittman, Alan M; Naranjo, Silvia; Webb, Emily; Broderick, Peter; Lips, Esther H; van Wezel, Tom; Morreau, Hans; Sullivan, Kate; Fielding, Sarah; Twiss, Philip; Vijayakrishnan, Jayaram; Casares, Fernando; Qureshi, Mobshra; Gómez-Skarmeta, José Luis; Houlston, Richard S
  • Genome-wide comparisons of variation in linkage disequilibrium. (2009) Teo, Yik Y; Fry, Andrew E; Bhattacharya, Kanishka; Small, Kerrin S; Kwiatkowski, Dominic P; Clark, Taane G
  • 2007
  • Genome sequence of a proteolytic (Group I) Clostridium botulinum strain Hall A and comparative analysis of the clostridial genomes. (2007) Sebaihia, Mohammed; Peck, Michael W; Minton, Nigel P; Thomson, Nicholas R; Holden, Matthew TG; Mitchell, Wilfrid J; Carter, Andrew T; Bentley, Stephen D; Mason, David R; Crossman, Lisa; Paul, Catherine J; Ivens, Alasdair; Wells-Bennik, Marjon HJ; Davis, Ian J; Cerdeño-Tárraga, Ana M; Churcher, Carol; Quail, Michael A; Chillingworth, Tracey; Feltwell, Theresa; Fraser, Audrey; Goodhead, Ian; Hance, Zahra; Jagels, Kay; Larke, Natasha; Maddison, Mark; Moule, Sharon; Mungall, Karen; Norbertczak, Halina; Rabbinowitsch, Ester; Sanders, Mandy; Simmonds, Mark; White, Brian; Whithead, Sally; Parkhill, Julian
  • 2006
  • Variants in the GH-IGF axis confer susceptibility to lung cancer. (2006) Rudd, Matthew F; Webb, Emily L; Matakidou, Athena; Sellick, Gabrielle S; Williams, Richard D; Bridle, Helen; Eisen, Tim; Houlston, Richard S; GELCAPS Consortium
  • 2005
  • Mutation scanning by meltMADGE: validations using BRCA1 and LDLR, and demonstration of the potential to identify severe, moderate, silent, rare, and paucimorphic mutations in the general population. (2005) Alharbi, Khalid K; Aldahmesh, Mohammed A; Spanakis, Emmanuel; Haddad, Lema; Whittall, Roslyn A; Chen, Xiao-he; Rassoulian, Hamid; Smith, Matt J; Sillibourne, Julie; Ball, Nicola J; Graham, Nikki J; Briggs, Patricia J; Simpson, Iain A; Phillips, David IW; Lawlor, Deborah A; Ye, Shu; Humphries, Stephen E; Cooper, Cyrus; Smith, George Davey; Ebrahim, Shah; Eccles, Diana M; Day, Ian NM
  • Functional mapping of a trypanosome centromere by chromosome fragmentation identifies a 16-kb GC-rich transcriptional "strand-switch" domain as a major feature. (2005) Obado, Samson O; Taylor, Martin C; Wilkinson, Shane R; Bromley, Elizabeth V; Kelly, John M
  • 2003
  • Application of DNA microarrays to study the evolutionary genomics of Yersinia pestis and Yersinia pseudotuberculosis. (2003) Hinchliffe, Stewart J; Isherwood, Karen E; Stabler, Richard A; Prentice, Michael B; Rakin, Alexander; Nichols, Richard A; Oyston, Petra CF; Hinds, Jason; Titball, Richard W; Wren, Brendan W
  • 2001
  • Whole genome comparison of Campylobacter jejuni human isolates using a low-cost microarray reveals extensive genetic diversity. (2001) Dorrell, N; Mangan, JA; Laing, KG; Hinds, J; Linton, D; Al-Ghusein, H; Barrell, BG; Parkhill, J; Stoker, NG; Karlyshev, AV; Butcher, PD; Wren, BW
  • Smoking in British popular culture, 1800-2000. (2001) Loughlin, K