Items where the Publication is Gates open research

Number of items: 23.
  • Circumstances for treatment and control of invasive Enterobacterales infections in eight hospitals across sub-Saharan Africa: a cross-sectional study. (2023) Aiken, Alexander M; Nyamwaya, Brian; Madrid, Lola; Edessa, Dumessa; Labi, Appiah-Korang; Obeng-Nkrumah, Noah; Mwabaya, William; Chimenya, Mabvuto; Cocker, Derek; Iregbu, Kenneth C; Princewill-Nwajiobi, Philip IP; Dramowski, Angela; Sonda, Tolbert; Mmbaga, Blandina Theophil; Ojok, David; Fwoloshi, Sombo; Scott, J Anthony G; Whitelaw, Andrew
  • The impact of surveillance and other factors on detection of emergent and circulating vaccine derived polioviruses. (2021) Auzenbergs, Megan; Fountain, Holly; Macklin, Grace; Lyons, Hil; O'Reilly, Kathleen M
  • Developing laboratory capacity for Good Laboratory Practice certification: lessons from a Tanzanian insecticide testing facility. (2020) Begg, Sara; Wright, Alexandra; Small, Graham; Mosha, Franklin; Kirby, Matthew; Snetselaar, Janneke; Aziz, Salum; Bharmal, Jameel; Dacombe, Russell; Bates, Imelda
  • What next after GDP-based cost-effectiveness thresholds? (2021) Chi, Y-Ling; Blecher, Mark; Chalkidou, Kalipso; Culyer, Anthony; Claxton, Karl; Edoka, Ijeoma; Glassman, Amanda; Kreif, Noemi; Jones, Iain; Mirelman, Andrew J; Nadjib, Mardiati; Morton, Alec; Norheim, Ole Frithjof; Ochalek, Jessica; Prinja, Shankar; Ruiz, Francis; Teerawattananon, Yot; Vassall, Anna; Winch, Alexander
  • How modelling can help steer the course set by the World Health Organization 2021-2030 roadmap on neglected tropical diseases. (2021) Clark, Jessica; Stolk, Wilma A; Basáñez, María-Gloria; Coffeng, Luc E; Cucunubá, Zulma M; Dixon, Matthew A; Dyson, Louise; Hampson, Katie; Marks, Michael; Medley, Graham F; Pollington, Timothy M; Prada, Joaquin M; Rock, Kat S; Salje, Henrik; Toor, Jaspreet; Hollingsworth, T Déirdre
  • Neonatal iron distribution and infection susceptibility in full term, preterm and low birthweight babies in urban Gambia: study protocol for an observational study. (2019) Cross, James H; Jarjou, Ousman; Mohammed, Nuredin Ibrahim; Prentice, Andrew M; Cerami, Carla
  • Insights from quantitative and mathematical modelling on the proposed 2030 goals for Yaws. (2019) Dyson, Louise; Mooring, Eric Q; Holmes, Alex; Tildesley, Michael J; Marks, Michael
  • Insights from quantitative and mathematical modelling on the proposed 2030 goals for Yaws. (2019) Dyson, Louise; Mooring, Eric Q; Holmes, Alex; Tildesley, Michael J; Marks, Michael
  • Challenges to the performance of current HIV diagnostic assays and the need for centralized specimen archives: a review of the Consortium for the Evaluation and Performance of HIV Incidence Assays (CEPHIA) repository. (2019) Facente, Shelley N; Busch, Michael P; Grebe, Eduard; Pilcher, Christopher D; Welte, Alex; Rice, Brian; Murphy, Gary
  • Reduced dengue incidence following deployments of Wolbachia-infected Aedes aegypti in Yogyakarta, Indonesia: a quasi-experimental trial using controlled interrupted time series analysis. (2020) Indriani, Citra; Tantowijoyo, Warsito; Rancès, Edwige; Andari, Bekti; Prabowo, Equatori; Yusdi, Dedik; Ansari, Muhammad Ridwan; Wardana, Dwi Satria; Supriyati, Endah; Nurhayati, Indah; Ernesia, Inggrid; Setyawan, Sigit; Fitriana, Iva; Arguni, Eggi; Amelia, Yudiria; Ahmad, Riris Andono; Jewell, Nicholas P; Dufault, Suzanne M; Ryan, Peter A; Green, Benjamin R; McAdam, Thomas F; O'Neill, Scott L; Tanamas, Stephanie K; Simmons, Cameron P; Anders, Katherine L; Utarini, Adi
  • Circulation of respiratory viruses during the COVID-19 pandemic in The Gambia. (2022) Jarju, Sheikh; Senghore, Elina; Brotherton, Helen; Affleck, Lucy; Saidykhan, Alasana; Jallow, Samba; Krubally, Ebrima; Sinjanka, Edrisa; Ndene, Morris Ngor; Bajo, Fabakary; Sanyang, Musa M; Saidy, Binta; Bah, Alasana; Mohammed, Nuredin I; Forrest, Karen; Clarke, Ed; Dalessandro, Umberto; Sesay, Abdul K; Usuf, Effua; Cerami, Carla; Roca, Anna; Kampmann, Beate; de Silva, Thushan I
  • Deep clinical and biological phenotyping of the preterm birth and small for gestational age syndromes: The INTERBIO-21 st Newborn Case-Control Study protocol. (2018) Kennedy, Stephen H; Victora, Cesar G; Craik, Rachel; Ash, Stephen; Barros, Fernando C; Barsosio, Hellen C; Berkley, James A; Carvalho, Maria; Fernandes, Michelle; Cheikh Ismail, Leila; Lambert, Ann; Lindgren, Cecilia M; McGready, Rose; Munim, Shama; Nellåker, Christoffer; Noble, Julia A; Norris, Shane A; Nosten, Francois; Ohuma, Eric O; Papageorghiou, Aris T; Stein, Alan; Stones, William; Tshivuila-Matala, Chrystelle OO; Staines Urias, Eleonora; Vatish, Manu; Wulff, Katharina; Zainab, Ghulam; Zondervan, Krina T; Uauy, Ricardo; Bhutta, Zulfiqar A; Villar, José
  • Pregnancy Surveillance Methods within Health and Demographic Surveillance Systems. (2021) Kwon, Christie; Naser, Abu Mohd; Eilerts, Hallie; Reniers, Georges; Argeseanu Cunningham, Solveig
  • Insights from mathematical modelling on the proposed WHO 2030 goals for scabies. (2019) Marks, Michael; McVernon, Jodie; Engelman, Daniel; Kaldor, John; Steer, Andrew
  • Insights from mathematical modelling on the proposed WHO 2030 goals for scabies. (2019) Marks, Michael; McVernon, Jodie; Engelman, Daniel; Kaldor, John; Steer, Andrew
  • Evaluation of a behavior-centered design strategy for creating demand for oral PrEP among young women in Cape Town, South Africa. (2020) Morton, Jennifer F; Myers, Laura; Gill, Katherine; Bekker, Linda-Gail; Stein, Gabrielle; Thomas, Katherine K; Duyver, Menna; van der Straten, Ariane; McConnell, Margaret; Aunger, Robert; Curtis, Valerie; de Witt Huberts, Jessie; Van Damme, Lut; Baeten, Jared M; Celum, Connie
  • Insights from mathematical modelling and quantitative analysis on the proposed WHO 2030 targets for visceral leishmaniasis on the Indian subcontinent. (2019) NTD Modelling Consortium Visceral Leishmaniasis Group
  • Protocol for the Birth Asphyxia in African Newborns (Baby BRAiN) Study: a Neonatal Encephalopathy Feasibility Cohort Study. (2022) Nanyunja, Carol; Sadoo, Samantha; Mambule, Ivan; Mathieson, Sean R; Nyirenda, Moffat; Webb, Emily L; Mugalu, J; Robertson, Nicola J; Nabawanuka, A; Gilbert, Guillaume; Bwambale, J; Martinello, Kathryn; Bainbridge, Alan; Lubowa, Samson; Srinivasan, Latha; Ssebombo, H; Morgan, Cathy; Hagmann, Cornelia; Cowan, Frances M; Le Doare, Kirsty; Wintermark, Pia; Kawooya, Michael; Boylan, Geraldine B; Nakimuli, Annettee; Tann, Cally J
  • Scaled deployment of Wolbachia to protect the community from dengue and other  Aedes transmitted arboviruses. (2019) O'Neill, Scott L; Ryan, Peter A; Turley, Andrew P; Wilson, Geoff; Retzki, Kate; Iturbe-Ormaetxe, Inaki; Dong, Yi; Kenny, Nichola; Paton, Christopher J; Ritchie, Scott A; Brown-Kenyon, Jack; Stanford, Darren; Wittmeier, Natalie; Jewell, Nicholas P; Tanamas, Stephanie K; Anders, Katherine L; Simmons, Cameron P
  • Establishment of wMel Wolbachia in Aedes aegypti mosquitoes and reduction of local dengue transmission in Cairns and surrounding locations in northern Queensland, Australia. (2019) Ryan, Peter A; Turley, Andrew P; Wilson, Geoff; Hurst, Tim P; Retzki, Kate; Brown-Kenyon, Jack; Hodgson, Lauren; Kenny, Nichola; Cook, Helen; Montgomery, Brian L; Paton, Christopher J; Ritchie, Scott A; Hoffmann, Ary A; Jewell, Nicholas P; Tanamas, Stephanie K; Anders, Katherine L; Simmons, Cameron P; O'Neill, Scott L
  • Tranexamic acid for the prevention of postpartum bleeding: Protocol for a systematic review and individual patient data meta-analysis. (2023) The Anti-fibrinolytics Trialists Collaborators – Obstetric Trial; Ker, Katharine; Shakur-still, Haleema; Sentilhes, Loïc; Pacheco, Luis; Saade, George; Deneux-Tharaux, Catherine; Brenner, Amy; Mansukhani, Raoul; Ageron, Francois; Prowse, Danielle; Chaudhri, Rizwana; Olayemi, Oladapo; Roberts, Ian
  • Proceedings of an expert workshop on community agreement for gene drive research in Africa - Co-organised by KEMRI, PAMCA and Target Malaria. (2021) Thizy, Delphine; Pare Toe, Lea; Mbogo, Charles; Matoke-Muhia, Damaris; Alibu, Vincent Pius; Barnhill-Dilling, S Kathleen; Chantler, Tracey; Chongwe, Gershom; Delborne, Jason; Kapiriri, Lydia; Nassonko Kavuma, Esther; Koloi-Keaikitse, Sethlomo; Kormos, Ana; Littler, Katherine; Lwetoijera, Dickson; Vargas de Moraes, Roberta; Mumba, Noni; Mutengu, Lilian; Mwichuli, Sylvia; Nabukenya, Silvia Elizabeth; Nakigudde, Janet; Ndebele, Paul; Ngara, Carolyne; Ochomo, Eric; Odiwuor Ondiek, Simon; Rivera, Stephany; Roberts, Aaron J; Robinson, Benjamin; Sambakunsi, Rodrick; Saxena, Abha; Sykes, Naima; Tarimo, Brian B; Tiffin, Nicki; Tountas, Karen H
  • Route Optimization Tool (RoOT) for distribution of vaccines and health products. (2021) Zabinsky, Zelda B; Zameer, Mariam; Petroianu, Larissa PG; Muteia, Mamiza M; Coelho, Aida L