Items where the Publication is Food Security
Number of items: 6.
Bibliographic data only
A conceptual framework for understanding the impacts of agriculture and food system policies on nutrition and health. (2015)
Kanter, Rebecca; Walls, Helen L; Tak, Mehroosh; Roberts, Francis; Waage, Jeff
Building bridges and deconstructing pathways in agriculture, nutrition and health: 5th Annual Feed the Future Nutrition Innovation Lab Scientific Symposium & 2nd Annual Agriculture, Nutrition & Health (ANH) Academy Week Kathmandu, 9–13 July, 2017. (2018)
Yates, J; Manohar, S; Bhandari, S; Gersten, Z; Kalamatianou, S; Saleh, A
Changes and challenges in markets for animal source foods: a qualitative study among market vendors in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. (2020)
Bliznashka, Lilia; Passarelli, Simone; Canavan, Chelsey R; Tadesse, Amare Worku; Berhane, Yemane; Fawzi, Wafaie W
Leveraging human nutrition through livestock interventions: perceptions, knowledge, barriers and opportunities in the Sahel. (2019)
Dominguez-Salas, Paula; Kauffmann, Domitille; Breyne, Christophe; Alarcon, Pablo
The impact of agricultural input subsidies on food and nutrition security: a systematic review. (2018)
Walls, Helen L; Johnston, Deborah; Tak, Mehroosh; Dixon, Jane; Hanefeld, Johanna; Hull, Elizabeth; Smith, Richard D