Items where the Publication is F1000Research
Number of items: 55.
Long-term health after Severe Acute Malnutrition in children and adults- the role of the Pancreas (SAMPA): Protocol. (2022)
Ahmed, Sana; PrayGod, George; R Lee, Nanette; Kelly, Paul; Trilok-Kumar, Geeta; Chisenga, Molly; Kweka, Belinda; Faurholt-Jepsen, Daniel; Krogh-Madsen, Rikke; Am Shaw, James; M Paglinawan-Modoc, Dixi; Solon, Juan; Frahm Olsen, Mette; Stefanovski, Darko; Cox, Sharon; Nitsch, Dorothea; Keogh, Ruth; Filteau, Suzanne
Reframing the science and policy of nicotine, illegal drugs and alcohol - conclusions of the ALICE RAP Project. (2017)
Anderson, Peter; Berridge, Virginia; Conrod, Patricia; Dudley, Robert; Hellman, Matilda; Lachenmeier, Dirk; Lingford-Hughes, Anne; Miller, David; Rehm, Jürgen; Room, Robin; Schmidt, Laura; Sullivan, Roger; Ysa, Tamyko; Gual, Antoni
Treatment of child wasting: results of a child health and nutrition research initiative (CHNRI) prioritisation exercise. (2021)
Angood, Chloe; Kerac, Marko; Black, Robert; Briend, André; Hanson, Kerstin; Jarrett, Stephen; Manary, Mark; McGrath, Marie; Zagre, Noël; Lelijveld, Natasha; Mayberry, Amy
The potential utility of an augmented data collection approach in understanding the journey to care of pregnant women for maternal and perinatal death surveillance and response. (2022)
Banke-Thomas, Aduragbemi
Viewing the global health system as a complex adaptive system – implications for research and practice. (2022)
Borghi, Josephine; Ismail, Sharif; Hollway, James; Kim, Rakhyun E; Sturmberg, Joachim; Brown, Garrett; Mechler, Reinhard; Volmink, Heinrich; Spicer, Neil; Chalabi, Zaid; Cassidy, Rachel; Johnson, Jeff; Foss, Anna; Koduah, Augustina; Searle, Christa; Komendantova, Nadejda; Semwanga, Agnes; Moon, Suerie
Recent advances in managing HIV-associated cryptococcal meningitis. (2019)
Boyer-Chammard, Timothée; Temfack, Elvis; Alanio, Alexandre; Jarvis, Joseph N; Harrison, Thomas S; Lortholary, Olivier
Breastfeeding assessment tools for at-risk and malnourished infants aged under 6 months old: a systematic review. (2020)
Brugaletta, Concetta; Le Roch, Karine; Saxton, Jennifer; Bizouerne, Cécile; McGrath, Marie; Kerac, Marko
Breastfeeding assessment tools for at-risk and malnourished infants aged under 6 months old: a systematic review. (2021)
Brugaletta, Concetta; Le Roch, Karine; Saxton, Jennifer; Bizouerne, Cécile; McGrath, Marie; Kerac, Marko
Reporting of health equity considerations in equity-relevant observational studies: Protocol for a systematic assessment. (2022)
Dewidar, Omar; Rader, Tamara; Waddington, Hugh; Nicholls, Stuart G; Little, Julian; Hardy, Billie-Jo; Horsley, Tanya; Young, Taryn; Cuervo, Luis Gabriel; Sharp, Melissa K; Chamberlain, Catherine; Shea, Beverley; Craig, Peter; Lawson, Daeria O; Rizvi, Anita; Wiysonge, Charles Shey; Kredo, Tamara; Nguliefem, Miriam Nkangu; Ghogomu, Elizabeth; Francis, Damian; Kristjansson, Elizabeth; Bhutta, Zulfiqar; Martin, Alba Antequera; Melendez-Torres, GJ; Pantoja, Tomas; Wang, Xiaoqin; Jull, Janet; Roberts, Janet Hatcher; Funnell, Sarah; White, Howard; Krentel, Alison; Mahande, Michael Johnson; Ramke, Jacqueline; Wells, George A; Petkovic, Jennifer; Tugwell, Peter; Pottie, Kevin; Mbuagbaw, Lawrence; Welch, Vivian
Social determinants and BCG efficacy: a call for a socio-biological approach to TB prevention. (2018)
Dowd, Jennifer B; Fletcher, Helen A; Boccia, Delia
Caveat emptor NICE: biased use of cost-effectiveness is inefficient and inequitable. (2015)
Dowie, Jack; Kaltoft, Mette Kjer; Nielsen, Jesper Bo; Salkeld, Glenn
Equity, economic evaluation, and disease transmission modelling – 26-27th March 2018: Pre-meeting reviews. (2019)
Drake, Tom; Medley, Graham; Vassall, Anna; Gomez, Gabriella
The impact of large-scale deployment of Wolbachia mosquitoes on dengue and other Aedes-borne diseases in Rio de Janeiro and Niterói, Brazil: study protocol for a controlled interrupted time series analysis using routine disease surveillance data. (2019)
Durovni, Betina; Saraceni, Valeria; Eppinghaus, Ana; Riback, Thais IS; Moreira, Luciano A; Jewell, Nicholas P; Dufault, Suzanne M; O'Neill, Scott L; Simmons, Cameron P; Tanamas, Stephanie K; Anders, Katherine L
VALIDATE: Exploiting the synergy between complex intracellular pathogens to expedite vaccine research and development for tuberculosis, leishmaniasis, melioidosis and leprosy. (2018)
Fletcher, Helen A; Chatterjee, Mitali; Cooper, Andrea; Hussell, Tracy; Kaye, Paul M; Prior, Joann; Reljic, Rajko; Vermaak, Samantha; Vordermeier, Martin; Williams, Ann; McShane, Helen
What can National TB Control Programmes in low- and middle-income countries do to end tuberculosis by 2030? (2018)
Harries, Anthony D; Lin, Yan; Kumar, Ajay MV; Satyanarayana, Srinath; Takarinda, Kudakwashe C; Dlodlo, Riitta A; Zachariah, Rony; Olliaro, Piero
Ending the HIV/AIDS epidemic in low- and middle-income countries by 2030: is it possible? (2016)
Harries, Anthony D; Suthar, Amitabh B; Takarinda, Kudakwashe C; Tweya, Hannock; Kyaw, Nang Thu Thu; Tayler-Smith, Katie; Zachariah, Rony
Factors influencing the higher incidence of tuberculosis among migrants and ethnic minorities in the UK. (2018)
Hayward, Sally; Harding, Rosalind M; McShane, Helen; Tanner, Rachel
Health technology assessment capacity at national level in sub-Saharan Africa: an initial survey of stakeholders. (2020)
Hollingworth, Samantha A; Ruiz, Francis; Gad, Mohamed; Chalkidou, Kalipso
Epidemic curves made easy using the R package incidence. (2019)
Kamvar, Zhian N; Cai, Jun; Pulliam, Juliet RC; Schumacher, Jakob; Jombart, Thibaut
Risk factors common to leading eye health conditions and major non-communicable diseases: a rapid review and commentary. (2022)
Keay, Lisa; Ren, Kerrie; Nguyen, Helen; Vajdic, Claire; Odutola, Michael; Gyawali, Rajendra; Toomey, Melinda; Peters, Ruth; Ee, Nicole; Dillon, Lisa; Hackett, Maree; Ah Tong, Brandon; D'Esposito, Fabrizio; Faulmann, David; Burton, Matthew; Ramke, Jacqueline; Jalbert, Isabelle
Innovative strategies to fight antimicrobial resistance: crowdsourcing to expand medical training. (2020)
Kpokiri, Eneyi E; Budak, Jehan Z; Chang, Christina C; Ong, Jason J; Mabilat, Claude; Peeling, Rosanna W; Van Duin, David; Tucker, Joseph D
Study protocol for examining job strain as a risk factor for severe unipolar depression in an individual participant meta-analysis of 14 European cohorts. (2013)
Madsen, Ida EH; Hannerz, Harald; Nyberg, Solja T; Magnusson Hanson, Linda L; Ahola, Kirsi; Alfredsson, Lars; Batty, G David; Bjorner, Jakob B; Borritz, Marianne; Burr, Hermann; Dragano, Nico; Ferrie, Jane E; Hamer, Mark; Jokela, Markus; Knutsson, Anders; Koskenvuo, Markku; Koskinen, Aki; Leineweber, Constanze; Nielsen, Martin L; Nordin, Maria; Oksanen, Tuula; Pejtersen, Jan H; Pentti, Jaana; Salo, Paula; Singh-Manoux, Archana; Suominen, Sakari; Theorell, Töres; Toppinen-Tanner, Salla; Vahtera, Jussi; Väänänen, Ari; Westerholm, Peter JM; Westerlund, Hugo; Fransson, Eleonor; Heikkilä, Katriina; Virtanen, Marianna; Rugulies, Reiner; Kivimäki, Mika; IPD-Work Consortium
Public perceptions and interactions with UK COVID-19 Test, Trace and Isolate policies, and implications for pandemic infectious disease modelling. (2022)
Marshall, Guy C; Skeva, Rigina; Jay, Caroline; Silva, Miguel EP; Fyles, Martyn; House, Thomas; Davis, Emma L; Pi, Li; Medley, Graham F; Quilty, Billy J; Dyson, Louise; Yardley, Lucy; Fearon, Elizabeth
Patient perspectives on the promptness and quality of care of road traffic incident victims in Peru: a cross-sectional, active surveillance study. (2013)
Miranda, J Jaime; Rosales-Mayor, Edmundo; Quistberg, D Alex; Paca-Palao, Ada; Gianella, Camila; Perel, Pablo; Lopez, Luis; Luna, Diego; Best, Pablo; Huicho, Luis; PIAT Working Group
epiflows: an R package for risk assessment of travel-related spread of disease. (2018)
Moraga, Paula; Dorigatti, Ilaria; Kamvar, Zhian N; Piatkowski, Pawel; Toikkanen, Salla E; Nagraj, VP; Donnelly, Christl A; Jombart, Thibaut
Funding source and primary outcome changes in clinical trials registered on are associated with the reporting of a statistically significant primary outcome: a cross-sectional study. (2015)
Ramagopalan, Sreeram V; Skingsley, Andrew P; Handunnetthi, Lahiru; Magnus, Daniel; Klingel, Michelle; Pakpoor, Julia; Goldacre, Ben
Prevalence of primary outcome changes in clinical trials registered on a cross-sectional study. (2014)
Ramagopalan, Sreeram; Skingsley, Andrew P; Handunnetthi, Lahiru; Klingel, Michelle; Magnus, Daniel; Pakpoor, Julia; Goldacre, Ben
o2geosocial: Reconstructing who-infected-whom from routinely collected surveillance data. (2021)
Robert, Alexis; Funk, Sebastian; Kucharski, Adam J
o2geosocial: Reconstructing who-infected-whom from routinely collected surveillance data. (2021)
Robert, Alexis; Funk, Sebastian; Kucharski, Adam J
o2geosocial: Reconstructing who-infected-whom from routinely collected surveillance data. (2021)
Robert, Alexis; Funk, Sebastian; Kucharski, Adam J
Estimated number of deaths directly avoided because of COVID-19 vaccination among older adults in Colombia in 2021: an ecological, longitudinal observational study. (2022)
Rojas-Botero, Maylen Liseth; Fernández-Niño, Julián Alfredo; Arregocés-Castillo, Leonardo; Ruiz-Gómez, Fernando
Cost-effectiveness of glaucoma screening in cataract camps versus opportunistic and passive screening in urban India: A study protocol. (2019)
Sabherwal, Shalinder; John, Denny; Dubey, Suneeta; Mukherjee, Saptarshi; Menon, Geetha R; Majumdar, Atanu
Research and development of new tuberculosis vaccines: a review. (2018)
Schrager, Lewis K; Harris, Rebecca C; Vekemans, Johan
Adherence to Artemisinin Combination Therapy for the treatment of uncomplicated malaria in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. (2015)
Siddiqui, M Ruby; Willis, Andrew; Bil, Karla; Singh, Jatinder; Mukomena Sompwe, Eric; Ariti, Cono
Association of smoking status with hospitalisation for COVID-19 compared with other respiratory viruses a year previous: a case-control study at a single UK National Health Service trust. (2021)
Simons, David; Perski, Olga; Shahab, Lion; Brown, Jamie; Bailey, Robin
Association of smoking status with hospitalisation for COVID-19 compared with other respiratory viruses a year previous: a case-control study at a single UK National Health Service trust. (2022)
Simons, David; Perski, Olga; Shahab, Lion; Brown, Jamie; Bailey, Robin
Time for sharing data to become routine: the seven excuses for not doing so are all invalid. (2016)
Smith, Richard; Roberts, Ian
The in vitro direct mycobacterial growth inhibition assay (MGIA) for the early evaluation of TB vaccine candidates and assessment of protective immunity: a protocol for non-human primate cells. (2021)
Tanner, Rachel; Hoogkamer, Emily; Bitencourt, Julia; White, Andrew; Boot, Charelle; Sombroek, Claudia C; Harris, Stephanie A; O'Shea, Matthew K; Wright, Daniel; Wittenberg, Rachel; Sarfas, Charlotte; Satti, Iman; Verreck, Frank AW; Sharpe, Sally A; Fletcher, Helen A; McShane, Helen
The impact of city-wide deployment of Wolbachia-carrying mosquitoes on arboviral disease incidence in Medellín and Bello, Colombia: study protocol for an interrupted time-series analysis and a test-negative design study. (2020)
Velez, Ivan D; Santacruz, Eduardo; Kutcher, Simon C; Duque, Sandra L; Uribe, Alexander; Barajas, Jovany; Gonzalez, Sandra; Patino, Ana Cristina; Zuluaga, Lina; Martínez, Luis; Muñoz, Estefanía; Mejia, María Camila; Arbelaez, María Patricia; Pulido, Henry; Jewell, Nicholas P; Dufault, Suzanne M; O'Neill, Scott L; Simmons, Cameron P; Anders, Katherine L; Tanamas, Stephanie K
Improving quality for maternal care - a case study from Kerala, India. (2016)
Vlad, Ioana; Paily, VP; Sadanandan, Rajeev; Cluzeau, Françoise; Beena, M; Nair, Rajasekharan; Newbatt, Emma; Ghosh, Sujit; Sandeep, K; Chalkidou, Kalipso
Progress and challenges in TB vaccine development. (2018)
Voss, Gerald; Casimiro, Danilo; Neyrolles, Olivier; Williams, Ann; Kaufmann, Stefan HE; McShane, Helen; Hatherill, Mark; Fletcher, Helen A
Klebsiella pneumoniae with capsule type K64 is overrepresented among invasive disease in Vietnam. (2021)
Vu Thi Ngoc, Bich; Brisse, Sylvain; Dao Tuyet, Trinh; Vu Tien Viet, Dung; Holt, Kathryn E; Nguyen Vu, Trung; Tran Thi Kieu, Huong; Nguyen Thi Ngoc, Diep; van Doorn, H Rogier; Wertheim, Heiman FL
Benchmarking of long-read assemblers for prokaryote whole genome sequencing. (2019)
Wick, Ryan R; Holt, Kathryn E
Characteristics of exhaled particle production in healthy volunteers: possible implications for infectious disease transmission. (2013)
Wurie, Fatima; Le Polain de Waroux, Olivier; Brande, Matthew; Dehaan, Wesley; Holdgate, Katherine; Mannan, Rishi; Milton, Donald; Swerdlow, Daniel; Hayward, Andrew
High monocyte to lymphocyte ratio is associated with impaired protection after subcutaneous administration of BCG in a mouse model of tuberculosis. (2018)
Zelmer, Andrea; Stockdale, Lisa; Prabowo, Satria A; Cia, Felipe; Spink, Natasha; Gibb, Matthew; Eddaoudi, Ayad; Fletcher, Helen A
High monocyte to lymphocyte ratio is associated with impaired protection after subcutaneous administration of BCG in a mouse model of tuberculosis. (2018)
Zelmer, Andrea; Stockdale, Lisa; Prabowo, Satria A; Cia, Felipe; Spink, Natasha; Gibb, Matthew; Eddaoudi, Ayad; Fletcher, Helen A