Items where the Publication is Eurosurveillance
Number of items: 36.
  • Risk of Salmonella infection with exposure to reptiles in England, 2004-2007. (2010) Aiken, AM; Lane, C; Adak, GK picture_as_pdf
  • Letter to the editor: Importance of considering high-risk behaviours in COVID-19 vaccine effectiveness estimates with observational studies. (2023) Arashiro, Takeshi; Arima, Yuzo; Kuramochi, Jin; Muraoka, Hirokazu; Sato, Akihiro; Chubachi, Kumi; Oba, Kunihiro; Yanai, Atsushi; Arioka, Hiroko; Uehara, Yuki; Ihara, Genei; Kato, Yasuyuki; Yanagisawa, Naoki; Nagura, Yoshito; Yanai, Hideki; Ueda, Akihiro; Numata, Akira; Kato, Hideaki; Oka, Hideaki; Nishida, Yusuke; Ooki, Takao; Nidaira, Yuki; Stucky, Ashley; Suzuki, Tadaki; Smith, Chris; Hibberd, Martin; Ariyoshi, Koya; Suzuki, Motoi
  • Enhancing epidemiological surveillance of the emergence of the SARS-CoV-2 Omicron variant using spike gene target failure data, England, 15 November to 31 December 2021. (2022) Blomquist, Paula B; Bridgen, Jessica; Bray, Neil; O'Connell, Anne Marie; West, Daniel; Groves, Natalie; Gallagher, Eileen; Utsi, Lara; Jarvis, Christopher I; Hardstaff, Jo L; Byers, Chloe; Metelmann, Soeren; Simons, David; Zaidi, Asad; Twohig, Katherine A; Savagar, Bethan; Løchen, Alessandra; Ryan, Cian; Wrenn, Katie; Saavedra-Campos, María; Abedin, Zahidul; Florence, Isaac; Cleary, Paul; Elson, Richard; Vivancos, Roberto; Lake, Iain R
  • Detection of the United States Neisseria meningitidis urethritis clade in the United Kingdom, August and December 2019 - emergence of multiple antibiotic resistance calls for vigilance. (2020) Brooks, Avril; Lucidarme, Jay; Campbell, Helen; Campbell, Laura; Fifer, Helen; Gray, Steve; Hughes, Gwenda; Lekshmi, Aiswarya; Schembri, Gabriel; Rayment, Michael; Ladhani, Shamez N; Ramsay, Mary E; Borrow, Ray
  • Fall in new HIV diagnoses among men who have sex with men (MSM) at selected London sexual health clinics since early 2015: testing or treatment or pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP)? (2017) Brown, Alison E; Mohammed, Hamish; Ogaz, Dana; Kirwan, Peter D; Yung, Mandy; Nash, Sophie G; Furegato, Martina; Hughes, Gwenda; Connor, Nicky; Delpech, Valerie C; Gill, O Noel
  • Filling in the gaps: estimating numbers of chlamydia tests and diagnoses by age group and sex before and during the implementation of the English National Screening Programme, 2000 to 2012. (2017) Chandra, Nastassya L; Soldan, Kate; Dangerfield, Ciara; Sile, Bersabeh; Duffell, Stephen; Talebi, Alireza; Choi, Yoon H; Hughes, Gwenda; Woodhall, Sarah C
  • The European response to control and manage multi- and extensively drug-resistant Neisseria gonorrhoeae. (2022) Cole, Michelle J; Day, Michaela; Jacobsson, Susanne; Amato-Gauci, Andrew J; Spiteri, Gianfranco; Unemo, Magnus; , the European Gonorrhoea Response Plan Group; European Gonorrhoea Response Plan Group
  • Recording of 'COVID-19 vaccine declined': a cohort study on 57.9 million National Health Service patients' records in situ using OpenSAFELY, England, 8 December 2020 to 25 May 2021. (2022) Curtis, Helen J; Inglesby, Peter; MacKenna, Brian; Croker, Richard; Hulme, William J; Rentsch, Christopher T; Bhaskaran, Krishnan; Mathur, Rohini; Morton, Caroline E; Bacon, Sebastian Cj; Smith, Rebecca M; Evans, David; Mehrkar, Amir; Tomlinson, Laurie; Walker, Alex J; Bates, Christopher; Hickman, George; Ward, Tom; Morley, Jessica; Cockburn, Jonathan; Davy, Simon; Williamson, Elizabeth J; Eggo, Rosalind M; Parry, John; Hester, Frank; Harper, Sam; O'Hanlon, Shaun; Eavis, Alex; Jarvis, Richard; Avramov, Dima; Griffiths, Paul; Fowles, Aaron; Parkes, Nasreen; Evans, Stephen Jw; Douglas, Ian J; Smeeth, Liam; Goldacre, Ben
  • Creating a web-based electronic tool to aid tuberculosis (TB) cluster investigation: data integration in TB surveillance activities in the United Kingdom, 2013 to 2016. (2018) Davidson, Jennifer A; Anderson, Laura F; Adebisi, Victoria; de Jongh, Leonardo; Burkitt, Andy; Lalor, Maeve K
  • National outbreak of Pseudomonas aeruginosa associated with an aftercare solution following piercings, July to September 2016, England. (2018) Evans, Hannah; Bolt, Hikaru; Heinsbroek, Ellen; Lloyd, Bryony; English, Peter; Latif, Samia; Elviss, Nicola; Turton, Jane; Hoffman, Peter; Crook, Paul; Puleston, Richard; Outbreak Control Team
  • Gonorrhoea treatment failure caused by a Neisseria gonorrhoeae strain with combined ceftriaxone and high-level azithromycin resistance, England, February 2018. (2018) Eyre, David W; Sanderson, Nicholas D; Lord, Emily; Regisford-Reimmer, Natasha; Chau, Kevin; Barker, Leanne; Morgan, Markus; Newnham, Robert; Golparian, Daniel; Unemo, Magnus; Crook, Derrick W; Peto, Tim Ea; Hughes, Gwenda; Cole, Michelle J; Fifer, Helen; Edwards, Anne; Andersson, Monique I
  • Factors associated with four atypical cases of congenital syphilis in England, 2016 to 2017: an ecological analysis. (2017) Furegato, Martina; Fifer, Helen; Mohammed, Hamish; Simms, Ian; Vanta, Paul; Webb, Sharon; Foster, Kirsty; Kingston, Margaret; Charlett, André; Vishram, Bhavita; Reynolds, Claire; Gill, Noel; Hughes, Gwenda
  • Case fatality risk of the SARS-CoV-2 variant of concern B.1.1.7 in England, 16 November to 5 February. (2021) Grint, Daniel J; Wing, Kevin; Williamson, Elizabeth; McDonald, Helen I; Bhaskaran, Krishnan; Evans, David; Evans, Stephen Jw; Walker, Alex J; Hickman, George; Nightingale, Emily; Schultze, Anna; Rentsch, Christopher T; Bates, Chris; Cockburn, Jonathan; Curtis, Helen J; Morton, Caroline E; Bacon, Sebastian; Davy, Simon; Wong, Angel Ys; Mehrkar, Amir; Tomlinson, Laurie; Douglas, Ian J; Mathur, Rohini; Blomquist, Paula; MacKenna, Brian; Ingelsby, Peter; Croker, Richard; Parry, John; Hester, Frank; Harper, Sam; DeVito, Nicholas J; Hulme, Will; Tazare, John; Goldacre, Ben; Smeeth, Liam; Eggo, Rosalind M
  • Antimicrobial resistance point-of-care testing for gonorrhoea treatment regimens: cost-effectiveness and impact on ceftriaxone use of five hypothetical strategies compared with standard care in England sexual health clinics. (2020) Harding-Esch, Emma M; Huntington, Susie E; Harvey, Michael J; Weston, Georgie; Broad, Claire E; Adams, Elisabeth J; Sadiq, S Tariq
  • Two years of COVID-19: many lessons, but will we learn? (2022) Heymann, David L; Legido-Quigley, Helena
  • The potential for vaccination-induced herd immunity against the SARS-CoV-2 B.1.1.7 variant. (2021) Hodgson, David; Flasche, Stefan; Jit, Mark; Kucharski, Adam J; CMMID COVID-19 Working Group; Centre for Mathematical Modelling of Infectious Disease (CMMID)
  • Detection of new endemic focus of tick-borne encephalitis virus (TBEV), Hampshire/Dorset border, England, September 2019. (2019) Holding, Maya; Dowall, Stuart D; Medlock, Jolyon M; Carter, Daniel P; McGinley, Liz; Curran-French, Mollie; Pullan, Steven T; Chamberlain, John; Hansford, Kayleigh M; Baylis, Matthew; Vipond, Richard; Hewson, Roger
  • Impact of rotavirus vaccination on rotavirus genotype distribution and diversity in England, September 2006 to August 2016. (2019) Hungerford, Daniel; Allen, David J; Nawaz, Sameena; Collins, Sarah; Ladhani, Shamez; Vivancos, Roberto; Iturriza-Gómara, Miren
  • Impact of non-pharmaceutical interventions against COVID-19 in Europe in 2020: a quasi-experimental non-equivalent group and time series design study. (2021) Hunter, Paul R; Colón-González, Felipe J; Brainard, Julii; Rushton, Steven
  • Genetic relatedness of ceftriaxone-resistant and high-level azithromycin resistant Neisseria gonorrhoeae cases, United Kingdom and Australia, February to April 2018. (2019) Jennison, Amy V; Whiley, David; Lahra, Monica M; Graham, Rikki M; Cole, Michelle J; Hughes, Gwenda; Fifer, Helen; Andersson, Monique; Edwards, Anne; Eyre, David
  • A probable case of tick-borne encephalitis (TBE) acquired in England, July 2019. (2019) Kreusch, Teresa M; Holding, Maya; Hewson, Roger; Harder, Thomas; Medlock, Jolyon M; Hansford, Kayleigh M; Dowall, Stuart; Semper, Amanda; Brooks, Tim; Walsh, Amanda; Russell, Katherine; Wichmann, Ole
  • Exploring Campylobacter seasonality across Europe using The European Surveillance System (TESSy), 2008 to 2016. (2019) Lake, IR; Colón-González, FJ; Takkinen, J; Rossi, M; Sudre, B; Dias, J Gomes; Tavoschi, L; Joshi, A; Semenza, JC; Nichols, G
  • Transmission dynamics of COVID-19 in household and community settings in the United Kingdom, January to March 2020. (2022) Lopez Bernal, Jamie; Panagiotopoulos, Nikolaos; Byers, Chloe; Garcia Vilaplana, Tatiana; Boddington, Nicki; Zhang, Xu-Sheng; Charlett, Andre; Elgohari, Suzanne; Coughlan, Laura; Whillock, Rosie; Logan, Sophie; Bolt, Hikaru; Sinnathamby, Mary; Letley, Louise; MacDonald, Pauline; Vivancos, Roberto; Edeghere, Obaghe; Anderson, Charlotte; Paranthaman, Karthik; Cottrell, Simon; McMenamin, Jim; Zambon, Maria; Dabrera, Gavin; Ramsay, Mary; Saliba, Vanessa
  • Country-specific approaches to latent tuberculosis screening targeting migrants in EU/EEA* countries: A survey of national experts, September 2019 to February 2020. (2022) Margineanu, Ioana; Rustage, Kieran; Noori, Teymur; Zenner, Dominik; Greenaway, Christina; Pareek, Manish; Akkerman, Onno; Hayward, Sally; Friedland, Jon S; Goletti, Delia; Stienstra, Ymkje; Hargreaves, Sally; ESGITM/ESGMYC Study Groups
  • Crimean-Congo haemorrhagic fever (CCHF) virus-specific antibody detection in blood donors, Castile-León, Spain, summer 2017 and 2018. (2020) Monsalve Arteaga, Lía; Muñoz Bellido, Juan Luis; Vieira Lista, María Carmen; Vicente Santiago, María Belén; Fernández Soto, Pedro; Bas, Isabel; Leralta, Nuria; de Ory Manchón, Fernando; Negredo, Ana Isabel; Sánchez Seco, María Paz; Alonso Sardón, Montserrat; Pérez González, Sonia; Jiménez Del Bianco, Ana; Blanco Peris, Lydia; Alamo-Sanz, Rufino; Hewson, Roger; Belhassen-García, Moncef; Muro, Antonio
  • Challenges of investigating a large food-borne norovirus outbreak across all branches of a restaurant group in the United Kingdom, October 2016. (2019) Morgan, Mari; Watts, Vicky; Allen, David; Curtis, Daniele; Kirolos, Amir; Macdonald, Neil; Maslen, Ellie; Morgan, Deb; Saei, Ayoub; Sedgwick, James; Stevenson, Janet; Turbitt, Deborah; Vivancos, Roberto; Waugh, Catriona; Williams, Chris; Decraene, Valerie
  • Global distribution and environmental suitability for chikungunya virus, 1952 to 2015. (2016) Nsoesie, EO; Kraemer, MU; Golding, N; Pigott, DM; Brady, OJ; Moyes, CL; Johansson, MA; Gething, PW; Velayudhan, R; Khan, K; Hay, SI; Brownstein, JS
  • Projected early spread of COVID-19 in Africa through 1 June 2020. (2020) Pearson, Carl Ab; Van Schalkwyk, Cari; Foss, Anna M; O'Reilly, Kathleen M; SACEMA Modelling and Analysis Response Team; CMMID COVID-19 working group; Pulliam, Juliet Rc
  • Effectiveness of airport screening at detecting travellers infected with novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV). (2020) Quilty, Billy J; Clifford, Sam; CMMID nCoV working group2; Flasche, Stefan; Eggo, Rosalind M
  • Prevalence of new variants of Chlamydia trachomatis escaping detection by the Aptima Combo 2 assay, England, June to August 2019. (2019) Roberts, David J; Davis, Grahame S; Cole, Michelle J; Naik, Dixita; Maru, Hitiksha; Woodford, Neil; Muir, Peter; Horner, Paddy; Simms, Ian; Thickett, George; Crook, Paul; Foster, Kirsty; Andrews, Nick; Saunders, John; Fifer, Helen; Folkard, Kate; Gill, O Noel; incident management team
  • Estimation of COVID-19 vaccine effectiveness against hospitalisation in individuals aged ≥ 65 years using electronic health registries; a pilot study in four EU/EEA countries, October 2021 to March 2022. (2022) Sentís, Alexis; Kislaya, Irina; Nicolay, Nathalie; Meijerink, Hinta; Starrfelt, Jostein; Martínez-Baz, Iván; Castilla, Jesús; Nielsen, Katrine Finderup; Hansen, Christian Holm; Emborg, Hanne-Dorthe; Nardone, Anthony; Derrough, Tarik; Valenciano, Marta; Nunes, Baltazar; Monge, Susana; VEBIS-Lot4 working group
  • Only strict quarantine measures can curb the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) outbreak in Italy, 2020. (2020) Sjödin, Henrik; Wilder-Smith, Annelies; Osman, Sarah; Farooq, Zia; Rocklöv, Joacim
  • Persistence of an outbreak of gonorrhoea with high-level resistance to azithromycin in England, November 2014‒May 2018. (2018) Smolarchuk, Christa; Wensley, Adrian; Padfield, Simon; Fifer, Helen; Lee, Andrew; Hughes, Gwenda
  • Prospective genomic surveillance of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) associated with bloodstream infection, England, 1 October 2012 to 30 September 2013. (2019) Toleman, Michelle S; Reuter, Sandra; Jamrozy, Dorota; Wilson, Hayley J; Blane, Beth; Harrison, Ewan M; Coll, Francesc; Hope, Russell J; Kearns, Angela; Parkhill, Julian; Peacock, Sharon J; Török, M Estée
  • Specialist laboratory networks as preparedness and response tool - the Emerging Viral Diseases-Expert Laboratory Network and the Chikungunya outbreak, Thailand, 2019. (2020) Venturi, Giulietta; Aberle, Stephan W; Avšič-Županc, Tatjana; Barzon, Luisa; Batejat, Christoph; Burdino, Elisa; Carletti, Fabrizio; Charrel, Rémi; Christova, Iva; Connell, Jeff; Corman, Victor Max; Emmanouil, Mary; Jääskeläinen, Anne J; Kurolt, Ivan; Lustig, Yaniv; Martinez, Miguel J; Koopmans, Marion; Nagy, Orsolya; Nguyen, Trung; Papa, Anna; Pérez-Ruiz, Mercedes; Pfeffer, Martin; Protic, Jelena; Reimerink, Johan; Rossini, Giada; Sánchez-Seco Fariñas, María Paz; Schmidt-Chanasit, Jonas; Söderholm, Sandra; Sudre, Bertrand; Van Esbroeck, Marjan; CHIKV-Working Group; Reusken, Chantal B
  • Post-migration acquisition of HIV: Estimates from four European countries, 2007 to 2016. (2021) Yin, Zheng; Brown, Alison E; Rice, Brian D; Marrone, Gaetano; Sönnerborg, Anders; Suligoi, Barbara; Sasse, Andre; Van Beckhoven, Dominique; Noori, Teymur; Regine, Vincenza; Delpech, Valerie C