Items where the Publication is European journal of public health
Number of items: 241.
  • A comparative study of industry responses to government consultations about alcohol and gambling in the UK. (2023) Bhuptani, Saloni; Boniface, Sadie; Severi, Katherine; Hartwell, Greg; McGill, Elizabeth
  • Consumption and tax gains attributable to Covid-19 vaccinations in 12 EU countries with low vaccination rates. (2023) Cylus, Jonathan; Walters, Jessica; McKee, Martin; Cowley, Peter
  • 2022
  • Latent class trajectories of socioeconomic position over four time points and mortality: the Uppsala Birth Cohort Study. (2022) Hossin, Muhammad Zakir; Heshmati, Amy; Koupil, Ilona; Goodman, Anna; Mishra, Gita D
  • Brexit: reality bites for health on the island of Ireland. (2022) McKee, Martin; Staines, Anthony
  • Educ' Alcool's misinformation: more mixed messages about alcohol harms. (2022) Petticrew, Mark P; van Schalkwyk, May CI; Maani, Nason J; Peake, Lewis K
  • 2020
  • Impact of flooding on health-related quality of life in England: results from the National Study of Flooding and Health. (2020) Robin, Charlotte; Beck, Charles; Armstrong, Ben; Waite, Thomas David; Rubin, G James; English National Study of Flooding and Health Study Group; Oliver, Isabel
  • 2019
  • How to govern the digital transformation of health services. (2019) Ricciardi, Walter; Pita Barros, Pedro; Bourek, Aleš; Brouwer, Werner; Kelsey, Tim; Lehtonen, Lasse; Expert Panel on Effective Ways of Investing in Health (EXPH)
  • The prevalence of metabolic syndrome among Ghanaian migrants and their homeland counterparts: the Research on Obesity and type 2 Diabetes among African Migrants (RODAM) study. (2019) van der Linden, Eva L; Meeks, Karlijn; Beune, Erik; de-Graft Aikins, Ama; Addo, Juliet; Owusu-Dabo, Ellis; Mockenhaupt, Frank P; Bahendeka, Silver; Danquah, Ina; Schulze, Matthias B; Spranger, Joachim; Klipstein-Grobusch, Kerstin; Tetteh Appiah, Lambert; Smeeth, Liam; Stronks, Karien; Agyemang, Charles
  • 2018
  • Public health and politics: how political science can help us move forward. (2018) Bekker, Marleen PM; Greer, Scott L; Azzopardi-Muscat, Natasha; McKee, Martin
  • Comparative institutional analysis for public health: governing voluntary collaborative agreements for public health in England and the Netherlands. (2018) Bekker, Marleen PM; Mays, Nicholas; Kees Helderman, Jan; Petticrew, Mark; Jansen, Maria WJ; Knai, Cecile; Ruwaard, Dirk
  • Reflecting on Alma Ata 1978: forty years on. (2018) Davletov, Kairat; Nurgozhin, Talgat; McKee, Martin
  • Education and mortality in three Eastern European populations: findings from the PrivMort retrospective cohort study. (2018) Doniec, Katarzyna; Stefler, Denes; Murphy, Michael; Gugushvili, Alexi; McKee, Martin; Marmot, Michael; Bobak, Martin; King, Lawrence
  • Amenable mortality in the EU-has the crisis changed its course? (2018) Karanikolos, M; Mackenbach, JP; Nolte, E; Stuckler, D; McKee, M
  • A socioecological measurement of homophobia for all countries and its public health impact. (2018) Lamontagne, Erik; d'Elbée, Marc; Ross, Michael W; Carroll, Aengus; Plessis, André du; Loures, Luiz description
  • Exclusion from health rights: from human rights to citizens' rights and back. (2018) Ooms, G
  • Trends in small-for-gestational age before and after the economic crisis in Spain. (2018) Palència, Laia; Puig-Barrachina, Vanessa; Marí-dell'Olmo, Marc; Gotsens, Mercè; Rodríguez-Sanz, Maica; Bartoll, Xavier; Pérez, Glòria; other IMCRISES members
  • Austerity, measles and mandatory vaccination: cross-regional analysis of vaccination in Italy 2000-14. (2018) Toffolutti, Veronica; McKee, Martin; Melegaro, Alessia; Ricciardi, Walter; Stuckler, David
  • 2017
  • Celebrating EUPHA's 25th anniversary. (2017) Azzopardi-Muscat, Natasha; McKee, Martin; Allebeck, Peter; Zeegers Paget, Dineke
  • The epidemiological transition in Eastern and Western Europe: a historic natural experiment. (2017) Karanikolos, Marina; Adany, Roza; McKee, Martin
  • An evaluation of a public-private partnership to reduce artificial trans fatty acids in England, 2011-16. (2017) Knai, C; James, L; Petticrew, M; Eastmure, E; Durand, MA; Mays, N
  • Socioeconomic position and mortality risk of smoking: evidence from the English Longitudinal Study of Ageing (ELSA). (2017) Lewer, D; McKee, M; Gasparrini, A; Reeves, A; de Oliveira, C
  • Assessing the quality of health technology registers for national guidance development. (2017) Mandeville, Kate L; Patrick, Hannah; McKenna, Tristan; Harris, Kevin
  • Health professionals must uphold truth and human rights. (2017) McKee, Martin
  • Understanding differences in cervical cancer incidence in Western Europe: comparing Portugal and England. (2017) Mendes, Diana; Mesher, David; Pista, Angela; Baguelin, Marc; Jit, Mark
  • Lack of HIV testing and dissatisfaction with HIV testing and counselling among men having sex with men in Hungary. (2017) Nyitray, Alan G; Bagyinszky, Ferenc; Ross, Michael W; Schmidt, Axel J
  • Defining ‘evidence’ in public health: a survey of policymakers’ uses and preferences. (2017) Oliver, KA; de Vocht, F
  • Austerity and health: the impact in the UK and Europe. (2017) Stuckler, David; Reeves, Aaron; Loopstra, Rachel; Karanikolos, Marina; McKee, Martin
  • A systematic literature review on the use and outcomes of maternal and child healthcare services by undocumented migrants in Europe. (2017) de Jong, Lea; Pavlova, Milena; Winters, Marjolein; Rechel, Bernd
  • 2016
  • An examination of unmet health needs as perceived by Roma in Central and Eastern Europe. (2016) Arora, Vishal S; Kühlbrandt, Charlotte; McKee, Martin
  • Environmental and public health tracking to advance knowledge for planetary health. (2016) Behbod, Behrooz; Lauriola, Paolo; Leonardi, Giovanni; Crabbe, Helen; Close, Rebecca; Staatsen, Brigit; Knudsen, Lisbeth E; de Hoogh, Kees; Medina, Sylvia; Semenza, Jan C; Fletcher, Tony
  • The impact of the housing crisis on self-reported health in Europe: multilevel longitudinal modelling of 27 EU countries. (2016) Clair, Amy; Reeves, Aaron; Loopstra, Rachel; McKee, Martin; Dorling, Danny; Stuckler, David
  • Austerity and Abortion in the European Union. (2016) Lima, Joana Madureira; Reeves, Aaron; Billari, Francesco; McKee, Martin; Stuckler, David
  • The mediating role of social capital in the association between neighbourhood income inequality and body mass index. (2016) Mackenbach, JD; Lakerveld, J; van Oostveen, Y; Compernolle, S; De Bourdeaudhuij, I; Bárdos, H; Rutter, H; Glonti, K; Oppert, JM; Charreire, H; Brug, J; Nijpels, G
  • European Public Health News. (2016) McKee, Martin; Paget, Dineke Zeegers; Jakab, Zsuzsanna; Andriukaitis, Vytenis; Barnhoorn, Floris
  • The Vienna Declaration on Public Health. (2016) McKee, Martin; Stuckler, David; Zeegers Paget, Dineke; Dorner, Thomas
  • European Public Health NewsEUPHA President’s ColumnEUPHA Office ColumnMessage from the WHO Regional Director for EuropeMessage from the EU Commissioner for Health and Food Safety9th European Public Health Conference—‘All for Health—Health for All’. (2016) Paget, Dineke Zeegers; McKee, Martin; Andriukaitis, Vytenis; Barnhoorn, Floris
  • Europe's migration challenges: mounting an effective health system response. (2016) Permanand, Govin; Krasnik, Allan; Kluge, Hans; McKee, Martin
  • Variation in induction of labour rates across Irish hospitals; a cross-sectional study. (2016) Sinnott, Sarah-Jo; Layte, Richard; Brick, Aoife; Turner, Michael J
  • In European public health we trust? (2016) Zeegers Paget, Dineke; Azzopardi Muscat, Natasha; McKee, Martin
  • 2015
  • How ehealth can help with Europe's chronic diseases epidemic. (2015) Andriukaitis, Vytenis
  • Regional differences in cardiovascular mortality in Kazakhstan: further evidence for the 'Russian mortality paradox'? (2015) Davletov, Kairat; McKee, Martin; Berkinbayev, Salim; Battakova, Zhamilya; Vujnovic, Melita; Rechel, Bernd
  • The impacts of job loss and job recovery on self-rated health: testing the mediating role of financial strain and income. (2015) Huijts, Tim; Reeves, Aaron; McKee, Martin; Stuckler, David
  • Access to care in the Baltic States: did crisis have an impact? (2015) Karanikolos, Marina; Gordeev, Vladimir S; Mackenbach, Johan P; McKee, Martin description
  • How do economic crises affect migrants' risk of infectious disease? A systematic-narrative review. (2015) Kentikelenis, Alexander; Karanikolos, Marina; Williams, Gemma; Mladovsky, Philipa; King, Lawrence; Pharris, Anastasia; Suk, Jonathan E; Hatzakis, Angelos; McKee, Martin; Noori, Teymur; Stuckler, David
  • President's column. (2015) McKee, Martin
  • President's column. (2015) McKee, Martin
  • Europe's governments must implement standardised tobacco packaging now. (2015) McKee, Martin; Daube, Mike
  • Should a medical journal ever publish a political paper? (2015) McKee, Martin; Mackenbach, Johan P; Allebeck, Peter
  • Identifying public health policymakers' sources of information: comparing survey and network analyses. (2015) Oliver, Kathryn A; de Vocht, Frank; Money, Annemarie; Everett, Martin
  • European public health news. (2015) Paget, Dineke Zeegers; McKee, Martin; Paget, Dineke Zeegers; Jakab, Zsuzsanna; Barnhoorn, Floris
  • The attack on universal health coverage in Europe: recession, austerity and unmet needs. (2015) Reeves, Aaron; McKee, Martin; Stuckler, David
  • Mapping health research capacity in 17 countries of the former Soviet Union and south-eastern Europe: an exploratory study. (2015) Santoro, Alessio; Glonti, Ketevan; Bertollini, Roberto; Ricciardi, Walter; McKee, Martin
  • Public attitudes towards pricing policies to change health-related behaviours: a UK focus group study. (2015) Somerville, Claire; Marteau, Theresa M; Kinmonth, Ann Louise; Cohn, Simon
  • The Ebola crisis: perspectives from European Public Health. (2015) Timen, A; Sprenger, M; Edelstein, M; Martin-Moreno, J; McKee, M
  • The Ebola crisis: perspectives from European Public Health. (2015) Timen, Aura; Sprenger, Marc; Edelstein, Michael; Martin-Moreno, Jose; McKee, Martin
  • Quality assurance and quality improvement in national HIV prevention policies in Europe. (2015) Toledo, J; Castillo-Soria, O; Pereboom, M; Nardone, A; Wentzlaff-Eggebert, M; Seery, D; Shajanian-Zarneh, Y; Reemann, H; Rice, B; Delpech, V; Rodriguez, B
  • European public health news. (2015) Zeegers Paget, Dineke; McKee, Martin; Zeegers Paget, Dineke; Jakab, Zsuzsanna; Andriukaitis, Vytenis; Barnhoorn, Floris
  • 2014
  • Beyond public health genomics: proposals from an international working group. (2014) Boccia, Stefania; Mc Kee, Martin; Adany, Roza; Boffetta, Paolo; Burton, Hilary; Cambon-Thomsen, Anne; Cornel, Martina C; Gray, Muir; Jani, Anant; Knoppers, Bartha Maria; Khoury, Muin J; Meslin, Eric M; Van Duijn, Cornelia M; Villari, Paolo; Zimmern, Ron; Cesario, Alfredo; Puggina, Anna; Colotto, Marco; Ricciardi, Walter
  • Excess winter deaths in Europe: a multi-country descriptive analysis. (2014) Fowler, Tom; Southgate, Rosamund J; Waite, Thomas; Harrell, Ruth; Kovats, Sari; Bone, Angie; Doyle, Yvonne; Murray, Virginia
  • E-cigarettes: threat or opportunity? (2014) Gilmore, Anna B; Hartwell, Greg
  • Prevalence of metabolic syndrome among Roma: a comparative health examination survey in Hungary. (2014) Kósa, Zsigmond; Moravcsik-Kornyicki, Ágota; Diószegi, Judit; Roberts, Bayard; Szabó, Zoltán; Sándor, János; Ádány, Róza
  • An examination of Roma health insurance status in Central and Eastern Europe. (2014) Kühlbrandt, Charlotte; Footman, Katharine; Rechel, Bernd; McKee, Martin
  • RE: The effect of the late 2000s financial crisis on suicides in Spain: an interrupted time-series analysis. (2014) Lopez Bernal, James; Gasparrini, Antonio; Artundo, Carlos; McKee, Martin
  • Cultures of evidence across policy sectors: systematic review of qualitative evidence. (2014) Lorenc, Theo; Tyner, Elizabeth F; Petticrew, Mark; Duffy, Steven; Martineau, Fred P; Phillips, Gemma; Lock, Karen
  • The alcohol industry, charities and policy influence in the UK. (2014) Lyness, Sarah M; McCambridge, Jim
  • Walter Ricciardi: vision, inspiration and leadership in European public health. (2014) McKee, Martin
  • Why the European Journal of Public Health will no longer publish tobacco industry-supported research. (2014) McKee, Martin; Allebeck, Peter
  • Using multi-level data to estimate the effect of social capital on hazardous alcohol consumption in the former Soviet Union. (2014) Murphy, Adrianna; Roberts, Bayard; Kenward, Michael G; De Stavola, Bianca L; Stickley, Andrew; McKee, Martin
  • Tuberculosis among migrant populations in the European Union and the European Economic Area. (2014) Odone, Anna; Tillmann, Taavi; Sandgren, Andreas; Williams, Gemma; Rechel, Bernd; Ingleby, David; Noori, Teymur; Mladovsky, Philipa; McKee, Martin
  • Youth exposure to alcohol advertising on television in the UK, the Netherlands and Germany. (2014) Patil, Sunil; Winpenny, Eleanor M; Elliott, Marc N; Rohr, Charlene; Nolte, Ellen
  • Economic shocks, resilience, and male suicides in the Great Recession: cross-national analysis of 20 EU countries. (2014) Reeves, Aaron; McKee, Martin; Gunnell, David; Chang, Shu-Sen; Basu, Sanjay; Barr, Benjamin; Stuckler, David
  • The realisation of a European health information system--time to get the politicians involved. (2014) Rosenkötter, Nicole; Brand, Helmut; McKee, Martin; Riley, Neil; Verma, Arpana; Verschuuren, Marieke
  • Obtaining health care in another European Union Member State: how easy is it to find relevant information? (2014) Santoro, Alessio; Silenzi, Andrea; Ricciardi, Walter; McKee, Martin
  • Decision-making criteria among European patients: exploring patient preferences for primary care services. (2014) Tinelli, M; Nikoloski, Z; Kumpunen, S; Knai, C; Pribakovic Brinovec, R; Warren, E; Wittgens, K; Dickmann, P
  • European Public Health News * President's Column * EUPHA office column * Message from the Who Regional Director for Europe: Preparedness and Response to Health Threats * 8th European Public Health Conference--'Health in Europe--from global to local policies, methods and practices'. (2014) Zeegers Paget, D; McKee, M; Zeegers Paget, D; Jakab, Z; Barnhoorn, F
  • 2013
  • Informal payments for health services: the experience of Bulgaria after 10 years of formal co-payments. (2013) Atanasova, Elka; Pavlova, Milena; Moutafova, Emanuela; Rechel, Bernd; Groot, Wim
  • Early Service leavers: a study of the factors associated with premature separation from the UK Armed Forces and the mental health of those that leave early. (2013) Buckman, Joshua EJ; Forbes, Harriet J; Clayton, Tim; Jones, Margaret; Jones, Norman; Greenberg, Neil; Sundin, Josefin; Hull, Lisa; Wessely, Simon; Fear, Nicola T
  • An analysis of subject areas and country participation for all health-related projects in the EU's FP5 and FP6 programmes. (2013) Galsworthy, Michael J; Irwin, Rachel; Charlesworth, Kate; Ernst, Kelly; Hristovski, Dimitar; Wismar, Matthias; McKee, Martin
  • The mental health risks of economic crisis in Spain: evidence from primary care centres, 2006 and 2010. (2013) Gili, Margalida; Roca, Miquel; Basu, Sanjay; McKee, Martin; Stuckler, David
  • Differential impact of the economic recession on alcohol use among white British adults, 2004-2010. (2013) Harhay, Michael O; Bor, Jacob; Basu, Sanjay; McKee, Martin; Mindell, Jennifer S; Shelton, Nicola J; Stuckler, David
  • Innovations in medical care and mortality trends from four circulatory diseases between 1970 and 2005. (2013) Hoffmann, Rasmus; Plug, Iris; McKee, Martin; Khoshaba, Bernadette; Westerling, Ragnar; Looman, Caspar; Rey, Gregoire; Jougla, Eric; Luis Alfonso, Jose; Lang, Katrin; Pärna, Kersti; Mackenbach, Johan P
  • Mind the gap--reaching the European target of a 2-year increase in healthy life years in the next decade. (2013) Jagger, Carol; McKee, Martin; Christensen, Kaare; Lagiewka, Karolina; Nusselder, Wilma; Van Oyen, Herman; Cambois, Emmanuelle; Jeune, Bernard; Robine, Jean-Marie
  • The effect of the late 2000s financial crisis on suicides in Spain: an interrupted time-series analysis. (2013) Lopez Bernal, James A; Gasparrini, Antonio; Artundo, Carlos M; McKee, Martin
  • A comparative analysis of health policy performance in 43 European countries. (2013) Mackenbach, Johan P; McKee, Martin
  • Disease presentation, treatment and survival for Italian colorectal cancer patients: a EUROCARE high resolution study. (2013) Minicozzi, Pamela; Kaleci, Shaniko; Maffei, Stefania; Allemani, Claudia; Giacomin, Adriano; Caldarella, Adele; Iachetta, Francesco; Fusco, Mario; Tumino, Rosario; Vicentini, Massimo; Falcini, Fabio; Cesaraccio, Rosaria; Ponz de Leon, Maurizio; Sant, Milena
  • Obstacles to the recognition of medical prescriptions issued in one EU country and presented in another. (2013) San Miguel, Lorena; Baeten, Rita; Remmen, Roy; Busse, Reinhard; Gil, Joan; Knai, Cecile; Mäkinen, Mia; Rubert, Gloria; McKee, Martin
  • The inability to pay for health services in Central and Eastern Europe: evidence from six countries. (2013) Tambor, Marzena; Pavlova, Milena; Rechel, Bernd; Golinowska, Stanisława; Sowada, Christoph; Groot, Wim
  • An examination of the association between premature mortality and life expectancy among men in Europe. (2013) White, Alan; McKee, Martin; de Sousa, Bruno; de Visser, Richard; Hogston, Richard; Madsen, Svend Aage; Makara, Péter; Richardson, Noel; Zatoński, Witold; Raine, Gary
  • 2012
  • Childhood deaths from injuries: trends and inequalities in Europe. (2012) Armour-Marshall, Jasmine; Wolfe, Ingrid; Richardson, Erica; Karanikolos, Marina; McKee, Martin
  • Out-of-pocket payments for health care services in Bulgaria: financial burden and barrier to access. (2012) Atanasova, Elka; Pavlova, Milena; Moutafova, Emanuela; Rechel, Bernd; Groot, Wim
  • Inequalities in male mortality by occupational class, perceived status and education in Russia, 1994-2006. (2012) Bessudnov, Alexey; McKee, Martin; Stuckler, David
  • Mammography use for breast cancer screening in Portugal: results from the 2005/2006 National Health Survey. (2012) Dourado, Fernanda; Carreira, Helena; Lunet, Nuno
  • A model of successful ageing in British populations. (2012) Doyle, Yvonne G; Mc Kee, Martin; Sherriff, Martyn
  • Hepatitis C prevalence in England remains low and varies by ethnicity: an updated evidence synthesis. (2012) Harris, Ross J; Ramsay, Mary; Hope, Vivian D; Brant, Lisa; Hickman, Matthew; Foster, Graham R; De Angelis, Daniela
  • Minimum unit pricing for alcohol--the case for action is overwhelming. (2012) McKee, Martin
  • Seven goals for public health training in the 21st century. (2012) McKee, Martin
  • European governments should stop subsidizing films with tobacco imagery. (2012) Millett, Christopher; Hanewinkel, Reiner; Britton, John; Florek, Ewa; Faggiano, Fabrizio; Ness, Andrew; McKee, Martin; Polansky, Jonathan R; Glantz, Stanton A
  • There is an alternative: public health professionals must not remain silent at a time of financial crisis. (2012) Stuckler, David; McKee, Martin
  • There is an alternative: public health professionals must not remain silent at a time of financial crisis. (2012) Stuckler, David; McKee, Martin
  • Patterns of adult tobacco use in Uzbekistan. (2012) Usmanova, Gulnoza; Neumark, Yehuda; Baras, Mario; McKee, Martin
  • Micro- and meso-level influences on obesity in the former Soviet Union: a multi-level analysis. (2012) Watson, K; Roberts, B; Chow, C; Goryakin, Y; Rotman, D; Gasparishvili, A; Haerpfer, C; McKee, M
  • 2011
  • Health research in the European Union: over-controlled but under-measured? (2011) Charlesworth, Kate; Galsworthy, Michael J; Ernst, Kelly; Irwin, Rachel; Wismar, Matthias; McKee, Martin
  • Nicotine: not just an unregulated poison but now a potential chemical weapon. (2011) Diethelm, Pascal; McKee, Martin
  • Cycling for transport and public health: a systematic review of the effect of the environment on cycling. (2011) Fraser, SDS; Lock, K
  • Health services research in Europe: what about an open marriage? (2011) Groenewegen, Peter P; Busse, Reinhard; Ettelt, Stefanie; Hansen, Johan; Klazinga, Niek; Mays, Nicholas; Schäfer, Willemijn
  • Harmonization may be counterproductive--at least for parts of Europe where public health research operates effectively. (2011) Hakulinen, Timo; Arbyn, Marc; Brewster, David H; Coebergh, Jan Willem; Coleman, Michel P; Crocetti, Emanuele; Forman, David; Gissler, Mika; Katalinic, Alexander; Luostarinen, Tapio; Pukkala, Eero; Rahu, Mati; Storm, Hans; Sund, Reijo; Törnberg, Sven; Tryggvadottir, Laufey
  • Soft drinks and obesity in Latvia: a stakeholder analysis. (2011) Knai, Cécile; McKee, Martin; Pudule, Iveta
  • Stillbirth risk by maternal socio-economic status and country of origin: a population-based observational study in Spain, 2007-08. (2011) Luque-Fernández, Miguel Ángel; Lone, Nazir Iftikhar; Gutiérrez-Garitano, Ignacio; Bueno-Cavanillas, Aurora
  • When are complex interventions 'complex'? When are simple interventions 'simple'? (2011) Petticrew, Mark
  • 2010
  • Access to primary health care among Burmese migrants in London: a cross-sectional descriptive study. (2010) Aung, NC; Rechel, B; Odermatt, P
  • Inequalities in mortality by occupational class in Russia, 1994-2006. (2010) Bessudnov, A; Stuckler, D; McKee, M
  • Surveys of public attitudes towards smoking and tobacco control policy in Russia: round two. What had changed between November 2007 and May 2009. (2010) Danishevskiy, KD; McKee, M; Gilmore, A; Eroshina, K
  • Certification of obesity as a cause of death in England 1979-2006. (2010) Duncan, Marie; Griffith, Myfanwy; Rutter, Harry; Goldacre, Michael J
  • Educational health inequalities in former Yugoslavia: evidence from the South-East European Social Survey Project. (2010) Eikemo, Terje Andreas; Huisman, Martijn; Perlman, Francesca; Ringdal, Kristen
  • Differences in the reproductive pattern and low birthweight by maternal country of origin in Spain, 1996-2006. (2010) Fernández, Miguel Angel Luque; Cavanillas, Aurora Bueno; de Mateo, Salvador
  • Achieving public health goals via public private partnerships: is there a common ground, and what are the rules of the game? (2010) Figureas, J; Ricciardi, W; McKee, M; Verschuren, P; Vallance-Owen, A; Michailik, M; Hubel, M
  • Cycling for transport and public health: a systematic review of the effect of the environment on cycling. (2010) Fraser, Simon DS; Lock, Karen
  • Alcohol policy in a Russian region: a stakeholder analysis. (2010) Gil, Artyom; Polikina, Olga; Koroleva, Natalia; Leon, David A; McKee, Martin picture_as_pdf
  • Chronic disease prevention and control: a survey of methods and structures. (2010) Irwin, R
  • Potential for greater coherence in EUROPEAN influenza surveillance. (2010) Johnson, Heather; Meeyai, Aronrag; Coker, Richard
  • Increased risk of maternal deaths associated with foreign origin in Spain: a population based case-control study. (2010) Luque Fernández, Miguel Ángel; Gutiérrez Garitano, Ignacio; Cavanillas, Aurora Bueno
  • Thank you. (2010) Mackenbach, J; Allebeck, P; McKee, M; Ricciardi, W
  • Moderate pandemic, not many dead--learning the right lessons in Europe from the 2009 pandemic. (2010) Nicoll, Angus; McKee, Martin
  • AMIEHS, avoidable mortality in the European Union: towards better indicators for the effectiveness of health systems. (2010) Plug, I; Hoffmann, R; Khoshaba, B; Westerling, R; Jougla, E; Rey, G; McKee, M; MacKenbach, JP
  • A case-control analysis of socio-economic and marital status differentials in alcohol- and non-alcohol-related mortality among working-age Russian males. (2010) Pridemore, William Alex; Tomkins, Susannah; Eckhardt, Krista; Kiryanov, Nikolay; Saburova, Lyudmila
  • Johanna Gibson. Intellectual Property, Medicine and Health. (2010) Smith, R
  • Social protection and public health: population evidence from the EU, 1980-2003. (2010) Stuckler, D; Basu, S; McKee, M
  • Banking crises and mortality during the great depression: evidence from US urban populations, 1929-37. (2010) Stuckler, D; Meissner, C; Fishback, P; Basu, S; McKee, M
  • 2009
  • Denialism: what is it and how should scientists respond? (2009) Diethelm, Pascal; McKee, Martin
  • Hann A. (editor). Health policy and politics. (2009) Petticrew, M
  • Judith Green and Ronald Labonte. Critical perspectives in Public Health. (2009) Petticrew, M
  • Measuring risk of HIV and HCV among injecting drug users in the Russian Federation. (2009) Platt, Lucy; Sutton, AJ; Vickerman, P; Koshkina, E; Maximova, S; Latishevskaya, N; Hickman, M; Bonell, C; Parry, J; Rhodes, T
  • Impact of health reforms on child health services in Europe: the case of Bulgaria. (2009) Rechel, Boika; Spencer, Nick; Blackburn, Clare; Holland, Richard; Rechel, Bernd
  • 2008
  • Thank you. (2008) Mackenbach, J; Allebeck, P; McKee, M; Ricciardi, W; Agardh, E; Guldbrandsson, K
  • Solidarity in a unified Europe. (2008) McKee, Martin
  • Towards Bamako: a European perspective on the global health research agenda. (2008) McKee, Martin; Ricciardi, Walter
  • Evaluating knowledge gain from TB leaflets for prison and homeless sector staff: the National Knowledge Service TB pilot. (2008) Roy, Anjana; Abubakar, Ibrahim; Yates, Susan; Chapman, Ann; Lipman, Marc; Monk, Philip; Catchpole, Mike; National Knowledge Service TB Project Board
  • Evidence synthesis, upstream determinants and health inequalities: the role of a proposed new Cochrane Public Health Review Group. (2008) Waters, Elizabeth; Petticrew, Mark; Priest, Naomi; Weightman, Alison; Harden, Angela; Doyle, Jodie
  • Will European agricultural policy for school fruit and vegetables improve public health? A review of school fruit and vegetable programmes. (2008) de Sa, Joia; Lock, Karen
  • 2007
  • Access to health care: taking into account health systems complexity. Evidence from transition countries. (2007) Balabanova, D; Parkhurst, J; McKee, M; McPake, B
  • Ethnic segregation in Kosovo's post-war health care system. (2007) Bloom, JD; Hoxha, I; Sambunjak, D; Sondorp, E
  • Assessing preparedness in anticipation of future communicable disease threats: methodological challenges. (2007) Coker, R
  • Prescribing in maternity care in Russia: the legacy of Soviet medicine. (2007) Danishevski, K; Mckee, M
  • Rapid health impact appraisal of eviction versus a housing project in a colony-dwelling Roma (Gypsy) community. (2007) Kosa, K; Molnar, A; McKee, M; Adany, R
  • Thank you. (2007) Mackenbach, J; Allebeck, P; McKee, M; Ricciardi, W; Agardh, E; Guldbrandsson, K
  • Reform of tuberculosis control and DOTS within Russian public health systems: an ecological study. (2007) Marx, Florian M; Atun, Rifat A; Jakubowiak, Wieslaw; McKee, Martin; Coker, Richard J
  • A new year, a new era: Romania and Bulgaria join the European Union. (2007) McKee, Martin; Balabanova, Dina; Steriu, Andreea
  • The future of public health in the unified Europe. (2007) Mckee, Martin
  • Trends in family planning in Russia 1994-2004. (2007) Perlman, FJA
  • 'More research needed': plugging gaps in the evidence base on health inequalities. (2007) Petticrew, Mark
  • Alcohol poisoning in Russia and the countries in the European part of the former Soviet Union, 1970 2002. (2007) Stickley, Andrew; Leinsalu, Mall; Andreev, Evgueni; Razvodovsky, Yury; Vågerö, Denny; McKee, Martin
  • 2006
  • European training for health professionals on rapid response to health threats following biochemical terrorism incidents. (2006) Andriopoulou, E; Galatas, I; Baka, A; Kirch, W; Fuchs, A; Kyncl, J; Dowie, J; Szosland, D; Koycheva, V; Tavoulari, E; Kotsioni, I; Linos, A
  • Comparing health care systems: experiences and challenges. (2006) Ettelt, S; Nolte, E; Thomson, S; Mays, N
  • Birthweight and blood pressure in five European birth cohort studies: an investigation of confounding factors. (2006) Hardy, Rebecca; Sovio, Ulla; King, Vanessa J; Skidmore, Paula ML; Helmsdal, Gunnhild; Olsen, Sjurdur F; Emmett, Pauline M; Wadsworth, Michael EJ; Järvelin, Marjo-Riitta; EURO-BLCS Study Group
  • Heatwaves and public health in Europe. (2006) Kovats, R Sari; Kristie, L Ebi
  • The composition of surrogate and illegal alcohol products in Estonia. (2006) Lang, K; Vali, M; Szucs, S; Adany, R; McKee, M
  • Weak links: international health surveillance in a world containing 'non-states'. (2006) McKee, M; Atun, R
  • McDonald P, The Oxford dictionary of medical quotations. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2004, 224 pp. £25. ISBN 0-19-263047-4. (2006) McKee, Martin
  • Pandemic influenza: are Europe's institutions prepared? (2006) Mounier-Jack, Sandra; Coker, Richard
  • Population health in Ukraine: Consequences of a failing health system? (2006) Nolte, E; McKee, M
  • Did insecure employment contribute to mortality in post-transition Russia? (2006) Perlman, FJA; Bobak, M
  • Fighting tuberculosis and HIV/AIDS in Northeast Europe: sustainable collaboration or political rhetoric? (2006) Rowe, Lars; Rechel, Bernd
  • Alcohol poisoning in Russia and the countries in the European part of the former Soviet Union, 1970-2002. (2006) Stickley, A; Leinsalu, M; Andreev, E; Razvodovsky, Y; Vagero, D; McKee, M
  • Alcohol and premature mortality in Russia: the Izhevsk family case-control study of men aged 25-54 years, 2003-2005. (2006) Tomkins, S; Leon, DA; Kiryanov, N; Saburova, LA; Andreev, E; McKee, M; Shkolnikov, V
  • Does usage of domestic heating influence internal environmental conditions and health? (2006) Walker, Jeremy J; Mitchell, Richard; Platt, Stephen D; Petticrew, Mark P; Hopton, Jane
  • 2005
  • Seasonal variation and hospital utilization for tuberculosis in Russia: hospitals as social care institutions. (2005) Atun, RA; Samyshkin, YA; Drobniewski, F; Kuznetsov, SI; Fedorin, IM; Coker, RJ
  • Cervical cancer screening in Bulgaria: what went wrong with the system after 1989? (2005) Balabanova, D; Panayotova, Y; Georgiev, J; Todorova, I; Bradley, J
  • Prison Health in Russia: is it safer to be detained. (2005) Bobrik, A; Danishevski, K; Eroshina, K; McKee, M
  • Prison health in Russia: is it safer to be detained? (2005) Bobrik, A; Danishevski, K; Eroshina, K; McKee, M
  • Determinants of obstetric practices in the information poor setting of a typical Russian region. (2005) Danishevski, K; Balabanova, D; McKee, M
  • Carr A J, Higginson I J, Robinson P G, (editors). Quality of life. London: BMJ Books, 2003. 133 pp. ISBN 0-7279-1544-4. (2005) Dimitrova, Boika
  • Influence of social environment in smoking among adolescents in Turkey. (2005) Erbaydar, Tugrul; Lawrence, Susan; Dagli, Elif; Hayran, Osman; Collishaw, Neil E
  • Environmental and social factors as determinants of respiratory dysfunction in junior school children in Moscow. (2005) Eroshina, K; Danishevski, K; Wilkinson, P; McKee, M; Zaitseva, E
  • Environmental and social factors as determinants of respiratory dysfunction in junior school children in Moscow. (2005) Eroshina, K; Danishevski, K; Wilkinson, P; McKee, M; Zaitseva, E
  • A dynamic analysis approach for a longitudinal survey investigating risk factors for asthma and allergies in children. (2005) Genser, B; Cruz, AA; Carvalho, LP; Cooper, PJ; Stein, RT; de Almeida, N; Cunha, S; Rodrigues, L; Barreto, ML
  • Determining the cost effectiveness of a smoke alarm give-away program using data from a randomized controlled trial. (2005) Ginnelly, Laura; Sculpher, Mark; Bojke, Chris; Roberts, Ian; Wade, Angie; Diguiseppi, Carolyn
  • Public understanding of food risks in four European countries: a qualitative study. (2005) Green, Judith M; Draper, Alizon K; Dowler, Elizabeth A; Fele, Giolo; Hagenhoff, Vera; Rusanen, Maria; Rusanen, Timo
  • Review: Health economics: an introduction to economic evaluation. Second edition. (2005) Grieve, R
  • Health promotion in hospitals--a strategy to improve quality in health care. (2005) Groene, Oliver; Jorgensen, Svend Juul
  • Tobacco industry influence on science and scientists in Germany. (2005) Gruning, T; Gilmore, AB; McKee, M
  • Hawker J, Begg N, Blair I, Reintjes R, Weinberg J, Communicable disease control handbook. Blackwell Science, 2001. $49.95. 362 pp. ISBN 0-632-05649-5. (2005) Hall, Andrew J
  • Peace through health care in Ireland. (2005) Jamison, J; McKee, M; Legido-Quigley, H
  • Childhood obesity: the case for binding international legislation. (2005) Knai, Cécile; Lobstein, Tim; McKee, Martin
  • Review: Communism, health and lifestyle. The paradox of mortality transition in Albania, 1950–1990. (2005) McKee, M
  • Lung cancer in Austria - a cohort analysis. (2005) McKee, M; Bachinger, E
  • European health policy: where now? (2005) McKee, Martin
  • Counting the cost of violence in the Middle East. (2005) McKee, Martin; Janson, Staffan
  • On the European Union's new eastern border: health promotion, HIV and Ukraine. (2005) Neil, Lindsay; Zalata, Oleg; Coker, Richard
  • International benchmarking of health systems: from aggregate measures to tracer conditions. (2005) Nolte, E; Bain, C; McKee, M
  • Mothers and daughters: intergenerational patterns of reproduction. (2005) Pouta, Anneli; Järvelin, Marjo-Riitta; Hemminki, Elina; Sovio, Ulla; Hartikainen, Anna-Liisa
  • The effects of dictatorship on health in Turkmenistan. (2005) Rechel, B; McKee, M
  • Implementing general practice in Russia: getting beyond the first steps - a key informants study. (2005) Rese, A; Balabanova, D; Danishevski, K; McKee, M; Sheaff, R
  • From health to wealth: the contribution of health to the economy in the European Union. (2005) Suhrcke, M; McKee, M; Sauto, R; Tsolova, S; Mortensen, J
  • Could the high level of cirrhosis in Central and Eastern Europe be due partly to the quality of alcohol consumed? An exploratory investigation. (2005) Szucs, S; Sarvary, A; McKee, M; Adany, R
  • 2004
  • A framework and toolkit for capturing the communicable disease programmes within health systems: tuberculosis control as an illustrative example. (2004) Atun, RA; Lennox-Chhugani, N; Drobniewski, F; Samyshkin, YA; Coker, RJ
  • Funding health care: Options for Europe. European Observatory on health care systems series. (2004) Balabanova, D
  • Urban-rural disparities in health and living conditions in the Former Soviet Union: towards a comprehensive regional analysis. (2004) Balabanova, D; McKee, M; Akingbade, KR
  • Urban-rural disparities in health and living conditions in the Former Soviet Union: towards a comprehensive regional analysis. (2004) Balabanova, D; McKee, M; Akingbade, KR
  • Ethical dimensions of health policy. (2004) Coker, R
  • Variations in obstetric practices in Tula region of Russia. (2004) Danishevski, K; Balabanova, D; Parkhurst, J; McKee, M
  • Towards a better understanding of birth outcomes in Russia. (2004) Danishevskiy, K; Balabanova, D; McKee, M; Nolte, E; Vasilieva, N; Schwalbe, N
  • Database on health promotion infrastructure, policy and practice (HP-Source). (2004) Fosse, E; Mittelmark, M; Hagard, S
  • Hospitals in a changing Europe. (2004) Hongoro, C
  • Effectiveness of interventions and programmes promoting fruit and vegetable intake. (2004) Lock, K; Pomerleau, J; Knai, C; McKee, M
  • Passing the baton. (2004) McKee, Martin
  • Strengthening Public Health Human Resources in Europe: Meeting the Training Challenge. (2004) Normand, C
  • Using health economics in health services: rationing rationally? (2004) Normand, C
  • Epidemiological studies: A practical guide. (2004) Pomerleau, J
  • The need for appropriate Millennium Development Goals for Eastern Europe and Central Asia. (2004) Rechel, B; Shapo, L; McKee, M
  • Using research for effective health promotion. (2004) Thorogood, M
  • Introducing infectious disease modelling and its applications to infectious disease researchers. (2004) Vynnycky, E; White, R
  • 2003
  • Review: Book reviews. (2003) Berridge, V
  • The comprehensive cancer monitoring programme in Europe. (2003) Bray, F; Guerra Yi, M; Parkin, DM
  • Ministerial challenges: post-conflict, post-election issues in Kosovo's health sector. (2003) Campbell, Jim; Percival, Val; Zwi, Anthony
  • Postscript, commentary ministerial challenges: post-conflict, post-election issues in Kosovo's health sector. (2003) Campbell, Jim; Zwi, Anthony; Percival, Val
  • Betrayal of trust: the collapse of global public health. (2003) Coker, R
  • Political interference in American science [Editorial]. (2003) McKee, M; Novotny, TE
  • Competing interests: the importance of transparency. (2003) McKee, Martin
  • Political interference in American science: why Europe should be concerned about the actions of the Bush administration. (2003) McKee, Martin; Novotny, Thomas E
  • Monitoring health in Europe: opportunities, challenges and progress. (2003) Mckee, Martin; Ryan, John
  • Cancer control in Europe: a proposed set of European cancer health indicators. (2003) Micheli, Andrea; Capocaccia, Riccardo; Martinez, Carmen; Mugno, Eugenio; Coebergh, Jan Willem; Baili, Paolo; Verdecchia, Arduino; Berrino, Franco; Coleman, Michel
  • Making sense of data: a self-instruction manual on the interpretation of epidemiological data. (2003) Pomerleau, J
  • 2002
  • Physical activity and coronary heart disease in older adults. A systematic review of epidemiological studies. (2002) Batty, G David
  • Socio-economic position and coronary heart disease risk factors in children and young people. Evidence from UK epidemiological studies. (2002) Batty, G David; Leon, David A
  • No time to lose: getting more from HIV prevention. (2002) Coker, R
  • Tobacco control, the European Union and WHO. Two conventions provide opportunities to advance public health. (2002) Collin, Jeff; Gilmore, Anna B
  • Evaluation of national and regional health reports at the European level (EVA-PHR). (2002) Cornelius-Taylor, B; Brand, H; Achterberg, P; Budden, D; Nanda, A
  • The implications of terrorism for public health. (2002) Janson, Staffan; McKee, Martin
  • The Global Burden of Disease attributable to low fruit and vegetable intake - What does this mean for public health policy in Europe? (2002) Lock, K
  • Reforming health care financing in Bulgaria: the population perspective. (2002) McKee, M; Balabanova, D
  • Ischaemic heart disease: more than just lipids? [Editorial]. (2002) McKee, M; Perry, I
  • EUROCHIP: EUROpean Cancer Health Indicators Project. (2002) Micheli, A; Coleman, M; Capocaccia, R; Martinez, C; Coebergh, JW; Berrino, F
  • Changing health inequalities in east and west Germany since unification. (2002) Nolte, E; McKee, M
  • 2001
  • Public health training in Europe. Development of European masters degrees in public health. (2001) Cavallo, F; Rimpela, A; Normand, C; Bury, J
  • Length of stay. How short should hospital care be? (2001) Clarke, A; Rosen, R
  • Physical and psychological effects of injury. Data from the 1958 British birth cohort study. (2001) Li, L; Roberts, I; Power, C
  • Epidemiology in the 21st century. The challenges ahead. (2001) McKee, M
  • Supplement on smoking cessation. (2001) McKee, M
  • Forced migration. The need for a public health response. (2001) McKee, M; Janson, S
  • The challenge of stewardship. (2001) Mckee, M
  • Poverty, Inequality and Health. (2001) Smeeth, L