Items where the Publication is Euro surveillance

Number of items: 56.
  • Unexposed populations and potential COVID-19 hospitalisations and deaths in European countries as per data up to 21 November 2021. (2022) Chapman, Lloyd AC; Barnard, Rosanna C; Russell, Timothy W; Abbott, Sam; van Zandvoort, Kevin; Davies, Nicholas G; Kucharski, Adam J
  • 2019
  • Estimating the 'PrEP Gap': how implementation and access to PrEP differ between countries in Europe and Central Asia in 2019. (2019) Hayes, Rosalie; Schmidt, Axel J; Pharris, Anastasia; Azad, Yusef; Brown, Alison E; Weatherburn, Peter; Hickson, Ford; Delpech, Valerie; Noori, Teymur; ECDC Dublin Declaration Monitoring Network
  • 2018
  • Uptake and impact of vaccinating primary school-age children against influenza: experiences of a live attenuated influenza vaccine programme, England, 2015/16. (2018) Pebody, Richard G; Sinnathamby, Mary A; Warburton, Fiona; Andrews, Nick; Boddington, Nicola L; Zhao, Hongxin; Yonova, Ivelina; Ellis, Joanna; Tessier, Elise; Donati, Matthew; Elliot, Alex J; Hughes, Helen E; Pathirannehelage, Sameera; Byford, Rachel; Smith, Gillian E; de Lusignan, Simon; Zambon, Maria
  • 2017
  • Recurrent seasonal outbreak of an emerging serotype of Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli (STEC O55:H7 Stx2a) in the south west of England, July 2014 to September 2015. (2017) McFarland, Noëleen; Bundle, Nick; Jenkins, Claire; Godbole, Gauri; Mikhail, Amy; Dallman, Tim; O'Connor, Catherine; McCarthy, Noel; O'Connell, Emer; Treacy, Juli; Dabke, Girija; Mapstone, James; Landy, Yvette; Moore, Janet; Partridge, Rachel; Jorgensen, Frieda; Willis, Caroline; Mook, Piers; Rawlings, Chas; Acornley, Richard; Featherstone, Charlotte; Gayle, Sharleen; Edge, Joanne; McNamara, Eleanor; Hawker, Jeremy; Balasegaram, Sooria
  • Economic evaluation of HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis among men-who-have-sex-with-men in England in 2016. (2017) Ong, Koh Jun; Desai, Sarika; Field, Nigel; Desai, Monica; Nardone, Anthony; van Hoek, Albert Jan; Gill, Owen Noel
  • Concern regarding the alleged spread of hypervirulent lymphogranuloma venereum Chlamydia trachomatis strain in Europe. (2017) Seth-Smith, Helena Mb; Galán, Juan C; Goldenberger, Daniel; Lewis, David A; Peuchant, Olivia; Bébéar, Cecile; de Barbeyrac, Bertille; Bénard, Angele; Carter, Ian; Kok, Jen; Bruisten, Sylvia M; Versteeg, Bart; Morré, Servaas A; Thomson, Nicholas R; Egli, Adrian; de Vries, Henry Jc
  • 2016
  • Is the recent emergence of mephedrone injecting in the United Kingdom associated with elevated risk behaviours and blood borne virus infection? (2016) Hope, Vivian D; Cullen, Katelyn J; Smith, Josie; Jessop, Lucy; Parry, John; Ncube, Fortune
  • Use of WHONET-SaTScan system for simulated real-time detection of antimicrobial resistance clusters in a hospital in Italy, 2012 to 2014. (2016) Natale, Alessandra; Stelling, John; Meledandri, Marcello; Messenger, Louisa A; D'Ancona, Fortunato
  • Sustained low rotavirus activity and hospitalisation rates in the post-vaccination era in Belgium, 2007 to 2014. (2016) Sabbe, Martine; Berger, Nicolas; Blommaert, Adriaan; Ogunjimi, Benson; Grammens, Tine; Callens, Michiel; Van Herck, Koen; Beutels, Philippe; Van Damme, Pierre; Bilcke, Joke
  • Comparison of Leishmania typing results obtained from 16 European clinical laboratories in 2014. (2016) Van der Auwera, Gert; Bart, Aldert; Chicharro, Carmen; Cortes, Sofia; Davidsson, Leigh; Di Muccio, Trentina; Dujardin, Jean-Claude; Felger, Ingrid; Paglia, Maria Grazia; Grimm, Felix; Harms, Gundel; Jaffe, Charles L; Manser, Monika; Ravel, Christophe; Robert-Gangneux, Florence; Roelfsema, Jeroen; Töz, Seray; Verweij, Jaco J; Chiodini, Peter L
  • 2015
  • Duration of Ebola virus RNA persistence in semen of survivors: population-level estimates and projections. (2015) Eggo, Rosalind M; Watson, Conall H; Camacho, Anton; Kucharski, Adam J; Funk, Sebastian; Edmunds, W John
  • The role of superspreading in Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus (MERS-CoV) transmission. (2015) Kucharski, AJ; Althaus, CL
  • Cyclospora infection linked to travel to Mexico, June to September 2015. (2015) Nichols, Gordon L; Freedman, Joanne; Pollock, Kevin G; Rumble, Caroline; Chalmers, Rachel M; Chiodini, Peter; Hawkins, Gillian; Alexander, Claire L; Godbole, Gauri; Williams, Christopher; Kirkbride, Hilary A; Hamel, Meghan; Hawker, Jeremy I
  • A systematic review of evidence to inform HIV prevention interventions among men who have sex with men in Europe. (2015) Stromdahl, S; Hickson, F; Pharris, A; Sabido, M; Baral, S; Thorson, A
  • 2014
  • The polio eradication end game: what it means for Europe. (2014) Heymann, D; Ahmed, Q
  • Two decades of successes and failures in controlling the transmission of HIV through injecting drug use in England and Wales, 1990 to 2011. (2014) Hope, VD; Harris, RJ; de Angelis, D; Croxford, S; Marongiu, A; Parry, JV; Ncube, F
  • Investigating an outbreak of Clostridium perfringens gastroenteritis in a school using smartphone technology, London, March 2013. (2014) Simone, B; Atchison, C; Ruiz, B; Greenop, P; Dave, J; Ready, D; Maguire, H; Walsh, B; Anderson, S
  • 2012
  • The case-cohort design in outbreak investigations. (2012) Le Polain de Waroux, O; Maguire, H; Moren, A
  • Travel-associated Legionnaires disease in residents from England and Wales travelling to Corfu, Greece, August to October 2011. (2012) Maini, R; Naik, F; Harrison, TG; Mentasti, M; Spala, G; Velonakis, E; Hadjichristodoulou, C; de Jong, B; Vatopoulos, A; Phin, N
  • Influenza A(H1N1)pdm09 in England, 2009 to 2011: a greater burden of severe illness in the year after the pandemic than in the pandemic year. (2012) Mytton, OT; Rutter, PD; Donaldson, LJ
  • Influenza A(H1N1)pdm09 in England, 2009 to 2011: a greater burden of severe illness in the year after the pandemic than in the pandemic year. (2012) Mytton, OT; Rutter, PD; Donaldson, LJ
  • An unusual transmission event of Neisseria meningitidis serogroup W135 type 2a in a healthcare setting, England, 2012. (2012) Puleston, R; Beck, C; Tahir, M; Bardhan, M; Charlemagne, P; Alves, C; Ladhani, S; Watson, C; Ramsay, M; Kaczmarksi, E; Borrow, R; Gray, S; Hadlington, D; Weinbren, M; Bhattacharjee, D; Inglis, N
  • Case registry systems for pandemic influenza A(H1N1)pdm09 in Europe: are there lessons for the future? (2012) Whelan, J; Greenland, K; Rondy, M; van der Hoek, W; Robert-Du Ry van Beest Holle, M
  • 2011
  • Assessing the effect of foreign travel and protection by BCG vaccination on the spread of tuberculosis in a low incidence country, United Kingdom, October 2008 to December 2009. (2011) Abubakar, I; Matthews, T; Harmer, D; Okereke, E; Crawford, K; Hall, T; Collyns, T; Smith, G; Barrett, A; Baugh, S
  • Long term trends introduce a potential bias when evaluating the impact of the pneumococcal conjugate vaccination programme in England and Wales. (2011) Flasche, S; Slack, M; Miller, E
  • Mapping HIV-related behavioural surveillance among injecting drug users in Europe, 2008. (2011) Hope, V; Jeannin, A; Spencer, B; Gervasoni, JP; van de Laar, MJ; Dubois-Arber, F; ECDC HIV and STI Behavioural Surveillance Mapping Group
  • Investigation of a spatiotemporal cluster of verotoxin-producing Escherichia coli O157 infections in eastern England in 2007. (2011) Rechel, B; Mahgoub, H; Pritchard, GC; Willshaw, G; Williams, C; Rodrigues, B; Lewin, M; Nair, P
  • 2010
  • Risk of Salmonella infection with exposure to reptiles in England, 2004-2007. (2010) Aiken, AM; Lane, C; Adak, GK
  • Clostridium perfringens in London, July 2009: two weddings and an outbreak. (2010) Eriksen, J; Zenner, D; Anderson, SR; Grant, K; Kumar, D
  • Clostridium perfringens in London, July 2009: two weddings and an outbreak. (2010) Eriksen, J; Zenner, D; Anderson, SR; Grant, K; Kumar, D
  • School absence data for influenza surveillance: a pilot study in the United Kingdom. (2010) Schmidt, WP; Pebody, R; Mangtani, P
  • Ongoing mumps outbreak in a student population with high vaccination coverage, Netherlands, 2010. (2010) Whelan, J; van Binnendijk, R; Greenland, K; Fanoy, E; Khargi, M; Yap, K; Boot, H; Veltman, N; Swaan, C; van der Bij, A; de Melker, H; Hahné, S
  • 2009
  • Clinical laboratory practices for the detection of rotavirus in England and Wales: can surveillance based on routine laboratory testing data be used to evaluate the impact of vaccination? (2009) Atchison, CJ; Lopman, BA; Harris, CJ; Tam, CC; Iturriza Gómara, M; Gray, JJ
  • HIV and STI behavioural surveillance among men who have sex with men in Europe. (2009) Elford, J; Jeannin, A; Spencer, B; Gervasoni, JP; van de Laar, MJ; Dubois-Arber, F; HIV and STI Behavioural Surveillance Mapping Group
  • Nationwide outbreak of STEC O157 infection in the Netherlands, December 2008-January 2009: continuous risk of consuming raw beef products. (2009) Greenland, K; de Jager, C; Heuvelink, A; van der Zwaluw, K; Heck, M; Notermans, D; van Pelt, W; Friesema, I
  • THE ECONOMIC CRISIS AND INFECTIOUS DISEASE CONTROL. (2009) Suhrcke, M; McKee, M; Stuckler, D; Suk, JE; Tsolova, S; Semenza, JC
  • 2008
  • WHO publishes the third edition of guidelines for the prevention and control of air-travel-associated tuberculosis. (2008) Abubakar, I; Fernandez de la Hoz, K; WHO
  • Surveillance of air-travel-related tuberculosis incidents, England and Wales: 2007-2008. (2008) Abubakar, I; Welfare, R; Moore, J; Watson, JM
  • Situation of HIV infections and STIs in the United Kingdom in 2007. (2008) Lattimore, S; Yin, Z; Logan, L; Rice, B; Thornton, A; Molinar, D; Leong, G; Presanis, A; De Angelis, D; Gill, N; Delpech, V
  • Cohort study of an outbreak of viral gastroenteritis in a nursing home for elderly, Majorca, Spain, February 2008. (2008) Luque Fernández, MA; Galmés Truyols, A; Herrera Guibert, D; Arbona Cerdá, G; Sancho Gayá, F
  • Continuing high levels of HIV diagnoses in men who have sex with men in the United Kingdom. (2008) Rice, B; Nardone, A; Gill, Noel; Delpech, V
  • Setting up an enhanced surveillance of newly acquired hepatitis C infection in men who have sex with men: a pilot in London and South East region of England. (2008) Ruf, M; Cohuet, S; Maguire, H; Brant, LJ; Ramsay, M; Lattimore, S; Delpech, V; SNAHC Steering Group
  • First steps in the design of a system to monitor vaccine effectiveness during seasonal and pandemic influenza in EU/EEA Member States. (2008) Valenciano, M; Ciancio, Bc; Moren, A; Influenza Vaccine Effectiveness Working Group
  • 2006
  • Further thoughts on the limitations of a recently published review of national influenza pandemic plans in Europe. (2006) Coker, R; Mounier-Jack, S
  • Diversity of needle exchange provision in the UK: findings from a national survey. (2006) Huntington, S; Hope, V; Hutchinson, S; Goldberg, D; Ncube, F
  • Cryptosporidium outbreak linked to interactive water feature, UK: importance of guidelines. (2006) Jones, M; Boccia, D; Kealy, M; Salkin, B; Ferrero, A; Nichols, G; Stuart, JM
  • Variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease in the United Kingdom and elsewhere: situation at the end of 2005. (2006) Molesworth, AM; Andrews, NJ
  • Tattooing and piercing: the need for guidelines in EU. (2006) Noah, N
  • Tattooing and piercing--the need for guidelines in EU. (2006) Noah, Norman
  • HIV transmission in part of the US prison system: implications for Europe. (2006) Testa, AC; Weilandt, C; Ncube, F; Gill, ON
  • 2005
  • Wound botulism in injectors of drugs: upsurge in cases in England during 2004. (2005) Akbulut, D; Dennis, J; Gent, M; Grant, KA; Hope, V; Ohai, C; McLauchlin, J; Mithani, V; Mpamugo, O; Ncube, F; de Souza-Thomas, L
  • Modelling study suggests pandemic influenza could be controlled at source. (2005) Cooke, Mary; Van-Tam, Jonathan
  • Influenza activity increasing in western central Europe and decreasing in Spain: an update from EISS. (2005) Meerhoff, Tamara; Brown, Caroline; Cooke, Mary; Meijer, Adam; Paget, John; Socan, Maja; Van-Tam, Jonathan; Thomas, Yves; EISS
  • 2004
  • Norovirus foodborne outbreaks associated with the consumption of oysters from the Etang de Thau, France, December 2002. (2004) Doyle, A; Barataud, D; Gallay, A; Thiolet, JM; Le Guyaguer, S; Kohli, E; Vaillant, V
  • A large increase of Salmonella infections in 2003 in the Netherlands: hot summer or side effect of the avian influenza outbreak? (2004) van Pelt, W; Mevius, DJ; Stoelhorst, HG; Kovats, S; van de Giessen, AW; Wannet, WJB; Duynhoven, YTHP
  • 2002
  • Laboratory capability in Europe for foodborne viruses. (2002) Lopman, B; van Duynhoven, Y; Hanon, FX; Reacher, M; Koopmans, M; Brown, D; Consortium on Foodborne Viruses in Europe