Items where the Publication is Drugs (Abingdon, England)
Number of items: 39.
How ‘Cool’ is heroin injection at the Kenya coast. (2004)
Beckerleg, Susan
Book Review<b>Drugs, Prisons and Policy Making</b>Karen Duke. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2003, xii + 206 pp. ISBN 0-333-98203-7. (2004)
Berridge, Virginia
Book Reviews. (2007)
Berridge, Virginia
Book Reviews. (2007)
Berridge, Virginia
The Centre for History in Public Health at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, University of London (LSHTM). (2008)
Berridge, Virginia
New strategies for alcohol policy—lessons from history? (2006)
Berridge, Virginia
The politics of alcohol: a history of the drink question in England, by James Nicholls. (2010)
Berridge, Virginia
Injecting drug use and unstable housing: Scope for structural interventions in harm reduction. (2009)
Briggs, Daniel; Rhodes, Tim; Marks, Dalya; Kimber, Jo; Holloway, Greg; Jones, Steve
The number, deployment, activities and attitudes of specialist consultant addiction psychiatrists in England: A national survey. (2009)
Durand, Mary A; Lelliott, Paul; Crome, Ilana; Coyle, Nick
Hepatitis C testing for people who inject drugs in the United Kingdom: Why is uptake so low? (2014)
Harris, Magdalena; McDonald, Bethan; Rhodes, Tim
Challenging, co-operating and splitting: a qualitative analysis of how the trade press responded to cumulative impact policies in England and Wales. (2017)
Hector, Dorothy; McGill, Elizabeth; Grace, Daniel; Egan, Matt
Binge drinking today: Learning lessons from the past. (2008)
Herring, Rachel; Berridge, Virginia; Thom, Betsy
Constructive imperialism and sobriety: Evidence of alcoholism among candidates for the British Colonial Service from 1898–1904. (2008)
Knowlton, Richard; Berridge, Virginia
Public Health Advocacy and Tobacco Control: Making Smoking History. (2009)
Lee, Kelley
Barriers to the influence of evidence on policy: Are politicians the problem? (2013)
MacGregor, Susanne
Book Reviews. (2007)
MacGregor, Susanne
Drink and the city: Alcohol and alcohol problems in urban UK since the 1950s, by J. E. McGregor. (2013)
MacGregor, Susanne
Governing the heroin trade: From treaties to treatment. (2010)
MacGregor, Susanne
International drug control into the 21st century. (2010)
MacGregor, Susanne
Tackling drugs together: Ten years on. (2006)
MacGregor, Susanne
Towards an integrated policy on psychoactive substances: A theoretical and empirical analysis. (2011)
MacGregor, Susanne
Treatment systems overview. (2011)
MacGregor, Susanne
‘<b><i>Tackling Drugs Together</i></b>’ and the establishment of the principle that ‘treatment works’. (2006)
MacGregor, Susanne
Book Review of<b>Drug treatment and ethnicity: a comparative study in the metropolitan areas of Frankfurt, Tel Aviv and San Francisco</b>Jan Schneider: Psychosozial-Verlag/ Haight-Ashbury Publications, 2001, 289 pp. €29.90. ISBN 3 89806 079 9. (2005)
Macgregor, Susanne
Editorial: The department of health (policy research programme) drug misuse research initiative. (2004)
Macgregor, Susanne
Has there been a decline in the prevalence of cannabis use among British nightclubbers? 5-year survey data. (2005)
McCambridge, J; Hunt, N; Winstock, A; Mitcheson, L
Can it really be this black and white? An analysis of the relative importance of ethnic group and other sociodemographic factors to patterns of drug use and related risk among young Londoners. (2005)
McCambridge, J; Strang, J
Devolution and British drug policies: Natural experiments in need of evaluation. (2009)
McCambridge, Jim
Patterns of drug use in a sample of 200 young drug users in London. (2004)
McCambridge, Jim; Strang, John
Binge drinking behaviour, attitudes and beliefs in a UK community sample: An analysis by gender, age and deprivation. (2007)
McMahon, J; McAlaney, J; Edgar, F
A history of drugs: Drugs and freedom in the liberal age, by Toby Seddon. (2011)
Mold, Alex
‘The rise of the user’? Voluntary organizations, the state and illegal drugs in England since the 1960s. (2008)
Mold, Alex; Berridge, Virginia
What is the problem?: Evidence, politics and alcohol policy in England and Wales, 2010–2014. (2015)
Nicholls, James; Greenaway, John
Alcohol problems and policies: Historical and contemporary perspectives. (2015)
Nicholls, James; Kneale, James
Risk factors associated with drug use: the importance of ‘risk environment’. (2003)
Rhodes, Tim; Lilly, Robert; Fernández, Cesáreo; Giorgino, Enzo; Kemmesis, Uwe E; Ossebaard, Hans C; Lalam, Nacer; Faasen, Imar; Spannow, Karen Ellen
National survey of drugs and alcohol provisions within further education colleges in England in 2006. (2007)
Slym, Renee L; Day, Maria; McCambridge, Jim
Medicalizing cannabis—Science, medicine and policy, 1950–2004: An overview of a work in progress. (2008)
Taylor, Suzanne
What does it cost? An economic analysis of a harm reduction intervention in Svetlogorsk, Belarus. (2001)
Walker, D; Kumaranayake, L; Romantsov, V; Samoshkin, S; Zviagin, V