Items where the Publication is Contemporary clinical trials
Number of items: 18.
  • The effect of scientific misconduct on the results of clinical trials: a Delphi survey. (2005) Al-Marzouki, Sanaa; Roberts, Ian; Marshall, Tom; Evans, Stephen
  • Safety of discontinuing cotrimoxazole prophylaxis among HIV infected adults on anti-retroviral therapy in Uganda (COSTOP trial): Design. (2015) Anywaine, Zacchaeus; Abaasa, Andrew; Levin, Jonathan; Kasirye, Ronnie; Kamali, Anatoli; Grosskurth, Heiner; Munderi, Paula; Nunn, Andrew picture_as_pdf
  • B
  • A dose-reduction HPV vaccine immunobridging trial of two HPV vaccines among adolescent girls in Tanzania (the DoRIS trial) - Study protocol for a randomised controlled trial. (2021) Baisley, Kathy J; Whitworth, Hilary S; Changalucha, John; Pinto, Ligia; Dillner, Joakim; Kapiga, Saidi; de SanjosĂ©, Silvia; Mayaud, Philippe; Hayes, Richard J; Lacey, Charles J; Watson-Jones, Deborah
  • D
  • Are those who join a trial in response to a scarcity message more likely to drop out? (2011) Devries, Karen M; Free, Caroline J
  • F
  • Thibela TB: design and methods of a cluster randomised trial of the effect of community-wide isoniazid preventive therapy on tuberculosis amongst gold miners in South Africa. (2011) Fielding, Katherine L; Grant, Alison D; Hayes, Richard J; Chaisson, Richard E; Corbett, Elizabeth L; Churchyard, Gavin J
  • Do messages of scarcity increase trial recruitment? (2010) Free, Caroline J; Hoile, Elizabeth; Knight, Rosemary; Robertson, Steven; Devries, Karen M
  • G
  • The CADMUS trial - Multi-parametric ultrasound targeted biopsies compared to multi-parametric MRI targeted biopsies in the diagnosis of clinically significant prostate cancer. (2017) Grey, Alistair; Scott, Rebecca; Charman, Susan; van der Meulen, Jan; Frinking, Peter; Acher, Peter; Liyanage, Sidath; Madaan, Sanjeev; Constantinescu, Gabriel; Shah, Bina; Graves, Chris Brew; Freeman, Alex; Jameson, Charles; Ramachandran, Navin; Emberton, Mark; Arya, Manit; Ahmed, Hashim U
  • H
  • The MEMA kwa Vijana project: design of a community randomised trial of an innovative adolescent sexual health intervention in rural Tanzania. (2005) Hayes, Richard J; Changalucha, John; Ross, David A; Gavyole, Awene; Todd, Jim; Obasi, Angela IN; Plummer, Mary L; Wight, Daniel; Mabey, David C; Grosskurth, Heiner
  • K
  • The FORECAST study - Focal recurrent assessment and salvage treatment for radiorecurrent prostate cancer. (2015) Kanthabalan, A; Shah, T; Arya, M; Punwani, S; Bomanji, J; Haroon, A; Illing, RO; Latifoltojar, A; Freeman, A; Jameson, C; van der Meulen, J; Charman, S; Emberton, M; Ahmed, HU
  • Quality management of a large randomized double-blind multi-centre trial: the ACTION experience. (2008) Kirwan, Bridget-Anne; Lubsen, Jacobus; de Brouwer, Sophie; van Dalen, Frederik J; Pocock, Stuart J; Clayton, Tim; Danchin, Nicolas; Poole-Wilson, Philip A; ACTION (A Coronary disease Trial Investigating Outcome with Nife
  • An intervention to optimise the delivery of integrated tuberculosis and HIV services at primary care clinics: results of the MERGE cluster randomised trial. (2018) Kufa, T; Fielding, KL; Hippner, P; Kielmann, K; Vassall, A; Churchyard, GJ; Grant, AD; Charalambous, S
  • A cluster randomised trial to evaluate the effect of optimising TB/HIV integration on patient level outcomes: the "merge" trial protocol. (2014) Kufa, T; Hippner, P; Charalambous, S; Kielmann, K; Vassall, A; Churchyard, GJ; Grant, AD; Fielding, KL
  • M
  • Early intervention for depression and anxiety in 16-18-year-olds: Protocol for a feasibility cluster randomised controlled trial of open-access psychological workshops in schools (DISCOVER). (2016) Michelson, Daniel; Sclare, Irene; Stahl, Daniel; Morant, Nicola; Bonin, Eva-Maria; Brown, June SL
  • A comparison of socio-demographic and psychological factors between patients consenting to randomisation and those selecting treatment (the ProtecT study). (2006) Mills, Nicola; Metcalfe, Chris; Ronsmans, Carine; Davis, Michael; Lane, J Athene; Sterne, Jonathan AC; Peters, Tim J; Hamdy, Freddie C; Neal, David E; Donovan, Jenny L
  • Measuring improved targeting of health interventions to the poor in the context of a community-randomised trial in rural India. (2007) Morris, Saul S; Ranson, M Kent; Sinha, Tara; Mills, Anne J
  • P
  • Public key cryptography for quality assurance in randomization for clinical trials. (2015) Porco, Travis C; Stoller, Nicole E; Keenan, Jeremy D; Bailey, Robin L; Lietman, Thomas M
  • S
  • The PICTURE study -- prostate imaging (multi-parametric MRI and Prostate HistoScanning™) compared to transperineal ultrasound guided biopsy for significant prostate cancer risk evaluation. (2013) Simmons, Lucy AM; Ahmed, Hashim Uddin; Moore, Caroline M; Punwani, Shonit; Freeman, Alex; Hu, Yipeng; Barratt, Dean; Charman, Susan C; Van der Meulen, Jan; Emberton, Mark
  • W
  • Measurement and predictors of adherence in a trial of HSV suppressive therapy in Tanzania. (2009) Watson-Jones, Deborah; Baisley, Kathy; Rusizoka, Mary; Tanton, Clare; Mugeye, Kokugonza; Weiss, Helen A; Changalucha, John; Clayton, Tim; Hambleton, Ian; Ross, David A; Hayes, Richard J