Items where the Publication is Clinical oncology
Number of items: 5.
What Really Matters for Cancer Care - Health Systems Strengthening or Technological Innovation? (2022)
Aggarwal, A; Lievens, Y; Sullivan, R; Nolte, E
Determinants of Variation in the Use of Adjuvant Chemotherapy for Stage III Colon Cancer in England. (2020)
Boyle, JM; Kuryba, A; Cowling, TE; Aggarwal, A; Hill, J; van der Meulen, J; Walker, K; Braun, MS
Severity of Dementia and Survival in Patients Diagnosed with Colorectal Cancer: A National Cohort Study in England and Wales. (2022)
Kuryba, AJ; Boyle, JM; van der Meulen, J; Aggarwal, A; Walker, K; Fearnhead, NS; Braun, MS
The Association Between Survival and Receipt of Post-mastectomy Radiotherapy According to Age at Diagnosis Among Women With Early Invasive Breast Cancer: A Population-Based Cohort Study. (2023)
Miller, K; Gannon, MR; Medina, J; Clements, K; Dodwell, D; Horgan, K; Park, MH; Cromwell, DA
Real World Data - Does it Cut the Mustard or Should We Take it With a Pinch of Salt? (2023)
Muirhead, R; Aggarwal, A