Items where the Publication is Cancer
Number of items: 27.
Bibliographic data only
Hodgkin disease survival in Europe and the U.S.: prognostic significance of morphologic groups. (2006)
Allemani, Claudia; Sant, Milena; De Angelis, Roberta; Marcos-Gragera, Rafael; Coebergh, Jan Willem; EUROCARE Working Group
Conditional relative survival of cancer patients and conditional probability of death: a French National Database analysis. (2009)
Bouvier, Anne-Marie; Remontet, Laurent; Hédelin, Guy; Launoy, Guy; Jooste, Valérie; Grosclaude, Pascale; Belot, Aurélien; Lacour, Brigitte; Estève, Jacques; Bossard, Nadine; Faivre, Jean; Association of the French Cancer Registries (FRANCIM)
The equivalence and difference between the English and Chinese versions of two major, cancer-specific, health-related quality-of-life questionnaires. (2004)
Cheung, Yin-Bun; Thumboo, Julian; Goh, Cynthia; Khoo, Kei-Siong; Che, William; Wee, Joseph
Socioeconomic inequalities in cancer survival in England and Wales. (2001)
Coleman, MP; Babb, P; Sloggett, A; Quinn, M; De Stavola, B
Childhood cancer survival in Europe and the United States. (2002)
Gatta, Gemma; Capocaccia, Riccardo; Coleman, Michel P; Ries, Lynn A Gloeckler; Berrino, Franco
Nomogram incorporating PSA level to predict cancer-specific survival for men with clinically localized prostate cancer managed without curative intent. (2008)
Kattan, Michael W; Cuzick, Jack; Fisher, Gabrielle; Berney, Daniel M; Oliver, Tim; Foster, Christopher S; Møller, Henrik; Reuter, Victor; Fearn, Paul; Eastham, James; Scardino, Peter T; Transatlantic Prostate Group
Increasing mortality rates of common malignancies in Colombia: an emerging problem. (2004)
Piñeros, Marion; Hernández, Gustavo; Bray, Freddie
Breast carcinoma survival in Europe and the United States. (2004)
Sant, Milena; Allemani, Claudia; Berrino, Franco; Coleman, Michel P; Aareleid, Tiiu; Chaplain, Gilles; Coebergh, Jan Willem; Colonna, Marc; Crosignani, Paolo; Danzon, Arlette; Federico, Massimo; Gafà, Lorenzo; Grosclaude, Pascale; Hédelin, Guy; Macè-Lesech, Josette; Garcia, Carmen Martinez; Møller, Henrik; Paci, Eugenio; Raverdy, Nicole; Tretarre, Brigitte; Williams, Evelyn MI; European Concerted Action on Survival and Care of Cancer Patient
Reply to Colon cancer survival in the US Department of Veterans Affairs by race and stage: 2001 through 2009. (2018)
White, Arica; Rim, Sun Hee; Joseph, Djenaba A; Johnson, Christopher J; Coleman, Michel P; Allemani, Claudia
Disparities in early death and survival in children, adolescents, and young adults with acute promyelocytic leukemia in California. (2015)
Abrahão, Renata; Ribeiro, Raul C; Medeiros, Bruno C; Keogh, Ruth H; Keegan, Theresa HM
Impact of patient choice and hospital competition on patient outcomes after prostate cancer surgery: A national population-based study. (2019)
Aggarwal, Ajay K; Sujenthiran, Arunan; Lewis, Daniel; Walker, Kate; Cathcart, Paul; Clarke, Noel; Sullivan, Richard; van der Meulen, Jan H
Public health surveillance of cancer survival in the United States and worldwide: The contribution of the CONCORD programme. (2017)
Allemani, Claudia; Coleman, Michel P
Population-based cancer survival in the United States: Data, quality control, and statistical methods. (2017)
Allemani, Claudia; Harewood, Rhea; Johnson, Christopher J; Carreira, Helena; Spika, Devon; Bonaventure, Audrey; Ward, Kevin; Weir, Hannah K; Coleman, Michel P
Adult leukemia survival trends in the United States by subtype: A population-based registry study of 370,994 patients diagnosed during 1995-2009. (2018)
Bailey, Chris; Richardson, Lisa C; Allemani, Claudia; Bonaventure, Audrey; Harewood, Rhea; Moore, Angela R; Stewart, Sherri L; Weir, Hannah K; Coleman, Michel P; CONCORD Working Group (US members)
Cervical cancer survival in the United States by race and stage (2001-2009): Findings from the CONCORD-2 study. (2017)
Benard, Vicki B; Watson, Meg; Saraiya, Mona; Harewood, Rhea; Townsend, Julie S; Stroup, Antoinette M; Weir, Hannah K; Allemani, Claudia
The association between complications and quality of life after mastectomy and breast reconstruction for breast cancer. (2017)
Browne, JP; Jeevan, R; Gulliver-Clarke, C; Pereira, J; Caddy, CM; van der Meulen, JHP
Impact of patient choice and hospital competition on patient outcomes after rectal cancer surgery: A national population-based study. (2022)
Han, Lu; Boyle, Jemma M; Walker, Kate; Kuryba, Angela; Braun, Michael S; Fearnhead, Nicola; Jayne, David; Sullivan, Richard; van der Meulen, Jan; Aggarwal, Ajay
Stomach cancer survival in the United States by race and stage (2001-2009): Findings from the CONCORD-2 study. (2017)
Jim, Melissa A; Pinheiro, Paulo S; Carreira, Helena; Espey, David K; Wiggins, Charles L; Weir, Hannah K
Rectal cancer survival in the United States by race and stage, 2001 to 2009: Findings from the CONCORD-2 study. (2017)
Joseph, Djenaba A; Johnson, Chris J; White, Arica; Wu, Manxia; Coleman, Michel P
Racial disparities in the survival of American children, adolescents, and young adults with acute lymphoblastic leukemia, acute myelogenous leukemia, and Hodgkin lymphoma. (2015)
Kahn, Justine M; Keegan, Theresa HM; Tao, Li; Abrahão, Renata; Bleyer, Archie; Viny, Aaron D
Disparities in breast cancer survival in the United States (2001-2009): Findings from the CONCORD-2 study. (2017)
Miller, Jacqueline W; Smith, Judith Lee; Ryerson, A Blythe; Tucker, Thomas C; Allemani, Claudia
Liver cancer survival in the United States by race and stage (2001-2009): Findings from the CONCORD-2 study. (2017)
Momin, Behnoosh R; Pinheiro, Paulo S; Carreira, Helena; Li, Chunyu; Weir, Hannah K
Lung cancer survival in the United States by race and stage (2001-2009): Findings from the CONCORD-2 study. (2017)
Richards, Thomas B; Henley, S Jane; Puckett, Mary C; Weir, Hannah K; Huang, Bin; Tucker, Thomas C; Allemani, Claudia
Disparities in ovarian cancer survival in the United States (2001-2009): Findings from the CONCORD-2 study. (2017)
Stewart, Sherri L; Harewood, Rhea; Matz, Melissa; Rim, Sun Hee; Sabatino, Susan A; Ward, Kevin C; Weir, Hannah K
Survival among children diagnosed with acute lymphoblastic leukemia in the United States, by race and age, 2001 to 2009: Findings from the CONCORD-2 study. (2017)
Tai, Eric W; Ward, Kevin C; Bonaventure, Audrey; Siegel, David A; Coleman, Michel P
Population-based cancer survival (2001 to 2009) in the United States: Findings from the CONCORD-2 study. (2017)
Weir, Hannah K; Stewart, Sherri L; Allemani, Claudia; White, Mary C; Thomas, Cheryll C; White, Arica; Coleman, Michel P; CONCORD Working Group (US Members)
Colon cancer survival in the United States by race and stage (2001-2009): Findings from the CONCORD-2 study. (2017)
White, Arica; Joseph, Djenaba; Rim, Sun Hee; Johnson, Christopher J; Coleman, Michel P; Allemani, Claudia