Items where the Publication is Campbell Systematic Reviews
Number of items: 20.
Effectiveness of interventions for improving livelihood outcomes for people with disabilities in low- and middle-income countries: A systematic review. (2022)
Hunt, Xanthe; Saran, Ashrita; Banks, Lena Morgon; White, Howard; Kuper, Hannah
PROTOCOL: Interventions promoting resilience through climate-smart agricultural practices for women farmers: A systematic review. (2022)
Saran, Ashrita; Singh, Sabina; Gupta, Neha; Walke, Sujata Chodankar; Rao, Ranjana; Simiyu, Christine; Malhotra, Suchi; Mishra, Avni; Puskur, Ranjitha; Masset, Edoardo; White, Howard; Sharma Waddington, Hugh
PROTOCOL: Gender transformative approaches in agriculture for women's empowerment: A systematic review. (2022)
Singh, Sabina; Mohan, Ashima; Saran, Ashrita; Puskur, Ranjitha; Mishra, Avni; Etale, Linda; Cole, Steven Michael; Masset, Edoardo; Waddington, Hugh Sharma; MacDonald, Heather; White, Howard
PROTOCOL: Involving men and boys in family planning: A systematic review of the effective components and characteristics of complex interventions in low- and middle-income countries. (2021)
Aventin, Áine; Robinson, Martin; Hanratty, Jennifer; Ruane-McAteer, Eimear; Tomlinson, Mark; Clarke, Mike; Okonofua, Friday; Bonell, Chris; Lohan, Maria
Interventions promoting uptake of water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) technologies in low- and middle-income countries: An evidence and gap map of effectiveness studies. (2021)
Chirgwin, Hannah; Cairncross, Sandy; Zehra, Dua; Sharma Waddington, Hugh
PROTOCOL: Effectiveness of interventions for improving livelihood outcomes for people with disabilities in low- and middle-income countries: A systematic review. (2021)
Hunt, Xanthe; Saran, Ashrita; Banks, Lena Morgon; White, Howard; Kuper, Hannah
PROTOCOL: Effectiveness of interventions for improving educational outcomes for people with disabilities in low- and middle-income countries: A systematic review. (2021)
Hunt, Xanthe; Saran, Ashrita; White, Howard; Kuper, Hannah
PROTOCOL: What is the impact of complex WASH interventions on gender and social equality outcomes in low- and middle-income countries? A mixed-method systematic review protocol. (2021)
Macura, Biljana; Del Duca, Laura; Soto, Adriana; Carrard, Naomi; Gosling, Louisa; Hannes, Karin; Thomas, James; Sara, Lewnida; Sommer, Marni; Waddington, Hugh S; Dickin, Sarah
PROTOCOL: Effectiveness of interventions for improving social inclusion outcomes for people with disabilities in low- and middle-income countries: A systematic review. (2021)
Saran, Ashrita; Hunt, Xanthe; White, Howard; Kuper, Hannah
PROTOCOL: Water, sanitation and hygiene for reducing childhood mortality in low- and middle-income countries. (2021)
Sharma Waddington, Hugh; Cairncross, Sandy
Mass deworming for soil‐transmitted helminths and schistosomiasis among pregnant women: A systematic review and individual participant data meta‐analysis. (2019)
Salam, RA; Cousens, S; Welch, V; Gaffey, M; Middleton, P; Makrides, M; Arora, P; Bhutta, ZA
PROTOCOL: Effectiveness of interventions for people with disabilities in low- and middle-income countries-an evidence and gap map. (2019)
Saran, Ashrita; White, Howard; Kuper, Hannah
PROTOCOL: Evidence and gap map protocol: Understanding pathways between agriculture and nutrition: An evidence and gap map of tools, metrics and methods developed and applied in the last 10 years. (2019)
Sparling, Thalia M; White, Howard; Kadiyala, Suneetha
Within study comparisons and risk of bias in international development: Systematic review and critical appraisal. (2019)
Villar, Paul Fenton; Waddington, Hugh
Citizen engagement in public services in low- and middle-income countries: A mixed-methods systematic review of participation, inclusion, transparency and accountability (PITA) initiatives. (2019)
Waddington, Hugh; Sonnenfeld, Ada; Finetti, Juliette; Gaarder, Marie; John, Denny; Stevenson, Jennifer
Mass deworming for improving health and cognition of children in endemic helminth areas: A systematic review and individual participant data network meta-analysis. (2019)
Welch, Vivian A; Ghogomu, Elizabeth; Hossain, Alomgir; Riddle, Alison; Gaffey, Michelle; Arora, Paul; Dewidar, Omar; Salam, Rehana; Cousens, Simon; Black, Robert; Hollingsworth, T Déirdre; Horton, Sue; Tugwell, Peter; Bundy, Donald; Castro, Mary Christine; Elliott, Alison; Friis, Henrik; Le, Huong T; Liu, Chengfang; Rousham, Emily K; Rohner, Fabian; King, Charles; Sartono, Erliyani; Supali, Taniawati; Steinmann, Peter; Webb, Emily; Wieringa, Franck; Winnichagoon, Pattanee; Yazdanbakhsh, Maria; Bhutta, Zulfiqar A; Wells, George
PROTOCOL: Plastics in the food system: Human health, economic and environmental impacts. A scoping review. (2019)
Yates, Joe; Deeney, Megan; White, Howard; Joy, Edward; Kalamatianou, Sofia; Kadiyala, Suneetha