Items where the Publication is British journal of cancer
Number of items: 229.
  • CYP3A7*1C allele: linking premenopausal oestrone and progesterone levels with risk of hormone receptor-positive breast cancers. (2021) Johnson, Nichola; Maguire, Sarah; Morra, Anna; Kapoor, Pooja Middha; Tomczyk, Katarzyna; Jones, Michael E; Schoemaker, Minouk J; Gilham, Clare; Bolla, Manjeet K; Wang, Qin; Dennis, Joe; Ahearn, Thomas U; Andrulis, Irene L; Anton-Culver, Hoda; Antonenkova, Natalia N; Arndt, Volker; Aronson, Kristan J; Augustinsson, Annelie; Baynes, Caroline; Freeman, Laura E Beane; Beckmann, Matthias W; Benitez, Javier; Bermisheva, Marina; Blomqvist, Carl; Boeckx, Bram; Bogdanova, Natalia V; Bojesen, Stig E; Brauch, Hiltrud; Brenner, Hermann; Burwinkel, Barbara; Campa, Daniele; Canzian, Federico; Castelao, Jose E; Chanock, Stephen J; Chenevix-Trench, Georgia; Clarke, Christine L; NBCS Collaborators; Conroy, Don M; Couch, Fergus J; Cox, Angela; Cross, Simon S; Czene, Kamila; Dörk, Thilo; Eliassen, A Heather; Engel, Christoph; Evans, D Gareth; Fasching, Peter A; Figueroa, Jonine; Floris, Giuseppe; Flyger, Henrik; Gago-Dominguez, Manuela; Gapstur, Susan M; García-Closas, Montserrat; Gaudet, Mia M; Giles, Graham G; Goldberg, Mark S; González-Neira, Anna; AOCS Group; Guénel, Pascal; Hahnen, Eric; Haiman, Christopher A; Håkansson, Niclas; Hall, Per; Hamann, Ute; Harrington, Patricia A; Hart, Steven N; Hooning, Maartje J; Hopper, John L; Howell, Anthony; Hunter, David J; ABCTB Investigators; kConFab Investigators; Jager, Agnes; Jakubowska, Anna; John, Esther M; Kaaks, Rudolf; Keeman, Renske; Khusnutdinova, Elza; Kitahara, Cari M; Kosma, Veli-Matti; Koutros, Stella; Kraft, Peter; Kristensen, Vessela N; Kurian, Allison W; Lambrechts, Diether; Le Marchand, Loic; Linet, Martha; Lubiński, Jan; Mannermaa, Arto; Manoukian, Siranoush; Margolin, Sara; Martens, John WM; Mavroudis, Dimitrios; Mayes, Rebecca; Meindl, Alfons; Milne, Roger L; Neuhausen, Susan L; Nevanlinna, Heli; Newman, William G; Nielsen, Sune F; Nordestgaard, Børge G; Obi, Nadia; Olshan, Andrew F; Olson, Janet E; Olsson, Håkan; Orban, Ester; Park-Simon, Tjoung-Won; Peterlongo, Paolo; Plaseska-Karanfilska, Dijana; Pylkäs, Katri; Rennert, Gad; Rennert, Hedy S; Ruddy, Kathryn J; Saloustros, Emmanouil; Sandler, Dale P; Sawyer, Elinor J; Schmutzler, Rita K; Scott, Christopher; Shu, Xiao-Ou; Simard, Jacques; Smichkoska, Snezhana; Sohn, Christof; Southey, Melissa C; Spinelli, John J; Stone, Jennifer; Tamimi, Rulla M; Taylor, Jack A; Tollenaar, Rob AEM; Tomlinson, Ian; Troester, Melissa A; Truong, Thérèse; Vachon, Celine M; van Veen, Elke M; Wang, Sophia S; Weinberg, Clarice R; Wendt, Camilla; Wildiers, Hans; Winqvist, Robert; Wolk, Alicja; Zheng, Wei; Ziogas, Argyrios; Dunning, Alison M; Pharoah, Paul DP; Easton, Douglas F; Howie, A Forbes; Peto, Julian; Dos-Santos-Silva, Isabel; Swerdlow, Anthony J; Chang-Claude, Jenny; Schmidt, Marjanka K; Orr, Nick; Fletcher, Olivia
  • Do presenting symptoms, use of pre-diagnostic endoscopy and risk of emergency cancer diagnosis vary by comorbidity burden and type in patients with colorectal cancer? (2021) Majano, Sara Benitez; Lyratzopoulos, Georgios; Rachet, Bernard; de Wit, Niek J; Renzi, Cristina
  • Mendelian randomisation study of smoking exposure in relation to breast cancer risk. (2021) Park, Hanla A; Neumeyer, Sonja; Michailidou, Kyriaki; Bolla, Manjeet K; Wang, Qin; Dennis, Joe; Ahearn, Thomas U; Andrulis, Irene L; Anton-Culver, Hoda; Antonenkova, Natalia N; Arndt, Volker; Aronson, Kristan J; Augustinsson, Annelie; Baten, Adinda; Beane Freeman, Laura E; Becher, Heiko; Beckmann, Matthias W; Behrens, Sabine; Benitez, Javier; Bermisheva, Marina; Bogdanova, Natalia V; Bojesen, Stig E; Brauch, Hiltrud; Brenner, Hermann; Brucker, Sara Y; Burwinkel, Barbara; Campa, Daniele; Canzian, Federico; Castelao, Jose E; Chanock, Stephen J; Chenevix-Trench, Georgia; Clarke, Christine L; NBCS Collaborators; Conroy, Don M; Couch, Fergus J; Cox, Angela; Cross, Simon S; Czene, Kamila; Daly, Mary B; Devilee, Peter; Dörk, Thilo; Dos-Santos-Silva, Isabel; Dwek, Miriam; Eccles, Diana M; Eliassen, A Heather; Engel, Christoph; Eriksson, Mikael; Evans, D Gareth; Fasching, Peter A; Flyger, Henrik; Fritschi, Lin; García-Closas, Montserrat; García-Sáenz, José A; Gaudet, Mia M; Giles, Graham G; Glendon, Gord; Goldberg, Mark S; Goldgar, David E; González-Neira, Anna; Grip, Mervi; Guénel, Pascal; Hahnen, Eric; Haiman, Christopher A; Håkansson, Niclas; Hall, Per; Hamann, Ute; Han, Sileny; Harkness, Elaine F; Hart, Steven N; He, Wei; Heemskerk-Gerritsen, Bernadette AM; Hopper, John L; Hunter, David J; ABCTB Investigators; kConFab Investigators; Jager, Agnes; Jakubowska, Anna; John, Esther M; Jung, Audrey; Kaaks, Rudolf; Kapoor, Pooja Middha; Keeman, Renske; Khusnutdinova, Elza; Kitahara, Cari M; Koppert, Linetta B; Koutros, Stella; Kristensen, Vessela N; Kurian, Allison W; Lacey, James; Lambrechts, Diether; Le Marchand, Loic; Lo, Wing-Yee; Lubiński, Jan; Mannermaa, Arto; Manoochehri, Mehdi; Margolin, Sara; Martinez, Maria Elena; Mavroudis, Dimitrios; Meindl, Alfons; Menon, Usha; Milne, Roger L; Muranen, Taru A; Nevanlinna, Heli; Newman, William G; Nordestgaard, Børge G; Offit, Kenneth; Olshan, Andrew F; Olsson, Håkan; Park-Simon, Tjoung-Won; Peterlongo, Paolo; Peto, Julian; Plaseska-Karanfilska, Dijana; Presneau, Nadege; Radice, Paolo; Rennert, Gad; Rennert, Hedy S; Romero, Atocha; Saloustros, Emmanouil; Sawyer, Elinor J; Schmidt, Marjanka K; Schmutzler, Rita K; Schoemaker, Minouk J; Schwentner, Lukas; Scott, Christopher; Shah, Mitul; Shu, Xiao-Ou; Simard, Jacques; Smeets, Ann; Southey, Melissa C; Spinelli, John J; Stevens, Victoria; Swerdlow, Anthony J; Tamimi, Rulla M; Tapper, William J; Taylor, Jack A; Terry, Mary Beth; Tomlinson, Ian; Troester, Melissa A; Truong, Thérèse; Vachon, Celine M; van Veen, Elke M; Vijai, Joseph; Wang, Sophia; Wendt, Camilla; Winqvist, Robert; Wolk, Alicja; Ziogas, Argyrios; Dunning, Alison M; Pharoah, Paul DP; Easton, Douglas F; Zheng, Wei; Kraft, Peter; Chang-Claude, Jenny
  • Investigating the inequalities in route to diagnosis amongst patients with diffuse large B-cell or follicular lymphoma in England. (2021) Smith, Matthew J; Fernandez, Miguel Angel Luque; Belot, Aurélien; Quartagno, Matteo; Bonaventure, Audrey; Majano, Sara Benitez; Rachet, Bernard; Njagi, Edmund Njeru
  • 2019
  • Body mass index and Hodgkin's lymphoma: UK population-based cohort study of 5.8 million individuals. (2019) Strongman, Helen; Brown, Adam; Smeeth, Liam; Bhaskaran, Krishnan
  • 2018
  • Which patients are not included in the English Cancer Waiting Times monitoring dataset, 2009-2013? Implications for use of the data in research. (2018) Di Girolamo, C; Walters, S; Gildea, C; Benitez Majano, S; Coleman, MP; Rachet, B; Morris, M
  • Overinterpretation and misreporting of prognostic factor studies in oncology: a systematic review. (2018) Kempf, Emmanuelle; de Beyer, Jennifer A; Cook, Jonathan; Holmes, Jane; Mohammed, Seid; Nguyên, Tri-Long; Simera, Iveta; Trivella, Marialena; Altman, Douglas G; Hopewell, Sally; Moons, Karel GM; Porcher, Raphael; Reitsma, Johannes B; Sauerbrei, Willi; Collins, Gary S
  • Persistent inequalities in unplanned hospitalisation among colon cancer patients across critical phases of their care pathway, England, 2011-13. (2018) Maringe, Camille; Rachet, Bernard; Lyratzopoulos, Georgios; Rubio, Francisco Javier
  • Robot-assisted radical prostatectomy vs laparoscopic and open retropubic radical prostatectomy: functional outcomes 18 months after diagnosis from a national cohort study in England. (2018) Nossiter, Julie; Sujenthiran, Arunan; Charman, Susan C; Cathcart, Paul J; Aggarwal, Ajay; Payne, Heather; Clarke, Noel W; van der Meulen, Jan
  • 2017
  • Disability and participation in breast and bowel cancer screening in England: a large prospective study. (2017) Floud, S; Barnes, I; Verfürden, M; Kuper, H; Gathani, T; Blanks, RG; Alison, R; Patnick, J; Beral, V; Green, J; Reeves, GK
  • Persistent inequalities in 90-day colon cancer mortality: an English cohort study. (2017) Fowler, H; Belot, A; Njagi, EN; Luque-Fernandez, MA; Maringe, C; Quaresma, M; Kajiwara, M; Rachet, B
  • Herpes zoster risk after 21 specific cancers: population-based case-control study. (2017) Hansson, Erik; Forbes, Harriet J; Langan, Sinéad M; Smeeth, Liam; Bhaskaran, Krishnan
  • The PICTURE study: diagnostic accuracy of multiparametric MRI in men requiring a repeat prostate biopsy. (2017) Simmons, Lucy AM; Kanthabalan, Abi; Arya, Manit; Briggs, Tim; Barratt, Dean; Charman, Susan C; Freeman, Alex; Gelister, James; Hawkes, David; Hu, Yipeng; Jameson, Charles; McCartan, Neil; Moore, Caroline M; Punwani, Shonit; Ramachandran, Navin; van der Meulen, Jan; Emberton, Mark; Ahmed, Hashim U
  • 2016
  • Deriving stage at diagnosis from multiple population-based sources: colorectal and lung cancer in England. (2016) Benitez-Majano, S; Fowler, H; Maringe, C; Di Girolamo, C; Rachet, B
  • Long working hours and cancer risk: a multi-cohort study. (2016) Heikkila, Katriina; Nyberg, Solja T; Madsen, Ida EH; de Vroome, Ernest; Alfredsson, Lars; Bjorner, Jacob J; Borritz, Marianne; Burr, Hermann; Erbel, Raimund; Ferrie, Jane E; Fransson, Eleonor I; Geuskens, Goedele A; Hooftman, Wendela E; Houtman, Irene L; Jöckel, Karl-Heinz; Knutsson, Anders; Koskenvuo, Markku; Lunau, Thorsten; Nielsen, Martin L; Nordin, Maria; Oksanen, Tuula; Pejtersen, Jan H; Pentti, Jaana; Shipley, Martin J; Steptoe, Andrew; Suominen, Sakari B; Theorell, Töres; Vahtera, Jussi; Westerholm, Peter JM; Westerlund, Hugo; Dragano, Nico; Rugulies, Reiner; Kawachi, Ichiro; Batty, G David; Singh-Manoux, Archana; Virtanen, Marianna; Kivimäki, Mika; IPD-Work Consortium
  • Short-term breast cancer survival in relation to ethnicity, stage, grade and receptor status: national cohort study in England. (2016) Møller, H; Henson, K; Lüchtenborg, M; Broggio, J; Charman, J; Coupland, VH; Davies, E; Jack, RH; Sullivan, R; Vedsted, P; Horgan, K; Pearce, N; Purushotham, A
  • Is cancer survival associated with cancer symptom awareness and barriers to seeking medical help in England? An ecological study. (2016) Niksic, M; Rachet, B; Duffy, SW; Quaresma, M; Møller, H; Forbes, LJ
  • Ethnic differences in cancer symptom awareness and barriers to seeking medical help in England. (2016) Niksic, Maja; Rachet, Bernard; Warburton, Fiona G; Forbes, Lindsay JL
  • Do colorectal cancer patients diagnosed as an emergency differ from non-emergency patients in their consultation patterns and symptoms? A longitudinal data-linkage study in England. (2016) Renzi, C; Lyratzopoulos, G; Card, T; Chu, TPC; Macleod, U; Rachet, B
  • Performance of careHPV for detecting high-grade cervical intraepithelial neoplasia among women living with HIV-1 in Burkina Faso and South Africa: HARP study. (2016) Segondy, M; Kelly, H; Magooa, MP; Djigma, F; Ngou, J; Gilham, C; Omar, T; Goumbri-Lompo, O; Michelow, P; Doutre, S; Clavero, O; Chikandiwa, A; Sawadogo, B; Didelot, MN; Costes, V; Méda, N; Delany-Moretlwe, S; Mayaud, P
  • CYP3A7*1C allele is associated with reduced levels of 2-hydroxylation pathway oestrogen metabolites. (2016) Sood, Deepti; Johnson, Nichola; Jain, Pooja; Siskos, Alexandros P; Bennett, Mark; Gilham, Clare; Busana, Marta Cecilia; Peto, Julian; Dos-Santos-Silva, Isabel; Keun, Hector C; Fletcher, Olivia
  • 2015
  • Who are the cancer survivors? A nationwide study in Denmark, 1943-2010. (2015) Hovaldt, HB; Suppli, NP; Olsen, MH; Steding-Jessen, M; Hansen, DG; Møller, H; Johansen, C; Dalton, SO
  • Human papillomavirus DNA in men who have sex with men: type-specific prevalence, risk factors and implications for vaccination strategies. (2015) King, EM; Gilson, R; Beddows, S; Soldan, K; Panwar, K; Young, C; Prah, P; Jit, M; Edmunds, WJ; Sonnenberg, P
  • Cancer survival differences between South Asians and non-South Asians of England in 1986-2004, accounting for age at diagnosis and deprivation. (2015) Maringe, C; Li, R; Mangtani, P; Coleman, MP; Rachet, B
  • Ethnicity, deprivation and screening: survival from breast cancer among screening-eligible women in the West Midlands diagnosed from 1989 to 2011. (2015) Morris, M; Woods, LM; Rogers, N; O'Sullivan, E; Kearins, O; Rachet, B
  • Cancer symptom awareness and barriers to symptomatic presentation in England--are we clear on cancer? (2015) Niksic, M; Rachet, B; Warburton, FG; Wardle, J; Ramirez, AJ; Forbes, LJL
  • Is England closing the international gap in cancer survival? (2015) Walters, Sarah; Benitez-Majano, Sara; Muller, Patrick; Coleman, Michel P; Allemani, Claudia; Butler, John; Peake, Mick; Guren, Marianne Grønlie; Glimelius, Bengt; Bergström, Stefan; Påhlman, Lars; Rachet, Bernard
  • IL8 polymorphisms and overall survival in pazopanib- or sunitinib-treated patients with renal cell carcinoma. (2015) Xu, C-F; Johnson, T; Garcia-Donas, J; Choueiri, TK; Sternberg, CN; Davis, ID; Bing, N; Deen, KC; Xue, Z; McCann, L; Esteban, E; Whittaker, JC; Spraggs, CF; Rodríguez-Antona, C; Pandite, LN; Motzer, RJ
  • 2014
  • No socioeconomic inequalities in ovarian cancer survival within two randomised clinical trials. (2014) Abdel-Rahman, ME; Butler, J; Sydes, MR; Parmar, MKB; Gordon, E; Harper, P; Williams, C; Crook, A; Sandercock, J; Swart, AM; Rachet, B; Coleman, MP; ICON2 and ICON3 investigators
  • Effects of erythropoiesis-stimulating agents on fatigue- and anaemia-related symptoms in cancer patients: systematic review and meta-analyses of published and unpublished data. (2014) Bohlius, J; Tonia, T; Nüesch, E; Jüni, P; Fey, MF; Egger, M; Bernhard, J
  • The impact of life tables adjusted for smoking on the socio-economic difference in net survival for laryngeal and lung cancer. (2014) Ellis, L; Coleman, MP; Rachet, B
  • Focal amplification of the androgen receptor gene in hormone-naive human prostate cancer. (2014) Merson, S; Yang, ZH; Brewer, D; Olmos, D; Eichholz, A; McCarthy, F; Fisher, G; Kovacs, G; Berney, DM; Foster, CS; Møller, H; Scardino, P; Cuzick, J; Cooper, CS; Clark, JP; Transatlantic Prostate Group
  • Comparison of fully and semi-automated area-based methods for measuring mammographic density and predicting breast cancer risk. (2014) Sovio, U; Li, J; Aitken, Z; Humphreys, K; Czene, K; Moss, S; Hall, P; McCormack, V; dos-Santos-Silva, I
  • Identifying patients at risk of emergency admission for colorectal cancer. (2014) Wallace, D; Walker, K; Kuryba, A; Finan, P; Scott, N; van der Meulen, J
  • 2013
  • Mir143 expression inversely correlates with nuclear ERK5 immunoreactivity in clinical prostate cancer. (2013) Ahmad, I; Singh, LB; Yang, ZH; Kalna, G; Fleming, J; Fisher, G; Cooper, C; Cuzick, J; Berney, DM; Møller, H; Scardino, P; Leung, HY
  • HIV and HPV infections and ocular surface squamous neoplasia: systematic review and meta-analysis. (2013) Carreira, H; Coutinho, F; Carrilho, C; Lunet, N
  • Prognostic value of PTEN loss in men with conservatively managed localised prostate cancer. (2013) Cuzick, J; Yang, ZH; Fisher, G; Tikishvili, E; Stone, S; Lanchbury, JS; Camacho, N; Merson, S; Brewer, D; Cooper, CS; Clark, J; Berney, DM; Møller, H; Scardino, P; Sangale, Z; Transatlantic Prostate Group
  • Management of colorectal cancer explains differences in 1-year relative survival between France and England for patients diagnosed 1997-2004. (2013) Dejardin, O; Rachet, B; Morris, E; Bouvier, V; Jooste, V; Haynes, R; Coombes, EG; Forman, D; Jones, AP; Bouvier, AM; Launoy, G
  • Prognostic value of Ki-67 for prostate cancer death in a conservatively managed cohort. (2013) Fisher, G; Yang, ZH; Kudahetti, S; Møller, H; Scardino, P; Cuzick, J; Berney, DM; Transatlantic Prostate Group
  • Reply: comment on 'estimating the asbestos-related lung cancer burden from mesothelioma mortality'. (2013) McCormack, V; Peto, J; Byrnes, G; Straif, K; Boffetta, P
  • Reply: misunderstandings in the misconception on the use of pack-years in analysis of smoking. (2013) Peto, J
  • Sarcopenia and change in body composition following maximal androgen suppression with abiraterone in men with castration-resistant prostate cancer. (2013) Pezaro, C; Mukherji, D; Tunariu, N; Cassidy, AM; Omlin, A; Bianchini, D; Seed, G; Reid, AHM; Olmos, D; de Bono, JS; Attard, G
  • A comprehensive assessment of the impact of errors in the cancer registration process on 1- and 5-year relative survival estimates. (2013) Rutherford, MJ; Møller, H; Lambert, PC
  • Breast cancer survival and stage at diagnosis in Australia, Canada, Denmark, Norway, Sweden and the UK, 2000-2007: a population-based study. (2013) Walters, S; Maringe, C; Butler, J; Rachet, B; Barrett-Lee, P; Bergh, J; Boyages, J; Christiansen, P; Lee, M; Wärnberg, F; Allemani, C; Engholm, G; Fornander, T; Gjerstorff, ML; Johannesen, TB; Lawrence, G; McGahan, CE; Middleton, R; Steward, J; Tracey, E; Turner, D; Richards, MA; Coleman, MP; ICBP Module 1 Working Group
  • 2012
  • Registration of cancer in girls remains lower than expected in countries with low/middle incomes and low female education rates. (2012) Bhopal, SS; Mann, KD; Pearce, MS
  • Association between patient and general practice characteristics and unplanned first-time admissions for cancer: observational study. (2012) Bottle, A; Tsang, C; Parsons, C; Majeed, A; Soljak, M; Aylin, P
  • A short-term increase in cancer risk associated with daytime napping is likely to reflect pre-clinical disease: prospective cohort study. (2012) Cairns, BJ; Travis, RC; Wang, X-S; Reeves, GK; Green, J; Beral, V; Million Women Study Collaborators
  • Ethnicity in relation to incidence of oesophageal and gastric cancer in England. (2012) Coupland, VH; Lagergren, J; Konfortion, J; Allum, W; Mendall, MA; Hardwick, RH; Linklater, KM; Møller, H; Jack, RH
  • Prognostic value of a cell cycle progression signature for prostate cancer death in a conservatively managed needle biopsy cohort. (2012) Cuzick, J; Berney, DM; Fisher, G; Mesher, D; Møller, H; Reid, JE; Perry, M; Park, J; Younus, A; Gutin, A; Foster, CS; Scardino, P; Lanchbury, JS; Stone, S; Transatlantic Prostate Group
  • Mammographic density and molecular subtypes of breast cancer. (2012) Eriksson, L; Hall, P; Czene, K; Dos Santos Silva, I; McCormack, V; Bergh, J; Bjohle, J; Ploner, A
  • Cost and logistics of alternative roll-out options for implementing human papillomavirus testing as a triage in cervical screening: results of the sentinel sites study. (2012) Legood, R; Sadique, Z; Patnick, J; Kitchener, H; Kelly, R; Moss, S
  • Projections of cancer prevalence in the United Kingdom, 2010-2040. (2012) Maddams, J; Utley, M; Møller, H
  • Estimating the asbestos-related lung cancer burden from mesothelioma mortality. (2012) McCormack, V; Peto, J; Byrnes, G; Straif, K; Boffetta, P
  • That the effects of smoking should be measured in pack-years: misconceptions 4. (2012) Peto, J
  • 2011
  • Lung cancer incidence and survival in different ethnic groups in South East England. (2011) Jack, RH; Davies, EA; Møller, H
  • A person-time analysis of hospital activity among cancer survivors in England. (2011) Maddams, J; Utley, M; Møller, H
  • Completeness of case ascertainment and survival time error in English cancer registries: impact on 1-year survival estimates. (2011) Møller, H; Richards, S; Hanchett, N; Riaz, SP; Lüchtenborg, M; Holmberg, L; Robinson, D
  • That lung cancer incidence falls in ex-smokers: misconceptions 2. (2011) Peto, J
  • Evaluation of variation in the phosphoinositide-3-kinase catalytic subunit alpha oncogene and breast cancer risk. (2011) Stevens, KN; Garcia-Closas, M; Fredericksen, Z; Kosel, M; Pankratz, VS; Hopper, JL; Dite, GS; Apicella, C; Southey, MC; Schmidt, MK; Broeks, A; Van 't Veer, LJ; Tollenaar, RAEM; Fasching, PA; Beckmann, MW; Hein, A; Ekici, AB; Johnson, N; Peto, J; dos Santos Silva, I; Gibson, L; Sawyer, E; Tomlinson, I; Kerin, MJ; Chanock, S; Lissowska, J; Hunter, DJ; Hoover, RN; Thomas, GD; Milne, RL; Arias Pérez, JI; González-Neira, A; Benítez, J; Burwinkel, B; Meindl, A; Schmutzler, RK; Bartrar, CR; Hamann, U; Ko, YD; Brüning, T; Chang-Claude, J; Hein, R; Wang-Gohrke, S; Dörk, T; Schürmann, P; Bremer, M; Hillemanns, P; Bogdanova, N; Zalutsky, JV; Rogov, YI; Antonenkova, N; Lindblom, A; Margolin, S; Mannermaa, A; Kataja, V; Kosma, V-M; Hartikainen, J; Chenevix-Trench, G; Chen, X; Peterlongo, P; Bonanni, B; Bernard, L; Manoukian, S; Wang, X; Cerhan, J; Vachon, CM; Olson, J; Giles, GG; Baglietto, L; McLean, CA; Severi, G; John, EM; Miron, A; Winqvist, R; Pylkäs, K; Jukkola-Vuorinen, A; Grip, M; Andrulis, I; Knight, JA; Glendon, G; Mulligan, AM; Cox, A; Brock, IW; Elliott, G; Cross, SS; Pharoah, PP; Dunning, AM; Pooley, KA; Humphreys, MK; Wang, J; Kang, D; Yoo, K-Y; Noh, D-Y; Sangrajrang, S; Gabrieau, V; Brennan, P; McKay, J; Anton-Culver, H; Ziogas, A; Couch, FJ; Easton, DF; GENICA Network; kConFab Investigators; Australian Ovarian Cancer Study Group
  • Premenopausal endogenous oestrogen levels and breast cancer risk: a meta-analysis. (2011) Walker, K; Bratton, DJ; Frost, C
  • 2010
  • Investigation of low 5-year relative survival for breast cancer in a London cancer network. (2010) Davies, EA; Linklater, KM; Coupland, VH; Renshaw, C; Toy, J; Park, R; Petit, J; Housden, C; Møller, H
  • Cancer mortality in ethnic South Asian migrants in England and Wales (1993-2003): patterns in the overall population and in first and subsequent generations. (2010) Mangtani, P; Maringe, C; Rachet, B; Coleman, MP; dos Santos Silva, I
  • Alcohol intake and risk of colorectal cancer: results from the UK Dietary Cohort Consortium. (2010) Park, JY; Dahm, CC; Keogh, RH; Mitrou, PN; Cairns, BJ; Greenwood, DC; Spencer, EA; Fentiman, IS; Shipley, MJ; Brunner, EJ; Cade, JE; Burley, VJ; Mishra, GD; Kuh, D; Stephen, AM; White, IR; Luben, RN; Mulligan, AA; Khaw, K-T; Rodwell, SA
  • Socioeconomic inequalities in cancer survival in England after the NHS cancer plan. (2010) Rachet, B; Ellis, L; Maringe, C; Chu, T; Nur, U; Quaresma, M; Shah, A; Walters, S; Woods, L; Forman, D; Coleman, MP
  • Human papillomavirus infection in women with and without cervical cancer in Karachi, Pakistan. (2010) Raza, SA; Franceschi, S; Pallardy, S; Malik, FR; Avan, BI; Zafar, A; Ali, SH; Pervez, S; Serajuddaula, S; Snijders, PJF; van Kemenade, FJ; Meijer, CJLM; Shershah, S; Clifford, GM
  • Molecular characterisation of ERG, ETV1 and PTEN gene loci identifies patients at low and high risk of death from prostate cancer. (2010) Reid, AHM; Attard, G; Ambroisine, L; Fisher, G; Kovacs, G; Brewer, D; Clark, J; Flohr, P; Edwards, S; Berney, DM; Foster, CS; Fletcher, A; Gerald, WL; Møller, H; Reuter, VE; Scardino, PT; Cuzick, J; de Bono, JS; Cooper, CS; Transatlantic Prostate Group
  • A large-scale meta-analysis to refine colorectal cancer risk estimates associated with MUTYH variants. (2010) Theodoratou, E; Campbell, H; Tenesa, A; Houlston, R; Webb, E; Lubbe, S; Broderick, P; Gallinger, S; Croitoru, EM; Jenkins, MA; Win, AK; Cleary, SP; Koessler, T; Pharoah, PD; Küry, S; Bézieau, S; Buecher, B; Ellis, NA; Peterlongo, P; Offit, K; Aaltonen, LA; Enholm, S; Lindblom, A; Zhou, X-L; Tomlinson, IP; Moreno, V; Blanco, I; Capellà, G; Barnetson, R; Porteous, ME; Dunlop, MG; Farrington, SM
  • 2009
  • What if cancer survival in Britain were the same as in Europe: how many deaths are avoidable? (2009) Abdel-Rahman, M; Stockton, D; Rachet, B; Hakulinen, T; Coleman, MP
  • Ki-67 and outcome in clinically localised prostate cancer: analysis of conservatively treated prostate cancer patients from the Trans-Atlantic Prostate Group study. (2009) Berney, DM; Gopalan, A; Kudahetti, S; Fisher, G; Ambroisine, L; Foster, CS; Reuter, V; Eastham, J; Moller, H; Kattan, MW; Gerald, W; Cooper, C; Scardino, P; Cuzick, J
  • Ovulation-stimulation drugs and cancer risks: a long-term follow-up of a British cohort. (2009) Dos Santos Silva, I; Wark, PA; McCormack, VA; Mayer, D; Overton, C; Little, V; Nieto, J; Hardiman, P; Davies, M; Maclean, AB
  • Hsp-27 expression at diagnosis predicts poor clinical outcome in prostate cancer independent of ETS-gene rearrangement. (2009) Foster, CS; Dodson, AR; Ambroisine, L; Fisher, G; Møller, H; Clark, J; Attard, G; De-Bono, J; Scardino, P; Reuter, VE; Cooper, CS; Berney, DM; Cuzick, J
  • Breast cancer incidence, stage, treatment and survival in ethnic groups in South East England. (2009) Jack, RH; Davies, EA; Møller, H
  • Development and pilot evaluation of a complex intervention to improve experienced continuity of care in patients with cancer. (2009) King, M; Jones, L; McCarthy, O; Rogers, M; Richardson, A; Williams, R; Tookman, A; Nazareth, I
  • Cancer prevalence in the United Kingdom: estimates for 2008. (2009) Maddams, J; Brewster, D; Gavin, A; Steward, J; Elliott, J; Utley, M; Møller, H
  • A visual summary of the EUROCARE-4 results: a UK perspective. (2009) Møller, H; Linklater, KM; Robinson, D
  • Occupational, domestic and environmental mesothelioma risks in the British population: a case-control study. (2009) Rake, C; Gilham, C; Hatch, J; Darnton, A; Hodgson, J; Peto, J
  • An analysis of temporal and generational trends in the incidence of anal and other HPV-related cancers in Southeast England. (2009) Robinson, D; Coupland, V; Møller, H
  • Suicide in cancer patients in South East England from 1996 to 2005: a population-based study. (2009) Robinson, D; Renshaw, C; Okello, C; Møller, H; Davies, EA
  • Ovulation-stimulation drugs and cancer risks: a long-term follow-up of a British cohort. (2009) Silva, I dos Santos; Wark, PA; McCormack, VA; Mayer, D; Overton, C; Little, V; Nieto, J; Hardiman, P; Davies, M; MacLean, AB
  • Hospital anxiety and depression scale cutoff scores for cancer patients in acute care. (2009) Singer, S; Kuhnt, S; Götze, H; Hauss, J; Hinz, A; Liebmann, A; Krauss, O; Lehmann, A; Schwarz, R
  • Inequalities in colorectal cancer screening participation in the first round of the national screening programme in England. (2009) von Wagner, C; Good, A; Wright, D; Rachet, B; Obichere, A; Bloom, S; Wardle, J
  • 2008
  • The BOADICEA model of genetic susceptibility to breast and ovarian cancers: updates and extensions. (2008) Antoniou, AC; Cunningham, AP; Peto, J; Evans, DG; Lalloo, F; Narod, SA; Risch, HA; Eyfjord, JE; Hopper, JL; Southey, MC; Olsson, H; Johannsson, O; Borg, A; Pasini, B; Radice, P; Manoukian, S; Eccles, DM; Tang, N; Olah, E; Anton-Culver, H; Warner, E; Lubinski, J; Gronwald, J; Gorski, B; Tryggvadottir, L; Syrjakoski, K; Kallioniemi, O-P; Eerola, H; Nevanlinna, H; Pharoah, PDP; Easton, DF
  • Survival from cancer of the ovary in England and Wales up to 2001. (2008) Cooper, N; Quinn, MJ; Rachet, B; Mitry, E; Coleman, MP
  • Survival from cancer of the uterus in England and Wales up to 2001. (2008) Cooper, N; Quinn, MJ; Rachet, B; Mitry, E; Coleman, MP
  • Trends in the epidemiology of larynx and lung cancer in south-east England, 1985-2004. (2008) Coupland, VH; Chapman, P; Linklater, KM; Sehgal, A; Møller, H; Davies, EA
  • Dietary calcium and vitamin D intakes in childhood and throughout adulthood and mammographic density in a British birth cohort. (2008) Mishra, G; McCormack, V; Kuh, D; Hardy, R; Stephen, A; dos Santos Silva, I picture_as_pdf
  • Survival from cancer of the colon in England and Wales up to 2001. (2008) Mitry, E; Rachet, B; Quinn, MJ; Cooper, N; Coleman, MP
  • Survival from cancer of the oesophagus in England and Wales up to 2001. (2008) Mitry, E; Rachet, B; Quinn, MJ; Cooper, N; Coleman, MP
  • Survival from cancer of the pancreas in England and Wales up to 2001. (2008) Mitry, E; Rachet, B; Quinn, MJ; Cooper, N; Coleman, MP
  • Survival from cancer of the rectum in England and Wales up to 2001. (2008) Mitry, E; Rachet, B; Quinn, MJ; Cooper, N; Coleman, MP
  • Survival from cancer of the stomach in England and Wales up to 2001. (2008) Mitry, E; Rachet, B; Quinn, MJ; Cooper, N; Coleman, MP
  • Oral and pharyngeal cancer in South Asians and non-South Asians in relation to socioeconomic deprivation in South East England. (2008) Moles, DR; Fedele, S; Speight, PM; Porter, SR; dos Santos Silva, I
  • Parenteral oestrogen in the treatment of prostate cancer: a systematic review. (2008) Norman, G; Dean, ME; Langley, RE; Hodges, ZC; Ritchie, G; Parmar, MKB; Sydes, MR; Abel, P; Eastwood, AJ
  • Survival from testicular cancer in England and Wales up to 2001. (2008) Nur, U; Rachet, B; Mitry, E; Cooper, N; Coleman, MP
  • No socioeconomic inequalities in colorectal cancer survival within a randomised clinical trial. (2008) Nur, U; Rachet, B; Parmar, MKB; Sydes, MR; Cooper, N; Lepage, C; Northover, JMA; James, R; Coleman, MP; AXIS collaborators
  • CASP8 variants D302H and -652 6N ins/del do not influence the risk of colorectal cancer in the United Kingdom population. (2008) Pittman, AM; Broderick, P; Sullivan, K; Fielding, S; Webb, E; Penegar, S; Tomlinson, I; Houlston, RS
  • Survival from cancer of the breast in women in England and Wales up to 2001. (2008) Quinn, MJ; Cooper, N; Rachet, B; Mitry, E; Coleman, MP
  • Survival from cancer of the uterine cervix in England and Wales up to 2001. (2008) Quinn, MJ; Cooper, N; Rachet, B; Mitry, E; Woods, LM; Coleman, MP
  • Survival from brain tumours in England and Wales up to 2001. (2008) Rachet, B; Mitry, E; Quinn, MJ; Cooper, N; Coleman, MP
  • Survival from adult leukaemia in England and Wales up to 2001. (2008) Rachet, B; Mitry, E; Shah, A; Cooper, N; Coleman, MP
  • Survival from multiple myeloma in England and Wales up to 2001. (2008) Rachet, B; Mitry, E; Shah, A; Cooper, N; Coleman, MP
  • Survival from non-Hodgkin lymphoma in England and Wales up to 2001. (2008) Rachet, B; Mitry, E; Shah, A; Cooper, N; Coleman, MP
  • Survival from cancer of the larynx in England and Wales up to 2001. (2008) Rachet, B; Quinn, MJ; Cooper, N; Coleman, MP
  • Survival from cancer of the lung in England and Wales up to 2001. (2008) Rachet, B; Quinn, MJ; Cooper, N; Coleman, MP
  • Survival from melanoma of the skin in England and Wales up to 2001. (2008) Rachet, B; Quinn, MJ; Cooper, N; Coleman, MP
  • Cancer survival in England and Wales at the end of the 20th century. (2008) Rachet, B; Woods, LM; Mitry, E; Riga, M; Cooper, N; Quinn, MJ; Steward, J; Brenner, H; Estève, J; Sullivan, R; Coleman, MP
  • The occurrence of invasive cancers following a diagnosis of breast carcinoma in situ. (2008) Robinson, D; Holmberg, L; Møller, H
  • Survival from prostate cancer in England and Wales up to 2001. (2008) Rowan, S; Rachet, B; Alexe, DM; Cooper, N; Coleman, MP
  • Prevalence of type-specific HPV infection by age and grade of cervical cytology: data from the ARTISTIC trial. (2008) Sargent, A; Bailey, A; Almonte, M; Turner, A; Thomson, C; Peto, J; Desai, M; Mather, J; Moss, S; Roberts, C; Kitchener, HC; ARTISTIC Study Group
  • Survival from bladder cancer in England and Wales up to 2001. (2008) Shah, A; Rachet, B; Mitry, E; Cooper, N; Brown, CM; Coleman, MP
  • Childhood leukaemia: long-term excess mortality and the proportion 'cured'. (2008) Shah, A; Stiller, CA; Kenward, MG; Vincent, T; Eden, TOB; Coleman, MP
  • Cancer risk in patients with constitutional chromosome deletions: a nationwide British cohort study. (2008) Swerdlow, AJ; Schoemaker, MJ; Higgins, CD; Wright, AF; Jacobs, PA
  • Comprehensive analysis of common mitochondrial DNA variants and colorectal cancer risk. (2008) Webb, E; Broderick, P; Chandler, I; Lubbe, S; Penegar, S; Tomlinson, IPM; Houlston, RS
  • Survival from cancers of the kidney and ureter in England and Wales up to 2001. (2008) Westlake, S; Cooper, N; Rachet, B; Coleman, MP
  • 2007
  • Clinical and cost-effectiveness of cardioprotection against the toxic effects of anthracyclines given to children with cancer: a systematic review. (2007) Bryant, J; Picot, J; Baxter, L; Levitt, G; Sullivan, I; Clegg, A
  • Prevalence of human papillomavirus antibodies in young female subjects in England. (2007) Jit, M; Vyse, A; Borrow, R; Pebody, R; Soldan, K; Miller, E
  • Further observations on the relationship between the FGFR4 Gly388Arg polymorphism and lung cancer prognosis. (2007) Matakidou, A; El Galta, R; Rudd, MF; Webb, EL; Bridle, H; Eisen, T; Houlston, RS
  • Prognostic significance of folate metabolism polymorphisms for lung cancer. (2007) Matakidou, A; El Galta, R; Rudd, MF; Webb, EL; Bridle, H; Eisen, T; Houlston, RS
  • The future burden of cancer in England: incidence and numbers of new patients in 2020. (2007) Møller, H; Fairley, L; Coupland, V; Okello, C; Green, M; Forman, D; Møller, B; Bray, F
  • Variation in the use of chemotherapy in lung cancer. (2007) Patel, N; Adatia, R; Mellemgaard, A; Jack, R; Møller, H
  • National study of colorectal cancer genetics. (2007) Penegar, S; Wood, W; Lubbe, S; Chandler, I; Broderick, P; Papaemmanuil, E; Sellick, G; Gray, R; Peto, J; Houlston, R
  • Mortality and incidence of second cancers following treatment for testicular cancer. (2007) Robinson, D; Møller, H; Horwich, A
  • Active and passive smoking and the risk of breast cancer in women aged 36-45 years: a population based case-control study in the UK. (2007) Roddam, AW; Pirie, K; Pike, MC; Chilvers, C; Crossley, B; Hermon, C; McPherson, K; Peto, J; Vessey, M; Beral, V
  • Socioeconomic inequalities in cancer survival in Scotland 1986-2000. (2007) Shack, LG; Rachet, B; Brewster, DH; Coleman, MP
  • Increasing incidence of childhood leukaemia: a controversy re-examined. (2007) Shah, A; Coleman, MP
  • Predicted trends in long-term breast cancer survival in England and Wales. (2007) Woods, LM; Rachet, B; Cooper, N; Coleman, MP
  • 2006
  • Long-term outcome among men with conservatively treated localised prostate cancer. (2006) Cuzick, J; Fisher, G; Kattan, MW; Berney, D; Oliver, T; Foster, CS; Møller, H; Reuter, V; Fearn, P; Eastham, J; Scardino, P; Transatlantic Prostate Group
  • How is place of death from cancer changing and what affects it? Analysis of cancer registration and service data. (2006) Davies, E; Linklater, KM; Jack, RH; Clark, L; Møller, H
  • Human papillomavirus genotype distribution and cervical squamous intraepithelial lesions among high-risk women with and without HIV-1 infection in Burkina Faso. (2006) Didelot-Rousseau, M-N; Nagot, N; Costes-Martineau, V; Vallès, X; Ouedraogo, A; Konate, I; Weiss, HA; Van de Perre, P; Mayaud, P; Segondy, M; Yerelon Study Group
  • HPV testing in routine cervical screening: cross sectional data from the ARTISTIC trial. (2006) Kitchener, HC; Almonte, M; Wheeler, P; Desai, M; Gilham, C; Bailey, A; Sargent, A; Peto, J; ARTISTIC Trial Study Group
  • Survival trends for small intestinal cancer in England and Wales, 1971-1990: national population-based study. (2006) Pashayan, N; Lepage, C; Rachet, B; Woods, LM; Coleman, MP
  • Case-control, kin-cohort and meta-analyses provide no support for STK15 F31I as a low penetrance colorectal cancer allele. (2006) Webb, EL; Rudd, MF; Houlston, RS
  • 2005
  • A prospective study of serum insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I), IGF-II, IGF-binding protein-3 and breast cancer risk. (2005) Allen, NE; Roddam, AW; Allen, DS; Fentiman, IS; Dos Santos Silva, I; Peto, J; Holly, JMP; Key, TJ
  • Validation of the English and Chinese versions of the Quick-FLIC quality of life questionnaire. (2005) Cheung, Y-B; Khoo, K-S; Thumboo, J; Ng, G-Y; Wee, J; Goh, C
  • The expected burden of mesothelioma mortality in Great Britain from 2002 to 2050. (2005) Hodgson, JT; McElvenny, DM; Darnton, AJ; Price, MJ; Peto, J
  • Body fatness and physical activity at young ages and the risk of breast cancer in premenopausal women. (2005) Magnusson, CMK; Roddam, AW; Pike, MC; Chilvers, C; Crossley, B; Hermon, C; McPherson, K; Peto, J; Vessey, M; Beral, V
  • The psychological impact of human papillomavirus testing in women with borderline or mildly dyskaryotic cervical smear test results: 6-month follow-up. (2005) Maissi, E; Marteau, TM; Hankins, M; Moss, S; Legood, R; Gray, A
  • Second primary cancers in patients with squamous cell carcinoma of the skin. (2005) Maitra, SK; Gallo, H; Rowland-Payne, C; Robinson, D; Møller, H
  • The risk of cancer in HIV-infected people in southeast England: a cohort study. (2005) Newnham, A; Harris, J; Evans, HS; Evans, BG; Møller, H
  • From the many to the few: changes in urological cancer surgery provision. (2005) Nuttall, M; van der Meulen, J; Emberton, M
  • Atypical cancer pattern in patients with Parkinson's disease. (2005) Olsen, JH; Friis, S; Frederiksen, K; McLaughlin, JK; Mellemkjaer, L; Møller, H
  • Waiting times for radiotherapy: variation over time and between cancer networks in southeast England. (2005) Robinson, D; Massey, T; Davies, E; Jack, RH; Sehgal, A; Møller, H
  • Guidelines for confidentiality and cancer registration. (2005) Storm, H; Brewster, DH; Coleman, MP; Deapen, D; Oshima, A; Threlfall, T; Démaret, E
  • Cervical human papillomavirus infection and squamous intraepithelial lesions in rural Gambia, West Africa: viral sequence analysis and epidemiology. (2005) Wall, SR; Scherf, CF; Morison, L; Hart, KW; West, B; Ekpo, G; Fiander, AN; Man, S; Gelder, CM; Walraven, G; Borysiewicz, LK
  • Choice of geographic unit influences socioeconomic inequalities in breast cancer survival. (2005) Woods, LM; Rachet, B; Coleman, MP
  • 2004
  • Prognostic value of morphology and hormone receptor status in breast cancer - a population-based study. (2004) Allemani, C; Sant, M; Berrino, F; Aareleid, T; Chaplain, G; Coebergh, JW; Colonna, M; Contiero, P; Danzon, A; Federico, M; Gafà, L; Grosclaude, P; Hédelin, G; Macè-Lesech, J; Garcia, CM; Paci, E; Raverdy, N; Tretarre, B; Williams, EMI
  • Cervical cancer screening programmes and policies in 18 European countries. (2004) Anttila, A; Ronco, G; Clifford, G; Bray, F; Hakama, M; Arbyn, M; Weiderpass, E
  • Trends and socioeconomic inequalities in cancer survival in England and Wales up to 2001. (2004) Coleman, MP; Rachet, B; Woods, LM; Mitry, E; Riga, M; Cooper, N; Quinn, MJ; Brenner, H; Estève, J
  • Living arrangements and place of death of older people with cancer in England and Wales: a record linkage study. (2004) Grundy, E; Mayer, D; Young, H; Sloggett, A
  • A randomised comparison of UK genetic risk counselling services for familial cancer: psychosocial outcomes. (2004) Hopwood, P; Wonderling, D; Watson, M; Cull, A; Douglas, F; Cole, T; Eccles, D; Gray, J; Murday, V; Steel, M; Burn, J; McPherson, K
  • Smoking before the birth of a first child is not associated with increased risk of breast cancer: findings from the British Women's Heart and Health Cohort Study and a meta-analysis. (2004) Lawlor, DA; Ebrahim, S; Smith, G Davey
  • Heterogeneity of breast cancer risk within the South Asian female population in England: a population-based case-control study of first-generation migrants. (2004) McCormack, VA; Mangtani, P; Bhakta, D; McMichael, AJ; dos Santos Silva, I
  • Geographical variation in breast cancer survival rates for women diagnosed in England between 1992 and 1994. (2004) Mullee, MA; De Stavola, B; Romanengo, M; Coleman, MP
  • Cervical HPV infection and neoplasia in a large population-based prospective study: the Manchester cohort. (2004) Peto, J; Gilham, C; Deacon, J; Taylor, C; Evans, C; Binns, W; Haywood, M; Elanko, N; Coleman, D; Yule, R; Desai, M
  • Radiation-induced malignancies following radiotherapy for breast cancer. (2004) Roychoudhuri, R; Evans, H; Robinson, D; Møller, H
  • Potential health risks of complementary alternative medicines in cancer patients. (2004) Werneke, U; Earl, J; Seydel, C; Horn, O; Crichton, P; Fannon, D
  • Estimation and projection of the national profile of cancer mortality in China: 1991-2005. (2004) Yang, L; Parkin, DM; Li, LD; Chen, YD; Bray, F
  • Is the association of birth weight with premenopausal breast cancer risk mediated through childhood growth? (2004) dos Santos Silva, I; De Stavola, BL; Hardy, RJ; Kuh, DJ; McCormack, VA; Wadsworth, MEJ
  • 2003
  • Blood pressure and site-specific cancer mortality: evidence from the original Whitehall study. (2003) Batty, GD; Shipley, MJ; Marmot, MG; Davey Smith, G; Whitehall Study
  • Performance status score: do patients and their oncologists agree? (2003) Blagden, SP; Charman, SC; Sharples, LD; Magee, LRA; Gilligan, D
  • Survival analysis Part III: multivariate data analysis -- choosing a model and assessing its adequacy and fit. (2003) Bradburn, MJ; Clark, TG; Love, SB; Altman, DG
  • Survival analysis part II: multivariate data analysis--an introduction to concepts and methods. (2003) Bradburn, MJ; Clark, TG; Love, SB; Altman, DG
  • Effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of prognostic markers in prostate cancer. (2003) Calvert, NW; Morgan, AB; Catto, JWF; Hamdy, FC; Akehurst, RL; Mouncey, P; Paisley, S
  • Survival analysis part I: basic concepts and first analyses. (2003) Clark, TG; Bradburn, MJ; Love, SB; Altman, DG
  • Survival analysis part IV: further concepts and methods in survival analysis. (2003) Clark, TG; Bradburn, MJ; Love, SB; Altman, DG
  • Vitamin K and childhood cancer: a report from the United Kingdom Childhood Cancer Study. (2003) Fear, NT; Roman, E; Ansell, P; Simpson, J; Day, N; Eden, OB; United Kingdom Childhood Cancer Study
  • Risk factors for adenocarcinoma and squamous cell carcinoma of the cervix in women aged 20-44 years: the UK National Case-Control Study of Cervical Cancer. (2003) Green, J; Berrington de Gonzalez, A; Sweetland, S; Beral, V; Chilvers, C; Crossley, B; Deacon, J; Hermon, C; Jha, P; Mant, D; Peto, J; Pike, M; Vessey, MP
  • Geographical inequalities in lung cancer management and survival in South East England: evidence of variation in access to oncology services? (2003) Jack, RH; Gulliford, MC; Ferguson, J; Møller, H
  • Prognostic importance of survivin in breast cancer. (2003) Kennedy, SM; O'Driscoll, L; Purcell, R; Fitz-Simons, N; McDermott, EW; Hill, AD; O'Higgins, NJ; Parkinson, M; Linehan, R; Clynes, M
  • Associations of adult measures of childhood growth with breast cancer: findings from the British Women's Heart and Health Study. (2003) Lawlor, DA; Okasha, M; Gunnell, D; Smith, G Davey; Ebrahim, S
  • Life-course body size and perimenopausal mammographic parenchymal patterns in the MRC 1946 British birth cohort. (2003) McCormack, VA; dos Santos Silva, I; De Stavola, BL; Perry, N; Vinnicombe, S; Swerdlow, AJ; Hardy, R; Kuh, D
  • Parental smoking and childhood cancer: results from the United Kingdom Childhood Cancer Study. (2003) Pang, D; McNally, R; Birch, JM
  • Vascular patterns in reactive lymphoid tissue and in non-Hodgkin's lymphoma. (2003) Passalidou, E; Stewart, M; Trivella, M; Steers, G; Pillai, G; Dogan, A; Leigh, I; Hatton, C; Harris, A; Gatter, K; Pezzella, F
  • Effect of the UK government's 2-week target on waiting times in women with breast cancer in southeast England. (2003) Robinson, D; Bell, CMJ; Møller, H; Basnett, I
  • Survival from breast cancer among South Asian and non-South Asian women resident in South East England. (2003) dos Santos Silva, I; Mangtani, P; De Stavola, BL; Bell, J; Quinn, M; Mayer, D
  • 2002
  • A comprehensive model for familial breast cancer incorporating BRCA1, BRCA2 and other genes. (2002) Antoniou, AC; Pharoah, PDP; McMullan, G; Day, NE; Stratton, MR; Peto, J; Ponder, BJ; Easton, DF
  • Alcohol, tobacco and breast cancer--collaborative reanalysis of individual data from 53 epidemiological studies, including 58,515 women with breast cancer and 95,067 women without the disease. (2002) Hamajima, N; Hirose, K; Tajima, K; Rohan, T; Calle, EE; Heath, CW; Coates, RJ; Liff, JM; Talamini, R; Chantarakul, N; Koetsawang, S; Rachawat, D; Morabia, A; Schuman, L; Stewart, W; Szklo, M; Bain, C; Schofield, F; Siskind, V; Band, P; Coldman, AJ; Gallagher, RP; Hislop, TG; Yang, P; Kolonel, LM; Nomura, AMY; Hu, J; Johnson, KC; Mao, Y; De Sanjosé, S; Lee, N; Marchbanks, P; Ory, HW; Peterson, HB; Wilson, HG; Wingo, PA; Ebeling, K; Kunde, D; Nishan, P; Hopper, JL; Colditz, G; Gajalanski, V; Martin, N; Pardthaisong, T; Silpisornkosol, S; Theetranont, C; Boosiri, B; Chutivongse, S; Jimakorn, P; Virutamasen, P; Wongsrichanalai, C; Ewertz, M; Adami, HO; Bergkvist, L; Magnusson, C; Persson, I; Chang-Claude, J; Paul, C; Skegg, DCG; Spears, GFS; Boyle, P; Evstifeeva, T; Daling, JR; Hutchinson, WB; Malone, K; Noonan, EA; Stanford, JL; Thomas, DB; Weiss, NS; White, E; Andrieu, N; Brêmond, A; Clavel, F; Gairard, B; Lansac, J; Piana, L; Renaud, R; Izquierdo, A; Viladiu, P; Cuevas, HR; Ontiveros, P; Palet, A; Salazar, SB; Aristizabel, N; Cuadros, A; Tryggvadottir, L; Tulinius, H; Bachelot, A; Lê, MG; Peto, J; Franceschi, S; Lubin, F; Modan, B; Ron, E; Wax, Y; Friedman, GD; Hiatt, RA; Levi, F; Bishop, T; Kosmelj, K; Primic-Zakelj, M; Ravnihar, B; Stare, J; Beeson, WL; Fraser, G; Bullbrook, RD; Cuzick, J; Duffy, SW; Fentiman, IS; Hayward, JL; Wang, DY; McMichael, AJ; McPherson, K; Hanson, RL; Leske, MC; Mahoney, MC; Nasca, PC; Varma, AO; Weinstein, AL; Moller, TR; Olsson, H; Ranstam, J; Goldbohm, RA; van den Brandt, PA; Apelo, RA; Baens, J; de la Cruz, JR; Javier, B; Lacaya, LB; Ngelangel, CA; La Vecchia, C; Negri, E; Marubini, E; Ferraroni, M; Gerber, M; Richardson, S; Segala, C; Gatei, D; Kenya, P; Kungu, A; Mati, JG; Brinton, LA; Hoover, R; Schairer, C; Spirtas, R; Lee, HP; Rookus, MA; van Leeuwen, FE; Schoenberg, JA; McCredie, M; Gammon, MD; Clarke, EA; Jones, L; Neil, A; Vessey, M; Yeates, D; Appleby, P; Banks, E; Beral, V; Bull, D; Crossley, B; Goodill, A; Green, J; Hermon, C; Key, T; Langston, N; Lewis, C; Reeves, G; Collins, R; Doll, R; Peto, R; Mabuchi, K; Preston, D; Hannaford, P; Kay, C; Rosero-Bixby, L; Gao, YT; Jin, F; Yuan, J-M; Wei, HY; Yun, T; Zhiheng, C; Berry, G; Cooper Booth, J; Jelihovsky, T; MacLennan, R; Shearman, R; Wang, Q-S; Baines, C-J; Miller, AB; Wall, C; Lund, E; Stalsberg, H; Shu, XO; Zheng, W; Katsouyanni, K; Trichopoulou, A; Trichopoulos, D; Dabancens, A; Martinez, L; Molina, R; Salas, O; Alexander, FE; Anderson, K; Folsom, AR; Hulka, BS; Bernstein, L; Enger, S; Haile, RW; Paganini-Hill, A; Pike, MC; Ross, RK; Ursin, G; Yu, MC; Longnecker, MP; Newcomb, P; Bergkvist, L; Kalache, A; Farley, TMM; Holck, S; Meirik, O; Collaborative Group on Hormonal Factors in Breast Cancer
  • Cancer risks in populations living near landfill sites in Great Britain. (2002) Jarup, L; Briggs, D; de Hoogh, C; Morris, S; Hurt, C; Lewin, A; Maitland, I; Richardson, S; Wakefield, J; Elliott, P
  • The importance of full participation: lessons from a national case-control study. (2002) Law, GR; Smith, AG; Roman, E; United Kingdom Childhood Cancer Study Investigators
  • Vascular phenotype in angiogenic and non-angiogenic lung non-small cell carcinomas. (2002) Passalidou, E; Trivella, M; Singh, N; Ferguson, M; Hu, J; Cesario, A; Granone, P; Nicholson, AG; Goldstraw, P; Ratcliffe, C; Tetlow, M; Leigh, I; Harris, AL; Gatter, KC; Pezzella, F
  • Alcohol, tobacco and breast cancer: should alcohol be condemned and tobacco acquitted? (2002) Silva, I dos Santos
  • Exposure to power frequency electric fields and the risk of childhood cancer in the UK. (2002) Skinner, J; Mee, TJ; Blackwell, RP; Maslanyj, MP; Simpson, J; Allen, SG; Day, NE; Cheng, KK; Gilman, E; Williams, D; Cartwright, R; Craft, A; Birch, JM; Eden, OB; McKinney, PA; Deacon, J; Peto, J; Beral, V; Roman, E; Elwood, P; Alexander, FE; Mott, M; Chilvers, CED; Muir, K; Doll, R; Taylor, CM; Greaves, M; Goodhead, D; Fry, FA; Adams, G; Law, G; United Kingdom Childhood Cancer Study Investigators
  • The United Kingdom Childhood Cancer Study of exposure to domestic sources of ionising radiation: 1: radon gas. (2002) UK Childhood Cancer Study Investigators
  • The United Kingdom Childhood Cancer Study of exposure to domestic sources of ionising radiation: 2: gamma radiation. (2002) UK Childhood Cancer Study Investigators
  • 2001
  • Cancer in the Gambia: 1988-97. (2001) Bah, E; Parkin, DM; Hall, AJ; Jack, AD; Whittle, H
  • Do men with prostate or colorectal cancer seek different information and support from women with cancer? (2001) Boudioni, M; McPherson, K; Moynihan, C; Melia, J; Boulton, M; Leydon, G; Mossman, J
  • A prognostic model for ovarian cancer. (2001) Clark, TG; Stewart, ME; Altman, DG; Gabra, H; Smyth, JF
  • Incidence of multiple primary cancers in a cohort of women diagnosed with breast cancer in southeast England. (2001) Evans, HS; Lewis, CM; Robinson, D; Bell, CM; Møller, H; Hodgson, SV
  • Psychiatric morbidity and its recognition by doctors in patients with cancer. (2001) Fallowfield, L; Ratcliffe, D; Jenkins, V; Saul, J
  • Season of birth and diagnosis of children with leukaemia: an analysis of over 15 000 UK cases occurring from 1953-95. (2001) Higgins, CD; dos-Santos-Silva, I; Stiller, CA; Swerdlow, AJ
  • Information needs of patients with cancer: results from a large study in UK cancer centres. (2001) Jenkins, V; Fallowfield, L; Saul, J
  • Attitudes and impressions of participants in a study of the causes of childhood cancer. (2001) Jenkinson, CM; Muir, KM; Hawtin, PG; Chilvers, CE
  • Randomized double-blind phase II survival study comparing immunization with the anti-idiotypic monoclonal antibody 105AD7 against placebo in advanced colorectal cancer. (2001) Maxwell-Armstrong, CA; Durrant, LG; Buckley, TJ; Scholefield, JH; Robins, RA; Fielding, K; Monson, JR; Guillou, P; Calvert, H; Carmichael, J; Hardcastle, JD
  • HPV types and cofactors causing cervical cancer in Peru. (2001) Santos, C; Muñoz, N; Klug, S; Almonte, M; Guerrero, I; Alvarez, M; Velarde, C; Galdos, O; Castillo, M; Walboomers, J; Meijer, C; Caceres, E
  • Cancer incidence in the Falkland Islands. (2001) Swerdlow, AJ; Elsby, B; Qiao, Z
  • Breastfeeding and childhood cancer. (2001) UK Childhood Cancer Study Investigators
  • A descriptive study of UK cancer genetics services: an emerging clinical response to the new genetics. (2001) Wonderling, D; Hopwood, P; Cull, A; Douglas, F; Watson, M; Burn, J; McPherson, K
  • 1999
  • Prevention of hepatocellular cancer: one of the most cost-effective ways to reduce adult mortality? (1999) Hall, AJ; Smith, PG
  • Cancer mortality and morbidity among plutonium workers at the Sellafield plant of British Nuclear Fuels. (1999) Omar, RZ; Barber, JA; Smith, PG
  • The European mesothelioma epidemic. (1999) Peto, J; Decarli, A; La Vecchia, C; Levi, F; Negri, E
  • Low frequency of germline E-cadherin mutations in familial and nonfamilial gastric cancer. (1999) Stone, J; Bevan, S; Cunningham, D; Hill, A; Rahman, N; Peto, J; Marossy, A; Houlston, RS
  • 1998
  • Cancer mortality in relation to monitoring for radionuclide exposure in three UK nuclear industry workforces. (1998) Carpenter, LM; Higgins, CD; Douglas, AJ; Maconochie, NE; Omar, RZ; Fraser, P; Beral, V; Smith, PG
  • Trends in cancer incidence and mortality in Scotland: description and possible explanations. (1998) Swerdlow, AJ; dos Santos Silva, I; Reid, A; Qiao, Z; Brewster, DH; Arrundale, J
  • 1994
  • Cancer mortality and morbidity among workers at the Sellafield plant of British Nuclear Fuels. (1994) Douglas, AJ; Omar, RZ; Smith, PG
  • 1992
  • Cancer mortality in the first degree relatives of young breast cancer patients. (1992) Anderson, KE; Easton, DF; Matthews, FE; Peto, J
  • 1991
  • Bladder cancer mortality of workers exposed to aromatic amines: an updated analysis. (1991) Piolatto, G; Negri, E; La Vecchia, C; Pira, E; Decarli, A; Peto, J
  • 1990
  • An overview of prognostic factors in small cell lung cancer. A report from the Subcommittee for the Management of Lung Cancer of the United Kingdom Coordinating Committee on Cancer Research. (1990) Rawson, NS; Peto, J
  • 1989
  • Risk factors for ovarian cancer: a case-control study. (1989) Booth, M; Beral, V; Smith, P
  • 1987
  • Long term mortality after a single treatment course with X-rays in patients treated for ankylosing spondylitis. (1987) Darby, SC; Doll, R; Gill, SK; Smith, PG
  • Prenatal and familial associations of testicular cancer. (1987) Swerdlow, AJ; Huttly, SR; Smith, PG
  • Testicular cancer and antecedent diseases. (1987) Swerdlow, AJ; Huttly, SR; Smith, PG
  • 1986
  • Passive smoking. (1986) Peto, J; Doll, R
  • 1985
  • Bladder cancer mortality of workers exposed to aromatic amines: analysis of models of carcinogenesis. (1985) Decarli, A; Peto, J; Piolatto, G; La Vecchia, C
  • 1983
  • Incidence of familial Hodgkin's disease. (1983) Kerzin-Storrar, L; Faed, MJ; MacGillivray, JB; Smith, PG
  • A proportionate study of cancer mortality among members of a vegetarian society. (1983) Kinlen, LJ; Hermon, C; Smith, PG
  • 1982
  • Mesothelioma mortality in asbestos workers: implications for models of carcinogenesis and risk assessment. (1982) Peto, J; Seidman, H; Selikoff, IJ
  • 1980
  • Characteristics of women with dysplasia or carcinoma in situ of the cervix uteri. (1980) Harris, RW; Brinton, LA; Cowdell, RH; Skegg, DC; Smith, PG; Vessey, MP; Doll, R
  • Mortality of wives of men dying with cancer of the penis. (1980) Smith, PG; Kinlen, LJ; White, GC; Adelstein, AM; Fox, AJ
  • 1979
  • Family studies in acute leukaemia in childhood: a possible association with autoimmune disease. (1979) Till, M; Rapson, N; Smith, PG
  • Dermatoglyphics in long-term leukaemic survivors: failure to confirm prognostic value of fingertip pattern. (1979) Till, M; Smith, PG
  • 1978
  • Dermatoglyphics in childhood leukaemia: a guide to prognosis and aetiology? (1978) Till, M; Larrauri, S; Smith, PG
  • Space-time clustering of Burkitt's lymphoma in the West Nile district of Uganda: 1961-1975. (1978) Williams, EH; Smith, PG; Day, NE; Geser, A; Ellice, J; Tukei, P
  • 1977
  • Analysis of treatment of childhood leukaemia. V. Advantage of reduced chemotherapy during and immediately after cranial irradiation. (1977) MacLennan, IC; Peto, J; Kay, HE
  • Further studies of space-time clustering of Burkitt's lymphoma in Uganda. (1977) Morrow, RH; Pike, MC; Smith, PG
  • Design and analysis of randomized clinical trials requiring prolonged observation of each patient. II. analysis and examples. (1977) Peto, R; Pike, MC; Armitage, P; Breslow, NE; Cox, DR; Howard, SV; Mantel, N; McPherson, K; Peto, J; Smith, PG
  • 1976
  • Design and analysis of randomized clinical trials requiring prolonged observation of each patient. I. Introduction and design. (1976) Peto, R; Pike, MC; Armitage, P; Breslow, NE; Cox, DR; Howard, SV; Mantel, N; McPherson, K; Peto, J; Smith, PG
  • Epidemiology of childhood leukaemia in greater london: A search for evidence of transmission assuming a possibly long latent period. (1976) Smith, PG; Pike, MC; Till, MM; Hardisty, RM
  • 1974
  • Malignant disease in the parents of children dying of Hodgkin's disease. (1974) Leighton, P; Smith, PG; Draper, GJ; Pike, MC
  • 1972
  • Kaposi's sarcoma in Uganda: geographic and ethnic distribution. (1972) Taylor, JF; Smith, PG; Bull, D; Pike, MC