Items where the Publication is BMJ Open Respiratory Research
Number of items: 2.
Effect of β-blockade on lung function, exercise performance and dynamic hyperinflation in people with arterial vascular disease with and without COPD. (2017)
Key, Angela; Parry, Matthew; West, Malcolm A; Asher, Rebecca; Jack, Sandy; Duffy, Nick; Torella, Francesco; Walker, Paul P
MesoTRAP: a feasibility study that includes a pilot clinical trial comparing video-assisted thoracoscopic partial pleurectomy decortication with indwelling pleural catheter in patients with trapped lung due to malignant pleural mesothelioma designed to address recruitment and randomisation uncertainties and sample size requirements for a phase III trial. (2019)
Matthews, Claire; Freeman, Carol; Sharples, Linda D; Fox-Rushby, Julia; Tod, Angela; Maskell, Nicholas A; Edwards, John G; Coonar, Aman S; Sivasothy, Pasupathy; Hughes, Victoria; Rahman, Najib M; Waller, David A; Rintoul, Robert Campbell