Items where the Publication is Annals of the rheumatic diseases
Number of items: 22.
Bibliographic data only
  • Prevalence and risk factors for joint pain among men and women in the West of Scotland Twenty-07 study. (2006) Adamson, J; Ebrahim, S; Dieppe, P; Hunt, K
  • Development of additional autoimmune diseases in a multiethnic cohort of patients with systemic lupus erythematosus with reference to damage and mortality. (2007) Chambers, SA; Charman, SC; Rahman, A; Isenberg, DA
  • Quality of life, outcomes and diagnostic uncertainty in the first year in polymyalgia rheumatica. (2006) Dasgupta, B; Hutching, A; Hollywood, J; Lamping, D; Pease, C; Chakravarty, K; Silverman, B; Hazleman, B; Scoff, DGI; Choy, E; Bourke, B; Gendi, N
  • Quality of life and functional status at pre5entation in polymyalgia rheumatica (PMR): Results from a multi-centre prospective cohort study. (2004) Dasgupta, B; Hutchings, A; Hollywood, J; Lamping, D
  • Autoantibodies to cyclic citrullinated peptide in a PMR inception cohort from The PMR Outcomes Study. (2008) Dasgupta, B; Hutchings, A; Hollywood, J; Nutter, L
  • Clinical features at presentation in pulymyalgia rheumatica (PMR): Results from a multi-centre prospective cohort study. (2004) Dasgupta, B; Hutchings, A; Hollywood, J; Pease, C; Chakravarty, K; Hazleman, B; Silverman, B; Choy, E; Scott, D; Bourke, B; Gendi, N; Lamping, D
  • 2015 Recommendations for the management of polymyalgia rheumatica: a European League Against Rheumatism/American College of Rheumatology collaborative initiative. (2015) Dejaco, Christian; Singh, Yogesh P; Perel, Pablo; Hutchings, Andrew; Camellino, Dario; Mackie, Sarah; Abril, Andy; Bachta, Artur; Balint, Peter; Barraclough, Kevin; Bianconi, Lina; Buttgereit, Frank; Carsons, Steven; Ching, Daniel; Cid, Maria; Cimmino, Marco; Diamantopoulos, Andreas; Docken, William; Duftner, Christina; Fashanu, Billy; Gilbert, Kate; Hildreth, Pamela; Hollywood, Jane; Jayne, David; Lima, Manuella; Maharaj, Ajesh; Mallen, Christian; Martinez-Taboada, Victor; Maz, Mehrdad; Merry, Steven; Miller, Jean; Mori, Shunsuke; Neill, Lorna; Nordborg, Elisabeth; Nott, Jennifer; Padbury, Hannah; Pease, Colin; Salvarani, Carlo; Schirmer, Michael; Schmidt, Wolfgang; Spiera, Robert; Tronnier, David; Wagner, Alexandre; Whitlock, Madeline; Matteson, Eric L; Dasgupta, Bhaskar; European League Against Rheumatism; American College of Rheumatology
  • Current evidence for therapeutic interventions and prognostic factors in polymyalgia rheumatica: a systematic literature review informing the 2015 European League Against Rheumatism/American College of Rheumatology recommendations for the management of polymyalgia rheumatica. (2015) Dejaco, Christian; Singh, Yogesh P; Perel, Pablo; Hutchings, Andrew; Camellino, Dario; Mackie, Sarah; Matteson, Eric L; Dasgupta, Bhaskar
  • Trends in hip and knee joint replacement: socioeconomic inequalities and projections of need. (2004) Dixon, T; Shaw, M; Ebrahim, S; Dieppe, P
  • Mortality rate is reduced in ra patients treated with TNF antagonists. Data from biobadaser. (2006) Gomez-Reino, JJ; Dasgupta, B; Haugeberg, G; Descalzo, MA; Hutchings, A; Conaghans, P; Pampin, EP; Hollywood, J; Morton, S; Carmona, L; Lamping, D; Proudman, S; Pease, C; Stewarts, S; Chakravarty, K; Emery, P; Silverman, B; Hazleman, B; Scott, DGI; Choy, E; Bourke, B; Gendl, N
  • Role of contextual factors in health-related quality of life in ankylosing spondylitis. (2010) Gordeev, VS; Maksymowych, WP; Evers, SMAA; Ament, A; Schachna, L; Boonen, A
  • An assessment of disease flare in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus: a comparison of BILAG 2004 and the flare version of SELENA. (2010) Isenberg, DA; Allen, E; Farewell, V; D'Cruz, D; Alarcón, GS; Aranow, C; Bruce, IN; Dooley, MA; Fortin, PR; Ginzler, EM; Gladman, DD; Hanly, JG; Inanc, M; Kalunian, K; Khamashta, M; Merrill, JT; Nived, O; Petri, M; Ramsey-Goldman, R; Sturfelt, G; Urowitz, M; Wallace, DJ; Gordon, C; Rahman, A
  • The relative risk of aortic aneurysm in patients with giant cell arteritis compared with the general population of the UK. (2013) Robson, Joanna C; Kiran, Amit; Maskell, Joe; Hutchings, Andrew; Arden, Nigel; Dasgupta, Bhaskar; Hamilton, William; Emin, Akan; Culliford, David; Luqmani, Raashid A
  • Proteolysis of serum amyloid A and AA amyloid proteins by cysteine proteases: cathepsin B generates AA amyloid proteins and cathepsin L may prevent their formation. (2005) Röcken, C; Menard, R; Bühling, F; Vöckler, S; Raynes, J; Stix, B; Krüger, S; Roessner, A; Kähne, T
  • Limited correlation between the Health Assessment Questionnaire (HAQ) and EuroQol in rheumatoid arthritis: questionable validity of deriving quality adjusted life years from HAQ. (2007) Scott, DL; Khoshaba, B; Choy, EH; Kingsley, GH
  • Incidence of diagnosed polymyalgia rheumatica and temporal arteritis in the United Kingdom, 1990-2001. (2006) Smeeth, L; Cook, C; Hall, AJ
  • Public
  • Definition of remission and relapse in polymyalgia rheumatica: data from a literature search compared with a Delphi-based expert consensus. (2011) Dejaco, Christian; Duftner, Christina; Cimmino, Marco A; Dasgupta, Bhaskar; Salvarani, Carlo; Crowson, Cynthia S; Maradit-Kremers, Hilal; Hutchings, Andrew; Matteson, Eric L; Schirmer, Michael; International Work Group for PMR and GCA
  • Effect of rituximab on a salivary gland ultrasound score in primary Sjögren's syndrome: results of the TRACTISS randomised double-blind multicentre substudy. (2017) Fisher, Benjamin A; Everett, Colin C; Rout, John; O'Dwyer, John L; Emery, Paul; Pitzalis, Costantino; Ng, Wan-Fai; Carr, Andrew; Pease, Colin T; Price, Elizabeth J; Sutcliffe, Nurhan; Makdissi, Jimmy; Tappuni, Anwar R; Gendi, Nagui ST; Hall, Frances C; Ruddock, Sharon P; Fernandez, Catherine; Hulme, Claire T; Davies, Kevin A; Edwards, Christopher John; Lanyon, Peter C; Moots, Robert J; Roussou, Euthalia; Richards, Andrea; Sharples, Linda D; Bombardieri, Michele; Bowman, Simon J
  • Investigation of rheumatoid arthritis susceptibility loci in juvenile idiopathic arthritis confirms high degree of overlap. (2012) Hinks, Anne; Cobb, Joanna; Sudman, Marc; Eyre, Stephen; Martin, Paul; Flynn, Edward; Packham, Jonathon; Childhood Arthritis Prospective Study (CAPS); UK RA Genetics (UKRAG) Consortium; British Society of Paediatric and Adolescent Rheumatology (BSPAR; Barton, Anne; Worthington, Jane; Langefeld, Carl D; Glass, David N; Thompson, Susan D; Thomson, Wendy
  • Association of the 5-aminoimidazole-4-carboxamide ribonucleotide transformylase gene with response to methotrexate in juvenile idiopathic arthritis. (2011) Hinks, Anne; Moncrieffe, Halima; Martin, Paul; Ursu, Simona; Lal, Sham; Kassoumeri, Laura; Weiler, Tracey; Glass, David N; Thompson, Susan D; Wedderburn, Lucy R; Thomson, Wendy
  • Validation of a score tool for measurement of histological severity in juvenile dermatomyositis and association with clinical severity of disease. (2013) Varsani, Hemlata; Charman, Susan C; Li, Charles K; Marie, Suely KN; Amato, Anthony A; Banwell, Brenda; Bove, Kevin E; Corse, Andrea M; Emslie-Smith, Alison M; Jacques, Thomas S; Lundberg, Ingrid E; Minetti, Carlo; Nennesmo, Inger; Rushing, Elisabeth J; Sallum, Adriana ME; Sewry, Caroline; Pilkington, Clarissa A; Holton, Janice L; Wedderburn, Lucy R; UK Juvenile Dermatomyositis Research Group
  • Use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and risk of death from COVID-19: an OpenSAFELY cohort analysis based on two cohorts. (2021) Wong, Angel Ys; MacKenna, Brian; Morton, Caroline E; Schultze, Anna; Walker, Alex J; Bhaskaran, Krishnan; Brown, Jeremy P; Rentsch, Christopher T; Williamson, Elizabeth; Drysdale, Henry; Croker, Richard; Bacon, Seb; Hulme, William; Bates, Chris; Curtis, Helen J; Mehrkar, Amir; Evans, David; Inglesby, Peter; Cockburn, Jonathan; McDonald, Helen I; Tomlinson, Laurie; Mathur, Rohini; Wing, Kevin; Forbes, Harriet; Eggo, Rosalind M; Parry, John; Hester, Frank; Harper, Sam; Evans, Stephen Jw; Smeeth, Liam; Douglas, Ian J; Goldacre, Ben; OpenSAFELY Collaborative