Items where the Publication is Annals of the Academy of Medicine, Singapore
Number of items: 10.
  • Cross-cultural adaptation and validation of Singapore Malay and Tamil versions of the EQ-5D. (2007) Wee, Hwee-Lin; Loke, Wai-Chiong; Li, Shu-Chuen; Fong, Kok-Yong; Cheung, Yin-Bun; Machin, David; Luo, Nan; Thumboo, Julian
  • 2006
  • The outbreak of SARS at Tan Tock Seng Hospital--relating epidemiology to control. (2006) Chen, Mark IC; Leo, Yee-Sin; Ang, Brenda SP; Heng, Bee-Hoon; Choo, Philip
  • Understanding the super-spreading events of SARS in Singapore. (2006) Chen, Mark IC; Loon, Seng-Chee; Leong, Hoe-Nam; Leo, Yee-Sin
  • Modelling the utility of body temperature readings from primary care consults for SARS surveillance in an army medical centre. (2006) Chen, Mark IC; Tan, Iain BH; Ng, Yih-Yng
  • SARS and emerging infectious diseases: a challenge to place global solidarity above national sovereignty. (2006) Heymann, David L
  • Clinical and laboratory findings of SARS in Singapore. (2006) Leong, Hoe-Nam; Chan, Kwai-Peng; Oon, Lynette LE; Koay, Evelyn SC; Ng, Lee-Ching; Lee, May-Ann; Barkham, Timothy; Chen, Mark IC; Heng, Bee-Hoon; Ling, Ai-Ee; Leo, Yee-Sin
  • SARS in Singapore--predictors of disease severity. (2006) Leong, Hoe-Nam; Earnest, Arul; Lim, Hong-Huay; Chin, Chee-Fang; Tan, Colin SH; Puhaindran, Mark E; Tan, Alex CH; Chen, Mark IC; Leo, Yee-Sin
  • Early Dengue infection and outcome study (EDEN) - study design and preliminary findings. (2006) Low, Jenny GH; Ooi, Eng-Eong; Tolfvenstam, Thomas; Leo, Yee-Sin; Hibberd, Martin L; Ng, Lee-Ching; Lai, Yee-Ling; Yap, Grace SL; Li, Chenny SC; Vasudevan, Subhash G; Ong, Adrian
  • 2005
  • An assessment of electronically captured data in the patient care enhancement system (PACES) for syndromic surveillance. (2005) Ang, BCH; Chen, MIC; Goh, TLH; Ng, YY; Fan, SW
  • 2003
  • Clinical features and predictors for mortality in a designated national SARS ICU in Singapore. (2003) Tai, DY; Lew, TW; Loo, S; Earnest, A; Chen, MI; Tan Tock Seng Hospital SARS ICU Group