Items where the Publication is Ageing and society
Number of items: 16.
Bibliographic data only
  • Social engagement from childhood to middle age and the effect of childhood socio-economic status on middle age social engagement: results from the National Child Development study. (2014) HIETANEN, HEIDI; AARTSEN, MARJA; KIURU, NOONA; LYYRA, TIINA-MARI; READ, SANNA
  • Public
  • Class, caring and disability: evidence from the British <i>Retirement Survey</i>. (2002) GLASER, KAREN; GRUNDY, EMILY
  • Ageing and vulnerable elderly people: European perspectives. (2006) GRUNDY, EMILY
  • Allan Borowski, Elizabeth Ozanne and Sol Encel (eds), Longevity and Social Change in Australia, University of New South Wales Press, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia, 2007, i-x+397 pp., pbk AUS$ 59.95, ISBN 13: 978 0 86840 889 7. (2008) GRUNDY, EMILY
  • Between elderly parents and adult children: a new look at the intergenerational care provided by the ‘sandwich generation’. (2006) GRUNDY, EMILY; HENRETTA, JOHN C
  • 'To regulate and confirm inequality'? A regional history of geriatric hospitals under the English National Health Service, c. 1948-c. 1975. (2013) Gorsky, M
  • 'To regulate and confirm inequality'? A regional history of geriatric hospitals under the English National Health Service, c.1948-c.1975. (2012) Gorsky, M
  • More than A to B: the role of free bus travel for the mobility and wellbeing of older citizens in London. (2012) Green, Judith; Jones, Alasdair; Roberts, Helen
  • Hidden carers. (2007) Grundy, E
  • Working couples caring for children and aging parents: Effects on work and well-being. (2007) Grundy, E
  • The influence of socio-economic and health differences on parents' provision of help to adult children: a British–United States comparison. (2002) HENRETTA, JOHN C; GRUNDY, EMILY; HARRIS, SUSAN
  • The impact of adult mortality on the living arrangements of older people in rural South Africa. (2005) HOSEGOOD, VICTORIA; TIMÆUS, IAN M
  • British Government Policy and the Concentration of Ownership in Long Term Care Provision. (2002) Holden, C
  • Fertility history and quality of life in older women and men. (2011) READ, SANNA; GRUNDY, EMILY
  • ‘This is where we buried our sons’: people of advanced old age coping with the impact of the AIDS epidemic in a resource-poor setting in rural Uganda. (2009) SEELEY, JANET; WOLFF, BRENT; KABUNGA, ELIZABETH; TUMWEKWASE, GRACE; GROSSKURTH, HEINER
  • They ‘don't cure old age’: older Ugandans’ delays to health-care access. (2017) Schatz, E; Seeley, J; Negin, J; Mugisha, J