Items where the Publication is Acta paediatrica (Oslo, Norway
Number of items: 48.
  • The impact of maternal factors on mortality rates among children under the age of five years in a rural Ugandan population between 2002 and 2012. (2015) Asiki, Gershim; Newton, Robert; Marions, Lena; Seeley, Janet; Kamali, Anatoli; Smedman, Lars
  • Violence against women and the risk of under-five mortality: analysis of community-based data from rural Bangladesh. (2008) Asling-Monemi, Kajsa; Tabassum Naved, Ruchira; Persson, Lars Ake
  • B
  • Point-of-care tests for infectious diseases: barriers to implementation across three London teaching hospitals. (2017) Bustinduy, Amaya L; Jeyaratnam, Dakshika; Douthwaite, Sam; Tonkin-Crine, Sarah; Shaw, Rebecca; Hyrapetian, Laura; Sevdalis, Nick; Goldenberg, Simon; Adams, Elisabeth J; Sharland, Mike; CLAHRC South London; Paediatric Infection Network
  • C
  • Survival of infants in the context of prevention of mother to child HIV transmission in South Africa. (2010) Chopra, M; Doherty, T; Goga, A; Jackson, D; Persson, LA
  • Preventing HIV transmission to children: quality of counselling of mothers in South Africa. (2005) Chopra, Mickey; Doherty, Tanya; Jackson, Debra; Ashworth, Ann
  • Birth season and environmental influences on patterns of thymic growth in rural Gambian infants. (2003) Collinson, AC; Moore, SE; Cole, TJ; Prentice, AM
  • Nocturnal haemoglobin oxygen saturation variability is associated with vitamin C deficiency in Tanzanian children with sickle cell anaemia. (2010) Cox, SE; L'Esperance, V; Makani, J; Soka, D; Hill, CM; Kirkham, FJ
  • D
  • Effects of mode of oral iron administration on serum ferritin and haemoglobin in infants. (2008) Domellöf, Magnus; Lind, Torbjörn; Lönnerdal, Bo; Persson, Lars Ake; Dewey, Kathryn G; Hernell, Olle
  • Effects of the home environment on unintentional domestic injuries and related health care attendance in infants. (2007) de Lourdes Drachler, Maria; de Carvalho Leite, José Carlos; Marshall, Tom; Anselmo Hess Almaleh, Carla Maria; Feldens, Carlos Alberto; Vitolo, Márcia Regina
  • Social inequalities in maternal opinion of child development in southern Brazil. (2005) de Lourdes Drachler, Maria; de Castro Aerts, Denise Ganzo; de Souza, Rosana Mendonça; de Carvalho Leite, José Carlos; Giugliani, Elsa Justo; Marshall, Tom
  • E
  • Development and behaviour of low-birthweight term infants at 8 years in northeast Brazil: a longitudinal study. (2006) Emond, Alan M; Lira, Pedro IC; Lima, Marilia C; Grantham-McGregor, Sally M; Ashworth, Ann
  • Infant anaemia is associated with infection, low birthweight and iron deficiency in rural Bangladesh. (2010) Eneroth, Hanna; Persson, Lars-Åke; El Arifeen, Shams; Ekström, Eva-Charlotte
  • Maternal consumption of dairy products during pregnancy and lactation, and the development of cow's milk antibodies in the offspring. (2005) Erkkola, Maijaliisa; Kronberg-Kippilä, Carina; Savilahti, Erkki; Kenward, Michael G; Salonen, Marja; Ilonen, Jorma; Knip, Mikael; Akerblom, Hans K; Virtanen, Suvi M
  • F
  • Low-cost intervention to decrease mastitis among lactating women. (2004) Filteau, S
  • Cataract in children. (2003) Foster, A; Gilbert, C
  • H
  • Persistent neonatal mortality despite improved under-five survival: a retrospective cohort study in northern Vietnam. (2008) Hoa, Dinh P; Nga, Nguyen T; Målqvist, Mats; Persson, Lars Ake
  • K
  • Comparison of self-reported emotional and behavioural problems in adolescents from Greece and Finland. (2007) Kapi, Aikaterini; Veltsista, Alexandra; Sovio, Ulla; Järvelin, Marjo-Riitta; Bakoula, Chryssa
  • Effects of exclusive breastfeeding intervention on child growth and body composition: the MINIMat trial, Bangladesh. (2013) Khan, Ashraful I; Hawkesworth, Sophie; Ekström, Eva-Charlotte; Arifeen, Shams; Moore, Sophie E; Frongillo, Edward A; Yunus, Md; Persson, Lars Å; Kabir, Iqbal
  • Effect of a randomised exclusive breastfeeding counselling intervention nested into the MINIMat prenatal nutrition trial in Bangladesh. (2016) Khan, Ashraful Islam; Kabir, Iqbal; Eneroth, Hanna; El Arifeen, Shams; Ekström, Eva-Charlotte; Frongillo, Edward A; Persson, Lars Åke
  • Long chain polyunsaturated fatty acids (LC-PUFA) and perinatal development. (2001) Koletzko, B; Agostoni, C; Carlson, SE; Clandinin, T; Hornstra, G; Neuringer, M; Uauy, R; Yamashiro, Y; Willatts, P
  • L
  • Health related quality of life in survivors of pneumococcal meningitis. (2008) Legood, Rosa; Coen, Pietro G; Knox, Kyle; Viner, Russell M; El Bashir, Haitham; Christie, Deborah; Patel, Bharat C; Booy, Robert
  • Determinants of mental and motor development at 12 months in a low income population: a cohort study in northeast Brazil. (2004) Lima, MC; Eickmann, SH; Lima, ACV; Guerra, MQ; Lira, PIC; Huttly, SRA; Ashworth, A
  • Iron supplementation of iron-replete Indonesian infants is associated with reduced weight-for-age. (2008) Lind, Torbjörn; Seswandhana, Rosadi; Persson, Lars-Ake; Lönnerdal, Bo
  • Maternal dietary fat and fatty acid intake during lactation and the risk of asthma in the offspring. (2012) Lumia, M; Luukkainen, P; Kaila, M; Tapanainen, H; Takkinen, H-M; Prasad, M; Niinistö, S; Nwaru, BI; Kenward, MG; Ilonen, J; Simell, O; Knip, M; Veijola, R; Virtanen, SM
  • M
  • Prevalence of iron deficiency in 12-mo-old infants from 11 European areas and influence of dietary factors on iron status (Euro-Growth study). (2001) Male, C; Persson, LA; Freeman, V; Guerra, A; van't Hof, MA; Haschke, F; Euro-Growth Iron Study Group
  • Fatty acid composition of human milk lipids in Chilean women. (2004) Milad, M; Mena, P; Nieto, S; Uauy, R
  • Impact of nutritional status on antibody responses to different vaccines in undernourished Gambian children. (2003) Moore, SE; Goldblatt, D; Bates, CJ; Prentice, AM
  • Early-life nutritional and environmental determinants of thymic size in infants born in rural Bangladesh. (2009) Moore, SE; Prentice, AM; Wagatsuma, Y; Fulford, AJC; Collinson, AC; Raqib, R; Vahter, M; Persson, LA; Arifeen, SE
  • Early-life nutritional and environmental determinants of thymic size in infants born in rural Bangladesh. (2009) Moore, Sophie E; Prentice, AM; Wagatsuma, Y; Fulford, AJC; Collinson, AC; Raqib, R; Vahter, M; Persson, LA; Arifeen, SE
  • Epidemiology of paediatric blindness in Bangladesh: results from a national database of 9,338 children who are blind. (2007) Muhit, MA; Taylor, A; Gilbert, CE
  • Evaluating Helping Babies Breathe: training for healthcare workers at hospitals in Rwanda. (2012) Musafili, Aimable; Essén, Birgitta; Baribwira, Cyprien; Rukundo, Alphonse; Persson, Lars-Åke
  • Social equity in perinatal survival: a case-control study at hospitals in Kigali, Rwanda. (2015) Musafili, Aimable; Essén, Birgitta; Baribwira, Cyprien; Selling, Katarina Ekholm; Persson, Lars-Åke
  • Ethnic inequity in neonatal survival: a case-referent study in northern Vietnam. (2010) Målqvist, Mats; Nga, Nguyen Thu; Eriksson, Leif; Wallin, Lars; Hoa, Dinh Phuong; Persson, Lars Åke
  • N
  • The effects of swaddling on oxygen saturation and respiratory rate of healthy infants in Mongolia. (2007) Narangerel, G; Pollock, J; Manaseki-Holland, S; Henderson, J
  • Perinatal services and outcomes in Quang Ninh province, Vietnam. (2010) Nga, Nguyen T; Målqvist, Mats; Eriksson, Leif; Hoa, Dinh P; Johansson, Annika; Wallin, Lars; Persson, Lars-Åke; Ewald, Uwe
  • Causes of neonatal death: results from NeoKIP community-based trial in Quang Ninh province, Vietnam. (2011) Nga, Nguyen Thu; Hoa, Dinh Thi Phuong; Målqvist, Mats; Persson, Lars-Åke; Ewald, Uwe
  • O
  • Risk of low Apgar score and socioeconomic position: a study of Swedish male births. (2008) Odd, David E; Doyle, Pat; Gunnell, David; Lewis, Glyn; Whitelaw, Andrew; Rasmussen, Finn
  • Movement outcomes of infants born moderate and late preterm. (2013) Odd, David Edward; Lingam, Raghu; Emond, Alan; Whitelaw, Andrew
  • P
  • Numbering the uncounted, focusing the unseen. (2015) Persson, Lars Åke
  • Child survival revolutions revisited. Lessons learned from Bangladesh, Nicaragua, Rwanda and Vietnam. (2017) Persson, L.Å; Rahman, A; Peña, R; Perez, W; Musafili, A; Hoa, DP
  • Implementing Kangaroo mother care in a resource-limited setting in rural Bangladesh. (2015) Pervin, Jesmin; Gustafsson, Frida E; Moran, Allisyn C; Roy, Suchismita; Persson, Lars Åke; Rahman, Anisur
  • Defining childhood obesity: fiddling whilst Rome burns? (2001) Poskitt, EM
  • "At risk" waistlines. (2002) Poskitt, EME
  • Tackling childhood obesity: diet, physical activity or lifestyle change? (2005) Poskitt, Elizabeth ME
  • S
  • Childhood drug-resistant tuberculosis in the Western Cape Province of South Africa. (2006) Schaaf, H Simon; Marais, Ben J; Hesseling, Anneke C; Gie, Robert P; Beyers, Nulda; Donald, Peter R
  • T
  • Therapeutic hypothermia in the middle-income settings: Where to now? (2016) Tann, CJ
  • W
  • Observation study showed that the continuity of skin-to-skin contact with low-birthweight infants in Uganda was suboptimal. (2018) Watkins, Heather C; Morgan, Melissa C; Nambuya, Harriet; Waiswa, Peter; Lawn, Joy E
  • Z
  • Screening guidelines implications of severe retinopathy of prematurity (ROP) in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. (2007) Zin, AA; Gilbert, C; Moreira, MEL