Items where the Publication is AIDS research and human retroviruses
Number of items: 62.
  • Drug resistance mutations in drug-naive HIV type 1 subtype C-infected individuals from rural Malawi. (2010) Bansode, Vijay; Drebert, Zuzanna J; Travers, Simon AA; Banda, Emmanuel; Molesworth, Anna; Crampin, Amelia; Ngwira, Bagrey; French, Neil; Glynn, Judith R; McCormack, Grace P
  • Short Communication: Choosing the Right Program for the Identification of HIV-1 Transmission Networks from Nucleotide Sequences Sampled from Different Populations. (2020) Bbosa, Nicholas; Ssemwanga, Deogratius; Kaleebu, Pontiano
  • Low level viremia and high CD4% predict normal survival in a cohort of HIV type-2-infected villagers. (2002) Berry, Neil; Jaffar, Shabbar; Schim van der Loeff, Maarten; Ariyoshi, Koya; Harding, Elizabeth; N'Gom, Pa Tamba; Dias, Francisco; Wilkins, Andrew; Ricard, Dominic; Aaby, Peter; Tedder, Richard; Whittle, Hilton
  • HIV-1 Genetic Diversity Among Incident Infections in Mbeya, Tanzania. (2016) Billings, Erik; Sanders-Buell, Eric; Bose, Meera; Kijak, Gustavo H; Bradfield, Andrea; Crossler, Jacqueline; Arroyo, Miguel A; Maboko, Leonard; Hoffmann, Oliver; Geis, Steffen; Birx, Deborah L; Kim, Jerome H; Michael, Nelson L; Robb, Merlin L; Hoelscher, Michael; Tovanabutra, Sodsai
  • Evidence of impact of maternal HIV infection on immunoglobulin levels in HIV-exposed uninfected children. (2010) Bunders, Madeleine; Pembrey, Lucy; Kuijpers, Taco; Newell, Marie-Louise
  • HIV Transmission Patterns Among Immigrant Latinos Illuminated by the Integration of Phylogenetic and Migration Data. (2015) Dennis, Ann M; Hué, Stéphane; Pasquale, Dana; Napravnik, Sonia; Sebastian, Joseph; Miller, William C; Eron, Joseph J
  • Genotypic variation in the pol gene of HIV type 1 in an antiretroviral treatment-naive population in rural southwestern Uganda. (2006) Gale, Catherine V; Yirrell, David L; Campbell, Eileen; Van der Paal, Lieve; Grosskurth, Heiner; Kaleebu, Pontiano
  • Indirect Benefits in HIV Cure Clinical Research: A Qualitative Analysis. (2019) Gilbertson, Adam; Kelly, Elizabeth Poole; Rennie, Stuart; Henderson, Gail; Kuruc, JoAnn; Tucker, Joseph D
  • Short communication: NKG2C+ NK cells contribute to increases in CD16+CD56- cells in HIV type 1+ individuals with high plasma viral load. (2013) Gregson, John NS; Kuri-Cervantes, Leticia; Mela, Christopher M; Gazzard, Brian G; Bower, Mark; Goodier, Martin R
  • HIV type 1 in a rural coastal town in Kenya shows multiple introductions with many subtypes and much recombination. (2011) Hué, Stéphane; Hassan, Amin S; Nabwera, Helen; Sanders, Eduard J; Pillay, Deenan; Berkley, James A; Cane, Patricia A
  • Immunological predictors of survival in HIV type 2-infected rural villagers in Guinea-Bissau. (2005) Jaffar, Shabbar; Van der Loeff, Maarten Schim; Eugen-Olsen, Jesper; Vincent, Tim; Sarje-Njie, Ramu; Ngom, Pa; Meyer, Anne-Marie; Berry, Neil; Aaby, Peter; Whittle, Hilton
  • HIV-associated anemia after 96 weeks on therapy: determinants across age ranges in Uganda and Zimbabwe. (2014) Jaganath, Devan; Walker, A Sarah; Ssali, Francis; Musiime, Victor; Kiweewa, Francis; Kityo, Cissy; Salata, Robert; Mugyenyi, Peter; DART Trial; ARROW Trial
  • An improved algorithm for determining HIV type 1 subtypes in a primary laboratory in Uganda. (2001) Kaleebu, P; Yirrell, D; French, N; Lyagoba, F; Rutebemberwa, A; Cheingsong-Popov, R; Gilks, C; Biryahwaho, B; Weber, J; Whitworth, J
  • Intrapatient Evolutionary Dynamics of Human Immunodeficiency Virus Type 1 in Individuals Undergoing Alternative Treatment Strategies with Reverse Transcriptase Inhibitors. (2015) Kayondo, Jonathan K; Ndembi, Nicaise; Parry, Chris M; Cane, Patricia A; Hué, Stephane; Goodall, Ruth; Dunn, David T; Kaleebu, Pontiano; Pillay, Deenan; Mbisa, Jean L; DART Virology Committee
  • HIV type 1 antigen-responsive CD4+ T-lymphocytes in exposed yet HIV Type 1 seronegative Ugandans. (2004) Kebba, Anthony; Kaleebu, Pontiano; Serwanga, Jennifer; Rowland, Samantha; Yirrell, David; Downing, Robert; Gilmour, Jill; Imami, Nesrina; Gotch, Frances; Whitworth, Jimmy
  • Identification of CRF10_CD viruses among bar and hotel workers in Moshi, Northern Tanzania. (2005) Kiwelu, Ireen E; Koulinska, Irene N; Nkya, Watoky MMM; Shao, John; Kapiga, Saidi; Essex, Max
  • HIV type 1 subtypes among bar and hotel workers in Moshi, Tanzania. (2003) Kiwelu, Ireen E; Renjifo, Boris; Chaplin, Beth; Sam, Noel; Nkya, Watoky MMM; Shao, John; Kapiga, Saidi; Essex, Max
  • Greentree white paper: sexual violence, genitoanal injury, and HIV: priorities for research, policy, and practice. (2012) Klot, Jennifer F; Auerbach, Judith D; Veronese, Fulvia; Brown, Gina; Pei, April; Wira, Charles R; Hope, Thomas J; M'boup, Souleymane; Greentree Meeting on Sexual Violence and HIV
  • Partner characteristics predicting HIV-1 set point in sexually acquired HIV-1 among African seroconverters. (2013) Lingappa, Jairam R; Thomas, Katherine K; Hughes, James P; Baeten, Jared M; Wald, Anna; Farquhar, Carey; de Bruyn, Guy; Fife, Kenneth H; Campbell, Mary S; Kapiga, Saidi; Mullins, James I; Celum, Connie; Partners in Prevention HSV/HIV Transmission Study Team
  • Increasing HIV-1 Drug Resistance Between 2010 and 2012 in Adults Participating in Population-Based HIV Surveillance in Rural KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa. (2016) Manasa, Justen; Danaviah, Siva; Lessells, Richard; Elshareef, Muna; Tanser, Frank; Wilkinson, Eduan; Pillay, Sureshnee; Mthiyane, Hloniphile; Mwambi, Henry; Pillay, Deenan; de Oliveira, Tulio
  • A gp41-based heteroduplex mobility assay provides rapid and accurate assessment of intrasubtype epidemiological linkage in HIV type 1 heterosexual transmission Pairs. (2012) Manigart, Olivier; Boeras, Debrah I; Karita, Etienne; Hawkins, Paulina A; Vwalika, Cheswa; Makombe, Nathan; Mulenga, Joseph; Derdeyn, Cynthia A; Allen, Susan; Hunter, Eric
  • Rare Control of SIVmac239 Infection in a Vaccinated Rhesus Macaque. (2017) Martins, Mauricio A; Tully, Damien C; Shin, Young C; Gonzalez-Nieto, Lucas; Weisgrau, Kim L; Bean, David J; Gadgil, Rujuta; Gutman, Martin J; Domingues, Aline; Maxwell, Helen S; Magnani, Diogo M; Ricciardi, Michael; Pedreño-Lopez, Nuria; Bailey, Varian; Cruz, Michael A; Lima, Noemia S; Bonaldo, Myrna C; Altman, John D; Rakasz, Eva; Capuano, Saverio; Reimann, Keith A; Piatak, Michael; Lifson, Jeffrey D; Desrosiers, Ronald C; Allen, Todd M; Watkins, David I
  • Emergence of a three codon deletion in gag p17 in HIV type 1 subtype C long-term survivors, and general population spread. (2006) McCormack, Grace P; Glynn, Judith R; Clewley, Jonathan P; Crampin, Amelia C; Travers, Simon AA; Redmond, Niamh; Keane, Thomas M; Sibande, Felix; Mulawa, Dominic; Fine, Paul EM
  • Highly divergent HIV type 1 group M sequences evident in Karonga District, Malawi in early 1980s. (2003) McCormack, Grace P; Glynn, Judith R; Crampin, Amelia C; Sibande, Felix; Mulawa, Dominic; Fine, Paul EM; Clewley, Jonathan P
  • Investigating signs of recent evolution in the pool of proviral HIV type 1 DNA during years of successful HAART. (2007) Mens, Helene; Pedersen, Anders G; Jørgensen, Louise B; Hue, Stephane; Yang, Yizi; Gerstoft, Jan; Katzenstein, Terese L
  • Scarcity or absence of humoral immune responses in the plasma and cervicovaginal lavage fluids of heavily HIV-1-exposed but persistently seronegative women. (2011) Mestecky, Jiri; Wright, Peter F; Lopalco, Lucia; Staats, Herman F; Kozlowski, Pamela A; Moldoveanu, Zina; Alexander, Rashada C; Kulhavy, Rose; Pastori, Claudia; Maboko, Leonard; Riedner, Gabriele; Zhu, Yuwei; Wrinn, Terri; Hoelscher, Michael
  • Hidden Heterogeneity: Uncovering Patterns of Adherence in Microbicide Trials. (2014) Miller, Lori; Hayes, Richard
  • Mathematical Modelling to Estimate the Impact and Cost-effectiveness of TasP, PrEP and Condom Promotion for Serodiscordant Couples in Nigeria. (2014) Mitchell, Kate M; Lépine, Aurélia; Terris-Prestholt, Fern; Alhassan, Emmanuel; Idoko, John; Vickerman, Peter
  • Mathematical Modelling of the Impact of PrEP for Female Sex Workers and Men Who Have Sex with Men upon HIV Incidence and Survival in Southern India. (2014) Mitchell, Kate M; Prudden, Holly J; Ramesh, BM; Washington, Reynold; Isac, Shajy; Rajaram, S; Terris-Prestholt, Fern; Vickerman, Peter
  • Positive Selection Analysis of Overlapping Reading Frames Is Invalid. (2015) Monit, Christopher; Goldstein, Richard A; Towers, Greg; Hué, Stéphane
  • HIV type 1 that select tRNA(His) or tRNA(Lys1,2) as primers for reverse transcription exhibit different infectivities in peripheral blood mononuclear cells. (2004) Moore, Kenda L; Kosloff, Barry R; Kelly, Nathan J; Kirkman, Richard L; Dupuy, Lesley C; McPherson, Sylvia; Morrow, Casey D
  • Calcutta HIV Model Projections and the Impact of PrEP. (2014) Mukandavire, Zindoga; Mitchell, Kate; Jana, Smarajit; Vickerman, Peter
  • Short communication: HIV type 1 transmitted drug resistance and evidence of transmission clusters among recently infected antiretroviral-naive individuals from Ugandan fishing communities of Lake Victoria. (2013) Nazziwa, Jamirah; Njai, Harr Freeya; Ndembi, Nicaise; Birungi, Josephine; Lyagoba, Fred; Gershim, Asiki; Nakiyingi-Miiro, Jessica; Nielsen, Leslie; Mpendo, Juliet; Nanvubya, Annet; Debont, Jan; Grosskurth, Heiner; Kamali, Anatoli; Seeley, Janet; Kaleebu, Pontiano; Chivtum Study Team draft
  • Transmitted antiretroviral drug resistance surveillance among newly HIV type 1-diagnosed women attending an antenatal clinic in Entebbe, Uganda. (2008) Ndembi, N; Lyagoba, F; Nanteza, B; Kushemererwa, G; Serwanga, J; Katongole-Mbidde, E; Grosskurth, H; Kaleebu, P; Uganda HIV Drug Resistance Working Group
  • Effect of Schistosoma mansoni Infection on Innate and HIV-1-Specific T-Cell Immune Responses in HIV-1-Infected Ugandan Fisher Folk. (2016) Obuku, Andrew Ekii; Asiki, Gershim; Abaasa, Andrew; Ssonko, Isaac; Harari, Alexandre; van Dam, Govert J; Corstjens, Paul L; Joloba, Moses; Ding, Song; Mpendo, Juliet; Nielsen, Leslie; Kamali, Anatoli; Elliott, Alison M; Pantaleo, Giuseppe; Kaleebu, Pontiano; Pala, Pietro
  • Factors influencing breast milk HIV RNA viral load among Zambian women. (2006) Phiri, William; Kasonka, Lackson; Collin, Simon; Makasa, Mpundu; Sinkala, Moses; Chintu, Chifumbe; Kasolo, Francis; Kaseba, Christine; Tomkins, Andrew M; Filteau, Suzanne M
  • HIV-1 full-genome phylogenetics of generalized epidemics in sub-Saharan Africa: impact of missing nucleotide characters in next-generation sequences. (2017) Ratmann, Oliver; Wymant, Chris; Colijn, Caroline; Danaviah, Siva; Essex, M; Frost, Simon DW; Gall, Astrid; Gaiseitsiwe, Simani; Grabowski, Mary; Gray, Ronald; Guindon, Stephane; von Haeseler, Arndt; Kaleebu, Pontiano; Kendall, Michelle; Kozlov, Alexey; Manasa, Justen; Minh, Bui Quang; Moyo, Sikhulile; Novitsky, Vladimir; Nsubuga, Rebecca; Pillay, Sureshnee; Quinn, Thomas C; Serwadda, David; Ssemwanga, Deogratius; Stamatakis, Alexandros; Trifinopoulos, Jana; Wawer, Maria; Leigh Brown, Andrew; de Oliveira, Tulio; Kellam, Paul; Pillay, Deenan; Fraser, Christophe
  • HIV type 1 mutational patterns in HIV type 1 subtype C-infected long-term survivors in Karonga District Malawi: further analysis and correction. (2012) Seager, Ishla; Leeson, Michael D; Crampin, Amelia C; Mulawa, Dominic; French, Neil; Glynn, Judith R; Travers, Simon AA; McCormack, Grace P
  • Coreceptor usage, diversity, and divergence in drug-naive and drug-exposed individuals from Malawi, infected with HIV-1 subtype C for more than 20 years. (2014) Seager, Ishla; Travers, Simon A; Leeson, Michael D; Crampin, Amelia C; French, Neil; Glynn, Judith R; McCormack, Grace P
  • High Levels of Acquired HIV Drug Resistance Following Virological Nonsuppression in HIV-Infected Women from a High-Risk Cohort in Uganda. (2020) Segujja, Farouk; Omooja, Jonah; Lunkuse, Sandra; Nanyonjo, Maria; Nabirye, Stella E; Nassolo, Faridah; Bugembe, Daniel L; Bbosa, Nicholas; Kateete, David P; Ssenyonga, William; Mayanja, Yunia; Nsubuga, Rebecca N; Seeley, Janet; Kaleebu, Pontiano; Ssemwanga, Deogratius
  • Tat-specific binding IgG and disease progression in HIV type 1-infected Ugandans. (2008) Senkaali, D; Kebba, A; Shafer, LA; Campbell, GR; Loret, EP; Van Der Paal, L; Grosskurth, H; Yirrell, D; Kaleebu, P
  • HLA Correlates of Long-Term Survival in Vertically Infected HIV-1-Positive Adolescents in Harare, Zimbabwe. (2015) Shepherd, Brittany L; Ferrand, Rashida; Munyati, Shungu; Folkard, Samuel; Boyd, Kathryn; Bandason, Tsitsi; Jallow, Sabelle; Rowland-Jones, Sarah L; Yindom, Louis-Marie
  • Low drug resistance levels among drug-naive individuals with recent HIV type 1 infection in a rural clinical cohort in southwestern Uganda. (2012) Ssemwanga, Deogratius; Kapaata, Anne; Lyagoba, Frederick; Magambo, Brian; Nanyonjo, Maria; Mayanja, Billy N; Parry, Chris M; Kaleebu, Pontiano
  • HIV type 1 subtype distribution, multiple infections, sexual networks, and partnership histories in female sex workers in Kampala, Uganda. (2012) Ssemwanga, Deogratius; Ndembi, Nicaise; Lyagoba, Fred; Bukenya, Justine; Seeley, Janet; Vandepitte, Judith; Grosskurth, Heiner; Kaleebu, Pontiano draft
  • Gag-Protease Sequence Evolution Following Protease Inhibitor Monotherapy Treatment Failure in HIV-1 Viruses Circulating in East Africa. (2015) Sutherland, Katherine A; Goodall, Ruth L; McCormick, Adele; Kapaata, Anne; Lyagoba, Fred; Kaleebu, Pontiano; Thiltgen, Geant; Gilks, Charles F; Spyer, Moira; Kityo, Cissy; Pillay, Deenan; Dunn, David; Gupta, Ravindra K; DART Virology Group; DART Trial Team
  • The Better it Is, the More it Will Be Used - The Synergistic Relationship between Product Efficacy, Level of Uptake and Overall Impact. (2014) Terris-Prestholt, Fern; Quaife, Matt; Delany-Moretlwe, Sinead; Rees, Helen; Watts, Charlotte; Vickerman, Peter
  • Dynamic variation in the cellular origin of HIV type 1 during treatment of tuberculosis in dually infected subjects. (2007) Toossi, Zahra; Mayanja-Kizza, Harriet; Lawn, Stephen D; Hirsch, Christina S; Lupo, L Davis; Butera, Salvatore T
  • HIV Cure Research Crowdsourcing: An Author Response. (2018) Tucker, Joseph D; Zhang, Alice; Zhao, Yang
  • Genotypic impact of prolonged detectable HIV type 1 RNA viral load after HAART failure in a CRF01_AE-infected cohort. (2011) Zolfo, Maria; Schapiro, Jonathan M; Phan, Vichet; Koole, Olivier; Thai, Sopheak; Vekemans, Marc; Fransen, Katrien; Lynen, Lutgarde
  • Conference or Workshop Item
  • Community Engagement at a Critical Juncture in Preparations for an HIV Vaccine Trial. (2008) Chantler, T; Thomas, T; Chege, W; Nyikuri, M; Laserson, K; Chen, R; Kretsinger, K; Gust, D; Geissler, PW
  • Treatment And Prevention for Female Sex Workers in South Africa: First-year Results for the TAPS Demonstration Project. (2016) Eakle, R; Gomez, G; Mbogua, J; Bothma, R; Naicker, N; Moorhouse, M; Venter, WDF; Rees, H
  • Sex Work, Risk and Incentives: An Exploration of Risk Perceptions and Relationship Dynamics among Female Sex Workers in Ekurhuleni, South Africa. (2016) Eakle, R; Quaife, M; Cabrera, M; Vickerman, P; Delany-Moretlwe, S; Terris-Prestholt, F
  • The Cost-effectiveness, Affordability and Impact of HIV Prevention: Concepts and Reviews. (2016) Garnett, Geoff P; Krishnaratne, Shari; Rush, Sarah Hamm; Hallett, Tim B; Hargreaves, James R
  • Health Policy Maker's Perspectives on PrEP Implementation and Scale-up in Kenya. (2016) Kiragu, M; Njenga, S; Karuga, R; Paterson, P; Warren, E; Musyoki, H; Kilonzo, N; Mugyenyi, C; Larson, H; Mukoma, W; Bahati, P
  • Feasibility of Conducting HIV-combination Intervention Effectiveness Trials in Fishing Communities in Uganda: A Cluster Randomized Pilot. (2016) Kuteesa, M; Levin, J; Nsubuga, R; Weiss, H; Seeley, J; Kamali, A
  • How Well Do Potential Trial Participants Understand Vaccine Trial Concepts?: Findings from South Africans Recruited for HVTN 204 and 503 Vaccine Trials. (2008) Latka, MH; Nielson, T; Persotam, S; Moola, F; Wessie, G; Fielding, KL; Churchyard, GJ
  • Factors Associated with In Vitro Immune Response to Mycobacterial and Tetanus Antigens Following BCG and Tetanus Immunisation in Infancy. (2013) Lule, SA; Gyavira, N; Muhangi, L; Kizito, D; Elliott, A; Webb, E
  • Acceptability of HIV Pre-exposure Prophylaxis (PEP) among Young Women Aged 18-29 Years in Kenya. (2016) Njenga, N; Kilonzo, N; Kiragu, M; Warren, E; Paterson, P; Wilson, R; Mbaabu, S; Karuga, R; Mulwa, R; Reilly, KO; Larson, H
  • Divergent Stated Preferences for New Multipurpose Prevention Products Across Adults, Adolescents and Female Sex Workers in South Africa. (2016) Quaife, M; Cabrera, M; Eakle, R; Vickerman, P; Delany-Moretlwe, S; Terris-Prestholt, F
  • How Could Effective HIV Prevention Products Change Risk Incentives in Sex Work? The Stated Preferences of Female Sex Workers in South Africa. (2016) Quaife, M; Terris-Prestholt, F; Cabrera, M; Eakle, R; Delany-Moretlwe, S; Vickerman, P
  • Incidence of HIV-1 Superinfection Is Similar to Primary HIV-1 Incidence in a Cohort of Female Sex Workers in Uganda. (2013) Redd, AD; Ssemwanga, D; Wendel, SK; Ndembi, N; Vandepitte, J; Grosskurth, H; Parry, CM; Martens, C; Bruno, D; Porcella, SF; Quinn, TC; Kaleebu, P
  • Conceptualizations of Uncertainty and Risk and Implications for Biomedical HIV Prevention Technologies in Sub-Saharan Africa: A Systematic Review. (2014) Warren, E; Paterson, P; Lees, S; Eakle, R; Stadler, J; Larson, H