Items where the Funder is World Health Organization
Number of items: 11.
  • Modelling the relation between climate change and undernutrition at the global-level: the use of multiple perspectives to gain new insights. (2020) Lloyd, SJ
  • Seroepidemiological investigations of Salmonella enterica serovar Typhi infection and the potential role of vaccination in the control of typhoid fever in Fiji. (2018) Watson, CH
  • Mortality benefits and intussusception risks of rotavirus vaccination in low- and middle-income countries. (2018) Clark, AD
  • Improving the quality of primary care delivery and health worker performance in rural Rwanda using the W.H.O. Integrated Management of Adolescent & Adult Illness (IMAI) guidelines. (2016) Vasan, Ashwin
  • Community-based and Innovative Technological Approaches to Improve Child Nutrition in India. (2014) Singh, NS
  • Availability of health care for older persons in primary care facilities in Uganda. (2014) Droti, B
  • Health and economic implications of patent protection for pharmaceuticals : a case study of Thailand. (2013) Yamabhai, I picture_as_pdf
  • Perinatal Depression in Rural Ghana: Burden, Determinants, Consequences, and Impact of a Community-Based Intervention. (2012) Weobong, B
  • Impact of HIV on tuberculosis in northern Thailand. (2000) Siriarayapon, P picture_as_pdf
  • The impact of improved STD case management on HIV infection and sexually transmitted diseases in Mwanza region, Tanzania. (1999) Grosskurth, H
  • Mechanisms of Anaemia Production in Protein Deficiency. (1975) Suwansri, S