Items where the Funder is Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation
Number of items: 36.
Disabling Menstrual Barriers: Investigating and addressing the barriers to menstrual hygiene management that young people with disabilities face in the Kavre district, Nepal. (2022)
Wilbur, J
Azithromycin mass drug administration for reducing child mortality in Malawi. (2022)
Hart, JD
Incorporating feasibility in priority setting: a case study of tuberculosis control in South Africa. (2021)
Bozzani, FM
Impact of malaria in pregnancy and intermittent preventive treatment of malaria in pregnancy on the risk of malaria in infants. (2021)
Kakuru, A
The Impact of Latrine Construction on Densities and Pathogen Infection Rates of Synanthropic Flies and Culex Quinquefasciatus Mosquitoes in Odisha, India. (2020)
Bell, MJ
Inequalities in child survival in a rural area of Senegal where malaria incidence has declined. (2020)
Iron and Infection: Neonatal Iron Transition. (2020)
Cross, JH
Characterization of the fecal microbiota of rural Malawian children, associations with biomarkers of environmental enteric dysfunction and the impact of a mass drug administration program. (2020)
Chaima, D
Investigation pathways for tuberculosis among HIV-positive adults in South Africa. (2019)
Hanifa, Y
Undocumented Burden of Dengue in Africa. (2019)
Lim, JK
Improving the estimation of patient costs due to TB. (2019)
Sweeney, S
Evaluating Implementation of revised (post 2010) World Health Organisation Guidelines on Prevention of Mother to Child Transmission of HIV using Routinely Collected Data in Zambia. (2019)
Gumede, S
Disabling Menstrual Barriers in Nepal. (2019)
Wilbur, Jane; Kayastha, Shubha; Sigdel, Anita; Gyawali, Amrita; Mahon, Thérèse; Hameed, Shaffa; Torondel, Belen; Kuper, Hannah
The use of social network analysis to study health care provider advice and performance. (2018)
Sabot, K
Using stated preferences to estimate the impact and cost-effectiveness of new HIV prevention products in South Africa. (2018)
Quaife, M
Disposal of child faeces: practices, determinants and health
effects. (2017)
Majorin, F
Aid effectiveness principles for scale-up of innovations to improve maternal and newborn survival in Northeast Nigeria, Ethiopia and Uttar Pradesh State, in India. (2016)
Wickremasinghe, Deepthi
How can multimedia help improve health services and systems? Photography as a research tool. IDEAS multimedia submission to the Fourth Global Symposium on Health Systems Research. (2016)
Williams, Rhys
Measurement, learning and evaluation for maternal and newborn health - IDEAS satellite session presentation at the Fourth Global Symposium on Health Systems Research. (2016)
Schellenberg, Joanna; Marchant, Tanya; Makowiecka, Krystyna; Spicer, Neil; Avan, Bilal
The Pathway to Improved Maternal and Newborn Health Outcomes: Use of data for maternal and newborn health in Gombe State, Nigeria. (2016)
Makowiecka, Krystyna
Changes in maternal and newborn health care in Ethiopia. (2016)
Marchant, T
Changes in maternal and newborn health care in Uttar Pradesh, India. (2016)
Marchant, T
Evaluating communicable disease surveillance in resource-poor settings: A new approach applied to meningitis surveillance in Chad. (2016)
Erondu, N
Catalysing scale-up of maternal and newborn health innovations in Ethiopia. (2016)
Spicer, N; Wickremasinghe, D
Seminar: Engaging Communities for Improved Maternal & Newborn Health in Ethiopia. (2016)
Williams, Rhys
Scaling up HIV/AIDS prevention in India: an
economic analysis of Avahan interventions for
high risk groups in four southern states. (2015)
Chandrashekar, S
Development of an imaging model of a CNS infection with African trypanosomes. (2015)
Burrell-Saward, H
How Do Frontline Workers Provide the Four Cs of CBNC?
Contact with newborns, Case identification, Care and Completion of treatment. (2015)
Berhanu, Della; Avan, Bilal
Evaluation of existing spatial repellents for the control of malaria vectors in rural Tanzania. (2015)
Barasa, Sheila
Economics of integrating HIV and sexual and reproductive
health services: An examination of technical and cost efficiency
in Kenya and Swaziland. (2015)
Obure, CA
The association between the magnitude of T-cell interferon-gamma
responses to Mycobacterium tuberculosis specific antigens and risk of
progression to tuberculosis in household contacts tested with
QuantiFERON-TB Gold In-Tube Assay. (2014)
Shanaube, K
Rapid diagnostic tests to improve treatment of malaria and other febrile illnesses: patient randomised effectiveness trial in primary care clinics in Afghanistan. (2014)
Leslie, Toby; Mikhail, Amy; Mayan, Ismail; Cundill, Bonnie; Anwar, Mohammad; Bakhtash, S. H.; Mohammed, N.; Rahman, H.; Zekria, R.; Whitty, C. J. M.; Rowland, M.
In Vivo Imaging of Trypanosome-Brain Interactions and Development of a Rapid Screening Test for Drugs against CNS Stage Trypanosomiasis. (2013)
Myburgh, E; Coles, J; Ritchie, R; Kennedy, PGE; McLatchie, AP; Rodgers, R; Taylor, MC; Barrett, MP; Brewer, JM; Mottram, JC
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Dried blood spots to improve patient management in remote settings. (2013)
Smit, Pw
Interaction between artemether-lumefantrine and nevirapine-based antiretroviral therapy in HIV-1-infected patients. (2011)
Kredo, T; Mauff, K; Van der Walt, JS; Wiesner, L; Maartens, G; Cohen, K; Smith, P; Barnes, KI
Betaherpesvirus genetic variation and infection in HIV-1 exposed Zambian children. (2010)
Bates, MA