Items where Faculty or Department is "UG-Basic Science"
LSHTM Organisational Structure (57264)
MRC Uganda (588)
UG-Basic Science (154)
Number of items: 23.
Kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus T cell responses in HIV seronegative individuals from rural Uganda. (2021)
Nalwoga, Angela; Roshan, Romin; Moore, Kyle; Marshall, Vickie; Miley, Wendell; Labo, Nazzarena; Nakibuule, Marjorie; Cose, Stephen; Rochford, Rosemary; Newton, Robert; Whitby, Denise
SARS-CoV-2 Variants, South Sudan, January-March 2021. (2021)
Bugembe, Daniel Lule; Phan, My VT; Abias, Abe G; Ayei, James; Deng, Lul Lojok; Lako, Richard Lino Loro; Rumunu, John; Kaleebu, Pontiano; Wamala, Joseph Francis; Hm, Juma John; Lodiongo, Dennis Kenyi; Bunga, Sudhir; Cotten, Matthew
HIV sero-positivity and risk factors for ischaemic and haemorrhagic stroke in hospitalised patients in Uganda: A prospective-case-control study. (2021)
Namale, G; Kamacooko, O; Makhoba, A; Mugabi, T; Ndagire, M; Ssanyu, P; Ddamulira, JBM; Yperzeele, L; Cras, P; Ddumba, E; Seeley, J; Newton, R
A year of genomic surveillance reveals how the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic unfolded in Africa. (2021)
Wilkinson, Eduan; Giovanetti, Marta; Tegally, Houriiyah; San, James E; Lessells, Richard; Cuadros, Diego; Martin, Darren P; Rasmussen, David A; Zekri, Abdel-Rahman N; Sangare, Abdoul K; Ouedraogo, Abdoul-Salam; Sesay, Abdul K; Priscilla, Abechi; Kemi, Adedotun-Sulaiman; Olubusuyi, Adewunmi M; Oluwapelumi, Adeyemi OO; Hammami, Adnène; Amuri, Adrienne A; Sayed, Ahmad; Ouma, Ahmed EO; Elargoubi, Aida; Ajayi, Nnennaya A; Victoria, Ajogbasile F; Kazeem, Akano; George, Akpede; Trotter, Alexander J; Yahaya, Ali A; Keita, Alpha K; Diallo, Amadou; Kone, Amadou; Souissi, Amal; Chtourou, Amel; Gutierrez, Ana V; Page, Andrew J; Vinze, Anika; Iranzadeh, Arash; Lambisia, Arnold; Ismail, Arshad; Rosemary, Audu; Sylverken, Augustina; Femi, Ayoade; Ibrahimi, Azeddine; Marycelin, Baba; Oderinde, Bamidele S; Bolajoko, Bankole; Dhaala, Beatrice; Herring, Belinda L; Njanpop-Lafourcade, Berthe-Marie; Kleinhans, Bronwyn; McInnis, Bronwyn; Tegomoh, Bryan; Brook, Cara; Pratt, Catherine B; Scheepers, Cathrine; Akoua-Koffi, Chantal G; Agoti, Charles N; Peyrefitte, Christophe; Daubenberger, Claudia; Morang'a, Collins M; Nokes, D James; Amoako, Daniel G; Bugembe, Daniel L; Park, Danny; Baker, David; Doolabh, Deelan; Ssemwanga, Deogratius; Tshiabuila, Derek; Bassirou, Diarra; Amuzu, Dominic SY; Goedhals, Dominique; Omuoyo, Donwilliams O; Maruapula, Dorcas; Foster-Nyarko, Ebenezer; Lusamaki, Eddy K; Simulundu, Edgar; Ong'era, Edidah M; Ngabana, Edith N; Shumba, Edwin; El Fahime, Elmostafa; Lokilo, Emmanuel; Mukantwari, Enatha; Philomena, Eromon; Belarbi, Essia; Simon-Loriere, Etienne; Anoh, Etilé A; Leendertz, Fabian; Ajili, Faida; Enoch, Fakayode O; Wasfi, Fares; Abdelmoula, Fatma; Mosha, Fausta S; Takawira, Faustinos T; Derrar, Fawzi; Bouzid, Feriel; Onikepe, Folarin; Adeola, Fowotade; Muyembe, Francisca M; Tanser, Frank; Dratibi, Fred A; Mbunsu, Gabriel K; Thilliez, Gaetan; Kay, Gemma L; Githinji, George; van Zyl, Gert; Awandare, Gordon A; Schubert, Grit; Maphalala, Gugu P; Ranaivoson, Hafaliana C; Lemriss, Hajar; Anise, Happi; Abe, Haruka; Karray, Hela H; Nansumba, Hellen; Elgahzaly, Hesham A; Gumbo, Hlanai; Smeti, Ibtihel; Ayed, Ikhlas B; Odia, Ikponmwosa; Ben Boubaker, Ilhem Boutiba; Gaaloul, Imed; Gazy, Inbal; Mudau, Innocent; Ssewanyana, Isaac; Konstantinus, Iyaloo; Lekana-Douk, Jean B; Makangara, Jean-Claude C; Tamfum, Jean-Jacques M; Heraud, Jean-Michel; Shaffer, Jeffrey G; Giandhari, Jennifer; Li, Jingjing; Yasuda, Jiro; Mends, Joana Q; Kiconco, Jocelyn; Morobe, John M; Gyapong, John O; Okolie, Johnson C; Kayiwa, John T; Edwards, Johnathan A; Gyamfi, Jones; Farah, Jouali; Nakaseegu, Joweria; Ngoi, Joyce M; Namulondo, Joyce; Andeko, Julia C; Lutwama, Julius J; O'Grady, Justin; Siddle, Katherine; Adeyemi, Kayode T; Tumedi, Kefentse A; Said, Khadija M; Hae-Young, Kim; Duedu, Kwabena O; Belyamani, Lahcen; Fki-Berrajah, Lamia; Singh, Lavanya; Martins, Leonardo de O; Tyers, Lynn; Ramuth, Magalutcheemee; Mastouri, Maha; Aouni, Mahjoub; El Hefnawi, Mahmoud; Matsheka, Maitshwarelo I; Kebabonye, Malebogo; Diop, Mamadou; Turki, Manel; Paye, Marietou; Nyaga, Martin M; Mareka, Mathabo; Damaris, Matoke-Muhia; Mburu, Maureen W; Mpina, Maximillian; Nwando, Mba; Owusu, Michael; Wiley, Michael R; Youtchou, Mirabeau T; Ayekaba, Mitoha O; Abouelhoda, Mohamed; Seadawy, Mohamed G; Khalifa, Mohamed K; Sekhele, Mooko; Ouadghiri, Mouna; Diagne, Moussa M; Mwenda, Mulenga; Allam, Mushal; Phan, My VT; Abid, Nabil; Touil, Nadia; Rujeni, Nadine; Kharrat, Najla; Ismael, Nalia; Dia, Ndongo; Mabunda, Nedio; Hsiao, Nei-Yuan; Silochi, Nelson B; Nsenga, Ngoy; Gumede, Nicksy; Mulder, Nicola; Ndodo, Nnaemeka; Razanajatovo, Norosoa H; Iguosadolo, Nosamiefan; Judith, Oguzie; Kingsley, Ojide C; Sylvanus, Okogbenin; Peter, Okokhere; Femi, Oladiji; Idowu, Olawoye; Testimony, Olumade; Chukwuma, Omoruyi E; Ogah, Onwe E; Onwuamah, Chika K; Cyril, Oshomah; Faye, Ousmane; Tomori, Oyewale; Ondoa, Pascale; Combe, Patrice; Semanda, Patrick; Oluniyi, Paul E; Arnaldo, Paulo; Quashie, Peter K; Dussart, Philippe; Bester, Phillip A; Mbala, Placide K; Ayivor-Djanie, Reuben; Njouom, Richard; Phillips, Richard O; Gorman, Richmond; Kingsley, Robert A; Carr, Rosina AA; El Kabbaj, Saâd; Gargouri, Saba; Masmoudi, Saber; Sankhe, Safietou; Lawal, Salako B; Kassim, Samar; Trabelsi, Sameh; Metha, Samar; Kammoun, Sami; Lemriss, Sanaâ; Agwa, Sara HA; Calvignac-Spencer, Sébastien; Schaffner, Stephen F; Doumbia, Seydou; Mandanda, Sheila M; Aryeetey, Sherihane; Ahmed, Shymaa S; Elhamoumi, Siham; Andriamandimby, Soafy; Tope, Sobajo; Lekana-Douki, Sonia; Prosolek, Sophie; Ouangraoua, Soumeya; Mundeke, Steve A; Rudder, Steven; Panji, Sumir; Pillay, Sureshnee; Engelbrecht, Susan; Nabadda, Susan; Behillil, Sylvie; Budiaki, Sylvie L; van der Werf, Sylvie; Mashe, Tapfumanei; Aanniz, Tarik; Mohale, Thabo; Le-Viet, Thanh; Schindler, Tobias; Anyaneji, Ugochukwu J; Chinedu, Ugwu; Ramphal, Upasana; Jessica, Uwanibe; George, Uwem; Fonseca, Vagner; Enouf, Vincent; Gorova, Vivianne; Roshdy, Wael H; Ampofo, William K; Preiser, Wolfgang; Choga, Wonderful T; Bediako, Yaw; Naidoo, Yeshnee; Butera, Yvan; de Laurent, Zaydah R; Sall, Amadou A; Rebai, Ahmed; von Gottberg, Anne; Kouriba, Bourema; Williamson, Carolyn; Bridges, Daniel J; Chikwe, Ihekweazu; Bhiman, Jinal N; Mine, Madisa; Cotten, Matthew; Moyo, Sikhulile; Gaseitsiwe, Simani; Saasa, Ngonda; Sabeti, Pardis C; Kaleebu, Pontiano; Tebeje, Yenew K; Tessema, Sofonias K; Happi, Christian; Nkengasong, John; de Oliveira, Tulio
Infection-exposure in infancy is associated with reduced allergy-related disease in later childhood in a Ugandan cohort. (2021)
Lubyayi, Lawrence; Mpairwe, Harriet; Nkurunungi, Gyaviira; Lule, Swaib A; Nalwoga, Angela; Webb, Emily L; Levin, Jonathan; Elliott, Alison M
Blood pressure levels among children in rural Uganda: results from 1913 children in a general population survey. (2021)
Kansiime, Sheila; Webb, Emily L; Kusemererwa, Sylvia; Lule, Swaib A; Niwaha, Anxious J; Seeley, Janet; Karabarinde, Alex; Hansen, Christian Holm; Newton, Robert
Unique protein features of SARS-CoV-2 relative to other Sarbecoviruses. (2021)
Cotten, Matthew; Robertson, David L; Phan, My VT
Emergence and spread of a SARS-CoV-2 lineage A variant (A.23.1) with altered spike protein in Uganda. (2021)
Bugembe, Daniel Lule; Phan, My VT; Ssewanyana, Isaac; Semanda, Patrick; Nansumba, Hellen; Dhaala, Beatrice; Nabadda, Susan; O'Toole, Áine Niamh; Rambaut, Andrew; Kaleebu, Pontiano; Cotten, Matthew
Age patterns of HIV incidence in eastern and southern Africa: a modelling analysis of observational population-based cohort studies. (2021)
Risher, Kathryn A; Cori, Anne; Reniers, Georges; Marston, Milly; Calvert, Clara; Crampin, Amelia; Dadirai, Tawanda; Dube, Albert; Gregson, Simon; Herbst, Kobus; Lutalo, Tom; Moorhouse, Louisa; Mtenga, Baltazar; Nabukalu, Dorean; Newton, Robert; Price, Alison J; Tlhajoane, Malebogo; Todd, Jim; Tomlin, Keith; Urassa, Mark; Vandormael, Alain; Fraser, Christophe; Slaymaker, Emma; Eaton, Jeffrey W; ALPHA Network
No Evidence Known Viruses Play a Role in the Pathogenesis of Onchocerciasis-Associated Epilepsy. An Explorative Metagenomic Case-Control Study. (2021)
Roach, Michael; Cantu, Adrian; Vieri, Melissa Krizia; Cotten, Matthew; Kellam, Paul; Phan, My; Hoek, Lia van der; Mandro, Michel; Tepage, Floribert; Mambandu, Germain; Musinya, Gisele; Laudisoit, Anne; Colebunders, Robert; Edwards, Robert; Mokili, John L
Antibiotic Practices, Perceptions and Self-Medication Among Patients at a National Referral Hospital in Uganda. (2021)
Nabaweesi, Irene; Olum, Ronald; Sekite, Arthur Brian; Suubi, Willy Tumwesigye; Nakiwunga, Prossy; Machali, Aron; Kiyumba, Richard; Kalyango, Peter; Natamba, Allen; Igumba, Yokosofati; Kyeyune, Martin; Mpairwe, Harriet; Katagirya, Eric
Visual inspection with acetic acid (VIA) positivity among female sex workers: a cross-sectional study highlighting one-year experiences in early detection of pre-cancerous and cancerous cervical lesions in Kampala, Uganda. (2021)
Namale, Gertrude; Mayanja, Yunia; Kamacooko, Onesmus; Bagiire, Daniel; Ssali, Agnes; Seeley, Janet; Newton, Robert; Kamali, Anatoli
Automated download and clean-up of family-specific databases for kmer-based virus identification. (2021)
Allesøe, Rosa L; Lemvigh, Camilla K; Phan, My VT; Clausen, Philip TLC; Florensa, Alfred F; Koopmans, Marion PG; Lund, Ole; Cotten, Matthew
Near-Complete Genome Sequences of Eight Human Astroviruses Recovered from Diarrheal Stool Samples of Hospitalized Children in Coastal Kenya in 2019. (2021)
Lambisia, Arnold W; Phan, My VT; de Laurent, Zaydah R; Cotten, Matthew; Nokes, D James; Agoti, Charles N
Anxiety disorders and asthma among adolescents in Uganda: role of early-life exposures. (2021)
Mpairwe, Harriet; Mpango, Richard Stephen; Sembajjwe, Wilber; Webb, Emily L; Elliott, Alison M; Pearce, Neil; Kinyanda, Eugene
Discovery and fine-mapping of kidney function loci in first genome-wide association study in Africans. (2021)
Fatumo, Segun; Chikowore, Tinashe; Kalyesubula, Robert; Nsubuga, Rebecca N; Asiki, Gershim; Nashiru, Oyekanmi; Seeley, Janet; Crampin, Amelia C; Nitsch, Dorothea; Smeeth, Liam; Kaleebu, Pontiano; Burgess, Stephen; Nyirenda, Moffat; Franceschini, Nora; Morris, Andrew P; Tomlinson, Laurie; Newton, Robert
Genome Sequence of a Minacovirus Strain from a Farmed Mink in The Netherlands. (2021)
Kwok, Kirsty TT; de Rooij, Myrna MT; Sinartio, Felisita F; Smit, Lidwien AM; Koopmans, Marion PG; Phan, My VT
Effect of intermittent preventive treatment for malaria with dihydroartemisinin-piperaquine on immune responses to vaccines among rural Ugandan adolescents: randomised controlled trial protocol B for the 'POPulation differences in VACcine responses' (POPVAC) programme. (2021)
Natukunda, Agnes; Nkurunungi, Gyaviira; Zirimenya, Ludoviko; Nassuuna, Jacent; Oduru, Gloria; Amongin, Rebecca; Kabuubi, Prossy N; Mutebe, Alex; Onen, Caroline; Amongi, Susan; Nakazibwe, Esther; Akello, Florence; Kiwanuka, Samuel; Kiwudhu, Fred; Sewankambo, Moses; Nsubuga, Denis; Kizindo, Robert; Staedke, Sarah G; Cose, Stephen; Webb, Emily; Elliott, Alison M; POPVAC trial team
Effect of intensive treatment for schistosomiasis on immune responses to vaccines among rural Ugandan island adolescents: randomised controlled trial protocol A for the 'POPulation differences in VACcine responses' (POPVAC) programme. (2021)
Nkurunungi, Gyaviira; Zirimenya, Ludoviko; Nassuuna, Jacent; Natukunda, Agnes; Kabuubi, Prossy N; Niwagaba, Emmanuel; Oduru, Gloria; Kabami, Grace; Amongin, Rebecca; Mutebe, Alex; Namutebi, Milly; Zziwa, Christopher; Amongi, Susan; Ninsiima, Caroline; Onen, Caroline; Akello, Florence; Sewankambo, Moses; Kiwanuka, Samuel; Kizindo, Robert; Kaweesa, James; Cose, Stephen; Webb, Emily; Elliott, Alison M; POPVAC trial team; POPVAC trial team principal investigator
Population differences in vaccine responses (POPVAC): scientific rationale and cross-cutting analyses for three linked, randomised controlled trials assessing the role, reversibility and mediators of immunomodulation by chronic infections in the tropics. (2021)
Nkurunungi, Gyaviira; Zirimenya, Ludoviko; Natukunda, Agnes; Nassuuna, Jacent; Oduru, Gloria; Ninsiima, Caroline; Zziwa, Christopher; Akello, Florence; Kizindo, Robert; Akello, Mirriam; Kaleebu, Pontiano; Wajja, Anne; Luzze, Henry; Cose, Stephen; Webb, Emily; Elliott, Alison M; POPVAC trial team
Impact of BCG revaccination on the response to unrelated vaccines in a Ugandan adolescent birth cohort: randomised controlled trial protocol C for the 'POPulation differences in VACcine responses' (POPVAC) programme. (2021)
Zirimenya, Ludoviko; Nkurunungi, Gyaviira; Nassuuna, Jacent; Natukunda, Agnes; Mutebe, Alex; Oduru, Gloria; Kabami, Grace; Akurut, Hellen; Onen, Caroline; Namutebi, Milly; Serubanja, Joel; Nakazibwe, Esther; Akello, Florence; Tumusiime, Josephine; Sewankambo, Moses; Kiwanuka, Samuel; Kiwudhu, Fred; Kizindo, Robert; Kizza, Moses; Wajja, Anne; Cose, Stephen; Muwanga, Moses; Webb, Emily; Elliott, Alison M; POPVAC trial team
Allergen skin test reactivity and asthma are inversely associated with ratios of IgG4/IgE and total IgE/allergen-specific IgE in Ugandan communities. (2021)
Nkurunungi, Gyaviira; Nassuuna, Jacent; Mpairwe, Harriet; Kabagenyi, Joyce; Nampijja, Margaret; Sanya, Richard E; Webb, Emily L; Elliott, Alison M
Associations between low HDL, sex and cardiovascular risk markers are substantially different in sub-Saharan Africa and the UK: analysis of four population studies. (2021)
Greiner, Rosamund; Nyrienda, Moffat; Rodgers, Lauren; Asiki, Gershim; Banda, Louis; Shields, Beverly; Hattersley, Andrew; Crampin, Amelia; Newton, Robert; Jones, Angus