Items where Faculty or Department is "Dept of Health Services Research and Policy"
  • LSHTM Organisational Structure (57264)
  • Faculty of Public Health and Policy (18160)
  • Dept of Health Services Research and Policy (6479)
    Number of items: 407.
  • Cost effectiveness of population based BRCA1 founder mutation testing in Sephardi Jewish women. (2017) Patel, Shreeya; Legood, Rosa; Evans, D Gareth; Turnbull, Clare; Antoniou, Antonis C; Menon, Usha; Jacobs, Ian; Manchanda, Ranjit
  • Effectiveness of Protease Inhibitor/Nucleos(t)ide Reverse Transcriptase Inhibitor-Based Second-line Antiretroviral Therapy for the Treatment of Human Immunodeficiency Virus Type 1 Infection in Sub-Saharan Africa: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis. (2017) Stockdale, Alexander J; Saunders, Matthew J; Boyd, Mark A; Bonnett, Laura J; Johnston, Victoria; Wandeler, Gilles; Schoffelen, Annelot F; Ciaffi, Laura; Stafford, Kristen; Collier, Ann C; Paton, Nicholas I; Geretti, Anna Maria
  • International comparison of emergency hospital use for infants: data linkage cohort study in Canada and England. (2017) Harron, Katie; Gilbert, Ruth; Cromwell, David; Oddie, Sam; Guttmann, Astrid; van der Meulen, Jan
  • Using contractual incentives in district nursing in the English NHS: results from a qualitative study. (2017) Petsoulas, Christina; Allen, Pauline; Horrocks, Susan; Pollard, Katherine; Duncan, Lorna; Gibbard, Emma; Wye, Lesley; McDonald, Ruth; Cook, Jane; Husband, Pete
  • Reassessing Ethnic Differences in Mean BMI and Changes Between 2007 and 2013 in English Children. (2017) Hudda, Mohammed T; Nightingale, Claire M; Donin, Angela S; Owen, Christopher G; Rudnicka, Alicja R; Wells, Jonathan CK; Rutter, Harry; Cook, Derek G; Whincup, Peter H
  • Does greater individual social capital improve the management of hypertension? Cross-national analysis of 61 229 individuals in 21 countries. (2017) Palafox, Benjamin; Goryakin, Yevgeniy; Stuckler, David; Suhrcke, Marc; Balabanova, Dina; Alhabib, Khalid F; Avezum, Alvaro; Bahonar, Ahmad; Bai, Xiulin; Chifamba, Jephat; Dans, Antonio L; Diaz, Rafael; Gupta, Rajeev; Iqbal, Romaina; Ismail, Noorhassim; Kaur, Manmeet; Keskinler, Mirac V; Khatib, Rasha; Kruger, Annamarie; Kruger, Iolanthe M; Lanas, Fernando; Lear, Scott A; Li, Wei; Liu, Jia; Lopez-Jaramillo, Patricio; Peer, Nasheeta; Poirier, Paul; Rahman, Omar; Pillai, Rajamohanan K; Rangarajan, Sumathy; Rosengren, Annika; Swaminathan, Sumathi; Szuba, Andrzej; Teo, Koon; Wang, Yang; Wielgosz, Andreas; Yeates, Karen E; Yusufali, Afzalhussein; Yusuf, Salim; McKee, Martin
  • Rationale and design of the long-Term rIsk, clinical manaGement, and healthcare Resource utilization of stable coronary artery dISease in post-myocardial infarction patients (TIGRIS) study. (2017) Westermann, Dirk; Goodman, Shaun G; Nicolau, José C; Requena, Gema; Maguire, Andrew; Chen, Ji Yan; Granger, Christopher B; Grieve, Richard; Pocock, Stuart J; Blankenberg, Stefan; Vega, Ana Maria; Yasuda, Satoshi; Simon, Tabassome; Brieger, David; TIGRIS Study Investigators
  • Empty promises. What will Brexit really mean for nurses and the British National Health Service? (2017) McKee, Martin
  • Outcomes of specialist discharge coordination and intermediate care schemes for patients who are homeless: analysis protocol for a population-based historical cohort. (2017) Blackburn, Ruth M; Hayward, Andrew; Cornes, Michelle; McKee, Martin; Lewer, Dan; Whiteford, Martin; Menezes, Dee; Luchenski, Serena; Story, Alistair; Denaxas, Spiros; Tinelli, Michela; Wurie, Fatima B; Byng, Richard; Clark, Michael C; Fuller, James; Gabbay, Mark; Hewett, Nigel; Kilmister, Alan; Manthorpe, Jill; Neale, Joanne; Aldridge, Robert W
  • Mental health impact of social capital interventions: a systematic review. (2017) Flores, Elaine C; Fuhr, Daniela C; Bayer, Angela M; Lescano, Andres G; Thorogood, Nicki; Simms, Victoria
  • Health needs of older populations affected by humanitarian crises in low- and middle-income countries: a systematic review. (2017) Massey, Emma; Smith, James; Roberts, Bayard
  • Validity of mobile electronic data capture in clinical studies: a pilot study in a pediatric population. (2017) von Niederhäusern, Belinda; Saccilotto, Ramon; Schädelin, Sabine; Ziesenitz, Victoria; Benkert, Pascal; Decker, Marie-Luise; Hammann, Anya; Bielicki, Julia; Pfister, Marc; Pauli-Magnus, Christiane
  • Down the local: A qualitative case study of daytime drinking spaces in the London Borough of Islington. (2017) Thompson, Claire; Milton, Sarah; Egan, Matt; Lock, Karen
  • Successfully implementing and embedding guidelines to improve the nutrition and growth of preterm infants in neonatal intensive care: a prospective interventional study. (2017) Johnson, Mark J; Leaf, Alison A; Pearson, Freya; Clark, Howard W; Dimitrov, Borislav D; Pope, Catherine; May, Carl R
  • Variation in Practice Patterns for Listing Patients for Renal Transplantation in the United Kingdom: A National Survey. (2017) Pruthi, Rishi; Tonkin-Crine, Sarah; Calestani, Melania; Leydon, Geraldine; Eyles, Caroline; Oniscu, Gabriel C; Tomson, Charles; Bradley, Andrew; Forsythe, John L; Bradley, Clare; Cairns, John; Dudley, Christopher; Watson, Christopher; Draper, Heather; Johnson, Rachel; Metcalfe, Wendy; Fogarty, Damian; Ravanan, Rommel; Roderick, Paul J; ATTOM Investigators
  • A comparison of DSM-5 and ICD-11 PTSD prevalence, comorbidity and disability: an analysis of the Ukrainian Internally Displaced Person's Mental Health Survey. (2017) Shevlin, M; Hyland, P; Vallières, F; Bisson, J; Makhashvili, N; Javakhishvili, J; Shpiker, M; Roberts, B
  • E-cigarettes: further flavours of controversy within the controversy. (2017) Bareham, David; Ahmadi, Keivan; Elie, Mathieu; Jones, Arwel W; McKee, Martin
  • Re: Letter to the Editor of Public Health in response to 'Provision of information to consumers about the calorie content of alcoholic drinks: did the responsibility deal pledge by alcohol retailers and producers increase the availability of calorie information?'. (2017) Petticrew, M; Knai, C; Mays, N
  • Comparison of behavioural activation with guided self-help for treatment of depression in adults with intellectual disabilities: a randomised controlled trial. (2017) Jahoda, Andrew; Hastings, Richard; Hatton, Chris; Cooper, Sally-Ann; Dagnan, Dave; Zhang, Ruiqi; McConnachie, Alex; McMeekin, Nicola; Appleton, Kim; Jones, Rob; Scott, Katie; Fulton, Lauren; Knight, Rosie; Knowles, Dawn; Williams, Chris; Briggs, Andrew; MacMahon, Ken; Lynn, Helen; Smith, Ian; Thomas, Gail; Melville, Craig
  • Nexus Between Demographic Change and Elderly Care Need in the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) Countries: Some Policy Implications. (2017) Khan, Hafiz TA; Hussein, Shereen; Deane, John
  • Estimating the need for inpatient neonatal services: an iterative approach employing evidence and expert consensus to guide local policy in Kenya. (2017) Murphy, Georgina AV; Waters, Donald; Ouma, Paul O; Gathara, David; Shepperd, Sasha; Snow, Robert W; English, Mike
  • Shared decision-making and outcomes in type 2 diabetes: A systematic review and meta-analysis. (2017) Saheb Kashaf, M; McGill, ET; Berger, ZD
  • Methods for Handling Unobserved Covariates in a Bayesian Update of a Cost-effectiveness Model. (2017) Thorpe, Benjamin; Carroll, Orlagh; Sharples, Linda
  • Optimising impact and sustainability: a qualitative process evaluation of a complex intervention targeted at compassionate care. (2017) Bridges, Jackie; May, Carl; Fuller, Alison; Griffiths, Peter; Wigley, Wendy; Gould, Lisa; Barker, Hannah; Libberton, Paula
  • Health and Economic Consequences of Projected Obesity Trends in Malta. (2017) Cauchi, Daniel; Webber, Laura; Knai, Cecile; Gauci, D; Chalabi, Zaid; Calleja, Nigel
  • Disease burden and costs from excess alcohol consumption, obesity, and viral hepatitis: fourth report of the Lancet Standing Commission on Liver Disease in the UK. (2017) Williams, Roger; Alexander, Graeme; Armstrong, Iain; Baker, Alastair; Bhala, Neeraj; Camps-Walsh, Ginny; Cramp, Matthew E; de Lusignan, Simon; Day, Natalie; Dhawan, Anil; Dillon, John; Drummond, Colin; Dyson, Jessica; Foster, Graham; Gilmore, Ian; Hudson, Mark; Kelly, Deirdre; Langford, Andrew; McDougall, Neil; Meier, Petra; Moriarty, Kieran; Newsome, Philip; O'Grady, John; Pryke, Rachel; Rolfe, Liz; Rice, Peter; Rutter, Harry; Sheron, Nick; Taylor, Alison; Thompson, Jeremy; Thorburn, Douglas; Verne, Julia; Wass, John; Yeoman, Andrew
  • The gendered effects of foreign investment and prolonged state ownership on mortality in Hungary: an indirect demographic, retrospective cohort study. (2017) Scheiring, Gábor; Stefler, Dénes; Irdam, Darja; Fazekas, Mihaly; Azarova, Aytalina; Kolesnikova, Irina; Köllő, János; Popov, Vladimir; Szelenyi, Ivan; Marmot, Michael; Murphy, Michael; McKee, Martin; Bobak, Martin; King, Lawrence
  • Complexity and conflicts of interest statements: a case-study of emails exchanged between Coca-Cola and the principal investigators of the International Study of Childhood Obesity, Lifestyle and the Environment (ISCOLE). (2017) Stuckler, David; Ruskin, Gary; McKee, Martin
  • Investigating associations between the built environment and physical activity among older people in 20 UK towns. (2017) Hawkesworth, Sophie; Silverwood, Richard J; Armstrong, Ben; Pliakas, Triantafyllos; Nanchalal, Kiran; Jefferis, Barbara J; Sartini, Claudio; Amuzu, Antoinette A; Wannamethee, S Goya; Ramsay, Sheena E; Casas, Juan-Pablo; Morris, Richard W; Whincup, Peter H; Lock, Karen
  • Tackling Obesities: 10 years on. (2017) Savona, Natalie; Rutter, Harry; Cummins, Steven
  • The association between income and life expectancy revisited: deindustrialization, incarceration and the widening health gap. (2017) Nosrati, Elias; Ash, Michael; Marmot, Michael; McKee, Martin; King, Lawrence P
  • Integrating acute stroke telemedicine consultations into specialists' usual practice: a qualitative analysis comparing the experience of Australia and the United Kingdom. (2017) Bagot, Kathleen L; Cadilhac, Dominique A; Bladin, Christopher F; Watkins, Caroline L; Vu, Michelle; Donnan, Geoffrey A; Dewey, Helen M; Emsley, Hedley CA; Davies, D Paul; Day, Elaine; Ford, Gary A; Price, Christopher I; May, Carl R; McLoughlin, Alison SR; Gibson, Josephine ME; Lightbody, Catherine E; VST and ASTUTE investigators
  • [Challenges and opportunities in digital health]. (2017) Franco, Ana O; Gomes, M Gabriela M
  • WHO washes its hands of older people. (2017) Lloyd-Sherlock, Peter; McKee, Martin; Ebrahim, Shah
  • Effects of health and social care spending constraints on mortality in England: a time trend analysis. (2017) Watkins, Johnathan; Wulaningsih, Wahyu; Da Zhou, Charlie; Marshall, Dominic C; Sylianteng, Guia DC; Dela Rosa, Phyllis G; Miguel, Viveka A; Raine, Rosalind; King, Lawrence P; Maruthappu, Mahiben
  • Comparative clinical effectiveness and cost effectiveness of endovascular strategy v open repair for ruptured abdominal aortic aneurysm: three year results of the IMPROVE randomised trial. (2017) IMPROVE Trial Investigators
  • Perinatal mortality associated with induction of labour versus expectant management in nulliparous women aged 35 years or over: An English national cohort study. (2017) Knight, Hannah E; Cromwell, David A; Gurol-Urganci, Ipek; Harron, Katie; van der Meulen, Jan H; Smith, Gordon CS
  • Inclusion of the value of herd immunity in economic evaluations of vaccines. A systematic review of methods used. (2017) Nymark, Liv S; Sharma, Tarang; Miller, Alexander; Enemark, Ulrika; Griffiths, Ulla Kou
  • Cost of treating ventilator-associated pneumonia post cardiac surgery in the National Health Service: Results from a propensity-matched cohort study. (2017) Luckraz, Heyman; Manga, Na'ngono; Senanayake, Eshan L; Abdelaziz, Mahmoud; Gopal, Shameer; Charman, Susan C; Giri, Ramesh; Oppong, Raymond; Andronis, Lazaros
  • How are clinical commissioning groups managing conflicts of interest under primary care co-commissioning in England? A qualitative analysis. (2017) Moran, Valerie; Allen, Pauline; McDermott, Imelda; Checkland, Kath; Warwick-Giles, Lynsey; Gore, Oz; Bramwell, Donna; Coleman, Anna
  • Strengthening mental health care systems for Syrian refugees in Europe and the Middle East: integrating scalable psychological interventions in eight countries. (2017) Sijbrandij, Marit; Acarturk, Ceren; Bird, Martha; Bryant, Richard A; Burchert, Sebastian; Carswell, Kenneth; de Jong, Joop; Dinesen, Cecilie; Dawson, Katie S; El Chammay, Rabih; van Ittersum, Linde; Jordans, Mark; Knaevelsrud, Christine; McDaid, David; Miller, Kenneth; Morina, Naser; Park, A-La; Roberts, Bayard; van Son, Yvette; Sondorp, Egbert; Pfaltz, Monique C; Ruttenberg, Leontien; Schick, Matthis; Schnyder, Ulrich; van Ommeren, Mark; Ventevogel, Peter; Weissbecker, Inka; Weitz, Erica; Wiedemann, Nana; Whitney, Claire; Cuijpers, Pim
  • A step-wise approach to developing indicators to compare the performance of maternity units using hospital administrative data. (2017) Geary, RS; Knight, HE; Carroll, FE; Gurol-Urganci, I; Morris, E; Cromwell, DA; van der Meulen, JH
  • Where do women and men in Britain obtain contraception? Findings from the third National Survey of Sexual Attitudes and Lifestyles (Natsal-3). (2017) French, Rebecca S; Geary, Rebecca; Jones, Kyle; Glasier, Anna; Mercer, Catherine H; Datta, Jessica; Macdowall, Wendy; Palmer, Melissa; Johnson, Anne M; Wellings, Kaye
  • The CADMUS trial - Multi-parametric ultrasound targeted biopsies compared to multi-parametric MRI targeted biopsies in the diagnosis of clinically significant prostate cancer. (2017) Grey, Alistair; Scott, Rebecca; Charman, Susan; van der Meulen, Jan; Frinking, Peter; Acher, Peter; Liyanage, Sidath; Madaan, Sanjeev; Constantinescu, Gabriel; Shah, Bina; Graves, Chris Brew; Freeman, Alex; Jameson, Charles; Ramachandran, Navin; Emberton, Mark; Arya, Manit; Ahmed, Hashim U
  • Early academic achievement in children with isolated clefts: a population-based study in England. (2017) Fitzsimons, Kate Jane; Copley, Lynn P; Setakis, Efrosini; Charman, Susan C; Deacon, Scott A; Dearden, Lorraine; van der Meulen, Jan H
  • Patterns of childhood body mass index (BMI), overweight and obesity in South Asian and black participants in the English National child measurement programme: effect of applying BMI adjustments standardising for ethnic differences in BMI-body fatness associations. (2017) Hudda, MT; Nightingale, CM; Donin, AS; Owen, CG; Rudnicka, AR; Wells, JCK; Rutter, H; Cook, DG; Whincup, PH
  • The Complex Systems Challenge of Obesity. (2017) Rutter, Harry
  • Tackling antimicrobial resistance in neonatal sepsis. (2017) Folgori, Laura; Ellis, Sally J; Bielicki, Julia A; Heath, Paul T; Sharland, Mike; Balasegaram, Manica
  • Variations in mortality across the week following emergency admission to hospital: linked retrospective observational analyses of hospital episode data in England, 2004/5 to 2013/14. (2017) Han, Lu; Meacock, Rachel; Anselmi, Laura; Kristensen, Søren R; Sutton, Matt; Doran, Tim; Clough, Stuart; Power, Maxine picture_as_pdf
  • Acceptability of a very-low-energy diet in Type 2 diabetes: patient experiences and behaviour regulation. (2017) Rehackova, L; Araújo-Soares, V; Adamson, AJ; Steven, S; Taylor, R; Sniehotta, FF
  • The role of the Quality and Outcomes Framework in the care of long-term conditions: a systematic review. (2017) Forbes, Lindsay Jl; Marchand, Catherine; Doran, Tim; Peckham, Stephen
  • "We don't do it for the money" … The scale and reasons of poverty-pay among frontline long-term care workers in England. (2017) Hussein, Shereen
  • A systematic literature review on the use and outcomes of maternal and child healthcare services by undocumented migrants in Europe. (2017) de Jong, Lea; Pavlova, Milena; Winters, Marjolein; Rechel, Bernd
  • PRIORITIES FOR HEALTH ECONOMIC METHODOLOGICAL RESEARCH: RESULTS OF AN EXPERT CONSULTATION. (2017) Tordrup, David; Chouaid, Christos; Cuijpers, Pim; Dab, William; van Dongen, Johanna Maria; Espin, Jaime; Jönsson, Bengt; Léonard, Christian; McDaid, David; McKee, Martin; Miguel, José Pereira; Patel, Anita; Reginster, Jean-Yves; Ricciardi, Walter; Rutten-van Molken, Maureen; Rupel, Valentina Prevolnik; Sach, Tracey; Sassi, Franco; Waugh, Norman; Bertollini, Roberto
  • UK quantitative WB-DWI technical workgroup: consensus meeting recommendations on optimisation, quality control, processing and analysis of quantitative whole-body diffusion-weighted imaging for cancer. (2017) Barnes, Anna; Alonzi, Roberto; Blackledge, Matthew; Charles-Edwards, Geoff; Collins, David J; Cook, Gary; Coutts, Glynn; Goh, Vicky; Graves, Martin; Kelly, Charles; Koh, Dow-Mu; McCallum, Hazel; Miquel, Marc E; O'Connor, James; Padhani, Anwar; Pearson, Rachel; Priest, Andrew; Rockall, Andrea; Stirling, James; Taylor, Stuart; Tunariu, Nina; van der Meulen, Jan; Walls, Darren; Winfield, Jessica; Punwani, Shonit
  • Women's health in the occupied Palestinian territories: Contextual influences on subjective and objective health measures. (2017) Bates, Katie; Leone, Tiziana; Ghandour, Rula; Mitwalli, Suzan; Nasr, Shiraz; Coast, Ernestina; Giacaman, Rita
  • Potential impact and cost-effectiveness of rotavirus vaccination in Afghanistan. (2017) Anwari, Palwasha; Debellut, Frederic; Pecenka, Clint; Parwiz, Sardar M; Clark, Andrew; Groman, Devin; Safi, Najibullah
  • Volume-outcome revisited: The effect of hospital and surgeon volumes on multiple outcome measures in oesophago-gastric cancer surgery. (2017) Fischer, Claudia; Lingsma, Hester; Klazinga, Niek; Hardwick, Richard; Cromwell, David; Steyerberg, Ewout; Groene, Oliver
  • In search of a common currency: A comparison of seven EQ-5D-5L value sets. (2017) Olsen, Jan Abel; Lamu, Admassu N; Cairns, John
  • Patterns of mortality by occupation in the UK, 1991-2011: a comparative analysis of linked census and mortality records. (2017) Katikireddi, Srinivasa Vittal; Leyland, Alastair H; McKee, Martin; Ralston, Kevin; Stuckler, David
  • Health and Wealth in the United States and England-Two Very Different Countries With Similar Findings. (2017) McKee, Martin; Stuckler, David
  • A multi-centre randomised trial to compare the effectiveness of geriatrician-led admission avoidance hospital at home versus inpatient admission. (2017) Shepperd, Sasha; Cradduck-Bamford, Andrea; Butler, Chris; Ellis, Graham; Godfrey, Mary; Gray, Alastair; Hemsley, Anthony; Khanna, Pradeep; Langhorne, Peter; McCaffrey, Patricia; Mirza, Lubena; Pushpangadan, Maj; Ramsay, Scott; Schiff, Rebekah; Stott, David; Young, John; Yu, Ly-Mee
  • Association between insulin-induced weight change and CVD mortality: Evidence from a historic cohort study of 18,814 patients in UK primary care. (2017) Anyanwagu, Uchenna; Mamza, Jil; Donnelly, Richard; Idris, Iskandar
  • EQ-5D-5L versus EQ-5D-3L: The Impact on Cost Effectiveness in the United Kingdom. (2017) Hernandez Alava, Monica; Wailoo, Allan; Grimm, Sabine; Pudney, Stephen; Gomes, Manuel; Sadique, Zia; Meads, David; O'Dwyer, John; Barton, Garry; Irvine, Lisa
  • Investigating local policy drivers for alcohol harm prevention: a comparative case study of two local authorities in England. (2017) Mooney, John D; Holmes, John; Gavens, Lucy; de Vocht, Frank; Hickman, Matt; Lock, Karen; Brennan, Alan
  • Cost of Tuberculosis Diagnosis and Treatment in Patients with HIV: A Systematic Literature Review. (2017) de Siqueira-Filha, Noemia Teixeira; Legood, Rosa; Cavalcanti, Aracele; Santos, Andreia Costa
  • Cost-effectiveness of pre-exposure prophylaxis for HIV prevention in men who have sex with men in the UK: a modelling study and health economic evaluation. (2017) Cambiano, Valentina; Miners, Alec; Dunn, David; McCormack, Sheena; Ong, Koh Jun; Gill, O Noel; Nardone, Anthony; Desai, Monica; Field, Nigel; Hart, Graham; Delpech, Valerie; Cairns, Gus; Rodger, Alison; Phillips, Andrew N
  • Doktor Kot, Doktor Sla - book doctors, plant doctors and the segmentation of the medical market place in Meghalaya, northeast India. (2017) Albert, Sandra; Porter, John; Green, Judith
  • Change in non-alcoholic beverage sales following a 10-pence levy on sugar-sweetened beverages within a national chain of restaurants in the UK: interrupted time series analysis of a natural experiment. (2017) Cornelsen, Laura; Mytton, Oliver T; Adams, Jean; Gasparrini, Antonio; Iskander, Dalia; Knai, Cecile; Petticrew, Mark; Scott, Courtney; Smith, Richard; Thompson, Claire; White, Martin; Cummins, Steven
  • Coping strategies of internally displaced women in Georgia: A qualitative study. (2017) Seguin, M; Lewis, R; Razmadze, M; Amirejibi, T; Roberts, B
  • National cohort study comparing severe medium-term urinary complications after robot-assisted vs laparoscopic vs retropubic open radical prostatectomy. (2017) Sujenthiran, Arunan; Nossiter, Julie; Parry, Matthew; Charman, Susan C; Aggarwal, Ajay; Payne, Heather; Dasgupta, Prokar; Clarke, Noel W; van der Meulen, Jan; Cathcart, Paul
  • Premixed vs basal-bolus insulin regimen in Type 2 diabetes: comparison of clinical outcomes from randomized controlled trials and real-world data. (2017) Anyanwagu, U; Mamza, J; Gordon, J; Donnelly, R; Idris, I
  • Children's Oxygen Administration Strategies Trial (COAST):  A randomised controlled trial of high flow versus oxygen versus control in African children with severe pneumonia. (2017) Maitland, Kathryn; Kiguli, Sarah; Opoka, Robert O; Olupot-Olupot, Peter; Engoru, Charles; Njuguna, Patricia; Bandika, Victor; Mpoya, Ayub; Bush, Andrew; Williams, Thomas N; Grieve, Richard; Sadique, Zia; Fraser, John; Harrison, David; Rowan, Kathy
  • Informing new or improved vector control tools for reducing the malaria burden in Tanzania: a qualitative exploration of perceptions of mosquitoes and methods for their control among the residents of Dar es Salaam. (2017) Makungu, Christina; Stephen, Stephania; Kumburu, Salome; Govella, Nicodem J; Dongus, Stefan; Hildon, Zoe Jane-Lara; Killeen, Gerry F; Jones, Caroline
  • Association between childhood allergic diseases, educational attainment and occupational status in later life: systematic review protocol. (2017) von Kobyletzki, Laura Beate; Beckman, Linda; Smeeth, Liam; McKee, Martin; Quint, Jennifer K; Abuabara, Katrina; Langan, Sinead
  • Effect of adding GLP-1RA on mortality, cardiovascular events, and metabolic outcomes among insulin-treated patients with type 2 diabetes: A large retrospective UK cohort study. (2017) Anyanwagu, Uchenna; Mamza, Jil; Donnelly, Richard; Idris, Iskandar
  • Celebrating EUPHA's 25th anniversary. (2017) Azzopardi-Muscat, Natasha; McKee, Martin; Allebeck, Peter; Zeegers Paget, Dineke
  • The epidemiological transition in Eastern and Western Europe: a historic natural experiment. (2017) Karanikolos, Marina; Adany, Roza; McKee, Martin
  • Implementing communication and decision-making interventions directed at goals of care: a theory-led scoping review. (2017) Cummings, Amanda; Lund, Susi; Campling, Natasha; May, Carl R; Richardson, Alison; Myall, Michelle
  • How has the management of acute coronary syndrome changed in the Russian Federation during the last 10 years? (2017) Kontsevaya, Anna; Sabgaida, Tamara; Ivanova, Alla; Leon, David A; McKee, Martin
  • Proceedings of Patient Reported Outcome Measure's (PROMs) Conference Oxford 2017: Advances in Patient Reported Outcomes Research : Oxford, UK. 8th June 2017. (2017) Velikova, Galina; Valderas, Jose M; Potter, Caroline; Batchelder, Laurie; A’Court, Christine; Baker, Matthew; Bostock, Jennifer; Coulter, Angela; Fitzpatrick, Ray; Forder, Julien; Fox, Diane; Geneen, Louise; Gibbons, Elizabeth; Jenkinson, Crispin; Jones, Karen; Kelly, Laura; Peters, Michele; Mulhern, Brendan; Labeit, Alexander; Rowen, Donna; Meadows, Keith; Elliott, Jackie; Brazier, John; Knowles, Emma; Keetharuth, Anju; Brazier, John; Connell, Janice; Carlton, Jill; Buck, Lizzie Taylor; Ricketts, Thomas; Barkham, Michael; Goswami, Pushpendra; Salek, Sam; Ionova, Tatyana; Oliva, Esther; Fielding, Adele K; Karakantza, Marina; Al-Ismail, Saad; Collins, Graham P; McConnell, Stewart; Langton, Catherine; Jennings, Daniel M; Else, Roger; Kell, Jonathan; Ward, Helen; Day, Sophie; Lumley, Elizabeth; Phillips, Patrick; Duncan, Rosie; Buckley-Woods, Helen; Aber, Ahmed; Jones, Gerogina; Michaels, Jonathan; Porter, Ian; Gangannagaripalli, Jaheeda; Davey, Antoinette; Ricci-Cabello, Ignacio; Haywood, Kirstie; Hansen, Stine Thestrup; Valderas, Jose; Roberts, Deb; Gumber, Anil; Podmore, Bélène; Hutchings, Andrew; van der Meulen, Jan; Aggarwal, Ajay; Konan, Sujith; Price, Andrew; Jackson, William; Bottomley, Nick; Philiips, Michael; Knightley-Day, Toby; Beard, David; Gibbons, Elizabeth; Fitzpatrick, Ray; Greenhalgh, Joanne; Gooding, Kate; Gibbons, Elizabeth; Valderas, Chema; Wright, Judy; Dalkin, Sonia; Meads, David; Black, Nick; Fawkes, Carol; Froud, Robert; Carnes, Dawn; Price, Andrew; Cook, Jonathan; Dakin, Helen; Smith, James; Kang, Sujin; Beard, David; The ACHE Study Team; Griffiths, Catrin; Guest, Ella; Harcourt, Diana; Murphy, Mairead; Hollinghurst, Sandra; Salisbury, Chris; Carlton, Jill; Elliott, Jackie; Rowen, Donna; Gao, Anqi; Price, Andrew; Beard, David; Lemanska, Agnieszka; Chen, Tao; Dearnaley, David P; Jena, Rajesh; Sydes, Matthew; Faithfull, Sara; Ades, AE; Kounali, Daphne; Lu, Guobing; Rombach, Ines; Gray, Alastair; Jenkinson, Crispin; Rivero-Arias, Oliver; Holch, Patricia; Holmes, Marie; Rodgers, Zoe; Dickinson, Sarah; Clayton, Beverly; Davidson, Susan; Routledge, Jacqui; Glennon, Julia; Henry, Ann M; Franks, Kevin; Velikova, Galina; Maguire, Roma; McCann, Lisa; Young, Teresa; Armes, Jo; Harris, Jenny; Miaskowski, Christine; Kotronoulas, Grigorios; Miller, Morven; Ream, Emma; Patiraki, Elizabeth; Geiger, Alexander; Berg, Geir V; Flowerday, Adrian; Donnan, Peter; McCrone, Paul; Apostolidis, Kathi; Fox, Patricia; Furlong, Eileen; Kearney, Nora; Gibbons, Chris; Fischer, Felix; Gibbons, Chris; Coste, Joel; Martinez, Jose Valderas; Rose, Matthias; Leplege, Alain; Shingler, Sarah; Aldhouse, Natalie; Al-Zubeidi, Tamara; Trigg, Andrew; Kitchen, Helen; Davey, Antoinette; Porter, Ian; Green, Colin; Valderas, Jose M; Coast, Joanna; Smith, Sarah; Hendriks, Jolijn; Black, Nick; Shah, Koonal; Rivero-Arias, Oliver; Ramos-Goni, Juan-Manuel; Kreimeier, Simone; Herdman, Mike; Devlin, Nancy; Finch, Aureliano Paolo; Brazier, John E; Mukuria, Clara; Zamora, Bernarda; Parkin, David; Feng, Yan; Bateman, Andrew; Herdman, Mike; Devlin, Nancy; Patton, Thomas; Gutacker, Nils; Shah, Koonal
  • Availability of evidence of benefits on overall survival and quality of life of cancer drugs approved by European Medicines Agency: retrospective cohort study of drug approvals 2009-13. (2017) Davis, C; Naci, H; Gurpinar, E; Poplavska, E; Pinto, A; Aggarwal, A
  • 'Nothing can be done until everything is done': the use of complexity arguments by food, beverage, alcohol and gambling industries. (2017) Petticrew, Mark; Katikireddi, Srinivasa Vittal; Knai, Cécile; Cassidy, Rebecca; Maani Hessari, Nason; Thomas, James; Weishaar, Heide
  • Brazilian Payment for Performance (PMAQ) Seen From a Global Health and Public Policy Perspective: What Does It Mean for Research and Policy? (2017) Saddi, Fabiana C; Peckham, Stephen
  • Effect of patient choice and hospital competition on service configuration and technology adoption within cancer surgery: a national, population-based study. (2017) Aggarwal, Ajay; Lewis, Daniel; Mason, Malcolm; Purushotham, Arnie; Sullivan, Richard; van der Meulen, Jan
  • International multicentre randomised controlled trial of improvisational music therapy for children with autism spectrum disorder: TIME-A study. (2017) Crawford, Mike J; Gold, Christian; Odell-Miller, Helen; Thana, Lavanya; Faber, Sarah; Assmus, Jörg; Bieleninik, Łucja; Geretsegger, Monika; Grant, Claire; Maratos, Anna; Sandford, Stephan; Claringbold, Amy; McConachie, Helen; Maskey, Morag; Mössler, Karin Antonia; Ramchandani, Paul; Hassiotis, Angela
  • Global shortage of neonatal and paediatric antibiotic trials: rapid review. (2017) Thompson, Georgina; Barker, Charlotte I; Folgori, Laura; Bielicki, Julia A; Bradley, John S; Lutsar, Irja; Sharland, Mike
  • The effect of social deprivation on hip fracture incidence in England has not changed over 14 years: an analysis of the English Hospital Episodes Statistics (2001-2015). (2017) Bhimjiyani, A; Neuburger, J; Jones, T; Ben-Shlomo, Y; Gregson, CL
  • Sexual health clinic attendance and non-attendance in Britain: findings from the third National Survey of Sexual Attitudes and Lifestyles (Natsal-3). (2017) Tanton, Clare; Geary, Rebecca S; Clifton, Soazig; Field, Nigel; Heap, Katie L; Mapp, Fiona; Hughes, Gwenda; Johnson, Anne M; Cassell, Jackie A; Sonnenberg, Pam; Mercer, Catherine H
  • How will Brexit affect health and health services in the UK? Evaluating three possible scenarios. (2017) Fahy, Nick; Hervey, Tamara; Greer, Scott; Jarman, Holly; Stuckler, David; Galsworthy, Mike; McKee, Martin
  • Web-based self-management support for people with type 2 diabetes (HeLP-Diabetes): randomised controlled trial in English primary care. (2017) Murray, Elizabeth; Sweeting, Michael; Dack, Charlotte; Pal, Kingshuk; Modrow, Kerstin; Hudda, Mohammed; Li, Jinshuo; Ross, Jamie; Alkhaldi, Ghadah; Barnard, Maria; Farmer, Andrew; Michie, Susan; Yardley, Lucy; May, Carl; Parrott, Steve; Stevenson, Fiona; Knox, Malcolm; Patterson, David
  • Evaluation of telephone first approach to demand management in English general practice: observational study. (2017) Newbould, Jennifer; Abel, Gary; Ball, Sarah; Corbett, Jennie; Elliott, Marc; Exley, Josephine; Martin, Adam; Saunders, Catherine; Wilson, Edward; Winpenny, Eleanor; Yang, Miaoqing; Roland, Martin
  • Did the accuracy of oral amoxicillin dosing of children improve after British National Formulary dose revisions in 2014? National cross-sectional survey in England. (2017) Rann, Olivia; Sharland, Mike; Long, Paul; Wong, Ian CK; Laverty, Anthony A; Bottle, Alex; Barker, Charlotte I; Bielicki, Julia; Saxena, Sonia
  • The management of acute myocardial infarction in the Russian Federation: protocol for a study of patient pathways. (2017) Kontsevaya, Anna; Bobrova, Natalia; Barbarash, Olga; Duplyakov, Dmitry; Efanov, Alexey; Galyavich, Albert; Frants, Maria; Khaisheva, Larisa; Malorodova, Tatyana; Mirolyubova, Olga; Nedbaikin, Andrei; Osipova, Irina; Platonov, Dmitry; Posnenkova, OIga; Syromiatnikova, Liudmila; Bates, Katie; Leon, David A; McKee, Martin
  • Mapping health-related quality of life scores from FACT-G, FAACT, and FACIT-F onto preference-based EQ-5D-5L utilities in non-small cell lung cancer cachexia. (2017) Meregaglia, Michela; Borsoi, Ludovica; Cairns, John; Tarricone, Rosanna
  • Comparison of control charts for monitoring clinical performance using binary data. (2017) Neuburger, Jenny; Walker, Kate; Sherlaw-Johnson, Chris; van der Meulen, Jan; Cromwell, David A
  • Effects of obesity on metabolic and cardiovascular outcomes following insulin initiation in patients with type 2 diabetes. (2017) Anyanwagu, Uchenna; Mamza, Jil; Donnelly, Richard; Idris, Iskandar
  • Investigating the importance of the local food environment for fruit and vegetable intake in older men and women in 20 UK towns: a cross-sectional analysis of two national cohorts using novel methods. (2017) Hawkesworth, S; Silverwood, RJ; Armstrong, B; Pliakas, T; Nanchahal, K; Sartini, C; Amuzu, A; Wannamethee, G; Atkins, J; Ramsay, SE; Casas, JP; Morris, RW; Whincup, PH; Lock, Karen
  • Local health and social care responses to implementing the national cold weather plan. (2017) Heffernan, C; Jones, L; Ritchie, B; Erens, B; Chalabi, Zaid; Mays, N
  • Child survival in England: Strengthening governance for health. (2017) Wolfe, Ingrid; Mandeville, Kate; Harrison, Katherine; Lingam, Raghu
  • Measuring the patient perspective on latissimus dorsi donor site outcomes following breast reconstruction. (2017) Browne, John P; Jeevan, Ranjeet; Pusic, Andrea L; Klassen, Anne F; Gulliver-Clarke, Carmel; Pereira, Jerome; Caddy, Christopher M; Cano, Stefan J
  • Corrigendum: Can we deliver randomized trials of focal therapy in prostate cancer? (2017) Ahmed, Hashim U; Berge, Viktor; Bottomley, David; Cross, William; Heer, Rakesh; Kaplan, Richard; Leslie, Tom; Parker, Chris; Relton, Clare; Stephens, Richard; Sydes, Matthew R; Turnbull, Lindsay; van der Meulen, Jan; Vickers, Andrew; Wilt, Timothy; Emberton, Mark; and the Prostate Cancer RCT Consensus Group
  • Measuring progress and projecting attainment on the basis of past trends of the health-related Sustainable Development Goals in 188 countries: an analysis from the Global Burden of Disease Study 2016. (2017) GBD 2016 SDG Collaborators
  • Estimating global, regional and national rotavirus deaths in children aged <5 years: Current approaches, new analyses and proposed improvements. (2017) Clark, Andrew; Black, Robert; Tate, Jacqueline; Roose, Anna; Kotloff, Karen; Lam, Diana; Blackwelder, William; Parashar, Umesh; Lanata, Claudio; Kang, Gagandeep; Troeger, Christopher; Platts-Mills, James; Mokdad, Ali; Global Rotavirus Surveillance Network; Sanderson, Colin; Lamberti, Laura; Levine, Myron; Santosham, Mathuram; Steele, Duncan
  • Implementing person centred approaches. (2017) Nolte, Ellen
  • Tougher charging regime for "overseas" patients. (2017) Steele, Sarah; Devlin, Cormac; Stuckler, David; McKee, Martin
  • Diverse bodies: the challenge of new theoretical approaches to medical anthropology. (2017) Cohn, Simon; Lynch, Rebecca
  • Legal advocacy as a tool to advance Roma Health. (2017) Ezer, Tamar; Abdikeeva, Alphia; McKee, Martin
  • A guide to evaluating linkage quality for the analysis of linked data. (2017) Harron, Katie L; Doidge, James C; Knight, Hannah E; Gilbert, Ruth E; Goldstein, Harvey; Cromwell, David A; van der Meulen, Jan H
  • SNAP-2 EPICCS: the second Sprint National Anaesthesia Project-EPIdemiology of Critical Care after Surgery: protocol for an international observational cohort study. (2017) Moonesinghe, S Ramani; Wong, Danny JN; Farmer, Laura; Shawyer, Richard; Myles, Paul S; Harris, Steve K; SNAP-2 Project team and Steering Group
  • Ischaemic heart disease in the former Soviet Union 1990-2015 according to the Global Burden of Disease 2015 Study. (2017) Murphy, Adrianna; Johnson, Catherine O; Roth, Gregory A; Forouzanfar, Mohammad H; Naghavi, Mohsen; Ng, Marie; Pogosova, Nana; Vos, Theo; Murray, Christopher JL; Moran, Andrew E
  • How alcohol industry organisations mislead the public about alcohol and cancer. (2017) Petticrew, Mark; Maani Hessari, Nason; Knai, Cécile; Weiderpass, Elisabete description
  • Availability and affordability of blood pressure-lowering medicines and the effect on blood pressure control in high-income, middle-income, and low-income countries: an analysis of the PURE study data. (2017) Attaei, Marjan W; Khatib, Rasha; McKee, Martin; Lear, Scott; Dagenais, Gilles; Igumbor, Ehimario U; AlHabib, Khalid F; Kaur, Manmeet; Kruger, Lanthe; Teo, Koon; Lanas, Fernando; Yusoff, Khalid; Oguz, Aytekin; Gupta, Rajeev; Yusufali, Afzalhussein M; Bahonar, Ahmad; Kutty, Raman; Rosengren, Annika; Mohan, Viswanathan; Avezum, Alvaro; Yusuf, Rita; Szuba, Andrzej; Rangarajan, Sumathy; Chow, Clara; Yusuf, Salim; PURE study investigators
  • Boundary work: understanding enactments of ‘community’ in an area-based, empowerment initiative. (2017) Reynolds, Joanna
  • Awareness, attitudes and perceptions regarding HIV and PMTCT amongst pregnant women in Guinea-Bissau- a qualitative study. (2017) Vieira, Noel; Rasmussen, Dlama Nggida; Oliveira, Inês; Gomes, Aureliano; Aaby, Peter; Wejse, Christian; Sodemann, Morten; Reynolds, Lucy; Unger, Holger W
  • A systematic literature review of health state utility values in head and neck cancer. (2017) Meregaglia, Michela; Cairns, John
  • Ageing and Elderly Care in the Arab Region: Policy Challenges and Opportunities. (2017) Hussein, Shereen; Ismail, Mohamed
  • Reducing the Global Burden of Cardiovascular Disease, Part 1: The Epidemiology and Risk Factors. (2017) Joseph, Philip; Leong, Darryl; McKee, Martin; Anand, Sonia S; Schwalm, Jon-David; Teo, Koon; Mente, Andrew; Yusuf, Salim
  • Reducing the Global Burden of Cardiovascular Disease, Part 2: Prevention and Treatment of Cardiovascular Disease. (2017) Leong, Darryl P; Joseph, Philip G; McKee, Martin; Anand, Sonia S; Teo, Koon K; Schwalm, Jon-David; Yusuf, Salim
  • National Population-Based Study Comparing Treatment-Related Toxicity in Men Who Received Intensity Modulated Versus 3-Dimensional Conformal Radical Radiation Therapy for Prostate Cancer. (2017) Sujenthiran, Arunan; Nossiter, Julie; Charman, Susan C; Parry, Matthew; Dasgupta, Prokar; van der Meulen, Jan; Cathcart, Paul J; Clarke, Noel W; Payne, Heather; Aggarwal, Ajay
  • Predicting 30-day mortality after hip fracture surgery. (2017) Tsang, C; Boulton, C; Burgon, V; Johansen, A; Wakeman, R; Cromwell, DA
  • Migrants' decision-process shaping work destination choice: the case of long-term care work in the United Kingdom and Norway. (2017) Christensen, Karen; Hussein, Shereen; Ismail, Mohamed
  • Bridging the discursive gap between lay and medical discourse in care coordination. (2017) Sheaff, Rod; Halliday, Joyce; Byng, Richard; Øvretveit, John; Exworthy, Mark; Peckham, Stephen; Asthana, Sheena
  • Economic insecurity during the Great Recession and metabolic, inflammatory and liver function biomarkers: analysis of the UK Household Longitudinal Study. (2017) Niedzwiedz, Claire L; Katikireddi, Srinivasa Vittal; Reeves, Aaron; McKee, Martin; Stuckler, David
  • “They brought you back to the fact you’re not the same”: Sense of self after traumatic brain injury. (2017) Mäkelä, Petra
  • Using Patient-reported Outcome Measures to Improve Health Care: Time for a New Approach. (2017) Browne, JP; Cano, SJ; Smith, S
  • Economic insecurity during the Great Recession and metabolic, inflammatory and liver function biomarkers: analysis of the UK Household Longitudinal Study. (2017) Niedzwiedz, Claire L; Katikireddi, Srinivasa Vittal; Reeves, Aaron; McKee, Martin; Stuckler, David
  • Hospital Quality Factors Influencing the Mobility of Patients for Radical Prostate Cancer Radiation Therapy: A National Population-Based Study. (2017) Aggarwal, Ajay; Lewis, Daniel; Sujenthiran, Arunan; Charman, Susan C; Sullivan, Richard; Payne, Heather; Mason, Malcolm; van der Meulen, Jan
  • Family transfers and long-term care: An analysis of the WHO Study on global AGEing and adult health (SAGE). (2017) Murphy, Adrianna; Kowal, Paul; Albertini, Marco; Rechel, Bernd; Chatterji, Somnath; Hanson, Kara
  • Symptomatic dengue infection during pregnancy and the risk of stillbirth in Brazil, 2006-12: a matched case-control study. (2017) Paixão, Enny S; Costa, Maria da Conceição N; Teixeira, Maria Glória; Harron, Katie; de Almeida, Marcia Furquim; Barreto, Mauricio L; Rodrigues, Laura C
  • Community mental health teams for older people in England: Variations in ways of working. (2017) Verbeek, Hilde; Worden, Angela; Wilberforce, Mark; Brand, Christian; Tucker, Sue; Abendstern, Michele; Challis, David
  • Effects of background statin therapy on glycemic response and cardiovascular events following initiation of insulin therapy in type 2 diabetes: a large UK cohort study. (2017) Anyanwagu, Uchenna; Mamza, Jil; Donnelly, Richard; Idris, Iskandar
  • Estimating the variation in need for community-based social care by body mass index in England and associated cost: population-based cross-sectional study. (2017) Copley, Vicky R; Cavill, Nick; Wolstenholme, Jane; Fordham, Richard; Rutter, Harry
  • DEMQOL and DEMQOL-Proxy: a Rasch analysis. (2017) Hendriks, AA Jolijn; Smith, Sarah C; Chrysanthaki, Theopisti; Cano, Stefan J; Black, Nick
  • Supporting the use of theory in cross-country health services research: a participatory qualitative approach using Normalisation Process Theory as an example. (2017) O'Donnell, Catherine A; Mair, Frances S; Dowrick, Christopher; Brún, Mary O'Reilly-de; Brún, Tomas de; Burns, Nicola; Lionis, Christos; Saridaki, Aristoula; Papadakaki, Maria; Muijsenbergh, Maria van den; Weel-Baumgarten, Evelyn van; Gravenhorst, Katja; Cooper, Lucy; Princz, Christine; Teunissen, Erik; Mareeuw, Francine van den Driessen; Vlahadi, Maria; Spiegel, Wolfgang; MacFarlane, Anne
  • Governing the Lebanese health system: strengthening the national response to the burden of Syrian refugees. (2017) Santoro, Alessio; McKee, Martin
  • Characterization of Breakfast Cereals Available in the Mexican Market: Sodium and Sugar Content. (2017) Nieto, Claudia; Rincon-Gallardo Patiño, Sofia; Tolentino-Mayo, Lizbeth; Carriedo, Angela; Barquera, Simón
  • The spatial politics of place and health policy: Exploring Sustainability and Transformation Plans in the English NHS. (2017) Hammond, Jonathan; Lorne, Colin; Coleman, Anna; Allen, Pauline; Mays, Nicholas; Dam, Rinita; Mason, Thomas; Checkland, Kath
  • Health promotion and disease prevention in general practice and primary care: a scoping study. (2017) Peckham, Stephen; Hann, Alison; Kendall, Sally; Gillam, Steve
  • Explaining the continuum of social participation among older adults in Singapore: from 'closed doors' to active ageing in multi-ethnic community settings. (2017) Aw, Su; Koh, Gerald; Oh, Yeon Ju; Wong, Mee Lian; Vrijhoef, Hubertus JM; Harding, Susana Concordo; Geronimo, Mary Ann B; Lai, Cecilia Yoon Fong; Hildon, Zoe JL
  • Can routine clinical data identify older patients at risk of poor healthcare outcomes on admission to hospital? (2017) Ibrahim, Kinda; Owen, Charlotte; Patel, Harnish P; May, Carl; Baxter, Mark; Sayer, Avan A; Roberts, Helen C
  • Early definitive treatment rate as a quality indicator of care in acute gallstone pancreatitis. (2017) Green, R; Charman, SC; Palser, T
  • Being Autonomous and Having Space in which to Act: Commissioning in the ‘New NHS’ in England. (2017) CHECKLAND, KATH; DAM, RINITA; HAMMOND, JON; COLEMAN, ANNA; SEGAR, JULIA; MAYS, NICHOLAS; ALLEN, PAULINE
  • The Impact of Introducing Malaria Rapid Diagnostic Tests on Fever Case Management: A Synthesis of Ten Studies from the ACT Consortium. (2017) Bruxvoort, KJ; Leurent, B; Chandler, CIR; Ansah, EK; Baiden, F; Björkman, A; Burchett, HED; Clarke, SE; Cundill, B; DiLiberto, DD; Elfving, K; Goodman, C; Hansen, KS; Kachur, SP; Lal, S; Lalloo, DG; Leslie, T; Magnussen, P; Mangham-Jefferies, L; Mårtensson, A; Mayan, I; Mbonye, AK; Msellem, MI; Onwujekwe, OE; Owusu-Agyei, S; Rowland, MW; Shakely, D; Staedke, SG; Vestergaard, LS; Webster, J; Whitty, CJM; Wiseman, VL; Yeung, S; Schellenberg, D; Hopkins, H
  • Protocol for an economic evaluation of the randomised controlled trial of culprit lesion only PCI versus immediate multivessel PCI in acute myocardial infarction complicated by cardiogenic shock: CULPRIT-SHOCK trial. (2017) Quayyum, Zahidul; Briggs, Andrew; Robles-Zurita, Jose; Oldroyd, Keith; Zeymer, Uwe; Desch, Steffen; Waha, Suzanne de; Thiele, Holger
  • Social and economic multipliers: What they are and why they are important for health policy in Europe. (2017) Stuckler, David; Reeves, Aaron; Mckee, Martin
  • World Heart Federation Cholesterol Roadmap. (2017) Murphy, Adrianna; Faria-Neto, Jose R; Al-Rasadi, Khalid; Blom, Dirk; Catapano, Alberico; Cuevas, Ada; Lopez-Jimenez, Francisco; Perel, Pablo; Santos, Raul; Sniderman, Allan; Sy, Rody; Watts, Gerald F; Zhao, Dong; Yusuf, Salim; Wood, David
  • Determinants of Patient Mobility for Prostate Cancer Surgery: A Population-based Study of Choice and Competition. (2017) Aggarwal, Ajay; Lewis, Daniel; Charman, Susan C; Mason, Malcolm; Clarke, Noel; Sullivan, Richard; van der Meulen, Jan
  • Cost-effectiveness of screening for HIV in primary care: a health economics modelling analysis. (2017) Baggaley, Rebecca F; Irvine, Michael A; Leber, Werner; Cambiano, Valentina; Figueroa, Jose; McMullen, Heather; Anderson, Jane; Santos, Andreia C; Terris-Prestholt, Fern; Miners, Alec; Hollingsworth, T Déirdre; Griffiths, Chris J
  • Defending academic and medical independence in Turkey. (2017) Benos, Alexis; Bodini, Chiara; Cowan, Hannah; McCoy, David; Milsom, Penelope; Sanders, David; 207 individuals and 25 organisations; a full list of signatories
  • Mental health care utilisation among internally displaced persons in Ukraine: results from a nation-wide survey. (2017) Roberts, B; Makhashvili, N; Javakhishvili, J; Karachevskyy, A; Kharchenko, N; Shpiker, M; Richardson, E
  • Why we must stay in the European Atomic Energy Community. (2017) McKee, Martin
  • Falling into a routine: from habits to situated practices. (2017) Cohn, Simon; Lynch, Rebecca
  • Integrating cervical cancer with HIV healthcare services: A systematic review. (2017) Sigfrid, Louise; Murphy, Georgina; Haldane, Victoria; Chuah, Fiona Leh Hoon; Ong, Suan Ee; Cervero-Liceras, Francisco; Watt, Nicola; Alvaro, Alconada; Otero-Garcia, Laura; Balabanova, Dina; Hogarth, Sue; Maimaris, Will; Buse, Kent; Mckee, Martin; Piot, Peter; Perel, Pablo; Legido-Quigley, Helena
  • Food environments in Malta: Associations with store size and area-level deprivation. (2017) Cauchi, Daniel; Pliakas, Triantafyllos; Knai, Cécile
  • Global, regional, and national disability-adjusted life-years (DALYs) for 333 diseases and injuries and healthy life expectancy (HALE) for 195 countries and territories, 1990-2016: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2016. (2017) GBD 2016 DALYs and HALE Collaborators
  • Health needs, access to healthcare, and perceptions of ageing in an urbanizing community in India: a qualitative study. (2017) Bhan, Nandita; Madhira, Pavitra; Muralidharan, Arundati; Kulkarni, Bharati; Murthy, Gvs; Basu, Sanjay; Kinra, Sanjay
  • Comparing patient and healthcare worker experiences during a dengue outbreak in Singapore: understanding the patient journey and the introduction of a point-of-care test (POCT) toward better care delivery. (2017) Tan, Qinghui; Hildon, Zoe J-L; Singh, Shweta; Jing, Jin; Thein, Tun Linn; Coker, Richard; Vrijhoef, Hubertus JM; Leo, Yee Sin
  • Evaluation of record linkage of two large administrative databases in a middle income country: stillbirths and notifications of dengue during pregnancy in Brazil. (2017) Paixão, Enny S; Harron, Katie; Andrade, Kleydson; Teixeira, Maria Glória; Fiaccone, Rosemeire L; Costa, Maria da Conceição N; Rodrigues, Laura C
  • The impact of economic downturns and budget cuts on homelessness claim rates across 323 local authorities in England, 2004-12. (2017) Loopstra, Rachel; Reeves, Aaron; Barr, Ben; Taylor-Robinson, David; McKee, Martin; Stuckler, David
  • Enduring challenges in estimating the effect of the food environment on obesity. (2017) Cummins, Steven; Clary, Christelle; Shareck, Martine
  • The role of family and school-level factors in bullying and cyberbullying: a cross-sectional study. (2017) Bevilacqua, Leonardo; Shackleton, Nichola; Hale, Daniel; Allen, Elizabeth; Bond, Lyndal; Christie, Deborah; Elbourne, Diana; Fitzgerald-Yau, Natasha; Fletcher, Adam; Jones, Rebecca; Miners, Alec; Scott, Stephen; Wiggins, Meg; Bonell, Chris; Viner, Russell M
  • A prospective, quantitative study of mental health act assessments in England following the 2007 amendments to the 1983 act: did the changes fulfill their promise? (2017) Singh, Swaran P; Paul, Moli; Parsons, Helen; Burns, Tom; Tyrer, Peter; Fazel, Seena; Deb, Shoumitro; Islam, Zoebia; Rugkåsa, Jorun; Gajwani, Ruchika; Thana, Lavanya; Crawford, Michael J
  • Cost-effectiveness of population based BRCA testing with varying Ashkenazi Jewish ancestry. (2017) Manchanda, R; Patel, S; Antoniou, AC; Levy-Lahad, E; Turnbull, C; Evans, G; Hopper, J; Macinnis, RJ; Menon, U; Jacobs, I; Legood, R
  • Interventions and approaches to integrating HIV and mental health services: a systematic review. (2017) Chuah, Fiona Leh Hoon; Haldane, Victoria Elizabeth; Cervero-Liceras, Francisco; Ong, Suan Ee; Sigfrid, Louise A; Murphy, Georgina; Watt, Nicola; Balabanova, Dina; Hogarth, Sue; Maimaris, Will; Otero, Laura; Buse, Kent; McKee, Martin; Piot, Peter; Perel, Pablo; Legido-Quigley, Helena
  • Integrating cardiovascular diseases, hypertension, and diabetes with HIV services: a systematic review. (2017) Haldane, V; Legido-Quigley, H; Chuah, FLH; Sigfrid, L; Murphy, G; Ong, SE; Cervero-Liceras, F; Watt, N; Balabanova, D; Hogarth, S; Maimaris, W; Buse, K; McKee, M; Piot, P; Perel, P
  • Managing expectations: cognitive authority and experienced control in complex healthcare processes. (2017) Hunt, Katherine J; May, Carl R
  • Alcohol consumption and all-cause mortality: an analysis of general practice database records for patients with long-term conditions. (2017) Stewart, Duncan; Han, Lu; Doran, Tim; McCambridge, Jim
  • Impact of the North American Free Trade Agreement on high-fructose corn syrup supply in Canada: a natural experiment using synthetic control methods. (2017) Barlow, Pepita; McKee, Martin; Basu, Sanjay; Stuckler, David
  • Strengthening health system to improve immunization for migrants in China. (2017) Fang, Hai; Yang, Li; Zhang, Huyang; Li, Chenyang; Wen, Liankui; Sun, Li; Hanson, Kara; Meng, Qingyue
  • Development of a practical approach to expert elicitation for randomised controlled trials with missing health outcomes: Application to the IMPROVE trial. (2017) Mason, Alexina J; Gomes, Manuel; Grieve, Richard; Ulug, Pinar; Powell, Janet T; Carpenter, James
  • A two phased study on health care professionals' perceptions of single or multi-use of intermittent catheters. (2017) McClurg, D; Coyle, J; Long, A; Moore, K; Cottenden, A; May, C; Fader, M description
  • PATHway I: design and rationale for the investigation of the feasibility, clinical effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of a technology-enabled cardiac rehabilitation platform. (2017) Claes, Jomme; Buys, Roselien; Woods, Catherine; Briggs, Andrew; Geue, Claudia; Aitken, Moira; Moyna, Niall; Moran, Kieran; McCaffrey, Noel; Chouvarda, Ioanna; Walsh, Deirdre; Budts, Werner; Filos, Dimitris; Triantafyllidis, Andreas; Maglaveras, Nicos; Cornelissen, Véronique A
  • Probabilistic linkage to enhance deterministic algorithms and reduce data linkage errors in hospital administrative data. (2017) Hagger-Johnson, Gareth; Harron, Katie; Goldstein, Harvey; Aldridge, Robert; Gilbert, Ruth
  • Whose voices? Patient and public involvement in clinical commissioning. (2017) O'Shea, Alison; Chambers, Mary; Boaz, Annette
  • Health systems facilitators and barriers to the integration of HIV and chronic disease services: a systematic review. (2017) Watt, Nicola; Sigfrid, Louise; Legido-Quigley, Helena; Hogarth, Sue; Maimaris, Will; Otero-García, Laura; Perel, Pablo; Buse, Kent; McKee, Martin; Piot, Peter; Balabanova, Dina
  • Core outcome measures for interventions to prevent or slow the progress of dementia for people living with mild to moderate dementia: Systematic review and consensus recommendations. (2017) Webster, Lucy; Groskreutz, Derek; Grinbergs-Saull, Anna; Howard, Rob; O'Brien, John T; Mountain, Gail; Banerjee, Sube; Woods, Bob; Perneczky, Robert; Lafortune, Louise; Roberts, Charlotte; McCleery, Jenny; Pickett, James; Bunn, Frances; Challis, David; Charlesworth, Georgina; Featherstone, Katie; Fox, Chris; Goodman, Claire; Jones, Roy; Lamb, Sarah; Moniz-Cook, Esme; Schneider, Justine; Shepperd, Sasha; Surr, Claire; Thompson-Coon, Jo; Ballard, Clive; Brayne, Carol; Burns, Alistair; Clare, Linda; Garrard, Peter; Kehoe, Patrick; Passmore, Peter; Holmes, Clive; Maidment, Ian; Robinson, Louise; Livingston, Gill
  • HIV/AIDS discourses in Kyrgyzstan's policy arena. (2017) Ancker, Svetlana; McKee, Martin; Rechel, Bernd
  • Estimated economic impact of vaccinations in 73 low- and middle-income countries, 2001-2020. (2017) Ozawa, Sachiko; Clark, Samantha; Portnoy, Allison; Grewal, Simrun; Stack, Meghan L; Sinha, Anushua; Mirelman, Andrew; Franklin, Heather; Friberg, Ingrid K; Tam, Yvonne; Walker, Neff; Clark, Andrew; Ferrari, Matthew; Suraratdecha, Chutima; Sweet, Steven; Goldie, Sue J; Garske, Tini; Li, Michelle; Hansen, Peter M; Johnson, Hope L; Walker, Damian
  • Long working hours as a risk factor for atrial fibrillation: a multi-cohort study. (2017) Kivimäki, Mika; Nyberg, Solja T; Batty, G David; Kawachi, Ichiro; Jokela, Markus; Alfredsson, Lars; Bjorner, Jakob B; Borritz, Marianne; Burr, Hermann; Dragano, Nico; Fransson, Eleonor I; Heikkilä, Katriina; Knutsson, Anders; Koskenvuo, Markku; Kumari, Meena; Madsen, Ida EH; Nielsen, Martin L; Nordin, Maria; Oksanen, Tuula; Pejtersen, Jan H; Pentti, Jaana; Rugulies, Reiner; Salo, Paula; Shipley, Martin J; Suominen, Sakari; Theorell, Töres; Vahtera, Jussi; Westerholm, Peter; Westerlund, Hugo; Steptoe, Andrew; Singh-Manoux, Archana; Hamer, Mark; Ferrie, Jane E; Virtanen, Marianna; Tabak, Adam G; IPD-Work consortium
  • Investigating the relationship between costs and outcomes for English mental health providers: a bi-variate multi-level regression analysis. (2017) Moran, V; Jacobs, R
  • Diabetes care in a complex humanitarian emergency setting: a qualitative evaluation. (2017) Murphy, Adrianna; Biringanine, Michel; Roberts, Bayard; Stringer, Beverley; Perel, Pablo; Jobanputra, Kiran
  • Does attendance at a specialist antenatal clinic improve clinical outcomes in women with class III obesity compared with standard care? A retrospective case-note analysis. (2017) Denison, Fiona C; MacGregor, Heather; Stirrat, Laura I; Stevenson, Kerrie; Norman, Jane E; Reynolds, Rebecca M
  • Cost-effectiveness of Memory Assessment Services for the diagnosis and early support of patients with dementia in England. (2017) Gomes, M; Pennington, M; Wittenberg, R; Knapp, M; Black, N; Smith, S
  • Grenfell Tower fire: why we cannot ignore the political determinants of health. (2017) McKee, Martin
  • Health-related quality of life associated with bullying and aggression: a cross-sectional study in English secondary schools. (2017) Fantaguzzi, C; Allen, E; Miners, A; Christie, D; Opondo, C; Sadique, Z; Fletcher, A; Grieve, R; Bonell, C; Viner, RM; Legood, R
  • Associations of tissue transglutaminase antibody seropositivity with coronary heart disease: Findings from a prospective cohort study. (2017) Heikkilä, K; Rissanen, H; Heliövaara, M; Knekt, P; Mäki, M; Kaukinen, K
  • Assessing changes in knowledge, attitude and practices on dengue diagnosis and management among primary care physicians after the largest dengue epidemic in Singapore. (2017) Pang, Junxiong; Hildon, Zoe Jane-Lara; Thein, Tun Linn; Jin, Jing; Leo, Yee Sin
  • Processes of local alcohol policy-making in England: Does the theory of policy transfer provide useful insights into public health decision-making? (2017) Gavens, L; Holmes, J; Buykx, P; de Vocht, F; Egan, M; Grace, D; Lock, K; Mooney, JD; Brennan, A
  • Impact and cost-effectiveness of rotavirus vaccination in Bangladesh. (2017) Pecenka, Clint; Parashar, Umesh; Tate, Jacqueline E; Khan, Jahangir AM; Groman, Devin; Chacko, Stephen; Shamsuzzaman, Md; Clark, Andrew; Atherly, Deborah
  • The need for a complex systems model of evidence for public health. (2017) Rutter, Harry; Savona, Natalie; Glonti, Ketevan; Bibby, Jo; Cummins, Steven; Finegood, Diane T; Greaves, Felix; Harper, Laura; Hawe, Penelope; Moore, Laurence; Petticrew, Mark; Rehfuess, Eva; Shiell, Alan; Thomas, James; White, Martin
  • Integrated primary care may be the answer but do we really know what it is? (2017) Peckham, Stephen
  • Coding of Barrett's oesophagus with high-grade dysplasia in national administrative databases: a population-based cohort study. (2017) Chadwick, Georgina; Varagunam, Mira; Brand, Christian; Riley, Stuart A; Maynard, Nick; Crosby, Tom; Michalowski, Julie; Cromwell, David A
  • 'Holding the line': a qualitative study of the role of evidence in early phase decision-making in the reconfiguration of stroke services in London. (2017) Fraser, Alec; Baeza, Juan I; Boaz, Annette
  • General practitioners' views of clinically led commissioning: cross-sectional survey in England. (2017) Moran, Valerie; Checkland, Kath; Coleman, Anna; Spooner, Sharon; Gibson, Jonathan; Sutton, Matt
  • Evidence on public health interventions in humanitarian crises. (2017) Blanchet, K; Ramesh, A; Frison, S; Warren, E; Hossain, M; Smith, J; Knight, A; Post, N; Lewis, C; Woodward, A; Dahab, M; Ruby, A; Sistenich, V; Pantuliano, S; Roberts, B
  • Global, regional, and national under-5 mortality, adult mortality, age-specific mortality, and life expectancy, 1970-2016: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2016. (2017) GBD 2016 Mortality Collaborators
  • Understanding mortality rates after hip fracture repair using ASA physical status in the National Hip Fracture Database. (2017) Johansen, A; Tsang, C; Boulton, C; Wakeman, R; Moppett, I
  • The shift in framing of food and beverage product reformulation in the United States from 1980 to 2015. (2017) Scott, C; Nixon, L
  • Learning from Others: Child Health and the European Observatory on Health Systems and Policies. (2017) McKee, Martin; Nolte, Ellen
  • Smoking and mortality in Eastern Europe: results from the PrivMort retrospective cohort study of 177,376 individuals. (2017) Stefler, D; Murphy, M; Irdam, D; Horvat, P; Jarvis, M; King, L; McKee, M; Bobak, M
  • Debt Counselling for Depression in Primary Care: an adaptive randomised controlled pilot trial (DeCoDer study). (2017) Gabbay, Mark B; Ring, Adele; Byng, Richard; Anderson, Pippa; Taylor, Rod S; Matthews, Caryn; Harris, Tirril; Berry, Vashti; Byrne, Paula; Carter, Elliot; Clarke, Pam; Cocking, Laura; Edwards, Suzanne; Emsley, Richard; Fornasiero, Mauro; Frith, Lucy; Harris, Shaun; Huxley, Peter; Jones, Siw; Kinderman, Peter; King, Michael; Kosnes, Liv; Marshall, Daniel; Mercer, Dave; May, Carl; Nolan, Debbie; Phillips, Ceri; Rawcliffe, Tim; Sardani, Alexandra V; Shaw, Elizabeth; Thompson, Sam; Vickery, Jane; Wainman, Brian; Warner, Mark
  • Costs and Performance of English Mental Health Providers. (2017) Moran, Valerie; Jacobs, Rowena
  • Models of Adult Safeguarding in England: Findings from a Study of Costs and Referral Outcomes. (2017) Stevens, Martin; Norrie, Caroline; Manthorpe, Jill; Hussein, Shereen; Moriarty, Jo; Graham, Katie
  • Double burden or double counting of child malnutrition? The methodological and theoretical implications of stuntingoverweight in low and middle income countries. (2017) Bates, Katie; Gjonça, Arjan; Leone, Tiziana
  • Understanding perspectives on major system change: A comparative case study of public engagement and the implementation of urgent and emergency care system reconfiguration. (2017) Foley, Conor; Droog, Elsa; Healy, Orla; McHugh, Sheena; Buckley, Claire; Browne, John Patrick
  • Gender violence, poverty and HIV infection risk among persons engaged in the sex industry: cross-national analysis of the political economy of sex markets in 30 European and Central Asian countries. (2017) Reeves, A; Steele, S; Stuckler, D; McKee, M; Amato-Gauci, A; Semenza, JC
  • Predicting 30-day mortality after hip fracture surgery: Evaluation of the National Hip Fracture Database case-mix adjustment model. (2017) Tsang, C; Boulton, C; Burgon, V; Johansen, A; Wakeman, R; Cromwell, DA
  • Provision of information to consumers about the calorie content of alcoholic drinks: did the Responsibility Deal pledge by alcohol retailers and producers increase the availability of calorie information? (2017) Petticrew, M; Douglas, N; Knai, C; Maani Hessari, N; Durand, MA; Eastmure, E; Mays, N
  • Suicides among junior doctors in the NHS. (2017) Clarke, Rachel; McKee, Martin
  • Changing the Risk Threshold for Surgical Prevention of Ovarian Cancer. (2017) Manchanda, R; Legood, R; Antoniou, AC; Pearce, L; Menon, U
  • Initiating change locally in bullying and aggression through the school environment (INCLUSIVE) trial: update to cluster randomised controlled trial protocol. (2017) Bonell, Chris; Mathiot, Anne; Allen, Elizabeth; Bevilacqua, Leonardo; Christie, Deborah; Elbourne, Diana; Fletcher, Adam; Grieve, Richard; Legood, Rosa; Scott, Stephen; Warren, Emily; Wiggins, Meg; Viner, Russell M
  • Methods for estimating complier average causal effects for cost-effectiveness analysis. (2017) DiazOrdaz, K; Franchini, AJ; Grieve, R
  • Demographics, insulin use and clinical targets in type 2 diabetes insulin users: comparison of a local integrated diabetes service vs a UK-wide cohort. (2017) Anyanwagu, Uchenna; Owen, Karissa; Mamza, Jil; Sugunendran, Suma; Stone, Lisa; Langeland, Lin; Idris, Iskandar
  • Healthcare Access and Quality Index based on mortality from causes amenable to personal health care in 195 countries and territories, 1990-2015: a novel analysis from the Global Burden of Disease Study 2015. (2017) GBD 2015 Healthcare Access and Quality Collaborators. Electronic; GBD 2015 Healthcare Access and Quality Collaborators
  • Rejoinder. (2017) Mason, Alexina J; Gomes, Manuel; Grieve, Richard; Carpenter, James
  • Going to scale: design and implementation challenges of a program to increase access to skilled birth attendants in Nigeria. (2017) Okeke, Edward N; Pitchforth, Emma; Exley, Josephine; Glick, Peter; Abubakar, Isa Sadeeq; Chari, Amalavoyal V; Bashir, Usman; Gu, Kun; Onwujekwe, Obinna
  • New Models of Contracting in the Public Sector: A Review of Alliance Contracting, Prime Contracting and Outcome-based Contracting Literature. (2017) Sanderson, Marie; Allen, Pauline; Gill, Randeep; Garnett, Emma
  • The association between complications and quality of life after mastectomy and breast reconstruction for breast cancer. (2017) Browne, JP; Jeevan, R; Gulliver-Clarke, C; Pereira, J; Caddy, CM; van der Meulen, JHP
  • Barriers to breastfeeding in Lebanon: A policy analysis. (2017) Akik, Chaza; Ghattas, Hala; Filteau, Suzanne; Knai, Cecile
  • Anti-malarial medicine quality field studies and surveys: a systematic review of screening technologies used and reporting of findings. (2017) Lalani, Mirza; Kitutu, Freddy Eric; Clarke, Siân E; Kaur, Harparkash
  • Estimating Health-State Utility Values in Kidney Transplant Recipients and Waiting-List Patients Using the EQ-5D-5L. (2017) Li, Bernadette; Cairns, John A; Draper, Heather; Dudley, Christopher; Forsythe, John L; Johnson, Rachel J; Metcalfe, Wendy; Oniscu, Gabriel C; Ravanan, Rommel; Robb, Matthew L; Roderick, Paul; Tomson, Charles R; Watson, Christopher JE; Bradley, J Andrew
  • The role of the European Structural and Investment Funds in Financing Health System in Lithuania: Experience from 2007 to 2013 funding period and implications for the future. (2017) Murauskiene, Liubove; Karanikolos, Marina
  • Views of public health leaders in English local authorities – changing perspectives following the transfer of responsibilities from the National Health Service to local government. (2017) Peckham, Stephen; Gadsby, Erica; Jenkins, Linda; Coleman, Anna; Bramwell, Donna; Perkins, Neil
  • Socioeconomic position and mortality risk of smoking: evidence from the English Longitudinal Study of Ageing (ELSA). (2017) Lewer, D; McKee, M; Gasparrini, A; Reeves, A; de Oliveira, C
  • A Systematic Review on Harmful Alcohol Use Among Civilian Populations Affected by Armed Conflict in Low- and Middle-Income Countries. (2017) Lo, Janice; Patel, Preeti; Shultz, James M; Ezard, Nadine; Roberts, Bayard
  • Extended and standard duration weight-loss programme referrals for adults in primary care (WRAP): a randomised controlled trial. (2017) Ahern, Amy L; Wheeler, Graham M; Aveyard, Paul; Boyland, Emma J; Halford, Jason CG; Mander, Adrian P; Woolston, Jennifer; Thomson, Ann M; Tsiountsioura, Melina; Cole, Darren; Mead, Bethan R; Irvine, Lisa; Turner, David; Suhrcke, Marc; Pimpin, Laura; Retat, Lise; Jaccard, Abbygail; Webber, Laura; Cohn, Simon R; Jebb, Susan A
  • Early findings from the evaluation of the Integrated Care and Support Pioneers in England. (2017) Erens, Bob; Wistow, Gerald; Mounier-Jack, Sandra; Douglas, Nick; Manacorda, Tommaso; Durand, Mary Alison; Mays, Nicholas
  • Surgical Determinants of Patient-Reported Outcomes following Postmastectomy Reconstruction in Women with Breast Cancer. (2017) Jeevan, R; Browne, JP; Gulliver-Clarke, C; Pereira, J; Caddy, CM; van der Meulen, JHP; Cromwell, DA
  • The Friends and Family Test in general practice in England: a qualitative study of the views of staff and patients. (2017) Manacorda, T; Erens, B; Black, N; Mays, N
  • Development of a core outcome set for disease modification trials in mild to moderate dementia: a systematic review, patient and public consultation and consensus recommendations. (2017) Webster, Lucy; Groskreutz, Derek; Grinbergs-Saull, Anna; Howard, Rob; O'Brien, John T; Mountain, Gail; Banerjee, Sube; Woods, Bob; Perneczky, Robert; Lafortune, Louise; Roberts, Charlotte; McCleery, Jenny; Pickett, James; Bunn, Frances; Challis, David; Charlesworth, Georgina; Featherstone, Katie; Fox, Chris; Goodman, Claire; Jones, Roy; Lamb, Sallie; Moniz-Cook, Esme; Schneider, Justine; Shepperd, Sasha; Surr, Claire; Thompson-Coon, Jo; Ballard, Clive; Brayne, Carol; Burke, Orlaith; Burns, Alistair; Clare, Linda; Garrard, Peter; Kehoe, Patrick; Passmore, Peter; Holmes, Clive; Maidment, Ian; Murtagh, Fliss; Robinson, Louise; Livingston, Gill
  • Cost-effectiveness Analysis in R Using a Multi-state Modeling Survival Analysis Framework: A Tutorial. (2017) Williams, Claire; Lewsey, James D; Briggs, Andrew H; Mackay, Daniel F
  • Estimation of Survival Probabilities for Use in Cost-effectiveness Analyses: A Comparison of a Multi-state Modeling Survival Analysis Approach with Partitioned Survival and Markov Decision-Analytic Modeling. (2017) Williams, Claire; Lewsey, James D; Mackay, Daniel F; Briggs, Andrew H
  • Models of safeguarding in England: Identifying important models and variables influencing the operation of adult safeguarding. (2017) Graham, Katherine; Stevens, Martin; Norrie, Caroline; Manthorpe, Jill; Moriarty, Jo; Hussein, Shereen
  • Do patient access schemes for high-cost cancer drugs deliver value to society?-lessons from the NHS Cancer Drugs Fund. (2017) Aggarwal, A; Fojo, T; Chamberlain, C; Davis, C; Sullivan, R
  • Human papillomavirus 9-valent vaccine for cancer prevention: a systematic review of the available evidence. (2017) Signorelli, C; Odone, A; Ciorba, V; Cella, P; Audisio, RA; Lombardi, A; Mariani, L; Mennini, FS; Pecorelli, S; Rezza, G; Zuccotti, GV; Peracino, A
  • Evidence-based policymaking is not like evidence-based medicine, so how far should you go to bridge the divide between evidence and policy? (2017) Cairney, Paul; Oliver, Kathryn
  • Assessing the complexity of interventions within systematic reviews: development, content and use of a new tool (iCAT_SR). (2017) Lewin, Simon; Hendry, Maggie; Chandler, Jackie; Oxman, Andrew D; Michie, Susan; Shepperd, Sasha; Reeves, Barnaby C; Tugwell, Peter; Hannes, Karin; Rehfuess, Eva A; Welch, Vivien; Mckenzie, Joanne E; Burford, Belinda; Petkovic, Jennifer; Anderson, Laurie M; Harris, Janet; Noyes, Jane
  • Exploring the relationship between perceived barriers to healthy eating and dietary behaviours in European adults. (2017) Pinho, MGM; Mackenbach, JD; Charreire, H; Oppert, JM; Bárdos, H; Glonti, K; Rutter, H; Compernolle, S; De Bourdeaudhuij, I; Beulens, JWJ; Brug, J; Lakerveld, J
  • Patient Reported Outcome (PRO) questionnaires for men who have radical surgery for prostate cancer: a conceptual review of existing instruments. (2017) Protopapa, E; van der Meulen, J; Moore, CM; Smith, SC
  • A need to accelerate health research productivity in an African University: the case of Makerere University College of Health Sciences. (2017) Nakanjako, Damalie; Akena, Dickens; Kaye, Dan K; Tumwine, James; Okello, Elialilia; Nakimuli, Annettee; Kambugu, Andrew; McCullough, Hazel; Mayanja-Kizza, Harriet; Kamya, Moses R; Sewankambo, Nelson K
  • Association between the ossific nucleus and osteonecrosis in treating developmental dysplasia of the Hip: updated meta-analysis. (2017) Niziol, Rafal; Elvey, Michael; Protopapa, Evangelia; Roposch, Andreas
  • Role of the European Union in global health - Author's reply. (2017) Speakman, Elizabeth M; McKee, Martin; Coker, Richard
  • Newborn Length of Stay and Risk of Readmission. (2017) Harron, Katie; Gilbert, Ruth; Cromwell, David; Oddie, Sam; van der Meulen, Jan
  • "Enemies of the People?" Public Health in the Era of Populist Politics Comment on "The Rise of Post-truth Populism in Pluralist Liberal Democracies: Challenges for Health Policy". (2017) McKee, Martin; Stuckler, David
  • The Tobacco Industry: The Pioneer of Fake News. (2017) McKee, Martin
  • The effect of rapid privatisation on mortality in mono-industrial towns in post-Soviet Russia: a retrospective cohort study. (2017) Azarova, Aytalina; Irdam, Darja; Gugushvili, Alexi; Fazekas, Mihaly; Scheiring, Gábor; Horvat, Pia; Stefler, Denes; Kolesnikova, Irina; Popov, Vladimir; Szelenyi, Ivan; Stuckler, David; Marmot, Michael; Murphy, Michael; McKee, Martin; Bobak, Martin; King, Lawrence
  • Intimate partner violence and mental ill health among global populations of Indigenous women: a systematic review. (2017) Chmielowska, Marta; Fuhr, Daniela C
  • The association between blood pressure and carotid intima-media thickness in children: a systematic review. (2017) Day, Thomas G; Park, MinHae; Kinra, Sanjay
  • Migration, gender and low-paid work: on migrant men’s entry dynamics into the feminised social care work in the UK. (2017) Hussein, Shereen; Christensen, Karen
  • Towards an improved global understanding of treatment and outcomes in people with type 2 diabetes: Rationale and methods of the DISCOVER observational study program. (2017) Ji, Linong; Bonnet, Fabrice; Charbonnel, Bernard; Gomes, Marilia B; Kosiborod, Mikhail; Khunti, Kamlesh; Nicolucci, Antonio; Pocock, Stuart; Rathmann, Wolfgang; Shestakova, Marina V; Shimomura, Iichiro; Watada, Hirotaka; Fenici, Peter; Hammar, Niklas; Hashigami, Kiyoshi; Macaraeg, Greg; Surmont, Filip; Medina, Jesús
  • Impact of school policies on non-communicable disease risk factors - a systematic review. (2017) Singh, Ankur; Bassi, Shalini; Nazar, Gaurang P; Saluja, Kiran; Park, MinHae; Kinra, Sanjay; Arora, Monika
  • Thyroid Hormone Therapy for Older Adults with Subclinical Hypothyroidism. (2017) Stott, David J; Rodondi, Nicolas; Kearney, Patricia M; Ford, Ian; Westendorp, Rudi GJ; Mooijaart, Simon P; Sattar, Naveed; Aubert, Carole E; Aujesky, Drahomir; Bauer, Douglas C; Baumgartner, Christine; Blum, Manuel R; Browne, John P; Byrne, Stephen; Collet, Tinh-Hai; Dekkers, Olaf M; den Elzen, Wendy PJ; Du Puy, Robert S; Ellis, Graham; Feller, Martin; Floriani, Carmen; Hendry, Kirsty; Hurley, Caroline; Jukema, J Wouter; Kean, Sharon; Kelly, Maria; Krebs, Danielle; Langhorne, Peter; McCarthy, Gemma; McCarthy, Vera; McConnachie, Alex; McDade, Mairi; Messow, Martina; O'Flynn, Annemarie; O'Riordan, David; Poortvliet, Rosalinde KE; Quinn, Terence J; Russell, Audrey; Sinnott, Carol; Smit, Jan WA; Van Dorland, H Anette; Walsh, Kieran A; Walsh, Elaine K; Watt, Torquil; Wilson, Robbie; Gussekloo, Jacobijn; TRUST Study Group
  • Organizing Practice and Practicing Organization: An Outline of Translational Mobilization Theory. (2017) Allen, Davina; May, Carl
  • Modifying Alcohol Consumption to Reduce Obesity (MACRO): development and feasibility trial of a complex community-based intervention for men. (2017) Crombie, Iain K; Cunningham, Kathryn B; Irvine, Linda; Williams, Brian; Sniehotta, Falko F; Norrie, John; Melson, Ambrose; Jones, Claire; Briggs, Andrew; Rice, Peter M; Achison, Marcus; McKenzie, Andrew; Dimova, Elena; Slane, Peter W
  • Using digital interventions for self-management of chronic physical health conditions: A meta-ethnography review of published studies. (2017) Morton, Katherine; Dennison, Laura; May, Carl; Murray, Elizabeth; Little, Paul; McManus, Richard J; Yardley, Lucy
  • Do Personal Budgets Increase the Risk of Abuse? Evidence from English National Data. (2017) ISMAIL, MOHAMED; HUSSEIN, SHEREEN; STEVENS, MARTIN; WOOLHAM, JOHN; MANTHORPE, JILL; ASPINAL, FIONA; BAXTER, KATE; SAMSI, KRITIKA
  • Effect of β-blockade on lung function, exercise performance and dynamic hyperinflation in people with arterial vascular disease with and without COPD. (2017) Key, Angela; Parry, Matthew; West, Malcolm A; Asher, Rebecca; Jack, Sandy; Duffy, Nick; Torella, Francesco; Walker, Paul P
  • Tobacco control environment: cross-sectional survey of policy implementation, social unacceptability, knowledge of tobacco health harms and relationship to quit ratio in 17 low-income, middle-income and high-income countries. (2017) Chow, Clara K; Corsi, Daniel J; Gilmore, Anna B; Kruger, Annamarie; Igumbor, Ehimario; Chifamba, Jephat; Yang, Wang; Wei, Li; Iqbal, Romaina; Mony, Prem; Gupta, Rajeev; Vijayakumar, Krishnapillai; Mohan, V; Kumar, Rajesh; Rahman, Omar; Yusoff, Khalid; Ismail, Noorhassim; Zatonska, Katarzyna; Altuntas, Yuksel; Rosengren, Annika; Bahonar, Ahmad; Yusufali, AfzalHussein; Dagenais, Gilles; Lear, Scott; Diaz, Rafael; Avezum, Alvaro; Lopez-Jaramillo, Patricio; Lanas, Fernando; Rangarajan, Sumathy; Teo, Koon; McKee, Martin; Yusuf, Salim
  • Estimating the Comparative Effectiveness of Feeding Interventions in the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit: A Demonstration of Longitudinal Targeted Maximum Likelihood Estimation. (2017) Kreif, Noémi; Tran, Linh; Grieve, Richard; De Stavola, Bianca; Tasker, Robert C; Petersen, Maya
  • Eliciting Preferences for Clinical Follow-Up in Patients with Head and Neck Cancer Using Best-Worst Scaling. (2017) Meregaglia, M; Cairns, J; Alfieri, S; Favales, F; Mazzitelli, D; Orlandi, E; Licitra, L; Bossi, P
  • Is vascular endothelial growth factor a useful biomarker in giant cell arteritis? (2017) Goodfellow, Nicola; Morlet, Julien; Singh, Surjeet; Sabokbar, Afsie; Hutchings, Andrew; Sharma, Vanshika; Vaskova, Jana; Masters, Shauna; Zarei, Allahdad; Luqmani, Raashid
  • Extrapolation of Survival Data in Cost-effectiveness Analyses: The Need for Causal Clarity. (2017) Hawkins, Neil; Grieve, Richard
  • The decade of Roma Inclusion: did it make a difference to health and use of health care services? (2017) Sándor, János; Kósa, Zsigmond; Boruzs, Klára; Boros, Julianna; Tokaji, Ildikó; McKee, Martin; Ádány, Róza
  • GUILD: GUidance for Information about Linking Data sets†. (2017) Gilbert, R; Lafferty, R; Hagger-Johnson, G; Harron, K; Zhang, LC; Smith, P; Dibben, C; Goldstein, H
  • Pharmacological interventions for primary sclerosing cholangitis: an attempted network meta-analysis. (2017) Saffioti, Francesca; Gurusamy, Kurinchi Selvan; Hawkins, Neil; Toon, Clare D; Tsochatzis, Emmanuel; Davidson, Brian R; Thorburn, Douglas
  • The PICTURE study: diagnostic accuracy of multiparametric MRI in men requiring a repeat prostate biopsy. (2017) Simmons, Lucy AM; Kanthabalan, Abi; Arya, Manit; Briggs, Tim; Barratt, Dean; Charman, Susan C; Freeman, Alex; Gelister, James; Hawkes, David; Hu, Yipeng; Jameson, Charles; McCartan, Neil; Moore, Caroline M; Punwani, Shonit; Ramachandran, Navin; van der Meulen, Jan; Emberton, Mark; Ahmed, Hashim U
  • Exploring the mediating role of energy balance-related behaviours in the association between sleep duration and obesity in European adults. The SPOTLIGHT project. (2017) Timmermans, Myrthe; Mackenbach, Joreintje D; Charreire, Helene; Bárdos, Helga; Compernolle, Sofie; De Bourdeaudhuij, Ilse; Oppert, Jean-Michel; Rutter, Harry; McKee, Martin; Lakerveld, Jeroen
  • The changing role of the chief medical officer for England. (2017) McKee, Martin
  • The IMF and government health expenditure: A response to Sanjeev Gupta. (2017) Stubbs, Thomas; Kentikelenis, Alexander; Stuckler, David; McKee, Martin; King, Lawrence
  • Reported reasons for breakdown of marriage and cohabitation in Britain: Findings from the third National Survey of Sexual Attitudes and Lifestyles (Natsal-3). (2017) Gravningen, Kirsten; Mitchell, Kirstin R; Wellings, Kaye; Johnson, Anne M; Geary, Rebecca; Jones, Kyle G; Clifton, Soazig; Erens, Bob; Lu, Michelle; Chayachinda, Chenchit; Field, Nigel; Sonnenberg, Pam; Mercer, Catherine H
  • The effects of dual-therapy intensification with insulin or dipeptidylpeptidase-4 inhibitor on cardiovascular events and all-cause mortality in patients with type 2 diabetes: A retrospective cohort study. (2017) Jil, Mamza; Rajnikant, Mehta; Richard, Donnelly; Iskandar, Idris
  • Air Pollution in the Making. (2017) Garnett, Emma
  • The Word Heart Federation Roadmap for Nonvalvular Atrial Fibrillation. (2017) Murphy, A; Banerjee, A; Breithardt, G; Camm, AJ; Commerford, P; Freedman, B; Gonzalez-Hermosillo, JA; Halperin, JL; Lau, CP; Perel, P; Xavier, D; Wood, D; Jouven, X; Morillo, CA
  • Early, Goal-Directed Therapy for Septic Shock - A Patient-Level Meta-Analysis. (2017) PRISM Investigators; Rowan, Kathryn M; Angus, Derek C; Bailey, Michael; Barnato, Amber E; Bellomo, Rinaldo; Canter, Ruth R; Coats, Timothy J; Delaney, Anthony; Gimbel, Elizabeth; Grieve, Richard D; Harrison, David A; Higgins, Alisa M; Howe, Belinda; Huang, David T; Kellum, John A; Mouncey, Paul R; Music, Edvin; Peake, Sandra L; Pike, Francis; Reade, Michael C; Sadique, M Zia; Singer, Mervyn; Yealy, Donald M
  • Risk in the "Red Zone": Outcomes for Children Admitted to Ebola Holding Units in Sierra Leone Without Ebola Virus Disease. (2017) Fitzgerald, F; Wing, K; Naveed, A; Gbessay, M; Ross, JCG; Checchi, F; Youkee, D; Jalloh, MB; Baion, D; Mustapha, A; Jah, H; Lako, S; Oza, S; Boufkhed, S; Feury, R; Bielicki, J; Williamson, E; Gibb, DM; Klein, N; Sahr, F; Yeung, S
  • Concepts and procedures for mapping food and health research infrastructure: New insights from the EuroDISH project. (2017) Brown, KA; Timotijević, L; Geurts, M; Arentoft, JL; Dhonukshe-Rutten, RAM; Fezeu, L; Finglas, P; Laville, M; Perozzi, G; Ocké, M; Poppe, K; Slimani, N; Snoek, HM; Tetens, I; Van't Veer, P; Vors, C; Zimmermann, KL
  • Posthuman perspectives: relevance for a global public health. (2017) Cohn, S; Lynch, R
  • A scaling approach to record linkage. (2017) Goldstein, H; Harron, K; Cortina-Borja, M
  • Important differences in the durability of glycaemic response among second-line treatment options when added to metformin in type 2 diabetes: a retrospective cohort study. (2017) Mamza, Jil; Mehta, Rajnikant; Donnelly, Richard; Idris, Iskandar
  • Data Resource Profile: Hospital Episode Statistics Admitted Patient Care (HES APC). (2017) Herbert, Annie; Wijlaars, Linda; Zylbersztejn, Ania; Cromwell, David; Hardelid, Pia
  • The Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals programme: a quasi-experiment in giving hope to migrants. (2017) McKee, Martin; Stuckler, David
  • Integrated care: learning between high-income, and low- and middle-income country health systems. (2017) Mounier-Jack, Sandra; Mayhew, Susannah H; Mays, Nicholas
  • Enacting toxicity: epidemiology and the study of air pollution for public health. (2017) Garnett, Emma
  • A Mixed-Methods Evaluation of a Community-Based Glaucoma Check Service in Hackney, London, UK. (2017) Holdsworth, E; Datta, J; Marks, D; Kuper, H; Lee, H; Leamon, S; Lindfield, R; Wormald, R; Clarke, J; Elkarmouty, A; Macdowall, W
  • Addressing the crisis of GP recruitment and retention: a systematic review. (2017) Marchand, Catherine; Peckham, Stephen
  • Detection in blood of autoantibodies to tumour antigens as a case-finding method in lung cancer using the EarlyCDT®-Lung Test (ECLS): study protocol for a randomized controlled trial. (2017) Sullivan, FM; Farmer, Eoghan; Mair, Frances S; Treweek, Shaun; Kendrick, Denise; Jackson, Cathy; Robertson, Chris; Briggs, Andrew; McCowan, Colin; Bedford, Laura; Young, Ben; Vedhara, Kavita; Gallant, Stephanie; Littleford, Roberta; Robertson, John; Sewell, Herb; Dorward, Alistair; Sarvesvaran, Joseph; Schembri, Stuart
  • Integrated opioid substitution therapy and HIV care: a qualitative systematic review and synthesis of client and provider experiences. (2017) Guise, A; Seguin, M; Mburu, G; McLean, S; Grenfell, P; Islam, Z; Filippovych, S; Assan, H; Low, A; Vickerman, P; Rhodes, T
  • Effectiveness of ways to improve detection and rescue of deteriorating patients. (2017) Hogan, Helen; Carver, Catherine; Zipfel, Rebecca; Hutchings, Andrew; Welch, John; Harrison, David; Black, Nick
  • Authors' reply to Sousa-Pinto. (2017) McKee, Martin; Barlow, Pepita; Stuckler, David
  • The health impact of trade and investment agreements: a quantitative systematic review and network co-citation analysis. (2017) Barlow, Pepita; McKee, Martin; Basu, Sanjay; Stuckler, David
  • Supporting insulin initiation in type 2 diabetes in primary care: results of the Stepping Up pragmatic cluster randomised controlled clinical trial. (2017) Furler, John; O'Neal, David; Speight, Jane; Manski-Nankervis, Jo-Anne; Gorelik, Alexandra; Holmes-Truscott, Elizabeth; Ginnivan, Louise; Young, Doris; Best, James; dean; Patterson, Elizabeth; Liew, Danny; Segal, Leonie; May, Carl; Blackberry, Irene
  • Beyond the person: the construction and transformation of blood as a resource. (2017) Lynch, Rebecca; Cohn, Simon
  • Living on the edge: precariousness and why it matters for health. (2017) McKee, Martin; Reeves, Aaron; Clair, Amy; Stuckler, David
  • Can Memory Assessment Services (MAS) in England be categorized? A national survey. (2017) Chrysanthaki, T; Fernandes, B; Smith, S; Black, N
  • Impact of hepatobiliary service centralization on treatment and outcomes in patients with colorectal cancer and liver metastases. (2017) Vallance, AE; vanderMeulen, J; Kuryba, A; Botterill, ID; Hill, J; Jayne, DG; Walker, K
  • How do health behaviour interventions take account of social context? A literature trend and co-citation analysis. (2017) Holman, Daniel; Lynch, Rebecca; Reeves, Aaron
  • Authors' reply re: Painful sex (dyspareunia) in women: prevalence and associated factors in a British population probability survey. (2017) Mitchell, Kirstin R; Geary, Rebecca; Graham, Cynthia A; Datta, Jessica; Wellings, Kaye; Sonnenberg, Pam; Field, Nigel; Nunns, David; Bancroft, John; Jones, Kyle G; Johnson, Anne M; Mercer, Catherine H
  • Balancing Upstream and Downstream Measures to Tackle the Obesity Epidemic: A Position Statement from the European Association for the Study of Obesity. (2017) Rutter, Harry; Bes-Rastrollo, Maira; de Henauw, Stefaan; Lahti-Koski, Marjaana; Lehtinen-Jacks, Susanna; Mullerova, Dana; Rasmussen, Finn; Rissanen, Aila; Visscher, Tommy LS; Lissner, Lauren
  • Change in Health-related Quality of Life After Referral to Memory Assessment Services. (2017) Park, MH; Smith, SC; Chrysanthaki, T; Neuburger, J; Ritchie, CW; Hendriks, AA; Black, N
  • Sociodemographic Characteristics, Cognitive Function, and Health-related Quality of Life of Patients Referred to Memory Assessment Services in England. (2017) Park, Min Hae; Smith, Sarah C; Neuburger, Jenny; Chrysanthaki, Theopisti; Hendriks, AA Jolijn; Black, Nick
  • Psychometric validation of the Coronary Revascularisation Outcome Questionnaire (CROQv2) in the context of the NHS Coronary Revascularisation PROMs Pilot. (2017) Schroter, Sara; Miles, Rebecca; Green, Stephen; Jackson, Mark
  • Does targeting children with hygiene promotion messages work? The effect of handwashing promotion targeted at children, on diarrhoea, soil-transmitted helminth infections and behaviour change, in low- and middle-income countries. (2017) Watson, JA; Ensink, JH; Ramos, M; Benelli, P; Holdsworth, E; Dreibelbis, R; Cumming, O
  • Trends in diagnosis and treatment for people with dementia in the UK from 2005 to 2015: a longitudinal retrospective cohort study. (2017) Donegan, Katherine; Fox, Nick; Black, Nick; Livingston, Gill; Banerjee, Sube; Burns, Alistair
  • The costs of providing antiretroviral therapy services to HIV-infected individuals presenting with advanced HIV disease at public health centres in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania: Findings from a randomised trial evaluating different health care strategies. (2017) Kimaro, Godfather Dickson; Mfinanga, Sayoki; Simms, Victoria; Kivuyo, Sokoine; Bottomley, Christian; Hawkins, Neil; Harrison, Thomas S; Jaffar, Shabbar; Guinness, Lorna; REMSTART trial team
  • Mother-to-mother therapy in India and Pakistan: adaptation and feasibility evaluation of the peer-delivered Thinking Healthy Programme. (2017) Atif, Najia; Krishna, Revathi N; Sikander, Siham; Lazarus, Anisha; Nisar, Anum; Ahmad, Ikhlaq; Raman, Roopa; Fuhr, Daniela C; Patel, Vikram; Rahman, Atif
  • Intervention planning for a digital intervention for self-management of hypertension: a theory-, evidence- and person-based approach. (2017) Band, Rebecca; Bradbury, Katherine; Morton, Katherine; May, Carl; Michie, Susan; Mair, Frances S; Murray, Elizabeth; McManus, Richard J; Little, Paul; Yardley, Lucy
  • Longer-term oral antiplatelet use in stable post-myocardial infarction patients: Insights from the long Term rIsk, clinical manaGement and healthcare Resource utilization of stable coronary artery dISease (TIGRIS) observational study. (2017) Goodman, Shaun G; Nicolau, Jose C; Requena, Gema; Maguire, Andrew; Blankenberg, Stefan; Chen, Ji Yan; Granger, Christopher B; Grieve, Richard; Pocock, Stuart J; Simon, Tabassome; Yasuda, Satoshi; Vega, Ana Maria; Brieger, David; TIGRIS Study Investigators
  • Erratum to: Scaling up strategies of the chronic respiratory disease programme of the European Innovation Partnership on Active and Healthy Ageing (Action Plan B3: Area 5). (2017) Bousquet, J; Farrell, J; Crooks, G; Hellings, P; Bel, EH; Bewick, M; Chavannes, NH; de Sousa, J Correia; Cruz, AA; Haahtela, T; Joos, G; Khaltaev, N; Malva, J; Muraro, A; Nogues, M; Palkonen, S; Pedersen, S; Robalo-Cordeiro, C; Samolinski, B; Strandberg, T; Valiulis, A; Yorgancioglu, A; Zuberbier, T; Bedbrook, A; Aberer, W; Adachi, M; Agusti, A; Akdis, CA; Akdis, M; Ankri, J; Alonso, A; Annesi-Maesano, I; Ansotegui, IJ; Anto, JM; Arnavielhe, S; Arshad, H; Bai, C; Baiardini, I; Bachert, C; Baigenzhin, AK; Barbara, C; Bateman, ED; Beghé, B; Kheder, A Ben; Bennoor, KS; Benson, M; Bergmann, KC; Bieber, T; Bindslev-Jensen, C; Bjermer, L; Blain, H; Blasi, F; Boner, AL; Bonini, M; Bonini, S; Bosnic-Anticevitch, S; Boulet, LP; Bourret, R; Bousquet, PJ; Braido, F; Briggs, AH; Brightling, CE; Brozek, J; Buhl, R; Burney, PG; Bush, A; Caballero-Fonseca, F; Caimmi, D; Calderon, MA; Calverley, PM; Camargos, PAM; Canonica, GW; Camuzat, T; Carlsen, KH; Carr, W; Carriazo, A; Casale, T; Cepeda Sarabia, AM; Chatzi, L; Chen, YZ; Chiron, R; Chkhartishvili, E; Chuchalin, AG; Chung, KF; Ciprandi, G; Cirule, I; Cox, L; Costa, DJ; Custovic, A; Dahl, R; Dahlen, SE; Darsow, U; De Carlo, G; De Blay, F; Dedeu, T; Deleanu, D; De Manuel Keenoy, E; Demoly, P; Denburg, JA; Devillier, P; Didier, A; Dinh-Xuan, AT; Djukanovic, R; Dokic, D; Douagui, H; Dray, G; Dubakiene, R; Durham, SR; Dykewicz, MS; El-Gamal, Y; Emuzyte, R; Fabbri, LM; Fletcher, M; Fiocchi, A; Fink Wagner, A; Fonseca, J; Fokkens, WJ; Forastiere, F; Frith, P; Gaga, M; Gamkrelidze, A; Garces, J; Garcia-Aymerich, J; Gemicioğlu, B; Gereda, JE; González Diaz, S; Gotua, M; Grisle, I; Grouse, L; Gutter, Z; Guzmán, MA; Heaney, LG; Hellquist-Dahl, B; Henderson, D; Hendry, A; Heinrich, J; Heve, D; Horak, F; Hourihane, J O' B; Howarth, P; Humbert, M; Hyland, ME; Illario, M; Ivancevich, JC; Jardim, JR; Jares, EJ; Jeandel, C; Jenkins, C; Johnston, SL; Jonquet, O; Julge, K; Jung, KS; Just, J; Kaidashev, I; Khaitov, MR; Kalayci, O; Kalyoncu, AF; Keil, T; Keith, PK; Klimek, L; Koffi N'Goran, B; Kolek, V; Koppelman, GH; Kowalski, ML; Kull, I; Kuna, P; Kvedariene, V; Lambrecht, B; Lau, S; Larenas-Linnemann, D; Laune, D; Le, LTT; Lieberman, P; Lipworth, B; Li, J; Lodrup Carlsen, K; Louis, R; MacNee, W; Magard, Y; Magnan, A; Mahboub, B; Mair, A; Majer, I; Makela, MJ; Manning, P; Mara, S; Marshall, GD; Masjedi, MR; Matignon, P; Maurer, M; Mavale-Manuel, S; Melén, E; Melo-Gomes, E; Meltzer, EO; Menzies-Gow, A; Merk, H; Michel, JP; Miculinic, N; Mihaltan, F; Milenkovic, B; Mohammad, GMY; Molimard, M; Momas, I; Montilla-Santana, A; Morais-Almeida, M; Morgan, M; Mösges, R; Mullol, J; Nafti, S; Namazova-Baranova, L; Naclerio, R; Neou, A; Neffen, H; Nekam, K; Niggemann, B; Ninot, G; Nyembue, TD; O'Hehir, RE; Ohta, K; Okamoto, Y; Okubo, K; Ouedraogo, S; Paggiaro, P; Pali-Schöll, I; Panzner, P; Papadopoulos, N; Papi, A; Park, HS; Passalacqua, G; Pavord, I; Pawankar, R; Pengelly, R; Pfaar, O; Picard, R; Pigearias, B; Pin, I; Plavec, D; Poethig, D; Pohl, W; Popov, TA; Portejoie, F; Potter, P; Postma, D; Price, D; Rabe, KF; Raciborski, F; Radier Pontal, F; Repka-Ramirez, S; Reitamo, S; Rennard, S; Rodenas, F; Roberts, J; Roca, J; Rodriguez Mañas, L; Rolland, C; Roman Rodriguez, M; Romano, A; Rosado-Pinto, J; Rosario, N; Rosenwasser, L; Rottem, M; Ryan, D; Sanchez-Borges, M; Scadding, GK; Schunemann, HJ; Serrano, E; Schmid-Grendelmeier, P; Schulz, H; Sheikh, A; Shields, M; Siafakas, N; Sibille, Y; Similowski, T; Simons, FER; Sisul, JC; Skrindo, I; Smit, HA; Solé, D; Sooronbaev, T; Spranger, O; Stelmach, R; Sterk, PJ; Sunyer, J; Thijs, C; To, T; Todo-Bom, A; Triggiani, M; Valenta, R; Valero, AL; Valia, E; Valovirta, E; Van Ganse, E; van Hage, M; Vandenplas, O; Vasankari, T; Vellas, B; Vestbo, J; Vezzani, G; Vichyanond, P; Viegi, G; Vogelmeier, C; Vontetsianos, T; Wagenmann, M; Wallaert, B; Walker, S; Wang, DY; Wahn, U; Wickman, M; Williams, DM; Williams, S; Wright, J; Yawn, BP; Yiallouros, PK; Yusuf, OM; Zaidi, A; Zar, HJ; Zernotti, ME; Zhang, L; Zhong, N; Zidarn, M; Mercier, J
  • The Politics of Evidence Use in Health Policy Making in Germany-the Case of Regulating Hospital Minimum Volumes. (2017) Ettelt, S
  • Commissioning for health improvement following the 2012 health and social care reforms in England: what has changed? (2017) Gadsby, EW; Peckham, S; Coleman, A; Bramwell, D; Perkins, N; Jenkins, LM
  • An evaluation of a public-private partnership to reduce artificial trans fatty acids in England, 2011-16. (2017) Knai, C; James, L; Petticrew, M; Eastmure, E; Durand, MA; Mays, N
  • Spatial agency and practising architecture beyond buildings. (2017) Lorne, Colin
  • What caused the spike in mortality in England and Wales in January 2015? (2017) Hiam, Lucinda; Dorling, Danny; Harrison, Dominic; McKee, Martin
  • Why has mortality in England and Wales been increasing? An iterative demographic analysis. (2017) Hiam, Lucinda; Dorling, Danny; Harrison, Dominic; McKee, Martin
  • Handling Protest Responses in Contingent Valuation Surveys. (2017) Pennington, Mark; Gomes, Manuel; Donaldson, Cam
  • Autonomous geographies of recreational running in Sofia, Bulgaria. (2017) Barnfield, A
  • Implementing guidelines and training initiatives to improve cross-cultural communication in primary care consultations: a qualitative participatory European study. (2017) Teunissen, E; Gravenhorst, K; Dowrick, C; Van Weel-Baumgarten, E; Van den Driessen Mareeuw, F; de Brún, T; Burns, N; Lionis, C; Mair, FS; O'Donnell, C; O'Reilly-de Brún, M; Papadakaki, M; Saridaki, A; Spiegel, W; Van Weel, C; Van den Muijsenbergh, M; MacFarlane, A
  • Commissioning through competition and cooperation in the English NHS under the Health and Social Care Act 2012: evidence from a qualitative study of four clinical commissioning groups. (2017) Allen, Pauline; Osipovič, Dorota; Shepherd, Elizabeth; Coleman, Anna; Perkins, Neil; Garnett, Emma; Williams, Lorraine
  • A randomized controlled study of socioeconomic support to enhance tuberculosis prevention and treatment, Peru. (2017) Wingfield, Tom; Tovar, Marco A; Huff, Doug; Boccia, Delia; Montoya, Rosario; Ramos, Eric; Datta, Sumona; Saunders, Matthew J; Lewis, James J; Gilman, Robert H; Evans, Carlton A
  • Barriers to living donor kidney transplantation in the United Kingdom: a national observational study. (2017) Wu, Diana A; Robb, Matthew L; Watson, Christopher JE; Forsythe, John LR; Tomson, Charles RV; Cairns, John; Roderick, Paul; Johnson, Rachel J; Ravanan, Rommel; Fogarty, Damian; Bradley, Clare; Gibbons, Andrea; Metcalfe, Wendy; Draper, Heather; Bradley, Andrew J; Oniscu, Gabriel C
  • Association between age and access to immediate breast reconstruction in women undergoing mastectomy for breast cancer. (2017) Jeevan, R; Browne, JP; Gulliver-Clarke, C; Pereira, J; Caddy, CM; van der Meulen, JH; Cromwell, DA
  • Identification of factors that support successful implementation of care bundles in the acute medical setting: a qualitative study. (2017) Green, Stuart A; Bell, Derek; Mays, Nicholas
  • Utilising identifier error variation in linkage of large administrative data sources. (2017) Harron, Katie; Hagger-Johnson, Gareth; Gilbert, Ruth; Goldstein, Harvey
  • Is the effectiveness of memory assessment services associated with their structural and process characteristics? (2017) Park, MH; Black, N; Ritchie, CW; Hendriks, AA; Smith, SC
  • Advocacy for action and meaningful change in public health in 2017. (2017) van Schalkwyk, May CI
  • Measuring harm and informing quality improvement in the Welsh NHS: the longitudinal Welsh national adverse events study. (2017) Mayor, Sharon; Baines, Elizabeth; Vincent, Charles; Lankshear, Annette; Edwards, Adrian; Aylward, Mansel; Hogan, Helen; Harper, Paul; Davies, Jan; Mamtora, Ameet; Brockbank, Emily; Gray, Jonathon
  • Public pensions and unmet medical need among older people: cross-national analysis of 16 European countries, 2004-2010. (2017) Reeves, Aaron; McKee, Martin; Mackenbach, Johan; Whitehead, Margaret; Stuckler, David
  • Evidence Points To 'Gaming' At Hospitals Subject To National Health Service Cleanliness Inspections. (2017) Toffolutti, Veronica; McKee, Martin; Stuckler, David
  • Development and validation of the Patient Experience with Treatment and Self-management (PETS): a patient-reported measure of treatment burden. (2017) Eton, David T; Yost, Kathleen J; Lai, Jin-Shei; Ridgeway, Jennifer L; Egginton, Jason S; Rosedahl, Jordan K; Linzer, Mark; Boehm, Deborah H; Thakur, Azra; Poplau, Sara; Odell, Laura; Montori, Victor M; May, Carl R; Anderson, Roger T
  • Built environmental correlates of cycling for transport across Europe. (2017) Mertens, Lieze; Compernolle, Sofie; Deforche, Benedicte; Mackenbach, Joreintje D; Lakerveld, Jeroen; Brug, Johannes; Roda, Célina; Feuillet, Thierry; Oppert, Jean-Michel; Glonti, Ketevan; Rutter, Harry; Bardos, Helga; De Bourdeaudhuij, Ilse; Van Dyck, Delfien
  • A trade deal between the United Kingdom and United States. (2017) McKee, Martin; Barlow, Pepita; Stuckler, David
  • Job strain as a risk factor for clinical depression: systematic review and meta-analysis with additional individual participant data. (2017) Madsen, IEH; Nyberg, ST; Magnusson Hanson, LL; Ferrie, JE; Ahola, K; Alfredsson, L; Batty, GD; Bjorner, JB; Borritz, M; Burr, H; Chastang, J-F; de Graaf, R; Dragano, N; Hamer, M; Jokela, M; Knutsson, A; Koskenvuo, M; Koskinen, A; Leineweber, C; Niedhammer, I; Nielsen, ML; Nordin, M; Oksanen, T; Pejtersen, JH; Pentti, J; Plaisier, I; Salo, P; Singh-Manoux, A; Suominen, S; Ten Have, M; Theorell, T; Toppinen-Tanner, S; Vahtera, J; Väänänen, A; Westerholm, PJM; Westerlund, H; Fransson, EI; Heikkilä, K; Virtanen, M; Rugulies, R; Kivimäki, M; IPD-Work Consortium
  • Painful sex (dyspareunia) in women: prevalence and associated factors in a British population probability survey. (2017) Mitchell, KR; Geary, R; Graham, CA; Datta, J; Wellings, K; Sonnenberg, P; Field, N; Nunns, D; Bancroft, J; Jones, KG; Johnson, AM; Mercer, CH
  • National sex work policy and HIV prevalence among sex workers: an ecological regression analysis of 27 European countries. (2017) Reeves, Aaron; Steele, Sarah; Stuckler, David; McKee, Martin; Amato-Gauci, Andrew; Semenza, Jan C
  • Effectiveness of an implementation optimisation intervention aimed at increasing parent engagement in HENRY, a childhood obesity prevention programme - the Optimising Family Engagement in HENRY (OFTEN) trial: study protocol for a randomised controlled trial. (2017) Bryant, Maria; Burton, Wendy; Cundill, Bonnie; Farrin, Amanda J; Nixon, Jane; Stevens, June; Roberts, Kim; Foy, Robbie; Rutter, Harry; Hartley, Suzanne; Tubeuf, Sandy; Collinson, Michelle; Brown, Julia
  • Randomization-based Instrumental Variables methods for Binary outcomes with an Application to the ‘IMPROVE’ trial. (2017) Keele, Luke; Small, Dylan; Grieve, Richard
  • Barriers to accessing adequate maternal care in Central and Eastern European countries: A systematic literature review. (2017) Miteniece, Elina; Pavlova, Milena; Rechel, Bernd; Groot, Wim
  • Barriers to accessing adequate maternal care in Latvia: A mixed-method study among women, providers and decision-makers. (2017) Miteniece, Elina; Pavlova, Milena; Rechel, Bernd; Rezeberga, Dace; Murauskienė, Liubovė; Groot, Wim
  • Mixed methods evaluation of the Getting it Right First Time programme - improvements to NHS orthopaedic care in England: study protocol. (2017) Barratt, Helen; Turner, Simon; Hutchings, Andrew; Pizzo, Elena; Hudson, Emma; Briggs, Tim; Hurd, Rob; Day, Jamie; Yates, Rachel; Gikas, Panagiotis; Morris, Stephen; Fulop, Naomi J; Raine, Rosalind
  • Health-related quality-of-life implications of cardiovascular events in individuals with type 2 diabetes mellitus: A subanalysis from the Saxagliptin Assessment of Vascular Outcomes Recorded in Patients with Diabetes Mellitus (SAVOR)-TIMI 53 trial. (2017) Briggs, Andrew H; Bhatt, Deepak L; Scirica, Benjamin M; Raz, Itamar; Johnston, Karissa M; Szabo, Shelagh M; Bergenheim, Klas; Mukherjee, Jayanti; Hirshberg, Boaz; Mosenzon, Ofri
  • The technical report on sodium intake and cardiovascular disease in low- and middle-income countries by the joint working group of the World Heart Federation, the European Society of Hypertension and the European Public Health Association. (2017) Mancia, Giuseppe; Oparil, Suzanne; Whelton, Paul K; McKee, Martin; Dominiczak, Anna; Luft, Friedrich C; AlHabib, Khalid; Lanas, Fernando; Damasceno, Albertino; Prabhakaran, Dorairaj; La Torre, Giuseppe; Weber, Michael; O'Donnell, Martin; Smith, Sidney C; Narula, Jagat
  • Utilization of health care services by migrants in Europe-a systematic literature review. (2017) Graetz, V; Rechel, B; Groot, W; Norredam, M; Pavlova, M
  • Population Muscle Strength Predicts Olympic Medal Tallies: Evidence from 20 Countries in the PURE Prospective Cohort Study. (2017) Leong, Darryl P; McKee, Martin; Yusuf, Salim; PURE Investigators
  • Interpreting Theresa May’s vision of a shared society. (2017) McKee, Martin
  • What will Donald Trump's presidency mean for health? A scorecard. (2017) McKee, Martin; Greer, Scott L; Stuckler, David
  • Characteristics and use of urban health indicator tools by municipal built environment policy and decision-makers: a systematic review protocol. (2017) Pineo, Helen; Glonti, Ketevan; Rutter, Harry; Zimmermann, Nicole; Wilkinson, Paul; Davies, Michael
  • Quantifying severe urinary complications after radical prostatectomy: the development and validation of a surgical performance indicator using hospital administrative data. (2017) Sujenthiran, A; Charman, SC; Parry, M; Nossiter, J; Aggarwal, A; Dasgupta, P; Payne, H; Clarke, NW; Cathcart, P; van der Meulen, J
  • Global health governance in the sustainable development goals: Is it grounded in the right to health? (2017) Van de Pas, Remco; Hill, Peter S; Hammonds, Rachel; Ooms, Gorik; Forman, Lisa; Waris, Attiya; Brolan, Claire E; McKee, Martin; Sridhar, Devi
  • Understanding how primary care practitioners perceive an online intervention for the management of hypertension. (2017) Bradbury, Katherine; Morton, Katherine; Band, Rebecca; May, Carl; McManus, Richard; Little, Paul; Yardley, Lucy
  • Community Alcohol Partnerships with the alcohol industry: what is their purpose and are they effective in reducing alcohol harms? (2017) Petticrew, M; Douglas, N; D'Souza, P; Shi, YM; Durand, MA; Knai, C; Eastmure, E; Mays, N
  • 2017: a challenging year for public health in Europe. (2017) McKee, Martin
  • A new era for the Journal. (2017) Cumming, Jacqueline; Nolte, Ellen
  • Comprehensive geriatric assessment for older adults admitted to hospital. (2017) Ellis, Graham; Gardner, Mike; Tsiachristas, Apostolos; Langhorne, Peter; Burke, Orlaith; Harwood, Rowan H; Conroy, Simon P; Kircher, Tilo; Somme, Dominique; Saltvedt, Ingvild; Wald, Heidi; O'Neill, Desmond; Robinson, David; Shepperd, Sasha
  • Does community-based point of care HIV testing reduce late HIV diagnosis? A retrospective study in England and Wales. (2017) Freeman-Romilly, Nell; Sheppard, Paula; Desai, Sarika; Cooper, Nick; Brady, Michael
  • Early discharge hospital at home. (2017) Gonçalves-Bradley, Daniela C; Iliffe, Steve; Doll, Helen A; Broad, Joanna; Gladman, John; Langhorne, Peter; Richards, Suzanne H; Shepperd, Sasha
  • How do aggregated patient-reported outcome measures data stimulate health care improvement? A realist synthesis. (2017) Greenhalgh, Joanne; Dalkin, Sonia; Gibbons, Elizabeth; Wright, Judy; Valderas, Jose Maria; Meads, David; Black, Nick
  • Prediction models for exacerbations in different COPD patient populations: comparing results of five large data sources. (2017) Hoogendoorn, Martine; Feenstra, Talitha L; Boland, Melinde; Briggs, Andrew H; Borg, Sixten; Jansson, Sven-Arne; Risebrough, Nancy A; Slejko, Julia F; Rutten-van Mölken, Maureen Pmh
  • Urban landscapes and the atmosphere of place: exploring subjective experience in the study of urban form. (2017) Jones, Phil; Isakjee, Arshad; Jam, Chris; Lorne, Colin; Warren, Saskia
  • What makes extra care housing an appropriate setting for people with dementia? An exploration of staff decision-making. (2017) Verbeek, Hilde; Tucker And, Sue; Wilberforce, Mark; Brand, Christian; Abendstern, Michele; Challis, David
  • Evaluation of existing and desired antimicrobial stewardship activities and strategies in Swiss hospitals. (2017) Osthoff, M; Bielicki, Julia; Widmer, Andreas F-X; For Swissnoso
  • Factors Contributing to the Weekend Effect. (2017) Black, Nick
  • The health and economic impact of scaling cervical cancer prevention in 50 low- and lower-middle-income countries. (2017) Campos, Nicole G; Sharma, Monisha; Clark, Andrew; Lee, Kyueun; Geng, Fangli; Regan, Catherine; Kim, Jane; Resch, Stephen
  • Effort-Reward Imbalance at Work and Incident Coronary Heart Disease: A Multicohort Study of 90,164 Individuals. (2017) Dragano, Nico; Siegrist, Johannes; Nyberg, Solja T; Lunau, Thorsten; Fransson, Eleonor I; Alfredsson, Lars; Bjorner, Jakob B; Borritz, Marianne; Burr, Hermann; Erbel, Raimund; Fahlén, Göran; Goldberg, Marcel; Hamer, Mark; Heikkilä, Katriina; Jöckel, Karl-Heinz; Knutsson, Anders; Madsen, Ida EH; Nielsen, Martin L; Nordin, Maria; Oksanen, Tuula; Pejtersen, Jan H; Pentti, Jaana; Rugulies, Reiner; Salo, Paula; Schupp, Jürgen; Singh-Manoux, Archana; Steptoe, Andrew; Theorell, Töres; Vahtera, Jussi; Westerholm, Peter JM; Westerlund, Hugo; Virtanen, Marianna; Zins, Marie; Batty, G David; Kivimäki, Mika; IPD-Work consortium
  • Freedom in Dementia Care? On Becoming Better Bound to the Nursing Home. (2017) Driessen, Annelieke; Van der Klift, Ilse; Krause, Kristine picture_as_pdf
  • Ethnic differences in smoking behaviour: The situation of Roma in Central and South-East Europe. (2017) Duval, L; Wolf, F; McKee, M; Roberts, B
  • Functionality and feedback: a realist synthesis of the collation, interpretation and utilisation of patient-reported outcome measures data to improve patient care. (2017) Greenhalgh, Joanne; Dalkin, Sonia; Gooding, Kate; Gibbons, Elizabeth; Wright, Judy; Meads, David; Black, Nick; Valderas, Jose Maria; Pawson, Ray
  • Integrating HIV and substance use services: a systematic review. (2017) Haldane, Victoria; Cervero-Liceras, Francisco; Chuah, Fiona Lh; Ong, Suan Ee; Murphy, Georgina; Sigfrid, Louise; Watt, Nicola; Balabanova, Dina; Hogarth, Sue; Maimaris, Will; Buse, Kent; Piot, Peter; McKee, Martin; Perel, Pablo; Legido-Quigley, Helena
  • Challenges in administrative data linkage for research. (2017) Harron, K; Dibben, C; Boyd, J; Hjern, A; Azimaee, M; Barreto, ML; Goldstein, H
  • Challenges in administrative data linkage for research. (2017) Harron, Katie; Dibben, Chris; Boyd, James; Hjern, Anders; Azimaee, Mahmoud; Barreto, Mauricio L; Goldstein, Harvey
  • Response to Jones and Milne. (2017) Hiam, Lucinda; Dorling, Danny; Harrison, Dominic; McKee, Martin
  • Rejoinder. (2017) Mason, AJ; Gomes, M; Grieve, R; Carpenter, J
  • Health professionals must uphold truth and human rights. (2017) McKee, Martin
  • Kooperation und Integration im Ländervergleich. (2017) Nolte, E
  • Defining ‘evidence’ in public health: a survey of policymakers’ uses and preferences. (2017) Oliver, KA; de Vocht, F
  • Three lessons from evidence-based medicine and policy: increase transparency, balance inputs and understand power. (2017) Oliver, Kathryn; Pearce, Warren
  • Brexit: Severe Risks to Britain's National Health Service. (2017) Park, John J; McKee, Martin; Atun, Rifat
  • Community hospitals and their services in the NHS: identifying transferable learning from international developments – scoping review, systematic review, country reports and case studies. (2017) Pitchforth, Emma; Nolte, Ellen; Corbett, Jennie; Miani, Céline; Winpenny, Eleanor; van Teijlingen, Edwin; Elmore, Natasha; King, Sarah; Ball, Sarah; Miler, Joanna; Ling, Tom
  • Point-of-contact interactive record linkage (PIRL) between demographic surveillance and health facility data in rural Tanzania. (2017) Rentsch, Christopher T; Reniers, Georges; Kabudula, Chodziwadziwa; Machemba, Richard; Mtenga, Baltazar; Harron, Katie; Mee, Paul; Michael, Denna; Natalis, Redempta; Urassa, Mark; Todd, Jim; Zaba, Basia
  • Mechanisms, Pathophysiology, and Management of Obesity. (2017) Stigler, Florian L; Lustig, Robert H; Ma, Janet I
  • Exercise Type in Dieting Obese Older Adults. (2017) Stigler, Florian L; Lustig, Robert H; Moser, Adrian M
  • Austerity and health: the impact in the UK and Europe. (2017) Stuckler, David; Reeves, Aaron; Loopstra, Rachel; Karanikolos, Marina; McKee, Martin
  • Comparing Generic Drug Markets in Europe and the United States: Prices, Volumes, and Spending. (2017) Wouters, Olivier J; Kanavos, Panos G; McKEE, Martin
  • Book Section
  • Russia and Former USSR, Health Systems of A2 - Quah, Stella R. (2017) Balabanova, D; Richardson, E; Coker, R picture_as_pdf
  • Jason Corburn. (2017) Barnfield, A
  • Disease Management. (2017) Nolte, E
  • Evidence Supporting Integrated Care. (2017) Nolte, E
  • Financing and Reimbursement. (2017) Nolte, E
  • Disease Prevention: An Overview. (2017) Outwater, AH; Leshabari, SC; Nolte, E
  • Monograph
  • Incidence and surveillance of Lyme disease: Systematic review and policy mapping. (2017) Lorenc, Theo; Jones-Diette, Julie; Blanchard, Laurence; Sutcliffe, Katy; Stansfield, Claire; Harden, Melissa; Sowden, Amanda; Thomas, James
  • Investing in the social services workforce. Brighton: European Social Network. (2017) Baltruks, Dorothea; Hussein, Shereen; Lara Montero, Alfonso picture_as_pdf
  • Evaluation of Direct Payments in Residential Care. Final Report. (2017) Ettelt, S; Wittenberg, R; Williams, L; Damant, J; Lombard, D; Perkins, M; Mays, N
  • Researching health and social care devolution: Learning for Greater Manchester. Interim findings - Winter 2016. (2017) Lorne, Colin; Coleman, Anna; McDonald, Ruth; Walshe, Kieran; Lau, Yiu-Shing; Turner, Alexander; Sutton, Matt
  • Conference or Workshop Item
  • Exposing complexity as a smokescreen: a qualitative analysis. (2017) Savona, N; Thompson, C; Rutter, H; Cummins, S
  • Proportional responsibility versus individual responsibility for healthy eating: a complex systems analysis. (2017) Savona, N; Thompson, C; Smith, D; Cummins, S
  • Book
  • Handbook integrated care. (2017) Amelung, VE; Stein, V; Goodwin, N; Balicer, R; Nolte, E; Suter, E
  • Assessing the economic costs of unhealthy diets and low physical activity: An evidence review and proposed framework. (2017) Candari, C; Cylus, J; Nolte, E
  • Posthumanism and Public Health. (2017) Cohn, Simon; Lynch, Rebecca
  • Thesis
  • Deciding about statins: a qualitative study of the way people come to take longterm preventive medication. (2017) Polak, L
  • Theory and conceptualisation of public trust in the health care system: Three English case studies:, biobanks and 100,000 Genomes Project. (2017) Gille, F
  • Containment - An examination of Roma health mediation in Romania. (2017) Kühlbrandt, C
  • What strategies influence general practitioners to deliver public health programmes? An example using the National Chlamydia Screening Programme. (2017) Ma, R
  • Life Goes On: Psychosocial Suffering from war and healing pathways in northern Rwanda. (2017) Otake, Y
  • Understanding nutrition policymaking dynamics in the United States: The case of product reformulation. (2017) Scott, C
  • Cost-effective strategies in the follow-up of people with confirmed colorectal adenomas for the prevention and early detection of colorectal cancer in the National Health Insurance, South Korea. (2017) Jeong, K
  • Learning from implementation of Integrated Child Health Events: lessons from global practice and the experience of Zambia. (2017) Kamatsuchi, Mahoko
  • Other
  • Libraries as 'everyday' settings: the Glasgow MCISS project. (2017) Whitelaw, S; Coburn, J; Lacey, M; McKee, MJ; Hill, C