Items where Faculty or Department is "Dept of Health Services Research and Policy"
  • LSHTM Organisational Structure (57264)
  • Faculty of Public Health and Policy (18160)
  • Dept of Health Services Research and Policy (6479)
    Number of items: 409.
  • Strengthening health system governance using health facility service charters: a mixed methods assessment of community experiences and perceptions in a district in Kenya. (2015) Atela, Martin; Bakibinga, Pauline; Ettarh, Remare; Kyobutungi, Catherine; Cohn, Simon
  • What Burden of Prostate Cancer Can Radiologists Rule Out on Multiparametric Magnetic Resonance Imaging? A Sensitivity Analysis Based on Varying the Target Condition in Template Prostate Mapping Biopsies. (2015) Anastasiadis, Eleni; Charman, Susan C; Arumainayagam, Nimalan; Sohaib, Aslam S; Allen, Clare; Freeman, Alex; Emberton, Mark; Ahmed, Hashim U
  • CHILDSPLA: a collaboration between children and researchers to design and animate health states. (2015) Abrines Jaume, N; Abbiss, M; Wray, J; Ashworth, J; Brown, KL; Cairns, J
  • Can the Accountable Care Organization model facilitate integrated care in England? (2015) Ahmed, F; Mays, N; Ahmed, N; Bisognano, M; Gottlieb, G
  • Introduction of Syphilis Point-of-Care Tests, from Pilot Study to National Programme Implementation in Zambia: A Qualitative Study of Healthcare Workers' Perspectives on Testing, Training and Quality Assurance. (2015) Ansbro, Éimhín M; Gill, Michelle M; Reynolds, Joanna; Shelley, Katharine D; Strasser, Susan; Sripipatana, Tabitha; Tshaka Ncube, Alexander; Tembo Mumba, Grace; Terris-Prestholt, Fern; Peeling, Rosanna W; Mabey, David
  • A systematic review and meta-analysis of early goal-directed therapy for septic shock: the ARISE, ProCESS and ProMISe Investigators. (2015) Angus, DC; Barnato, AE; Bell, D; Bellomo, R; Chong, C-R; Coats, TJ; Davies, A; Delaney, A; Harrison, DA; Holdgate, A; Howe, B; Huang, DT; Iwashyna, T; Kellum, JA; Peake, SL; Pike, F; Reade, MC; Rowan, KM; Singer, M; Webb, SAR; Weissfeld, LA; Yealy, DM; Young, JD
  • Data Resource Profile: The European Union Statistics on Income and Living Conditions (EU-SILC). (2015) Arora, Vishal S; Karanikolos, Marina; Clair, Amy; Reeves, Aaron; Stuckler, David; McKee, Martin
  • Experiences of a commercial weight-loss programme after primary care referral: a qualitative study. (2015) Allen, Jodie T; Cohn, Simon R; Ahern, Amy L
  • Adequately diversified dietary intake and iron and folic acid supplementation during pregnancy is associated with reduced occurrence of symptoms suggestive of pre-eclampsia or eclampsia in Indian women. (2015) Agrawal, Sutapa; Fledderjohann, Jasmine; Vellakkal, Sukumar; Stuckler, David
  • Focal Ablation Targeted to the Index Lesion in Multifocal Localised Prostate Cancer: a Prospective Development Study. (2015) Ahmed, Hashim U; Dickinson, Louise; Charman, Susan; Weir, Shraddha; McCartan, Neil; Hindley, Richard G; Freeman, Alex; Kirkham, Alex P; Sahu, Mahua; Scott, Rebecca; Allen, Clare; Van der Meulen, Jan; Emberton, Mark
  • Sap and the Traditional Healer: A Tribal (Khasi) Understanding of the Human Potential. (2015) Albert, S; Porter, J; Green, J
  • Public Health Science: a call for abstracts. (2015) Aldridge, Robert W; Capewell, Simon; Johnson, Anne M; Landon, Jane; McKee, Martin; McPherson, Klim; Horton, Richard
  • Policy responses to HIV/AIDS in Central Asia. (2015) Ancker, Svetlana; Rechel, Bernd
  • How ehealth can help with Europe's chronic diseases epidemic. (2015) Andriukaitis, Vytenis
  • Conectando la investigación y las políticas en América Latina y el Caribe: el caso de la violencia. (2015) Ardila-Gómez, Sara; Lugo-Palacios, David G; Vargas-Palacios, Elena
  • B
  • Does the engagement of clinicians and organisations in research improve healthcare performance: a three-stage review. (2015) Boaz, Annette; Hanney, Stephen; Jones, Teresa; Soper, Bryony
  • Selecting appropriate empirical antibiotic regimens for paediatric bloodstream infections: application of a Bayesian decision model to local and pooled antimicrobial resistance surveillance data. (2015) Bielicki, Julia A; Sharland, Mike; Johnson, Alan P; Henderson, Katherine L; Cromwell, David A; Antibiotic Resistance and Prescribing in European Children proje
  • Social death in end-of-life care policy. (2015) Borgstrom, Erica description
  • Patient-reported outcomes: pathways to better health, better services, and better societies. (2015) Black, N; Burke, L; Forrest, CB; Sieberer, UH Ravens; Ahmed, S; Valderas, JM; Bartlett, SJ; Alonso, J
  • Health and Economic Implications of National Treatment Coverage for Cardiovascular Disease in India: Cost-Effectiveness Analysis. (2015) Basu, Sanjay; Bendavid, Eran; Sood, Neeraj
  • Being Mortal: Illness, Medicine, and What Matters in the End, by Atul Gawande. (2015) Borgstrom, E
  • Being Mortal: Illness, Medicine, and What Matters in the End, by Atul Gawande. (2015) Borgstrom, Erica
  • The REporting of studies Conducted using Observational Routinely-collected health Data (RECORD) statement. (2015) Benchimol, Eric I; Smeeth, Liam; Guttmann, Astrid; Harron, Katie; Moher, David; Petersen, Irene; Sørensen, Henrik T; von Elm, Erik; Langan, Sinéad M; RECORD Working Committee
  • Improving healthcare for people with dementia in England: good progress but more to do. (2015) Black, Nick; Dixon, Josie; Tan, Stefanie; Knapp, Martin
  • Austerity, precariousness, and the health status of Greek labour market participants: Retrospective cohort analysis of employed and unemployed persons in 2008-2009 and 2010-2011. (2015) Barlow, Pepita; Reeves, Aaron; McKee, Martin; Stuckler, David
  • Time to pause, look back and plan for the future. (2015) Black, Nick; Mays, Nicholas
  • Advance care planning: between tools and relational end-of-life care? (2015) Borgstrom, Erica description
  • Doctors or mid-level providers for abortion. (2015) Barnard, Sharmani; Kim, Caron; Park, Min Hae; Ngo, Thoai D
  • Using Decomposition Analysis to Identify Modifiable Racial Disparities in the Distribution of Blood Pressure in the United States. (2015) Basu, Sanjay; Hong, Anthony; Siddiqi, Arjumand
  • Basu and Siddiqi Respond to "Context, Behaviors, and Hypertension Inequalities". (2015) Basu, Sanjay; Siddiqi, Arjumand
  • Planning for an (un)certain future: Choice within English end-of-life care. (2015) Borgstrom, Erica description
  • A Systematic Review of Tobacco Smoking Prevalence and Description of Tobacco Control Strategies in Sub-Saharan African Countries; 2007 to 2014. (2015) Brathwaite, Rachel; Addo, Juliet; Smeeth, Liam; Lock, Karen
  • Methods for Developing Patient-Reported Outcome-Based Performance Measures (PRO-PMs). (2015) Basch, Ethan; Spertus, John; Dudley, R Adams; Wu, Albert; Chuahan, Cynthia; Cohen, Perry; Smith, Mary Lou; Black, Nick; Crawford, Amaris; Christensen, Keri; Blake, Kathleen; Goertz, Christine
  • Choice and compassion at the end of life: A critical analysis of recent English policy discourse. (2015) Borgstrom, Erica; Walter, Tony description
  • Charging migrants for health care could compromise public health and increase costs for the NHS. (2015) Britz, Jacqueline B; McKee, Martin
  • Public health, physical exercise and non-representational theory – a mixed method study of recreational running in Sofia, Bulgaria. (2015) Barnfield, Andrew picture_as_pdf
  • Protocol for a national monthly survey of alcohol use in England with 6-month follow-up: 'the Alcohol Toolkit Study'. (2015) Beard, Emma; Brown, Jamie; West, Robert; Acton, Crispin; Brennan, Alan; Drummond, Colin; Hickman, Matthew; Holmes, John; Kaner, Eileen; Lock, Karen; Walmsley, Matthew; Michie, Susan
  • To do the service no harm: the dangers of quality assessment. (2015) Black, Nick
  • Comparing end-of-life practices in different policy contexts: a scoping review. (2015) Boivin, A; Marcoux, I; Garnon, G; Lehoux, P; Mays, N; Prémont, MC; Chao, YS; van Leeuwen, E; Pineault, R
  • The transitional dynamics of caloric ecosystems: changes in the food supply around the world. (2015) Basu, Sanjay
  • Implications of workforce and financing changes for primary care practice utilization, revenue, and cost: a generalizable mathematical model for practice management. (2015) Basu, Sanjay; Landon, Bruce E; Song, Zirui; Bitton, Asaf; Phillips, Russell S
  • Keeping a critical edge: reflections on 25 years as a scholarly journal. (2015) Bell, Kirsten; Green, Judith
  • Child obesity cut-offs as derived from parental perceptions: cross-sectional questionnaire. (2015) Black, James A; Park, MinHae; Gregson, John; Falconer, Catherine L; White, Billy; Kessel, Anthony S; Saxena, Sonia; Viner, Russell M; Kinra, Sanjay
  • Diagnostic odyssey for rare diseases: exploration of potential indicators. (2015) Black, N; Martineau, F; Manacorda, Tommaso
  • Next UK Government must trust in NHS staff and local solutions. (2015) Black, Nick
  • Macroeconomic implications of population ageing and selected policy responses. (2015) Bloom, David E; Chatterji, Somnath; Kowal, Paul; Lloyd-Sherlock, Peter; McKee, Martin; Rechel, Bernd; Rosenberg, Larry; Smith, James P
  • Initiating change locally in bullying and aggression through the school environment (INCLUSIVE): a pilot randomised controlled trial. (2015) Bonell, Chris; Fletcher, Adam; Fitzgerald-Yau, Natasha; Hale, Daniel; Allen, Elizabeth; Elbourne, Diana; Jones, Rebecca; Bond, Lyndal; Wiggins, Meg; Miners, Alec; Legood, Rosa; Scott, Stephen; Christie, Deborah; Viner, Russell
  • How can GPs and community health services work more effectively together? (2015) Bramwell, Donna; Peckham, Stephen; Allen, Pauline; Checkland, Kath
  • C
  • Evaluation of the cold weather plan for England: modelling of cost-effectiveness. (2015) Chalabi, Z; Hajat, S; Wilkinson, P; Erens, B; Jones, L; Mays, N
  • Self-defined residential neighbourhoods: size variations and correlates across five European urban regions. (2015) Charreire, H; Feuillet, T; Roda, C; Mackenbach, JD; Compernolle, S; Glonti, K; Bárdos, H; Le Vaillant, M; Rutter, H; McKee, M; De Bourdeaudhuij, I; Brug, J; Lakerveld, J; Oppert, J-M
  • Television food advertising to children in Malta. (2015) Cauchi, Daniel; Reiff, Sascha; Knai, Cecile; Gauci, Charmaine; Spiteri, Joanna
  • Management of Barrett's high-grade dysplasia: initial results from a population-based national audit. (2015) Chadwick, Georgina; Groene, Oliver; Taylor, Angelina; Riley, Stuart; Hardwick, Richard H; Crosby, Tom; Greenaway, Kimberley; Cromwell, David A
  • Mentoring health researchers globally: Diverse experiences, programmes, challenges and responses. (2015) Cole, Donald C; Johnson, Nancy; Mejia, Raul; McCullough, Hazel; Turcotte-Tremblay, Anne-Marie; Barnoya, Joaquin; Falabella Luco, María Soledad
  • 'Trust my doctor, trust my pancreas': trust as an emergent quality of social practice. (2015) Cohn, Simon
  • Expansion of the National Salt Reduction Initiative: A Mathematical Model of Benefits and Risks of Population-Level Sodium Reduction. (2015) Choi, Sung Eun; Brandeau, Margaret L; Basu, Sanjay
  • Health service utilization for mental, behavioural and emotional problems among conflict-affected population in Georgia: a cross-sectional study. (2015) Chikovani, Ivdity; Makhashvili, Nino; Gotsadze, George; Patel, Vikram; McKee, Martin; Uchaneishvili, Maia; Rukhadze, Natia; Roberts, Bayard
  • Respiratory health status and its predictors: a cross-sectional study among coal-based sponge iron plant workers in Barjora, India. (2015) Chattopadhyay, Kaushik; Chattopadhyay, Chaitali; Kaltenthaler, Eva
  • Reconceptualising public acceptability: A study of the ways people respond to policies aimed to reduce alcohol consumption. (2015) Cohn, Simon
  • Assessment of the Potential Impact and Cost-effectiveness of Self-Testing for HIV in Low-Income Countries. (2015) Cambiano, Valentina; Ford, Deborah; Mabugu, Travor; Napierala Mavedzenge, Sue; Miners, Alec; Mugurungi, Owen; Nakagawa, Fumiyo; Revill, Paul; Phillips, Andrew
  • An obesogenic island in the Mediterranean: mapping potential drivers of obesity in Malta. (2015) Cauchi, Daniel; Rutter, Harry; Knai, Cecile
  • Blood and the public body: a study of UK blood donation and research participation. (2015) Cohn, S description
  • Temporal changes in ebola transmission in sierra leone and implications for control requirements: A real-time modelling study. (2015) Camacho, A; Kucharski, A; Aki-Sawyerr, Y; White, MA; Flasche, S; Baguelin, M; Pollington, T; Carney, JR; Glover, R; Smout, E; Tiffany, A; Edmunds, WJ; Funk, S picture_as_pdf
  • Temporal Changes in Ebola Transmission in Sierra Leone and Implications for Control Requirements: a Real-time Modelling Study. (2015) Camacho, Anton; Kucharski, Adam; Aki-Sawyerr, Yvonne; White, Mark A; Flasche, Stefan; Baguelin, Marc; Pollington, Timothy; Carney, Julia R; Glover, Rebecca; Smout, Elizabeth; Tiffany, Amanda; Edmunds, W John; Funk, Sebastian
  • Patterns of somatic distress among conflict-affected persons in the Republic of Georgia. (2015) Comellas, Ruben Moreno; Makhashvili, Nino; Chikovani, Ivdity; Patel, Vikram; McKee, Martin; Bisson, Jonathan; Roberts, Bayard
  • Gastric Cancers Missed During Endoscopy in England. (2015) Chadwick, Georgina; Groene, Oliver; Riley, Stuart; Hardwick, Richard; Crosby, Tom; Hoare, Jonathan; Hanna, George B; Greenaway, Kimberley; Cromwell, David A
  • Investigating healthcare IT innovations: a "conceptual blending" approach. (2015) Cranfield, Steven; Hendy, Jane; Reeves, Barnaby; Hutchings, Andrew; Collin, Simon; Fulop, Naomi
  • What do we know about the cost-effectiveness of HIV preexposure prophylaxis, and is it affordable? (2015) Cambiano, Valentina; Miners, Alec; Phillips, Andrew
  • Increasing autonomy in publically owned services The case of community health services in England. (2015) Cameron, Ailsa; Allen, Pauline; Williams, Lorraine; Durand, Mary Alison; Bartlett, Will; Perotin, Virginie; Hutchings, Andrew
  • Increasing autonomy in publically owned services. (2015) Cameron, Ailsa; Allen, Pauline; Williams, Lorraine; Durand, Mary Alison; Bartlett, Will; Perotin, Virginie; Hutchings, Andrew
  • Is there nationwide variation in the proportion of oesophago-gastric cancers diagnosed at an early stage? (2015) Chadwick, Georgina; Groene, Oliver; Cromwell, David
  • Evaluation of the implementation and health-related impacts of the Cold Weather Plan for England. (2015) Chalabi, Z, E,B. Hajat, S. Heffernan, C. Jones, L. Mays, N. Ritc, P
  • Blood and the public body: a study of UK blood donation and research participation. (2015) Cohn, S
  • Reconceptualising public acceptability: A study of the ways people respond to policies aimed to reduce alcohol consumption. (2015) Cohn, S
  • ‘Trust my doctor, trust my pancreas’: trust as an emergent quality of social practice. (2015) Cohn, S
  • Leadership for health commissioning in the new NHS. (2015) Coleman, Anna; Segar, Julia; Checkland, Kath; McDermott, Imelda; Harrison, Stephen; Peckham, Stephen
  • D
  • Measurable effects of local alcohol licensing policies on population health in England. (2015) de Vocht, F; Heron, Jon; Angus, Colin; Brennan, Alan; Mooney, John; Lock, Karen; Campbell, Rona; Hickman, Matthew
  • Evaluating the use of in-store measures in retail food stores and restaurants in Brazil. (2015) Duran, Ana Clara; Lock, Karen; Latorre, Maria do Rosario DO; Jaime, Patricia Constante
  • An evaluation of the Public Health Responsibility Deal: Informants' experiences and views of the development, implementation and achievements of a pledge-based, public-private partnership to improve population health in England. (2015) Durand, MA; Petticrew, M; Goulding, L; Eastmure, E; Knai, C; Mays, N
  • The need for multisectoral food chain approaches to reduce trans fat consumption in India. (2015) Downs, Shauna M; Singh, Archna; Gupta, Vidhu; Lock, Karen; Ghosh-Jerath, Suparna
  • 2015 recommendations for the management of polymyalgia rheumatica: a European League Against Rheumatism/American College of Rheumatology collaborative initiative. (2015) Dejaco, Christian; Singh, Yogesh P; Perel, Pablo; Hutchings, Andrew; Camellino, Dario; Mackie, Sarah; Abril, Andy; Bachta, Artur; Balint, Peter; Barraclough, Kevin; Bianconi, Lina; Buttgereit, Frank; Carsons, Steven; Ching, Daniel; Cid, Maria; Cimmino, Marco; Diamantopoulos, Andreas; Docken, William; Duftner, Christina; Fashanu, Billy; Gilbert, Kate; Hildreth, Pamela; Hollywood, Jane; Jayne, David; Lima, Manuella; Maharaj, Ajesh; Mallen, Christian; Martinez-Taboada, Victor; Maz, Mehrdad; Merry, Steven; Miller, Jean; Mori, Shunsuke; Neill, Lorna; Nordborg, Elisabeth; Nott, Jennifer; Padbury, Hannah; Pease, Colin; Salvarani, Carlo; Schirmer, Michael; Schmidt, Wolfgang; Spiera, Robert; Tronnier, David; Wagner, Alexandre; Whitlock, Madeline; Matteson, Eric L; Dasgupta, Bhaskar; European League Against Rheumatism; American College of Rheumatology
  • Methods of Implementation of Evidence-Based Stroke Care in Europe: European Implementation Score Collaboration. (2015) Di Carlo, Antonio; Pezzella, Francesca Romana; Fraser, Alec; Bovis, Francesca; Baeza, Juan; McKevitt, Chris; Boaz, Annette; Heuschmann, Peter; Wolfe, Charles DA; Inzitari, Domenico; European Implementation Score Collaboration Study Group
  • Polymorphisms in a Putative Enhancer at the 10q21.2 Breast Cancer Risk Locus Regulate NRBF2 Expression. (2015) Darabi, Hatef; McCue, Karen; Beesley, Jonathan; Michailidou, Kyriaki; Nord, Silje; Kar, Siddhartha; Humphreys, Keith; Thompson, Deborah; Ghoussaini, Maya; Bolla, Manjeet K; Dennis, Joe; Wang, Qin; Canisius, Sander; Scott, Christopher G; Apicella, Carmel; Hopper, John L; Southey, Melissa C; Stone, Jennifer; Broeks, Annegien; Schmidt, Marjanka K; Scott, Rodney J; Lophatananon, Artitaya; Muir, Kenneth; Beckmann, Matthias W; Ekici, Arif B; Fasching, Peter A; Heusinger, Katharina; Dos-Santos-Silva, Isabel; Peto, Julian; Tomlinson, Ian; Sawyer, Elinor J; Burwinkel, Barbara; Marme, Frederik; Guénel, Pascal; Truong, Thérèse; Bojesen, Stig E; Flyger, Henrik; Benitez, Javier; González-Neira, Anna; Anton-Culver, Hoda; Neuhausen, Susan L; Arndt, Volker; Brenner, Hermann; Engel, Christoph; Meindl, Alfons; Schmutzler, Rita K; German Consortium of Hereditary Breast and Ovarian Cancer; Arnold, Norbert; Brauch, Hiltrud; Hamann, Ute; Chang-Claude, Jenny; Khan, Sofia; Nevanlinna, Heli; Ito, Hidemi; Matsuo, Keitaro; Bogdanova, Natalia V; Dörk, Thilo; Lindblom, Annika; Margolin, Sara; kConFab/AOCS Investigators; Kosma, Veli-Matti; Mannermaa, Arto; Tseng, Chiu-Chen; Wu, Anna H; Floris, Giuseppe; Lambrechts, Diether; Rudolph, Anja; Peterlongo, Paolo; Radice, Paolo; Couch, Fergus J; Vachon, Celine; Giles, Graham G; McLean, Catriona; Milne, Roger L; Dugué, Pierre-Antoine; Haiman, Christopher A; Maskarinec, Gertraud; Woolcott, Christy; Henderson, Brian E; Goldberg, Mark S; Simard, Jacques; Teo, Soo H; Mariapun, Shivaani; Helland, Åslaug; Haakensen, Vilde; Zheng, Wei; Beeghly-Fadiel, Alicia; Tamimi, Rulla; Jukkola-Vuorinen, Arja; Winqvist, Robert; Andrulis, Irene L; Knight, Julia A; Devilee, Peter; Tollenaar, Robert AEM; Figueroa, Jonine; García-Closas, Montserrat; Czene, Kamila; Hooning, Maartje J; Tilanus-Linthorst, Madeleine; Li, Jingmei; Gao, Yu-Tang; Shu, Xiao-Ou; Cox, Angela; Cross, Simon S; Luben, Robert; Khaw, Kay-Tee; Choi, Ji-Yeob; Kang, Daehee; Hartman, Mikael; Lim, Wei Yen; Kabisch, Maria; Torres, Diana; Jakubowska, Anna; Lubinski, Jan; McKay, James; Sangrajrang, Suleeporn; Toland, Amanda E; Yannoukakos, Drakoulis; Shen, Chen-Yang; Yu, Jyh-Cherng; Ziogas, Argyrios; Schoemaker, Minouk J; Swerdlow, Anthony; Borresen-Dale, Anne-Lise; Kristensen, Vessela; French, Juliet D; Edwards, Stacey L; Dunning, Alison M; Easton, Douglas F; Hall, Per; Chenevix-Trench, Georgia
  • Implementation of secondary fracture prevention services after hip fracture: a qualitative study using extended Normalization Process Theory. (2015) Drew, Sarah; Judge, Andrew; May, Carl; Farmer, Andrew; Cooper, Cyrus; Javaid, M Kassim; Gooberman-Hill, Rachael; REFReSH study group
  • Regional differences in cardiovascular mortality in Kazakhstan: further evidence for the 'Russian mortality paradox'? (2015) Davletov, Kairat; McKee, Martin; Berkinbayev, Salim; Battakova, Zhamilya; Vujnovic, Melita; Rechel, Bernd
  • Complier-average causal effects for multivariate outcomes: an instrumental variable approach with application to health economics. (2015) DiazOrdaz, Karla; Franchini, Angelo; Grieve, Richard
  • 2015 Recommendations for the management of polymyalgia rheumatica: a European League Against Rheumatism/American College of Rheumatology collaborative initiative. (2015) Dejaco, Christian; Singh, Yogesh P; Perel, Pablo; Hutchings, Andrew; Camellino, Dario; Mackie, Sarah; Abril, Andy; Bachta, Artur; Balint, Peter; Barraclough, Kevin; Bianconi, Lina; Buttgereit, Frank; Carsons, Steven; Ching, Daniel; Cid, Maria; Cimmino, Marco; Diamantopoulos, Andreas; Docken, William; Duftner, Christina; Fashanu, Billy; Gilbert, Kate; Hildreth, Pamela; Hollywood, Jane; Jayne, David; Lima, Manuella; Maharaj, Ajesh; Mallen, Christian; Martinez-Taboada, Victor; Maz, Mehrdad; Merry, Steven; Miller, Jean; Mori, Shunsuke; Neill, Lorna; Nordborg, Elisabeth; Nott, Jennifer; Padbury, Hannah; Pease, Colin; Salvarani, Carlo; Schirmer, Michael; Schmidt, Wolfgang; Spiera, Robert; Tronnier, David; Wagner, Alexandre; Whitlock, Madeline; Matteson, Eric L; Dasgupta, Bhaskar; European League Against Rheumatism; American College of Rheumatology
  • Current evidence for therapeutic interventions and prognostic factors in polymyalgia rheumatica: a systematic literature review informing the 2015 European League Against Rheumatism/American College of Rheumatology recommendations for the management of polymyalgia rheumatica. (2015) Dejaco, Christian; Singh, Yogesh P; Perel, Pablo; Hutchings, Andrew; Camellino, Dario; Mackie, Sarah; Matteson, Eric L; Dasgupta, Bhaskar
  • E
  • The Multiple Purposes of Policy Piloting and Their Consequences: Three Examples from National Health and Social Care Policy in England. (2015) ETTELT, STEFANIE; MAYS, NICHOLAS; ALLEN, PAULINE
  • RCTs: How compatible are they with policy-making? (2015) Ettelt, Stefanie; Mays, Nicholas description
  • Policy experiments: Investigating effectiveness or confirming direction? (2015) Ettelt, S; Mays, N; Allen, P
  • Prevalence of severe childhood obesity in England: 2006-2013. (2015) Ells, Louisa J; Hancock, Caroline; Copley, Vicky R; Mead, Emma; Dinsdale, Hywell; Kinra, Sanjay; Viner, Russell M; Rutter, Harry
  • The sanitation ladder, what constitutes an improved form of sanitation? (2015) Exley, Josephine LR; Liseka, Bernard; Cumming, Oliver; Ensink, Jeroen HJ
  • Costs and cost-effectiveness of pediatric inguinal hernia repair in Uganda. (2015) Eeson, Gareth; Birabwa-Male, Doreen; Pennington, Mark; Blair, Geoffrey K
  • Non-probability web panel surveys: do they work? (2015) Erens, B
  • Using non-probability web surveys to measure sexual behaviours and attitudes in the British general population: a comparison with a probability sample interview survey. (2015) Erens, B
  • Early evaluation of the Integrated Care and Support Pioneers: Interim report. (2015) Erens, B; Wistow, G; Mounier-Jack, S; Douglas, N; Jones, L; Manacorda, T; Mays, N
  • Early evaluation of the Integrated Care and Support Pioneers Programme: Interim Report. (2015) Erens, Bob; Wistow, Gerald; Mounier-jack, S; Douglas, Nick; Jones, Lorelei; Manacorda, Tommaso; Mays, N
  • Beware of RCTs of policy pilots - The myth of easy compatibility. (2015) Ettelt, S
  • Advice on commissioning external academic evaluations of policy pilots in health and social care: a discussion paper. (2015) Ettelt, S; Mays, N
  • Evalution of the Direct Payments in Residential Care Trailblazers. Interim Report. (2015) Ettelt, S; Wittenberg, R; Williams, L; Perkins, M; Lombard, D; Damant, J; Mays, N
  • F
  • Neighbourhood typology based on virtual audit of environmental obesogenic characteristics. (2015) Feuillet, T; Charreire, H; Roda, C; Ben Rebah, M; Mackenbach, JD; Compernolle, S; Glonti, K; Bárdos, H; Rutter, H; De Bourdeaudhuij, I; McKee, M; Brug, J; Lakerveld, J; Oppert, J-M
  • The burden of comorbidity in people with chronic kidney disease stage 3: a cohort study. (2015) Fraser, Simon DS; Roderick, Paul J; May, Carl R; McIntyre, Natasha; McIntyre, Christopher; Fluck, Richard J; Shardlow, Adam; Taal, Maarten W
  • Risk adjustment models for short-term outcomes after surgical resection for oesophagogastric cancer. (2015) Fischer, C; Lingsma, H; Hardwick, R; Cromwell, DA; Steyerberg, E; Groene, O description
  • Quality of the antibiotics--amoxicillin and co-trimoxazole from Ghana, Nigeria, and the United Kingdom. (2015) Fadeyi, Ifeyinwa; Lalani, Mirza; Mailk, Naiela; Van Wyk, Albert; Kaur, Harparkash
  • Restricting private-sector practice using contracts. (2015) Flood, Colleen M; Allen, Pauline; Thomas, Bryan; Walker, Kathryn
  • Job strain and the risk of stroke: an individual-participant data meta-analysis. (2015) Fransson, Eleonor I; Nyberg, Solja T; Heikkilä, Katriina; Alfredsson, Lars; Bjorner, Jakob B; Borritz, Marianne; Burr, Hermann; Dragano, Nico; Geuskens, Goedele A; Goldberg, Marcel; Hamer, Mark; Hooftman, Wendela E; Houtman, Irene L; Joensuu, Matti; Jokela, Markus; Knutsson, Anders; Koskenvuo, Markku; Koskinen, Aki; Kumari, Meena; Leineweber, Constanze; Lunau, Thorsten; Madsen, Ida EH; Hanson, Linda L Magnusson; Nielsen, Martin L; Nordin, Maria; Oksanen, Tuula; Pentti, Jaana; Pejtersen, Jan H; Rugulies, Reiner; Salo, Paula; Shipley, Martin J; Steptoe, Andrew; Suominen, Sakari B; Theorell, Töres; Toppinen-Tanner, Salla; Vahtera, Jussi; Virtanen, Marianna; Väänänen, Ari; Westerholm, Peter JM; Westerlund, Hugo; Zins, Marie; Britton, Annie; Brunner, Eric J; Singh-Manoux, Archana; Batty, G David; Kivimäki, Mika
  • Impact of an Integrated Transition Management Program in Primary Care on Hospital Readmissions. (2015) Farrell, TW; Tomoaia-Cotisel, A; Scammon, DL; Brunisholz, K; Kim, J; Day, J; Gren, LH; Wallace, S; Gunning, K; Tabler, J
  • Quality check: does it matter for quality how you organize and pay for health care? A review of the international evidence. (2015) Footman, Katharine; Garthwaite, Kayleigh; Bambra, Clare; McKee, Martin
  • G
  • Psychosocial environment: definitions, measures and associations with weight status--a systematic review. (2015) Glonti, K; Mackenbach, JD; Ng, J; Lakerveld, J; Oppert, J-M; Bárdos, H; McKee, M; Rutter, H
  • Economic shocks and health resilience: lessons from the Russian Federation. (2015) Gordeev, VS; Goryakin, Y; McKee, M; Stuckler, D; Roberts, B
  • Benefits of, and barriers to, reactivating dormant trials. (2015) Gilbert, Ruth; Harron, Katie; Dearden, Lorraine
  • Integrating quasi-experimental and inductive designs in evaluation: A case study of the impact of free bus travel on public health. (2015) Green, Judith; Roberts, Helen; Petticrew, Mark; Steinbach, Rebecca; Goodman, Anna; Jones, Alasdair; Edwards, Phil
  • Dentists with enhanced skills (Special Interest) in Endodontics: gatekeepers views in London. (2015) Ghotane, Swapnil G; Al-Haboubi, Mustafa; Kendall, Nick; Robertson, Claire; Gallagher, Jennifer E
  • Global, regional, and national comparative risk assessment of 79 behavioural, environmental and occupational, and metabolic risks or clusters of risks in 188 countries, 1990-2013: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2013. (2015) GBD 2013 Risk Factors Collaborators; Forouzanfar, Mohammad H; Alexander, Lily; Anderson, H Ross; Bachman, Victoria F; Biryukov, Stan; Brauer, Michael; Burnett, Richard; Casey, Daniel; Coates, Matthew M; Cohen, Aaron; Delwiche, Kristen; Estep, Kara; Frostad, Joseph J; Astha, KC; Kyu, Hmwe H; Moradi-Lakeh, Maziar; Ng, Marie; Slepak, Erica Leigh; Thomas, Bernadette A; Wagner, Joseph; Aasvang, Gunn Marit; Abbafati, Cristiana; Abbasoglu Ozgoren, Ayse; Abd-Allah, Foad; Abera, Semaw F; Aboyans, Victor; Abraham, Biju; Abraham, Jerry Puthenpurakal; Abubakar, Ibrahim; Abu-Rmeileh, Niveen ME; Aburto, Tania C; Achoki, Tom; Adelekan, Ademola; Adofo, Koranteng; Adou, Arsène K; Adsuar, José C; Afshin, Ashkan; Agardh, Emilie E; Al Khabouri, Mazin J; Al Lami, Faris H; Alam, Sayed Saidul; Alasfoor, Deena; Albittar, Mohammed I; Alegretti, Miguel A; Aleman, Alicia V; Alemu, Zewdie A; Alfonso-Cristancho, Rafael; Alhabib, Samia; Ali, Raghib; Ali, Mohammed K; Alla, François; Allebeck, Peter; Allen, Peter J; Alsharif, Ubai; Alvarez, Elena; Alvis-Guzman, Nelson; Amankwaa, Adansi A; Amare, Azmeraw T; Ameh, Emmanuel A; Ameli, Omid; Amini, Heresh; Ammar, Walid; Anderson, Benjamin O; Antonio, Carl Abelardo T; Anwari, Palwasha; Argeseanu Cunningham, Solveig; Arnlöv, Johan; Arsenijevic, Valentina S Arsic; Artaman, Al; Asghar, Rana J; Assadi, Reza; Atkins, Lydia S; Atkinson, Charles; Avila, Marco A; Awuah, Baffour; Badawi, Alaa; Bahit, Maria C; Bakfalouni, Talal; Balakrishnan, Kalpana; Balalla, Shivanthi; Balu, Ravi Kumar; Banerjee, Amitava; Barber, Ryan M; Barker-Collo, Suzanne L; Barquera, Simon; Barregard, Lars; Barrero, Lope H; Barrientos-Gutierrez, Tonatiuh; Basto-Abreu, Ana C; Basu, Arindam; Basu, Sanjay; Basulaiman, Mohammed O; Batis Ruvalcaba, Carolina; Beardsley, Justin; Bedi, Neeraj; Bekele, Tolesa; Bell, Michelle L; Benjet, Corina; Bennett, Derrick A; Benzian, Habib; Bernabé, Eduardo; Beyene, Tariku J; Bhala, Neeraj; Bhalla, Ashish; Bhutta, Zulfiqar A; Bikbov, Boris; Bin Abdulhak, Aref A; Blore, Jed D; Blyth, Fiona M; Bohensky, Megan A; Bora Başara, Berrak; Borges, Guilherme; Bornstein, Natan M; Bose, Dipan; Boufous, Soufiane; Bourne, Rupert R; Brainin, Michael; Brazinova, Alexandra; Breitborde, Nicholas J; Brenner, Hermann; Briggs, Adam DM; Broday, David M; Brooks, Peter M; Bruce, Nigel G; Brugha, Traolach S; Brunekreef, Bert; Buchbinder, Rachelle; Bui, Linh N; Bukhman, Gene; Bulloch, Andrew G; Burch, Michael; Burney, Peter GJ; Campos-Nonato, Ismael R; Campuzano, Julio C; Cantoral, Alejandra J; Caravanos, Jack; Cárdenas, Rosario; Cardis, Elisabeth; Carpenter, David O; Caso, Valeria; Castañeda-Orjuela, Carlos A; Castro, Ruben E; Catalá-López, Ferrán; Cavalleri, Fiorella; Çavlin, Alanur; Chadha, Vineet K; Chang, Jung-Chen; Charlson, Fiona J; Chen, Honglei; Chen, Wanqing; Chen, Zhengming; Chiang, Peggy P; Chimed-Ochir, Odgerel; Chowdhury, Rajiv; Christophi, Costas A; Chuang, Ting-Wu; Chugh, Sumeet S; Cirillo, Massimo; Claßen, Thomas KD; Colistro, Valentina; Colomar, Mercedes; Colquhoun, Samantha M; Contreras, Alejandra G; Cooper, Cyrus; Cooperrider, Kimberly; Cooper, Leslie T; Coresh, Josef; Courville, Karen J; Criqui, Michael H; Cuevas-Nasu, Lucia; Damsere-Derry, James; Danawi, Hadi; Dandona, Lalit; Dandona, Rakhi; Dargan, Paul I; Davis, Adrian; Davitoiu, Dragos V; Dayama, Anand; de Castro, E Filipa; De la Cruz-Góngora, Vanessa; De Leo, Diego; de Lima, Graça; Degenhardt, Louisa; del Pozo-Cruz, Borja; Dellavalle, Robert P; Deribe, Kebede; Derrett, Sarah; Des Jarlais, Don C; Dessalegn, Muluken; deVeber, Gabrielle A; Devries, Karen M; Dharmaratne, Samath D; Dherani, Mukesh K; Dicker, Daniel; Ding, Eric L; Dokova, Klara; Dorsey, E Ray; Driscoll, Tim R; Duan, Leilei; Durrani, Adnan M; Ebel, Beth E; Ellenbogen, Richard G; Elshrek, Yousef M; Endres, Matthias; Ermakov, Sergey P; Erskine, Holly E; Eshrati, Babak; Esteghamati, Alireza; Fahimi, Saman; Faraon, Emerito Jose A; Farzadfar, Farshad; Fay, Derek FJ; Feigin, Valery L; Feigl, Andrea B; Fereshtehnejad, Seyed-Mohammad; Ferrari, Alize J; Ferri, Cleusa P; Flaxman, Abraham D; Fleming, Thomas D; Foigt, Nataliya; Foreman, Kyle J; Paleo, Urbano Fra; Franklin, Richard C; Gabbe, Belinda; Gaffikin, Lynne; Gakidou, Emmanuela; Gamkrelidze, Amiran; Gankpé, Fortuné G; Gansevoort, Ron T; García-Guerra, Francisco A; Gasana, Evariste; Geleijnse, Johanna M; Gessner, Bradford D; Gething, Pete; Gibney, Katherine B; Gillum, Richard F; Ginawi, Ibrahim AM; Giroud, Maurice; Giussani, Giorgia; Goenka, Shifalika; Goginashvili, Ketevan; Gomez Dantes, Hector; Gona, Philimon; Gonzalez de Cosio, Teresita; González-Castell, Dinorah; Gotay, Carolyn C; Goto, Atsushi; Gouda, Hebe N; Guerrant, Richard L; Gugnani, Harish C; Guillemin, Francis; Gunnell, David; Gupta, Rahul; Gupta, Rajeev; Gutiérrez, Reyna A; Hafezi-Nejad, Nima; Hagan, Holly; Hagstromer, Maria; Halasa, Yara A; Hamadeh, Randah R; Hammami, Mouhanad; Hankey, Graeme J; Hao, Yuantao; Harb, Hilda L; Haregu, Tilahun Nigatu; Haro, Josep Maria; Havmoeller, Rasmus; Hay, Simon I; Hedayati, Mohammad T; Heredia-Pi, Ileana B; Hernandez, Lucia; Heuton, Kyle R; Heydarpour, Pouria; Hijar, Martha; Hoek, Hans W; Hoffman, Howard J; Hornberger, John C; Hosgood, H Dean; Hoy, Damian G; Hsairi, Mohamed; Hu, Guoqing; Hu, Howard; Huang, Cheng; Huang, John J; Hubbell, Bryan J; Huiart, Laetitia; Husseini, Abdullatif; Iannarone, Marissa L; Iburg, Kim M; Idrisov, Bulat T; Ikeda, Nayu; Innos, Kaire; Inoue, Manami; Islami, Farhad; Ismayilova, Samaya; Jacobsen, Kathryn H; Jansen, Henrica A; Jarvis, Deborah L; Jassal, Simerjot K; Jauregui, Alejandra; Jayaraman, Sudha; Jeemon, Panniyammakal; Jensen, Paul N; Jha, Vivekanand; Jiang, Fan; Jiang, Guohong; Jiang, Ying; Jonas, Jost B; Juel, Knud; Kan, Haidong; Kany Roseline, Sidibe S; Karam, Nadim E; Karch, André; Karema, Corine K; Karthikeyan, Ganesan; Kaul, Anil; Kawakami, Norito; Kazi, Dhruv S; Kemp, Andrew H; Kengne, Andre P; Keren, Andre; Khader, Yousef S; Khalifa, Shams Eldin Ali Hassan; Khan, Ejaz A; Khang, Young-Ho; Khatibzadeh, Shahab; Khonelidze, Irma; Kieling, Christian; Kim, Daniel; Kim, Sungroul; Kim, Yunjin; Kimokoti, Ruth W; Kinfu, Yohannes; Kinge, Jonas M; Kissela, Brett M; Kivipelto, Miia; Knibbs, Luke D; Knudsen, Ann Kristin; Kokubo, Yoshihiro; Kose, M Rifat; Kosen, Soewarta; Kraemer, Alexander; Kravchenko, Michael; Krishnaswami, Sanjay; Kromhout, Hans; Ku, Tiffany; Kuate Defo, Barthelemy; Kucuk Bicer, Burcu; Kuipers, Ernst J; Kulkarni, Chanda; Kulkarni, Veena S; Kumar, G Anil; Kwan, Gene F; Lai, Taavi; Lakshmana Balaji, Arjun; Lalloo, Ratilal; Lallukka, Tea; Lam, Hilton; Lan, Qing; Lansingh, Van C; Larson, Heidi J; Larsson, Anders; Laryea, Dennis O; Lavados, Pablo M; Lawrynowicz, Alicia E; Leasher, Janet L; Lee, Jong-Tae; Leigh, James; Leung, Ricky; Levi, Miriam; Li, Yichong; Li, Yongmei; Liang, Juan; Liang, Xiaofeng; Lim, Stephen S; Lindsay, M Patrice; Lipshultz, Steven E; Liu, Shiwei; Liu, Yang; Lloyd, Belinda K; Logroscino, Giancarlo; London, Stephanie J; Lopez, Nancy; Lortet-Tieulent, Joannie; Lotufo, Paulo A; Lozano, Rafael; Lunevicius, Raimundas; Ma, Jixiang; Ma, Stefan; Machado, Vasco MP; MacIntyre, Michael F; Magis-Rodriguez, Carlos; Mahdi, Abbas A; Majdan, Marek; Malekzadeh, Reza; Mangalam, Srikanth; Mapoma, Christopher C; Marape, Marape; Marcenes, Wagner; Margolis, David J; Margono, Christopher; Marks, Guy B; Martin, Randall V; Marzan, Melvin B; Mashal, Mohammad T; Masiye, Felix; Mason-Jones, Amanda J; Matsushita, Kunihiro; Matzopoulos, Richard; Mayosi, Bongani M; Mazorodze, Tasara T; McKay, Abigail C; McKee, Martin; McLain, Abigail; Meaney, Peter A; Medina, Catalina; Mehndiratta, Man Mohan; Mejia-Rodriguez, Fabiola; Mekonnen, Wubegzier; Melaku, Yohannes A; Meltzer, Michele; Memish, Ziad A; Mendoza, Walter; Mensah, George A; Meretoja, Atte; Mhimbira, Francis Apolinary; Micha, Renata; Miller, Ted R; Mills, Edward J; Misganaw, Awoke; Mishra, Santosh; Mohamed Ibrahim, Norlinah; Mohammad, Karzan A; Mokdad, Ali H; Mola, Glen L; Monasta, Lorenzo; Montañez Hernandez, Julio C; Montico, Marcella; Moore, Ami R; Morawska, Lidia; Mori, Rintaro; Moschandreas, Joanna; Moturi, Wilkister N; Mozaffarian, Dariush; Mueller, Ulrich O; Mukaigawara, Mitsuru; Mullany, Erin C; Murthy, Kinnari S; Naghavi, Mohsen; Nahas, Ziad; Naheed, Aliya; Naidoo, Kovin S; Naldi, Luigi; Nand, Devina; Nangia, Vinay; Narayan, KM Venkat; Nash, Denis; Neal, Bruce; Nejjari, Chakib; Neupane, Sudan P; Newton, Charles R; Ngalesoni, Frida N; Ngirabega, Jean de Dieu; Nguyen, Grant; Nguyen, Nhung T; Nieuwenhuijsen, Mark J; Nisar, Muhammad I; Nogueira, José R; Nolla, Joan M; Nolte, Sandra; Norheim, Ole F; Norman, Rosana E; Norrving, Bo; Nyakarahuka, Luke; Oh, In-Hwan; Ohkubo, Takayoshi; Olusanya, Bolajoko O; Omer, Saad B; Opio, John Nelson; Orozco, Ricardo; Pagcatipunan, Rodolfo S; Pain, Amanda W; Pandian, Jeyaraj D; Panelo, Carlo Irwin A; Papachristou, Christina; Park, Eun-Kee; Parry, Charles D; Paternina Caicedo, Angel J; Patten, Scott B; Paul, Vinod K; Pavlin, Boris I; Pearce, Neil; Pedraza, Lilia S; Pedroza, Andrea; Pejin Stokic, Ljiljana; Pekericli, Ayfer; Pereira, David M; Perez-Padilla, Rogelio; Perez-Ruiz, Fernando; Perico, Norberto; Perry, Samuel AL; Pervaiz, Aslam; Pesudovs, Konrad; Peterson, Carrie B; Petzold, Max; Phillips, Michael R; Phua, Hwee Pin; Plass, Dietrich; Poenaru, Dan; Polanczyk, Guilherme V; Polinder, Suzanne; Pond, Constance D; Pope, C Arden; Pope, Daniel; Popova, Svetlana; Pourmalek, Farshad; Powles, John; Prabhakaran, Dorairaj; Prasad, Noela M; Qato, Dima M; Quezada, Amado D; Quistberg, D Alex A; Racapé, Lionel; Rafay, Anwar; Rahimi, Kazem; Rahimi-Movaghar, Vafa; Rahman, Sajjad Ur; Raju, Murugesan; Rakovac, Ivo; Rana, Saleem M; Rao, Mayuree; Razavi, Homie; Reddy, K Srinath; Refaat, Amany H; Rehm, Jürgen; Remuzzi, Giuseppe; Ribeiro, Antonio L; Riccio, Patricia M; Richardson, Lee; Riederer, Anne; Robinson, Margaret; Roca, Anna; Rodriguez, Alina; Rojas-Rueda, David; Romieu, Isabelle; Ronfani, Luca; Room, Robin; Roy, Nobhojit; Ruhago, George M; Rushton, Lesley; Sabin, Nsanzimana; Sacco, Ralph L; Saha, Sukanta; Sahathevan, Ramesh; Sahraian, Mohammad Ali; Salomon, Joshua A; Salvo, Deborah; Sampson, Uchechukwu K; Sanabria, Juan R; Sanchez, Luz Maria; Sánchez-Pimienta, Tania G; Sanchez-Riera, Lidia; Sandar, Logan; Santos, Itamar S; Sapkota, Amir; Satpathy, Maheswar; Saunders, James E; Sawhney, Monika; Saylan, Mete I; Scarborough, Peter; Schmidt, Jürgen C; Schneider, Ione JC; Schöttker, Ben; Schwebel, David C; Scott, James G; Seedat, Soraya; Sepanlou, Sadaf G; Serdar, Berrin; Servan-Mori, Edson E; Shaddick, Gavin; Shahraz, Saeid; Levy, Teresa Shamah; Shangguan, Siyi; She, Jun; Sheikhbahaei, Sara; Shibuya, Kenji; Shin, Hwashin H; Shinohara, Yukito; Shiri, Rahman; Shishani, Kawkab; Shiue, Ivy; Sigfusdottir, Inga D; Silberberg, Donald H; Simard, Edgar P; Sindi, Shireen; Singh, Abhishek; Singh, Gitanjali M; Singh, Jasvinder A; Skirbekk, Vegard; Sliwa, Karen; Soljak, Michael; Soneji, Samir; Søreide, Kjetil; Soshnikov, Sergey; Sposato, Luciano A; Sreeramareddy, Chandrashekhar T; Stapelberg, Nicolas JC; Stathopoulou, Vasiliki; Steckling, Nadine; Stein, Dan J; Stein, Murray B; Stephens, Natalie; Stöckl, Heidi; Straif, Kurt; Stroumpoulis, Konstantinos; Sturua, Lela; Sunguya, Bruno F; Swaminathan, Soumya; Swaroop, Mamta; Sykes, Bryan L; Tabb, Karen M; Takahashi, Ken; Talongwa, Roberto T; Tandon, Nikhil; Tanne, David; Tanner, Marcel; Tavakkoli, Mohammad; Te Ao, Braden J; Teixeira, Carolina M; Téllez Rojo, Martha M; Terkawi, Abdullah S; Texcalac-Sangrador, José Luis; Thackway, Sarah V; Thomson, Blake; Thorne-Lyman, Andrew L; Thrift, Amanda G; Thurston, George D; Tillmann, Taavi; Tobollik, Myriam; Tonelli, Marcello; Topouzis, Fotis; Towbin, Jeffrey A; Toyoshima, Hideaki; Traebert, Jefferson; Tran, Bach X; Trasande, Leonardo; Trillini, Matias; Trujillo, Ulises; Dimbuene, Zacharie Tsala; Tsilimbaris, Miltiadis; Tuzcu, Emin Murat; Uchendu, Uche S; Ukwaja, Kingsley N; Uzun, Selen B; van de Vijver, Steven; Van Dingenen, Rita; van Gool, Coen H; van Os, Jim; Varakin, Yuri Y; Vasankari, Tommi J; Vasconcelos, Ana Maria N; Vavilala, Monica S; Veerman, Lennert J; Velasquez-Melendez, Gustavo; Venketasubramanian, N; Vijayakumar, Lakshmi; Villalpando, Salvador; Violante, Francesco S; Vlassov, Vasiliy Victorovich; Vollset, Stein Emil; Wagner, Gregory R; Waller, Stephen G; Wallin, Mitchell T; Wan, Xia; Wang, Haidong; Wang, JianLi; Wang, Linhong; Wang, Wenzhi; Wang, Yanping; Warouw, Tati S; Watts, Charlotte H; Weichenthal, Scott; Weiderpass, Elisabete; Weintraub, Robert G; Werdecker, Andrea; Wessells, K Ryan; Westerman, Ronny; Whiteford, Harvey A; Wilkinson, James D; Williams, Hywel C; Williams, Thomas N; Woldeyohannes, Solomon M; Wolfe, Charles DA; Wong, John Q; Woolf, Anthony D; Wright, Jonathan L; Wurtz, Brittany; Xu, Gelin; Yan, Lijing L; Yang, Gonghuan; Yano, Yuichiro; Ye, Pengpeng; Yenesew, Muluken; Yentür, Gökalp K; Yip, Paul; Yonemoto, Naohiro; Yoon, Seok-Jun; Younis, Mustafa Z; Younoussi, Zourkaleini; Yu, Chuanhua; Zaki, Maysaa E; Zhao, Yong; Zheng, Yingfeng; Zhou, Maigeng; Zhu, Jun; Zhu, Shankuan; Zou, Xiaonong; Zunt, Joseph R; Lopez, Alan D; Vos, Theo; Murray, Christopher J
  • Global, regional, and national disability-adjusted life years (DALYs) for 306 diseases and injuries and healthy life expectancy (HALE) for 188 countries, 1990-2013: quantifying the epidemiological transition. (2015) GBD 2013 DALYs and HALE Collaborators; Murray, Christopher JL; Barber, Ryan M; Foreman, Kyle J; Abbasoglu Ozgoren, Ayse; Abd-Allah, Foad; Abera, Semaw F; Aboyans, Victor; Abraham, Jerry P; Abubakar, Ibrahim; Abu-Raddad, Laith J; Abu-Rmeileh, Niveen M; Achoki, Tom; Ackerman, Ilana N; Ademi, Zanfina; Adou, Arsène K; Adsuar, José C; Afshin, Ashkan; Agardh, Emilie E; Alam, Sayed Saidul; Alasfoor, Deena; Albittar, Mohammed I; Alegretti, Miguel A; Alemu, Zewdie A; Alfonso-Cristancho, Rafael; Alhabib, Samia; Ali, Raghib; Alla, François; Allebeck, Peter; Almazroa, Mohammad A; Alsharif, Ubai; Alvarez, Elena; Alvis-Guzman, Nelson; Amare, Azmeraw T; Ameh, Emmanuel A; Amini, Heresh; Ammar, Walid; Anderson, H Ross; Anderson, Benjamin O; Antonio, Carl Abelardo T; Anwari, Palwasha; Arnlöv, Johan; Arsic Arsenijevic, Valentina S; Artaman, Al; Asghar, Rana J; Assadi, Reza; Atkins, Lydia S; Avila, Marco A; Awuah, Baffour; Bachman, Victoria F; Badawi, Alaa; Bahit, Maria C; Balakrishnan, Kalpana; Banerjee, Amitava; Barker-Collo, Suzanne L; Barquera, Simon; Barregard, Lars; Barrero, Lope H; Basu, Arindam; Basu, Sanjay; Basulaiman, Mohammed O; Beardsley, Justin; Bedi, Neeraj; Beghi, Ettore; Bekele, Tolesa; Bell, Michelle L; Benjet, Corina; Bennett, Derrick A; Bensenor, Isabela M; Benzian, Habib; Bernabé, Eduardo; Bertozzi-Villa, Amelia; Beyene, Tariku J; Bhala, Neeraj; Bhalla, Ashish; Bhutta, Zulfiqar A; Bienhoff, Kelly; Bikbov, Boris; Biryukov, Stan; Blore, Jed D; Blosser, Christopher D; Blyth, Fiona M; Bohensky, Megan A; Bolliger, Ian W; Bora Başara, Berrak; Bornstein, Natan M; Bose, Dipan; Boufous, Soufiane; Bourne, Rupert RA; Boyers, Lindsay N; Brainin, Michael; Brayne, Carol E; Brazinova, Alexandra; Breitborde, Nicholas JK; Brenner, Hermann; Briggs, Adam D; Brooks, Peter M; Brown, Jonathan C; Brugha, Traolach S; Buchbinder, Rachelle; Buckle, Geoffrey C; Budke, Christine M; Bulchis, Anne; Bulloch, Andrew G; Campos-Nonato, Ismael R; Carabin, Hélène; Carapetis, Jonathan R; Cárdenas, Rosario; Carpenter, David O; Caso, Valeria; Castañeda-Orjuela, Carlos A; Castro, Ruben E; Catalá-López, Ferrán; Cavalleri, Fiorella; Çavlin, Alanur; Chadha, Vineet K; Chang, Jung-Chen; Charlson, Fiona J; Chen, Honglei; Chen, Wanqing; Chiang, Peggy P; Chimed-Ochir, Odgerel; Chowdhury, Rajiv; Christensen, Hanne; Christophi, Costas A; Cirillo, Massimo; Coates, Matthew M; Coffeng, Luc E; Coggeshall, Megan S; Colistro, Valentina; Colquhoun, Samantha M; Cooke, Graham S; Cooper, Cyrus; Cooper, Leslie T; Coppola, Luis M; Cortinovis, Monica; Criqui, Michael H; Crump, John A; Cuevas-Nasu, Lucia; Danawi, Hadi; Dandona, Lalit; Dandona, Rakhi; Dansereau, Emily; Dargan, Paul I; Davey, Gail; Davis, Adrian; Davitoiu, Dragos V; Dayama, Anand; De Leo, Diego; Degenhardt, Louisa; Del Pozo-Cruz, Borja; Dellavalle, Robert P; Deribe, Kebede; Derrett, Sarah; Des Jarlais, Don C; Dessalegn, Muluken; Dharmaratne, Samath D; Dherani, Mukesh K; Diaz-Torné, Cesar; Dicker, Daniel; Ding, Eric L; Dokova, Klara; Dorsey, E Ray; Driscoll, Tim R; Duan, Leilei; Duber, Herbert C; Ebel, Beth E; Edmond, Karen M; Elshrek, Yousef M; Endres, Matthias; Ermakov, Sergey P; Erskine, Holly E; Eshrati, Babak; Esteghamati, Alireza; Estep, Kara; Faraon, Emerito Jose A; Farzadfar, Farshad; Fay, Derek F; Feigin, Valery L; Felson, David T; Fereshtehnejad, Seyed-Mohammad; Fernandes, Jefferson G; Ferrari, Alize J; Fitzmaurice, Christina; Flaxman, Abraham D; Fleming, Thomas D; Foigt, Nataliya; Forouzanfar, Mohammad H; Fowkes, F Gerry R; Paleo, Urbano Fra; Franklin, Richard C; Fürst, Thomas; Gabbe, Belinda; Gaffikin, Lynne; Gankpé, Fortuné G; Geleijnse, Johanna M; Gessner, Bradford D; Gething, Peter; Gibney, Katherine B; Giroud, Maurice; Giussani, Giorgia; Gomez Dantes, Hector; Gona, Philimon; González-Medina, Diego; Gosselin, Richard A; Gotay, Carolyn C; Goto, Atsushi; Gouda, Hebe N; Graetz, Nicholas; Gugnani, Harish C; Gupta, Rahul; Gupta, Rajeev; Gutiérrez, Reyna A; Haagsma, Juanita; Hafezi-Nejad, Nima; Hagan, Holly; Halasa, Yara A; Hamadeh, Randah R; Hamavid, Hannah; Hammami, Mouhanad; Hancock, Jamie; Hankey, Graeme J; Hansen, Gillian M; Hao, Yuantao; Harb, Hilda L; Haro, Josep Maria; Havmoeller, Rasmus; Hay, Simon I; Hay, Roderick J; Heredia-Pi, Ileana B; Heuton, Kyle R; Heydarpour, Pouria; Higashi, Hideki; Hijar, Martha; Hoek, Hans W; Hoffman, Howard J; Hosgood, H Dean; Hossain, Mazeda; Hotez, Peter J; Hoy, Damian G; Hsairi, Mohamed; Hu, Guoqing; Huang, Cheng; Huang, John J; Husseini, Abdullatif; Huynh, Chantal; Iannarone, Marissa L; Iburg, Kim M; Innos, Kaire; Inoue, Manami; Islami, Farhad; Jacobsen, Kathryn H; Jarvis, Deborah L; Jassal, Simerjot K; Jee, Sun Ha; Jeemon, Panniyammakal; Jensen, Paul N; Jha, Vivekanand; Jiang, Guohong; Jiang, Ying; Jonas, Jost B; Juel, Knud; Kan, Haidong; Karch, André; Karema, Corine K; Karimkhani, Chante; Karthikeyan, Ganesan; Kassebaum, Nicholas J; Kaul, Anil; Kawakami, Norito; Kazanjan, Konstantin; Kemp, Andrew H; Kengne, Andre P; Keren, Andre; Khader, Yousef S; Khalifa, Shams Eldin A; Khan, Ejaz A; Khan, Gulfaraz; Khang, Young-Ho; Kieling, Christian; Kim, Daniel; Kim, Sungroul; Kim, Yunjin; Kinfu, Yohannes; Kinge, Jonas M; Kivipelto, Miia; Knibbs, Luke D; Knudsen, Ann Kristin; Kokubo, Yoshihiro; Kosen, Soewarta; Krishnaswami, Sanjay; Kuate Defo, Barthelemy; Kucuk Bicer, Burcu; Kuipers, Ernst J; Kulkarni, Chanda; Kulkarni, Veena S; Kumar, G Anil; Kyu, Hmwe H; Lai, Taavi; Lalloo, Ratilal; Lallukka, Tea; Lam, Hilton; Lan, Qing; Lansingh, Van C; Larsson, Anders; Lawrynowicz, Alicia EB; Leasher, Janet L; Leigh, James; Leung, Ricky; Levitz, Carly E; Li, Bin; Li, Yichong; Li, Yongmei; Lim, Stephen S; Lind, Maggie; Lipshultz, Steven E; Liu, Shiwei; Liu, Yang; Lloyd, Belinda K; Lofgren, Katherine T; Logroscino, Giancarlo; Looker, Katharine J; Lortet-Tieulent, Joannie; Lotufo, Paulo A; Lozano, Rafael; Lucas, Robyn M; Lunevicius, Raimundas; Lyons, Ronan A; Ma, Stefan; Macintyre, Michael F; Mackay, Mark T; Majdan, Marek; Malekzadeh, Reza; Marcenes, Wagner; Margolis, David J; Margono, Christopher; Marzan, Melvin B; Masci, Joseph R; Mashal, Mohammad T; Matzopoulos, Richard; Mayosi, Bongani M; Mazorodze, Tasara T; Mcgill, Neil W; Mcgrath, John J; Mckee, Martin; Mclain, Abigail; Meaney, Peter A; Medina, Catalina; Mehndiratta, Man Mohan; Mekonnen, Wubegzier; Melaku, Yohannes A; Meltzer, Michele; Memish, Ziad A; Mensah, George A; Meretoja, Atte; Mhimbira, Francis A; Micha, Renata; Miller, Ted R; Mills, Edward J; Mitchell, Philip B; Mock, Charles N; Mohamed Ibrahim, Norlinah; Mohammad, Karzan A; Mokdad, Ali H; Mola, Glen LD; Monasta, Lorenzo; Montañez Hernandez, Julio C; Montico, Marcella; Montine, Thomas J; Mooney, Meghan D; Moore, Ami R; Moradi-Lakeh, Maziar; Moran, Andrew E; Mori, Rintaro; Moschandreas, Joanna; Moturi, Wilkister N; Moyer, Madeline L; Mozaffarian, Dariush; Msemburi, William T; Mueller, Ulrich O; Mukaigawara, Mitsuru; Mullany, Erin C; Murdoch, Michele E; Murray, Joseph; Murthy, Kinnari S; Naghavi, Mohsen; Naheed, Aliya; Naidoo, Kovin S; Naldi, Luigi; Nand, Devina; Nangia, Vinay; Narayan, KM Venkat; Nejjari, Chakib; Neupane, Sudan P; Newton, Charles R; Ng, Marie; Ngalesoni, Frida N; Nguyen, Grant; Nisar, Muhammad I; Nolte, Sandra; Norheim, Ole F; Norman, Rosana E; Norrving, Bo; Nyakarahuka, Luke; Oh, In-Hwan; Ohkubo, Takayoshi; Ohno, Summer L; Olusanya, Bolajoko O; Opio, John Nelson; Ortblad, Katrina; Ortiz, Alberto; Pain, Amanda W; Pandian, Jeyaraj D; Panelo, Carlo Irwin A; Papachristou, Christina; Park, Eun-Kee; Park, Jae-Hyun; Patten, Scott B; Patton, George C; Paul, Vinod K; Pavlin, Boris I; Pearce, Neil; Pereira, David M; Perez-Padilla, Rogelio; Perez-Ruiz, Fernando; Perico, Norberto; Pervaiz, Aslam; Pesudovs, Konrad; Peterson, Carrie B; Petzold, Max; Phillips, Michael R; Phillips, Bryan K; Phillips, David E; Piel, Frédéric B; Plass, Dietrich; Poenaru, Dan; Polinder, Suzanne; Pope, Daniel; Popova, Svetlana; Poulton, Richie G; Pourmalek, Farshad; Prabhakaran, Dorairaj; Prasad, Noela M; Pullan, Rachel L; Qato, Dima M; Quistberg, D Alex; Rafay, Anwar; Rahimi, Kazem; Rahman, Sajjad U; Raju, Murugesan; Rana, Saleem M; Razavi, Homie; Reddy, K Srinath; Refaat, Amany; Remuzzi, Giuseppe; Resnikoff, Serge; Ribeiro, Antonio L; Richardson, Lee; Richardus, Jan Hendrik; Roberts, D Allen; Rojas-Rueda, David; Ronfani, Luca; Roth, Gregory A; Rothenbacher, Dietrich; Rothstein, David H; Rowley, Jane T; Roy, Nobhojit; Ruhago, George M; Saeedi, Mohammad Y; Saha, Sukanta; Sahraian, Mohammad Ali; Sampson, Uchechukwu KA; Sanabria, Juan R; Sandar, Logan; Santos, Itamar S; Satpathy, Maheswar; Sawhney, Monika; Scarborough, Peter; Schneider, Ione J; Schöttker, Ben; Schumacher, Austin E; Schwebel, David C; Scott, James G; Seedat, Soraya; Sepanlou, Sadaf G; Serina, Peter T; Servan-Mori, Edson E; Shackelford, Katya A; Shaheen, Amira; Shahraz, Saeid; Shamah Levy, Teresa; Shangguan, Siyi; She, Jun; Sheikhbahaei, Sara; Shi, Peilin; Shibuya, Kenji; Shinohara, Yukito; Shiri, Rahman; Shishani, Kawkab; Shiue, Ivy; Shrime, Mark G; Sigfusdottir, Inga D; Silberberg, Donald H; Simard, Edgar P; Sindi, Shireen; Singh, Abhishek; Singh, Jasvinder A; Singh, Lavanya; Skirbekk, Vegard; Slepak, Erica Leigh; Sliwa, Karen; Soneji, Samir; Søreide, Kjetil; Soshnikov, Sergey; Sposato, Luciano A; Sreeramareddy, Chandrashekhar T; Stanaway, Jeffrey D; Stathopoulou, Vasiliki; Stein, Dan J; Stein, Murray B; Steiner, Caitlyn; Steiner, Timothy J; Stevens, Antony; Stewart, Andrea; Stovner, Lars J; Stroumpoulis, Konstantinos; Sunguya, Bruno F; Swaminathan, Soumya; Swaroop, Mamta; Sykes, Bryan L; Tabb, Karen M; Takahashi, Ken; Tandon, Nikhil; Tanne, David; Tanner, Marcel; Tavakkoli, Mohammad; Taylor, Hugh R; Te Ao, Braden J; Tediosi, Fabrizio; Temesgen, Awoke M; Templin, Tara; Ten Have, Margreet; Tenkorang, Eric Y; Terkawi, Abdullah S; Thomson, Blake; Thorne-Lyman, Andrew L; Thrift, Amanda G; Thurston, George D; Tillmann, Taavi; Tonelli, Marcello; Topouzis, Fotis; Toyoshima, Hideaki; Traebert, Jefferson; Tran, Bach X; Trillini, Matias; Truelsen, Thomas; Tsilimbaris, Miltiadis; Tuzcu, Emin M; Uchendu, Uche S; Ukwaja, Kingsley N; Undurraga, Eduardo A; Uzun, Selen B; Van Brakel, Wim H; Van De Vijver, Steven; van Gool, Coen H; Van Os, Jim; Vasankari, Tommi J; Venketasubramanian, N; Violante, Francesco S; Vlassov, Vasiliy V; Vollset, Stein Emil; Wagner, Gregory R; Wagner, Joseph; Waller, Stephen G; Wan, Xia; Wang, Haidong; Wang, Jianli; Wang, Linhong; Warouw, Tati S; Weichenthal, Scott; Weiderpass, Elisabete; Weintraub, Robert G; Wenzhi, Wang; Werdecker, Andrea; Westerman, Ronny; Whiteford, Harvey A; Wilkinson, James D; Williams, Thomas N; Wolfe, Charles D; Wolock, Timothy M; Woolf, Anthony D; Wulf, Sarah; Wurtz, Brittany; Xu, Gelin; Yan, Lijing L; Yano, Yuichiro; Ye, Pengpeng; Yentür, Gökalp K; Yip, Paul; Yonemoto, Naohiro; Yoon, Seok-Jun; Younis, Mustafa Z; Yu, Chuanhua; Zaki, Maysaa E; Zhao, Yong; Zheng, Yingfeng; Zonies, David; Zou, Xiaonong; Salomon, Joshua A; Lopez, Alan D; Vos, Theo
  • Patient Experience Shows Little Relationship with Hospital Quality Management Strategies. (2015) Groene, Oliver; Arah, Onyebuchi A; Klazinga, Niek S; Wagner, Cordula; Bartels, Paul D; Kristensen, Solvejg; Saillour, Florence; Thompson, Andrew; Thompson, Caroline A; Pfaff, Holger; DerSarkissian, Maral; Sunol, Rosa
  • Global, regional, and national incidence, prevalence, and years lived with disability for 301 acute and chronic diseases and injuries in 188 countries, 1990-2013: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2013. (2015) Global Burden of Disease Study 2013 Collaborators
  • Reduced street lighting at night and health: A rapid appraisal of public views in England and Wales. (2015) Green, Judith; Perkins, Chloe; Steinbach, Rebecca; Edwards, Phil
  • Inaugural Lecture - Judith Green: Sociology, the real world, and public health. (2015) Green, J video_file
  • A systematic review on health resilience to economic crises. (2015) Glonti, Ketevan; Gordeev, Vladimir S; Goryakin, Yevgeniy; Reeves, Aaron; Stuckler, David; McKee, Martin; Roberts, Bayard
  • Should English healthcare providers be penalised for failing to collect patient-reported outcome measures? A retrospective analysis. (2015) Gutacker, Nils; Street, Andrew; Gomes, Manuel; Bojke, Chris
  • The impact of economic, political and social globalization on overweight and obesity in the 56 low and middle income countries. (2015) Goryakin, Yevgeniy; Lobstein, Tim; James, W Philip T; Suhrcke, Marc
  • Addressing Missing Data in Patient-Reported Outcome Measures (PROMS): Implications for the Use of PROMS for Comparing Provider Performance. (2015) Gomes, Manuel; Gutacker, Nils; Bojke, Chris; Street, Andrew
  • Healthcare utilization and expenditures for chronic and acute conditions in Georgia: does benefit package design matter? (2015) Gotsadze, George; Murphy, Adrianna; Shengelia, Natia; Zoidze, Akaki
  • A population-based observational study on the factors associated with the completion of palliative chemotherapy among patients with oesophagogastric cancer. (2015) Groene, Oliver; Crosby, Tom; Hardwick, Richard Henry; Riley, Stuart; Greenaway, Kimberley; Cromwell, David
  • Fruit and vegetable consumption in the former Soviet Union: the role of individual- and community-level factors. (2015) Goryakin, Yevgeniy; Rocco, Lorenzo; Suhrcke, Marc; Roberts, Bayard; McKee, Martin
  • Global, regional, and national age-sex specific all-cause and cause-specific mortality for 240 causes of death, 1990-2013: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2013. (2015) GBD 2013 Mortality and Causes of Death Collaborators
  • Evaluating youth-friendly health services: young people's perspectives from a simulated client study in urban South Africa. (2015) Geary, Rebecca S; Webb, Emily L; Clarke, Lynda; Norris, Shane A
  • European health professionals’ experience of cross-border care through the lens of three common conditions. (2015) Glonti, Ketevan; Hawkesworth, Sophie; Footman, Katharine; Doering, Nora; Schmidt, Andrea E; Destrebeq, Frédéric; Cluzeau, Francoise; McKee, Martin; Knai, Cecile
  • Comparative effectiveness of antiviral treatment for hepatitis B: a systematic review and Bayesian network meta-analysis. (2015) Govan, Lindsay; Wu, Olivia; Xin, Yiqiao; Hutchinson, Sharon J; Hawkins, Neil
  • The public health profession and the community. (2015) Green, Judith
  • How do health care providers respond to PROMs data to improve patient care? A realist synthesis. (2015) Greenhalgh, J; Dalkin, S; Gibbons, E; Black, N; Valderas, JM; Wright, J; Meads, D; Lingard, L; Wood, L; Jackson, J
  • Patient involvement in quality management: rationale and current status. (2015) Groene, Oliver; Sunol, Rosa
  • H
  • The impact of quasi-markets on processes and factors affecting the costs of contracting. (2015) Hurri, J; Vuori, J; Liddle, J; Allen, P description
  • Temporal Changes in the Quality of Acute Stroke Care in Five National Audits across Europe. (2015) Hillmann, Steffi; Wiedmann, Silke; Fraser, Alec; Baeza, Juan; Rudd, Anthony; Norrving, Bo; Asplund, Kjell; Niewada, Maciej; Dennis, Martin; Hermanek, Peter; Wolfe, Charles DA; Heuschmann, Peter U
  • The problem with preventable deaths. (2015) Hogan, Helen
  • Cohort Profile: The Kiang West Longitudinal Population Study (KWLPS)-a platform for integrated research and health care provision in rural Gambia. (2015) Hennig, Branwen J; Unger, Stefan A; Dondeh, Bai Lamin; Hassan, Jahid; Hawkesworth, Sophie; Jarjou, Landing; Jones, Kerry S; Moore, Sophie E; Nabwera, Helen M; Ngum, Mohammed; Prentice, Ann; Sonko, Bakary; Prentice, Andrew M; Fulford, Anthony J description
  • Applying social theory to understand health-related behaviours. (2015) Holman, Daniel; Borgstrom, Erica description
  • Deferred Consent for Randomized Controlled Trials in Emergency Care Settings. (2015) Harron, Katie; Woolfall, Kerry; Dwan, Kerry; Gamble, Carrol; Mok, Quen; Ramnarayan, Padmanabhan; Gilbert, Ruth
  • Data linkage errors in hospital administrative data when applying a pseudonymisation algorithm to paediatric intensive care records. (2015) Hagger-Johnson, Gareth; Harron, Katie; Fleming, Tom; Gilbert, Ruth; Goldstein, Harvey; Landy, Rebecca; Parslow, Roger C
  • Avoidability of hospital deaths and association with hospital-wide mortality ratios: retrospective case record review and regression analysis. (2015) Hogan, Helen; Zipfel, Rebecca; Neuburger, Jenny; Hutchings, Andrew; Darzi, Ara; Black, Nick
  • External Validation and Recalibration of Risk Prediction Models for Acute Traumatic Brain Injury among Critically Ill Adult Patients in the United Kingdom. (2015) Harrison, David A; Griggs, Kathryn A; Prabhu, Gita; Gomes, Manuel; Lecky, Fiona E; Hutchinson, Peter JA; Menon, David K; Rowan, Kathryn M; Risk Adjustment In Neurocritical care (RAIN) Study Investigators
  • The impacts of job loss and job recovery on self-rated health: testing the mediating role of financial strain and income. (2015) Huijts, Tim; Reeves, Aaron; McKee, Martin; Stuckler, David
  • Associations of coeliac disease with coronary heart disease and cerebrovascular disease: A systematic review and meta-analysis. (2015) Heikkilä, K; Koskinen, OA; Agarwal, Arnav; Tikkinen, KAO; Mäki, M; Kaukinen, K
  • Tobacco industry lobbying undermines public health in Asia. (2015) Hopkinson, Nicholas S; McKee, Martin; Reddy, K Srinath
  • Monitoring Quality of Care Through Linkage of Administrative Data: National Trends in Bloodstream Infection in U.K. PICUs 2003-2012. (2015) Harron, Katie; Parslow, Roger; Mok, Quen; Tibby, Shane M; Wade, Angie; Muller-Pebody, Berit; Gilbert, Ruth
  • Delay to admission to critical care and mortality among deteriorating ward patients in UK hospitals: a multicentre, prospective, observational cohort study. (2015) Harris, Steve; Singer, Mervyn; Rowan, Kathy; Sanderson, Colin
  • Methodological Developments in Data Linkage. (2015) Harron, K; Goldstein, H; Dibben, C
  • Monitoring quality of care through linkage of administrative data: national trends in bloodstream infection in U.K. PICUs 2003-2012. (2015) Harron, Katie; Parslow, Roger; Mok, Quen; Tibby, Shane M; Wade, Angie; Muller-Pebody, Berit; Gilbert, Ruth
  • From Sample Average Treatment Effect to Population Average Treatment Effect on the Treated: Combining Experimental with Observational Studies to Estimate Population Treatment Effects. (2015) Hartman, Erin; Grieve, Richard; Ramsahai, Roland; Sekhon, Jasjeet S
  • Celiac disease and bone fractures: a systematic review and meta-analysis. (2015) Heikkilä, Katriina; Pearce, Jo; Mäki, Markku; Kaukinen, Katri
  • Risk or reward? The Changing Role of CCGs in General Practice. (2015) Holder, H; Robertson, R; Ross, S; Bennett, L; Gosling, J; Curry, N
  • I
  • Endovascular strategy or open repair for ruptured abdominal aortic aneurysm: one-year outcomes from the IMPROVE randomized trial. (2015) IMPROVE Trial Investigators
  • J
  • Localism, neighbourhood planning and community control: the MapLocal pilot. (2015) Jones, P; Layard, A; Lorne, C; Speed, C
  • Socioeconomic deprivation and inpatient complication rates following mastectomy and breast reconstruction surgery. (2015) Jeevan, R; Browne, JP; Pereira, J; Caddy, CM; Sheppard, C; van der Meulen, JHP; Cromwell, DA
  • What does a hospital mean? (2015) Jones, Lorelei
  • Promoting professional behaviour change in healthcare: what interventions work, and why? A theory-led overview of systematic reviews. (2015) Johnson, Mark J; May, Carl R
  • K
  • Access to care in the Baltic States: did crisis have an impact? (2015) Karanikolos, Marina; Gordeev, Vladimir S; Mackenbach, Johan P; McKee, Martin description
  • Availability and affordability of cardiovascular disease medicines and their effect on use in high-income, middle-income, and low-income countries: an analysis of the PURE study data. (2015) Khatib, Rasha; Mckee, Martin; Shannon, Harry; Chow, Clara; Rangarajan, Sumathy; Teo, Koon; Wei, Li; Mony, Prem; Mohan, Viswanathan; Gupta, Rajeev; Kumar, Rajesh; Vijayakumar, Krishnapillai; Lear, Scott A; Diaz, Rafael; Avezum, Alvaro; Lopez-Jaramillo, Patricio; Lanas, Fernando; Yusoff, Khalid; Ismail, Noorhassim; Kazmi, Khawar; Rahman, Omar; Rosengren, Annika; Monsef, Nahed; Kelishadi, Roya; Kruger, Annamarie; Puoane, Thandi; Szuba, Andrzej; Chifamba, Jephat; Temizhan, Ahmet; Dagenais, Gilles; Gafni, Amiram; Yusuf, Salim
  • Measuring the impact of Ebola control measures in Sierra Leone. (2015) Kucharski, Adam J; Camacho, Anton; Flasche, Stefan; Glover, Rebecca E; Edmunds, W John; Funk, Sebastian
  • Examination of the Synthetic Control Method for Evaluating Health Policies with Multiple Treated Units. (2015) Kreif, Noémi; Grieve, Richard; Hangartner, Dominik; Turner, Alex James; Nikolova, Silviya; Sutton, Matt
  • Quality management and perceptions of teamwork and safety climate in European hospitals. (2015) Kristensen, Solvejg; Hammer, Antje; Bartels, Paul; Suñol, Rosa; Groene, Oliver; Thompson, Caroline A; Arah, Onyebuchi A; Kutaj-Wasikowska, Halina; Michel, Philippe; Wagner, Cordula
  • Islamist insurgency and the war against polio: a cross-national analysis of the political determinants of polio. (2015) Kennedy, Jonathan; McKee, Martin; King, Lawrence
  • Getting England to be more physically active: are the Public Health Responsibility Deal's physical activity pledges the answer? (2015) Knai, C; Petticrew, M; Scott, C; Durand, MA; Eastmure, E; James, L; Mehrotra, A; Mays, N
  • How do economic crises affect migrants' risk of infectious disease? A systematic-narrative review. (2015) Kentikelenis, Alexander; Karanikolos, Marina; Williams, Gemma; Mladovsky, Philipa; King, Lawrence; Pharris, Anastasia; Suk, Jonathan E; Hatzakis, Angelos; McKee, Martin; Noori, Teymur; Stuckler, David
  • The risk of ureteric injury associated with hysterectomy: a 10-year retrospective cohort study. (2015) Kiran, A; Hilton, P; Cromwell, DA
  • The influence of context on the effectiveness of hospital quality improvement strategies: a review of systematic reviews. (2015) Kringos, Dionne S; Sunol, Rosa; Wagner, Cordula; Mannion, Russell; Michel, Philippe; Klazinga, Niek S; Groene, Oliver; DUQuE Consortium
  • The FORECAST study - Focal recurrent assessment and salvage treatment for radiorecurrent prostate cancer. (2015) Kanthabalan, A; Shah, T; Arya, M; Punwani, S; Bomanji, J; Haroon, A; Illing, RO; Latifoltojar, A; Freeman, A; Jameson, C; van der Meulen, J; Charman, S; Emberton, M; Ahmed, HU
  • Evaluation of the Effect of a Continuous Treatment: A Machine Learning Approach with an Application to Treatment for Traumatic Brain Injury. (2015) Kreif, Noémi; Grieve, Richard; Díaz, Iván; Harrison, David
  • From the concrete to the intangible: understanding the diverse experiences and impacts of new transport infrastructure. (2015) Kesten, Joanna May; Guell, Cornelia; Cohn, Simon; Ogilvie, David
  • Rhetoric and Reality in the English National Health Service Comment on "Who Killed the English National Health Service?". (2015) Klein, Rudolf
  • Short-Term Smoking Cessation in English Resident Adults of Bangladeshi Origin: A Service Review. (2015) Kassim, Saba; Al-Haboubi, Mustafa; Croucher, Ray
  • Has a public–private partnership resulted in action on healthier diets in England? An analysis of the Public Health Responsibility Deal food pledges. (2015) Knai, C; Petticrew, M; Durand, MA; Eastmure, E; James, L; Mehrotra, A; Scott, C; Mays, N
  • Knai and colleagues' response to comments of the Portman Group in news story about their research on the "responsibility deal" on alcohol. (2015) Knai, Cécile; Petticrew, Mark; Mays, Nicholas; Durand, Mary Alison; Eastmure, Elizabeth
  • Are the Public Health Responsibility Deal alcohol pledges likely to improve public health? An evidence synthesis. (2015) Knai, C; Petticrew, M; Durand, MA; Eastmure, E; Mays, N
  • The Public Health Responsibility deal: has a public-private partnership brought about action on alcohol reduction? (2015) Knai, Cécile; Petticrew, Mark; Durand, Mary Alison; Scott, Courtney; James, Lesley; Mehrotra, Anushka; Eastmure, Elizabeth; Mays, Nicholas description
  • Availability and affordability of cardiovascular disease medicines and their effect on use in high-income, middle-income, and low-income countries: an analysis of the PURE study data. (2015) Khatib, Rasha; McKee, Martin; Shannon, Harry; Chow, Clara; Rangarajan, Sumathy; Teo, Koon; Wei, Li; Mony, Prem; Mohan, Viswanathan; Gupta, Rajeev; Kumar, Rajesh; Vijayakumar, Krishnapillai; Lear, Scott A; Diaz, Rafael; Avezum, Alvaro; Lopez-Jaramillo, Patricio; Lanas, Fernando; Yusoff, Khalid; Ismail, Noorhassim; Kazmi, Khawar; Rahman, Omar; Rosengren, Annika; Monsef, Nahed; Kelishadi, Roya; Kruger, Annamarie; Puoane, Thandi; Szuba, Andrzej; Chifamba, Jephat; Temizhan, Ahmet; Dagenais, Gilles; Gafni, Amiram; Yusuf, Salim; PURE study investigators
  • The need for global primary care development indicators. (2015) Kidd, Michael R; Anderson, Maria Inez Padula; Obazee, Ehimatie M; Prasad, Pratap N; Pettigrew, Luisa M; World Organization of Family Doctors' executive committee
  • L
  • The relation between sleep duration and sedentary behaviours in European adults. (2015) Lakerveld, J; Mackenbach, JD; Horvath, E; Rutters, F; Compernolle, S; Bárdos, H; De Bourdeaudhuij, I; Charreire, H; Rutter, H; Oppert, J-M; McKee, M; Brug, J
  • Conceptualizing and measuring health-related quality of life in critical care. (2015) Lim, Wan Chin; Black, Nick; Lamping, Donna; Rowan, Kathryn; Mays, Nicholas description
  • Day care versus in-patient surgery for age-related cataract. (2015) Lawrence, David; Fedorowicz, Zbys; van Zuuren, Esther J
  • Obesity-related behaviours and BMI in five urban regions across Europe: sampling design and results from the SPOTLIGHT cross-sectional survey. (2015) Lakerveld, Jeroen; Ben Rebah, Maher; Mackenbach, Joreintje D; Charreire, Hélène; Compernolle, Sofie; Glonti, Ketevan; Bardos, Helga; Rutter, Harry; De Bourdeaudhuij, Ilse; Brug, Johannes; Oppert, Jean-Michel
  • In the loop: Practices of self-monitoring from accounts by trial participants. (2015) Lynch, RJ; Cohn, S description
  • The impact of economic downturns and budget cuts on homelessness claim rates across 323 local authorities in England, 2004-12. (2015) Loopstra, Rachel; Reeves, Aaron; Barr, Ben; Taylor-Robinson, David; McKee, Martin; Stuckler, David
  • Using ambulatory care sensitive hospitalisations to analyse the effectiveness of primary care services in Mexico. (2015) Lugo-Palacios, David G; Cairns, John
  • Predicting hospital costs for patients receiving renal replacement therapy to inform an economic evaluation. (2015) Li, B; Cairns, J; Fotheringham, J; Ravanan, R; ATTOM Study Group
  • Understanding cost of care for patients on renal replacement therapy: looking beyond fixed tariffs. (2015) Li, B; Cairns, JA; Fotheringham, J; Tomson, CR; Forsythe, JL; Watson, C; Metcalfe, W; Fogarty, DG; Draper, H; Oniscu, GC; Dudley, C; Johnson, RJ; Roderick, P; Leydon, G; Bradley, JA; Ravanan, R
  • Roundtable discussion on the Third Global Symposium on Health Systems Research: why prioritise talk over aid in the midst of the Ebola crisis? (2015) Lazarus, Jeffrey V; Balabanova, Dina; Safreed-Harmon, Kelly; Daniels, Karen; Mabaso, Kopano Matlwa; McKee, Martin; Mirzoev, Tolib; Hyder, Adnan A; Gruskin, Sofia
  • Patients' knowledge, attitudes, behaviour and health care experiences on the prevention, detection, management and control of hypertension in Colombia: a qualitative study. (2015) Legido-Quigley, Helena; Camacho Lopez, Paul Anthony; Balabanova, Dina; Perel, Pablo; Lopez-Jaramillo, Patricio; Nieuwlaat, Robby; Schwalm, J-D; McCready, Tara; Yusuf, Salim; McKee, Martin
  • Substandard antimalarials available in Afghanistan: a case for assessing the quality of drugs in resource poor settings. (2015) Lalani, Mirza; Kaur, Harparkash; Mohammed, Nader; Mailk, Naiela; Wyk, Albert van; Jan, Sakhi; Kakar, Rishtya Meena; Mojadidi, Mohammed Khalid; Leslie, Toby
  • Austerity, sanctions, and the rise of food banks in the UK. (2015) Loopstra, Rachel; Reeves, Aaron; Taylor-Robinson, David; Barr, Ben; McKee, Martin; Stuckler, David
  • Black box audio/video recording in the operating room: time for anesthesiologists to get with the picture. (2015) Levin, David; Tan, Stefanie
  • A systematic review on tobacco use among civilian populations affected by armed conflict. (2015) Lo, Janice; Patel, Preeti; Roberts, Bayard
  • Barriers to advance care planning at the end of life: an explanatory systematic review of implementation studies. (2015) Lund, Susi; Richardson, Alison; May, Carl
  • Use and abuse of statistics in tobacco industry-funded research on standardised packaging. (2015) Laverty, Anthony A; Diethelm, Pascal; Hopkinson, Nicholas S; Watt, Hilary C; McKee, Martin
  • January 2015 - Ebola vaccine, care homes, and the impact of chance. (2015) UNSPECIFIED
  • Improving self-management of diabetes and awareness of good eye health amongst the Pakistani population. (2015) Lee, H; Leamon, S; Marks, D; Macdowall, W; Holdsworth, E; Datta, J
  • A premature mortality target for the SDG for health is ageist. (2015) Lloyd-Sherlock, Peter; Ebrahim, Shah; McKee, Martin; Prince, Martin
  • The Devil in the Details: Materiality and the Spirit in a Trinidadian Village. (2015) Lynch, R
  • M
  • European watchdog is failing to hold tobacco industry to account over smuggling. (2015) McKee, Martin; Gilmore, Anna B
  • Perceived environmental correlates of cycling for transport among adults in five regions of Europe. (2015) Mertens, L; Compernolle, S; Gheysen, F; Deforche, B; Brug, J; Mackenbach, JD; Lakerveld, J; Oppert, J-M; Feuillet, T; Glonti, K; Bárdos, H; De Bourdeaudhuij, I
  • Exploring why residents of socioeconomically deprived neighbourhoods have less favourable perceptions of their neighbourhood environment than residents of wealthy neighbourhoods. (2015) Mackenbach, JD; Lakerveld, J; van Lenthe, FJ; Bárdos, H; Glonti, K; Compernolle, S; De Bourdeaudhuij, I; Oppert, J-M; Roda, C; Rutter, H; Brug, J; Nijpels, G
  • Young People's Preferences for Family Planning Service Providers in Rural Malawi: A Discrete Choice Experiment. (2015) Michaels-Igbokwe, Christine; Terris-Prestholt, Fern; Lagarde, Mylene; Chipeta, Effie; Integra Initiative; Cairns, John
  • Changes in first entry to out-of-home care from 1992 to 2012 among children in England. (2015) Mc Grath-Lone, Louise; Dearden, Lorraine; Nasim, Bilal; Harron, Katie; Gilbert, Ruth
  • RESTORE: an exploratory trial of a web-based intervention to enhance self-management of cancer-related fatigue: findings from a qualitative process evaluation. (2015) Myall, Michelle; May, Carl R; Grimmett, Chloe; May, Christine M; Calman, Lynn; Richardson, Alison; Foster, Claire L
  • Removal of cheap, super-strength beer and cider to address alcohol-related harms: a qualitative study of a local alcohol availability intervention. (2015) McGill, Elizabeth; Marks, Dalya; Sumpter, Colin; Egan, Matt
  • 'Normal' serum sodium concentration among inpatients over 65 admitted to hospital: an observational study. (2015) McKee, Martin; Exall, Sarah; Stuckler, David; Wolff, Anthony
  • A qualitative geographical information systems approach to explore how older people over 70 years interact with and define their neighbourhood environment. (2015) Milton, Sarah; Pliakas, Triantafyllos; Hawkesworth, Sophie; Nanchahal, Kiran; Grundy, Chris; Amuzu, Antoinette; Casas, Juan-Pablo; Lock, Karen picture_as_pdf
  • Economic evaluations of follow-up strategies for cancer survivors: a systematic review and quality appraisal of the literature. (2015) Meregaglia, Michela; Cairns, John description
  • What do people die from? The challenges of measuring disease burden posed by multi-morbidity. (2015) McKee, Martin
  • Traumatic brain injury: the challenge of post-acute management within trauma networks. (2015) Makela, Petra; Tolias, Christos picture_as_pdf
  • Evidence about electronic cigarettes: a foundation built on rock or sand? (2015) McKee, Martin; Capewell, Simon
  • Government, politics and health policy: A quantitative analysis of 30 European countries. (2015) Mackenbach, Johan P; McKee, Martin
  • Is the UK government right that seven day working in hospitals would save 6000 lives a year? (2015) McKee, Martin
  • Electronic cigarettes: we need evidence, not opinions. (2015) McKee, Martin; Capewell, Simon
  • The return of public health to local government in England: changing the parameters of the public health prioritization debate? (2015) Marks, L; Hunter, DJ; Scalabrini, S; Gray, J; McCafferty, S; Payne, N; Peckham, S; Salway, S; Thokala, P
  • Accuracy of musculoskeletal imaging for the diagnosis of polymyalgia rheumatica: systematic review. (2015) Mackie, Sarah Louise; Koduri, Gouri; Hill, Catherine L; Wakefield, Richard J; Hutchings, Andrew; Loy, Clement; Dasgupta, Bhaskar; Wyatt, Jeremy C
  • Why did life expectancy in Central and Eastern Europe suddenly improve in the 1990s? An analysis by cause of death. (2015) Mackenbach, Johan P; Karanikolos, Marina; Lopez Bernal, Jamie; Mckee, Martin
  • What happens when GPs engage in commissioning? Two decades of experience in the English NHS. (2015) Miller, Rosalind; Peckham, Stephen; Coleman, Anna; McDermott, Imelda; Harrison, Stephen; Checkland, Kath
  • Understanding welfare conditionality in the context of a generational habitus: A qualitative study of older citizens in England. (2015) Milton, S; Buckner, S; Salway, S; Powell, K; Moffatt, S; Green, J
  • Double-blind randomised controlled trial of vitamin D3 supplementation for the prevention of acute respiratory infection in older adults and their carers (ViDiFlu). (2015) Martineau, Adrian R; Hanifa, Yasmeen; Witt, Karolina D; Barnes, Neil C; Hooper, Richard L; Patel, Mital; Stevens, Natasha; Enayat, Zinat; Balayah, Zuhur; Syed, Asmat; Knight, Aishah; Jolliffe, David A; Greiller, Claire L; McLaughlin, David; Venton, Timothy R; Rowe, Marion; Timms, Peter M; Clark, Duncan; Sadique, Zia; Eldridge, Sandra M; Griffiths, Christopher J
  • Cost-effectiveness analysis of quadrivalent influenza vaccination in at-risk adults and the elderly: an updated analysis in the U.K. (2015) Meier, G; Gregg, M; Poulsen Nautrup, B
  • Reflecting on 'European policymaking on the tobacco advertising ban: the importance of escape routes'. (2015) McKee, Martin
  • Comparative Efficacy of Adding Sitagliptin to Metformin, Sulfonylurea or Dual Therapy: A Propensity Score-Weighted Cohort Study. (2015) Mamza, Jil; Mehta, Rajnikant; Donnelly, Richard; Idris, Iskandar
  • Designing a package of sexual and reproductive health and HIV outreach services to meet the heterogeneous preferences of young people in Malawi: results from a discrete choice experiment. (2015) Michaels-Igbokwe, Christine; Lagarde, Mylene; Cairns, John; Integra Initiative; Terris-Prestholt, Fern
  • 1815 and all that. (2015) Mackie, P; Sim, F
  • Making sense of technology adoption in healthcare: meso-level considerations. (2015) May, Carl R
  • Trading quality for relevance: non-health decision-makers' use of evidence on the social determinants of health. (2015) McGill, Elizabeth; Egan, Matt; Petticrew, Mark; Mountford, Lesley; Milton, Sarah; Whitehead, Margaret; Lock, Karen
  • Trial of early, goal-directed resuscitation for septic shock. (2015) Mouncey, Paul R; Osborn, Tiffany M; Power, G Sarah; Harrison, David A; Sadique, M Zia; Grieve, Richard D; Jahan, Rahi; Harvey, Sheila E; Bell, Derek; Bion, Julian F; Coats, Timothy J; Singer, Mervyn; Young, J Duncan; Rowan, Kathryn M; ProMISe Trial Investigators
  • European Commission's proposals on trade secrets. (2015) McKee, Martin; Labonté, Ronald
  • Big data! Big deal? (2015) Mackie, P; Sim, F; Johnman, C
  • Double-blind randomised placebo-controlled trial of bolus-dose vitamin D3 supplementation in adults with asthma (ViDiAs). (2015) Martineau, Adrian R; MacLaughlin, Beverley D; Hooper, Richard L; Barnes, Neil C; Jolliffe, David A; Greiller, Claire L; Kilpin, Kate; McLaughlin, David; Fletcher, Gareth; Mein, Charles A; Hoti, Mimoza; Walton, Robert; Grigg, Jonathan; Timms, Peter M; Rajakulasingam, Raj K; Bhowmik, Angshu; Rowe, Marion; Venton, Timothy R; Choudhury, Aklak B; Simcock, David E; Sadique, Zia; Monteiro, William R; Corrigan, Christopher J; Hawrylowicz, Catherine M; Griffiths, Christopher J
  • Realising an election manifesto for public health in the UK. (2015) McKee, Martin; Stuckler, David
  • Clinical use and efficacy of biphasic insulin lispro 50/50 in people with insulin treated diabetes - a nationwide evaluation of clinical practice. (2015) Mungreiphy, NK; Mamza, J; Lakhdar, AF; Bannister, M; Elliott, J; Idris, I
  • Martin McKee: "Never bloody here". (2015) McKee, Martin
  • Psychological Distress and Problem Drinking. (2015) Mentzakis, Emmanouil; Roberts, Bayard; Suhrcke, Marc; McKee, Martin
  • EXPERTS 1-experiences of long-term life-limiting conditions among patients and carers: protocol for a qualitative meta-synthesis and conceptual modelling study. (2015) May, Carl R; Masters, Jayne; Welch, Lindsay; Hunt, Katherine; Pope, Catherine; Myall, Michelle; Griffiths, Peter; Roderick, Paul; Glanville, Julie; Richardson, Alison
  • Overcoming challenges in primary care education. (2015) MacVicar, Ronald; Pettigrew, Luisa M
  • Embracing complexity. (2015) Mackie, Phil; Sim, Fiona
  • Changing your health ehabviour: regulate or not? (2015) Maeckelberghe, E; McKee, M
  • The use of a telephone reminder to improve attendance at a diabetic retinopathy outpatient clinic: an evaluation of a pilot intervention in Bradford. (2015) Marks, D; Holdsworth, E; Datta, J; Leamon, S; Lee, H; Macdowall, W
  • Elemental Epidemiology. (2015) McKee, M
  • Introduction. (2015) McKee, M
  • Core Concept: Atom interferometry. (2015) McKee, Maggie
  • Core Concept: Supernovae and the accelerating universe. (2015) McKee, Maggie
  • President's column. (2015) McKee, Martin
  • President's column. (2015) McKee, Martin
  • Europe's governments must implement standardised tobacco packaging now. (2015) McKee, Martin; Daube, Mike
  • Should a medical journal ever publish a political paper? (2015) McKee, Martin; Mackenbach, Johan P; Allebeck, Peter
  • Donor-Site Hernia Repair in Abdominal Flap Breast Reconstruction: A Population-Based Cohort Study of 7929 Patients. (2015) Mennie, Joanna C; Mohanna, Pari-Naz; O'Donoghue, Joe M; Rainsbury, Richard; Cromwell, David A
  • A preliminary examination of linked data from the West Midlands breast cancer registry, breast screening programme and primary care. (2015) Morris, M; Rachet, B; Woods, L
  • Ethnicity, deprivation and screening: an analysis of survival from breast cancer among screening-eligible women in the West Midlands diagnosed from 1989 to 2011. (2015) Morris, M; Woods, L; Rogers, N; O'Sullivan, E; Kearins, O; Rachet, B
  • Ethnicity, deprivation and screening: an analysis of survival from breast cancer among screening-eligible women in the West Midlands diagnosed from 1989 to 2011. (2015) Morris, M; Woods, LM; Rogers, N; O’Sullivan, E; Kearins, O; Rachet, B
  • Ethnicity, deprivation and screening: an analysis of survival from breast cancer among screening-eligible women in the West Midlands diagnosed from 1989 to 2011. (2015) Morris, M; Woods, LM; Rogers, N; O’Sullivan, E; Kearins, O; Rachet, B desktop_windows
  • Protocolised Management In Sepsis (ProMISe): a multicentre randomised controlled trial of the clinical effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of early, goal-directed, protocolised resuscitation for emerging septic shock. (2015) Mouncey, Paul R; Osborn, Tiffany M; Power, G Sarah; Harrison, David A; Sadique, M Zia; Grieve, Richard D; Jahan, Rahi; Tan, Jermaine CK; Harvey, Sheila E; Bell, Derek; Bion, Julian F; Coats, Timothy J; Singer, Mervyn; Young, J Duncan; Rowan, Kathryn M
  • Global, regional, and national disability-adjusted life years (DALYs) for 306 diseases and injuries and healthy life expectancy (HALE) for 188 countries, 1990-2013: quantifying the epidemiological transition. (2015) Murray, CJL; Barber, RM; Foreman, KJ; Ozgoren, AA; Abd-Allah, F; Abera, SF; Aboyans, V; Abraham, JP; Abubakar, I; Abu-Raddad, LJ; Abu-Rmeileh, NM; Achoki, T; Ackerman, IN; Ademi, Z; Adou, AK; Adsuar, JC; Afshin, A; Agardh, EE; Alam, SS; Alasfoor, D; Albittar, MI; Alegretti, MA; Alemu, ZA; Alfonso-Cristancho, R; Alhabib, S; Ali, R; Alla, F; Allebeck, P; Almazroa, MA; Alsharif, U; Alvarez, E; Alvis-Guzman, N; Amare, AT; Ameh, EA; Amini, H; Ammar, W; Anderson, HR; Anderson, BO; Antonio, CAT; Anwari, P; Arnlov, J; Arsenijevic, VSA; Artaman, A; Asghar, RJ; Assadi, R; Atkins, LS; Avila, MA; Awuah, B; Bachman, VF; Badawi, A; Bahit, MC; Balakrishnan, K; Banerjee, A; Barker-Collo, SL; Barquera, S; Barregard, L; Barrero, LH; Basu, A; Basu, S; Basulaiman, MO; Beardsley, J; Bedi, N; Beghi, E; Bekele, T; Bell, ML; Benjet, C; Bennett, DA; Bensenor, IM; Benzian, H; Bernabe, E; Bertozzi-Villa, A; Beyene, TJ; Bhala, N; Bhalla, A; Bhutta, ZA; Bienhoff, K; Bikbov, B; Biryukov, S; Blore, JD; Blosser, CD; Blyth, FM; Bohensky, MA; Bolliger, IW; Basara, BB; Bornstein, NM; Bose, D; Boufous, S; Bourne, RRA; Boyers, LN; Brainin, M; Brayne, CE; Brazinova, A; Breitborde, NJK; Brenner, H; Briggs, AD; Brooks, PM; Brown, JC; Brugha, TS; Buchbinder, R; Buckle, GC; Budke, CM; Bulchis, A; Bulloch, AG; Campos-Nonato, IR; Carabin, H; Carapetis, JR; Cardenas, R; Carpenter, DO; Caso, V; Castaneda-Orjuela, CA; Castro, RE; Catala-Lopez, F; Cavalleri, F; Cavlin, A; Chadha, VK; Chang, JC; Charlson, FJ; Chen, HL; Chen, WQ; Chiang, PP; Chimed-Ochir, O; Chowdhury, R; Christensen, H; Christophi, CA; Cirillo, M; Coates, MM; Coffeng, LE; Coggeshall, MS; Colistro, V; Colquhoun, SM; Cooke, GS; Cooper, C; Cooper, LT; Coppola, LM; Cortinovis, M; Criqui, MH; Crump, JA; Cuevas-Nasu, L; Danawi, H; Dandona, L; Dandona, R; Dansereau, E; Dargan, PI; Davey, G; Davis, A; Davitoiu, DV; Dayama, A; de Leo, D; Degenhardt, L; del Pozo-Cruz, B; Dellavalle, RP; Deribe, K; Derrett, S; Des Jarlais, DC; Dessalegn, M; Dharmaratne, SD; Dherani, MK; Diaz-Torne, C; Dicker, D; Ding, EL; Dokova, K; Dorsey, ER; Driscoll, TR; Duan, L; Duber, HC; Ebel, BE; Edmond, KM; Elshrek, YM; Endres, M; Ermakov, SP; Erskine, HE; Eshrati, B; Esteghamati, A; Estep, K; Faraon, EJA; Farzadfar, F; Fay, DF; Feigin, VL; Felson, DT; Fereshtehnejad, SM; Fernandes, JG; Ferrari, AJ; Fitzmaurice, C; Flaxman, AD; Fleming, TD; Foigt, N; Forouzanfar, MH; Fowkes, FGR; Paleo, UF; Franklin, RC; Furst, T; Gabbe, B; Gaffikin, L; Gankpe, FG; Geleijnse, JM; Gessner, BD; Gething, P; Gibney, KB; Giroud, M; Giussani, G; Dantes, HG; Gona, P; Gonzalez-Medina, D; Gosselin, RA; Gotay, CC; Goto, A; Gouda, HN; Graetz, N; Gugnani, HC; Gupta, R; Gupta, R; Gutierrez, RA; Haagsma, J; Hafezi-Nejad, N; Hagan, H; Halasa, YA; Hamadeh, RR; Hamavid, H; Hammami, M; Hancock, J; Hankey, GJ; Hansen, GM; Hao, YT; Harb, HL; Haro, JM; Havmoeller, R; Hay, SI; Hay, RJ; Heredia-Pi, IB; Heuton, KR; Heydarpour, P; Higashi, H; Hijar, M; Hoek, HW; Hoffman, HJ; Hosgood, HD; Hossain, M; Hotez, PJ; Hoy, DG; Hsairi, M; Hu, GQ; Huang, C; Huang, JJ; Husseini, A; Huynh, C; Iannarone, ML; Iburg, KM; Innos, K; Inoue, M; Islami, F; Jacobsen, KH; Jarvis, DL; Jassal, SK; Jee, SH; Jeemon, P; Jensen, PN; Jha, V; Jiang, GH; Jiang, Y; Jonas, JB; Juel, K; Kan, HD; Karch, A; Karema, CK; Karimkhani, C; Karthikeyan, G; Kassebaum, NJ; Kaul, A; Kawakami, N; Kazanjan, K; Kemp, AH; Kengne, AP; Keren, A; Khader, YS; Khalifa, SEA; Khan, EA; Khan, G; Khang, YH; Kieling, C; Kim, D; Kim, S; Kim, Y; Kinfu, Y; Kinge, JM; Kivipelto, M; Knibbs, LD; Knudsen, AK; Kokubo, Y; Kosen, S; Krishnaswami, S; Defo, BK; Bicer, BK; Kuipers, EJ; Kulkarni, C; Kulkarni, VS; Kumar, GA; Kyu, HH; Lai, T; Lalloo, R; Lallukka, T; Lam, H; Lan, Q; Lansingh, VC; Larsson, A; Lawrynowicz, AEB; Leasher, JL; Leigh, J; Leung, R; Levitz, CE; LI, B; LI, YC; LI, YM; Lim, SS; Lind, M; Lipshultz, SE; Liu, SW; Liu, Y; Lloyd, BK; Lofgren, KT; Logroscino, G; Looker, KJ; Lortet-Tieulent, J; Lotufo, PA; Lozano, R; Lucas, RM; Lunevicius, R; Lyons, RA; Ma, S; MacIntyre, MF; MacKay, MT; Majdan, M; Malekzadeh, R; Marcenes, W; Margolis, DJ; Margono, C; Marzan, MB; Masci, JR; Mashal, MT; Matzopoulos, R; Mayosi, BM; Mazorodze, TT; McGill, NW; McGrath, JJ; McKee, M; McLain, A; Meaney, PA; Medina, C; Mehndiratta, MM; Mekonnen, W; Melaku, YA; Meltzer, M; Memish, ZA; Mensah, GA; Meretoja, A; Mhimbira, FA; Micha, R; Miller, TR; Mills, EJ; Mitchell, PB; Mock, CN; Ibrahim, NM; Mohammad, KA; Mokdad, AH; Mola, GLD; Monasta, L; Hernandez, JCM; Montico, M; Montine, TJ; Mooney, MD; Moore, AR; Moradi-Lakeh, M; Moran, AE; Mori, R; Moschandreas, J; Moturi, WN; Moyer, ML; Mozaffarian, D; Msemburi, WT; Mueller, UO; Mukaigawara, M; Mullany, EC; Murdoch, ME; Murray, J; Murthy, KS; Naghavi, M; Naheed, A; Naidoo, KS; Naldi, L; Nand, D; Nangia, V; Narayan, KMV; Nejjari, C; Neupane, SP; Newton, CR; Ng, M; Ngalesoni, FN; Nguyen, G; Nisar, MI; Nolte, S; Norheim, OF; Norman, RE; Norrving, B; Nyakarahuka, L; Oh, IH; Ohkubo, T; Ohno, SL; Olusanya, BO; Opio, JN; Ortblad, K; Ortiz, A; Pain, AW; Pandian, JD; Panelo, CIA; Papachristou, C; Park, EK; Park, JH; Patten, SB; Patton, GC; Paul, VK; Pavlin, BI; Pearce, N; Pereira, DM; Perez-Padilla, R; Perez-Ruiz, F; Perico, N; Pervaiz, A; Pesudovs, K; Peterson, CB; Petzold, M; Phillips, MR; Phillips, BK; Phillips, DE; Piel, FB; Plass, D; Poenaru, D; Polinder, S; Pope, D; Popova, S; Poulton, RG; Pourmalek, F; Prabhakaran, D; Prasad, NM; Pullan, RL; Qato, DM; Quistberg, DA; Rafay, A; Rahimi, K; Rahman, SU; Raju, M; Rana, SM; Razavi, H; Reddy, KS; Refaat, A; Remuzzi, G; Resnikoff, S; Ribeiro, AL; Richardson, L; Richardus, JH; Roberts, DA; Rojas-Rueda, D; Ronfani, L; Roth, GA; Rothenbacher, D; Rothstein, DH; Rowley, JT; Roy, N; Ruhago, GM; Saeedi, MY; Saha, S; Sahraian, MA; Sampson, UKA; Sanabria, JR; Sandar, L; Santos, IS; Satpathy, M; Sawhney, M; Scarborough, P; Schneider, IJ; Schottker, B; Schumacher, AE; Schwebel, DC; Scott, JG; Seedat, S; Sepanlou, SG; Serina, PT; Servan-Mori, EE; Shackelford, KA; Shaheen, A; Shahraz, S; Levy, TS; Shangguan, S; She, J; Sheikhbahaei, S; Shi, PL; Shibuya, K; Shinohara, Y; Shiri, R; Shishani, K; Shiue, I; Shrime, MG; Sigfusdottir, ID; Silberberg, DH; Simard, EP; Sindi, S; Singh, A; Singh, JA; Singh, L; Skirbekk, V; Slepak, EL; Sliwa, K; Soneji, S; Soreide, K; Soshnikov, S; Sposato, LA; Sreeramareddy, CT; Stanaway, JD; Stathopoulou, V; Stein, DJ; Stein, MB; Steiner, C; Steiner, TJ; Stevens, A; Stewart, A; Stovner, LJ; Stroumpoulis, K; Sunguya, BF; Swaminathan, S; Swaroop, M; Sykes, BL; Tabb, KM; Takahashi, K; Tandon, N; Tanne, D; Tanner, M; Tavakkoli, M; Taylor, HR; Te Ao, BJ; Tediosi, F; Temesgen, AM; Templin, T; Ten Have, M; Tenkorang, EY; Terkawi, AS; Thomson, B; Thorne-Lyman, AL; Thrift, AG; Thurston, GD; Tillmann, T; Tonelli, M; Topouzis, F; Toyoshima, H; Traebert, J; Tran, BX; Trillini, M; Truelsen, T; Tsilimbaris, M; Tuzcu, EM; Uchendu, US; Ukwaja, KN; Undurraga, EA; Uzun, SB; van Brakel, WH; van de Vijver, S; van Gool, CH; van Os, J; Vasankari, TJ; Venketasubramanian, N; Violante, FS; Vlassov, VV; Vollset, SE; Wagner, GR; Wagner, J; Waller, SG; Wan, X; Wang, HD; Wang, JL; Wang, LH; Warouw, TS; Weichenthal, S; Weiderpass, E; Weintraub, RG; Wang, WZ; Werdecker, A; Westerman, R; Whiteford, HA; Wilkinson, JD; Williams, TN; Wolfe, CD; Wolock, TM; Woolf, AD; Wulf, S; Wurtz, B; Xu, GL; Yan, LJL; Yano, Y; Ye, PP; Yentur, GK; Yip, P; Yonemoto, N; Yoon, SJ; Younis, MZ; Yu, CH; Zaki, ME; Zhao, Y; Zheng, YF; Zonies, D; Zou, XN; Salomon, JA; Lopez, AD; Vos, T; Collaborator, GBDD; Collaborator, H
  • N
  • Changes in health in England, with analysis by English regions and areas of deprivation, 1990-2013: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2013. (2015) Newton, John N; Briggs, Adam DM; Murray, Christopher JL; Dicker, Daniel; Foreman, Kyle J; Wang, Haidong; Naghavi, Mohsen; Forouzanfar, Mohammad H; Ohno, Summer Lockett; Barber, Ryan M; Vos, Theo; Stanaway, Jeffrey D; Schmidt, Jürgen C; Hughes, Andrew J; Fay, Derek FJ; Ecob, Russell; Gresser, Charis; McKee, Martin; Rutter, Harry; Abubakar, Ibrahim; Ali, Raghib; Anderson, H Ross; Banerjee, Amitava; Bennett, Derrick A; Bernabé, Eduardo; Bhui, Kamaldeep S; Biryukov, Stanley M; Bourne, Rupert R; Brayne, Carol EG; Bruce, Nigel G; Brugha, Traolach S; Burch, Michael; Capewell, Simon; Casey, Daniel; Chowdhury, Rajiv; Coates, Matthew M; Cooper, Cyrus; Critchley, Julia A; Dargan, Paul I; Dherani, Mukesh K; Elliott, Paul; Ezzati, Majid; Fenton, Kevin A; Fraser, Maya S; Fürst, Thomas; Greaves, Felix; Green, Mark A; Gunnell, David J; Hannigan, Bernadette M; Hay, Roderick J; Hay, Simon I; Hemingway, Harry; Larson, Heidi J; Looker, Katharine J; Lunevicius, Raimundas; Lyons, Ronan A; Marcenes, Wagner; Mason-Jones, Amanda J; Matthews, Fiona E; Moller, Henrik; Murdoch, Michele E; Newton, Charles R; Pearce, Neil; Piel, Frédéric B; Pope, Daniel; Rahimi, Kazem; Rodriguez, Alina; Scarborough, Peter; Schumacher, Austin E; Shiue, Ivy; Smeeth, Liam; Tedstone, Alison; Valabhji, Jonathan; Williams, Hywel C; Wolfe, Charles DA; Woolf, Anthony D; Davis, Adrian CJ
  • The management of adult psychiatric emergencies in low-income and middle-income countries: a systematic review. (2015) Nadkarni, Abhijit; Hanlon, Charlotte; Bhatia, Urvita; Fuhr, Daniela; Ragoni, Celina; de Azevedo Perocco, Sérgio Luiz; Fortes, Sandra; Shidhaye, Rahul; Kinyanda, Eugene; Rangaswamy, Thara; Patel, Vikram
  • Projected Lifetime Healthcare Costs Associated with HIV Infection. (2015) Nakagawa, Fumiyo; Miners, Alec; Smith, Colette J; Simmons, Ruth; Lodwick, Rebecca K; Cambiano, Valentina; Lundgren, Jens D; Delpech, Valerie; Phillips, Andrew N
  • The impact of a national clinician-led audit initiative on care and mortality after hip fracture in England: an external evaluation using time trends in non-audit data. (2015) Neuburger, Jenny; Currie, Colin; Wakeman, Robert; Tsang, Carmen; Plant, Fay; De Stavola, Bianca; Cromwell, David A; van der Meulen, Jan
  • Changes in health in England, with analysis by English regions and areas of deprivation, 1990-2013: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2013. (2015) Newton, JN; Briggs, AD; Murray, CJ; Dicker, D; Foreman, KJ; Wang, H; Naghavi, M; Forouzanfar, MH; Ohno, SL; Barber, RM; Vos, T; Stanaway, JD; Schmidt, JC; Hughes, AJ; Fay, DF; Ecob, R; Gresser, C; McKee, M; Rutter, H; Abubakar, I; Ali, R; Anderson, HR; Banerjee, A; Bennett, DA; Bernabé, E; Bhui, KS; Biryukov, SM; Bourne, RR; Brayne, CE; Bruce, NG; Brugha, TS; Burch, M; Capewell, S; Casey, D; Chowdhury, R; Coates, MM; Cooper, C; Critchley, JA; Dargan, PI; Dherani, MK; Elliott, P; Ezzati, M; Fenton, KA; Fraser, MS; Fürst, T; Greaves, F; Green, MA; Gunnell, DJ; Hannigan, BM; Hay, RJ; Hay, SI; Hemingway, H; Larson, HJ; Looker, KJ; Lunevicius, R; Lyons, RA; Marcenes, W; Mason-Jones, AJ; Matthews, FE; Moller, H; Murdoch, ME; Newton, CR; Pearce, N; Piel, FB; Pope, D; Rahimi, K; Rodriguez, A; Scarborough, P; Schumacher, AE; Shiue, I; Smeeth, L; Tedstone, A; Valabhji, J; Williams, HC; Wolfe, CD; Woolf, AD; Davis, AC
  • Assessing chronic disease management in European health systems. Country reports. (2015) Nolte, E; Knai, C
  • O
  • Hiv Patient Preferences for Simplified Treatment Regimens. (2015) Orme, ME; Miners, A; Perard, R; Alfred, S; Rogatto, F; Reilly, G
  • Effectiveness of Provider and Community Interventions to Improve Treatment of Uncomplicated Malaria in Nigeria: A Cluster Randomized Controlled Trial. (2015) Onwujekwe, Obinna; Mangham-Jefferies, Lindsay; Cundill, Bonnie; Alexander, Neal; Langham, Julia; Ibe, Ogochukwu; Uzochukwu, Benjamin; Wiseman, Virginia
  • Identifying public health policymakers' sources of information: comparing survey and network analyses. (2015) Oliver, Kathryn A; de Vocht, Frank; Money, Annemarie; Everett, Martin
  • A Global Social Support System: What the International Community Could Learn From the United States' National Basketball Association's Scheme for Redistribution of New Talent. (2015) Ooms, Gorik; Stuckler, David; Basu, Sanjay; McKee, Martin
  • Conceptualisations of Welfare Deservingness by Polish Migrants in the UK. (2015) Osipovic, D
  • Broadening public participation in systematic reviews: a case example involving young people in two configurative reviews. (2015) Oliver, Kathryn; Rees, Rebecca; Brady, Louca-Mai; Kavanagh, Josephine; Oliver, Sandy; Thomas, James
  • Research activity and the association with mortality. (2015) Ozdemir, Baris A; Karthikesalingam, Alan; Sinha, Sidhartha; Poloniecki, Jan D; Hinchliffe, Robert J; Thompson, Matt M; Gower, Jonathan D; Boaz, Annette; Holt, Peter JE
  • Policy networks–an idea whose time has come? (2015) Oliver, KA
  • Policy advice: Irked by naivety about policymaking. (2015) Oliver, Kathryn; Wellstead, Adam; Cairney, Paul
  • P
  • Luisa Pettigrew: curious, persistent, and lucky. (2015) Pettigrew, Luisa
  • Adiposity and carotid-intima media thickness in children and adolescents: a systematic review. (2015) Park, Min Hae; Skow, Áine; De Matteis, Sara; Kessel, Anthony S; Saxena, Sonia; Viner, Russell M; Kinra, Sanjay
  • Systematic review of economic evaluations of vaccination programs in mainland China: Are they sufficient to inform decision making? (2015) Pan, Xiong-Fei; Griffiths, Ulla K; Pennington, Mark; Yu, Hongjie; Jit, Mark ['material/summary:fileicon_application/msword' not defined]
  • The clinical, occupational and financial outcomes associated with a bespoke specialist clinic for military aircrew-a cohort study. (2015) Pavitt, AJ; Pavitt, CW; Harron, K; Jones, M; Timperley, AC; Reid, ANC; Mcloughlin, D; d'Arcy, J; Nicol, ED
  • Global prevention and control of NCDs: Limitations of the standard approach. (2015) Pearce, Neil; Ebrahim, Shah; McKee, Martin; Lamptey, Peter; Barreto, Mauricio L; Matheson, Don; Walls, Helen; Foliaki, Sunia; Miranda, J Jaime; Chimeddamba, Oyun; Garcia-Marcos, Luis; Haines, Andy; Vineis, Paolo description
  • Technical feasibility and validation of a coronary artery calcium scoring system using CT coronary angiography images. (2015) Pavitt, Christopher W; Harron, Katie; Lindsay, Alistair C; Zielke, Sayeh; Ray, Robin; Gordon, Daniel; Rubens, Michael B; Padley, Simon P; Nicol, Edward D
  • Asking about Sex in General Health Surveys: Comparing the Methods and Findings of the 2010 Health Survey for England with Those of the Third National Survey of Sexual Attitudes and Lifestyles. (2015) Prah, Philip; Johnson, Anne M; Nardone, Anthony; Clifton, Soazig; Mindell, Jennifer S; Copas, Andrew J; Robinson, Chloe; Craig, Rachel; Woodhall, Sarah C; Macdowall, Wendy; Fuller, Elizabeth; Erens, Bob; Sonnenberg, Pam; Wellings, Kaye; Mercer, Catherine H
  • Development and evaluation of an online tool for management of overweight children in primary care: a pilot study. (2015) Park, Min Hae; Skow, Áine; Puradiredja, Dewi Ismajani; Lucas, Anna; Syrad, Hayley; Sovio, Ulla; White, Billy; Kessel, Anthony S; Taylor, Barry; Saxena, Sonia; Viner, Russell M; Kinra, Sanjay
  • Using Joint Interviews to Add Analytic Value. (2015) Polak, Louisa; Green, Judith description
  • Amend or repeal? How New Zealand tackled unpopular healthcare legislation. (2015) Powell, Ian; McKee, Martin
  • Are fluoride levels in drinking water associated with hypothyroidism prevalence in England? A large observational study of GP practice data and fluoride levels in drinking water. (2015) Peckham, S; Lowery, D; Spencer, S
  • The revision of the 2014 European tobacco products directive: an analysis of the tobacco industry's attempts to 'break the health silo'. (2015) Peeters, Silvy; Costa, Hélia; Stuckler, David; McKee, Martin; Gilmore, Anna B
  • Experiences among undocumented migrants accessing primary care in the United Kingdom: a qualitative study. (2015) Poduval, Shoba; Howard, Natasha; Jones, Lucy; Murwill, Phil; McKee, Martin; Legido-Quigley, Helena description
  • Aliphatic alcohols in spirits inhibit phagocytosis by human monocytes. (2015) Pál, László; Árnyas, Ervin M; Bujdosó, Orsolya; Baranyi, Gergő; Rácz, Gábor; Ádány, Róza; McKee, Martin; Szűcs, Sándor
  • Working for the public health: politics, localism and epistemologies of practice. (2015) Phillips, Gemma; Green, Judith
  • Exploring the influence of the Global Fund and the GAVI Alliance on health systems in conflict-affected countries. (2015) Patel, Preeti; Cummings, Rachael; Roberts, Bayard
  • Lifetime cost effectiveness of different brands of prosthesis used for total hip arthroplasty: a study using the NJR dataset. (2015) Pennington, MW; Grieve, R; van der Meulen, JH description
  • European public health news. (2015) Paget, Dineke Zeegers; McKee, Martin; Paget, Dineke Zeegers; Jakab, Zsuzsanna; Barnhoorn, Floris
  • The organisation and delivery of health improvement in general practice and primary care: a scoping study. (2015) Peckham, Stephen; Falconer, Jane; Gillam, Steve; Hann, Alison; Kendall, Sally; Nanchahal, Kiran; Ritchie, Benjamin; Rogers, Rebecca; Wallace, Andrew
  • Primary health care and the Sustainable Development Goals. (2015) Pettigrew, Luisa M; De Maeseneer, Jan; Anderson, Maria-Inez Padula; Essuman, Akye; Kidd, Michael R; Haines, Andy
  • Overcoming challenges in primary care education. (2015) Pettigrew, Luisa M; MacVicar, Ronald
  • Overcoming challenges in primary care education: stories from Rwanda. (2015) Pettigrew, Luisa M; MacVicar, Ronald
  • Potential impact on HIV incidence of higher HIV testing rates and earlier antiretroviral therapy initiation in MSM. (2015) Phillips, Andrew N; Cambiano, Valentina; Miners, Alec; Lampe, Fiona C; Rodger, Alison; Nakagawa, Fumiyo; Brown, Alison; Gill, O Noel; De Angelis, Daniela; Elford, Jonathan; Hart, Graham; Johnson, Anne M; Lundgren, Jens D; Collins, Simon; Delpech, Valerie
  • Using quantitative risk information in decisions about statins: a qualitative study in a community setting. (2015) Polak, Louisa; Green, Judith
  • WHO Recommendations on Health Promotion Interventions for Maternal and Newborn Health. (2015) Portela, A. Smith, H. Marston, C
  • Why do some countries approve a cancer drug and others don’t? (2015) Pujolras, Laia Maynou; Cairns, John
  • R
  • 'It's The Sun Wot Won It': Evidence of media influence on political attitudes and voting from a UK quasi-natural experiment. (2015) Reeves, Aaron; McKee, Martin; Stuckler, David
  • Mismatch between perceived and objectively measured environmental obesogenic features in European neighbourhoods. (2015) Roda, C; Charreire, H; Feuillet, T; Mackenbach, JD; Compernolle, S; Glonti, K; Ben Rebah, M; Bárdos, H; Rutter, H; McKee, M; De Bourdeaudhuij, I; Brug, J; Lakerveld, J; Oppert, J-M
  • The Effectiveness of Interventions for Non-Communicable Diseases in Humanitarian Crises: A Systematic Review. (2015) Ruby, Alexander; Knight, Abigail; Perel, Pablo; Blanchet, Karl; Roberts, Bayard
  • Evidence on the Effectiveness of Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene (WASH) Interventions on Health Outcomes in Humanitarian Crises: A Systematic Review. (2015) Ramesh, Anita; Blanchet, Karl; Ensink, Jeroen HJ; Roberts, Bayard
  • Conceptualising the 'community' as a recipient of money--A critical literature review, and implications for health and inequalities. (2015) Reynolds, Joanna; Egan, Matt; Renedo, Alicia; Petticrew, Mark
  • Polarized Trafficking of AQP2 Revealed in Three Dimensional Epithelial Culture. (2015) Rice, William L; Li, Wei; Mamuya, Fahmy; McKee, Mary; Păunescu, Teodor G; Lu, Hua A Jenny
  • Understanding the modifiable health systems barriers to hypertension management in Malaysia: a multi-method health systems appraisal approach. (2015) Risso-Gill, Isabelle; Balabanova, Dina; Majid, Fadhlina; Ng, Kien Keat; Yusoff, Khalid; Mustapha, Feisul; Kuhlbrandt, Charlotte; Nieuwlaat, Robby; Schwalm, J-D; McCready, Tara; Teo, Koon K; Yusuf, Salim; McKee, Martin
  • Financing universal health coverage--effects of alternative tax structures on public health systems: cross-national modelling in 89 low-income and middle-income countries. (2015) Reeves, Aaron; Gourtsoyannis, Yannis; Basu, Sanjay; McCoy, David; McKee, Martin; Stuckler, David
  • Is the NHS really safe from international trade agreements? (2015) Reynolds, Lucy; McKee, Martin
  • Tuberculosis control and economic recession: longitudinal study of data from 21 European countries, 1991-2012. (2015) Reeves, Aaron; Basu, Sanjay; McKee, Martin; Sandgren, Andreas; Stuckler, David; Semenza, Jan C
  • What has happened to suicides during the Greek economic crisis? Findings from an ecological study of suicides and their determinants (2003-2012). (2015) Rachiotis, George; Stuckler, David; McKee, Martin; Hadjichristodoulou, Christos
  • Why are we not doing more for alcohol use disorder among conflict-affected populations? (2015) Roberts, Bayard; Ezard, Nadine
  • The attack on universal health coverage in Europe: recession, austerity and unmet needs. (2015) Reeves, Aaron; McKee, Martin; Stuckler, David
  • International Exchanges in Family Medicine: the Hippokrates Exchange Programme. (2015) Rigon, Sara; Lygidakis, Charilaos; Pettigrew, Luisa; Kallestrup, Per
  • S
  • What students want: using a choice modelling approach to estimate student demand. (2015) Sheppard, Paula; Smith, Richard
  • Cost-effectiveness of a cardiac output-guided haemodynamic therapy algorithm in high-risk patients undergoing major gastrointestinal surgery. (2015) Sadique, Zia; Harrison, David A; Grieve, Richard; Rowan, Kathryn M; Pearse, Rupert M; OPTIMISE study group
  • Coping strategies among conflict-affected adults in low- and middle-income countries: A systematic literature review. (2015) Seguin, Maureen; Roberts, Bayard
  • The effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of the peer-delivered Thinking Healthy Programme for perinatal depression in Pakistan and India: the SHARE study protocol for randomised controlled trials. (2015) Sikander, Siham; Lazarus, Anisha; Bangash, Omer; Fuhr, Daniela C; Weobong, Benedict; Krishna, Revathi N; Ahmad, Ikhlaq; Weiss, Helen A; Price, LeShawndra; Rahman, Atif; Patel, Vikram
  • Childhood family disruption and adult height: is there a mediating role of puberty? (2015) Sheppard, Paula; Garcia, Justin R; Sear, Rebecca
  • Implementation of Departmental Quality Strategies Is Positively Associated with Clinical Practice: Results of a Multicenter Study in 73 Hospitals in 7 European Countries. (2015) Sunol, Rosa; Wagner, Cordula; Arah, Onyebuchi A; Kristensen, Solvejg; Pfaff, Holger; Klazinga, Niek; Thompson, Caroline A; Wang, Aolin; DerSarkissian, Maral; Bartels, Paul; Michel, Philippe; Groene, Oliver; DUQuE Project Consortium
  • The language of the masses. (2015) Sim, F; Mackie, P
  • Cost-Effectiveness Of Early Parenteral Versus Enteral Nutrition In Critically Ill Patients. (2015) Sadique, Z; Grieve, R; Harrison, D; Rowan, K
  • Mapping health research capacity in 17 countries of the former Soviet Union and south-eastern Europe: an exploratory study. (2015) Santoro, Alessio; Glonti, Ketevan; Bertollini, Roberto; Ricciardi, Walter; McKee, Martin
  • Crime and subjective well-being in the countries of the former Soviet Union. (2015) Stickley, Andrew; Koyanagi, Ai; Roberts, Bayard; Goryakin, Yevgeniy; McKee, Martin
  • A comparative analysis of how the media in the United Kingdom and India represented the emergence of NDM-1. (2015) Saliba, Vanessa; Washer, Peter; Pett, Philippa; Kakkar, Manish; Abbas, Syed; Raghuvanshi, Bhavna; McKee, Martin
  • How does childhood socioeconomic hardship affect reproductive strategy? Pathways of development. (2015) Sheppard, Paula; Pearce, Mark S; Sear, Rebecca
  • Alcohol consumption and cardiovascular disease, cancer, injury, admission to hospital, and mortality: a prospective cohort study. (2015) Smyth, Andrew; Teo, Koon K; Rangarajan, Sumathy; O'Donnell, Martin; Zhang, Xiaohe; Rana, Punam; Leong, Darryl P; Dagenais, Gilles; Seron, Pamela; Rosengren, Annika; Schutte, Aletta E; Lopez-Jaramillo, Patricio; Oguz, Ayetkin; Chifamba, Jephat; Diaz, Rafael; Lear, Scott; Avezum, Alvaro; Kumar, Rajesh; Mohan, Viswanathan; Szuba, Andrzej; Wei, Li; Yang, Wang; Jian, Bo; McKee, Martin; Yusuf, Salim; PURE Investigators
  • A systematic literature review of the quality of evidence for injury and rehabilitation interventions in humanitarian crises. (2015) Smith, James; Roberts, Bayard; Knight, Abigail; Gosselin, Richard; Blanchet, Karl
  • The rise or fall of the nanny state? (2015) Sim, F; Mackie, P
  • A global reference for caesarean section rates (C-Model): a multicountry cross-sectional study. (2015) Souza, JP; Betran, AP; Dumont, A; de Mucio, B; Gibbs Pickens, CM; Deneux-Tharaux, C; Ortiz-Panozo, E; Sullivan, E; Ota, E; Togoobaatar, G; Carroli, G; Knight, H; Zhang, J; Cecatti, JG; Vogel, JP; Jayaratne, K; Leal, MC; Gissler, M; Morisaki, N; Lack, N; Oladapo, OT; Tunçalp, Ö; Lumbiganon, P; Mori, R; Quintana, S; Costa Passos, AD; Marcolin, AC; Zongo, A; Blondel, B; Hernández, B; Hogue, CJ; Prunet, C; Landman, C; Ochir, C; Cuesta, C; Pileggi-Castro, C; Walker, D; Alves, D; Abalos, E; Moises, Ecd; Vieira, EM; Duarte, G; Perdona, G; Gurol-Urganci, I; Takahiko, K; Moscovici, L; Campodonico, L; Oliveira-Ciabati, L; Laopaiboon, M; Danansuriya, M; Nakamura-Pereira, M; Costa, ML; Torloni, MR; Kramer, MR; Borges, P; Olkhanud, PB; Pérez-Cuevas, R; Agampodi, SB; Mittal, S; Serruya, S; Bataglia, V; Li, Z; Temmerman, M; Gülmezoglu, AM
  • Global cancer surgery: delivering safe, affordable, and timely cancer surgery. (2015) Sullivan, Richard; Alatise, Olusegun Isaac; Anderson, Benjamin O; Audisio, Riccardo; Autier, Philippe; Aggarwal, Ajay; Balch, Charles; Brennan, Murray F; Dare, Anna; D'Cruz, Anil; Eggermont, Alexander MM; Fleming, Kenneth; Gueye, Serigne Magueye; Hagander, Lars; Herrera, Cristian A; Holmer, Hampus; Ilbawi, André M; Jarnheimer, Anton; Ji, Jia-Fu; Kingham, T Peter; Liberman, Jonathan; Leather, Andrew JM; Meara, John G; Mukhopadhyay, Swagoto; Murthy, Shilpa S; Omar, Sherif; Parham, Groesbeck P; Pramesh, CS; Riviello, Robert; Rodin, Danielle; Santini, Luiz; Shrikhande, Shailesh V; Shrime, Mark; Thomas, Robert; Tsunoda, Audrey T; van de Velde, Cornelis; Veronesi, Umberto; Vijaykumar, Dehannathparambil Kottarathil; Watters, David; Wang, Shan; Wu, Yi-Long; Zeiton, Moez; Purushotham, Arnie
  • The effect of reduced street lighting on road casualties and crime in England and Wales: controlled interrupted time series analysis. (2015) Steinbach, Rebecca; Perkins, Chloe; Tompson, Lisa; Johnson, Shane; Armstrong, Ben; Green, Judith; Grundy, Chris; Wilkinson, Paul; Edwards, Phil
  • The environmental profile of a community's health: a cross-sectional study on tobacco marketing in 16 countries. (2015) Savell, Emily; Gilmore, Anna B; Sims, Michelle; Mony, Prem K; Koon, Teo; Yusoff, Khalid; Lear, Scott A; Seron, Pamela; Ismail, Noorhassim; Calik, K Burcu Tumerdem; Rosengren, Annika; Bahonar, Ahmad; Kumar, Rajesh; Vijayakumar, Krishnapillai; Kruger, Annamarie; Swidan, Hany; Gupta, Rajeev; Igumbor, Ehimario; Afridi, Asad; Rahman, Omar; Chifamba, Jephat; Zatonska, Katarzyna; Mohan, V; Mohan, Deepa; Lopez-Jaramillo, Patricio; Avezum, Alvaro; Poirier, Paul; Orlandini, Andres; Li, Wei; McKee, Martin; Rangarajan, Sumathy; Yusuf, Salim; Chow, Clara K
  • Evaluating complex interventions using routinely collected data: Methods to improve the validity of randomised controlled trials and observational studies. (2015) Steventon, A
  • The role of public law-based litigation in tobacco companies' strategies in high-income, FCTC ratifying countries, 2004-14. (2015) Steele, Sarah L; Gilmore, Anna B; McKee, Martin; Stuckler, David
  • An Approach to Assess Generalizability in Comparative Effectiveness Research: A Case Study of the Whole Systems Demonstrator Cluster Randomized Trial Comparing Telehealth with Usual Care for Patients with Chronic Health Conditions. (2015) Steventon, Adam; Grieve, Richard; Bardsley, Martin
  • Public attitudes towards pricing policies to change health-related behaviours: a UK focus group study. (2015) Somerville, Claire; Marteau, Theresa M; Kinmonth, Ann Louise; Cohn, Simon
  • Kidney function and blood pressure in preschool-aged children exposed to cadmium and arsenic--potential alleviation by selenium. (2015) Skröder, Helena; Hawkesworth, Sophie; Kippler, Maria; El Arifeen, Shams; Wagatsuma, Yukiko; Moore, Sophie E; Vahter, Marie
  • Politics, policies and public health. (2015) Sim, F; Mackie, P
  • Impact of community based peer support in type 2 diabetes: a cluster randomised controlled trial of individual and/or group approaches. (2015) Simmons, David; Prevost, A Toby; Bunn, Chris; Holman, Daniel; Parker, Richard A; Cohn, Simon; Donald, Sarah; Paddison, Charlotte AM; Ward, Candice; Robins, Peter; Graffy, Jonathan
  • Cost-effectiveness of interventions to control cardiovascular diseases and type 2 diabetes mellitus in South Asia: protocol for a systematic review. (2015) Singh, Kavita; Chandra Sekaran, Ambalam M; Bhaumik, Soumyadeep; Aisola, Malini; Chattopadhyay, Kaushik; Gamage, Anuji U; de Silva, Padmal; Selvaraj, Sakthivel; Roy, Ambuj; Prabhakaran, Dorairaj; Tandon, Nikhil
  • Changes in mental disorder prevalence among conflict-affected populations: a prospective study in Sri Lanka (COMRAID-R). (2015) Siriwardhana, Chesmal; Adikari, Anushka; Pannala, Gayani; Roberts, Bayard; Siribaddana, Sisira; Abas, Melanie; Sumathipala, Athula; Stewart, Robert
  • Loneliness and health in Eastern Europe: findings from Moscow, Russia. (2015) Stickley, A; Koyanagi, A; Leinsalu, M; Ferlander, S; Sabawoon, W; McKee, M
  • Urban-rural differences in psychological distress in nine countries of the former Soviet Union. (2015) Stickley, Andrew; Koyanagi, Ai; Roberts, Bayard; McKee, Martin
  • Male solitary drinking and hazardous alcohol use in nine countries of the former Soviet Union. (2015) Stickley, Andrew; Koyanagi, Ai; Roberts, Bayard; Murphy, Adrianna; Kizilova, Kseniya; McKee, Martin picture_as_pdf
  • Evaluating variation in use of definitive therapy and risk-adjusted prostate cancer mortality in England and the USA. (2015) Sachdeva, Ashwin; van der Meulen, Jan H; Emberton, Mark; Cathcart, Paul J
  • Binge drinking and eating problems in Russian adolescents. (2015) Stickley, Andrew; Koyanagi, Ai; Koposov, Roman; McKee, Martin; Murphy, Adrianna; Ruchkin, Vladislav
  • Strengthening of accountability systems to create healthy food environments and reduce global obesity. (2015) Swinburn, Boyd; Kraak, Vivica; Rutter, Harry; Vandevijvere, Stefanie; Lobstein, Tim; Sacks, Gary; Gomes, Fabio; Marsh, Tim; Magnusson, Roger
  • Sight--the most critical sense for public health? (2015) Sim, F; Mackie, P
  • A comparison of alternative strategies for choosing control populations in observational studies. (2015) Steventon, Adam; Grieve, Richard; Sekhon, Jasjeet S
  • Identifying and mobilizing assets for health - the optimists' charter. (2015) Sim, F; Mackie, P
  • Smoking status, nicotine dependence and happiness in nine countries of the former Soviet Union. (2015) Stickley, Andrew; Koyanagi, Ai; Roberts, Bayard; Leinsalu, Mall; Goryakin, Yevgeniy; McKee, Martin
  • The ProVac initiative and evolving decision support. (2015) Sanderson, Colin FB
  • A67 The Health Economic Assessment Tools (HEAT) for Walking and Cycling: supporting the integration of active mobility in healthy and sustainable transport solutions. (2015) Schweizer, Christian; Racioppi, Francesca; Kahlmeier, Sonja; Cavill, Nick; Foster, Charlie; Kelly, Paul; Götschi, Thomas; Rutter, Harry
  • Integration and continuity of primary care: polyclinics and alternatives – a patient-centred analysis of how organisation constrains care co-ordination. (2015) Sheaff, Rod; Halliday, Joyce; Øvretveit, John; Byng, Richard; Exworthy, Mark; Peckham, Stephen; Asthana, Sheena
  • Milan 2015: creating a safer, healthier, and sustainable world. (2015) Signorelli, Carlo; McKee, Martin
  • 'Back to the future'--from 2015 to 2016. (2015) Sim, F; Mackie, P
  • Generating more heat than light? (2015) Sim, F; Mackie, P
  • Randomised controlled trial of peer support in Type 2 diabetes (RAPSID). (2015) Simmons, D; Prevost, A; Bunn, C; Holman, D; Parker, R; Cohn, S; Donald, S; Ward, C; Robins, P; Graffy, J
  • RAPSID: RCT of Diabetes Peer Support. (2015) Simmons, D; Prevost, AT; Bunn, C; Holman, D; Parker, RA; Cohn, S; Donald, S; Paddison, CA; Ward, C; Robins, P
  • Hospitalisation among patients with diabetes associated with a Diabetes Integrated Care Initiative: a mixed methods case study. (2015) Simmons, David; Yu, Dahai; Bunn, Christopher; Cohn, Simon; Wenzel, Helmut; Prevost, Toby
  • Quantitative estimates of dietary intake with special emphasis on snacking pattern and nutritional status of free living adults in urban slums of Delhi: impact of nutrition transition. (2015) Singh, Archna; Gupta, Vidhu; Ghosh, Arpita; Lock, Karen; Ghosh-Jerath, Suparna
  • Developing patient reference groups within general practice: a mixed-methods study. (2015) Smiddy, Jane; Reay, Joanne; Peckham, Stephen; Williams, Lorraine; Wilson, Patricia
  • How can we interpret proxy reports of HRQL when it is no longer possible to obtain a self-report from people with dementia? (2015) Smith, SC; Hendriks, AAJ; Chrysanthaki, T; Cano, S; Black, N
  • Improving the measurement of HRQL in dementia: a Rasch measurement theory approach. (2015) Smith, SC; Hendriks, AAJ; Chrysanthaki, T; Cano, S; Black, N
  • Delivering the aims of the Collaborations for Leadership in Applied Health Research and Care: understanding their strategies and contributions. (2015) Soper, Bryony; Hinrichs, Saba; Drabble, Samuel; Yaqub, Ohid; Marjanovic, Sonja; Hanney, Stephen; Nolte, Ellen
  • Universal Health Coverage and the Right to Health: From Legal Principle to Post-2015 Indicators. (2015) Sridhar, Devi; McKee, Martin; Ooms, Gorik; Beiersmann, Claudia; Friedman, Eric; Gouda, Hebe; Hill, Peter; Jahn, Albrecht
  • Effect of health system reforms in Turkey on user satisfaction. (2015) Stokes, Jonathan; Gurol-Urganci, Ipek; Hone, Thomas; Atun, Rifat
  • Deciding when physicians are unfit to practice: an analysis of responsibilities, policy and practice in 11 European Union Member States. (2015) Struckmann, V; Panteli, D; Legido-Quigley, H; Risso-Gill, I; McKee, M; Busse, R
  • Deciding when physicians are unfit to practise: an analysis of responsibilities, policy and practice in 11 European Union member states. (2015) Struckmann, Verena; Panteli, Dimitra; Legido-Quigley, Helena; Risso-Gill, Isabelle; McKee, Martin; Busse, Reinhard
  • The health effects of the global financial crisis: can we reconcile the differing views? A network analysis of literature across disciplines. (2015) Stuckler, David; Reeves, Aaron; Karanikolos, Marina; McKee, Martin
  • T
  • Deepening our Understanding of Quality in Australia (DUQuA): a study protocol for a nationwide, multilevel analysis of relationships between hospital quality management systems and patient factors. (2015) Taylor, Natalie; Clay-Williams, Robyn; Hogden, Emily; Pye, Victoria; Li, Zhicheng; Groene, Oliver; Suñol, Rosa; Braithwaite, Jeffrey
  • Identifying alternatives to old age psychiatry inpatient admission: an application of the balance of care approach to health and social care planning. (2015) Tucker, Sue; Brand, Christian; Wilberforce, Mark; Abendstern, Michele; Challis, David
  • High performing hospitals: a qualitative systematic review of associated factors and practical strategies for improvement. (2015) Taylor, Natalie; Clay-Williams, Robyn; Hogden, Emily; Braithwaite, Jeffrey; Groene, Oliver
  • Time-varying impact of comorbidities on mortality after liver transplantation: a national cohort study using linked clinical and administrative data. (2015) Tovikkai, Chutwichai; Charman, Susan C; Praseedom, Raaj K; Gimson, Alexander E; van der Meulen, Jan
  • Successful behavior change in obesity interventions in adults: a systematic review of self-regulation mediators. (2015) Teixeira, Pedro J; Carraça, Eliana V; Marques, Marta M; Rutter, Harry; Oppert, Jean-Michel; De Bourdeaudhuij, Ilse; Lakerveld, Jeroen; Brug, Johannes
  • Improvements in the data quality of a national BMI measuring programme. (2015) Townsend, N; Rutter, H; Foster, C
  • Pertussis post-exposure prophylaxis among household contacts: a cost-utility analysis. (2015) Thampi, Nisha; Gurol-Urganci, Ipek; Crowcroft, Natasha S; Sander, Beate
  • An evaluation of Social Impact Bonds in Health and Social Care: Interim Report. (2015) Tan, Stefanie; Fraser, Alec; Giacomantonio, Chris; Kruithof, Kristy; Sim, Megan; Lagarde, Mylene; Disley, Emma; Rubin, Jennifer; Mays, Nicholas
  • Patients' experiences of the choice of GP practice pilot, 2012/2013: a mixed methods evaluation. (2015) Tan, Stefanie; Erens, Bob; Wright, Michael; Mays, Nicholas
  • The Ebola crisis: perspectives from European Public Health. (2015) Timen, Aura; Sprenger, Marc; Edelstein, Michael; Martin-Moreno, Jose; McKee, Martin
  • ‘You can't stay away from your family’: a qualitative study of the ongoing ties and future plans of South African health workers in the United Kingdom. (2015) Taylor, Katherine; Blacklock, Claire; Hayward, Gail; Bidwell, Posy; Laxmikanth, Pallavi; Riches, Nicholas; Willcox, Merlin; Moosa, Shabir; Mant, David
  • A systematic review of self-regulation mediators of success in obesity interventions: the SPOTLIGHT project. (2015) Teixeira, PJ; Marques, M; Carraça, EV; Rutter, H; Oppert, J.-, M; de Bourdeaudhuij, I; Lakerveld, J; Brug, J
  • The Ebola crisis: perspectives from European Public Health. (2015) Timen, A; Sprenger, M; Edelstein, M; Martin-Moreno, J; McKee, M
  • The quality and implications of Balance of Care studies: Lessons from a systematic literature review. (2015) Tucker, Sue; Hughes, Jane; Brand, Christian; Buck, Deborah; Challis, David
  • V
  • The Prevalence of Clinically Significant Prostate Cancer According to Commonly Used Histological Thresholds in Men Undergoing Template Prostate Mapping Biopsies. (2015) Valerio, M; Anele, C; Bott, SRJ; Charman, SC; van der Meulen, J; El-Mahallawi, H; Emara, AM; Freeman, A; Jameson, C; Hindley, RG; Montgomery, BSI; Singh, PB; Ahmed, HU; Emberton, M
  • Transperineal template prostate-mapping biopsies: an evaluation of different protocols in the detection of clinically significant prostate cancer. (2015) Valerio, Massimo; Anele, Chukwuemeka; Charman, Susan C; van der Meulen, Jan; Freeman, Alex; Jameson, Charles; Singh, Paras B; Emberton, Mark; Ahmed, Hashim U
  • Food Price Spikes Are Associated with Increased Malnutrition among Children in Andhra Pradesh, India. (2015) Vellakkal, Sukumar; Fledderjohann, Jasmine; Basu, Sanjay; Agrawal, Sutapa; Ebrahim, Shah; Campbell, Oona; Doyle, Pat; Stuckler, David
  • Development of a framework for prospective payment for child mental health services. (2015) Vostanis, Panos; Martin, Peter; Davies, Roger; De Francesco, Davide; Jones, Melanie; Sweeting, Ruth; Ritchie, Benjamin; Allen, Pauline; Wolpert, Miranda
  • Long working hours and alcohol use: systematic review and meta-analysis of published studies and unpublished individual participant data. (2015) Virtanen, Marianna; Jokela, Markus; Nyberg, Solja T; Madsen, Ida EH; Lallukka, Tea; Ahola, Kirsi; Alfredsson, Lars; Batty, G David; Bjorner, Jakob B; Borritz, Marianne; Burr, Hermann; Casini, Annalisa; Clays, Els; De Bacquer, Dirk; Dragano, Nico; Erbel, Raimund; Ferrie, Jane E; Fransson, Eleonor I; Hamer, Mark; Heikkilä, Katriina; Jöckel, Karl-Heinz; Kittel, France; Knutsson, Anders; Koskenvuo, Markku; Ladwig, Karl-Heinz; Lunau, Thorsten; Nielsen, Martin L; Nordin, Maria; Oksanen, Tuula; Pejtersen, Jan H; Pentti, Jaana; Rugulies, Reiner; Salo, Paula; Schupp, Jürgen; Siegrist, Johannes; Singh-Manoux, Archana; Steptoe, Andrew; Suominen, Sakari B; Theorell, Töres; Vahtera, Jussi; Wagner, Gert G; Westerholm, Peter JM; Westerlund, Hugo; Kivimäki, Mika
  • Methodological considerations in assessing the utility of imaging in early prostate cancer. (2015) Valerio, Massimo; Willis, Sarah; van der Meulen, Jan; Emberton, Mark; Ahmed, Hashim U
  • Relationship between patient-reported outcomes of elective surgery and hospital and consultant volume. (2015) Varagunam, Mira; Hutchings, Andrew; Black, Nick
  • W
  • Systematic review of the evidence on the effectiveness of sexual and reproductive health interventions in humanitarian crises. (2015) Warren, Emily; Post, Nathan; Hossain, Mazeda; Blanchet, Karl; Roberts, Bayard
  • Sustainable HIV treatment in Africa through viral-load-informed differentiated care. (2015) Working Group on Modelling of Antiretroviral Therapy Monitoring ; Phillips, Andrew; Shroufi, Amir; Vojnov, Lara; Cohn, Jennifer; Roberts, Teri; Ellman, Tom; Bonner, Kimberly; Rousseau, Christine; Garnett, Geoff; Cambiano, Valentina; Nakagawa, Fumiyo; Ford, Deborah; Bansi-Matharu, Loveleen; Miners, Alec; Lundgren, Jens D; Eaton, Jeffrey W; Parkes-Ratanshi, Rosalind; Katz, Zachary; Maman, David; Ford, Nathan; Vitoria, Marco; Doherty, Meg; Dowdy, David; Nichols, Brooke; Murtagh, Maurine; Wareham, Meghan; Palamountain, Kara M; Chakanyuka Musanhu, Christine; Stevens, Wendy; Katzenstein, David; Ciaranello, Andrea; Barnabas, Ruanne; Braithwaite, R Scott; Bendavid, Eran; Nathoo, Kusum J; van de Vijver, David; Wilson, David P; Holmes, Charles; Bershteyn, Anna; Walker, Simon; Raizes, Elliot; Jani, Ilesh; Nelson, Lisa J; Peeling, Rosanna; Terris-Prestholt, Fern; Murungu, Joseph; Mutasa-Apollo, Tsitsi; Hallett, Timothy B; Revill, Paul
  • Measles among migrants in the European Union and the European Economic Area. (2015) Williams, Gemma A; Bacci, Sabrina; Shadwick, Rebecca; Tillmann, Taavi; Rechel, Bernd; Noori, Teymur; Suk, Jonathan E; Odone, Anna; Ingleby, Jonathan D; Mladovsky, Philipa; Mckee, Martin
  • Is England closing the international gap in cancer survival? (2015) Walters, Sarah; Benitez-Majano, Sara; Muller, Patrick; Coleman, Michel P; Allemani, Claudia; Butler, John; Peake, Mick; Guren, Marianne Grønlie; Glimelius, Bengt; Bergström, Stefan; Påhlman, Lars; Rachet, Bernard
  • Taking knowledge users' knowledge needs into account in health: an evidence synthesis framework. (2015) Wickremasinghe, Deepthi; Kuruvilla, Shyama; Mays, Nicholas; Avan, Bilal Iqbal
  • Individual patient data network meta-analysis of mortality effects of implantable cardiac devices. (2015) Woods, B; Hawkins, N; Mealing, S; Sutton, A; Abraham, WT; Beshai, JF; Klein, H; Sculpher, M; Plummer, CJ; Cowie, MR
  • Investigating the association between urban agriculture and food security, dietary diversity, and nutritional status: A systematic literature review. (2015) Warren, Emily; Hawkesworth, Sophie; Knai, Cécile ['material/summary:fileicon_application/msword' not defined]
  • Hospital Volume Does Not Influence the Safety of Percutaneous Nephrolithotomy in England: A Population-Based Cohort Study. (2015) Withington, John M; Charman, Susan C; Armitage, James N; Cromwell, David; Finch, William D; Wiseman, Oliver J; Irving, Stuart; Glass, Jonathan; Burgess, Neil A
  • Biphasic vs basal bolus insulin regimen in Type 2 diabetes: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. (2015) Wang, C; Mamza, J; Idris, I
  • Are patients admitted to hospitals from care homes dehydrated? A retrospective analysis of hypernatraemia and in-hospital mortality. (2015) Wolff, Anthony; Stuckler, David; McKee, Martin
  • Regional variation in length of hospital stay after major surgery for colorectal cancer. (2015) Walker, Kate; Kuryba, Angela; Scott, Nigel; Van der Meulen, Jan
  • National Vascular Registry: 2014 Progress Report. (2015) Waton, S; Johal, A; Heikkilä, K; Cromwell, D; Loftus, I
  • National Vascular Registry: 2015 Annual Report. (2015) Waton, S; Johal, A; Heikkilä, K; Cromwell, D; Loftus, I
  • Comparison of home energy efficiency investments and winter fuel payments for meeting health and environmental goals in England. (2015) Wilkinson, P; Hamilton, I; Milner, J; Picetti, R; Chalabi, Z; Bonnington, O; Green, J; Davies, M
  • Home energy efficiency investments: comparison with winter fuel payments for meeting housing-related health and environmental objectives in England. (2015) Wilkinson, P; Hamilton, I; Milner, J; Picetti, R; Chalabi, Z; Bonnington, O; Green, J; Davies, M
  • A review of economic evaluations of diagnostic strategies using imaging in men at risk of prostate cancer. (2015) Willis, Sarah R; van der Meulen, Jan; Valerio, Massimo; Miners, Alec; Ahmed, Hashim U; Emberton, Mark
  • Evaluation of Direct Payments in Residential Care. Second Interim Report. (2015) Wittenberg, R; Ettelt, S; Williams, L; Damant, J; Lombard, D; Perkins, M; Mays, N
  • Z
  • Cytisine versus nicotine for smoking cessation. (2015) Zatoński, Witold; Zatoński, Mateusz
  • European public health news. (2015) Zeegers Paget, Dineke; McKee, Martin; Zeegers Paget, Dineke; Jakab, Zsuzsanna; Andriukaitis, Vytenis; Barnhoorn, Floris
  • Á
  • Metabolites of Aliphatic Alcohols Detected in Alcoholic Beverages Inhibit Phagocytosis. (2015) Árnyas, Ervin M; Pál, László; Baranyi, Gergő; Bujdosó, Orsolya; Rácz, Gábor; Ádány, Róza; McKee, Martin; Szűcs, Sándor