Items where Faculty or Department is "Dept of Health Services Research and Policy"
  • LSHTM Organisational Structure (57264)
  • Faculty of Public Health and Policy (18160)
  • Dept of Health Services Research and Policy (6479)
    Number of items: 363.
    December 2012
  • Malaria "diagnosis" and diagnostics in Afghanistan. (2012) Reynolds, Joanna; Wood, Molly; Mikhail, Amy; Ahmad, Tamanna; Karimullah, Karimullah; Motahed, Mohibullah; Hazansai, Anwar; Baktash, Sayed Habib; Anwari, Nadia; Kizito, James; Mayan, Ismail; Rowland, Mark; Chandler, Clare; Leslie, Toby
  • Effects of Greek economic crisis on health are real. (2012) Kentikelenis, Alexander; Karanikolos, Marina; Papanicolas, Irene; Basu, Sanjay; McKee, Martin; Stuckler, David
  • Patients' and clinicians' views of comparing the performance of providers of surgery: a qualitative study. (2012) Hildon, Zoe; Allwood, Dominique; Black, Nick
  • What is the evidence base for public involvement in health-care policy?: results of a systematic scoping review. (2012) Conklin, Annalijn; Morris, Zoë; Nolte, Ellen
  • The national and international implications of a decade of doctor migration in the Irish context. (2012) Bidwell, Posy; Humphries, Niamh; Dicker, Patrick; Thomas, Steve; Normand, Charles; Brugha, Ruairí
  • All in this together: the corporate capture of public health. (2012) Mindell, Jennifer S; Reynolds, Lucy; Cohen, David L; McKee, Martin
  • Early exposure to toxic metals has a limited effect on blood pressure or kidney function in later childhood, rural Bangladesh. (2012) Hawkesworth, Sophie; Wagatsuma, Yukiko; Kippler, Maria; Fulford, Anthony JC; Arifeen, Shams E; Persson, Lars-Ake; Moore, Sophie E; Vahter, Marie
  • Early invitation to food and/or multiple micronutrient supplementation in pregnancy does not affect body composition in offspring at 54 months: follow-up of the MINIMat randomised trial, Bangladesh. (2012) Khan, Ashraful Islam; Kabir, Iqbal; Hawkesworth, Sophie; Ekström, Eva-Charlotte; Arifeen, Shams; Frongillo, Edward A; Persson, Lars Åke
  • Performing Country-led Economic Evaluations to Inform Immunization Policy: ProVac Experiences in Latin America and the Caribbean. (2012) Janusz, Cara B; Jauregui, Barbara; Sinha, Anushua; Clark, Andrew D; Bolaños, Brenda M; Resch, Stephen; Toscano, Cristiana; Andrus, Jon K
  • Entitlement to concessionary public transport and wellbeing: a qualitative study of young people and older citizens in London, UK. (2012) Jones, Alasdair; Goodman, Anna; Roberts, Helen; Steinbach, Rebecca; Green, Judith
  • Mobile phone messaging for preventive health care. (2012) Vodopivec-Jamsek, Vlasta; de Jongh, Thyra; Gurol-Urganci, Ipek; Atun, Rifat; Car, Josip
  • Mobile phone messaging for facilitating self-management of long-term illnesses. (2012) de Jongh, Thyra; Gurol-Urganci, Ipek; Vodopivec-Jamsek, Vlasta; Car, Josip; Atun, Rifat
  • The crisis of capitalism and the marketisation of health care: the implications for public health professionals. (2012) McKee, Martin; Stuckler, David
  • Analysis of health stories in daily newspapers in the UK. (2012) Robinson, A; Coutinho, A; Bryden, A; McKee, M
  • Implementing a Basic Package of Health Services in post-conflict Liberia: perceptions of key stakeholders. (2012) Petit, Dörte; Sondorp, Egbert; Mayhew, Susannah; Roura, Maria; Roberts, Bayard
  • November 2012
  • Older people in the UK: under attack from all directions. (2012) McKee, Martin; Stuckler, David
  • Consumer involvement in dietary guideline development: opinions from European stakeholders. (2012) Brown, Kerry A; Hermoso, Maria; Timotijevic, Lada; Barnett, Julie; Lillegaard, Inger Therese L; Řehůřková, Irena; Larrañaga, Ainhoa; Lončarević-Srmić, Azra; Andersen, Lene Frost; Ruprich, Jiří; Fernández-Celemín, Laura; Raats, Monique M
  • Universal health coverage: a quest for all countries but under threat in some. (2012) McKee, Martin; Balabanova, Dina; Basu, Sanjay; Ricciardi, Walter; Stuckler, David
  • How to achieve international action on falsified and substandard medicines. (2012) Attaran, Amir; Barry, Donna; Basheer, Shamnad; Bate, Roger; Benton, David; Chauvin, James; Garrett, Laurie; Kickbusch, Ilona; Kohler, Jillian Clare; Midha, Kamal; Newton, Paul N; Nishtar, Sania; Orhii, Paul; McKee, Martin
  • The progress of nations: what we can learn from Taiwan. (2012) Stuckler, David; McKee, Martin
  • Job strain as a risk factor for leisure-time physical inactivity: an individual-participant meta-analysis of up to 170,000 men and women: the IPD-Work Consortium. (2012) Fransson, Eleonor I; Heikkilä, Katriina; Nyberg, Solja T; Zins, Marie; Westerlund, Hugo; Westerholm, Peter; Väänänen, Ari; Virtanen, Marianna; Vahtera, Jussi; Theorell, Töres; Suominen, Sakari; Singh-Manoux, Archana; Siegrist, Johannes; Sabia, Séverine; Rugulies, Reiner; Pentti, Jaana; Oksanen, Tuula; Nordin, Maria; Nielsen, Martin L; Marmot, Michael G; Magnusson Hanson, Linda L; Madsen, Ida EH; Lunau, Thorsten; Leineweber, Constanze; Kumari, Meena; Kouvonen, Anne; Koskinen, Aki; Koskenvuo, Markku; Knutsson, Anders; Kittel, France; Jöckel, Karl-Heinz; Joensuu, Matti; Houtman, Irene L; Hooftman, Wendela E; Goldberg, Marcel; Geuskens, Goedele A; Ferrie, Jane E; Erbel, Raimund; Dragano, Nico; De Bacquer, Dirk; Clays, Els; Casini, Annalisa; Burr, Hermann; Borritz, Marianne; Bonenfant, Sébastien; Bjorner, Jakob B; Alfredsson, Lars; Hamer, Mark; Batty, G David; Kivimäki, Mika
  • More than A to B: the role of free bus travel for the mobility and wellbeing of older citizens in London. (2012) Green, Judith; Jones, Alasdair; Roberts, Helen
  • The history and evolution of the clinical effectiveness of haemophilia type a treatment: a systematic review. (2012) Castro, Hector E; Briceño, María Fernanda; Casas, Claudia P; Rueda, Juan David
  • The politics of health technology assessment in Poland. (2012) Ozieranski, Piotr; McKee, Martin; King, Lawrence
  • October 2012
  • Implementing nutrition guidelines for older people in residential care homes: a qualitative study using Normalization Process Theory. (2012) Bamford, Claire; Heaven, Ben; May, Carl; Moynihan, Paula
  • Use of national clinical databases for informing and for evaluating health care policies. (2012) Black, Nick; Tan, Stefanie
  • Seven goals for public health training in the 21st century. (2012) McKee, Martin
  • Transperineal magnetic resonance image targeted prostate biopsy versus transperineal template prostate biopsy in the detection of clinically significant prostate cancer. (2012) Kasivisvanathan, Veeru; Dufour, Robert; Moore, Caroline M; Ahmed, Hashim U; Abd-Alazeez, Mohamed; Charman, Susan C; Freeman, Alex; Allen, Clare; Kirkham, Alex; van der Meulen, Jan; Emberton, Mark
  • Analysing compliance of cigarette packaging with the FCTC and national legislation in eight former Soviet countries. (2012) Mir, Hassan; Roberts, Bayard; Richardson, Erica; Chow, Clara; McKee, Martin
  • September 2012
  • The effect of healthcare delivery privatisation on avoidable mortality: longitudinal cross-regional results from Italy, 1993-2003. (2012) Quercioli, Cecilia; Messina, Gabriele; Basu, Sanjay; McKee, Martin; Nante, Nicola; Stuckler, David
  • Shortened peginterferon and ribavirin treatment for chronic hepatitis C. (2012) Hartwell, Debbie; Jones, Jeremy; Baxter, Louise; Shepherd, Jonathan
  • WHO European Childhood Obesity Surveillance Initiative 2008: weight, height and body mass index in 6-9-year-old children. (2012) Wijnhoven, TMA; van Raaij, JMA; Spinelli, A; Rito, AI; Hovengen, R; Kunesova, M; Starc, G; Rutter, H; Sjöberg, A; Petrauskiene, A; O'Dwyer, U; Petrova, S; Farrugia Sant'angelo, V; Wauters, M; Yngve, A; Rubana, I-M; Breda, J
  • Economic impact of reduced mortality due to increased cycling. (2012) Rutter, Harry; Cavill, Nick; Racioppi, Francesca; Dinsdale, Hywell; Oja, Pekka; Kahlmeier, Sonja
  • Job strain as a risk factor for coronary heart disease: a collaborative meta-analysis of individual participant data. (2012) Kivimäki, Mika; Nyberg, Solja T; Batty, G David; Fransson, Eleonor I; Heikkilä, Katriina; Alfredsson, Lars; Bjorner, Jakob B; Borritz, Marianne; Burr, Hermann; Casini, Annalisa; Clays, Els; De Bacquer, Dirk; Dragano, Nico; Ferrie, Jane E; Geuskens, Goedele A; Goldberg, Marcel; Hamer, Mark; Hooftman, Wendela E; Houtman, Irene L; Joensuu, Matti; Jokela, Markus; Kittel, France; Knutsson, Anders; Koskenvuo, Markku; Koskinen, Aki; Kouvonen, Anne; Kumari, Meena; Madsen, Ida EH; Marmot, Michael G; Nielsen, Martin L; Nordin, Maria; Oksanen, Tuula; Pentti, Jaana; Rugulies, Reiner; Salo, Paula; Siegrist, Johannes; Singh-Manoux, Archana; Suominen, Sakari B; Väänänen, Ari; Vahtera, Jussi; Virtanen, Marianna; Westerholm, Peter JM; Westerlund, Hugo; Zins, Marie; Steptoe, Andrew; Theorell, Töres; IPD-Work Consortium
  • Long working hours and coronary heart disease: a systematic review and meta-analysis. (2012) Virtanen, Marianna; Heikkilä, Katriina; Jokela, Markus; Ferrie, Jane E; Batty, G David; Vahtera, Jussi; Kivimäki, Mika
  • Environmental Profile of a Community's Health (EPOCH): an ecometric assessment of measures of the community environment based on individual perception. (2012) Corsi, Daniel J; Subramanian, SV; McKee, Martin; Li, Wei; Swaminathan, Sumathi; Lopez-Jaramillo, Patricio; Avezum, Alvaro; Lear, Scott A; Dagenais, Gilles; Rangarajan, Sumathy; Teo, Koon; Yusuf, Salim; Chow, Clara K
  • August 2012
  • How do we evaluate the impact of the health reforms on the NHS? (2012) Kmietowicz, Zosia
  • Evaluating treatment effectiveness in patient subgroups: a comparison of propensity score methods with an automated matching approach. (2012) Radice, Rosalba; Ramsahai, Roland; Grieve, Richard; Kreif, Noemi; Sadique, Zia; Sekhon, Jasjeet S
  • July 2012
  • Good question, wrong answer. (2012) Black, Nick
  • The analysis of record-linked data using multiple imputation with data value priors. (2012) Goldstein, Harvey; Harron, Katie; Wade, Angie
  • Changes in waist circumference among adolescents in England from 1977-1987 to 2005-2007. (2012) Mindell, JS; Dinsdale, H; Ridler, C; Rutter, HR
  • Parallel vigilance: parents' dual focus following diagnosis of Type 1 diabetes mellitus in their young child. (2012) Niedel, Selaine; Traynor, Michael; McKee, Martin; Grey, Margaret
  • Tinkering and tailoring individual consultations: how practice nurses try to make cardiovascular risk communication meaningful. (2012) Boase, Sue; Mason, Dan; Sutton, Stephen; Cohn, Simon
  • Combining general practice with international work: online survey of experiences of UK GPs. (2012) Smith, C; Pettigrew, LM; Seo, HN; Dorward, J
  • One in 20 hospital deaths is preventable: British Medical Journal research. (2012) UNSPECIFIED audio_file
  • Mobile phone messaging reminders for attendance at healthcare appointments. (2012) Car, Josip; Gurol-Urganci, Ipek; de Jongh, Thyra; Vodopivec-Jamsek, Vlasta; Atun, Rifat
  • Job strain and alcohol intake: a collaborative meta-analysis of individual-participant data from 140,000 men and women. (2012) Heikkilä, Katriina; Nyberg, Solja T; Fransson, Eleonor I; Alfredsson, Lars; De Bacquer, Dirk; Bjorner, Jakob B; Bonenfant, Sébastien; Borritz, Marianne; Burr, Hermann; Clays, Els; Casini, Annalisa; Dragano, Nico; Erbel, Raimund; Geuskens, Goedele A; Goldberg, Marcel; Hooftman, Wendela E; Houtman, Irene L; Joensuu, Matti; Jöckel, Karl-Heinz; Kittel, France; Knutsson, Anders; Koskenvuo, Markku; Koskinen, Aki; Kouvonen, Anne; Leineweber, Constanze; Lunau, Thorsten; Madsen, Ida EH; Magnusson Hanson, Linda L; Marmot, Michael G; Nielsen, Martin L; Nordin, Maria; Pentti, Jaana; Salo, Paula; Rugulies, Reiner; Steptoe, Andrew; Siegrist, Johannes; Suominen, Sakari; Vahtera, Jussi; Virtanen, Marianna; Väänänen, Ari; Westerholm, Peter; Westerlund, Hugo; Zins, Marie; Theorell, Töres; Hamer, Mark; Ferrie, Jane E; Singh-Manoux, Archana; Batty, G David; Kivimäki, Mika; IPD-Work Consortium
  • Job strain and tobacco smoking: an individual-participant data meta-analysis of 166,130 adults in 15 European studies. (2012) Heikkilä, Katriina; Nyberg, Solja T; Fransson, Eleonor I; Alfredsson, Lars; De Bacquer, Dirk; Bjorner, Jakob B; Bonenfant, Sébastien; Borritz, Marianne; Burr, Hermann; Clays, Els; Casini, Annalisa; Dragano, Nico; Erbel, Raimund; Geuskens, Goedele A; Goldberg, Marcel; Hooftman, Wendela E; Houtman, Irene L; Joensuu, Matti; Jöckel, Karl-Heinz; Kittel, France; Knutsson, Anders; Koskenvuo, Markku; Koskinen, Aki; Kouvonen, Anne; Leineweber, Constanze; Lunau, Thorsten; Madsen, Ida EH; Magnusson Hanson, Linda L; Marmot, Michael G; Nielsen, Martin L; Nordin, Maria; Pentti, Jaana; Salo, Paula; Rugulies, Reiner; Steptoe, Andrew; Siegrist, Johannes; Suominen, Sakari; Vahtera, Jussi; Virtanen, Marianna; Väänänen, Ari; Westerholm, Peter; Westerlund, Hugo; Zins, Marie; Theorell, Töres; Hamer, Mark; Ferrie, Jane E; Singh-Manoux, Archana; Batty, G David; Kivimäki, Mika; IPD-Work Consortium
  • What has been the United Kingdom's experience with retention of third molars? (2012) Renton, T; Al-Haboubi, M; Pau, A; Shepherd, J; Gallagher, JE
  • June 2012
  • Socioeconomic differences in patient-reported outcomes after a hip or knee replacement in the English National Health Service. (2012) Neuburger, J; Hutchings, A; Black, N; van der Meulen, JH
  • Evaluating the evidence that the prevalence of childhood overweight is plateauing. (2012) Townsend, N; Rutter, H; Foster, C
  • Opening the black box of record linkage. (2012) Harron, Katie; Wade, Angie; Muller-Pebody, Berit; Goldstein, Harvey; Gilbert, Ruth
  • Nutritional determinants of worldwide diabetes: an econometric study of food markets and diabetes prevalence in 173 countries. (2012) Basu, Sanjay; Stuckler, David; McKee, Martin; Galea, Gauden
  • Mobile phone messaging for communicating results of medical investigations. (2012) Gurol-Urganci, Ipek; de Jongh, Thyra; Vodopivec-Jamsek, Vlasta; Car, Josip; Atun, Rifat
  • Methods for estimating subgroup effects in cost-effectiveness analyses that use observational data. (2012) Kreif, Noemi; Grieve, Richard; Radice, Rosalba; Sadique, Zia; Ramsahai, Roland; Sekhon, Jasjeet S
  • Bendamustine versus chlorambucil for the first-line treatment of chronic lymphocytic leukemia in England and Wales: a cost-utility analysis. (2012) Woods, Beth; Hawkins, Neil; Dunlop, William; O'Toole, Alison; Bramham-Jones, Steve
  • Centralisation of services for children with cleft lip or palate in England: a study of hospital episode statistics. (2012) Fitzsimons, Kate J; Mukarram, Shumaila; Copley, Lynn P; Deacon, Scott A; van der Meulen, Jan H
  • May 2012
  • Micro- and meso-level influences on obesity in the former Soviet Union: a multi-level analysis. (2012) Watson, K; Roberts, B; Chow, C; Goryakin, Y; Rotman, D; Gasparishvili, A; Haerpfer, C; McKee, M
  • The impact of decision aids to enhance shared decision making for diabetes (the DAD study): protocol of a cluster randomized trial. (2012) LeBlanc, Annie; Ruud, Kari L; Branda, Megan E; Tiedje, Kristina; Boehmer, Kasey R; Pencille, Laurie J; Van Houten, Holly; Matthews, Marc; Shah, Nilay D; May, Carl R; Yawn, Barbara P; Montori, Victor M
  • Cost-effectiveness analysis of human resources policy interventions to address the shortage of nurses in rural South Africa. (2012) Lagarde, Mylene; Blaauw, Duane; Cairns, John
  • From theory to 'measurement' in complex interventions: methodological lessons from the development of an e-health normalisation instrument. (2012) Finch, Tracy L; Mair, Frances S; O'Donnell, Catherine; Murray, Elizabeth; May, Carl R
  • The British government's Troubled Families Programme. (2012) Fletcher, Adam; Gardner, Frances; McKee, Martin; Bonell, Chris
  • Discrimination against doctors with HIV must end. (2012) Ma, Richard
  • Disparities in the availability of fruit, vegetables and snack foods by neighborhood socioeconomic status in supermarkets and grocery stores in Montréal, Canada. (2012) Blanchard, Laurence
  • April 2012
  • The potential benefits of sugar-free chewing gum on the oral health and quality of life of older people living in the community: a randomized controlled trial. (2012) Al-Haboubi, M; Zoitopoulos, L; Beighton, D; Gallagher, JE
  • Prevalence and Psychosocial Determinants of Nicotine Dependence in Nine Countries of the Former Soviet Union. (2012) Roberts, B; Gilmore, A; Stickley, A; Kizilova, K; Prohoda, V; Rotman, D; Haerpfer, C; McKee, M
  • Comparing midwife-led and doctor-led maternity care: a systematic review of reviews. (2012) Sutcliffe, Katy; Caird, Jenny; Kavanagh, Josephine; Rees, Rebecca; Oliver, Kathryn; Dickson, Kelly; Woodman, Jenny; Barnett-Paige, Elaine; Thomas, James
  • The human factor: re-organisations in public health policy. (2012) Oliver, Kathryn; Everett, Martin; Verma, Arpana; de Vocht, Frank
  • March 2012
  • Breastfeeding and educational achievement at age 5. (2012) Heikkilä, Katriina; Kelly, Yvonne; Renfrew, Mary J; Sacker, Amanda; Quigley, Maria A
  • Statistical methods for cost-effectiveness analyses that use observational data: a critical appraisal tool and review of current practice. (2012) Kreif, Noémi; Grieve, Richard; Sadique, M Zia
  • Severe human rights abuses in healthcare settings. (2012) Guterman, Lydia; McKee, Martin
  • Changing micronutrient intake through (voluntary) behaviour change. The case of folate. (2012) Jensen, Birger B; Lähteenmäki, Liisa; Grunert, Klaus G; Brown, Kerry A; Timotijevic, Lada; Barnett, Julie; Shepherd, Richard; Raats, Monique M
  • Personal healthcare budgets: what can England learn from the Netherlands? (2012) van Ginneken, Ewout; Groenewegen, Peter P; McKee, Martin
  • February 2012
  • How the NHS measures up to other health systems. (2012) Ingleby, David; McKee, Martin; Mladovsky, Philipa; Rechel, Bernd
  • Illegally produced alcohol. (2012) McKee, Martin; Adany, Roza; Leon, David A
  • The development of a postoperative morbidity score to assess total morbidity burden after cardiac surgery. (2012) Sanders, Julie; Keogh, Bruce E; Van der Meulen, Jan; Browne, John P; Treasure, Tom; Mythen, Michael G; Montgomery, Hugh E
  • The NHS outcomes framework 2012-3. (2012) Cromwell, David A; Mays, Nicholas
  • GP led commissioning: time for a cool appraisal. (2012) Smith, Judith A; Mays, Nicholas
  • Investigating the governance of autonomous public hospitals in England: multi-site case study of NHS foundation trusts. (2012) Allen, Pauline; Keen, Justin; Wright, John; Dempster, Paul; Townsend, Jean; Hutchings, Andrew; Street, Andrew; Verzulli, Rossella
  • Martin McKee replies to Andrew Lansley. (2012) McKee, Martin
  • Variations in structures, processes and outcomes of community mental health teams for older people: a systematic review of the literature. (2012) Abendstern, M; Harrington, V; Brand, C; Tucker, S; Wilberforce, M; Challis, D
  • January 2012
  • Global Health Lab: Welfare State, Sustainable In An Ageing Population? - 22 Jan 2012. (2012) UNSPECIFIED audio_file
  • Investigating incoherence gives insight: clopidogrel is equivalent to extended-release dipyridamole plus aspirin in secondary stroke prevention. (2012) Dewilde, Sarah; Hawkins, Neil
  • Comparison of alternative versions of the job demand-control scales in 17 European cohort studies: the IPD-Work consortium. (2012) Fransson, Eleonor I; Nyberg, Solja T; Heikkilä, Katriina; Alfredsson, Lars; Bacquer, De Dirk; Batty, G David; Bonenfant, Sébastien; Casini, Annalisa; Clays, Els; Goldberg, Marcel; Kittel, France; Koskenvuo, Markku; Knutsson, Anders; Leineweber, Constanze; Magnusson Hanson, Linda L; Nordin, Maria; Singh-Manoux, Archana; Suominen, Sakari; Vahtera, Jussi; Westerholm, Peter; Westerlund, Hugo; Zins, Marie; Theorell, Töres; Kivimäki, Mika
  • Does anyone understand the government's plan for the NHS? (2012) McKee, Martin
  • Overwhelmed patients: a videographic analysis of how patients with type 2 diabetes and clinicians articulate and address treatment burden during clinical encounters. (2012) Bohlen, Krista; Scoville, Elizabeth; Shippee, Nathan D; May, Carl R; Montori, Victor M
  • 2012
  • ADHD-like symptoms and attachment in internationally adopted children. (2012) Abrines, Neus; Barcons, Natalia; Marre, Diana; Brun, Carme; Fornieles, Albert; Fumadó, Victoria
  • Comparing ADHD symptom levels in children adopted from Eastern Europe and from other regions: Discussing possible factors involved. (2012) Abrines, Neus; Barcons, Natàlia; Brun, Carme; Marre, Diana; Sartini, Claudio; Fumadó, Victoria
  • A direct comparison of girls adopted from China and Eastern Europe: anxiety, hyperactivity/impulsivity, inattention and defiant behaviours. (2012) Abrines, Neus; Barcons, Natàlia; Görzig, Anke; Marre, Diana; Brun, Carme; Fumadó, Victoria
  • Focal therapy for localised unifocal and multifocal prostate cancer: a prospective development study. (2012) Ahmed, HU; Hindley, RG; Dickinson, L; Freeman, A; Kirkham, AP; Sahu, M; Scott, R; Allen, C; van der Meulen, J; Emberton, M
  • Addressing the challenges of improving primary care quality in Uzbekistan: a qualitative study of chronic heart failure management. (2012) Ahmedov, Mohir; Green, Judith; Azimov, Ravshan; Avezova, Guloyim; Inakov, Sherzod; Mamatkulov, Bahrom
  • Patient safety, satisfaction, and quality of hospital care: cross sectional surveys of nurses and patients in 12 countries in Europe and the United States. (2012) Aiken, Linda H; Sermeus, Walter; Van den Heede, Koen; Sloane, Douglas M; Busse, Reinhard; McKee, Martin; Bruyneel, Luk; Rafferty, Anne Marie; Griffiths, Peter; Moreno-Casbas, Maria Teresa; Tishelman, Carol; Scott, Anne; Brzostek, Tomasz; Kinnunen, Juha; Schwendimann, Rene; Heinen, Maud; Zikos, Dimitris; Sjetne, Ingeborg Strømseng; Smith, Herbert L; Kutney-Lee, Ann
  • Indignity, exclusion, pain and hunger: the impact of musculoskeletal impairments in the lives of children in Malawi. (2012) Alavi, Yasmene; Jumbe, Vincent; Hartley, Sally; Smith, Sarah; Lamping, Donna; Muhit, Mohammad; Masiye, Francis; Lavy, Chris
  • Public health science—a call for abstracts. (2012) Aldridge, Robert W; McKee, Martin; Horton, Richard
  • Organizational Form as a Mechanism to Involve Staff, Public and Users in Public Services: A Study of the Governance of NHS Foundation Trusts. (2012) Allen, Pauline; Townsend, Jean; Dempster, Paul; Wright, John; Hutchings, Andrew; Keen, Justin
  • Provider diversity in the English NHS: a study of recent developments in four local health economies. (2012) Allen, Pauline; Turner, Simon; Bartlett, Will; Perotin, Virginie; Matchaya, Greenwell; Zamora, Bernarda
  • Autonomy and improved performance: lessons from an NHS policy reform. (2012) Anand, P; Exworthy, M; Frosini, F; Jones, L
  • Childhood deaths from injuries: trends and inequalities in Europe. (2012) Armour-Marshall, Jasmine; Wolfe, Ingrid; Richardson, Erica; Karanikolos, Marina; McKee, Martin
  • Aliphatic alcohols of illegally produced spirits can act synergistically on superoxide-anion production by human granulocytes. (2012) Arnyas, Ervin M; Pál, László; Kovács, Csilla; Adány, Róza; McKee, Martin; Szűcs, Sándor
  • Out-of-pocket payments for health care services in Bulgaria: financial burden and barrier to access. (2012) Atanasova, Elka; Pavlova, Milena; Moutafova, Emanuela; Rechel, Bernd; Groot, Wim
  • Healthy by law: the missed opportunity to use laws for public health. (2012) Attaran, Amir; Pang, Tikki; Whitworth, Judith; Oxman, Andrew; McKee, Martin
  • Integration in stroke services: the challenges for primary and community care services. (2012) Baeza, J; Fraser, A; Boaz, A
  • The importance of normative integration in stroke services: case study evidence from Sweden and England. (2012) Baeza, Juan I; Boaz, Annette; Fraser, Alec; Fulop, Naomi; McKevitt, Christopher; Wolfe, Charles; European Implementation Score (EIS) Collaborative Group
  • Integration in stroke services: the challenges for primary and community care services. (2012) Baeza, Juan I; Fraser, Alec; Boaz, Dr Annette
  • Health care reform in the former Soviet Union: beyond the transition. (2012) Balabanova, Dina; Roberts, Bayard; Richardson, Erica; Haerpfer, Christian; McKee, Martin
  • Attachment and adaptive skills in children of international adoption. (2012) Barcons, Natàlia; Abrines, Neus; Brun, Carme; Sartini, Claudio; Fumadó, Victoria; Marre, Diana
  • Social relationships in children from intercountry adoption. (2012) Barcons, Natàlia; Abrines, Neus; Brun, Carme; Sartini, Claudio; Fumadó, Victoria; Marre, Diana
  • Potential research priorities arising from proposals for NHS reforms in England. (2012) Barlow, James; Hendy, J
  • Suicides associated with the 2008-10 economic recession in England: time trend analysis. (2012) Barr, Ben; Taylor-Robinson, David; Scott-Samuel, Alex; McKee, Martin; Stuckler, David
  • Health Reforms in South East Europe: An Introduction. (2012) Bartlett, W; Bozikov, J; Rechel, B
  • Health reforms in South East Europe. (2012) Bartlett, W; Bozikov, J; Rechel, B
  • Models of prophylaxis. (2012) Berntorp, Erik; Fischer, Kathelijn; Miners, Alec
  • Inequalities in male mortality by occupational class, perceived status and education in Russia, 1994-2006. (2012) Bessudnov, Alexey; McKee, Martin; Stuckler, David
  • Walking London's Medical History (2nd edition). (2012) Black, N
  • The "myth" of declining health-care productivity in England reply. (2012) Black, N
  • Declining health-care productivity in England: the making of a myth. (2012) Black, Nick
  • An economic evaluation of preclinical testing strategies compared to the compulsory scrapie flock scheme in the control of classical scrapie. (2012) Boden, Lisa; Handel, Ian; Hawkins, Neil; Houston, Fiona; Fryer, Helen; Kao, Rowland
  • The effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of donepezil, galantamine, rivastigmine and memantine for the treatment of Alzheimer's disease (review of Technology Appraisal No. 111): a systematic review and economic model. (2012) Bond, M; Rogers, G; Peters, J; Anderson, R; Hoyle, M; Miners, A; Moxham, T; Davis, S; Thokala, P; Wailoo, A; Jeffreys, M; Hyde, C
  • Association between patient and general practice characteristics and unplanned first-time admissions for cancer: observational study. (2012) Bottle, A; Tsang, C; Parsons, C; Majeed, A; Soljak, M; Aylin, P
  • Towards Understanding Variations in Social Care for Older People in England. (2012) Brand, Christian; Hughes, Jane; Challis, David
  • Assessing the effectiveness of strategies to implement clinical guidelines for the management of chronic diseases at primary care level in EU Member States: a systematic review. (2012) Brusamento, Serena; Legido-Quigley, Helena; Panteli, Dimitra; Turk, Eva; Knai, Cecile; Saliba, Vanessa; Car, Josip; McKee, Martin; Busse, Reinhard
  • A systematic review of the influence on alcohol use of community level availability and marketing of alcohol. (2012) Bryden, Anna; Roberts, Bayard; McKee, Martin; Petticrew, Mark
  • Studying policy implementation using a macro, meso and micro frame analysis: the case of the Collaboration for Leadership in Applied Health Research & Care (CLAHRC) programme nationally and in North West London. (2012) Caldwell, Sarah EM; Mays, Nicholas
  • The Anti-Clot Treatment Scale (ACTS) in clinical trials: cross-cultural validation in venous thromboembolism patients. (2012) Cano, Stefan J; Lamping, Donna L; Bamber, Luke; Smith, Sarah
  • The Health Economic Assessment Tool (HEAT) for walking and cycling: From evidence to advocacy on active transport. (2012) Cavill, N; Kahlmeier, S; Dinsdale, H; Ĝtschi, T; Oja, P; Racioppi, F; Rutter, H
  • Evaluation of physical activity interventions: A standardised approach. (2012) Cavill, N; Roberts, K; Ells, L; Rutter, H
  • Assessment of weight management interventions: the challenge of comparing apples and pears. (2012) Cavill, N; Roberts, K; Rutter, H
  • Standard evaluation framework for physical activity interventions. (2012) Cavill, N; Roberts, K; Rutter, H
  • Physicians' prescribing habits for cancer pain in Cyprus. (2012) Charalambous, H; Protopapa, E; Gavrielidou, D; Avgousti, V
  • Disrupting Images: Neuroscientific Representations in the Lives of Psychiatric Patients. (2012) Cohn, S
  • Do Not Attempt Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation orders in acute medical settings: a qualitative study. (2012) Cohn, S; Fritz, Z; Frankau, J; Laroche, C; Fuld, J
  • Hospitalization trends, costs, and risk factors in HIV-infected children on antiretroviral therapy. (2012) Collins, Intira J; Cairns, John; Jourdain, Gonzague; Fregonese, Federica; Nantarukchaikul, Maneeratn; Lertpienthum, Narong; Wannarit, Pornpun; Attavinijtrakarn, Pornsawan; Layangool, Prapaisri; Le Coeur, Sophie; Lallemant, Marc; Program for HIV Prevention and Treatment (PHPT) study team
  • Is there a statistical relationship between economic crises and changes in government health expenditure growth? an analysis of twenty-four European countries. (2012) Cylus, Jonathan; Mladovsky, Philipa; McKee, Martin
  • On the state of public health in England. (2012) Davies, Sally C; Fowler, Tom; McKee, Martin
  • PS48 Processes Of Change: What Are The Specific Pathways And Project Components That Have A Positive Impact On The Well-Being Of Participants In A ‘Well London’ Project? (2012) Derges, J; Draper, A; Clow, A; Lynch, R; Jain, S
  • Complaints about dog faeces as a symbolic representation of incivility in London, UK: a qualitative study. (2012) Derges, Jane; Lynch, Rebecca; Clow, Angela; Petticrew, Mark; Draper, Alizon
  • Potential intussusception risk versus health benefits from rotavirus vaccination in Latin America. (2012) Desai, Rishi; Parashar, Umesh D; Lopman, Benjamin; de Oliveira, Lucia Helena; Clark, Andrew D; Sanderson, Colin FB; Tate, Jacqueline E; Matus, Cuahtemoc Ruiz; Andrus, Jon K; Patel, Manish M
  • Cost-effectiveness of Identification and Referral to Improve Safety (IRIS), a domestic violence training and support programme for primary care: a modelling study based on a randomised controlled trial. (2012) Devine, Angela; Spencer, Anne; Eldridge, Sandra; Norman, Richard; Feder, Gene
  • Health Reform in Bulgaria. (2012) Dimova, A; Rohova, M; Popov, M; Rechel, B
  • Obesity and socioeconomic status in developing countries: a systematic review. (2012) Dinsa, GD; Goryakin, Y; Fumagalli, E; Suhrcke, M
  • Reply to Bovet<i>et al.</i>. (2012) Dinsa, GD; Goryakin, Y; Fumagalli, E; Suhrcke, M
  • Incidence of and risk factors for motor neurone disease in UK women: a prospective study. (2012) Doyle, Pat; Brown, Anna; Beral, Valerie; Reeves, Gillian; Green, Jane
  • A model of successful ageing in British populations. (2012) Doyle, Yvonne G; Mc Kee, Martin; Sherriff, Martyn
  • Perceptions of tap water temperatures, scald risk and prevention among parents and older people in social housing: a qualitative study. (2012) Durand, Mary Alison; Green, Judith; Edwards, Phil; Milton, Sarah; Lutchmun, Suzanne
  • Long term sequelae from childhood pneumonia; systematic review and meta-analysis. (2012) Edmond, Karen; Scott, Susana; Korczak, Viola; Ward, Catherine; Sanderson, Colin; Theodoratou, Evropi; Clark, Andrew; Griffiths, Ulla; Rudan, Igor; Campbell, Harry
  • Varying uses of the ABCD2 scoring system in primary and secondary care: a qualitative study. (2012) Edwards, Duncan; Cohn, Simon R; Mavaddat, Nahal; Virdee, Satnam K; Lasserson, Daniel; Milner, Siobhan; Giles, Matthew; McManus, Richard; Mant, Jonathan
  • Non-drug treatments for symptoms in dementia: an overview of systematic reviews of non-pharmacological interventions in the management of neuropsychiatric symptoms and challenging behaviours in patients with dementia. (2012) Erens, B; Dickson, Kelly; Lafortune, Louise; Kavanagh, Josephine; Thomas, James; Mays, N
  • Assessing health care planning--a framework-led comparison of Germany and New Zealand. (2012) Ettelt, Stefanie; Fazekas, Mihaly; Mays, Nicholas; Nolte, Ellen
  • Policy learning from abroad: why it is more difficult than it seems. (2012) Ettelt, Stefanie; Mays, Nicholas; Nolte, Ellen
  • Investing in time: deciding on health capital investment. (2012) European Observatory on Health Systems and Policies; Wright, S; Rechel, B; McKee, M; Dowdeswell, B
  • Scoping the impact of the national child measurement programme feedback on the child obesity pathway: study protocol. (2012) Falconer, Catherine; Park, Minhae; Skow, Aine; Black, James; Sovio, Ulla; Saxena, Sonia; Kessel, Anthony; Croker, Helen; Morris, Steve; Viner, Russell; Kinra, Sanjay
  • Why, for once, is the UK leading the way in implementing evidence? (2012) Fraser, A; Rudd, A
  • An Alternative To The Do Not Resuscitate Order: Development And Evaluation Of Impact Of The" universal Form Of Treatment Options. (2012) Fritz, Z; Frankau, J; Malyon, A; Cohn, S; Palmer, C; Laroche, C; Fuld, J
  • Policies to improve the health and well-being of Roma people: the European experience. (2012) Fésüs, Gabriella; Östlin, Piroska; McKee, Martin; Ádány, Róza
  • Academic output of 9 years of EU investment into health research. (2012) Galsworthy, Michael J; Hristovski, Dimitar; Lusa, Lara; Ernst, Kelly; Irwin, Rachel; Charlesworth, Kate; Wismar, Matthias; McKee, Martin
  • The preterm birth syndrome: issues to consider in creating a classification system. (2012) Goldenberg, Robert L; Gravett, Michael G; Iams, Jay; Papageorghiou, Aris T; Waller, Sarah A; Kramer, Michael; Culhane, Jennifer; Barros, Fernando; Conde-Agudelo, Augustin; Bhutta, Zulfiqar A; Knight, Hannah E; Villar, Jose
  • Statistical methods for cost-effectiveness analyses that use data from cluster randomized trials: a systematic review and checklist for critical appraisal. (2012) Gomes, Manuel; Grieve, Richard; Nixon, Richard; Edmunds, WJ
  • Methods for covariate adjustment in cost-effectiveness analysis that use cluster randomised trials. (2012) Gomes, Manuel; Grieve, Richard; Nixon, Richard; Ng, Edmond S-W; Carpenter, James; Thompson, Simon G
  • Developing appropriate methods for cost-effectiveness analysis of cluster randomized trials. (2012) Gomes, Manuel; Ng, Edmond S-W; Grieve, Richard; Nixon, Richard; Carpenter, James; Thompson, Simon G
  • Applying mixed methods to pretest the Pressure Ulcer Quality of Life (PU-QOL) instrument. (2012) Gorecki, C; Lamping, DL; Nixon, J; Brown, JM; Cano, S
  • 'Somehow the Wheels on the Bus stayed on' - Managing Change, Reformation and Revolution in Primary Care. (2012) Gosling, J; Wallace, Andrew; Osipovic, Dorota; Peckham, Stephen; Allen, Pauline
  • ‘One health, one medicine’ and critical public health. (2012) Green, Judith
  • The Travelling Citizen: Emergent Discourses of Moral Mobility in a Study of Cycling in London. (2012) Green, Judith; Steinbach, Rebecca; Datta, Jessica
  • Dose-specific efficacy of Haemophilus influenzae type b conjugate vaccines: a systematic review and meta-analysis of controlled clinical trials. (2012) Griffiths, UK; Clark, A; Gessner, B; Miners, A; Sanderson, C; Sedyaningsih, ER; Mulholland, KE
  • Patient and public involvement in developing patient-reported outcome measures: indispensable, desirable, challenging. (2012) Groene, Oliver
  • "It's like two worlds apart": an analysis of vulnerable patient handover practices at discharge from hospital. (2012) Groene, Raluca Oana; Orrego, Carola; Suñol, Rosa; Barach, Paul; Groene, Oliver
  • Relationship between patients' reports of complications and symptoms, disability and quality of life after surgery. (2012) Grosse Frie, K; van der Meulen, J; Black, N
  • Single item on patients' satisfaction with condition provided additional insight into impact of surgery. (2012) Grosse Frie, Kirstin; van der Meulen, Jan; Black, Nick
  • Global health in UK postgraduate medical training. (2012) Hall, Jennifer; Brown, Colin S; Pettigrew, Luisa; Malik, Aeesha NJ; Watson, Jessica; Topiwala, Anya; McGregor, Laura; Ramsay, Robin
  • Making co-enrolment feasible for randomised controlled trials in paediatric intensive care. (2012) Harron, Katie; Lee, Twin; Ball, Tracy; Mok, Quen; Gamble, Carrol; Macrae, Duncan; Gilbert, Ruth; CATCH team
  • Comparison of National Guidelines for Indirect Network Meta-Analysis. (2012) Hawkins, N; Laws, A; Kendall, R
  • An organisational analysis of the implementation of telecare and telehealth: the whole systems demonstrator. (2012) Hendy, Jane; Chrysanthaki, Theopisti; Barlow, James; Knapp, Martin; Rogers, Anne; Sanders, Caroline; Bower, Peter; Bowen, Robert; Fitzpatrick, Ray; Bardsley, Martin; Newman, Stanton
  • Impact of format and content of visual display of data on comprehension, choice and preference: a systematic review. (2012) Hildon, Zoe; Allwood, Dominique; Black, Nick
  • Making data more meaningful: patients' views of the format and content of quality indicators comparing health care providers. (2012) Hildon, Zoe; Allwood, Dominique; Black, Nick
  • Clinicians' and patients' views of metrics of change derived from patient reported outcome measures (PROMs) for comparing providers' performance of surgery. (2012) Hildon, Zoe; Neuburger, Jenny; Allwood, Dominique; van der Meulen, Jan; Black, Nick
  • The risk of vesicovaginal and urethrovaginal fistula after hysterectomy performed in the English National Health Service--a retrospective cohort study examining patterns of care between 2000 and 2008. (2012) Hilton, P; Cromwell, DA
  • Preventable deaths due to problems in care in English acute hospitals: a retrospective case record review study. (2012) Hogan, Helen; Healey, Frances; Neale, Graham; Thomson, Richard; Vincent, Charles; Black, Nick
  • Methodological quality of economic evaluations of new pharmaceuticals in The Netherlands. (2012) Hoomans, Ties; Severens, Johan L; van der Roer, Nicole; Delwel, Gepke O
  • Chronic and cross-cutting interventions. (2012) Howard, N; Murphy, A; Haider, R; Pallet, J; Trani, J.-, F; Ventevogel, P
  • The cost effectiveness of Nucleic Acid Amplification Techniques for the diagnosis of tuberculosis. (2012) Hughes, Ralph; Wonderling, David; Li, Bernadette; Higgins, Bernard
  • Factors associated with non-response in routine use of patient reported outcome measures after elective surgery in England. (2012) Hutchings, Andrew; Neuburger, Jenny; Grosse Frie, Kirstin; Black, Nick; van der Meulen, Jan
  • Global health in the UK's GP postgraduate curriculum. (2012) Irving, Greg; Riley, Ben; Rughani, Amar; Pettigrew, Luisa; Watson, Jessica; Shiner, Alice; Hibble, Arthur; Allen, Justin; Royal College of General Practitioners Curriculum Development Co
  • Cycling safety. (2012) Jacobsen, PL; Rutter, H
  • OP07 What Shapes Participation in a Community-Based Intervention? Evidence from a Qualitative Evaluation of the Well London Project. (2012) Jain, S; Draper, A; Clow, A; Lynch, R; Derges, J
  • The effect of aspirin and low-molecular-weight heparin on venous thromboembolism after knee replacement: a non-randomised comparison using National Joint Registry Data. (2012) Jameson, SS; Baker, PN; Charman, SC; Deehan, DJ; Reed, MR; Gregg, PJ; Van der Meulen, JH
  • Performing Country-led Economic Evaluations to Inform Immunization Policy: ProVac Experiences in Latin America and the Caribbean. (2012) Janusz, CB; Jauregui, B; Sinha, A; Clark, AD; Bolaños, BM; Resch, S; Toscano, C; Andrus, JK
  • Reoperation rates after breast conserving surgery for breast cancer among women in England: retrospective study of hospital episode statistics. (2012) Jeevan, R; Cromwell, DA; Trivella, M; Lawrence, G; Kearins, O; Pereira, J; Sheppard, C; Caddy, CM; van der Meulen, JHP
  • Developing and costing local strategies to improve maternal and child health: the investment case framework. (2012) Jimenez Soto, Eliana; La Vincente, Sophie; Clark, Andrew; Firth, Sonja; Morgan, Alison; Dettrick, Zoe; Dayal, Prarthna; Aldaba, Bernardino M; Varghese, Beena; Trisnantoro, Laksono; Prasai, Yogendra; Investment Case Team for India, Indonesia, Nepal, Papua New Guin
  • Use of Hospital Episode Statistics to investigate abdominal aortic aneurysm surgery. (2012) Johal, A; Mitchell, D; Lees, T; Cromwell, D; van der Meulen, J
  • CYP3A variation, premenopausal estrone levels, and breast cancer risk. (2012) Johnson, Nichola; Walker, Kate; Gibson, Lorna J; Orr, Nick; Folkerd, Elizabeth; Haynes, Ben; Palles, Claire; Coupland, Ben; Schoemaker, Minouk; Jones, Michael; Broderick, Peter; Sawyer, Elinor; Kerin, Michael; Tomlinson, Ian P; Zvelebil, Marketa; Chilcott-Burns, Sarah; Tomczyk, Katarzyna; Simpson, Gemma; Williamson, Jill; Hillier, Stephen G; Ross, Gillian; Houlston, Richard S; Swerdlow, Anthony; Ashworth, Alan; Dowsett, Mitch; Peto, Julian; Dos Santos Silva, Isabel; Fletcher, Olivia
  • Rethinking passive transport: bus fare exemptions and young people's wellbeing. (2012) Jones, Alasdair; Steinbach, Rebecca; Roberts, Helen; Goodman, Anna; Green, Judith
  • Minding the gap: changes in life expectancy in the Baltic States compared with Finland. (2012) Karanikolos, Marina; Leon, David A; Smith, Peter C; McKee, Martin
  • Finally on track? Health reforms in Kazakhstan. (2012) Katsaga, A; Kulzhanov, M; Karanikolos, M; Rechel, B
  • Kazakhkstan health system review. (2012) Katsaga, Alexandr; Kulzhanov, Maksut; Karanikolos, Marina; Rechel, Bernd
  • Health and the financial crisis in Greece – Authors' reply. (2012) Kentikelenis, Alexander; Karanikolos, Marina; Papanicolas, Irene; Basu, Sanjay; McKee, Martin; Stuckler, David
  • Systematic review of the methodological quality of clinical guideline development for the management of chronic disease in Europe. (2012) Knai, Cécile; Brusamento, Serena; Legido-Quigley, Helena; Saliba, Vanessa; Panteli, Dimitra; Turk, Eva; Car, Josip; McKee, Martin; Busse, Reinhard
  • Socioeconomic patterning of childhood overweight status in Europe. (2012) Knai, Cécile; Lobstein, Tim; Darmon, Nicole; Rutter, Harry; McKee, Martin
  • Challenges in defining and classifying the preterm birth syndrome. (2012) Kramer, Michael S; Papageorghiou, Aris; Culhane, Jennifer; Bhutta, Zulfiqar; Goldenberg, Robert L; Gravett, Michael; Iams, Jay D; Conde-Agudelo, Agustin; Waller, Sarah; Barros, Fernando; Knight, Hannah; Villar, Jose
  • Exploring Theory for Citizens’ Preferences in Health Policy: The Contribution of Health Policy Cultures to Understanding the Roles of Public and Private Health Service Providers. (2012) Kylänen, M; Vuori, J; Allen, P
  • Looking at the Russian health care system: through the eyes of patients with diabetes and their physicians. (2012) Kühlbrandt, Charlotte; Basu, Sanjay; Mckee, Martin; Stuckler, David
  • Modelling human resources policies with Markov models: an illustration with the South African nursing labour market. (2012) Lagarde, Mylene; Cairns, John
  • Sustainable prevention of obesity through integrated strategies: The SPOTLIGHT project's conceptual framework and design. (2012) Lakerveld, Jeroen; Brug, Johannes; Bot, Sandra; Teixeira, Pedro J; Rutter, Harry; Woodward, Euan; Samdal, Oddrun; Stockley, Lynn; De Bourdeaudhuij, Ilse; van Assema, Patricia; Robertson, Aileen; Lobstein, Tim; Oppert, Jean-Michel; Adány, Róza; Nijpels, Giel; SPOTLIGHT consortium
  • ART use, viral suppression, and sexual behaviour among HIV-diagnosed MSM in the UK: results from the Antiretrovirals, Sexual Transmission Risk and Attitudes (ASTRA) Study. (2012) Lampe, F; Speakman, A; Phillips, A; Sherr, L; Gilson, R; Johnson, M; Fisher, M; Wilkins, E; Anderson, J; Edwards, S; McDonnell, J; Perry, N; Aderogba, K; Hart, G; Johnson, A; Collins, S; Elford, J; Miners, A; Geretti, A; Burman, B; Rodger, A
  • Making the first global society for health systems research truly global. (2012) Lazarus, Jeffrey V; Balabanova, Dina; McKee, Martin
  • Analysing arrangements for cross-border mobility of patients in the European Union: a proposal for a framework. (2012) Legido-Quigley, Helena; Glinos, Irene A; Baeten, Rita; McKee, Martin; Busse, Reinhard
  • Health and social fields in the context of lifestyle migration. (2012) Legido-Quigley, Helena; McKee, Martin
  • The health care experiences of British pensioners migrating to Spain: a qualitative study. (2012) Legido-Quigley, Helena; Nolte, Ellen; Green, Judith; la Parra, Daniel; McKee, Martin
  • Clinical guidelines in the European Union: mapping the regulatory basis, development, quality control, implementation and evaluation across member states. (2012) Legido-Quigley, Helena; Panteli, Dimitra; Brusamento, Serena; Knai, Cécile; Saliba, Vanessa; Turk, Eva; Solé, Meritxell; Augustin, Uta; Car, Josip; McKee, Martin; Busse, Reinhard
  • Cost and logistics of alternative roll-out options for implementing human papillomavirus testing as a triage in cervical screening: results of the sentinel sites study. (2012) Legood, R; Sadique, Z; Patnick, J; Kitchener, H; Kelly, R; Moss, S
  • Cost effectiveness of human papillomavirus test of cure after treatment for cervical intraepithelial neoplasia in England: economic analysis from NHS Sentinel Sites Study. (2012) Legood, Rosa; Smith, Megan; Lew, Jie-Bin; Walker, Robert; Moss, Sue; Kitchener, Henry; Patnick, Julietta; Canfell, Karen
  • Health impacts of increasing alcohol prices in the European Union: a dynamic projection. (2012) Lhachimi, Stefan K; Cole, Katie J; Nusselder, Wilma J; Smit, HA; Baili, Paolo; Bennett, Kathleen; Pomerleau, Joceline; McKee, Martin; Charlesworth, Kate; Kulik, Margarete C; Mackenbach, Johan P; Boshuizen, Hendriek
  • Understanding patient choices for attending sexually transmitted infection testing services: a qualitative study. (2012) Llewellyn, Carrie; Pollard, Alex; Miners, Alec; Richardson, Daniel; Fisher, Martin; Cairns, John; Smith, Helen
  • Population ageing and health. (2012) Lloyd-Sherlock, Peter; McKee, Martin; Ebrahim, Shah; Gorman, Mark; Greengross, Sally; Prince, Martin; Pruchno, Rachel; Gutman, Gloria; Kirkwood, Tom; O'Neill, Desmond; Ferrucci, Luigi; Kritchevsky, Stephen B; Vellas, Bruno
  • 'In God we trust, all others (must) bring data'. (2012) Lynch, John; Stuckler, David
  • Keep calm and [insert action here]. (2012) Mackie, P; Sim, F
  • Keeping a weather eye on things. (2012) Mackie, P; Sim, F
  • Keeping you in the loop. (2012) Mackie, P; Sim, F
  • The turning of the year: a time for reflection, a time for hope? (2012) Mackie, P; Sim, F
  • Patterns of post traumatic stress disorder among conflict-affected populations in Georgia. European Public Health Association Conference, Malta. (2012) Makhashvili, N; Chikovani, I; Rukhadze, N; McKee, M; Patel, V; Roberts, B
  • Evaluating Labour's market reforms, 2002-10. (2012) Mays, Nicholas; Tan, Stefanie
  • Authors' reply to Lachenmeier and Rehm. (2012) McKee, M; Adany, R; Leon, DA
  • The consequences for health and health care of the financial crisis: a new Dark Age? (2012) McKee, M; Stuckler, D
  • Minimum unit pricing for alcohol--the case for action is overwhelming. (2012) McKee, Martin
  • To see ourselves as others see us. (2012) McKee, Martin
  • Health systems, health and wealth: the argument for investment applies now more than ever. (2012) McKee, Martin; Basu, Sanjay; Stuckler, David
  • The EU Tobacco Products Directive must not be derailed. (2012) McKee, Martin; Belcher, Paul; Kosinska, Monika
  • Improving health outcomes: innovation, coverage, quality and adherence. (2012) McKee, Martin; Chow, Clara K
  • Austerity: a failed experiment on the people of Europe. (2012) McKee, Martin; Karanikolos, Marina; Belcher, Paul; Stuckler, David
  • Where there is no health research: what can be done to fill the global gaps in health research? (2012) McKee, Martin; Stuckler, David; Basu, Sanjay
  • Cost and resource use of patients on antiretroviral therapy in the urban and semiurban public sectors of South Africa. (2012) Meyer-Rath, Gesine; Miners, Alec; Santos, Andreia C; Variava, Ebrahim; Venter, Willem Daniel Francois
  • Clinical engagement in primary care-led commissioning: a review of the evidence. (2012) Miller, R; Peckham, S; Checkland, K; Coleman, A; McDermott, I; Harrison, S; Segar, J
  • A qualitative study of HIV testing and referral practices of private hospital doctors treating patients with TB in Chennai, India. (2012) Miller, Rosalind; Parkhurst, Justin O; Peckham, Stephen; Singh, Raj B
  • European governments should stop subsidizing films with tobacco imagery. (2012) Millett, Christopher; Hanewinkel, Reiner; Britton, John; Florek, Ewa; Faggiano, Fabrizio; Ness, Andrew; McKee, Martin; Polansky, Jonathan R; Glantz, Stanton A
  • Economic justifications for prophylaxis. (2012) Miners, A
  • An economic evaluation of finding cases of hepatitis B and C infection in UK migrant populations. (2012) Miners, A; Ghosh, A; Martin, N; Vickerman, P
  • Economic evaluations of prophylaxis with clotting factor for people with severe haemophilia: why do the results vary so much? (2012) Miners, AH
  • An economic evaluation of adaptive e-learning devices to promote weight loss via dietary change for people with obesity. (2012) Miners, Alec; Harris, Jody; Felix, Lambert; Murray, Elizabeth; Michie, Susan; Edwards, Phil
  • Assessing user preferences for sexually transmitted infection testing services: a discrete choice experiment. (2012) Miners, Alec; Llewellyn, Carrie; Pollard, Alex; Lagarde, Mylene; Richardson, Daniel; Cairns, John; Fisher, Martin; Smith, Helen
  • Good practices in migrant health: the European experience. (2012) Mladovsky, Philipa; Ingleby, David; McKee, Martin; Rechel, Bernd
  • Responding to diversity: an exploratory study of migrant health policies in Europe. (2012) Mladovsky, Philipa; Rechel, Bernd; Ingleby, David; McKee, Martin
  • Assessing the Global Burden of Ischemic Heart Disease: Part 1: Methods for a Systematic Review of the Global Epidemiology of Ischemic Heart Disease in 1990 and 2010. (2012) Moran, Andrew E; Oliver, John T; Mirzaie, Masoud; Forouzanfar, Mohammad H; Chilov, Marina; Anderson, Laurie; Morrison, Janina L; Khan, Aayla; Zhang, Nasen; Haynes, Norrisa; Tran, Jackie; Murphy, Adrianna; Degennaro, Vincent; Roth, Gregory; Zhao, Dong; Peer, Nasheeta; Pichon-Riviere, Andres; Rubinstein, Adolfo; Pogosova, Nana; Prabhakaran, Dorairaj; Naghavi, Mohsen; Ezzati, Majid; Mensah, George A
  • Social factors associated with alcohol consumption in the former Soviet Union: a systematic review. (2012) Murphy, Adrianna; Roberts, Bayard; Stickley, Andrew; McKee, Martin
  • Green space and physical activity: an observational study using Health Survey for England data. (2012) Mytton, Oliver T; Townsend, Nick; Rutter, Harry; Foster, Charlie
  • Perceived challenges to public health in Central and Eastern Europe: a qualitative analysis. (2012) Müller-Nordhorn, Jacqueline; Holmberg, Christine; Dokova, Klara G; Milevska-Kostova, Neda; Chicin, Gratiana; Ulrichs, Timo; Rechel, Bernd; Willich, Stefan N; Powles, John; Tinnemann, Peter
  • A pragmatic randomised controlled trial in primary care of the Camden Weight Loss (CAMWEL) programme. (2012) Nanchahal, Kiran; Power, Tom; Holdsworth, Elizabeth; Hession, Michelle; Sorhaindo, Annik; Griffiths, Ulla; Townsend, Joy; Thorogood, Nicki; Haslam, David; Kessel, Anthony; Ebrahim, Shah; Kenward, Mike; Haines, Andrew
  • Diagnostic support systems In response. (2012) Neale, Graham; Hogan, Helen; Sevdalis, Nick
  • Sociodemographic differences in the severity and duration of disease amongst patients undergoing hip or knee replacement surgery. (2012) Neuburger, J; Hutchings, A; Allwood, D; Black, N; van der Meulen, JH
  • Sociodemographic differences in the severity and duration of disease amongst patients undergoing hip or knee replacement surgery. (2012) Neuburger, J; Hutchings, A; Allwood, D; Black, N; van der Meulen, JH
  • Commissioning in health, education and social care: Models, research bibliography and in-depth review of joint commissioning between health and social care agencies. (2012) Newman, M; Bangpan, M; Kalra, N; Mays, N; Kwan, I; Roberts, T
  • Safety and effectiveness of termination services performed by doctors versus midlevel providers: a systematic analysis. (2012) Ngo, T; Park, MH
  • Pharmacy workers' knowledge and provision of abortifacients in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. (2012) Ngo, Thoai D; Park, Min Hae; Nguyen, Thang H
  • Comparing the World Health Organization-versus China-recommended protocol for first-trimester medical abortion: a retrospective analysis. (2012) Ngo, Thoai D; Park, Min Hae; Xiao, Yuanhong
  • Overcoming fragmentation in health care: chronic care in Austria, Germany and The Netherlands. (2012) Nolte, Ellen; Knai, Cécile; Hofmarcher, Maria; Conklin, Annalijn; Erler, Antje; Elissen, Arianne; Flamm, Maria; Fullerton, Brigit; Sönnichsen, Andreas; Vrijhoef, Hubertus JM
  • In amenable mortality--deaths avoidable through health care--progress in the US lags that of three European countries. (2012) Nolte, Ellen; McKee, C Martin
  • Evaluating the travel, physical activity and carbon impacts of a 'natural experiment' in the provision of new walking and cycling infrastructure: methods for the core module of the iConnect study. (2012) Ogilvie, David; Bull, Fiona; Cooper, Ashley; Rutter, Harry; Adams, Emma; Brand, Christian; Ghali, Karen; Jones, Tim; Mutrie, Nanette; Powell, Jane; Preston, John; Sahlqvist, Shannon; Song, Yena; iConnect Consortium
  • Policy, evidence and theory; contextualising a glossary of policymaking. (2012) Oliver, KA; Kislov, R
  • Pharmaceutical lobbying under postcommunism: universal or country-specific methods of securing state drug reimbursement in Poland? (2012) Ozieranski, P; McKee, M; King, L
  • The Discursive Turn in Policy Analysis and the Validation of Policy Stories. (2012) PRIOR, LINDSAY; HUGHES, DAVID; PECKHAM, STEPHEN
  • Developing reference networks for Europe: moving patients or knowledge? (2012) Palm, W; Glinos, IA; Rechel, B
  • The impact of childhood obesity on morbidity and mortality in adulthood: a systematic review. (2012) Park, MH; Falconer, C; Viner, RM; Kinra, S
  • Removing the age restrictions for rotavirus vaccination: a benefit-risk modeling analysis. (2012) Patel, Manish M; Clark, Andrew D; Sanderson, Colin FB; Tate, Jacqueline; Parashar, Umesh D
  • Now we need a framework for action. (2012) Peckham, Stephen
  • Developing primary care: the contribution of primary care research networks. (2012) Peckham, Stephen; Hutchison, Brian
  • Devolution and Patient Choice: Policy Rhetoric versus Experience in Practice. (2012) Peckham, Stephen; Mays, Nicholas; Hughes, David; Sanderson, Marie; Allen, Pauline; Prior, Lindsay; Entwistle, Vikki; Thompson, Andrew; Davies, Huw
  • Factors influencing the costs of epilepsy in adults with an intellectual disability. (2012) Pennington, Mark; Prince, Elizabeth; Bateman, Naomi; Gray, Joanne; Croudace, Tim J; Redley, Marcus; Wood, Nicholas; Ring, Howard
  • The Public Health Responsibility Deal: how should such a complex public health policy be assessed? (2012) Petticrew, M; Eastmure, E; Mays, N; Knai, C; Bryden, A
  • Type A behavior pattern and coronary heart disease: Philip Morris's "crown jewel". (2012) Petticrew, Mark P; Lee, Kelley; McKee, Martin
  • Tips for GP trainees wishing to undertake an international experience. (2012) Pettigrew, Luisa; Seo, Ha-Neul
  • Increased HIV incidence in men who have sex with men despite high levels of ART use: analysis of an extensively documented epidemic. (2012) Phillips, A; Cambiano, V; Nakagawa, F; Brown, A; Lampe, F; Rodger, A; Miners, A; Elford, J; Johnson, A; Hart, G; Lundgren, J; Delpech, V ['material/summary:fileicon_text/html' not defined]
  • The Well London program--a cluster randomized trial of community engagement for improving health behaviors and mental wellbeing: baseline survey results. (2012) Phillips, Gemma; Renton, Adrian; Moore, Derek G; Bottomley, Christian; Schmidt, Elena; Lais, Shahana; Yu, Ge; Wall, Martin; Tobi, Patrick; Frostick, Caroline; Clow, Angela; Lock, Karen; Petticrew, Mark; Hayes, Richard
  • Treating childhood pneumonia in hard-to-reach areas: a model-based comparison of mobile clinics and community-based care. (2012) Pitt, Catherine; Roberts, Bayard; Checchi, Francesco
  • Communicating risk to patients and the public. (2012) Polak, Louisa
  • How the Health and Social Care Bill 2011 would end entitlement to comprehensive health care in England. (2012) Pollock, Allyson M; Price, David; Roderick, Peter; Treuherz, Tim; McCoy, David; McKee, Martin; Reynolds, Lucy
  • Critical reflections on the rise of qualitative research. (2012) Pope, C; Mays, N
  • Fathers’ personality and its interaction with children’s personality as predictors of perceived parenting behavior six years later. (2012) Prinzie, Peter; Deković, Maja; van den Akker, Alithe L; de Haan, Amaranta D; Stoltz, Sabine EMJ; Jolijn Hendriks, AA
  • Development of the carer well‐being and support (CWS) questionnaire. (2012) Quirk, Alan; Smith, Sarah; Hamilton, Sarah; Lamping, Donna; Lelliott, Paul; Stahl, Daniel; Pinfold, Vanessa; Andiappan, Manoharan
  • A Bayesian Approach to Modelling Reticulation Events with Application to the Ribosomal Protein Gene<i>rps11</i>of Flowering Plants. (2012) Radice, Rosalba
  • Lessons from two decades of health reform in Central Asia. (2012) Rechel, B; Ahmedov, M; Akkazieva, B; Katsaga, A; Khodjamurodov, G; McKee, M
  • Lessons from Two Decades of Health Reforms in South East Europe. (2012) Rechel, B; Bozikov, J; Bartlett, W
  • Monitoring migrant health in Europe: a narrative review of data collection practices. (2012) Rechel, Bernd; Mladovsky, Philipa; Devillé, Walter
  • The involvement of parents in healthcare decisions where adult children are at risk of lacking decision-making capacity: a qualitative study of treatment decisions in epilepsy. (2012) Redley, M; Prince, E; Bateman, N; Pennington, M; Wood, N; Croudace, T; Ring, H
  • Increase in state suicide rates in the USA during economic recession. (2012) Reeves, Aaron; Stuckler, David; McKee, Martin; Gunnell, David; Chang, Shu-Sen; Basu, Sanjay
  • Verteporfin photodynamic therapy for neovascular age-related macular degeneration: cohort study for the UK. (2012) Reeves, BC; Harding, SP; Langham, J; Grieve, R; Tomlin, K; Walker, J; Guerriero, C; Carpenter, J; Patton, WP; Muldrew, KA; Peto, T; Chakravarthy, U
  • The Influence of Religion in Dementia Care in South Asian Populations: A PhD Study. (2012) Regan, JL
  • A systematic review of religion and dementia care pathways in black and minority ethnic populations. (2012) Regan, JL; Bhattacharyya, S; Kevern, P; Rana, T
  • 'Decipio': examining Virchow in the context of modern 'democracy'. (2012) Reilly, R Gregory; McKee, Martin
  • Workplace health improvement: perspectives of environmental health officers. (2012) Reynolds, J; Wills, J
  • Competition-based reform of the National Health Service in England: a one-way street? (2012) Reynolds, Lucy; Attaran, Amir; Hervey, Tamara; McKee, Martin
  • Ditching the single-payer system in the national health service: how the English Department of Health is learning the wrong lessons from the United States. (2012) Reynolds, Lucy; Gerada, Clare; McKee, Martin
  • "Any qualified provider" in NHS reforms: but who will qualify? (2012) Reynolds, Lucy; McKee, Martin
  • GP commissioning and the NHS reforms: what lies behind the hard sell? (2012) Reynolds, Lucy; McKee, Martin
  • Opening the oyster: the 2010-11 NHS reforms in England. (2012) Reynolds, Lucy; McKee, Martin
  • Health insurance coverage and health care access in Moldova. (2012) Richardson, Erica; Roberts, Bayard; Sava, Valeriu; Menon, Rekha; McKee, Martin
  • Alcohol and premature death in Estonian men: a study of forensic autopsies using novel biomarkers and proxy informants. (2012) Ringmets, Inge; Tuusov, Jana; Lang, Katrin; Väli, Marika; Pärna, Kersti; Tõnisson, Mailis; Helander, Anders; McKee, Martin; Leon, David A
  • Prevalence of obesity among Portuguese children (6-8 years old) using three definition criteria: COSI Portugal, 2008. (2012) Rito, A; Wijnhoven, TMA; Rutter, H; Carvalho, MA; Paixão, E; Ramos, C; Claudio, D; Espanca, R; Sancho, T; Cerqueira, Z; Carvalho, R; Faria, C; Feliciano, E; Breda, J
  • A New Methodology to Assess Utility in Hemophilia Using Quality of Life Measures in Parents and Caregivers: The Caregivers' Burden Study. (2012) Riva, S; Mancuso, E; von Mackensen, S; Nikolaj-Sen, A; Miners, A; Axelsen, F; Gringeri, A
  • Noncommunicable diseases and post-conflict countries. (2012) Roberts, B; Patel, P; McKee, M
  • Changes in irregular treatment of hypertension in the former Soviet Union between 2001 and 2010. European Public Health Association Conference, Malta. (2012) Roberts, B; Stickley, A; Balabanova, D; Haerpfer, C; McKee, M
  • A sociological approach to the study of household access to drinking water in the former Soviet Union countries. (2012) Roberts, B; Stickley, A; Haerpfer, C; McKee, M; Gasparashvili, AT; Kruhmaleva, OV
  • Public support for price increases on alcohol and tobacco in the former Soviet Union. European Public Health Association Conference, Malta. (2012) Roberts, B; Stickley, A; Murphy, A; Kizilova, K; Rotman, D; Haerpfer, C; McKee, M
  • Changes in the levels of psychological distress in eight countries of the former Soviet Union. (2012) Roberts, Bayard; Abbott, Pamela; McKee, Martin
  • Changes in smoking prevalence in 8 countries of the former Soviet Union between 2001 and 2010. (2012) Roberts, Bayard; Gilmore, Anna; Stickley, Andrew; Rotman, David; Prohoda, Vladimir; Haerpfer, Christian; McKee, Martin
  • The persistence of irregular treatment of hypertension in the former Soviet Union. (2012) Roberts, Bayard; Stickley, Andrew; Balabanova, Dina; Haerpfer, Christian; McKee, Martin
  • Irregular treatment of hypertension in the former Soviet Union. (2012) Roberts, Bayard; Stickley, Andrew; Balabanova, Dina; McKee, Martin
  • Changes in household access to water in countries of the former Soviet Union. (2012) Roberts, Bayard; Stickley, Andrew; Gasparishvili, Alexander; Haerpfer, Christian; McKee, Martin
  • Patterns of public support for price increases on alcohol in the former Soviet Union. (2012) Roberts, Bayard; Stickley, Andrew; Murphy, Adrianna; Kizilova, Kseniya; Bryden, Anna; Rotman, David; Haerpfer, Christian; McKee, Martin
  • The influence of concern about crime on levels of psychological distress in the former Soviet Union. (2012) Roberts, Bayard; Stickley, Andrew; Petticrew, Mark; McKee, Martin
  • Estimating preference-based single index measures for dementia using DEMQOL and DEMQOL-Proxy. (2012) Rowen, Donna; Mulhern, Brendan; Banerjee, Sube; Hout, Ben van; Young, Tracey A; Knapp, Martin; Smith, Sarah C; Lamping, Donna L; Brazier, John E
  • The single most important intervention to tackle obesity…. (2012) Rutter, H
  • The single most important intervention to tackle obesity…. (2012) Rutter, Harry
  • Prevention of obesity: is it worth it? (2012) Rutter, Harry; Cavill, Nick; Wolstenholme, Jane
  • Telemedicine across borders: a systematic review of factors that hinder or support implementation. (2012) Saliba, Vanessa; Legido-Quigley, Helena; Hallik, Riina; Aaviksoo, Ain; Car, Josip; McKee, Martin
  • Exploring barriers to participation and adoption of telehealth and telecare within the Whole System Demonstrator trial: a qualitative study. (2012) Sanders, Caroline; Rogers, Anne; Bowen, Robert; Bower, Peter; Hirani, Shashivadan; Cartwright, Martin; Fitzpatrick, Ray; Knapp, Martin; Barlow, James; Hendy, Jane; Chrysanthaki, Theti; Bardsley, Martin; Newman, Stanton P
  • A matching method for improving covariate balance in cost-effectiveness analyses. (2012) Sekhon, Jasjeet Singh; Grieve, Richard D
  • Combining UK general practice with international work--who benefits? (2012) Seo, Ha-Neul; Smith, Chris; Pettigrew, Luisa M; Dorward, Jienchi; Bygrave, Helen
  • Father absence predicts age at sexual maturity and reproductive timing in British men. (2012) Sheppard, Paula; Sear, Rebecca
  • Health and wellbeing: the 21st century agenda. (2012) Sim, F
  • 2012: prologue. (2012) Sim, F; Mackie, P
  • Generalists matter for public health. (2012) Sim, F; Mackie, P
  • Human frailty and systemic failing in health care. (2012) Sim, F; Mackie, P
  • Prevention and care - uneasy bedfellows. (2012) Sim, F; Mackie, P
  • Social determinants revisited. (2012) Sim, F; Mackie, P
  • Function or outcomes based performance for public health systems? (2012) Sim, Fiona
  • Combining general practice with international work: online survey of experiences of UK GPs. (2012) Smith, Chris; Pettigrew, Luisa M; Seo, Ha-Neul; Dorward, Jienchi
  • Measuring health-related quality of life in diabetic peripheral neuropathy: a systematic review. (2012) Smith, SC; Lamping, DL; Maclaine, GDH
  • Total hip replacement for the treatment of acute femoral neck fractures: results from the National Joint Registry of England and Wales at 3-5 years after surgery. (2012) Stafford, GH; Charman, SC; Borroff, MJ; Newell, C; Tucker, JK
  • Look who's walking: social and environmental correlates of children's walking in London. (2012) Steinbach, Rebecca; Green, Judith; Edwards, Phil
  • Evaluation of the national Cleanyourhands campaign to reduce Staphylococcus aureus bacteraemia and Clostridium difficile infection in hospitals in England and Wales by improved hand hygiene: four year, prospective, ecological, interrupted time series study. (2012) Stone, Sheldon Paul; Fuller, Christopher; Savage, Joan; Cookson, Barry; Hayward, Andrew; Cooper, Ben; Duckworth, Georgia; Michie, Susan; Murray, Miranda; Jeanes, Annette; Roberts, J; Teare, Louise; Charlett, Andre
  • Mapping and assessing clinical handover training interventions. (2012) Stoyanov, Slavi; Boshuizen, Henny; Groene, Oliver; van der Klink, Marcel; Kicken, Wendy; Drachsler, Hendrik; Barach, Paul
  • The crisis of capitalism and the marketization of health care: the implications for public health professionals. (2012) Stuckler, D; McKee, M
  • Response to Michael Gentile ‘Mass Privatisation, Unemployment and Mortality’. (2012) Stuckler, David; King, Lawrence; McKee, Martin
  • The disappearing health effects of rapid privatisation: a case of statistical obscurantism? (2012) Stuckler, David; King, Lawrence; McKee, Martin
  • There is an alternative: public health professionals must not remain silent at a time of financial crisis. (2012) Stuckler, David; McKee, Martin
  • Manufacturing epidemics: the role of global producers in increased consumption of unhealthy commodities including processed foods, alcohol, and tobacco. (2012) Stuckler, David; McKee, Martin; Ebrahim, Shah; Basu, Sanjay
  • Banking crises and mortality during the Great Depression: evidence from US urban populations, 1929-1937. (2012) Stuckler, David; Meissner, Christopher; Fishback, Price; Basu, Sanjay; McKee, Martin
  • Self-management support for moderate-to-severe chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: a pilot randomised controlled trial. (2012) Taylor, Stephanie JC; Sohanpal, Ratna; Bremner, Stephen A; Devine, Angela; McDaid, David; Fernández, José-Luis; Griffiths, Chris J; Eldridge, Sandra
  • Ethics of Resource Allocation and Rationing Medical Care in a Time of Fiscal Restraint - US and Europe. (2012) Teutsch, Steven; Rechel, Bernd
  • Primary care for the 21st century: learning from New Zealands independent practitioner associations. Research report. (2012) Thorlby, R; Smith, J; Barnett, P; Mays, N
  • Hazardous alcohol consumption is a major factor in male premature mortality in a typical Russian city: prospective cohort study 2003-2009. (2012) Tomkins, Susannah; Collier, Tim; Oralov, Alexey; Saburova, Lyudmila; McKee, Martin; Shkolnikov, Vladimir; Kiryanov, Nikolay; Leon, David A
  • Age differences in the association of childhood obesity with area-level and school-level deprivation: cross-classified multilevel analysis of cross-sectional data. (2012) Townsend, N; Rutter, H; Foster, C
  • Improving data collection for a national childhood obesity surveillance programme. (2012) Townsend, N; Rutter, H; Foster, C
  • Consultations with general practitioners on patient safety measures based on routinely collected data in primary care. (2012) Tsang, Carmen; Majeed, Azeem; Aylin, Paul
  • Routinely recorded patient safety events in primary care: a literature review. (2012) Tsang, Carmen; Majeed, Azeem; Aylin, Paul
  • A review of patient safety measures based on routinely collected hospital data. (2012) Tsang, Carmen; Palmer, William; Bottle, Alex; Majeed, Azeem; Aylin, Paul
  • Providing community equipment and adaptations in adult social care: lessons from an evaluation of the use of self-assessment in five English local authorities. (2012) Tucker, S; Hughes, J; Brand, C; Clarkson, P; Wenborn, J; McDonogh, R; Abendstern, M; Challis, D
  • Republic of Moldova health system review. (2012) Turcanu, Ghenadie; Domente, Silviu; Buga, Mircea; Richardson, Erica
  • Patterns of adult tobacco use in Uzbekistan. (2012) Usmanova, Gulnoza; Neumark, Yehuda; Baras, Mario; McKee, Martin
  • Common Breast Cancer Susceptibility Variants in LSP1 and RAD51L1 Are Associated with Mammographic Density Measures that Predict Breast Cancer Risk. (2012) Vachon, CM; Scott, CG; Fasching, PA; Hall, P; Tamimi, RM; Li, J; Stone, J; Apicella, C; Odefrey, F; Gierach, GL; Jud, SM; Heusinger, K; Beckmann, MW; Pollan, M; Fernández-Navarro, P; Gonzalez-Neira, A; Benitez, J; van Gils, CH; Lokate, M; Onland-Moret, NC; Peeters, PH; Brown, J; Leyland, J; Varghese, JS; Easton, DF; Thompson, DJ; Luben, RN; Warren, RM; Wareham, NJ; Loos, RJ; Khaw, KT; Ursin, G; Lee, E; Gayther, SA; Ramus, SJ; Eeles, RA; Leach, MO; Kwan-Lim, G; Couch, FJ; Giles, GG; Baglietto, L; Krishnan, K; Southey, MC; Le Marchand, L; Kolonel, LN; Woolcott, C; Maskarinec, G; Haiman, CA; Walker, K; Johnson, N; McCormack, VA; Biong, M; Alnaes, GI; Gram, IT; Kristensen, VN; Børresen-Dale, AL; Lindström, S; Hankinson, SE; Hunter, DJ; Andrulis, IL; Knight, JA; Boyd, NF; Figuero, JD; Lissowska, J; Wesolowska, E; Peplonska, B; Bukowska, A; Reszka, E; Liu, J; Eriksson, L; Czene, K; Audley, T; Wu, AH; Pankratz, VS; Hopper, JL; Dos-Santos-Silva, I
  • Common breast cancer susceptibility variants in LSP1 and RAD51L1 are associated with mammographic density measures that predict breast cancer risk. (2012) Vachon, Celine M; Scott, Christopher G; Fasching, Peter A; Hall, Per; Tamimi, Rulla M; Li, Jingmei; Stone, Jennifer; Apicella, Carmel; Odefrey, Fabrice; Gierach, Gretchen L; Jud, Sebastian M; Heusinger, Katharina; Beckmann, Matthias W; Pollan, Marina; Fernández-Navarro, Pablo; Gonzalez-Neira, Anna; Benitez, Javier; van Gils, Carla H; Lokate, Mariëtte; Onland-Moret, N Charlotte; Peeters, Petra HM; Brown, Judith; Leyland, Jean; Varghese, Jajini S; Easton, Douglas F; Thompson, Deborah J; Luben, Robert N; Warren, Ruth ML; Wareham, Nicholas J; Loos, Ruth JF; Khaw, Kay-Tee; Ursin, Giske; Lee, Eunjung; Gayther, Simon A; Ramus, Susan J; Eeles, Rosalind A; Leach, Martin O; Kwan-Lim, Gek; Couch, Fergus J; Giles, Graham G; Baglietto, Laura; Krishnan, Kavitha; Southey, Melissa C; Le Marchand, Loic; Kolonel, Laurence N; Woolcott, Christy; Maskarinec, Gertraud; Haiman, Christopher A; Walker, Kate; Johnson, Nichola; McCormack, Valeria A; Biong, Margarethe; Alnaes, Grethe IG; Gram, Inger Torhild; Kristensen, Vessela N; Børresen-Dale, Anne-Lise; Lindström, Sara; Hankinson, Susan E; Hunter, David J; Andrulis, Irene L; Knight, Julia A; Boyd, Norman F; Figuero, Jonine D; Lissowska, Jolanta; Wesolowska, Ewa; Peplonska, Beata; Bukowska, Agnieszka; Reszka, Edyta; Liu, JianJun; Eriksson, Louise; Czene, Kamila; Audley, Tina; Wu, Anna H; Pankratz, V Shane; Hopper, John L; dos-Santos-Silva, Isabel
  • Economic modelling assessment of the HPV quadrivalent vaccine in Brazil: a dynamic individual-based approach. (2012) Vanni, Tazio; Luz, Paula Mendes; Foss, Anna; Mesa-Frias, Marco; Legood, Rosa
  • Cervical cancer screening among HIV-infected women: an economic evaluation in a middle-income country. (2012) Vanni, Tazio; Luz, Paula Mendes; Grinsztejn, Beatriz; Veloso, Valdilea G; Foss, Anna; Mesa-Frias, Marco; Legood, Rosa
  • Ethical tensions in dealing with noncommunicable diseases globally. (2012) Venkatapuram, Sridhar; McKee, Martin; Stuckler, David
  • Could HSV-2 suppressive therapy using valacyclovir be a cost-effective strategy for reducing HIV disease progression and transmission among HIV-1 infected women in South Africa? (2012) Vickerman, P; Devine, A; Foss, A; Delany-Moretlwe, S; Mayaud, P; Meyer-Rath, G
  • The preterm birth syndrome: a prototype phenotypic classification. (2012) Villar, Jose; Papageorghiou, Aris T; Knight, Hannah E; Gravett, Michael G; Iams, Jay; Waller, Sarah A; Kramer, Michael; Culhane, Jennifer F; Barros, Fernando C; Conde-Agudelo, Agustín; Bhutta, Zulfiqar A; Goldenberg, Robert L
  • The management of blood safety in the presence of uncertain risk: a United kingdom perspective. (2012) Watkins, Nicholas A; Dobra, Stephen; Bennett, Peter; Cairns, John; Turner, Marc L
  • Principles of Economic Evaluation. (2012) Willis, SR
  • Do international surveys and censuses exhibit ‘Dry Season’ bias? (2012) Wright, Jim A; Yang, Hong; Walker, Kate
  • Public vs private administration of rural health insurance schemes: a comparative study in Zhejiang of China. (2012) Zhou, X; Mao, Z; Rechel, B; Liu, C; Jiang, J; Zhang, Y
  • The effectiveness of youth centers in increasing use of sexual and reproductive health services: a systematic review. (2012) Zuurmond, Maria A; Geary, Rebecca S; Ross, David A
  • Cost-effectiveness of tenofovir instead of zidovudine for use in first-line antiretroviral therapy in settings without virological monitoring. (2012) von Wyl, Viktor; Cambiano, Valentina; Jordan, Michael R; Bertagnolio, Silvia; Miners, Alec; Pillay, Deenan; Lundgren, Jens; Phillips, Andrew N