Items where Faculty or Department is "Dept of Health Services Research and Policy"
  • LSHTM Organisational Structure (57264)
  • Faculty of Public Health and Policy (18160)
  • Dept of Health Services Research and Policy (6479)
    Number of items: 249.
    December 2010
  • Patients' and clinicians' research priorities. (2010) Stewart, Ruth J; Caird, Jenny; Oliver, Kathryn; Oliver, Sandy
  • Magnetic resonance imaging for the detection, localisation, and characterisation of prostate cancer: recommendations from a European consensus meeting. (2010) Dickinson, Louise; Ahmed, Hashim U; Allen, Clare; Barentsz, Jelle O; Carey, Brendan; Futterer, Jurgen J; Heijmink, Stijn W; Hoskin, Peter J; Kirkham, Alex; Padhani, Anwar R; Persad, Raj; Puech, Philippe; Punwani, Shonit; Sohaib, Aslam S; Tombal, Bertrand; Villers, Arnauld; van der Meulen, Jan; Emberton, Mark
  • Public health advances. Concerns about tobacco control. (2010) Yates, Tom; McKee, Martin; Pickett, Kate E; Dockrell, Martin; Gilmore, Anna; Hastings, Gerard; Maryon-Davis, Alan; Macara, Alexander
  • How the growth of denialism undermines public health. (2010) McKee, Martin; Diethelm, Pascal
  • November 2010
  • Incorporating uncertainty in aggregate burden of disease measures: an example of DALYs-averted by a smoking cessation campaign in the UK. (2010) de Vocht, Frank; Higgerson, James; Oliver, Kathryn; Verma, Arpana
  • So You Want To Be An Expert In Global Health? - 5 November 2010. (2010) UNSPECIFIED audio_file
  • October 2010
  • Normalisation process theory: a framework for developing, evaluating and implementing complex interventions. (2010) Murray, Elizabeth; Treweek, Shaun; Pope, Catherine; MacFarlane, Anne; Ballini, Luciana; Dowrick, Christopher; Finch, Tracy; Kennedy, Anne; Mair, Frances; O'Donnell, Catherine; Ong, Bie Nio; Rapley, Tim; Rogers, Anne; May, Carl
  • Development and formative evaluation of the e-Health Implementation Toolkit (e-HIT). (2010) Murray, Elizabeth; May, Carl; Mair, Frances
  • Financing the Millennium Development Goals for health and beyond: sustaining the 'Big Push'. (2010) Ooms, Gorik; Stuckler, David; Basu, Sanjay; McKee, Martin
  • Implementing guidelines into clinical practice: what is the value? (2010) Hoomans, Ties; Ament, André JHA; Evers, Silvia MAA; Severens, Johan L
  • September 2010
  • Protecting health in hard times. (2010) McKee, Martin; Stuckler, David; Martin-Moreno, Jose M
  • The process of setting micronutrient recommendations: a cross-European comparison of nutrition-related scientific advisory bodies. (2010) Timotijevic, Lada; Barnett, Julie; Brown, Kerry; Shepherd, Richard; Fernández-Celemín, Laura; Dömölki, Livia; Ruprich, Juri; Dhonukshe-Rutten, Rosalie A; Sonne, Anne-Mette; Hermoso, Maria; Koletzko, Berthold; Frost-Andersen, Lene; Timmer, Arnold; Raats, Monique M
  • August 2010
  • "Liberating the NHS"--another attempt to implement market forces in English health care. (2010) Black, Nick
  • C-reactive protein-associated genetic variants and cancer risk: findings from FINRISK 1992, FINRISK 1997 and Health 2000 studies. (2010) Heikkilä, Katriina; Silander, Kaisa; Salomaa, Veikko; Jousilahti, Pekka; Koskinen, Seppo; Pukkala, Eero; Perola, Markus
  • Unequal access to health care in England. (2010) Bowling, Ann; McKee, Martin
  • Embedding effective depression care: using theory for primary care organisational and systems change. (2010) Gunn, Jane M; Palmer, Victoria J; Dowrick, Christopher F; Herrman, Helen E; Griffiths, Frances E; Kokanovic, Renata; Blashki, Grant A; Hegarty, Kelsey L; Johnson, Caroline L; Potiriadis, Maria; May, Carl R
  • June 2010
  • Budget crises, health, and social welfare programmes. (2010) Stuckler, David; Basu, Sanjay; McKee, Martin
  • Volume-mortality for cystectomy. Centralisation of cancer services vindicated. (2010) Cathcart, Paul J; van der Meulen, Jan; Emberton, Mark; Kelly, John
  • Network meta-analysis on the log-hazard scale, combining count and hazard ratio statistics accounting for multi-arm trials: a tutorial. (2010) Woods, Beth S; Hawkins, Neil; Scott, David A
  • May 2010
  • Oral Bifidobacteria: caries-associated bacteria in older adults. (2010) Beighton, D; Al-Haboubi, M; Mantzourani, M; Gilbert, SC; Clark, D; Zoitopoulos, L; Gallagher, JE
  • How New Zealand has contained expenditure on drugs. (2010) Cumming, Jacqueline; Mays, Nicholas; Daubé, Jacob
  • Polymorphisms, endogenous hormone levels and familial breast cancer risk in premenopausal women. (2010) Walker, K; Fletcher, O; Johnson, N; Palles, C; Folkerd, E; Hillier, SG; Moss, S; Gibson, L; Dowsett, M; Peto, J; Silva, ID ['material/summary:fileicon_text/html' not defined]
  • April 2010
  • How cognitive biases affect our interpretation of political messages. (2010) McKee, Martin; Stuckler, David
  • March 2010
  • Millennium Health Goals Threatened By Chronic Diseases In Poor Countries - 29 March 2010. (2010) UNSPECIFIED audio_file
  • 2010
  • Mammographic density and markers of socioeconomic status: a cross-sectional study. (2010) Aitken, Zoe; Walker, Kate; Stegeman, Bernardine H; Wark, Petra A; Moss, Sue M; McCormack, Valerie A; Silva, Isabel dos Santos
  • Identifying co-morbidity in surgical patients using administrative data with the Royal College of Surgeons Charlson Score. (2010) Armitage, JN; van der Meulen, JH; Royal College of Surgeons Co-morbidity Consensus Group
  • Health policy responses to rising rates of multi-morbid chronic illness in Australia and New Zealand. (2010) Aspin, Clive; Jowsey, Tanisha; Glasgow, Nicholas; Dugdale, Paul; Nolte, Ellen; O'Hallahan, Jane; Leeder, Stephen
  • Cost-effectiveness of routine and low-cost CD4 T-cell count compared with WHO clinical staging of HIV to guide initiation of antiretroviral therapy in resource-limited settings. (2010) Athan, Eugene; O'Brien, Daniel P; Legood, Rosa
  • Access to primary health care among Burmese migrants in London: a cross-sectional descriptive study. (2010) Aung, NC; Rechel, B; Odermatt, P
  • Access to and utilisation of GP services among Burmese migrants in London: a cross-sectional descriptive study. (2010) Aung, Nyein Chan; Rechel, Bernd; Odermatt, Peter
  • What can global health institutions do to help strengthen health systems in low income countries? (2010) Balabanova, Dina; McKee, Martin; Mills, Anne; Walt, Gill; Haines, Andy
  • Facilitating stroke care planning through simulation modelling. (2010) Bayer, Steffen; Petsoulas, Christina; Cox, Benita; Honeyman, Alasdair; Barlow, James
  • Inequalities in mortality by occupational class in Russia, 1994-2006. (2010) Bessudnov, A; Stuckler, D; McKee, M
  • Interpretations of referral appropriateness by senior health managers in five PCT areas in England: a qualitative investigation. (2010) Blundell, N; Clarke, Aileen; Mays, N
  • Medical professionalism: conflicting values for tomorrow's doctors. (2010) Borgstrom, Erica; Cohn, Simon; Barclay, Stephen
  • Variation in rates of caesarean section among English NHS trusts after accounting for maternal and clinical risk: cross sectional study. (2010) Bragg, Fiona; Cromwell, David A; Edozien, Leroy C; Gurol-Urganci, Ipek; Mahmood, Tahir A; Templeton, Allan; van der Meulen, Jan H
  • Relationship between patients' and clinicians' assessments of health status before and after knee arthroplasty. (2010) Bream, Elizabeth; Charman, Susan C; Clift, Ben; Murray, David; Black, Nick
  • Mathematical coupling may account for the association between baseline severity and minimally important difference values. (2010) Browne, John Patrick; van der Meulen, Jan H; Lewsey, James D; Lamping, Donna L; Black, Nick
  • Evaluating the Health Technology Assessment Program in Thailand. (2010) Cairns, J; Chalkidou, K; Panpiemras, J; Suriyawongpaisal, P; Yothasamut, J
  • London Cycle Hire Scheme: will it do more harm than good? (2010) Cavill, N; Rutter, H
  • Glycopeptide vs. non-glycopeptide antibiotics for prophylaxis of surgical site infections: a systematic review. (2010) Chambers, Duncan; Worthy, Gillian; Myers, Lindsey; Weatherly, Helen; Elliott, Rachel; Hawkins, Neil; Sculpher, Mark; Eastwood, Alison
  • Environmental Profile of a Community's Health (EPOCH): an instrument to measure environmental determinants of cardiovascular health in five countries. (2010) Chow, Clara K; Lock, Karen; Madhavan, Manisha; Corsi, Daniel J; Gilmore, Anna B; Subramanian, SV; Li, Wei; Swaminathan, Sumathi; Lopez-Jaramillo, Patricio; Avezum, Alvaro; Lear, Scott A; Dagenais, Gilles; Teo, Koon; McKee, Martin; Yusuf, Salim
  • Can guidelines improve referral to elective surgical specialties for adults? A systematic review. (2010) Clarke, Aileen; Blundell, N; Forde, I; Musila, N; Spitzer, D; Naqvi, S; Browne, J
  • Discrepancies among ecological, household, and individual data on fruits and vegetables consumption in Brazil. (2010) Claro, Rafael Moreira; Jaime, Patricia Constante; Lock, Karen; Fisberg, Regina Mara; Monteiro, Carlos Augusto
  • Picturing the Brain Inside, Revealing the Illness Outside: A Comparison of Different Meanings Attributed to Brain Scans by Scientists and Patients. (2010) Cohn, S
  • Picturing the brain inside, revealing the illness outside: a comparison of the different meanings attributed to brain scans by scientists and patients. (2010) Cohn, S; Edwards, J; Harvey, P; Wade, P
  • Funding and performance of healthcare systems in the four countries of the UK before and after devolution: a longitudinal analysis of the four countries, 1996/97, 2002/03 and 2006/07, supplemented by cross-sectional regional analysis of England, 2006/07. (2010) Connolly, S; Bevan, G; Mays, N
  • Cost effectiveness of seasonal intermittent preventive treatment using amodiaquine & artesunate or sulphadoxine-pyrimethamine in Ghanaian children. (2010) Conteh, Lesong; Patouillard, Edith; Kweku, Margaret; Legood, Rosa; Greenwood, Brian; Chandramohan, Daniel
  • Nutritional composition & health benefits of organic foods - using systematic reviews to question the available evidence. (2010) Dangour, Alan D; Allen, Elizabeth; Lock, Karen; Uauy, Ricardo
  • Nutrition-related health effects of organic foods: a systematic review. (2010) Dangour, Alan D; Lock, Karen; Hayter, Arabella; Aikenhead, Andrea; Allen, Elizabeth; Uauy, Ricardo
  • B-vitamins and fatty acids in the prevention and treatment of Alzheimer's disease and dementia: a systematic review. (2010) Dangour, Alan D; Whitehouse, Peter J; Rafferty, Kevin; Mitchell, Stephen A; Smith, Lesley; Hawkesworth, Sophie; Vellas, Bruno
  • Surveys of public attitudes towards smoking and tobacco control policy in Russia: round two. What had changed between November 2007 and May 2009. (2010) Danishevskiy, KD; McKee, M; Gilmore, A; Eroshina, K
  • BSR and BHPR guidelines for the management of giant cell arteritis. (2010) Dasgupta, Bhaskar; Borg, Frances A; Hassan, Nada; Alexander, Leslie; Barraclough, Kevin; Bourke, Brian; Fulcher, Joan; Hollywood, Jane; Hutchings, Andrew; James, Pat; Kyle, Valerie; Nott, Jennifer; Power, Michael; Samanta, Ash; BSR and BHPR Standards, Guidelines and Audit Working Group
  • Two countries divided by a common language: health systems in the UK and USA. (2010) Desai, Monica; Rachet, Bernard; Coleman, Michel P; McKee, Martin
  • National Child Measurement Programme: Changes in children’s body mass index between 2006/07 and 2008/09. (2010) Dinsdale, H; Ridler, C; Rutter, H; Mathrani, S
  • Socio-economic inequalities in cerebral palsy prevalence in the United Kingdom: a register-based study. (2010) Dolk, Helen; Pattenden, Sam; Bonellie, Sandra; Colver, Allan; King, Andy; Kurinczuk, Jennifer J; Parkes, Jackie; Platt, Mary Jane; Surman, Geraldine
  • A model of successful ageing in British populations. (2010) Doyle, G; McKee, M; Sherriff, M
  • Certification of obesity as a cause of death in England 1979-2006. (2010) Duncan, Marie; Griffith, Myfanwy; Rutter, Harry; Goldacre, Michael J
  • 'Not quite Jericho, but more doors than there used to be'. Staff views of the impact of 'modernization' on boundaries around adult critical care services in England. (2010) Durand, Mary; Hutchings, Andrew; Black, Nick; Green, Judith
  • Did mass privatisation really increase post-communist mortality? (2010) Earle, John S; Gehlbach, Scott
  • Global and regional risk of disabling sequelae from bacterial meningitis: a systematic review and meta-analysis. (2010) Edmond, Karen; Clark, Andrew; Korczak, Viola S; Sanderson, Colin; Griffiths, Ulla K; Rudan, Igor
  • Assessing the effectiveness and cost effectiveness of adaptive e-Learning to improve dietary behaviour: protocol for a systematic review. (2010) Edwards, Phil; Felix, Lambert; Harris, Jody; Ferguson, Elaine; Free, Caroline; Landon, Jane; Lock, Karen; Michie, Susan; Miners, Alec; Murray, Elizabeth
  • Educational health inequalities in former Yugoslavia: evidence from the South-East European Social Survey Project. (2010) Eikemo, Terje Andreas; Huisman, Martijn; Perlman, Francesca; Ringdal, Kristen
  • An economic model for the prevention of MRSA infections after surgery: non-glycopeptide or glycopeptide antibiotic prophylaxis? (2010) Elliott, Rachel A; Weatherly, Helen LA; Hawkins, Neil S; Cranny, Gillian; Chambers, Duncan; Myers, Lindsey; Eastwood, Alison; Sculpher, Mark J
  • Difficulties of tracing health research funded by the European Union. (2010) Ernst, Kelly; Irwin, Rachel; Galsworthy, Michael; McKee, Martin; Charlesworth, Kate; Wismar, Matthias
  • Economic recession and long-term care. A scoping study. (2010) Ettelt, S; Cacace, M; Goshev, S; Nolte, E
  • Funding intensive care - approaches in systems using diagnosis-related groups. (2010) Ettelt, S; Nolte, E ['material/summary:fileicon_text/html' not defined]
  • Involvement of Ministries of Health in Health Service Coverage Decisions: Is England an Aberrant Case? (2010) Ettelt, Stefanie; Mays, Nicholas; Chevreul, Karine; Nikolentzos, Athanasios; Thomson, Sarah; Nolte, Ellen
  • Decentralisation and performance: Autonomy and incentives in Local Health Economies. (2010) Exworthy, M; Frosini, F; Jones, L; Peckham, S; Powell, M; Greener, I; Anand, P; Holloway, J
  • Framework for assessing, improving and enhancing healthcare planning. (2010) Fazekas, M; Ettelt, S; Newbould, J; Nolte, E ['material/summary:fileicon_text/html' not defined]
  • Roma integrációs politikák az Európai Unióban [Policies to integrate the Roma people in the European Union]. (2010) Fesus, G; McKee, M; Roza, A
  • Achieving public health goals via public private partnerships: is there a common ground, and what are the rules of the game? (2010) Figureas, J; Ricciardi, W; McKee, M; Verschuren, P; Vallance-Owen, A; Michailik, M; Hubel, M
  • Implications of the foresight obesity system map for solutions to childhood obesity. (2010) Finegood, Diane T; Merth, Thomas DN; Rutter, Harry
  • Cycling for transport and public health: a systematic review of the effect of the environment on cycling. (2010) Fraser, Simon DS; Lock, Karen
  • UK: price-based promotions target poor. (2010) Garman, Katie; Tavakoly, Behrooz; Gilmore, Anna
  • Growing epidemic of coronary heart disease in low- and middle-income countries. (2010) Gaziano, Thomas A; Bitton, Asaf; Anand, Shuchi; Abrahams-Gessel, Shafika; Murphy, Adrianna
  • Raising the priority of preventing chronic diseases: a political process. (2010) Geneau, Robert; Stuckler, David; Stachenko, Sylvie; McKee, Martin; Ebrahim, Shah; Basu, Sanjay; Chockalingham, Arun; Mwatsama, Modi; Jamal, Rozmin; Alwan, Ala; Beaglehole, Robert
  • Alcohol policy in a Russian region: a stakeholder analysis. (2010) Gil, Artyom; Polikina, Olga; Koroleva, Natalia; Leon, David A; McKee, Martin picture_as_pdf
  • The case for OFSMOKE: how tobacco price regulation is needed to promote the health of markets, government revenue and the public. (2010) Gilmore, Anna B; Branston, J Robert; Sweanor, David
  • Cost-effectiveness analysis of general anaesthesia versus local anaesthesia for carotid surgery (GALA Trial). (2010) Gomes, M; Soares, MO; Dumville, JC; Lewis, SC; Torgerson, DJ; Bodenham, AR; Gough, MJ; Warlow, CP; GALA Collaborative Group
  • Variation in recording of child maltreatment in administrative records of hospital admissions for injury in England, 1997-2009. (2010) González-Izquierdo, Arturo; Woodman, Jenny; Copley, Lynn; van der Meulen, Jan; Brandon, Marian; Hodes, Deborah; Lecky, Fiona; Gilbert, Ruth
  • Reforming sanitary-epidemiological service in Central and Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union: an exploratory study. (2010) Gotsadze, George; Chikovani, Ivdity; Goguadze, Ketevan; Balabanova, Dina; McKee, Martin picture_as_pdf
  • More than measurement: practice team experiences of screening for type 2 diabetes. (2010) Graffy, J; Grant, J; Williams, K; Cohn, S; MacBay, S; Griffin, S; Kinmonth, AL
  • More than measurement: practice team experiences of screening for type 2 diabetes. (2010) Graffy, Jonathan; Grant, Julie; Williams, Kate; Cohn, Simon; Macbay, Sara; Griffin, Simon; Kinmonth, Ann Louise
  • Working for equity whilst improving urban public health: some challenges. (2010) Green, J
  • Cycling in London: a study of social and cultural factors in transport mode choice: a final report to Smarter Travel Unit, Transport for London. (2010) Green, J; Steinbach, R; Datta, J; Edwards, P
  • The Public Health System in England. (2010) Green, Judith
  • Primary care identification and referral to improve safety of women experiencing domestic violence (IRIS): protocol for a pragmatic cluster randomised controlled trial. (2010) Gregory, Alison; Ramsay, Jean; Agnew-Davies, Roxane; Baird, Kathleen; Devine, Angela; Dunne, Danielle; Eldridge, Sandra; Howell, Annie; Johnson, Medina; Rutterford, Clare; Sharp, Debbie; Feder, Gene
  • Improving costing methods in multicentre economic evaluation: the use of multiple imputation for unit costs. (2010) Grieve, Richard; Cairns, John; Thompson, Simon G
  • Bayesian hierarchical models for cost-effectiveness analyses that use data from cluster randomized trials. (2010) Grieve, Richard; Nixon, Richard; Thompson, Simon G
  • Development and validation of the WHO self-assessment tool for health promotion in hospitals: results of a study in 38 hospitals in eight countries. (2010) Groene, Oliver; Alonso, Jordi; Klazinga, Niek
  • Investigating organizational quality improvement systems, patient empowerment, organizational culture, professional involvement and the quality of care in European hospitals: the 'Deepening our Understanding of Quality Improvement in Europe (DUQuE)' project. (2010) Groene, Oliver; Klazinga, Niek; Wagner, Cordula; Arah, Onyebuchi A; Thompson, Andrew; Bruneau, Charles; Suñol, Rosa; Deepening our Understanding of Quality Improvement in Europe Res
  • Factors associated with the implementation of quality and safety requirements for cross-border care in acute myocardial infarction: Results from 315 hospitals in four countries. (2010) Groene, Oliver; Suñol, Rosa
  • Economic Burden and Cost Determinants of Deep Venous Thrombosis During the Two Years Following Diagnosis a Prospective Evaluation. (2010) Guanella, R; Ducruet, T; John, M; Miron, MJ; Roussin, A; Desmarais, S; Joyal, F; Kassis, J; Solymoss, S; Desjardins, L; Ginsberg, JS; Lamping, DL; Shriner, I; Kahn, SR
  • Giving tranexamic acid to reduce surgical bleeding in sub-Saharan Africa: an economic evaluation. (2010) Guerriero, Carla; Cairns, John; Jayaraman, Sudha; Roberts, Ian; Perel, Pablo; Shakur, Haleema
  • Cholesterol screening and the Gold Effect. (2010) Hann, Alison; Peckham, Stephen
  • Who needs what from a national health research system: lessons from reforms to the English Department of Health's R&D system. (2010) Hanney, Stephen; Kuruvilla, Shyama; Soper, Bryony; Mays, Nicholas picture_as_pdf
  • Using clinical databases to evaluate healthcare interventions. (2010) Harvey, Sheila; Rowan, Kathy; Harrison, David; Black, Nick
  • Feeding the world healthily: the challenge of measuring the effects of agriculture on health. (2010) Hawkesworth, Sophie; Dangour, Alan D; Johnston, Deborah; Lock, Karen; Poole, Nigel; Rushton, Jonathan; Uauy, Ricardo; Waage, Jeff
  • Effect of maternal calcium supplementation on offspring blood pressure in 5- to 10-y-old rural Gambian children. (2010) Hawkesworth, Sophie; Sawo, Yankuba; Fulford, Anthony JC; Goldberg, Gail R; Jarjou, Landing MA; Prentice, Ann; Moore, Sophie E
  • Placebo at Your Peril. (2010) Hawkins, N; Scott, DA
  • Cost-effectiveness analysis: discount the placebo at your peril. (2010) Hawkins, Neil; Scott, David A
  • Results of a sector-wide quality improvement initiative for substance-abuse care: an uncontrolled before-after study in Catalonia, Spain. (2010) Hilarion, Pilar; Groene, Oliver; Colom, Joan; Lopez, Rosa M; Suñol, Rosa
  • Examining resilience of quality of life in the face of health-related and psychosocial adversity at older ages: what is "right" about the way we age? (2010) Hildon, Zoe; Montgomery, Scott M; Blane, David; Wiggins, Richard D; Netuveli, Gopalakrishnan
  • Trade policy, health, and corporate influence: British American tobacco and China's accession to the world trade organization. (2010) Holden, C; Lee, K; Gilmore, A; Fooks, G; Wander, N
  • [Cost-effectiveness of new drugs impacts reimbursement decision making but room for improvement]. (2010) Hoomans, Ties; van der Roer, Nicole; Severens, Johan L; Delwel, Gepke O
  • Azerbaijan: health system review. (2010) Ibrahimov, Fuad; Ibrahimova, Aybaniz; Kehler, Jenni; Richardson, Erica
  • The governments' doctors: the roles and responsibilities of chief medical officers in the European Union. (2010) Jakubowski, Elke; Martin-Moreno, José M; McKee, Martin
  • Regional variation in use of immediate breast reconstruction after mastectomy for breast cancer in England. (2010) Jeevan, R; Cromwell, DA; Browne, JP; Trivella, M; Pereira, J; Caddy, CM; Sheppard, C; van der Meulen, JHP
  • Exploring the involvement of men in gender-based violence prevention programmes in settings affected by armed conflict. (2010) John-Kall, J; Roberts, B
  • Barriers to Physical Activity Promotion in the Public Debate: How Can We Change Preconceptions? (2010) Kahlmeier, S; Martin, BW; Rutter, H; Cavill, N; Boehmer, T
  • "Health in all policies" in practice: guidance and tools to quantifying the health effects of cycling and walking. (2010) Kahlmeier, Sonja; Racioppi, Francesca; Cavill, Nick; Rutter, Harry; Oja, Pekka
  • Tajikistan: health system review. (2010) Khodjamurodov, Ghafur; Rechel, Bernd
  • Think twice before you book? Modelling the choice of public vs private dentist in a choice experiment. (2010) Kiiskinen, Urpo; Suominen-Taipale, Anna Liisa; Cairns, John
  • The association between quality of primary care, deprivation and cardiovascular outcomes: a cross-sectional study using data from the UK Quality and Outcomes Framework. (2010) Kiran, T; Hutchings, A; Dhalla, IA; Furlong, C; Jacobson, B
  • The social determinants of adolescent smoking in Russia in 2004. (2010) Kislitsyna, Olga; Stickley, Andrew; Gilmore, Anna; McKee, Martin
  • The Public Health System in England. (2010) Klein, Rudolf
  • Public health research funding: independence is important. (2010) Knai, Cécile; Gilmore, Anna; Lock, Karen; McKee, Martin
  • Tackling childhood obesity: the importance of understanding the context. (2010) Knai, Cécile; McKee, Martin
  • State political cultures and the mortality of African Americans and American Indians. (2010) Kunitz, Stephen J; McKee, Martin; Nolte, Ellen
  • The Post-Operative Radiotherapy in Minimum-Risk Elderly (Prime) Randomised Trial of Adjuvant Radiotherapy after Breast Conserving Surgery: Impact on Quality of Life and Cost-Effectiveness at 5 Years. (2010) Kunkler, IH; Williams, LJ; Prescott, RJ; King, CC; Jack, W; Dixon, JM; van der Pol, M; Goh, TT; Lindley, R; Cairns, J
  • Managing incentives for health providers and patients in the move towards universal coverage. (2010) Lagarde, M; Powell-Jackson, T; Blaauw, D
  • Choosing to care : the determinants of nurses job preferences in South Africa. (2010) Lagarde, Mylaene
  • The impact of universal National Health Insurance on population health: the experience of Taiwan. (2010) Lee, Yue-Chune; Huang, Yu-Tung; Tsai, Yi-Wen; Huang, Shiuh-Ming; Kuo, Ken N; McKee, Martin; Nolte, Ellen
  • Patients seeking treatment abroad: Another challenge for general practice commissioning. (2010) Legido-Quigley, H; McKee, M
  • An Economic Analysis of the Manual Assessment Vs. Automated Reading in Cytology (Mavaric) Trial. (2010) Legood, R; Sadique, Z; Gray, A; Desai, M; Moss, S; Kitchener, H
  • Ukraine: Health system review. (2010) Lekhan, Valery; Rudiy, Volodymyr; Richardson, Erica
  • Re: "Alcohol consumption in young adults and incident hypertension: 20-year follow-up from the Coronary Artery Risk Development in Young Adults Study". (2010) Leon, David A; Pablo-Casas, Juan; Dale, Caroline; Polikina, Olga; Tomkins, Susannah; McKee, Martin
  • Alcohol increases circulatory disease mortality in Russia: acute and chronic effects or misattribution of cause? (2010) Leon, David A; Shkolnikov, Vladimir M; McKee, Martin; Kiryanov, Nikolay; Andreev, Evgueny
  • Take action to prevent diabetes--the IMAGE toolkit for the prevention of type 2 diabetes in Europe. (2010) Lindström, J; Neumann, A; Sheppard, KE; Gilis-Januszewska, A; Greaves, CJ; Handke, U; Pajunen, P; Puhl, S; Pölönen, A; Rissanen, A; Roden, M; Stemper, T; Telle-Hjellset, V; Tuomilehto, J; Velickiene, D; Schwarz, PE; Acosta, T; Adler, M; AlKerwi, A; Barengo, N; Barengo, R; Boavida, JM; Charlesworth, K; Christov, V; Claussen, B; Cos, X; Cosson, E; Deceukelier, S; Dimitrijevic-Sreckovic, V; Djordjevic, P; Evans, P; Felton, A-M; Fischer, M; Gabriel-Sanchez, R; Gilis-Januszewska, A; Goldfracht, M; Gomez, JL; Greaves, CJ; Hall, M; Handke, U; Hauner, H; Herbst, J; Hermanns, N; Herrebrugh, L; Huber, C; Hühmer, U; Huttunen, J; Jotic, A; Kamenov, Z; Karadeniz, S; Katsilambros, N; Khalangot, M; Kissimova-Skarbek, K; Köhler, D; Kopp, V; Kronsbein, P; Kulzer, B; Kyne-Grzebalski, D; Lalic, K; Lalic, N; Landgraf, R; Lee-Barkey, YH; Liatis, S; Lindström, J; Makrilakis, K; McIntosh, C; McKee, M; Mesquita, AC; Misina, D; Muylle, F; Neumann, A; Paiva, AC; Pajunen, P; Paulweber, B; Peltonen, M; Perrenoud, L; Pfeiffer, A; Pölönen, A; Puhl, S; Raposo, F; Reinehr, T; Rissanen, A; Robinson, C; Roden, M; Rothe, U; Saaristo, T; Scholl, J; Schwarz, PE; Sheppard, KE; Spiers, S; Stemper, T; Stratmann, B; Szendroedi, J; Szybinski, Z; Tankova, T; Telle-Hjellset, V; Terry, G; Tolks, D; Toti, F; Tuomilehto, J; Undeutsch, A; Valadas, C; Valensi, P; Velickiene, D; Vermunt, P; Weiss, R; Wens, J; Yilmaz, T
  • Evaluating social and behavioural impacts of English smoke-free legislation in different ethnic and age groups: implications for reducing smoking-related health inequalities. (2010) Lock, K; Adams, E; Pilkington, P; Duckett, K; Gilmore, A; Marston, C
  • Health, agricultural, and economic effects of adoption of healthy diet recommendations. (2010) Lock, Karen; Smith, Richard D; Dangour, Alan D; Keogh-Brown, Marcus; Pigatto, Gessuir; Hawkes, Corinna; Fisberg, Regina Mara; Chalabi, Zaid
  • Does homework behavior mediate the relation between personality and academic performance? (2010) Lubbers, Miranda J; Van Der Werf, Margaretha PC; Kuyper, Hans; Hendriks, AA Jolijn
  • Validation of the Spanish version of the DEMQOL system. (2010) Lucas-Carrasco, Ramona; Lamping, Donna L; Banerjee, Sube; Rejas, Javier; Smith, Sarah C; Gómez-Benito, Juana
  • Cost-effectiveness analysis of anastrozole versus tamoxifen in adjuvant therapy for early-stage breast cancer - a health-economic analysis based on the 100-month analysis of the ATAC trial and the German health system. (2010) Lux, Michael P; Wöckel, Achim; Benedict, Agnes; Buchholz, Stefan; Kreif, Noémi; Harbeck, Nadia; Kreienberg, Rolf; Kaufmann, Manfred; Beckmann, Matthias W; Jonat, Walter; Hadji, Peyman; Distler, Wolfgang; Raab, Guenther; Tesch, Hans; Weyers, Georg; Possinger, Kurt; Schneeweiss, Andreas
  • The ESRC Survey Resources Network: Opportunities for the advancement of survey methods. (2010) Lynn, Peter; Erens, Bob
  • Thank you. (2010) Mackenbach, J; Allebeck, P; McKee, M; Ricciardi, W
  • Be prepared. (2010) Mackie, P; Sim, F
  • Growth at any cost? (2010) Mackie, P; Sim, F
  • Leaving a legacy. (2010) Mackie, P; Sim, F
  • Water for life. (2010) Mackie, P; Sim, F
  • We need to talk about Kelvingrove…. (2010) Mackie, P; Sim, F
  • What difference can a decade make? (2010) Mackie, P; Sim, F
  • Control of hyperglycaemia in paediatric intensive care (CHiP): study protocol. (2010) Macrae, Duncan; Pappachan, John; Grieve, Richard; Parslow, Roger; Nadel, Simon; Schindler, Margrid; Baines, Paul; Fortune, Peter-Marc; Slavik, Zdenek; Goldman, Allan; Truesdale, Ann; Betts, Helen; Allen, Elizabeth; Snowdon, Claire; Percy, Deborah; Broadhead, Michael; Quick, Tara; Peters, Mark; Morris, Kevin; Tasker, Robert; Elbourne, Diana
  • The Impact of Working Beyond Traditional Retirement Ages on Mental Health: Implications for Public Health and Welfare Policy. (2010) Maimaris, Will; Hogan, Helen; Lock, Karen
  • Penalised regression splines: theory and application to medical research. (2010) Marra, Giampiero; Radice, Rosalba
  • Commentary: Knowledge is not always power. (2010) Mays, N
  • Citizens' juries: more questions than answers? (2010) McKee, M
  • Look East! A lifetime perspective on chronic disease. (2010) McKee, M
  • Public health policies. (2010) McKee, M; Hervey, T; Gilmore, A
  • Best practices and research priorities in health systems strengthening - Eastern Europe and Central Asia. (2010) McKee, M; Vlassov, V
  • The World Health Report 2000: 10 years on. (2010) McKee, Martin
  • Maternal mortality for 181 countries, 1980-2008. (2010) McKee, Martin; Fisk, Nicholas M; Atun, Rifat
  • Cost-effectiveness of enhanced external counterpulsation (EECP) for the treatment of stable angina in the United Kingdom. (2010) McKenna, Claire; Hawkins, Neil; Claxton, Karl; McDaid, Catriona; Suekarran, Sara; Light, Kate; Chester, Michael; Cleland, John GF; Woolacott, Nerys; Sculpher, Mark
  • Measuring sexual behaviour. (2010) Mercer, C; McManus, S; Erens, B
  • The effect of survey method on survey participation: analysis of data from the Health Survey for England 2006 and the Boost Survey for London. (2010) Mindell, Jennifer S; Tipping, Sarah; Pickering, Kevin; Hope, Steven; Roth, Marilyn A; Erens, Bob
  • Moderate pandemic, not many dead--learning the right lessons in Europe from the 2009 pandemic. (2010) Nicoll, Angus; McKee, Martin
  • Commuting and health in Cambridge: a study of a 'natural experiment' in the provision of new transport infrastructure. (2010) Ogilvie, David; Griffin, Simon; Jones, Andy; Mackett, Roger; Guell, Cornelia; Panter, Jenna; Jones, Natalia; Cohn, Simon; Yang, Lin; Chapman, Cheryl
  • Randomised controlled trials for policy interventions: a review of reviews and meta-regression. (2010) Oliver, S; Bagnall, AM; Thomas, J; Shepherd, J; Sowden, A; White, I; Dinnes, J; Rees, R; Colquitt, J; Oliver, K; Garrett, Z
  • Social Citizenship of Polish Migrants in London: Engagement and Non-engagement with the British Welfare State. (2010) Osipovic, D
  • Status of implementation of Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (FCTC) in Ghana: a qualitative study. (2010) Owusu-Dabo, Ellis; McNeill, Ann; Lewis, Sarah; Gilmore, Anna; Britton, John picture_as_pdf
  • Quality indicators for the prevention of type 2 diabetes in Europe--IMAGE. (2010) Pajunen, P; Landgraf, R; Muylle, F; Neumann, A; Lindström, J; Schwarz, PE; Peltonen, M; Acosta, T; Adler, M; AlKerwi, A; Barengo, N; Barengo, R; Boavida, JM; Charlesworth, K; Christov, V; Claussen, B; Cos, X; Cosson, E; Deceukelier, S; Dimitrijevic-Sreckovic, V; Djordjevic, P; Evans, P; Felton, A-M; Fischer, M; Gabriel-Sanchez, R; Gilis-Januszewska, A; Goldfracht, M; Gomez, JL; Greaves, CJ; Hall, M; Handke, U; Hauner, H; Herbst, J; Hermanns, N; Herrebrugh, L; Huber, C; Hühmer, U; Huttunen, J; Jotic, A; Kamenov, Z; Karadeniz, S; Katsilambros, N; Khalangot, M; Kissimova-Skarbek, K; Köhler, D; Kopp, V; Kronsbein, P; Kulzer, B; Kyne-Grzebalski, D; Lalic, K; Lalic, N; Landgraf, R; Lee-Barkey, YH; Liatis, S; Lindström, J; Makrilakis, K; McIntosh, C; McKee, M; Mesquita, AC; Misina, D; Muylle, F; Neumann, A; Paiva, AC; Pajunen, P; Paulweber, B; Peltonen, M; Perrenoud, L; Pfeiffer, A; Pölönen, A; Puhl, S; Raposo, F; Reinehr, T; Rissanen, A; Robinson, C; Roden, M; Rothe, U; Saaristo, T; Scholl, J; Schwarz, PE; Sheppard, KE; Spiers, S; Stemper, T; Stratmann, B; Szendroedi, J; Szybinski, Z; Tankova, T; Telle-Hjellset, V; Terry, G; Tolks, D; Toti, F; Tuomilehto, J; Undeutsch, A; Valadas, C; Valensi, P; Velickiene, D; Vermunt, P; Weiss, R; Wens, J; Yilmaz, T
  • Referral patterns for oesophago-gastric cancer: how are patients referred and does it vary across the country? (2010) Palser, T; Cromwell, D; Hardwick, R; Riley, S; van der Meulen, J
  • Metformin treatment for adolescent obesity has limited long-term benefits. (2010) Park, Min Hae; Kinra, Sanjay
  • A European evidence-based guideline for the prevention of type 2 diabetes. (2010) Paulweber, B; Valensi, P; Lindström, J; Lalic, NM; Greaves, CJ; McKee, M; Kissimova-Skarbek, K; Liatis, S; Cosson, E; Szendroedi, J; Sheppard, KE; Charlesworth, K; Felton, A-M; Hall, M; Rissanen, A; Tuomilehto, J; Schwarz, PE; Roden, M; Paulweber, M; Stadlmayr, A; Kedenko, L; Katsilambros, N; Makrilakis, K; Kamenov, Z; Evans, P; Gilis-Januszewska, A; Lalic, K; Jotic, A; Djordevic, P; Dimitrijevic-Sreckovic, V; Hühmer, U; Kulzer, B; Puhl, S; Lee-Barkey, YH; AlKerwi, A; Abraham, C; Hardeman, W; Acosta, T; Adler, M; AlKerwi, A; Barengo, N; Barengo, R; Boavida, JM; Charlesworth, K; Christov, V; Claussen, B; Cos, X; Cosson, E; Deceukelier, S; Dimitrijevic-Sreckovic, V; Djordjevic, P; Evans, P; Felton, A-M; Fischer, M; Gabriel-Sanchez, R; Gilis-Januszewska, A; Goldfracht, M; Gomez, JL; Greaves, CJ; Hall, M; Handke, U; Hauner, H; Herbst, J; Hermanns, N; Herrebrugh, L; Huber, C; Hühmer, U; Huttunen, J; Jotic, A; Kamenov, Z; Karadeniz, S; Katsilambros, N; Khalangot, M; Kissimova-Skarbek, K; Köhler, D; Kopp, V; Kronsbein, P; Kulzer, B; Kyne-Grzebalski, D; Lalic, K; Lalic, N; Landgraf, R; Lee-Barkey, YH; Liatis, S; Lindström, J; Makrilakis, K; McIntosh, C; McKee, M; Mesquita, AC; Misina, D; Muylle, F; Neumann, A; Paiva, AC; Pajunen, P; Paulweber, B; Peltonen, M; Perrenoud, L; Pfeiffer, A; Pölönen, A; Puhl, S; Raposo, F; Reinehr, T; Rissanen, A; Robinson, C; Roden, M; Rothe, U; Saaristo, T; Scholl, J; Schwarz, PE; Sheppard, KE; Spiers, S; Stemper, T; Stratmann, B; Szendroedi, J; Szybinski, Z; Tankova, T; Telle-Hjellset, V; Terry, G; Tolks, D; Toti, F; Tuomilehto, J; Undeutsch, A; Valadas, C; Valensi, P; Velickiene, D; Vermunt, P; Weiss, R; Wens, J; Yilmaz, T
  • Pay for performance schemes in primary care: what have we learnt? (2010) Peckham, Stephen; Wallace, Andrew
  • EU law and health professionals. (2010) Peeters, M; McKee, M; Merkur, S
  • Drinking in transition: trends in alcohol consumption in Russia 1994-2004. (2010) Perlman, Francesca JA
  • Association of Prenatal and Postnatal Smoking and Alcohol Consumption on Birth Weight in the White British Population in Bradford: Preliminary Findings from the Born in Bradford Study. (2010) Petherick, E; Parslow, R; McKinney, P; Tufnell, D; Leon, D; Raynor, P; Lawlor, D; Wright, J
  • Employing Multi-Attribute Utility Theory to Develop the Exact-U: A Preference-Based Measure for Copd Exacerbation Utilities. (2010) Petrillo, J; Cairns, J; Revicki, DA
  • AMIEHS, avoidable mortality in the European Union: towards better indicators for the effectiveness of health systems. (2010) Plug, I; Hoffmann, R; Khoshaba, B; Westerling, R; Jougla, E; Rey, G; McKee, M; MacKenbach, JP
  • Arterial Hypertension Among Russian Men Aged 30-59 Years. (2010) Polikina, O; Gil, A; Kiryanov, N; Vasilyev, M; Saburova, L; Oralov, A; Tomlin, K; McKee, M; Leon, D
  • Blood Pressure and Drinking Behaviors among Russian Men Aged 30-59 Years. (2010) Polikina, O; Gil, A; Kiryanov, N; Vasilyev, M; Saburova, L; Oralov, A; Tomlin, K; McKee, M; Leon, D
  • The STIPP study: patient-centred preferences for STI testing services: a qualitative perspective. (2010) Pollard, A; Llewellyn, C; Miners, A; Smith, H
  • Danger from above? A quantitative study of perceptions of hazards from falling rockets in the Altai region of Siberia. (2010) Profeta, Barbara; Goncharova, Natalia P; Kolyado, Igor B; Robertus, Yuryj V; McKee, Martin
  • Perceptions of risk in the post-Soviet world: A qualitative study of responses to falling rockets in the Altai region of Siberia. (2010) Profeta, Barbara; Rechel, Bernd; Moshennikova, Svetlana V; Kolyado, Igor B; Robertus, Yurij V; McKee, Martin
  • Cost-effectiveness of infliximab for the treatment of acute exacerbations of ulcerative colitis. (2010) Punekar, YS; Hawkins, N
  • Cost-effectiveness of scheduled maintenance treatment with infliximab for pediatric Crohn's disease. (2010) Punekar, Yogesh Suresh; Sunderland, Thomas; Hawkins, Neil; Lindsay, James
  • Learning from international policies on trans fatty acids to reduce cardiovascular disease in low- and middle-income countries, using Mexico as a case study. (2010) Pérez-Ferrer, Carolina; Lock, Karen; Rivera, Juan A
  • HIV/AIDS in the countries of the former Soviet Union: societal and attitudinal challenges. (2010) Rechel, Bernd
  • International involvement and national health governance: the basic benefit package in Tajikistan. (2010) Rechel, Bernd; Khodjamurodov, Ghafur
  • Hospital capacity planning: from measuring stocks to modelling flows. (2010) Rechel, Bernd; Wright, Stephen; Barlow, James; McKee, Martin
  • Policy challenges to the quality of child health services in Bulgaria. (2010) Rechel, Boika; Spencer, Nick; Blackburn, Clare; Rechel, Bernd
  • Delivered With Care. A National Survey of Women's Experience of Maternity Care 2010. (2010) Redshaw, M; Heikkilä, K
  • HIV-related Stigma Measures and Measurement Tools:Consultation with PLHIV to contribute to the development of common indicators. (2010) Reynolds, L; Hows, J; Strazdins, E
  • Matching supply and demand for blood in Guizhou province, China: an unresolved challenge. (2010) Reynolds, Lucy; McKee, Martin
  • Organised crime and the efforts to combat it: a concern for public health. (2010) Reynolds, Lucy; McKee, Martin
  • Health and Health Care in the New Russia. (2010) Richardson, E
  • Book Reviews. (2010) Richardson, Erica
  • Levels and determinants of psychological distress in eight countries of the former Soviet Union. (2010) Roberts, Bayard; Abbott, Pamela; McKee, Martin
  • The influence of demographic characteristics, living conditions, and trauma exposure on the overall health of a conflict-affected population in Southern Sudan. (2010) Roberts, Bayard; Damundu, Eliaba Yona; Lomoro, Olivia; Sondorp, Egbert
  • A new method to estimate mortality in crisis-affected and resource-poor settings: validation study. (2010) Roberts, Bayard; Morgan, Oliver W; Sultani, Mohammed Ghaus; Nyasulu, Peter; Rwebangila, Sunday; Myatt, Mark; Sondorp, Egbert; Chandramohan, Daniel; Checchi, Francesco
  • A framework for developing an evidence-based, comprehensive tobacco control program. (2010) Rosen, Laura; Rosenberg, Elliot; McKee, Martin; Gan-Noy, Shosh; Levin, Diane; Mayshar, Elana; Shacham, Galia; Borowski, John; Nun, Gabi Bin; Lev, Boaz; Healthy Israel 2020 Tobacco Control Subcommittee picture_as_pdf
  • Prevention and management of chronic disease: a litmus test for health-systems strengthening in low-income and middle-income countries. (2010) Samb, Badara; Desai, Nina; Nishtar, Sania; Mendis, Shanti; Bekedam, Henk; Wright, Anna; Hsu, Justine; Martiniuk, Alexandra; Celletti, Francesca; Patel, Kiran; Adshead, Fiona; McKee, Martin; Evans, Tim; Alwan, Ala; Etienne, Carissa
  • The maternal age-specific live birth prevalence of trisomies 13 and 18 compared to trisomy 21 (Down syndrome). (2010) Savva, George M; Walker, Kate; Morris, Joan K
  • Accreditation and ISO certification: do they explain differences in quality management in European hospitals? (2010) Shaw, Charles; Groene, Oliver; Mora, Nuria; Sunol, Rosa
  • Health systems, communicable diseases and integration. (2010) Shigayeva, Altynay; Atun, Rifat; McKee, Martin; Coker, Richard
  • Learning from the noughties. (2010) Sim, F; Mackie, P
  • Living in interesting times. (2010) Sim, F; Mackie, P
  • Noise and tentacles: reflections on the 2010 Soccer World Cup. (2010) Sim, F; Mackie, P
  • Quiet heroes after the quake. (2010) Sim, F; Mackie, P
  • So easy to criticise, but beware of the consequences. (2010) Sim, F; Mackie, P
  • The intelligent reader's guide to health intelligence. (2010) Sim, F; Mackie, P
  • Short term impact of smoke-free legislation in England: retrospective analysis of hospital admissions for myocardial infarction. (2010) Sims, Michelle; Maxwell, Roy; Bauld, Linda; Gilmore, Anna
  • Trends in and predictors of second-hand smoke exposure indexed by cotinine in children in England from 1996 to 2006. (2010) Sims, Michelle; Tomkins, Susannah; Judge, Ken; Taylor, Gordon; Jarvis, Martin J; Gilmore, Anna
  • Where next for commissioning in the English NHS? (2010) Smith, J; Curry, N; Mays, N; Dixon, J
  • Managing mixed financing of privately owned providers in the public interest. (2010) Smith, J; Mays, N; Ovenden, C; Cumming, J; McDonald, J; Boston, J
  • Is the increasing policy use of Impact Assessment in Europe likely to undermine efforts to achieve healthy public policy? (2010) Smith, Katherine E; Fooks, Gary; Collin, Jeff; Weishaar, Heide; Gilmore, Anna B
  • "Working the system"--British American tobacco's influence on the European union treaty and its implications for policy: an analysis of internal tobacco industry documents. (2010) Smith, Katherine E; Fooks, Gary; Collin, Jeff; Weishaar, Heide; Mandal, Sema; Gilmore, Anna B
  • Measuring physical activity-related environmental factors: reliability and predictive validity of the European environmental questionnaire ALPHA. (2010) Spittaels, Heleen; Verloigne, Maïté; Gidlow, Christopher; Gloanec, Julien; Titze, Sylvia; Foster, Charlie; Oppert, Jean-Michel; Rutter, Harry; Oja, Pekka; Sjöström, Michael; De Bourdeaudhuij, Ilse
  • Responding to the challenge of resource mobilization -mechanisms for raising additional domestic resources for health. (2010) Stenberg, K; Elovainio, R; Chisholm, D; Fuhr, D; Perucic, AM; Rekve, D; Yurekli, A
  • Chronic-disease mortality traps and mixed progress to the health MDGs. (2010) Stuckler, D; Basu, S; McKee, M
  • Governance of Mining, HIV and Tuberculosis in Southern Africa. (2010) Stuckler, D; Basu, S; McKee, M
  • Protection and Public Health: Population Evidence from the Eu, 1980-2003. (2010) Stuckler, D; Basu, S; McKee, M
  • Social protection and public health: population evidence from the EU, 1980-2003. (2010) Stuckler, D; Basu, S; McKee, M
  • The Economic Crisis: Threats and Opportunities to Public Health. (2010) Stuckler, D; Basu, S; Suhrcke, M; McKee, M
  • The political economy of universal health coverage. Background paper for the global symposium on health systems research. (2010) Stuckler, D; Feigl, A; Basu, S; McKee, M
  • Banking Crises and Mortality during the Great Depression: Evidence from US Urban Populations, 1929-1937. (2010) Stuckler, D; Meissner, C; Fishback, P; Basu, S; McKee, M
  • Banking crises and mortality during the great depression: evidence from US urban populations, 1929-37. (2010) Stuckler, D; Meissner, C; Fishback, P; Basu, S; McKee, M
  • An evaluation of the International Monetary Fund's claims about public health. (2010) Stuckler, David; Basu, Sanjay; Gilmore, Anna; Batniji, Rajaie; Ooms, Gorik; Marphatia, Akanksha A; Hammonds, Rachel; McKee, Martin
  • Drivers of inequality in Millennium Development Goal progress: a statistical analysis. (2010) Stuckler, David; Basu, Sanjay; McKee, Martin
  • How government spending cuts put lives at risk. (2010) Stuckler, David; Basu, Sanjay; McKee, Martin
  • Public Health in Europe: Power, Politics, and Where Next? (2010) Stuckler, David; Basu, Sanjay; McKee, Martin
  • Responding to the economic crisis: a primer for public health professionals. (2010) Stuckler, David; Basu, Sanjay; McKee, Martin; Suhrcke, Marc
  • Recombinant human growth hormone for the treatment of growth disorders in children: a systematic review and economic evaluation. (2010) Takeda, A; Cooper, K; Bird, A; Baxter, L; Frampton, GK; Gospodarevskaya, E; Welch, K; Bryant, J
  • Expediency and coincidence in re-engineering a health system: an interpretive approach to formation of family medicine in Iran. (2010) Takian, Amirhossein; Rashidian, Arash; Kabir, Mohammad J
  • The impact of health system governance and policy processes on health services in Iraqi Kurdistan. (2010) Tawfik-Shukor, Ali; Khoshnaw, Hiro
  • Trends in adult heart transplantation: a national survey from the United Kingdom Cardiothoracic Transplant Audit 1995-2007. (2010) Thekkudan, Joyce; Rogers, Chris A; Thomas, Helen L; van der Meulen, Jan HP; Bonser, Robert S; Banner, Nicholas R; Steering Group, UK Cardiothoracic Transplant Audit
  • The effect of Haemophilus influenzae type b and pneumococcal conjugate vaccines on childhood pneumonia incidence, severe morbidity and mortality. (2010) Theodoratou, Evropi; Johnson, Sue; Jhass, Arnoupe; Madhi, Shabir A; Clark, Andrew; Boschi-Pinto, Cynthia; Bhopal, Sunil; Rudan, Igor; Campbell, Harry
  • From micronutrient recommendations to policy: consumer and stakeholder involvement. (2010) Timotijevic, L; Raats, MM; Barnett, J; Brown, K; Shepherd, R; Fernandez, L; Dömölki, L; Ruprich, J; Sonne, A-M; Hermoso, M; Koletzko, B; Frost-Andersen, L; Timmer, A
  • The effect of mode and context on survey results: analysis of data from the Health Survey for England 2006 and the Boost Survey for London. (2010) Tipping, Sarah; Hope, Steven; Pickering, Kevin; Erens, Bob; Roth, Marilyn A; Mindell, Jennifer S
  • ADH1B*2 allele is protective against alcoholism but not chronic liver disease in the Hungarian population. (2010) Toth, Reka; Pocsai, Zsuzsa; Fiatal, Szilvia; Szeles, Gyorgy; Kardos, Laszlo; Petrovski, Beata; McKee, Martin; Adany, Roza
  • Recording of adverse events in English general practice: analysis of data from electronic patient records. (2010) Tsang, Carmen; Majeed, Azeem; Banarsee, Ricky; Gnani, Shamini; Aylin, Paul
  • Economic evaluation of strategies for managing women with equivocal cytological results in Brazil. (2010) Vanni, Tazio; Legood, Rosa; Franco, Eduardo L; Villa, Luisa L; Luz, Paula Mendes; Schwartsmann, Gilberto
  • Conceptual issues related to the construction of prescriptive standards for the evaluation of postnatal growth of preterm infants. (2010) Villar, J; Knight, HE; de Onis, M; Bertino, E; Gilli, G; Papageorghiou, AT; Ismail, L Cheikh; Barros, FC; Bhutta, ZA; International Fetal and Newborn Growth Consortium (INTERGROWTH-2
  • New Neighbourhoods, New Citizens? Challenging ‘Community’ as a Framework for Social and Moral Regeneration under New Labour in the UK. (2010) WALLACE, ANDREW
  • ATLAS on Substance Use. Resources for the treatment and prevention of substance use disorders. Geneva, 2010, World Health Organization. (2010) WHO; Fuhr, Daniela; et al
  • Care Matters: Budget Holding Lead Professional Pilots (BHLPs) with Looked After Children in England. (2010) Walker, J; Laing, K; Wilson, G; Pennington, M
  • Reply. (2010) Walker, Kate; dos Santos Silva, Isabel
  • Remaking Community? New Labour and the governance of poor neighbourhoods. (2010) Wallace, A
  • Patient understanding of moles and skin cancer, and factors influencing presentation in primary care: a qualitative study. (2010) Walter, Fiona M; Humphrys, Elka; Tso, Simon; Johnson, Margaret; Cohn, Simon
  • Drinking and displacement: a systematic review of the influence of forced displacement on harmful alcohol use. (2010) Weaver, Heather; Roberts, Bayard
  • Validation of a Histopathological Score Tool for the Measurement of Severity in Muscle Biopsies from Patients with Juvenile Dermatomyositis. (2010) Wedderburn, LR; Varsani, H; Charman, SC; Amato, AA; Banwell, B; Bove, KE; Corse, AM; Emslie-Smith, A; Jacques, TS; Lundberg, IE; Marie, S; Minetti, C; Nenesmo, I; Rushing, EJ; Sewry, C; Pilkington, CA; Holton, JL
  • The association between deprivation and hospital mortality for admissions to critical care units in England. (2010) Welch, Catherine A; Harrison, David A; Hutchings, Andrew; Rowan, Kathryn
  • Synthesis of survival and disease progression outcomes for health technology assessment of cancer therapies. (2010) Welton, NJ; Willis, SR; Ades, AE
  • Public health and general practice education. (2010) Wills, J; Reynolds, J; Swanwick, T
  • DNA testing for hypertrophic cardiomyopathy: a cost-effectiveness model. (2010) Wordsworth, Sarah; Leal, José; Blair, Edward; Legood, Rosa; Thomson, Kate; Seller, Anneke; Taylor, Jenny; Watkins, Hugh
  • Capital in the city: investing in the hospital of the future. (2010) Wright, S; Rechel, B; McKee, M; Barlow, J
  • The influence of social capital on health in eight former Soviet countries: why does it differ? (2010) d'Hombres, Béatrice; Rocco, Lorenzo; Suhrcke, Marc; Haerpfer, Christian; McKee, Martin