Items where Faculty or Department is "Dept of Health Services Research and Policy"
  • LSHTM Organisational Structure (57264)
  • Faculty of Public Health and Policy (18160)
  • Dept of Health Services Research and Policy (6479)
    Number of items: 228.
    November 2005
  • Tobacco industry influence on science and scientists in Germany. (2005) Grüning, Thilo; Gilmore, Anna B; McKee, Martin
  • May 2005
  • Clinical effectiveness, tolerability and cost-effectiveness of newer drugs for epilepsy in adults: a systematic review and economic evaluation. (2005) Wilby, J; Kainth, A; Hawkins, N; Epstein, D; McIntosh, H; McDaid, C; Mason, A; Golder, S; O'Meara, S; Sculpher, M; Drummond, M; Forbes, C
  • 2005
  • Psychological impact of terrorist attacks [electronic response to: Roberts I. Book review - Terrorism and Public Health: A balanced approach to strengthening systems and protecting people]. (2005) Abenhaim, L; Dab, W; Lamping, D; Rouillon, F
  • Safety culture and accident risk control: Perceptions of professional divers and offshore workers. (2005) Adie, Wendy; Cairns, John; Macdiarmid, Jennie; Ross, John; Watt, Stephen; Taylor, Claire L; Osman, Liesl M
  • Economic evaluation databases as an aid to healthcare decision makers and researchers. (2005) Aguiar-Ibanez, R; Nixon, J; Glanville, J; Craig, D; Rice, S; Christie, J; Drummond, MF
  • What are 'third way' governments learning? Health care consumers and quality in England and Germany. (2005) Allen, Pauline; Hommel, Petra Riemer
  • The Wanless report and decision-making in public health. (2005) Allin, Sara; Mossialos, Elias; McKee, Martin; Holland, Walter
  • Omitted evidence? (2005) Alvarez-Rosete, A; Bevan, G; Mays, N; Dixon, J:
  • Effect of diverging policy across the NHS. (2005) Alvarez-Rosete, Arturo; Bevan, Gwyn; Mays, Nicholas; Dixon, Jennifer
  • Continuity through change: the rhetoric and reality of health reform in New Zealand. (2005) Ashton, Toni; Mays, Nicholas; Devlin, Nancy
  • Is the private finance initiative dead? (2005) Atun, Rifat A; McKee, Martin
  • Analysis of how the health systems context shapes responses to the control of human immunodeficiency virus: case-studies from the Russian Federation. (2005) Atun, Rifat A; McKee, Martin; Drobniewski, Francis; Coker, Richard
  • Review of Antenatal-Linked Voluntary Counseling and HIV Testing in Sub-Saharan Africa: Lessons and Options for Ghana. (2005) Baiden, F; Baiden, Rita; Williams, J; Akweongo, Patricia; Clerk, Christine; Debpuur, C; Philips, J; Hodgson, A
  • The importance of access to effective care: lessons from the former Soviet Union. (2005) Balabanova, D; McKee, M
  • Policy Brief: Cross-Border Health Care in Europe. (2005) Bertinato, L; Busse, R; Fahy, N; Legido-Quigley, H; McKee, M; Palm, W; Passarani, I; Ronfini, F
  • Primary care patients in the emergency department: who are they? A review of the definition of the 'primary care patient' in the emergency department. (2005) Bezzina, Andrew J; Smith, Peter B; Cromwell, David; Eagar, Kathy
  • Multilocus sequence typing directly on DNA from clinical samples and a cultured isolate to investigate linked fatal pneumococcal disease in residents of a shelter for homeless men. (2005) Birtles, Andrew; McCarthy, Noel; Sheppard, Carmen L; Rutter, Harry; Guiver, Malcolm; Haworth, Elizabeth; George, Robert C
  • Review of ' Management mistakes in healthcare. Identification, correction and prevention.' Hofmann PB, Perry F (eds). (2005) Black, N
  • Understanding Health Services. (2005) Black, NA; Gruen, R
  • Rise and demise of the hospital: a reappraisal of nursing. (2005) Black, Nick
  • Prison Health in Russia: is it safer to be detained. (2005) Bobrik, A; Danishevski, K; Eroshina, K; McKee, M
  • Prison health in Russia: is it safer to be detained? (2005) Bobrik, A; Danishevski, K; Eroshina, K; McKee, M
  • Prison health in Russia: the larger picture. (2005) Bobrik, Alexey; Danishevski, Kirill; Eroshina, Ksenia; McKee, Martin
  • Trends and socio-economic inequalities in cancer survival of patients with Hodgkin's lymphoma diagnosed in England and Wales between 1986 and 1999. (2005) Bohlius, J; Rachet, B; Nolte, E; Engert, A; Coleman, M
  • Pathways of care and resource utilization in a national cohort of patients with transfusion-acquired hepatitis C. (2005) Brant, L; Harris, HE; Ramsay, ME; Grieve, R; Roberts, J; HCV National Register Steering Group*
  • Palliative care: challenges in caring for dying people. (2005) Burt, Jenni; Shipman, Cathy
  • Making health policy. (2005) Buse, K; Mays, N; Walt, G
  • What are nurses worth? (2005) Cairns, John; Naish, Jane
  • Description of an individual patient methodology for calculating for cost-effectiveness of treatments for osteoporosis in women. (2005) Calvert, N
  • Forty-eight hour access to primary care: practice factors predicting patients' perceptions. (2005) Campbell, John L; Ramsay, Jean; Green, Judith; Harvey, Kate
  • Health system frailties in tuberculosis service provision in Russia: an analysis through the lens of formal nutritional support. (2005) Coker, RJ; Dimitrova, B; Drobniewski, F; Samyshkin, Y; Pomerleau, J; Hohlova, GY; Skuratova, N; Kuznetsov, S; Fedorin, I; Atun, R
  • Determinants of obstetric practices in the information poor setting of a typical Russian region. (2005) Danishevski, K; Balabanova, D; McKee, M
  • Inequalities in birth outcomes in Russia: evidence from Tula oblast. (2005) Danishevski, Kirill; Balabanova, Dina; McKee, Martin; Nolte, Ellen; Schwalbe, Nina; Vasilieva, Natalia
  • Reforming the Russian health-care system. (2005) Danishevski, Kirill; McKee, Martin
  • Uncertainty in the diagnosis of polymyalgia rheumatica (PMR): Lack of agreement between rheumatologists. (2005) Dasgupta, B; Hutchings, A; Hollywood, J; Bourke, B; Gendi, N
  • New Zealand. (2005) Devlin, N; Mays, N
  • The whole truth and nothing but the truth? The research that Philip Morris did not want you to see. (2005) Diethelm, Pascal A; Rielle, Jean-Charles; McKee, Martin
  • Increased risk of tuberculosis among health care workers in Samara Oblast, Russia: analysis of notification data. (2005) Dimitrova, B; Hutchings, A; Atun, R; Drobniewski, F; Marchenko, G; Zakharova, S; Fedorin, I; Coker, RJ
  • Inequality in willingness-to-pay for community-based health insurance. (2005) Dong, Hengjin; Kouyate, Bocar; Cairns, John; Sauerborn, Rainer
  • Economic evaluation: what does a nurse manager need to know? (2005) Douglas, Hannah-Rose; Normand, Charles
  • A new approach to eliciting patients' preferences for palliative day care: the choice experiment method. (2005) Douglas, Hannah-Rose; Normand, Charles E; Higginson, Irene J; Goodwin, Danielle M
  • Assessing public perception: issues and methods. (2005) Dowler, E; Green, J; Gasperoni, C
  • Risk and trust: determinants of public perceptions. (2005) Draper, A; Green, J; Dowler, E
  • Reshaping the regulation of the workforce in European health care systems. (2005) Dubois, CA; Dixon, A; McKee, M
  • Analysing trends, opportunities and challenges. (2005) Dubois, CA; McKee, M; Nolte, E
  • Moving forward: building a strategic framework for the development of the health care workforce. (2005) Dubois, CA; McKee, M; Nolte, E
  • Human resources for health in Europe. (2005) Dubois, CA; Nolte, E; McKee, M
  • Screening for abdominal aortic aneurysm in a geographically isolated area. (2005) Duncan, JL; Wolf, B; Nichols, DM; Lindsay, SM; Cairns, J; Godden, DJ
  • The availability of treatment for addictions in medium secure psychiatric in-patient services. Final Report to the Department of Health. (2005) Durand, M; Lelliott, P; Coyle, N
  • The Addiction Psychiatry Services Project: A study of the number, roles, responsibilities and activities of specialist addiction psychiatrists in England. Final Report to the Department of Health. (2005) Durand, M; Lelliott, P; Crome, I; Coyle, N
  • Environmental and social factors as determinants of respiratory dysfunction in junior school children in Moscow. (2005) Eroshina, K; Danishevski, K; Wilkinson, P; McKee, M; Zaitseva, E
  • Environmental and social factors as determinants of respiratory dysfunction in junior school children in Moscow. (2005) Eroshina, K; Danishevski, K; Wilkinson, P; McKee, M; Zaitseva, E
  • Practice nurses and older people: a case management approach to care. (2005) Evans, Catherine; Drennan, Vari; Roberts, Julia
  • Reported sexually transmitted disease clinic attendance and sexually transmitted infections in britain: prevalence, risk factors, and proportionate population burden. (2005) Fenton, Kevin A; Mercer, Catherine H; Johnson, Anne M; Byron, Christos L; McManus, Sally; Erens, Bob; Copas, Andrew J; Nanchahal, Kiran; Macdowall, Wendy; Wellings, Kaye
  • Ethnic variations in sexual behaviour in Great Britain and risk of sexually transmitted infections: a probability survey. (2005) Fenton, Kevin A; Mercer, Catherine H; McManus, Sally; Erens, Bob; Wellings, Kaye; Macdowall, Wendy; Byron, Christos L; Copas, Andrew J; Nanchahal, Kiran; Field, Julia; Johnson, Anne M
  • Neonatal Ventilation With Inhaled Nitric Oxide Versus Ventilatory Support Without Inhaled Nitric Oxide for Preterm Infants With Severe Respiratory Failure: the INNOVO multicentre randomised controlled trial (ISRCTN 17821339). (2005) Field, D; Elbourne, D; Truesdale, A; Grieve, R; Hardy, P; Fenton, AC; Subhedar, N; Ahluwalia, J; Halliday, HL; Stocks, J; Tomlin, K; Normand, C; INNOVO Trial Collaborating Group
  • Health and health care in transitional Europe. (2005) Fister, Kristina; McKee, Martin
  • Economic Evaluation. (2005) Fox-Rushby, J; Cairns, J; (Eds)
  • Changing organisations: a study of the context and processes of mergers of health care providers in England. (2005) Fulop, Naomi; Protopsaltis, Gerasimos; King, Annette; Allen, Pauline; Hutchings, Andrew; Normand, Charles
  • Informal payment for health care: evidence from Hungary. (2005) Gaal, Peter; Evetovits, Tamas; McKee, Martin
  • Fee-for-service or donation? Hungarian perspectives on informal payment for health care. (2005) Gaal, Peter; McKee, Martin
  • How the East was won: BAT and Big Tobacco's conquest of the former Soviet Union. (2005) Gilmore, A; McKee, M
  • Exploring the impact of foreign direct investment on tobacco consumption in the former Soviet Union. (2005) Gilmore, AB; McKee, M
  • Pushing up smoking incidence: plans for a privatised tobacco industry in Moldova. (2005) Gilmore, Anna B; Radu-Loghin, Cornel; Zatushevski, Irina; McKee, Martin
  • Health Watch exposure estimates: do they underestimate benzene exposure? (2005) Glass, DC; Gray, CN; Jolley, DJ; Gibbons, C; Sim, MR
  • Correcting for bias when estimating the cost of hospital-acquired infection: an analysis of lower respiratory tract infections in non-surgical patients. (2005) Graves, Nicholas; Weinhold, Diana; Roberts, Jennifer A
  • Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm: A service in need of surgery? A report of the National Confidential Enquiry into Patient Outcome and Death. (2005) Gray, A; Landsdown, M; Hargraves, C; Cullinane, M; Tsang, C; Smith, N
  • A survey of the specialist public health workforce in the UK in 2003. (2005) Gray, S; Perlman, F; Griffiths, S
  • Managing uncertainty: Etnographic studies of illness, risk and the struggle for control. (2005) Green, J
  • Professions and community. (2005) Green, J
  • Principles of Social Research. (2005) Green, J; Brown, J
  • Public understanding of food risks in four European countries: a qualitative study. (2005) Green, Judith M; Draper, Alizon K; Dowler, Elizabeth A; Fele, Giolo; Hagenhoff, Vera; Rusanen, Maria; Rusanen, Timo
  • Translators and mediators: bilingual young people's accounts of their interpreting work in health care. (2005) Green, Judith; Free, Caroline; Bhavnani, Vanita; Newman, Tony
  • Review: Health economics: an introduction to economic evaluation. Second edition. (2005) Grieve, R
  • Using multilevel models for assessing the variability of multinational resource use and cost data. (2005) Grieve, Richard; Nixon, Richard; Thompson, Simon G; Normand, Charles
  • Evaluating the progress of the health promoting hospitals initiative? A WHO perspective. Commentary on: Whitehead, D. (2004) The European Health Promoting Hospitals (HPH) project: how far on? Health Promotion International, 19, 259-267. (2005) Groene, O
  • Standards for health promotion in hospitals: development and pilot test in nine European countries. (2005) Groene, O; Jorgensen, SJ; Fugleholm, AM; Møller, L; Garcia-Barbero, M
  • Health promotion in hospitals--a strategy to improve quality in health care. (2005) Groene, Oliver; Jorgensen, Svend Juul
  • Tobacco industry influence on science and scientists in Germany. (2005) Gruning, T; Gilmore, AB; McKee, M
  • Professionalization of hospice volunteer practices: what are the implications? (2005) Guirguis-Younger, Manal; Kelley, Mary-Lou; McKee, Margaret
  • The development of the Indian vision function questionnaire: field testing and psychometric evaluation. (2005) Gupta, SK; Viswanath, K; Thulasiraj, RD; Murthy, GVS; Lamping, DL; Smith, SC; Donoghue, M; Fletcher, AE
  • Improved survival with VATS pleurectomy-decortication in advanced malignant mesothelioma. (2005) Halstead, JC; Lim, E; Venkateswaran, RM; Charman, SC; Goddard, M; Ritchie, AJ
  • Assessing the Cost-Effectiveness of New Pharmaceuticals in Epilepsy in Adults :. (2005) Hawkins, N; Epstein, D; Drummond, M; Wilby, J
  • Assessing the cost-effectiveness of new pharmaceuticals in epilepsy in adults: the results of a probabilistic decision model. (2005) Hawkins, Neil; Epstein, David; Drummond, Michael; Wilby, Jennifer; Kainth, Anita; Chadwick, David; Sculpher, Mark
  • Cost-effectiveness analysis of treatments for chronic disease: using R to incorporate time dependency of treatment response. (2005) Hawkins, Neil; Sculpher, Mark; Epstein, David
  • Challenges to implementing the national programme for information technology (NPfIT): a qualitative study. (2005) Hendy, Jane; Reeves, Barnaby C; Fulop, Naomi; Hutchings, Andrew; Masseria, Cristina
  • How responsive is the Multiple Sclerosis Impact Scale (MSIS-29)? A comparison with some other self report scales. (2005) Hobart, JC; Riazi, A; Lamping, DL; Fitzpatrick, R; Thompson, AJ
  • Screening of new entrants for tuberculosis: responses to port notifications. (2005) Hogan, Helen; Coker, Richard; Gordon, Alex; Meltzer, Margie; Pickles, Hilary
  • An experimental study of determinants of the extent of disagreement within clinical guideline development groups. (2005) Hutchings, A; Raine, R; Sanderson, C; Black, N
  • Temporal changes in home advantage in English football since the Second World War: what explains improved away performance? (2005) Jacklin, Paul B
  • Functional status of patients before liver transplantation as a predictor of posttransplant mortality. (2005) Jacob, Mathew; Copley, Lynn P; Lewsey, James D; Gimson, Alex; Rela, Mohamed; van der Meulen, Jan HP; UK and Ireland Liver Transplant Audit
  • Systematic review and validation of prognostic models in liver transplantation. (2005) Jacob, Matthew; Lewsey, James D; Sharpin, Carlos; Gimson, Alexander; Rela, Mohammed; van der Meulen, Jan HP
  • Peace through health care in Ireland. (2005) Jamison, J; McKee, M; Legido-Quigley, H
  • The VEINES-QOL/Sym questionnaire is a valid and reliable measure of quality of life in patients with deep venous thrombosis. (2005) Kahn, S; Lamping, D; Ducruet, T; Arsenault, L; Miron, M; Roussin, A; Desmarais, S; Joyal, F; Kassis, J; Solymoss, S; Desjardins, L
  • Incidence, timing of onset and severity of post-thrombotic syndrome after acute symptomatic deep vein thrombosis: Two-year results from a Canadian multicenter prospective cohort study (The VETO study). (2005) Kahn, SR; Ducruet, T; Arsenault, L; Miron, MJ; Roussin, A; Desmarais, S; Joyal, F; Kassis, J; Solymoss, S; Desjardins, L; Johri, M; Shrier, I; Lamping, DL; Ginsberg, JS
  • Predictors of the development of post-thrombotic syndrome after acute symptomatic deep vein thrombosis: Two-year results from a Canadian multicenter prospective cohort study (The VETO study). (2005) Kahn, SR; Ducruet, T; Arsenault, L; Miron, MJ; Roussin, A; Desmarais, S; Joyal, F; Kassis, J; Solymoss, S; Ginsberg, JS; Desjardins, L; Johri, M; Lamping, DL; Shrier, I
  • Determinants of health-related quality of life after deep venous thrombosis: Two-year results from a Canadian multicenter prospective cohort study - (The VETO study). (2005) Kahn, SR; Vydykhan, T; Lamping, DL; Ducruet, T; Arsenault, L; Miron, MJ; Roussin, A; Desmarais, S; Joyal, F; Kassis, J; Solymoss, S; Ginsberg, JS; Desjardins, L; Johri, M; Shrier, I
  • Prospective evaluation of health-related quality of life in patients with deep venous thrombosis. (2005) Kahn, Susan R; Ducruet, Thierry; Lamping, Donna L; Arsenault, Louise; Miron, Marie Jose; Roussin, Andre; Desmarais, Sylvie; Joyal, France; Kassis, Jeannine; Solymoss, Susan; Desjardins, Louis; Johri, Mira; Shrier, Ian
  • The Commission for Africa: a recipe for success? (2005) Kiely, Sarah; Global Health Monitoring Network
  • Psychotic symptoms in the general population of England--a comparison of ethnic groups (The EMPIRIC study). (2005) King, Michael; Nazroo, James; Weich, Scott; McKenzie, Kwame; Bhui, Kam; Karlsen, Saffron; Stansfeld, Stephen; Tyrer, Peter; Blanchard, Martin; Lloyd, Keith; McManus, Sally; Sproston, Kerry; Erens, Bob
  • Childhood obesity: the case for binding international legislation. (2005) Knai, Cécile; Lobstein, Tim; McKee, Martin
  • Getting children to eat more fruit and vegetables: a systematic review. (2005) Knai, Cécile; Pomerleau, Joceline; Lock, Karen; McKee, Martin
  • A comprehensive approach for evaluating telemedicine-delivered multidisciplinary breast cancer meetings in southern Scotland. (2005) Kunkler, IH; Fielding, RG; Brebner, J; Prescott, R; Maclean, JR; Cairns, J; Chetty, U; Neades, G; Walls, A; Bowman, A; Dixon, JM; Gardner, T; Smith, M; MacCoubrey, J; Lee, AJ; Swann, S; Mcnab, M; Wilson, J; Nawroz, I
  • Reorienting health-research communication. (2005) Kuruvilla, Shyama; Mays, Nicholas
  • Creative use of existing clinical and health outcomes data to assess NHS performance in England: part 2--more challenging aspects of monitoring. (2005) Lakhani, Azim; Coles, James; Eayres, Daniel; Spence, Craig; Sanderson, Colin
  • Perceptions and practice of concordance in nurses' prescribing consultations: findings from a national questionnaire survey and case studies of practice in England. (2005) Latter, Sue; Maben, Jill; Myall, Michelle; Young, Amanda
  • Quality of Care, Patient Orientation, Information to Patients and Professionals. (2005) Legido-Quigley, H; McKee, M; Nolte, E
  • Screening for cervical cancer in India: How much will it cost? A trial based analysis of the cost per case detected. (2005) Legood, Rosa; Gray, Alastair M; Mahé, Cedric; Wolstenholme, Jane; Jayant, Kasturi; Nene, Bhagwan M; Shastri, Surendra S; Malvi, Sylla G; Muwonge, Richard; Budukh, Atul M; Sankaranarayanan, Rengaswamy
  • Pressure ulcers: guideline development and economic modelling. (2005) Legood, Rosa; McInnes, Elizabeth
  • Health impact assessment: assessing opportunities and barriers to intersectoral health improvement in an expanded European Union. (2005) Lock, Karen; McKee, Martin
  • Will Europe's agricultural policy damage progress on cardiovascular disease? (2005) Lock, Karen; McKee, Martin
  • The global burden of disease attributable to low consumption of fruit and vegetables: implications for the global strategy on diet. (2005) Lock, Karen; Pomerleau, Joceline; Causer, Louise; Altmann, Dan R; McKee, Martin
  • Data on HIV in Eastern and Central Europe - fact or fiction? (2005) Lokrantz, B; Rechel, B
  • Early mortality after cardiac transplantation: should we do better? (2005) Luckraz, Heyman; Goddard, Martin; Charman, Susan C; Wallwork, John; Parameshwar, Jayan; Large, Stephen R
  • Does heart transplantation confer survival benefit in all risk groups? (2005) Luckraz, Heyman; Sharples, Linda D; Charman, Susan C; Tsui, Steven SL; Wallwork, John; Parameshwar, Jayan; Large, Stephen R
  • Chlamydia screening in general practice: a missed opportunity? (2005) Ma, Richard
  • Chlamydia screening in general practice: views of professionals on the key elements of a successful programme. (2005) Ma, Richard; Clarke, Aileen
  • Counting counts. (2005) Mackie, Phil; Sim, Fiona
  • Future imperfect. (2005) Mackie, Phil; Sim, Fiona
  • Mercury rising or 'Why is a raven like a writing desk?'. (2005) Mackie, Phil; Sim, Fiona
  • Publishing ethics and Public Health. (2005) Mackie, Phil; Sim, Fiona
  • Time and tide wait for no one. (2005) Mackie, Phil; Sim, Fiona
  • To screen or not to screen? Now that is a question, perhaps? (2005) Mackie, Phil; Sim, Fiona
  • The psychological impact of human papillomavirus testing in women with borderline or mildly dyskaryotic cervical smear test results: 6-month follow-up. (2005) Maissi, E; Marteau, TM; Hankins, M; Moss, S; Legood, R; Gray, A
  • Estimating mean QALYs in trial-based cost-effectiveness analysis: the importance of controlling for baseline utility. (2005) Manca, Andrea; Hawkins, Neil; Sculpher, Mark J
  • Details of approaches to synthesis – a methodological appendix to the paper: systematically reviewing qualitative and quantitative evidence to inform management and policy making in the health field. (2005) Mays, N; Pope, C; Popay, J
  • Systematically reviewing qualitative and quantitative evidence to inform management and policy-making in the health field. (2005) Mays, Nicholas; Pope, Catherine; Popay, Jennie
  • Chlamydia trachomatis testing in the second British national survey of sexual attitudes and lifestyles: respondent uptake and treatment outcomes. (2005) McCadden, Angela; Fenton, Kevin A; McManus, Sally; Mercer, Catherine H; Erens, Bob; Carder, Caroline; Ridgway, Geoff; Macdowall, Wendy; Nanchahal, Kiran; Byron, Christos L; Copas, Andrew; Wellings, Kaye; Johnson, Anne M
  • Investigating the relationship between HIV testing and risk behaviour in Britain: National Survey of Sexual Attitudes and Lifestyles 2000. (2005) McGarrigle, Christine A; Mercer, Catherine H; Fenton, Kevin A; Copas, Andrew J; Wellings, Kaye; Erens, Bob; Johnson, Anne M
  • Review: Communism, health and lifestyle. The paradox of mortality transition in Albania, 1950–1990. (2005) McKee, M
  • Lung cancer in Austria - a cohort analysis. (2005) McKee, M; Bachinger, E
  • Purchasing to promote population health. (2005) McKee, M; Brand, H
  • Changing professional boundaries. (2005) McKee, M; Dubois, CA; Sibbald, B
  • European health policy: where now? (2005) McKee, Martin
  • Monitoring health in central and eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union. (2005) McKee, Martin
  • Understanding population health: lessons from the former Soviet Union. (2005) McKee, Martin
  • A failure of leadership? Why Northern Ireland must introduce a total ban on workplace smoking. (2005) McKee, Martin
  • The need for development assistance for health in the eastern European Region. (2005) McKee, Martin
  • George W Bush's second term. (2005) McKee, Martin; Foster, Susan
  • International cooperation and health. Part 2: making a difference. (2005) McKee, Martin; Gilmore, Anna B; Schwalbe, Nina
  • International cooperation and health. Part I: Issues and concepts. (2005) McKee, Martin; Gilmore, Anna B; Schwalbe, Nina
  • Counting the cost of violence in the Middle East. (2005) McKee, Martin; Janson, Staffan
  • Social transition and substance abuse. (2005) McKee, Martin; Leon, David A
  • INTERHEART. (2005) McKee, Martin; Leon, David A; Tomkins, Susannah; Shkolnikov, Vladimir M; Andreev, Evgeni
  • Choosing health? First choose your philosophy. (2005) McKee, Martin; Raine, Rosalind
  • Commentary: health and economic transition. (2005) McKee, Martin; Suhrcke, Marc
  • The composition of surrogate alcohols consumed in Russia. (2005) McKee, Martin; Suzcs, Sándor; Sárváry, Attila; Adany, Roza; Kiryanov, Nikolay; Saburova, Ludmila; Tomkins, Susannah; Andreev, Evgeny; Leon, David A
  • Comparing outcomes of cataract surgery: challenges and opportunities. (2005) McKee, Martin; Whatling, Justin M; Wilson, John L; Vallance-Owen, Andrew
  • Kyrgyzstan. (2005) Meimanaliev, A.-, S; Ibraimova, A; Elebesov, B; Rechel, B
  • Possible explanations for the increase in the prevalence of male homosexual partnerships and practices in Britain 1990-2000. A response to Boily et al. (2005) Mercer, C; Johnson, A; Copas, A; Fenton, K; Erens, B; Wellings, K
  • Comparing estimates of cost effectiveness submitted to the National Institute for Clinical Excellence (NICE) by different organisations: retrospective study. (2005) Miners, AH; Garau, M; Fidan, D; Fischer, AJ
  • Comparing estimates of cost effectiveness submitted to the National Institute for Clinical Excellence (NICE) by different organisations: retrospective study. (2005) Miners, AH; Garau, Martina; Fidan, Dogan; Fischer, AJ
  • Applicability of coiling for subarachnoid haemorrhage. (2005) Molyneux, Andrew J; Kerr, Richard; Langham, Julia; Lindsay, Ken
  • Changes in the circumstances of young mothers in Britain: 1990 to 2000. (2005) Nanchahal, Kiran; Wellings, Kaye; Barrett, Geraldine; Copas, Andrew J; Mercer, Catherine H; Macmanus, Sally; Macdowall, Wendy; Fenton, Kevin A; Erens, Bob; Johnson, Anne M
  • Functional limitation in long standing illness and quality of life: evidence from a national survey. (2005) Netuveli, Gopalakrishnan; Wiggins, Richard D; Hildon, Zoe; Montgomery, Scott M; Blane, David
  • International benchmarking of health systems: from aggregate measures to tracer conditions. (2005) Nolte, E; Bain, C; McKee, M
  • Responding to the challenge of chronic diseases: lessons from England? (2005) Nolte, E; McKee, M
  • Morbidity and mortality in transition countries of Europe. (2005) Nolte, E; McKee, M; Gilmore, A
  • Research on health, health system and service evaluation. (2005) Nolte, E; McKee, M; Wait, S
  • From the many to the few: changes in urological cancer surgery provision. (2005) Nuttall, M; van der Meulen, J; Emberton, M
  • An analysis of the Research Fellowship Scheme of the Royal College of Surgeons of England. (2005) Nuttall, Martin C; van der Meulen, Jan HP; Browne, John P; Emberton, Mark; Coomer, Martyn; Mundy, Anthony R; Morris, Peter J
  • Changes in patient characteristics and outcomes for radical cystectomy in England. (2005) Nuttall, Martin C; van der Meulen, Jan; McIntosh, Gregor; Gillatt, David; Emberton, Mark
  • A description of radical nephrectomy practice and outcomes in England: 1995-2002. (2005) Nuttall, Martin; Cathcart, Paul; van der Meulen, Jan; Gillatt, David; McIntosh, Gregor; Emberton, Mark
  • Tackling health inequalities: a midwifery challenge. (2005) Peckham, S; Carlson, C
  • Decentralisation as an Organisational Model for Health Care in England. (2005) Peckham, S; Exworthy, M; Powell, M; Greener, I
  • Decentralisation, centralisation and devolution in publicly funded health services: decentralisation as an organisational model for health-care in England. (2005) Peckham, S; Exworthy, M; Powell, M; Greener, I
  • Decentralizing Health Services: More Local Accountability or Just More Central Control? (2005) Peckham, Stephen; Exworthy, Mark; Greener, Ian; Powell, Martin
  • Extended ganciclovir prophylaxis in lung transplantation. (2005) Perreas, KG; McNeil, K; Charman, S; Sharples, LD; Wreghitt, T; Wallwork, J
  • Issues in public health. (2005) Pomerleau, J; McKee, M
  • Interventions designed to increase adult fruit and vegetable intake can be effective: a systematic review of the literature. (2005) Pomerleau, Joceline; Lock, Karen; Knai, Cécile; McKee, Martin
  • Drinking in the Commonwealth of Independent States--evidence from eight countries. (2005) Pomerleau, Joceline; McKee, Martin; Rose, Richard; Haerpfer, Christian W; Rotman, David; Tumanov, Sergej
  • Pesquisa qualitative an atenção à saude (in Portuguese). (2005) Pope, C; Mays, N
  • Urban Settings and Opportunities for Healthy Lifestyles: Rediscovering Walking and Cycling and Understanding Their Health Benefits. (2005) Racioppi, Francesca; Dora, Carlos; Rutter, Harry
  • What makes a good employer? (2005) Rafferty, A; Maben, J; West, E
  • 'Referral into a void': opinions of general practitioners and others on single point of access to mental health care. (2005) Raine, Rosalind; Carter, Simon; Sensky, Tom; Black, Nick
  • Developing clinical guidelines: a challenge to current methods. (2005) Raine, Rosalind; Sanderson, Colin; Black, Nick
  • Financial incentives and quality improvement. (2005) Rashidian, A; Black, N; Russell, I
  • A population based survey of the prevalence and types of glaucoma in rural West Bengal: the West Bengal Glaucoma Study. (2005) Raychaudhuri, A; Lahiri, SK; Bandyopadhyay, M; Foster, PJ; Reeves, BC; Johnson, GJ
  • Human rights and health in Turkmenistan. (2005) Rechel, B; McKee, M
  • The effects of dictatorship on health in Turkmenistan. (2005) Rechel, B; McKee, M
  • Are the health Millennium Development Goals appropriate for Eastern Europe and Central Asia? (2005) Rechel, Bernd; Shapo, Laidon; McKee, Martin; Health, Nutrition and Population Group, Europe and Central Asia
  • Evidence about evidence. (2005) Reeves, BC
  • Systematic reviews incorporating evidence from nonrandomized study designs: reasons for caution when estimating health effects. (2005) Reeves, BC; van Binsbergen, J; van Weel, C
  • Children in acute housing need. (2005) Regan, S; Neuburger, J
  • Implementing general practice in Russia: getting beyond the first steps - a key informants study. (2005) Rese, A; Balabanova, D; Danishevski, K; McKee, M; Sheaff, R
  • Implementing general practice in Russia: getting beyond the first steps. A key informants study. (2005) Rese, A; Balabanova, D; Danishevski, K; McKee, M; Sheaff, R
  • Implementing general practice in Russia: getting beyond the first steps. A key informants study. Oral presentation by D.Balabanova. (2005) Rese, A; Balabanova, D; Danishevski, K; McKee, M; Sheaff, R
  • Implementing general practice in Russia: getting beyond the first steps. (2005) Rese, Andrey; Balabanova, Dina; Danishevski, Kirill; McKee, Martin; Sheaff, Rod
  • Grommets in otitis media with effusion: an individual patient data meta-analysis. (2005) Rovers, MM; Black, N; Browning, GG; Maw, R; Zielhuis, GA; Haggard, MP
  • Women's employment in urban Bangladesh: A challenge to gender identity? (2005) Salway, S; Jesmin, S; Rahman, S
  • Improving clinical outcomes in coronary artery bypass graft surgery. (2005) Sedrakyan, Artyom
  • Reply to the Editor. (2005) Sedrakyan, Artyom; O’Byrne, Ken
  • Pharmacologic prophylaxis for postoperative atrial tachyarrhythmia in general thoracic surgery: evidence from randomized clinical trials. (2005) Sedrakyan, Artyom; Treasure, Tom; Browne, John; Krumholz, Harlan; Sharpin, Carlos; van der Meulen, Jan
  • The Asian Tsunami remembered. (2005) Sim, F; Mackie, P
  • Health and the hot air of a European summer. (2005) Sim, Fiona; Mackie, Phil
  • Mind the gap: from rhetoric to action. (2005) Sim, Fiona; Mackie, Phil
  • New monthly publication. (2005) Sim, Fiona; Mackie, Phil
  • Understanding resolution of deliberate self harm: qualitative interview study of patients' experiences. (2005) Sinclair, Julia; Green, Judith
  • A randomized controlled trial to determine the effectiveness of prism spectacles for patients with age-related macular degeneration. (2005) Smith, Heather J; Dickinson, Christine M; Cacho, Isabel; Reeves, Barnaby C; Harper, Robert A
  • Practice based commissioning: applying the research evidence. (2005) Smith, Judith; Dixon, Jennifer; Mays, Nicholas; McLeod, Hugh; Goodwin, Nick; McClelland, Siobhan; Lewis, Richard; Wyke, Sally
  • Primary care trusts: do they have a future? (2005) Smith, Judith; Mays, Nicholas
  • Routine use of patient-reported outcome measures in surgical treatment centres: Developing an evidence base. (2005) Smith, S; Cano, S; Browne, J; Lamping, D; Black, N; van der Meulen, J; Staniszewska, S; Lewsey, J; Cairns, J
  • Evaluating patient-based outcomes in critical care: Putting clinical wisdom to the psychometric test. (2005) Smith, S; Lamping, D; Nightingale, P; MacFarlane, S; Rowan, K
  • Health Care Evaluation. (2005) Smith, S; Sinclair, D; Raine, R; Reeves, B
  • Measurement of health-related quality of life for people with dementia: development of a new instrument (DEMQOL) and an evaluation of current methodology. (2005) Smith, SC; Lamping, DL; Banerjee, S; Harwood, R; Foley, B; Smith, P; Cook, JC; Murray, J; Prince, M; Levin, E; Mann, A; Knapp, M
  • What constitutes health-related quality of life in dementia? Development of a conceptual framework for people with dementia and their carers. (2005) Smith, Sarah C; Murray, Joanna; Banerjee, Sube; Foley, Beth; Cook, Joanna C; Lamping, Donna L; Prince, Martin; Harwood, Rowan H; Levin, Enid; Mann, Anthony
  • Boundary workers and the management of frustration: a case study of two Healthy City partnerships. (2005) Stern, Ruth; Green, Judith
  • Endothelial activation in the transplanted human heart from organ retrieval to 3 months after transplantation: an observational study. (2005) Stoica, Serban C; Atkinson, Carl; Satchithananda, Duwarakan K; Charman, Susan; Goddard, Martin; Redington, Andrew N; Large, Stephen R
  • The contribution of health to the economy in the European Union. (2005) Suhrcke, M; McKee, M; Sauto Arce, R; Tsolova, S; Mortensen, J
  • From health to wealth: the contribution of health to the economy in the European Union. (2005) Suhrcke, M; McKee, M; Sauto, R; Tsolova, S; Mortensen, J
  • Development assistance for health in central and eastern European Region. (2005) Suhrcke, Marc; Rechel, Bernd; Michaud, Catherine
  • Could the high level of cirrhosis in Central and Eastern Europe be due partly to the quality of alcohol consumed? An exploratory investigation. (2005) Szucs, S; Sarvary, A; McKee, M; Adany, R
  • Could the high level of cirrhosis in central and eastern Europe be due partly to the quality of alcohol consumed? An exploratory investigation. (2005) Szucs, Sándor; Sárváry, Attila; McKee, Martin; Adány, Róza
  • Prospective epidemiologic study of the outcome and cost-effectiveness of antenatal screening to detect neonatal alloimmune thrombocytopenia due to anti-HPA-1a. (2005) Turner, Marc L; Bessos, Hagop; Fagge, Timothy; Harkness, Mairi; Rentoul, Frances; Seymour, Janelle; Wilson, David; Gray, Irene; Ahya, Ridheesh; Cairns, John; Urbaniak, Stan
  • Commentary: the importance of addressing the rise of overweight and obesity--progress or lack of action during the last fifty years? (2005) Uauy, Ricardo; Lock, Karen
  • Public involvement and the ageing of the population: incompatible trends? (2005) Wait, S; Nolte, E
  • Benchmarking health systems: trends, conceptual issues and future perspectives. (2005) Wait, Suzanne; Nolte, Ellen
  • Effects of combined exercise and self-management regimens on pain and function in patients with osteoarthritis of the hip and knee: A systematic review with meta-analysis. (2005) Walsh, NE; Hurley, MV; Mitchell, HL; Reeves, BC
  • Who pays for sex? An analysis of the increasing prevalence of female commercial sex contacts among men in Britain. (2005) Ward, H; Mercer, CH; Wellings, K; Fenton, K; Erens, B; Copas, A; Johnson, AM
  • NHS cadet schemes: do they widen access to professional healthcare education? (2005) Watson, Roger; Norman, Ian J; Draper, Jan; Jowett, Sandra; Wilson-Barnett, Jenifer; Normand, Charles; Halliday, Debbie
  • Social and geographical boundaries around senior nurse and physician leaders: an application of social network analysis. (2005) West, Elizabeth; Barron, David N
  • Overcoming the barriers to patient-centred care: time, tools and training. (2005) West, Elizabeth; Barron, David N; Reeves, Rachel
  • Case mix and outcomes for admissions to UK adult, general critical care units with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: a secondary analysis of the ICNARC Case Mix Programme Database. (2005) Wildman, Martin J; Harrison, David A; Brady, Anthony R; Rowan, Kathy
  • Evaluation of a pilot health forecasting system for England. (2005) Wilkinson, P; Chalabi, Z; Raine, R; Stevens, M
  • Complementary Therapies in Maternity Care. (2005) Williams, L
  • Complementary Therapies in Maternity Care. (2005) Williams, L; Stone, J; Lee-Treweek, G
  • Introduction to Health Economics. (2005) Wonderling, D; Gruen, R; Black, NA
  • Improving diet and physical activity: 12 lessons from controlling tobacco smoking. (2005) Yach, Derek; McKee, Martin; Lopez, Alan D; Novotny, Tom