Items where Faculty or Department is "Dept of Health Services Research and Policy"
LSHTM Organisational Structure (57264)
Faculty of Public Health and Policy (18160)
Dept of Health Services Research and Policy (6479)
Number of items: 228.
May 2005
Clinical effectiveness, tolerability and cost-effectiveness of newer drugs for epilepsy in adults: a systematic review and economic evaluation. (2005)
Wilby, J; Kainth, A; Hawkins, N; Epstein, D; McIntosh, H; McDaid, C; Mason, A; Golder, S; O'Meara, S; Sculpher, M; Drummond, M; Forbes, C
Psychological impact of terrorist attacks [electronic response to: Roberts I. Book review - Terrorism and Public Health: A balanced approach to strengthening systems and protecting people]. (2005)
Abenhaim, L; Dab, W; Lamping, D; Rouillon, F
Safety culture and accident risk control: Perceptions of professional divers and offshore workers. (2005)
Adie, Wendy; Cairns, John; Macdiarmid, Jennie; Ross, John; Watt, Stephen; Taylor, Claire L; Osman, Liesl M
Economic evaluation databases as an aid to healthcare decision makers and researchers. (2005)
Aguiar-Ibanez, R; Nixon, J; Glanville, J; Craig, D; Rice, S; Christie, J; Drummond, MF
What are 'third way' governments learning? Health care consumers and quality in England and Germany. (2005)
Allen, Pauline; Hommel, Petra Riemer
The Wanless report and decision-making in public health. (2005)
Allin, Sara; Mossialos, Elias; McKee, Martin; Holland, Walter
Omitted evidence? (2005)
Alvarez-Rosete, A; Bevan, G; Mays, N; Dixon, J:
Effect of diverging policy across the NHS. (2005)
Alvarez-Rosete, Arturo; Bevan, Gwyn; Mays, Nicholas; Dixon, Jennifer
Continuity through change: the rhetoric and reality of health reform in New Zealand. (2005)
Ashton, Toni; Mays, Nicholas; Devlin, Nancy
Is the private finance initiative dead? (2005)
Atun, Rifat A; McKee, Martin
Analysis of how the health systems context shapes responses to the control of human immunodeficiency virus: case-studies from the Russian Federation. (2005)
Atun, Rifat A; McKee, Martin; Drobniewski, Francis; Coker, Richard
Review of Antenatal-Linked Voluntary Counseling and HIV Testing in Sub-Saharan Africa: Lessons and Options for Ghana. (2005)
Baiden, F; Baiden, Rita; Williams, J; Akweongo, Patricia; Clerk, Christine; Debpuur, C; Philips, J; Hodgson, A
The importance of access to effective care: lessons from the former Soviet Union. (2005)
Balabanova, D; McKee, M
Policy Brief: Cross-Border Health Care in Europe. (2005)
Bertinato, L; Busse, R; Fahy, N; Legido-Quigley, H; McKee, M; Palm, W; Passarani, I; Ronfini, F
Primary care patients in the emergency department: who are they? A review of the definition of the 'primary care patient' in the emergency department. (2005)
Bezzina, Andrew J; Smith, Peter B; Cromwell, David; Eagar, Kathy
Multilocus sequence typing directly on DNA from clinical samples and a cultured isolate to investigate linked fatal pneumococcal disease in residents of a shelter for homeless men. (2005)
Birtles, Andrew; McCarthy, Noel; Sheppard, Carmen L; Rutter, Harry; Guiver, Malcolm; Haworth, Elizabeth; George, Robert C
Review of ' Management mistakes in healthcare. Identification, correction and prevention.' Hofmann PB, Perry F (eds). (2005)
Black, N
Understanding Health Services. (2005)
Black, NA; Gruen, R
Rise and demise of the hospital: a reappraisal of nursing. (2005)
Black, Nick
Prison Health in Russia: is it safer to be detained. (2005)
Bobrik, A; Danishevski, K; Eroshina, K; McKee, M
Prison health in Russia: is it safer to be detained? (2005)
Bobrik, A; Danishevski, K; Eroshina, K; McKee, M
Prison health in Russia: the larger picture. (2005)
Bobrik, Alexey; Danishevski, Kirill; Eroshina, Ksenia; McKee, Martin
Trends and socio-economic inequalities in cancer survival of patients with Hodgkin's lymphoma diagnosed in England and Wales between 1986 and 1999. (2005)
Bohlius, J; Rachet, B; Nolte, E; Engert, A; Coleman, M
Pathways of care and resource utilization in a national cohort of patients with transfusion-acquired hepatitis C. (2005)
Brant, L; Harris, HE; Ramsay, ME; Grieve, R; Roberts, J; HCV National Register Steering Group*
Palliative care: challenges in caring for dying people. (2005)
Burt, Jenni; Shipman, Cathy
Making health policy. (2005)
Buse, K; Mays, N; Walt, G
What are nurses worth? (2005)
Cairns, John; Naish, Jane
Description of an individual patient methodology for calculating for cost-effectiveness of treatments for osteoporosis in women. (2005)
Calvert, N
Forty-eight hour access to primary care: practice factors predicting patients' perceptions. (2005)
Campbell, John L; Ramsay, Jean; Green, Judith; Harvey, Kate
Health system frailties in tuberculosis service provision in Russia: an analysis through the lens of formal nutritional support. (2005)
Coker, RJ; Dimitrova, B; Drobniewski, F; Samyshkin, Y; Pomerleau, J; Hohlova, GY; Skuratova, N; Kuznetsov, S; Fedorin, I; Atun, R
Determinants of obstetric practices in the information poor setting of a typical Russian region. (2005)
Danishevski, K; Balabanova, D; McKee, M
Inequalities in birth outcomes in Russia: evidence from Tula oblast. (2005)
Danishevski, Kirill; Balabanova, Dina; McKee, Martin; Nolte, Ellen; Schwalbe, Nina; Vasilieva, Natalia
Reforming the Russian health-care system. (2005)
Danishevski, Kirill; McKee, Martin
Uncertainty in the diagnosis of polymyalgia rheumatica (PMR): Lack of agreement between rheumatologists. (2005)
Dasgupta, B; Hutchings, A; Hollywood, J; Bourke, B; Gendi, N
New Zealand. (2005)
Devlin, N; Mays, N
The whole truth and nothing but the truth? The research that Philip Morris did not want you to see. (2005)
Diethelm, Pascal A; Rielle, Jean-Charles; McKee, Martin
Increased risk of tuberculosis among health care workers in Samara Oblast, Russia: analysis of notification data. (2005)
Dimitrova, B; Hutchings, A; Atun, R; Drobniewski, F; Marchenko, G; Zakharova, S; Fedorin, I; Coker, RJ
Inequality in willingness-to-pay for community-based health insurance. (2005)
Dong, Hengjin; Kouyate, Bocar; Cairns, John; Sauerborn, Rainer
Economic evaluation: what does a nurse manager need to know? (2005)
Douglas, Hannah-Rose; Normand, Charles
A new approach to eliciting patients' preferences for palliative day care: the choice experiment method. (2005)
Douglas, Hannah-Rose; Normand, Charles E; Higginson, Irene J; Goodwin, Danielle M
Assessing public perception: issues and methods. (2005)
Dowler, E; Green, J; Gasperoni, C
Risk and trust: determinants of public perceptions. (2005)
Draper, A; Green, J; Dowler, E
Reshaping the regulation of the workforce in European health care systems. (2005)
Dubois, CA; Dixon, A; McKee, M
Analysing trends, opportunities and challenges. (2005)
Dubois, CA; McKee, M; Nolte, E
Moving forward: building a strategic framework for the development of the health care workforce. (2005)
Dubois, CA; McKee, M; Nolte, E
Human resources for health in Europe. (2005)
Dubois, CA; Nolte, E; McKee, M
Screening for abdominal aortic aneurysm in a geographically isolated area. (2005)
Duncan, JL; Wolf, B; Nichols, DM; Lindsay, SM; Cairns, J; Godden, DJ
The availability of treatment for addictions in medium secure psychiatric in-patient services. Final Report to the Department of Health. (2005)
Durand, M; Lelliott, P; Coyle, N
The Addiction Psychiatry Services Project: A study of the number, roles, responsibilities and activities of specialist addiction psychiatrists in England. Final Report to the Department of Health. (2005)
Durand, M; Lelliott, P; Crome, I; Coyle, N
Environmental and social factors as determinants of respiratory dysfunction in junior school children in Moscow. (2005)
Eroshina, K; Danishevski, K; Wilkinson, P; McKee, M; Zaitseva, E
Environmental and social factors as determinants of respiratory dysfunction in junior school children in Moscow. (2005)
Eroshina, K; Danishevski, K; Wilkinson, P; McKee, M; Zaitseva, E
Practice nurses and older people: a case management approach to care. (2005)
Evans, Catherine; Drennan, Vari; Roberts, Julia
Reported sexually transmitted disease clinic attendance and sexually transmitted infections in britain: prevalence, risk factors, and proportionate population burden. (2005)
Fenton, Kevin A; Mercer, Catherine H; Johnson, Anne M; Byron, Christos L; McManus, Sally; Erens, Bob; Copas, Andrew J; Nanchahal, Kiran; Macdowall, Wendy; Wellings, Kaye
Ethnic variations in sexual behaviour in Great Britain and risk of sexually transmitted infections: a probability survey. (2005)
Fenton, Kevin A; Mercer, Catherine H; McManus, Sally; Erens, Bob; Wellings, Kaye; Macdowall, Wendy; Byron, Christos L; Copas, Andrew J; Nanchahal, Kiran; Field, Julia; Johnson, Anne M
Neonatal Ventilation With Inhaled Nitric Oxide Versus Ventilatory Support Without Inhaled Nitric Oxide for Preterm Infants With Severe Respiratory Failure: the INNOVO multicentre randomised controlled trial (ISRCTN 17821339). (2005)
Field, D; Elbourne, D; Truesdale, A; Grieve, R; Hardy, P; Fenton, AC; Subhedar, N; Ahluwalia, J; Halliday, HL; Stocks, J; Tomlin, K; Normand, C; INNOVO Trial Collaborating Group
Health and health care in transitional Europe. (2005)
Fister, Kristina; McKee, Martin
Economic Evaluation. (2005)
Fox-Rushby, J; Cairns, J; (Eds)
Changing organisations: a study of the context and processes of mergers of health care providers in England. (2005)
Fulop, Naomi; Protopsaltis, Gerasimos; King, Annette; Allen, Pauline; Hutchings, Andrew; Normand, Charles
Informal payment for health care: evidence from Hungary. (2005)
Gaal, Peter; Evetovits, Tamas; McKee, Martin
Fee-for-service or donation? Hungarian perspectives on informal payment for health care. (2005)
Gaal, Peter; McKee, Martin
How the East was won: BAT and Big Tobacco's conquest of the former Soviet Union. (2005)
Gilmore, A; McKee, M
Exploring the impact of foreign direct investment on tobacco consumption in the former Soviet Union. (2005)
Gilmore, AB; McKee, M
Pushing up smoking incidence: plans for a privatised tobacco industry in Moldova. (2005)
Gilmore, Anna B; Radu-Loghin, Cornel; Zatushevski, Irina; McKee, Martin
Health Watch exposure estimates: do they underestimate benzene exposure? (2005)
Glass, DC; Gray, CN; Jolley, DJ; Gibbons, C; Sim, MR
Correcting for bias when estimating the cost of hospital-acquired infection: an analysis of lower respiratory tract infections in non-surgical patients. (2005)
Graves, Nicholas; Weinhold, Diana; Roberts, Jennifer A
Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm: A service in need of surgery? A report of the National Confidential Enquiry into Patient Outcome and Death. (2005)
Gray, A; Landsdown, M; Hargraves, C; Cullinane, M; Tsang, C; Smith, N
A survey of the specialist public health workforce in the UK in 2003. (2005)
Gray, S; Perlman, F; Griffiths, S
Managing uncertainty: Etnographic studies of illness, risk and the struggle for control. (2005)
Green, J
Professions and community. (2005)
Green, J
Principles of Social Research. (2005)
Green, J; Brown, J
Public understanding of food risks in four European countries: a qualitative study. (2005)
Green, Judith M; Draper, Alizon K; Dowler, Elizabeth A; Fele, Giolo; Hagenhoff, Vera; Rusanen, Maria; Rusanen, Timo
Translators and mediators: bilingual young people's accounts of their interpreting work in health care. (2005)
Green, Judith; Free, Caroline; Bhavnani, Vanita; Newman, Tony
Review: Health economics: an introduction to economic evaluation. Second edition. (2005)
Grieve, R
Using multilevel models for assessing the variability of multinational resource use and cost data. (2005)
Grieve, Richard; Nixon, Richard; Thompson, Simon G; Normand, Charles
Evaluating the progress of the health promoting hospitals initiative? A WHO perspective. Commentary on: Whitehead, D. (2004) The European Health Promoting Hospitals (HPH) project: how far on? Health Promotion International, 19, 259-267. (2005)
Groene, O
Standards for health promotion in hospitals: development and pilot test in nine European countries. (2005)
Groene, O; Jorgensen, SJ; Fugleholm, AM; Møller, L; Garcia-Barbero, M
Health promotion in hospitals--a strategy to improve quality in health care. (2005)
Groene, Oliver; Jorgensen, Svend Juul
Tobacco industry influence on science and scientists in Germany. (2005)
Gruning, T; Gilmore, AB; McKee, M
Professionalization of hospice volunteer practices: what are the implications? (2005)
Guirguis-Younger, Manal; Kelley, Mary-Lou; McKee, Margaret
The development of the Indian vision function questionnaire: field testing and psychometric evaluation. (2005)
Gupta, SK; Viswanath, K; Thulasiraj, RD; Murthy, GVS; Lamping, DL; Smith, SC; Donoghue, M; Fletcher, AE
Improved survival with VATS pleurectomy-decortication in advanced malignant mesothelioma. (2005)
Halstead, JC; Lim, E; Venkateswaran, RM; Charman, SC; Goddard, M; Ritchie, AJ
Assessing the Cost-Effectiveness of New Pharmaceuticals in Epilepsy in Adults :. (2005)
Hawkins, N; Epstein, D; Drummond, M; Wilby, J
Assessing the cost-effectiveness of new pharmaceuticals in epilepsy in adults: the results of a probabilistic decision model. (2005)
Hawkins, Neil; Epstein, David; Drummond, Michael; Wilby, Jennifer; Kainth, Anita; Chadwick, David; Sculpher, Mark
Cost-effectiveness analysis of treatments for chronic disease: using R to incorporate time dependency of treatment response. (2005)
Hawkins, Neil; Sculpher, Mark; Epstein, David
Challenges to implementing the national programme for information technology (NPfIT): a qualitative study. (2005)
Hendy, Jane; Reeves, Barnaby C; Fulop, Naomi; Hutchings, Andrew; Masseria, Cristina
How responsive is the Multiple Sclerosis Impact Scale (MSIS-29)? A comparison with some other self report scales. (2005)
Hobart, JC; Riazi, A; Lamping, DL; Fitzpatrick, R; Thompson, AJ
Screening of new entrants for tuberculosis: responses to port notifications. (2005)
Hogan, Helen; Coker, Richard; Gordon, Alex; Meltzer, Margie; Pickles, Hilary
An experimental study of determinants of the extent of disagreement within clinical guideline development groups. (2005)
Hutchings, A; Raine, R; Sanderson, C; Black, N
Temporal changes in home advantage in English football since the Second World War: what explains improved away performance? (2005)
Jacklin, Paul B
Functional status of patients before liver transplantation as a predictor of posttransplant mortality. (2005)
Jacob, Mathew; Copley, Lynn P; Lewsey, James D; Gimson, Alex; Rela, Mohamed; van der Meulen, Jan HP; UK and Ireland Liver Transplant Audit
Systematic review and validation of prognostic models in liver transplantation. (2005)
Jacob, Matthew; Lewsey, James D; Sharpin, Carlos; Gimson, Alexander; Rela, Mohammed; van der Meulen, Jan HP
Peace through health care in Ireland. (2005)
Jamison, J; McKee, M; Legido-Quigley, H
The VEINES-QOL/Sym questionnaire is a valid and reliable measure of quality of life in patients with deep venous thrombosis. (2005)
Kahn, S; Lamping, D; Ducruet, T; Arsenault, L; Miron, M; Roussin, A; Desmarais, S; Joyal, F; Kassis, J; Solymoss, S; Desjardins, L
Incidence, timing of onset and severity of post-thrombotic syndrome after acute symptomatic deep vein thrombosis: Two-year results from a Canadian multicenter prospective cohort study (The VETO study). (2005)
Kahn, SR; Ducruet, T; Arsenault, L; Miron, MJ; Roussin, A; Desmarais, S; Joyal, F; Kassis, J; Solymoss, S; Desjardins, L; Johri, M; Shrier, I; Lamping, DL; Ginsberg, JS
Predictors of the development of post-thrombotic syndrome after acute symptomatic deep vein thrombosis: Two-year results from a Canadian multicenter prospective cohort study (The VETO study). (2005)
Kahn, SR; Ducruet, T; Arsenault, L; Miron, MJ; Roussin, A; Desmarais, S; Joyal, F; Kassis, J; Solymoss, S; Ginsberg, JS; Desjardins, L; Johri, M; Lamping, DL; Shrier, I
Determinants of health-related quality of life after deep venous thrombosis: Two-year results from a Canadian multicenter prospective cohort study - (The VETO study). (2005)
Kahn, SR; Vydykhan, T; Lamping, DL; Ducruet, T; Arsenault, L; Miron, MJ; Roussin, A; Desmarais, S; Joyal, F; Kassis, J; Solymoss, S; Ginsberg, JS; Desjardins, L; Johri, M; Shrier, I
Prospective evaluation of health-related quality of life in patients with deep venous thrombosis. (2005)
Kahn, Susan R; Ducruet, Thierry; Lamping, Donna L; Arsenault, Louise; Miron, Marie Jose; Roussin, Andre; Desmarais, Sylvie; Joyal, France; Kassis, Jeannine; Solymoss, Susan; Desjardins, Louis; Johri, Mira; Shrier, Ian
The Commission for Africa: a recipe for success? (2005)
Kiely, Sarah; Global Health Monitoring Network
Psychotic symptoms in the general population of England--a comparison of ethnic groups (The EMPIRIC study). (2005)
King, Michael; Nazroo, James; Weich, Scott; McKenzie, Kwame; Bhui, Kam; Karlsen, Saffron; Stansfeld, Stephen; Tyrer, Peter; Blanchard, Martin; Lloyd, Keith; McManus, Sally; Sproston, Kerry; Erens, Bob
Childhood obesity: the case for binding international legislation. (2005)
Knai, Cécile; Lobstein, Tim; McKee, Martin
Getting children to eat more fruit and vegetables: a systematic review. (2005)
Knai, Cécile; Pomerleau, Joceline; Lock, Karen; McKee, Martin
A comprehensive approach for evaluating telemedicine-delivered multidisciplinary breast cancer meetings in southern Scotland. (2005)
Kunkler, IH; Fielding, RG; Brebner, J; Prescott, R; Maclean, JR; Cairns, J; Chetty, U; Neades, G; Walls, A; Bowman, A; Dixon, JM; Gardner, T; Smith, M; MacCoubrey, J; Lee, AJ; Swann, S; Mcnab, M; Wilson, J; Nawroz, I
Reorienting health-research communication. (2005)
Kuruvilla, Shyama; Mays, Nicholas
Creative use of existing clinical and health outcomes data to assess NHS performance in England: part 2--more challenging aspects of monitoring. (2005)
Lakhani, Azim; Coles, James; Eayres, Daniel; Spence, Craig; Sanderson, Colin
Perceptions and practice of concordance in nurses' prescribing consultations: findings from a national questionnaire survey and case studies of practice in England. (2005)
Latter, Sue; Maben, Jill; Myall, Michelle; Young, Amanda
Quality of Care, Patient Orientation, Information to Patients and Professionals. (2005)
Legido-Quigley, H; McKee, M; Nolte, E
Screening for cervical cancer in India: How much will it cost? A trial based analysis of the cost per case detected. (2005)
Legood, Rosa; Gray, Alastair M; Mahé, Cedric; Wolstenholme, Jane; Jayant, Kasturi; Nene, Bhagwan M; Shastri, Surendra S; Malvi, Sylla G; Muwonge, Richard; Budukh, Atul M; Sankaranarayanan, Rengaswamy
Pressure ulcers: guideline development and economic modelling. (2005)
Legood, Rosa; McInnes, Elizabeth
Health impact assessment: assessing opportunities and barriers to intersectoral health improvement in an expanded European Union. (2005)
Lock, Karen; McKee, Martin
Will Europe's agricultural policy damage progress on cardiovascular disease? (2005)
Lock, Karen; McKee, Martin
The global burden of disease attributable to low consumption of fruit and vegetables: implications for the global strategy on diet. (2005)
Lock, Karen; Pomerleau, Joceline; Causer, Louise; Altmann, Dan R; McKee, Martin
Data on HIV in Eastern and Central Europe - fact or fiction? (2005)
Lokrantz, B; Rechel, B
Early mortality after cardiac transplantation: should we do better? (2005)
Luckraz, Heyman; Goddard, Martin; Charman, Susan C; Wallwork, John; Parameshwar, Jayan; Large, Stephen R
Does heart transplantation confer survival benefit in all risk groups? (2005)
Luckraz, Heyman; Sharples, Linda D; Charman, Susan C; Tsui, Steven SL; Wallwork, John; Parameshwar, Jayan; Large, Stephen R
Chlamydia screening in general practice: a missed opportunity? (2005)
Ma, Richard
Chlamydia screening in general practice: views of professionals on the key elements of a successful programme. (2005)
Ma, Richard; Clarke, Aileen
Counting counts. (2005)
Mackie, Phil; Sim, Fiona
Future imperfect. (2005)
Mackie, Phil; Sim, Fiona
Mercury rising or 'Why is a raven like a writing desk?'. (2005)
Mackie, Phil; Sim, Fiona
Publishing ethics and Public Health. (2005)
Mackie, Phil; Sim, Fiona
Time and tide wait for no one. (2005)
Mackie, Phil; Sim, Fiona
To screen or not to screen? Now that is a question, perhaps? (2005)
Mackie, Phil; Sim, Fiona
The psychological impact of human papillomavirus testing in women with borderline or mildly dyskaryotic cervical smear test results: 6-month follow-up. (2005)
Maissi, E; Marteau, TM; Hankins, M; Moss, S; Legood, R; Gray, A
Estimating mean QALYs in trial-based cost-effectiveness analysis: the importance of controlling for baseline utility. (2005)
Manca, Andrea; Hawkins, Neil; Sculpher, Mark J
Details of approaches to synthesis – a methodological appendix to the paper: systematically reviewing qualitative and quantitative evidence to inform management and policy making in the health field. (2005)
Mays, N; Pope, C; Popay, J
Systematically reviewing qualitative and quantitative evidence to inform management and policy-making in the health field. (2005)
Mays, Nicholas; Pope, Catherine; Popay, Jennie
Chlamydia trachomatis testing in the second British national survey of sexual attitudes and lifestyles: respondent uptake and treatment outcomes. (2005)
McCadden, Angela; Fenton, Kevin A; McManus, Sally; Mercer, Catherine H; Erens, Bob; Carder, Caroline; Ridgway, Geoff; Macdowall, Wendy; Nanchahal, Kiran; Byron, Christos L; Copas, Andrew; Wellings, Kaye; Johnson, Anne M
Investigating the relationship between HIV testing and risk behaviour in Britain: National Survey of Sexual Attitudes and Lifestyles 2000. (2005)
McGarrigle, Christine A; Mercer, Catherine H; Fenton, Kevin A; Copas, Andrew J; Wellings, Kaye; Erens, Bob; Johnson, Anne M
Review: Communism, health and lifestyle. The paradox of mortality transition in Albania, 1950–1990. (2005)
McKee, M
Lung cancer in Austria - a cohort analysis. (2005)
McKee, M; Bachinger, E
Purchasing to promote population health. (2005)
McKee, M; Brand, H
Changing professional boundaries. (2005)
McKee, M; Dubois, CA; Sibbald, B
European health policy: where now? (2005)
McKee, Martin
Monitoring health in central and eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union. (2005)
McKee, Martin
Understanding population health: lessons from the former Soviet Union. (2005)
McKee, Martin
A failure of leadership? Why Northern Ireland must introduce a total ban on workplace smoking. (2005)
McKee, Martin
The need for development assistance for health in the eastern European Region. (2005)
McKee, Martin
George W Bush's second term. (2005)
McKee, Martin; Foster, Susan
International cooperation and health. Part 2: making a difference. (2005)
McKee, Martin; Gilmore, Anna B; Schwalbe, Nina
International cooperation and health. Part I: Issues and concepts. (2005)
McKee, Martin; Gilmore, Anna B; Schwalbe, Nina
Counting the cost of violence in the Middle East. (2005)
McKee, Martin; Janson, Staffan
Social transition and substance abuse. (2005)
McKee, Martin; Leon, David A
McKee, Martin; Leon, David A; Tomkins, Susannah; Shkolnikov, Vladimir M; Andreev, Evgeni
Choosing health? First choose your philosophy. (2005)
McKee, Martin; Raine, Rosalind
Commentary: health and economic transition. (2005)
McKee, Martin; Suhrcke, Marc
The composition of surrogate alcohols consumed in Russia. (2005)
McKee, Martin; Suzcs, Sándor; Sárváry, Attila; Adany, Roza; Kiryanov, Nikolay; Saburova, Ludmila; Tomkins, Susannah; Andreev, Evgeny; Leon, David A
Comparing outcomes of cataract surgery: challenges and opportunities. (2005)
McKee, Martin; Whatling, Justin M; Wilson, John L; Vallance-Owen, Andrew
Kyrgyzstan. (2005)
Meimanaliev, A.-, S; Ibraimova, A; Elebesov, B; Rechel, B
Possible explanations for the increase in the prevalence of male homosexual partnerships and practices in Britain 1990-2000. A response to Boily et al. (2005)
Mercer, C; Johnson, A; Copas, A; Fenton, K; Erens, B; Wellings, K
Comparing estimates of cost effectiveness submitted to the National Institute for Clinical Excellence (NICE) by different organisations: retrospective study. (2005)
Miners, AH; Garau, M; Fidan, D; Fischer, AJ
Comparing estimates of cost effectiveness submitted to the National Institute for Clinical Excellence (NICE) by different organisations: retrospective study. (2005)
Miners, AH; Garau, Martina; Fidan, Dogan; Fischer, AJ
Applicability of coiling for subarachnoid haemorrhage. (2005)
Molyneux, Andrew J; Kerr, Richard; Langham, Julia; Lindsay, Ken
Changes in the circumstances of young mothers in Britain: 1990 to 2000. (2005)
Nanchahal, Kiran; Wellings, Kaye; Barrett, Geraldine; Copas, Andrew J; Mercer, Catherine H; Macmanus, Sally; Macdowall, Wendy; Fenton, Kevin A; Erens, Bob; Johnson, Anne M
Functional limitation in long standing illness and quality of life: evidence from a national survey. (2005)
Netuveli, Gopalakrishnan; Wiggins, Richard D; Hildon, Zoe; Montgomery, Scott M; Blane, David
International benchmarking of health systems: from aggregate measures to tracer conditions. (2005)
Nolte, E; Bain, C; McKee, M
Responding to the challenge of chronic diseases: lessons from England? (2005)
Nolte, E; McKee, M
Morbidity and mortality in transition countries of Europe. (2005)
Nolte, E; McKee, M; Gilmore, A
Research on health, health system and service evaluation. (2005)
Nolte, E; McKee, M; Wait, S
From the many to the few: changes in urological cancer surgery provision. (2005)
Nuttall, M; van der Meulen, J; Emberton, M
An analysis of the Research Fellowship Scheme of the Royal College of Surgeons of England. (2005)
Nuttall, Martin C; van der Meulen, Jan HP; Browne, John P; Emberton, Mark; Coomer, Martyn; Mundy, Anthony R; Morris, Peter J
Changes in patient characteristics and outcomes for radical cystectomy in England. (2005)
Nuttall, Martin C; van der Meulen, Jan; McIntosh, Gregor; Gillatt, David; Emberton, Mark
A description of radical nephrectomy practice and outcomes in England: 1995-2002. (2005)
Nuttall, Martin; Cathcart, Paul; van der Meulen, Jan; Gillatt, David; McIntosh, Gregor; Emberton, Mark
Tackling health inequalities: a midwifery challenge. (2005)
Peckham, S; Carlson, C
Decentralisation as an Organisational Model for Health Care in England. (2005)
Peckham, S; Exworthy, M; Powell, M; Greener, I
Decentralisation, centralisation and devolution in publicly funded health services: decentralisation as an organisational model for health-care in England. (2005)
Peckham, S; Exworthy, M; Powell, M; Greener, I
Decentralizing Health Services: More Local Accountability or Just More Central Control? (2005)
Peckham, Stephen; Exworthy, Mark; Greener, Ian; Powell, Martin
Extended ganciclovir prophylaxis in lung transplantation. (2005)
Perreas, KG; McNeil, K; Charman, S; Sharples, LD; Wreghitt, T; Wallwork, J
Issues in public health. (2005)
Pomerleau, J; McKee, M
Interventions designed to increase adult fruit and vegetable intake can be effective: a systematic review of the literature. (2005)
Pomerleau, Joceline; Lock, Karen; Knai, Cécile; McKee, Martin
Drinking in the Commonwealth of Independent States--evidence from eight countries. (2005)
Pomerleau, Joceline; McKee, Martin; Rose, Richard; Haerpfer, Christian W; Rotman, David; Tumanov, Sergej
Pesquisa qualitative an atenção à saude (in Portuguese). (2005)
Pope, C; Mays, N
Urban Settings and Opportunities for Healthy Lifestyles: Rediscovering Walking and Cycling and Understanding Their Health Benefits. (2005)
Racioppi, Francesca; Dora, Carlos; Rutter, Harry
What makes a good employer? (2005)
Rafferty, A; Maben, J; West, E
'Referral into a void': opinions of general practitioners and others on single point of access to mental health care. (2005)
Raine, Rosalind; Carter, Simon; Sensky, Tom; Black, Nick
Developing clinical guidelines: a challenge to current methods. (2005)
Raine, Rosalind; Sanderson, Colin; Black, Nick
Financial incentives and quality improvement. (2005)
Rashidian, A; Black, N; Russell, I
A population based survey of the prevalence and types of glaucoma in rural West Bengal: the West Bengal Glaucoma Study. (2005)
Raychaudhuri, A; Lahiri, SK; Bandyopadhyay, M; Foster, PJ; Reeves, BC; Johnson, GJ
Human rights and health in Turkmenistan. (2005)
Rechel, B; McKee, M
The effects of dictatorship on health in Turkmenistan. (2005)
Rechel, B; McKee, M
Are the health Millennium Development Goals appropriate for Eastern Europe and Central Asia? (2005)
Rechel, Bernd; Shapo, Laidon; McKee, Martin; Health, Nutrition and Population Group, Europe and Central Asia
Evidence about evidence. (2005)
Reeves, BC
Systematic reviews incorporating evidence from nonrandomized study designs: reasons for caution when estimating health effects. (2005)
Reeves, BC; van Binsbergen, J; van Weel, C
Children in acute housing need. (2005)
Regan, S; Neuburger, J
Implementing general practice in Russia: getting beyond the first steps - a key informants study. (2005)
Rese, A; Balabanova, D; Danishevski, K; McKee, M; Sheaff, R
Implementing general practice in Russia: getting beyond the first steps. A key informants study. (2005)
Rese, A; Balabanova, D; Danishevski, K; McKee, M; Sheaff, R
Implementing general practice in Russia: getting beyond the first steps. A key informants study. Oral presentation by D.Balabanova. (2005)
Rese, A; Balabanova, D; Danishevski, K; McKee, M; Sheaff, R
Implementing general practice in Russia: getting beyond the first steps. (2005)
Rese, Andrey; Balabanova, Dina; Danishevski, Kirill; McKee, Martin; Sheaff, Rod
Grommets in otitis media with effusion: an individual patient data meta-analysis. (2005)
Rovers, MM; Black, N; Browning, GG; Maw, R; Zielhuis, GA; Haggard, MP
Women's employment in urban Bangladesh: A challenge to gender identity? (2005)
Salway, S; Jesmin, S; Rahman, S
Improving clinical outcomes in coronary artery bypass graft surgery. (2005)
Sedrakyan, Artyom
Reply to the Editor. (2005)
Sedrakyan, Artyom; O’Byrne, Ken
Pharmacologic prophylaxis for postoperative atrial tachyarrhythmia in general thoracic surgery: evidence from randomized clinical trials. (2005)
Sedrakyan, Artyom; Treasure, Tom; Browne, John; Krumholz, Harlan; Sharpin, Carlos; van der Meulen, Jan
The Asian Tsunami remembered. (2005)
Sim, F; Mackie, P
Health and the hot air of a European summer. (2005)
Sim, Fiona; Mackie, Phil
Mind the gap: from rhetoric to action. (2005)
Sim, Fiona; Mackie, Phil
New monthly publication. (2005)
Sim, Fiona; Mackie, Phil
Understanding resolution of deliberate self harm: qualitative interview study of patients' experiences. (2005)
Sinclair, Julia; Green, Judith
A randomized controlled trial to determine the effectiveness of prism spectacles for patients with age-related macular degeneration. (2005)
Smith, Heather J; Dickinson, Christine M; Cacho, Isabel; Reeves, Barnaby C; Harper, Robert A
Practice based commissioning: applying the research evidence. (2005)
Smith, Judith; Dixon, Jennifer; Mays, Nicholas; McLeod, Hugh; Goodwin, Nick; McClelland, Siobhan; Lewis, Richard; Wyke, Sally
Primary care trusts: do they have a future? (2005)
Smith, Judith; Mays, Nicholas
Routine use of patient-reported outcome measures in surgical treatment centres: Developing an evidence base. (2005)
Smith, S; Cano, S; Browne, J; Lamping, D; Black, N; van der Meulen, J; Staniszewska, S; Lewsey, J; Cairns, J
Evaluating patient-based outcomes in critical care: Putting clinical wisdom to the psychometric test. (2005)
Smith, S; Lamping, D; Nightingale, P; MacFarlane, S; Rowan, K
Health Care Evaluation. (2005)
Smith, S; Sinclair, D; Raine, R; Reeves, B
Measurement of health-related quality of life for people with dementia: development of a new instrument (DEMQOL) and an evaluation of current methodology. (2005)
Smith, SC; Lamping, DL; Banerjee, S; Harwood, R; Foley, B; Smith, P; Cook, JC; Murray, J; Prince, M; Levin, E; Mann, A; Knapp, M
What constitutes health-related quality of life in dementia? Development of a conceptual framework for people with dementia and their carers. (2005)
Smith, Sarah C; Murray, Joanna; Banerjee, Sube; Foley, Beth; Cook, Joanna C; Lamping, Donna L; Prince, Martin; Harwood, Rowan H; Levin, Enid; Mann, Anthony
Boundary workers and the management of frustration: a case study of two Healthy City partnerships. (2005)
Stern, Ruth; Green, Judith
Endothelial activation in the transplanted human heart from organ retrieval to 3 months after transplantation: an observational study. (2005)
Stoica, Serban C; Atkinson, Carl; Satchithananda, Duwarakan K; Charman, Susan; Goddard, Martin; Redington, Andrew N; Large, Stephen R
The contribution of health to the economy in the European Union. (2005)
Suhrcke, M; McKee, M; Sauto Arce, R; Tsolova, S; Mortensen, J
From health to wealth: the contribution of health to the economy in the European Union. (2005)
Suhrcke, M; McKee, M; Sauto, R; Tsolova, S; Mortensen, J
Development assistance for health in central and eastern European Region. (2005)
Suhrcke, Marc; Rechel, Bernd; Michaud, Catherine
Could the high level of cirrhosis in Central and Eastern Europe be due partly to the quality of alcohol consumed? An exploratory investigation. (2005)
Szucs, S; Sarvary, A; McKee, M; Adany, R
Could the high level of cirrhosis in central and eastern Europe be due partly to the quality of alcohol consumed? An exploratory investigation. (2005)
Szucs, Sándor; Sárváry, Attila; McKee, Martin; Adány, Róza
Prospective epidemiologic study of the outcome and cost-effectiveness of antenatal screening to detect neonatal alloimmune thrombocytopenia due to anti-HPA-1a. (2005)
Turner, Marc L; Bessos, Hagop; Fagge, Timothy; Harkness, Mairi; Rentoul, Frances; Seymour, Janelle; Wilson, David; Gray, Irene; Ahya, Ridheesh; Cairns, John; Urbaniak, Stan
Commentary: the importance of addressing the rise of overweight and obesity--progress or lack of action during the last fifty years? (2005)
Uauy, Ricardo; Lock, Karen
Public involvement and the ageing of the population: incompatible trends? (2005)
Wait, S; Nolte, E
Benchmarking health systems: trends, conceptual issues and future perspectives. (2005)
Wait, Suzanne; Nolte, Ellen
Effects of combined exercise and self-management regimens on pain and function in patients with osteoarthritis of the hip and knee: A systematic review with meta-analysis. (2005)
Walsh, NE; Hurley, MV; Mitchell, HL; Reeves, BC
Who pays for sex? An analysis of the increasing prevalence of female commercial sex contacts among men in Britain. (2005)
Ward, H; Mercer, CH; Wellings, K; Fenton, K; Erens, B; Copas, A; Johnson, AM
NHS cadet schemes: do they widen access to professional healthcare education? (2005)
Watson, Roger; Norman, Ian J; Draper, Jan; Jowett, Sandra; Wilson-Barnett, Jenifer; Normand, Charles; Halliday, Debbie
Social and geographical boundaries around senior nurse and physician leaders: an application of social network analysis. (2005)
West, Elizabeth; Barron, David N
Overcoming the barriers to patient-centred care: time, tools and training. (2005)
West, Elizabeth; Barron, David N; Reeves, Rachel
Case mix and outcomes for admissions to UK adult, general critical care units with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: a secondary analysis of the ICNARC Case Mix Programme Database. (2005)
Wildman, Martin J; Harrison, David A; Brady, Anthony R; Rowan, Kathy
Evaluation of a pilot health forecasting system for England. (2005)
Wilkinson, P; Chalabi, Z; Raine, R; Stevens, M
Complementary Therapies in Maternity Care. (2005)
Williams, L
Complementary Therapies in Maternity Care. (2005)
Williams, L; Stone, J; Lee-Treweek, G
Introduction to Health Economics. (2005)
Wonderling, D; Gruen, R; Black, NA
Improving diet and physical activity: 12 lessons from controlling tobacco smoking. (2005)
Yach, Derek; McKee, Martin; Lopez, Alan D; Novotny, Tom